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  • Kechris A.S., Louveau A. Descriptive set theory and the structure of sets of uni.zip
       Descriptive Set Theory and the Structure of Sets of Uniqueness

    • Kechris A.S., Louveau A. Descriptive set theory and the structure of sets of uniqueness (CUP, 1989)(ISBN 0521358116)(K)(600dpi)(380s)_MAa_.djvu
  • 6.22 MB
  • 2024-2-17
  • 遗传规划matlab工具箱,可以大大提高编程的效率.zip

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    • antprogn3.m
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    • calcpopfitness.m
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    • exp_y.txt
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    • parity5bit_y.txt
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    • quartic_y.txt
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    • rank89.m
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  • 548.08 KB
  • 2023-6-24
  • moremata.zip

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    • mf_mm_locate.hlp
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    • mf_mm_cond.hlp
    • moremata.hlp
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    • mf_mm_colrunsum.hlp
    • mf_mm_qr.sthlp
  • 349.88 KB
  • 2021-12-8
  • moremata.zip

    • mf_mm_nunique.hlp
    • moremata14_source.hlp
    • mf_mm_root.hlp
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    • mf_mm_sort.hlp
    • lmoremata11.mlib
    • mf_mm_ecdf.hlp
    • lmoremata.mlib
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    • mf_mm_expand.hlp
    • mf_mm_integrate.hlp
    • stata.toc
    • lmoremata10.mlib
    • mf_mm_prod.hlp
    • mf_mm_pieces.hlp
    • moremata11_source.hlp
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    • mf_mm_strexpand.hlp
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    • mf_mm_invtokens.hlp
    • mf_mm_kern.hlp
    • mf_mm_matlist.hlp
    • moremata.pkg
    • readme.txt
    • mf_mm_panels.hlp
    • mf_mm_freq.hlp
    • mf_mm_colvar.hlp
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    • mf_mm_collapse.hlp
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    • moremata10_source.hlp
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    • mf_mm_jk.hlp
    • mf_mm_benford.hlp
    • mf_mm_ebal.sthlp
    • mf_mm_quantile.hlp
    • moremata_source.hlp
    • mf_mm_insheet.hlp
    • mf_mm_nrroot.hlp
    • mf_mm_sample.hlp
    • lmoremata14.mlib
    • mf_mm_minim.hlp
    • mf_mm_cauchy.hlp
    • mf_mm_histogram.hlp
    • mf_mm_locate.hlp
    • mf_mm_unorder2.hlp
    • mf_mm_clip.hlp
    • mf_mm_cond.hlp
    • moremata.hlp
    • mf_mm_polint.hlp
    • mf_mm_finvert.hlp
    • mf_mm_greedy.hlp
    • mf_mm_linbin.hlp
    • mf_mm_bs.hlp
    • mf_mm_regexr.hlp
    • mf_mm_subset.hlp
    • mf_mm_colrunsum.hlp
  • 288.14 KB
  • 2021-9-9
  • ASIE release matched invention patents - 332,682 records (317,268 true matches, .rar

    • ASIE release matched invention patents - 332,682 records (317,268 true matches, among which 253,628 are unique).xlsx
  • 43.74 MB
  • 2021-7-13
  • ASIE release matched design patents - 398,483 records (387,250 true matches, amo.rar

    • ASIE release matched design patents - 398,483 records (387,250 true matches, among which 291,578 are unique).xlsx
  • 34.32 MB
  • 2021-7-13
  • Deep Learning with R Cookbook-2020.rar
       Deep Learning with R Cookbook-2020

    • Deep Learning with R Cookbook Over 45 unique recipes to delve into neural network techniques using R 3.5.x by Swarna Gupta.pdf
  • 13.24 MB
  • 2021-6-20
  • moremata.zip
       moremata.zip 安装包

    • mf_mm_nunique.hlp
    • moremata14_source.hlp
    • mf_mm_root.hlp
    • lmoremata11.mlib
    • mf_mm_ecdf.hlp
    • lmoremata.mlib
    • mf_mm_rbinomial.hlp
    • mf_mm_expand.hlp
    • mf_mm_integrate.hlp
    • stata.toc
    • lmoremata10.mlib
    • mf_mm_pieces.hlp
    • moremata11_source.hlp
    • mf_mm_mgof.hlp
    • mf_mm_strexpand.hlp
    • mf_mm_callf.hlp
    • mf_mm_invtokens.hlp
    • mf_mm_kern.hlp
    • mf_mm_matlist.hlp
    • moremata.pkg
    • readme.txt
    • mf_mm_panels.hlp
    • mf_mm_freq.hlp
    • mf_mm_colvar.hlp
    • mf_mm_gini.hlp
    • mf_mm_collapse.hlp
    • mf_mm_ipolate.hlp
    • mf_mm_posof.hlp
    • mf_mm_nobs.hlp
    • mf_mm_plot.hlp
    • mf_mm_cut.hlp
    • mf_mm_realofstr.hlp
    • mf_mm_sqrt.hlp
    • mf_mm_isconstant.hlp
    • moremata10_source.hlp
    • mf_mm_which.hlp
    • mf_mm_jk.hlp
    • mf_mm_benford.hlp
    • mf_mm_ebal.sthlp
    • mf_mm_quantile.hlp
    • moremata_source.hlp
    • mf_mm_insheet.hlp
    • mf_mm_nrroot.hlp
    • mf_mm_sample.hlp
    • lmoremata14.mlib
    • mf_mm_cauchy.hlp
    • mf_mm_histogram.hlp
    • mf_mm_locate.hlp
    • mf_mm_unorder2.hlp
    • mf_mm_cond.hlp
    • moremata.hlp
    • mf_mm_polint.hlp
    • mf_mm_finvert.hlp
    • mf_mm_greedy.hlp
    • mf_mm_linbin.hlp
    • mf_mm_bs.hlp
    • mf_mm_regexr.hlp
    • mf_mm_subset.hlp
    • mf_mm_colrunsum.hlp
  • 188.8 KB
  • 2020-1-21
  • ethereum-historical-data.zip

    • EthereumBlockDifficultyGrowth.csv
    • EtherSupplyGrowthChart.csv
    • EthereumTransactionFee.csv
    • EthereumGasPriceHistory.csv
    • EthereumChainDataSizeGrowth(FULLSync).csv
    • EthereumNetworkHashRateGrowthRate.csv
    • EthereumGasLimitHistory.csv
    • EtherMarketCapChart.csv
    • EthereumTransactionHistory.csv
    • EthereumChainDataSizeGrowth(FASTSync).csv
    • EtherPriceHistory(USD).csv
    • EthereumBlockRewardsChart.csv
    • EthereumBlockSizeHistory.csv
    • EthereumUniqueAddressGrowthRate.csv
    • EthereumDailyGasUsedHistory.csv
    • EthereumUnclesCount.csv
  • 152.26 KB
  • 2017-12-27
  • the american retail value proposition - crafting unique experiences at compellin.rar
       the american retail value proposition - crafting unique experiences at compelling prices (2016)

    • the american retail value proposition - crafting unique experiences at compelling prices (2016).pdf
  • 1001.54 KB
  • 2017-5-11
  • MrExcelXLFiles.zip
       Exercise Files

    • E02-ForecastSheet.xlsx
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    • A02-FilterBySelection.xlsx
    • A03-FillHandle.xlsx
    • A04-FastWorksheetCopy.xlsx
    • A05A-CompareSideBySideJan.xlsx
    • A05B-CompareSideBySideFeb.xlsx
    • A06-TurnDataSideways.xlsx
    • A07-DefaultSettingsFutureWorkbooks.xlsx
    • A08-RecoverUnsavedWorkbooks.xlsx
    • A09-OneClickCharts.xlsx
    • A10-PasteNewDataOnChart.xlsx
    • A11-SortUsingCustomList.xlsx
    • A12-SortLeftToRight.xlsx
    • A13-SortSubtotals.xlsx
    • A14-YearOverYearPivotTable.xlsx
    • A15A-TrueTopFiveInPivotTable.xlsx
    • A15B-TrueTopFiveUsingDataModel.xlsx
    • A16A-CtrlTBeforeAddingNewData.xlsx
    • A16B-ReadableReferencesStep1.xlsx
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    • A16C-RunningTotals.xlsx
    • A17-ReplicatePivotTableForEachRep.xlsx
    • A18-CompareListsWithPivotTable.xlsx
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    • A20-DashboardsSparklinesSlicers.xlsx
    • A21-GetPivotDataBefore.xlsx
    • A21-GetPivotDataSolution.xlsx
    • A22-EliminateVLOOKUPWithDataModel.xlsx
    • A23-BudgetActualData.xlsx
    • A23-BudgetActualFinished.xlsx
    • A24-F4Key.xlsx
    • A25-FormulasToValues.xlsx
    • A26-SeeAllFormulas.xlsx
    • A27-DiscoverFunctionsWithfx.xlsx
    • A28-NonstandardWorkWeeks.xlsx
    • A29-MultipleConditionsIf.xlsx
    • A30-KillerFormula.xlsx
    • A31-VLOOKUP.xlsx
    • A32-NestedIfReplacement.xlsx
    • A33-SpeedUpVLOOKUP.xlsm
    • A34-ProtectFormulas.xlsx
    • A35-GoalSeek.xlsx
    • A36-WhatIfDataTable.xlsx
    • A37-Solver.xlsx
    • A38-PowerQuery.xlsx
    • A39-3DMap.xlsx
    • A40-SpeakCells.xlsm
    • B01-KeyboardShortcuts.xlsx
    • C01-Wingdings and Other Unsung Font Heroes.xlsx
    • C02-REPT for in cell charts.xlsx
    • C03-AutoSum on a Matrix.xlsx
    • C04-Retrieve Intersection Value From Space.xlsx
    • C07-PlaySound Macros.xlsm
    • C07-QAT Sound Effects.zip
    • C08-VBA for Troublemakers.xlsm
    • C09-Absolute Relative Multiplication Table.xlsx
    • C10-From Outline to Flat Table.xlsx
    • C11-Goal Seek for Renters and Shoe Lovers.xlsx
    • C12-Controlled Lists with Data Validation.xlsx
    • C14-Named Formulas Yesterday and Tomorrow.xlsx
    • C15-Named Formulas & Vlookup w.o. the Sausage.xlsx
    • C16-Controlled Formula Lists with Data Validation.xlsx
    • C17-Dependent Data Validation Lists.xlsm
    • C18-Smile for the Excel Camera.xlsx
    • C19-VLOOKUP Left.xlsm
    • C20-Power Query Unpivot.xlsx
    • C21-XSzil Design Tips for Trainers and Presenters.xlsm
    • C22-FlashFill.xlsx
    • C23-IFError.xlsx
    • C24-Sumifs.xlsx
    • C25-NumberFormats.xlsx
    • C26-ExtractUniques.xlsx
    • C27-Consolidate.xlsx
    • C28-IndexDoesOffset.xlsx
    • C29-SortFilterByIcon.xlsx
    • C30-WordForExcellers.xlsx
    • E01-WaterfallChart.xlsx
  • 18.29 MB
  • 2016-9-19
  • Existence, uniqueness, and stability of equilibrium in an overlapping-generation.rar

    • Existence, uniqueness, and stability of equilibrium in an overlapping-generations model with productive capital.pdf
  • 672.34 KB
  • 2015-4-23
  • trust and decision making.rar
       Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: A meta-analytic test of their unique relationships wit ...

    • trust and decision making.pdf
  • 457.61 KB
  • 2013-8-24
  • 设计素材:个性实用的英文字体小集.rar

    • uniquely_Sprayed.ttf
    • uniquely-sprayed.jpg
    • uniquely-sprayed_1.png
    • Action_of_the_Time_II.ttf
    • action-of-the-time-ii.jpg
    • action-of-the-time-ii_1.png
    • ca-misfit.jpg
    • ca-misfit_1.png
    • Dirty_Play.ttf
    • dirty-play.jpg
    • dirty-play_1.png
    • DK_Trashtype.ttf
    • dktrashtype.jpg
    • dktrashtype_1.png
    • faltura-alien.jpg
    • FalturaAlien.ttf
    • faltura-alien_1.png
    • faltura-guerra.jpg
    • FalturaGuerra.ttf
    • faltura-guerra_1.png
    • Free_press.ttf
    • free-press.jpg
    • free-press_1.png
    • gridshift.jpg
    • gridshift.ttf
    • gridshift_1.png
    • last_draft.ttf
    • last-draft.jpg
    • last-draft_1.png
    • oe-rmx.jpg
    • OErmx.ttf
    • oe-rmx_1.png
    • payday.jpg
    • Payday.ttf
    • payday_1.png
    • postinkantaja-job.jpg
    • PostinkantajaJob.ttf
    • postinkantaja-job_1.png
    • scochflashfont.ttf
    • scorchflash.jpg
    • scorchflash_1.png
    • shquiboo.jpg
    • shquiboo.ttf
    • shquiboo_1.png
    • special-elite.jpg
    • SpecialElite.ttf
    • special-elite_1.png
    • stenstreet.jpg
    • Stenstreet.ttf
    • stenstreet_1.png
    • stressberat_distort.ttf
    • stressberat-distort.jpg
    • stressberat-distort_1.png
    • trashtoys02.jpg
    • TrashToys02.ttf
    • trashtoys02_1.png
    • Very_Damaged.ttf
    • very-damaged-bold.jpg
    • very-damaged-bold_1.png
    • IS958-014.jpg
  • 5.67 MB
  • 2013-6-6
  • 120211.zip
       Matlab Codes

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    • LICENSE.txt
    • gpl.txt
    • FactorGraph.m
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    • MaxFlow.m
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    • ungrouppot.m
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    • makeThinJT.m
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    • getdimind.m
    • EMbeliefnet.m
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    • CanonVar.m
    • GPreg.m
    • LogReg.m
    • avsigmaGauss.m
    • covfnGE.m
    • logdet.m
    • plsa.m
    • plsaCond.m
    • sigmoid.m
    • sigma.m
    • softloss.m
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    • condexp.m
    • HMMviterbi.m
    • HMMsmooth.m
    • HMMforward.m
    • HMMbackward.m
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    • HMMgamma.m
    • mixMarkov.m
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    • GMMem.m
    • Kmeans.m
    • MIXprodBern.m
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    • LDSsubspace.m
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    • LDSbackwardUpdate.m
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    • LDSbackward.m
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    • metropolis.m
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    • NaiveBayesTest.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTest.m
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    • HMMsmoothSAR.m
    • ARlds.m
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    • hinton.m
    • FA.m
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    • SLDSmargGauss.m
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    • GPclass.m
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       [原创][下载]Journal of Econometrics-Volume 141, Issue 2, Pages 323-1420 (December 2007)

    • 7.On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers.pdf
    • 19.A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence.pdf
    • 20.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH(∞) models.pdf
    • 21.Modelling security market events in continuous time- Intensity based, multivariate point process models.pdf
    • 22.Asymptotics for duration-driven long range dependent processes.pdf
    • 23.An adaptive empirical likelihood test for parametric time series regression models.pdf
    • 24.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH models.pdf
    • 25.Discrete time duration models with group-level heterogeneity.pdf
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    • 29.Nonstationary discrete choice- A corrigendum and addendum.pdf
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    • 31.Time and causality- A Monte Carlo assessment of the timing-of-events approach.pdf
    • 32.Confidence sets for the date of a single break in linear time series regressions.pdf
    • 33.Finite sample multivariate structural change tests with application to energy demand models.pdf
    • 34.Closed-form likelihood approximation and estimation of jump-diffusions with an application to the realignment risk of the Chinese Yuan.pdf
    • 35.Inverse probability weighted estimation for general missing data problems.pdf
    • 36.A simple, robust and powerful test of the trend hypothesis.pdf
    • 38.Nonstationarity-extended local Whittle estimation.pdf
    • 37.A theory of robust long-run variance estimation.pdf
    • 39.Efficient high-dimensional importance sampling.pdf
    • 40.Corrigendum to The pseudo-true score encompassing test for non-nested hypotheses.pdf
    • 41.The large sample behaviour of the generalized method of moments estimator in misspecified models.pdf
    • 42.Erratum to “Generalizing the standard product rule of probability theory and Bayes's Theorem.pdf
    • 43.Error in contents listing of Special issue.pdf
    • 1.Editorial Board.pdf
    • 2.Realized range-based estimation of integrated variance.pdf
    • 3.Instrumental variable estimation based on conditional median restriction.pdf
    • 4.Generalized R-estimators under conditional heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • 5.Incidental trends and the power of panel unit root tests.pdf
    • 6.Non-parametric estimation of sequential english auctions.pdf
    • 8.On the second-order properties of empirical likelihood with moment restrictions.pdf
    • 9.Contemporaneous threshold autoregressive models- Estimation, testing and forecasting.pdf
    • 10.Efficient tests of the seasonal unit root hypothesis.pdf
    • 11.Determining the cointegrating rank in nonstationary fractional systems by the exact local Whittle approach.pdf
    • 12.Asymptotic properties of a robust variance matrix estimator for panel data when T is large.pdf
    • 13.Online forecast combinations of distributions- Worst case bounds.pdf
    • 14.Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models.pdf
    • 15.Masking identification of discrete choice models under simulation methods.pdf
    • 16.A smoothed least squares estimator for threshold regression models.pdf
    • 17.Can the random walk model be beaten in out-of-sample density forecasts- Evidence from intraday foreign exchange rates.pdf
    • 18.Endogenous selection or treatment model estimation.pdf
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  • 2007-11-3
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