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  • managing the unexpected.zip
       Managing the Unexpected: Sustained Performance in a Complex World

    • about.pdf
    • ch01.pdf
    • ch02.pdf
    • ch03.pdf
    • ch04.pdf
    • ch05.pdf
    • ch06.pdf
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    • fmatter.pdf
    • index.pdf
    • notes.pdf
  • 9.83 MB
  • 2018-2-5
  • 《Journal of Housing Economics》2016年第三期为Chinas Urbanization and Housing Ma.rar

    • Housing-prices-raise-wages-Estimating-the-unexpected-effects-of-land-supply-regulation-in-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • A-note-on-geographical-constraints-and-housing-markets-in-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • Editorial-Board_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • Housing-affordability-and-housing-vacancy-in-China-The-role-of-income-inequality_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • Housing-price-appreciation-investment-opportunity-and-firm-innovation-Evidence-from-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • Introduction-to-the-special-issue-China-s-urbanization-and-housing-market-_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • Population-adjustments-in-response-to-local-demand-shifts-in-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • -Province-Managing-County-fiscal-reform-land-expansion-and-urban-growth-in-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • The-effect-of-housing-wealth-on-labor-force-participation-Evidence-from-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • Transit-development-consumer-amenities-and-home-values-Evidence-from-Beijing-s-subway-neighborhoods_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
    • A-microsimulation-of-property-tax-policy-in-China_2016_Journal-of-Housing-Economics.pdf
  • 6.29 MB
  • 2016-9-5
  • Functional Inefficiency The Unexpected Benefits of Wasting Time and Money.zip
       Functional Inefficiency The Unexpected Benefits of Wasting Time and Money

    • 1633880400.epub
  • 955.84 KB
  • 2015-7-13
  • 9月.rar

    • Agile Property: Quick Comment: 1-for-5 rights issue – the expected and the unexpected.pdf
    • European Credit Strategy: European Credit – Flows, Positioning and Redemptions.pdf
    • European Credit Strategy: IG Non-Fin Fundamentals Update: Slow and Steady.pdf
    • European Equity Strategy: Can fund performance be a contrarian indicator?.pdf
    • European Financials: Weekly Bond Tracker.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - On the Road.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Retaining Our Bearish Bias.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Searching For Yield.pdf
    • 3D Systems Corp:Growth On Track to Accelerate in 2H.pdf
    • 21Vianet: Core Businesses Intact; Room for Improvement in Cash Management.pdf
    • 20140930-Morgan Stanley-China Materials:Weekly Monitor.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief: Refi Index Largely Flat Despite Lower Rates.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: Carry On, For Now.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment: FSA Data Gets More Bullish.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment:Anticipating a Quiet Farewell to 13-14.pdf
    • Amgen Inc.: Pipeline Drives PT to $151.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.: Event Confirms This Cycle is Different.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.:iPhone Gross Margins Biased to the Upside.pdf
    • ASEAN Economics Chartbook: Where are we in the cycle?.pdf
    • ASEAN In a Minute: Entering a Rising Rate Environment.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: What’s Going on in Asian Credit.pdf
    • Asia FX & Rates Strategy: India Rates:Improving Fiscal Outlook.pdf
    • Asian Banks: (g)Rate Expectations?.pdf
    • Asian Banks:Valuation Chartbook:Where Are Valuations Compared with history?.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview : Inflation and Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview: Anticipating a Rebound in Exports.pdf
    • ASML Holding NV: SPIE comments positive for EUV.pdf
    • Astra International:IIMS 2014 – On the Ground Feedback.pdf
    • AT&T, Inc.: Internet of Things Leadership, Early in the Race.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: Investment Property Loans.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week:Major Banks' Return on Equity.pdf
    • Australia Insurance & Wealth: Risky Business:Can QBE afford to sell its Lenders Mortgage business?.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Assessing state of economy after startling jobs figures.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Global Earners Gathering Momentum.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Playing the Long Cycle.pdf
    • Australian Energy – Drilling Down: Aussie E&P as yield plays?.pdf
    • Autos & Auto Parts:Dealer Study #5: BMW ahead of pack; DAI closes gap vs. Audi.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: Cutting US Autos to Cautious, Downgrading Ford to UW.pdf
    • Bayer AG: Confident CMD.pdf
    • China Cement:Three Cement Companies Fined for Price Monopoly; Potential Negative to Prices.pdf
    • China Coal: 1H14 results wrap:Suppliers' reaction to weak demand.pdf
    • China Healthcare:MS Monthly Hospital Rx Report.pdf
    • China Industrials: Heavy Truck: Steady Volume Growth and Notable ASP Hike Ahead.pdf
    • China Insurance: Asia Insight: Significant Cash Flow Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • China Lodging Group, Limited: Trip Takeaways:Bright Outlook for Franchise Business.pdf
    • China Oil & Gas: China Gas & Chemical Trips' Takeaways.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp:New Restructuring Has Limited Impact on Sinopec; Yizheng A-Shares Placed at Premium to H-shares.pdf
    • China petroleum chemical Crop.pdf
    • China Resources Gas: Better-than-expected cost pass-through in Tianjin; Buying opportunity.pdf
    • China September 2014 “Revisions for Decisions” Revisited.pdf
    • China Shipping: Positioning for 4Q14: B Before C.pdf
    • China Telecoms Monthly KPIs: Aug-14: CM Expanded Outperformance vs. CU.pdf
    • CIO Survey:Steady As She Grows.pdf
    • CMBS Market Insights: The State of the CRE Credit Cycle.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power: Cross-Industry Implications of Marcellus-Utica Gas Basis; Bearish Natgas Outlook.pdf
    • Com Hem Holding AB: Buy on Recent Weakness.pdf
    • Commodities Fall Symposium: Oil & Gas Market Discussion.pdf
    • Consumer Digest #4:Key Takeaways from A-Share Corporate Days.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(1).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(2).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • Credit Companion:CDX IG23 and CDX HY23 Roll.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Supplementary Supply.pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms(1).pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms.pdf
    • Cross Industry Analysis: Impact of Apple Pay on Payments Value Chain:Biggest Beneficiaries Likely AAPL, NXP.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - October 2014.pdf
    • Crude Oil:What Are OSPs Telling Us?.pdf
    • Daimler: Checkpoint China: Progress Made & Future Steps to Take.pdf
    • Danone: Topline and margin trend to improve from 2H14 - OW.pdf
    • Daum Kakao:Asia Insight: Enters Mobile Payment.pdf
    • Delhaize: Solid US momentum provides further comfort on sustainability of FCF.pdf
    • Direct Line Group Plc: Taking Profits After Strong Run:Downgrading to EW.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: US Unconventional Oil: Sliding Down the Cost Curve.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC: Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC:Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy Insights.pdf
    • EM Credit Strategy: Up in Quality.pdf
    • EM Macro Strategy -Brazil: What’s Your Take? Survey Results.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel:No buying opportunity as profitability peaks.pdf
    • Energy Transfer Partners: Improving Outlook at Attractive Value; Upgrading to OW.pdf
    • ENN Energy Holdings Limited: Investment in Sinopec Marketing: Positive to ENN.pdf
    • EUR6bn Net Reduction – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • EUR47bn Net Addition– ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • European Banks: S&P Downgrades: Dropouts.pdf
  • 82.56 MB
  • 2014-10-7
  • Mathematical Curiosities_ A Treasure Trove of Unexpected Entertainments 2014.rar

    • Mathematical Curiosities_ A Treasure Trove of Unexpected Entertainments 2014.epub
  • 10.43 MB
  • 2014-8-12
  • 2013FRM二级 Current Issus 翻译.rar
       2013FRM二级 Current Issus 翻译Kindle版

    • 6. 交易所交易基金,市场结构,闪光崩盘.mobi
    • 1. 主权信用和金融稳定性-国际视野.mobi
    • 2. 透析以冰岛为例的流动性压力测试.mobi
    • 3. Tails of the Unexpected.mobi
    • 4. 狗与飞盘.mobi
    • 5. 21世纪的商业挑战.mobi
  • 2.84 MB
  • 2013-10-26
  • FRM Core Reading.zip
       FRM Core Reading (27 files)

    • 5Operational_2012OP_Nocco_Stulz_ERM.pdf
    • 5Operational_2012OP Duffie_Failure_Mechanics.pdf
    • 5Operational_BaselPrinciplesSoundManagementOperationalRisk.pdf
    • 5Operational_ObservationsDevelopmentsRiskAppetiteFrameworks.pdf
    • 5Operational_TilSchuermannStressTestingBanks.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012OPBasel_II_Accord.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012OP_Basel_III_Framework.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012_OP Basel_III_Liquidity_Framework.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012OP Basel_Market_Risk_Framework.pdf
    • 6Basel_BaselSupervisoryGuidelinesAdvancedMeasurementApproach.pdf
    • 6Basel_ComparativeAssessmentBaselII_IIIandSolvencyII.pdf
    • 7Management_2012IM Brown_Goetzmann_Trust_Delegation.pdf
    • 7Management_2012IM_Madoff.pdf
    • 7Management_2012IM_Lo_Risk_Mgmt_Hedge_Funds.pdf
    • SovereigncreditworthinessandFinancialStability.pdf
    • OngandCihakOfRunesandSagas.pdf
    • BankEnglandTailsUnexpected.pdf
    • HaldaneandMadourosThedogandthefrisbee.pdf
    • ChallengesFinancialInnovations.pdf
    • MadhavanExchangeTradedFunds,MarketStructureandtheFlashCrash.pdf
    • 1Foundation_RiskTakingGovernancePrespective.pdf
    • 1Foundation_2012FRM_Stulz_Risk_Failures.pdf
    • 1Foundation_2012FRM_GARP_Code_Conduct.pdf
    • 2Foundation_2012VRM_Basel_Stress_Testing.pdf
    • 3Market Risk_msgsRiskMeasurementTradingBook.pdf
    • 4credit risk_2012CR Ashcraft_Schuermann_Securitization.pdf
    • 5Operational_2012OP_Basel_Economic_Capital_Modeling.pdf
  • 10.24 MB
  • 2012-12-2
  • ref.rar

    • An evaluation of alternative proxies for the market's assessment of unexpected earnings.pdf
    • An analysis of intertemporal and cross-sectional determinants of earnings response coefficients.pdf
    • Earnings Innovations, Earnings Persistence, and Stock Returns.pdf
    • Do nonlinearity, firm-specific coefficients, and losses represent distinct factors in the relation between stock returns and accounting earnings.pdf
    • A Nonlinear Model of Security Price Responses to Unexpected Earnings.pdf
    • Estimating earnings response coefficients.pdf
    • Cross-sectional variation in the stock market response to accounting earnings announcements.pdf
  • 8.91 MB
  • 2012-9-27
  • The Upside of Irrationality The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and.rar
       The Upside of Irrationality-epub

    • The Upside of Irrationality The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home.epub
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2012-1-7
  • HBR- Information Technology.rar
       HBR- Information Technology

    • HBR199807-08 - Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System.pdf
    • HBR200210 - Six IT Decisions Your IT People Shouldn't Make.pdf
    • HBR200303 - IT Doesn't Matter.pdf
    • HBR200402 - Getting IT Right.pdf
    • HBR200510 - Information Technology and the Board of Directors.pdf
    • HBR200604 - The Unexpected Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley.pdf
    • HBR200611 - Mastering the Three Worlds of Information Technology.pdf
    • HBR200707-08 - Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve.pdf
    • HBR200803 - Radically Simple IT.pdf
    • HBR200806 - Using Enterprise Systems to Create Distinctive Capabilities.pdf
    • HBR200807-08 - Investing in the IT that makes competitive difference.pdf
    • HBR198507-08 - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
  • 12.69 MB
  • 2010-12-23
  • Papers_1_9.rar

    • 7 A Hybrid Phosphorus Ligand.pdf
    • 8 Highly Enantioselective Syntheses.pdf
    • 9 An ortho-Substituted BIPHEP.pdf
    • 1 Enantioselective Hydrogenation.pdf
    • 2 Rh-Catalyzed Kinetic Resolution.pdf
    • 3 Highly Enantioselective Asymmetric.pdf
    • 4 Cu(I)-Catalyzed Highly Exo-selective and Enantioselective.pdf
    • 5 An Unexpected Phosphine-Catalyzed.pdf
    • 6 Efficient Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation.pdf
  • 622.62 KB
  • 2010-10-31