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  • 2-11-2 全国32个省份分省县城排水和污水处理(2006-2022).zip

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    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理County Seat Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2006).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理County Seat Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2007).xlsx
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    • 2-11-2 分省县城排水和污水处理(2020).xls
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  • 2023-12-15
  • 1-12-2 全国32个省份分省城市排水和污水处理(2006-2022).zip

    • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2019).xls
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理 Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2006).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理 Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2007).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2008).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2018年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2009年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2010年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2011年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2012年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2013年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2014年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2015年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2016年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2017年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2020).xls
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    • Chemical Science.ens
    • Chemical Senses.ens
    • Chemical Society Reviews.ens
    • Chemico-Biological Int.ens
    • Chemie Ingenieur Technik.ens
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    • Chemistry Biodiversity.ens
    • Chemistry Biology.ens
    • Chemistry Ecology.ens
    • Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP).ens
    • Chemistry Letters.ens
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    • Chemistry of Life.ens
    • Chemistry of Materials.ens
    • Chemistry.ens
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    • Chest.ens
    • Chicago 16th Author-Date Norsk.ens
    • Chicago 16th Author-Date.ens
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    • Chicago 17th Author-Date.ens
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    • Chicago 17th Footnote.ens
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    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Clin Experi Metastasis.ens
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    • Clin Oral Implants Res.ens
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    • Clin Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Clin Physiol Funct Imaging.ens
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    • Clin Rehabilitation.ens
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    • Clin Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Theriogenol.ens
    • Clin Transplantation.ens
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    • Clinica Chimica Acta.ens
    • Clinical Anatomy.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
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    • Clinical Cancer Research.ens
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    • Clinical Trials.ens
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    • Cognition.ens
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    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.ens
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    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
    • Comm Disorders Quarterly.ens
    • Comm Nonlin Sci Num Simul.ens
    • Comm On Pure App Math.ens
    • Comm Soil Sci Plant Analysis.ens
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    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part A.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part B.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part C.ens
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    • Comp Stud in Soc and Hist.ens
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    • Comparative Lit Studies.ens
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    • Composites-Part B.ens
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    • Comprehensive Psych.ens
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    • Comptes Rendus Chimie.ens
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    • Comptes Rendus Math.ens
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    • Conservation Letters.ens
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    • Conservation.ens
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    • Contemp Justice Review.ens
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    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
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    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
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    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
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    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Counseling Psychology Q.ens
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    • Cretaceous Research.ens
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    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
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    • Crit Rev Therapeutic Drug Carrier Sys.ens
    • Crit Rev Toxicol.ens
    • Crit Studies Media Communication.ens
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    • Critical Care.ens
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    • Crystallography Reviews.ens
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    • Curr Opinion Physiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Solid State Mater Sci.ens
    • Curr Problems Cancer.ens
    • Curr Problems Cardiology.ens
    • Curr Problems Diag Radiol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Curr Protein Peptide Sci.ens
    • Curr Res Bacteriology.ens
    • Curr Res Cardio Pharmacol.ens
    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
    • Curr Res Dairy Science.ens
    • Curr Res Physics.ens
    • Curr Res Poultry Science.ens
    • Curr Res Tuberculosis.ens
    • Curr Therapeutic Res.ens
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    • Current Controlled Trials.ens
    • Current Genetic Medicine Reports.ens
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    • Current Neurovascular Res.ens
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    • Current Opinion Chem Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Environ Sustain.ens
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    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
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    • Current Opinion Microbio.ens
    • Current Opinion Neurobio.ens
    • Current Opinion Otolaryn.ens
    • Current Opinion Pharmacol.ens
    • Current Opinion Plant Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Current Pharma Design.ens
    • Current Science.ens
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    • Curtis Botanical Mag.ens
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    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
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    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
    • DZZ-Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeits.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
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    • DataCite.ens
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    • Decision Sciences J.ens
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    • Deep-Sea Res Part I.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
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    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord.ens
    • Democratization.ens
    • Demography.ens
    • Dendrochronologia.ens
    • Dental Abstracts.ens
    • Dental Materials J.ens
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    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
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    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
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    • Dev Comparative Immunol.ens
    • Dev Disabil Res Rev.ens
    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
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    • Dev World Bioethics.ens
    • Devel Policy Rev.ens
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    • Diabetes Aktuell.ens
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    • Diabetes Educator.ens
    • Diabetes Metab Res Rev.ens
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    • Diabetes Metabol.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
    • Diabetes Res Clin Pract.ens
    • Diabetes Tech Therap.ens
    • Diabetes.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Diabetol Int.ens
    • Diabetologia.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel-English.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.ens
    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diag Interv Imaging J.ens
    • Diag Microbio Infect Disease.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Diagnostic Interven Radiol.ens
    • Dialectica.ens
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    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
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    • Digestion.ens
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    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Digestive Endoscopy.ens
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    • Digestive Surgery.ens
    • Digi Apps Arch Cultural Heritage.ens
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    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • Displays.ens
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    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • Drink Water Eng Sci.ens
    • Droit et Societe.ens
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    • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2019).xls
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    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2009年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2010年).xlsx
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  • 2-11-2 分省县城排水和污水处理(2006-2020).zip

    • 2-11-2 分省县城排水和污水处理(2019).xls
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2018年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理2-2-19CountySeatDrainageandWastewaterTreatment(2008).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理County Seat Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2006).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理County Seat Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2007).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2009年)2-2-17CountySeatDrainageandWastewaterTreatment(2009).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2010年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2011年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2012年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2013年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2014年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2015年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2016年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2017年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 分省县城排水和污水处理(2020).xls
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  • 2021-10-17
  • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2006-2020).zip

    • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2019).xls
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理 Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2006).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理 Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2007).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2008).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2018年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2009年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2010年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2011年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2012年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2013年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2014年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2015年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2016年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2017年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2020).xls
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  • 2021-10-17
  • applied_micro_methods(2).zip

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    • Efficient Estimation for Staggered Rollout Designs.pdf
    • Errors in the Dependent Variable of Quantile Regression Models.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect.pdf
    • External Validity in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2014)..pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2018)..pdf
    • Factorial Designs, Model Selection,and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2012)..pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2017)..pdf
    • How Much Should We Trust Staggered DID Estimates.pdf
    • Identification and Extrapolation with IV.pdf
    • Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Instrumental Variable Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
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    • Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable.pdf
    • Inference with Arbitrary Clustering.pdf
    • Inference with DID Revisited.pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(Paper).pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(PPT).pdf
    • Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects_Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.pdf
    • Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous_Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights.pdf
    • Kleven, H. J. (2016). Bunching. Annual Review of Economics 8, 435–464..pdf
    • Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data.pdf
    • Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models..pdf
    • Network and Panel Quantile Effects via Distribution Regression..pdf
    • Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks-Theory and Applications.pdf
    • Nonparametric Bounds for Causal Effects in Imperfect Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity.pdf
    • On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression.pdf
    • On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method.pdf
    • On_Event_Studies_and_Distributed_Lags_in_Two_Way_Fixed_Effects_Models.pdf
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    • Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models..pdf
    • Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Panel Data and Experimental Design..pdf
    • Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables.pdf
    • Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Quantile Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Models under Dependence Restrictions and with Only Two Time Periods..pdf
    • Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates..pdf
    • Revisiting Event Study Designs_Robust and Efficient Estimatation.pdf
    • Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples_Some Practical Advice.pdf
    • Sampling-Based Versus Design-Based Uncertainty in Regression Analysis..pdf
    • Shift-Share Designs_Theory and Inference..pdf
    • Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-parametric Regression..pdf
    • Simple local polynomial density estimators..pdf
    • Simultaneous Selection of Optimal Bandwidths for the Sharp Regression Discontinuity Estimator..pdf
    • Small Sample Methods for Cluster Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Sufficient Statistics Revisited.pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Imperfect Pre-Treatment Fit..pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Synthetic Difference in Differences.pdf
    • Testing continuity of a density via g-order statistics in the regression discontinuity design.pdf
    • Testing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • The Augmented Synthetic Control.pdf
    • The casual interpretation of two-stage least squares with multiple instrumental variables.pdf
    • The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs..pdf
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    • The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Settings_An Application to Environmental Economics.pdf
    • The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large Clusters.pdf
    • Two-Stage Differences-in-Differences.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects Estimators with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and DID Estimators.pdf
    • Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation under Known First-Stage Sign..pdf
    • Using Synthetic Controls_Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Methodological Aspects.pdf
    • Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.pdf
    • Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in IV Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumentalvariables regression.pdf
    • Weak-Instrument Robust Inference for Two-Sample IV Regression.pdf
    • When Is Parallel Trends Sensitive to Functional Form.pdf
    • When Should We (Not) Interpret Linear IV Estimands as LATE.pdf
    • When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering.pdf
    • Why High Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
  • 81.25 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
    • An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls..pdf
    • An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends.pdf
    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • Are Sufficient Statistics Necessary_Nonparametric Measurement of Deadweight Loss from Unemployment.pdf
    • Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions_A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes..pdf
    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Broken or Fixed Effects.pdf
    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
    • Decomposing Wage Distributions using Recentered Influence Function Regressions.pdf
    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • the effect.rar

    • Chapter 18 - Difference-in-Differences The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 19 - Instrumental Variables The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 20 - Regression Discontinuity The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 21 - A Gallery of Rogues Other Methods The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 22 - Under the Rug The Effect.pdf
    • Introduction The Effect.pdf
    • The Effect An Introduction to Research Design and Causality The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 1 - Designing Research The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - Research Questions The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Describing Variables The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Describing Relationships The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Identification The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Causal Diagrams The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Drawing Causal Diagrams The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Causal Paths and Closing Back Doors The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - Finding Front Doors The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Treatment Effects The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Causality with Less Modeling The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Opening the Toolbox The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Regression The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Matching The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Simulation The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Fixed Effects The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Event Studies The Effect.pdf
  • 10.98 MB
  • 2021-7-6
  • 2-11-2 分省县城排水和污水处理(2006-2019).zip

    • 2-11-2 分省县城排水和污水处理(2019).xls
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2018年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理2-2-19CountySeatDrainageandWastewaterTreatment(2008).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理County Seat Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2006).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理County Seat Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2007).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2009年)2-2-17CountySeatDrainageandWastewaterTreatment(2009).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2010年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2011年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2012年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2013年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2014年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2015年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2016年).xlsx
    • 2-11-2 县城排水和污水处理(2017年).xlsx
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  • 2021-3-23
  • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2006-2019).zip

    • 1-12-2 分省城市排水和污水处理(2019).xls
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理 Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2006).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理 Urban Drainage and Wastewater Treatment(2007).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2008).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2018年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2009年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2010年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2011年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2012年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2013年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2014年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2015年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2016年).xlsx
    • 1-12-2 城市排水和污水处理(2017年).xlsx
  • 205.46 KB
  • 2021-3-22
  • 微观计量经济学:方法与应用program.data.output.zip

    • mma25p1treatment.do
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    • ch7dataforboot.dta
    • DATA66.dat
    • DATA66.dct
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    • ema1996.dta
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    • mma25p2matching.do
    • mma25p2matching.txt
    • mma25p3extra.do
    • mma25p3extra.txt
    • mmadata.html
    • mmaprograms.html
    • mmaprogramsexplain.html
    • MOM.dat
    • MOMprecise.dat
    • nswpsid.da1
    • nswpsid.dta
    • nswre74_all.asc
    • nswre74_control.dta
    • nswre74_treated.dta
    • patr7079.asc
    • probitsimresults.dta
    • propensity_cps.asc
    • propensity_cps.dta
    • psidf3050.dat
    • qreg0902.asc
    • qreg0902.dta
    • randdata.dta
    • readme.txt
    • strkdur.asc
    • strkdur.dta
    • vietnam_ex1.asc
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    • vietnam_ex2.dta
    • xyforsim.dta
  • 3.94 MB
  • 2021-3-6
  • 工具变量法讨论.zip

    • A bootstrap test for instrument validity in heterogeneous treatment effect.pdf
    • A simple diagnostic to investigate instrument validity and heterogeneous effects when using a single instrument.pdf
    • It’s Hip to be Square Using Quadratic First statges to investigate instrument validity.pdf
    • More educated, more mobile Evidence from postsecondary education reform.pdf
  • 1.95 MB
  • 2020-11-3
  • styles.zip

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    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
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    • Weitzman-2013-A Precautionary Tale of Uncertain Tail Fattening.pdf
    • Weitzman-2013-Determining Benefi ts and Costs for Future Generations.pdf
    • Weitzman-2013-Tail-Hedge Discounting and the Social Cost of Carbon.pdf
    • Weitzman-2013-The Geoengineered Planet.pdf
    • Weitzman-2014-Can Negotiating a Uniform Carbon Price Help to Internalize the Global Warming Externality.pdf
    • Weitzman-2014-Fat Tails and the Social Cost of Carbon.pdf
    • Weitzman-2014-Should Governments Use a Declining Discount Rate in Project Analysis.pdf
    • Weitzman-2015-Internalizing the Climate Externality Can a Uniform Price Commitment Help.pdf
    • Weitzman-2015-the_scandinavian_journal_of_economics.pdf
    • Weitzman-2017- A Tight Connection Among Wealth, Income, Sustainability, and Accounting in an Ultra-Simplified Setting.pdf
    • Weitzman-2017-On a World Climate Assembly and the Social Cost of Carbon.pdf
    • Weitzman-2017-Voting on Prices vs. Voting on Quantities in a World Climate Assembly.pdf
    • Weitzman-2018-Potentially large equilibrium climate sensitivity tail uncertainty.pdf
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    • Weitzman-2000-Economic Profitability Versus Ecological Entropy.pdf
    • Weitzman-2000-The Linearized Hamiltonian as Comprehensive NDP.pdf
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    • Weitzman-2001-Harvesting versus Biodiversity An Occam’s Razor version.pdf
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    • Weitzman-2003- Value of Treatment Heterogeneity for Infectious Diseases.pdf
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    • Weitzman-2005-The bose model and national income.pdf
    • Weitzman-2006-Trees vs. Fish, or Discrete vs. Continuous Havesting.pdf
    • Weitzman-2007-A Review of The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.pdf
    • Weitzman-2007-Subjective Expectations and Asset-Return Puzzles.pdf
    • Weitzman-2009- On Modeling and Interpreting the Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change..pdf
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    • single_treatment_graphs.ado
    • single_treatment_graphs.sthlp
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    • effect_graphs.sthlp
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    • pval_graphs.sthlp
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    • 邮件保存\RE China FC meeting in Shanghai on Nov 3.msg
    • 邮件保存\RE DCH 2016 Group Audit Instructions (Nanjing).msg
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    • 邮件保存\RE P. Treasures - draft circular - Chi.msg
    • 邮件保存\RE Project Treasures - verbal comments for SEHK.msg
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  • 2017-11-21
  • Sciencedirect_articles_25Sep2017_07-07-02.395.zip

    • Chapter-19-Cocaine-Protein-Kinase-and-Phosphorylation-of-Neuronal-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-22-Cocaine-and-Brain-Acid-Sensing-Ion-Channels_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-12-Cocaine-and-Transcription-Factors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-8-Global-Approaches-in-the-Analysis-of-Cocaine-Induced-Gene-Expression_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-71-Negative-Allosteric-Modulators-of-the-Metabotropic-Glutamate-Receptor-Subtype-5-for-the-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neurosci.pdf
    • Chapter-4-Strokes-Associated-With-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-43-Cocaine-Addiction-and-Adenosine-A1-and-A2A-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-23-Oxytocin-s-Effects-in-Cocaine-and-Other-Psychostimulant-Addictions_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-72-Treating-Cocaine-Addiction-With-Motivational-Interviewing_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-61-Toxicological-Analysis-for-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-35-Very-Long-Term-Effects-of-Chronic-Cocaine-on-Anxiety-and-Stress_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-18-The-Proteomics-of-Cocaine-in-the-Nucleus-Accumbens_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Index_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-55-Ventromedial-Prefrontal-Cortex-Glutamate-and-Cocaine-Craving-During-Abstinence_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-29-Mesolimbic-Dopamine-Signaling-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-41-Cocaine-Seeking-Behavior-Comparisons-to-Food-Seeking-Behavior-and-Potential-Treatments_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-25-Prenatal-Cocaine-Induced-Alterations-in-Dendritic-Spine-Density-and-Glutamate-Neurotransmission_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-44-Cocaine-and-5-HT1B-Receptor-Induced-Long-Term-Depression_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-66-Biperiden-in-the-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Crack-Dependence-Clinical-Perspectives_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-40-Cognitive-Dysfunctions-in-Chronic-Cocaine-Users_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-64-Antipsychotic-Drugs-in-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-17-Neurological-Aspects-of-Cocaine-and-the-Suprachiasmatic-Circadian-Clock_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Recommended-Research-and-Resources-on-the-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine-Mechanisms-and-Treatment_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-52-Cocaine-Induced-Metaplasticity-in-the-CA1-Region-of-the-Hippocampus_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Front-matter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-67-Actions-of-Butyrylcholinesterase-Against-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-5-Concentrations-of-Cocaine-in-Blood-Samples-From-Impaired-Drivers-and-Drug-Related-Deaths_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-54-Cocaine-and-Dysregulated-Synaptic-Transmission-in-the-Bed-Nucleus-of-the-Stria-Terminalis_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-58-Nicotine-and-Cocaine-Interactions-Focus-on-Dopamine-Pharmacology-Neuroadaptations-and-Behavior-Relevant-to-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-.pdf
    • Chapter-42-Impact-of-Prenatal-Cocaine-Exposure-on-Adolescent-Behavior_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-37-Headache-in-Cocaine-Users-Epidemiology-Clinical-Features-and-Putative-Pathophysiological-Mechanisms_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-30-Cocaine-and-Striatal-Projection-Neuron-Subtype-Mechanisms_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-3-Contribution-of-Stress-to-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-59-Pharmacological-Treatments-for-Alcohol-Cocaine-Interactions-A-Preclinical-Focus_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-38-Cocaine-and-Intertemporal-Decision-Making_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-27-Cocaine-Addiction-and-mGluR5-Recent-Advances-From-Behavioral-and-Positron-Emission-Tomography-Studies_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-28-Cocaine-Ghrelin-and-the-Mesolimbic-System_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Preface_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-68-Cocaine-and-Butyrylcholinesterase-Gene-Therapy_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-26-The-Role-of-the-Hippocampus-in-Cocaine-Responses_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-46-The-Role-of-Dopamine-D3-Receptors-in-Cocaine-Related-Behavior_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-51-Cocaine-Enhances-Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid-Release-From-Reticular-Thalamic-Nucleus-Role-of-T-Type-Calcium-Channels_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-C.pdf
    • Chapter-56-Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic-Factor-in-Cocaine-Withdrawal_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-48-Trace-Amine-Associated-Receptor-1-and-Cocaine-Abuse_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-7-Cocaine-Adulterants-and-Effects-on-Monoamine-Transporters_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-49-Cocaine-and-Cerebral-Sigma-1-Receptor-Occupancy_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-50-The-Glutamate-Transporter-GLT1-and-Cocaine-Relapse_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-63-Medication-Strategies-for-the-Management-of-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-11-MicroRNAs-and-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-13-Cocaine-and-Posttranslational-Modifications-of-Neuronal-Proteins_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-9-Cocaine-and-Epigenetics-An-Overview_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-70-Cannabinoid-CB2-Receptor-A-New-Target-for-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-16-Critical-Role-of-d-Serine-Signaling-in-Synaptic-Plasticity-Relevant-to-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-10-DNA-Methylation-Psychostimulant-Induced-Addiction-and-the-Position-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-45-Hippocampal-Contributions-to-Dopamine-Receptor-Mediated-Effects-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-32-The-Role-of-the-Habenulomesencephalic-Circuit-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-47-Cocaine-Endorphin-and-Opioid-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-65-Use-of-N-Acetylcysteine-in-Relapse-and-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-53-Interaction-of-Cocaine-Analogue-RTI82-With-the-Dopamine-Transporter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-6-Cocaine-Postmortem-Distribution-in-Brain_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-69-Patient-Responses-to-Guanfacine-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-2-Sex-Differences-in-the-Effects-and-Actions-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-21-Role-of-Mitochondria-on-the-Neurological-Effects-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-34-Stroop-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Intrinsic-Connectivity_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Copyright_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-36-Long-Lasting-Changes-Following-Repeated-Cocaine-Use-Behavioral-Sensitization-and-Neurotoxicity_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-33-Crack-Cocaine-and-Cognitive-Related-Electrophysiological-Changes-After-Noninvasive-Brain-Stimulation_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-57-Comorbidities-Associated-With-the-Use-and-Misuse-of-Crack-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-39-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • List-of-Contributors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-24-Hypocretin-Orexin-in-Models-of-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-60-A-Review-of-Instruments-for-Screening-and-Diagnosis-of-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-15-Mechanisms-That-Regulate-the-Expression-of-Dopamine-D1-Receptor-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-62-Cocaine-and-an-Overview-of-Neurocognitive-Relapse-Predictors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
  • 45.94 MB
  • 2017-9-25
  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2011-2016).rar

    • 2011.Modern Issues and Methods in Biostatistics(2011).pdf
    • 2011.The Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Genetics(2011).pdf
    • 2012.Analysis of Genetic Association Studies(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Bayesian Methods in Structural Bioinformatics.pdf
    • 2012.Epidemiology_ Key to Prevention(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Modeling Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Soci.pdf
    • 2012.Regression Methods in Biostatistics_ Linear, Logistic, Survival, and Repeated.pdf
    • 2012.Survival Analysis_ A Self-Learning Text, 3rd Edition(2012).pdf
    • 2013.Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Genome-Wide Association Scans(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Epidemiologic Studies in Cancer Prevention and Screening(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Statistical Analysis of Panel Count Data(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Statistical Methods for Dynamic Treatment Regimes.pdf
    • 2014.Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Genome-Wide Association Scans(2014).pdf
    • 2014.Practical Considerations for Adaptive Trial Design and Implementation-Springer-Verlag New York (2014).pdf
    • 2014.Statistical Inference on Residual Life(2014).pdf
    • 2015.Applied Multivariate Statistics with R(2015).pdf
    • 2016.Adaptive Regression for Modeling Nonlinear Relationships-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • 2016.Nonclinical Statistics for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
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  • 2016-10-6
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    • Personal Alert-long (TS).enf
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    • App Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (OvidSP).enf
    • Elsevier Geography (OvidSP).enf
    • BDENF (VHL).enf
    • CRN Proprietary (EBSCO).enf
    • Derwent Drug (OvidSP).enf
    • Mgt and Org Studies (CSA).enf
    • Wilson Soc Sci Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • UltraMED (KF).enf
    • America Hist Life (EBSCO).enf
    • Psyc Behavioral Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Faculty of 1000.enf
    • AARP Ageline (OvidSP).enf
    • Short Story Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Info Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • San Jose Mercury News (DL).enf
    • Global Health (EBSCO).enf
    • ScienceDirect.enf
    • Gale Group News (DL).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (CSA).enf
    • ASFA (CSA).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DS).enf
    • ADOLEC (VHL).enf
    • Biography Coll Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • MLA Bibliography (OCLC).enf
    • ProceedingsFirst (OCLC).enf
    • ReferBibIX.enf
    • Garden Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • MELVYL.enf
    • ENERGY (STN).enf
    • Bib civil medievale.enf
    • NCJRS Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Current Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (EBSCO).enf
    • WasteInfo (DL).enf
    • Illustrata Nat Sci (CSA).enf
    • Lit Resources (Gale).enf
    • FSTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (CSA).enf
    • In Principio.enf
    • Weldasearch (DL).enf
    • MasterFILE Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • RIPM (OCLC).enf
    • EIS (CSA).enf
    • Plant Science (CSA).enf
    • EconLit (PQ).enf
    • Southern Baptist Hist Lib.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DL).enf
    • Chemical Abstracts (STN).enf
    • Global Reporter (DL).enf
    • RIMP (EBSCO).enf
    • Prem Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Student Ed (Gale).enf
    • ATLAS (EBSCO).enf
    • Humanities Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • WPIX (STN).enf
    • Algology Abs (CSA).enf
    • French Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Salud para Todos (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal (DL).enf
    • Left Index (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXCENTER (STN).enf
    • Natl Review Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • World Textiles (DL).enf
    • AustLit.enf
    • Wilson Art Index (OvidSP).enf
    • Accounting and Tax (DL).enf
    • Social Care Online.enf
    • Catholic Per Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Norart.enf
    • Acad Search Alumni Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • AeroBase (DL).enf
    • Scholars Portal (CSA).enf
    • BIR Entertainment (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (DL).enf
    • Derwent Innovation Index.enf
    • Arts Humanities (DL).enf
    • LOCATORplus (NLM).enf
    • ABC-CLIO.enf
    • Race Relations Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Design ProFILES (CSA).enf
    • Bibliography History Art (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (CSA).enf
    • GenSciAbs (OCLC).enf
    • Family Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • TOC Alert (TS).enf
    • PsycINFO (CSA).enf
    • NTIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Biotech Bioeng Abs (CSA).enf
    • RefMan RIS.enf
    • Book Review Index (Gale).enf
    • WilsonWeb.enf
    • Bib of Native North Amer (EBSCO).enf
    • History Ref Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • BAMP (DL).enf
    • RILM (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • ENVIROLINE (DL).enf
    • HealthInfo (OCLC).enf
    • GeoRef (OCLC).enf
    • OSH (CCOHS).enf
    • Agricola (OCLC).enf
    • IBSS (CSA).enf
    • AMED (OvidSP).enf
    • PSYNDEX (EBSCO).enf
    • ECO (OCLC).enf
    • PAIS International (CSA).enf
    • POPLINE.enf
    • JICST (STN).enf
    • U Edinburgh.enf
    • Economia y Negocios (EBSCO).enf
    • British Lib for Dev Studies.enf
    • ASTA (OCLC).enf
    • Gale Group PROMT (DL).enf
    • ISI-CE.enf
    • Acad Search Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (CSA).enf
    • ANTE (CSA).enf
    • FRANCIS (CSA).enf
    • HAPI (OvidSP).enf
    • Ageline (CSA).enf
    • Hist Sci Tech Med (OCLC).enf
    • Consumer Health Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Bib Slavic Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • UnCover (INGENTA).enf
    • Regional Business News (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Inv Musical Sources (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal Scitech (INIST).enf
    • FOODLINE Science (OvidSP).enf
    • Acad Source Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • Google Books.enf
    • e-psyche (CSA).enf
    • Environmental Sci (CSA).enf
    • Zoological Record Plus (CSA).enf
    • World Surf Coat Abs (DL).enf
    • AMED (EBSCO).enf
    • FRANCIS (OCLC).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (EBSCO).enf
    • DataTimes (OCLC).enf
    • MAS Ultra (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation.enf
    • Web of Science (TS).enf
    • Human Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • GenBank (NCBI).enf
    • ARTstor.enf
    • World Political Sci Abs (CSA).enf
    • Peace Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Allied and Comp Med (DL).enf
    • Index Printed Music (EBSCO).enf
    • Ei Compendex (DL).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DS).enf
    • Heritage Printed Book (OCLC).enf
    • EMBASE (DL).enf
    • Public Admin Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Library of Congress.enf
    • CAMIO (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Foreign Legal Per (OvidSP).enf
    • AGRIS (DL).enf
    • Military Govt Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (NAL).enf
    • Gen Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • IPSA (OvidSP).enf
    • Electronics Abs (CSA).enf
    • MLA Directory Per (CSA).enf
    • RIS-filter.enf
    • Vetus Latina.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (EDINA).enf
    • HISA (VHL).enf
    • Corp ResourceNet (EBSCO).enf
    • U Calif-Berkeley.enf
    • Technical Reports (DTIC).enf
    • CISTI Source.enf
    • REPIDISCA (VHL).enf
    • Comm Sci Disorders (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • Mgt Contents (DL).enf
    • BBO (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Life Sciences (STN).enf
    • Pre-CINAHL (EBSCO).enf
    • DWPI (DL).enf
    • INSPEC (INIST).enf
    • IDIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Amazon.enf
    • Catalog of US Govt Pubs (GPO).enf
    • Health Source Nurs Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • EnvironmentS (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Bib Theater Dance (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (OCLC).enf
    • BibTex.enf
    • African Amer Hist Ser Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (EBSCO).enf
    • Forest Science (OvidSP).enf
    • OAIster (UM).enf
    • Water Resources Abs (CSA).enf
    • Educ Res Abs (INGENTA).enf
    • Corning Museum of Glass.enf
    • CANCERLIT (DL).enf
    • SCIPIO (OCLC).enf
    • TULSA (STN).enf
    • Current Contents (OvidSP).enf
    • AP NewsMonitor Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Zotero RIS.enf
    • Bus Source Elite (EBSCO).enf
    • Fonte Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • Book Review Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • AHFS Cons Med Info (EBSCO).enf
    • Superconductivity Papers.enf
    • NRC Research Press.enf
    • EMBASE (STN).enf
    • EMBASE.com.enf
    • IPSA (EBSCO).enf
    • Wilson Select (OCLC).enf
    • Alt Press Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Past Pres (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (CSA).enf
    • JDreamII.enf
    • New Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs TULSA (EBSCO).enf
    • eBooks (EBSCO).enf
    • Eng Mats Abs (CSA).enf
    • Environment Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Research Register.enf
    • PQSCITECH (STN).enf
    • Biological and Agri Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Education Res Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (DL).enf
    • Comm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Database Abs Revs Effect (EBSCO).enf
    • Kings Fund (DS).enf
    • KoreaMed.enf
    • FS INFO (USDA).enf
    • Urban Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (OCLC).enf
    • ProQuest.enf
    • Comp Database (DS).enf
    • GalleryWatch CRS Reps (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (STN).enf
    • Polymer Library (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (Gale).enf
    • Criminology (CSA).enf
    • Conf Papers Index (CSA).enf
    • PsycFIRST (OCLC).enf
    • Scopus Natural Sciences (CSA).enf
    • GenderWatch (OCLC).enf
    • New Republic Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Environment Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Bus Source Alumni (EBSCO).enf
    • NCJRS.enf
    • SONIC (LC).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DL).enf
    • Textile Tech Index (EBSCO).enf
    • UK Data Archive.enf
    • Polymer Library (CSA).enf
    • AMA Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • LISA (CSA).enf
    • Web of Science Core Collection (TR).enf
    • SourceOECD.enf
    • Book Coll Non-Fic (EBSCO).enf
    • BIAB.enf
    • Rev hist ecclesiastique.enf
    • Intl Index TV Per (OvidSP).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DL).enf
    • AGRIS (OvidSP).enf
    • EBM Revs-HTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Index Legal Per Books (EBSCO).enf
    • Sociological Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • BioMed Central.enf
    • ERIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Art Arch Index (EBSCO).enf
    • RefWorks Import.enf
    • Witchita St U-SOAR.enf
    • Biological Sciences (CSA).enf
    • BiblioLine (NISC).enf
    • Shock Vibration Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DS).enf
    • Aerospace High Tech (CSA).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DS).enf
    • Design App Arts Index (CSA).enf
    • Natl Library of Israel.enf
    • Biology Digest (CSA).enf
    • PsycTESTS (OvidSP).enf
    • Wilson Library Lit (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Humanities Index (EBSCO).enf
    • LGBT Life (EBSCO).enf
    • PASCAL (OvidSP).enf
    • OldMEDLINE (OvidSP).enf
    • ProCite RIS.enf
    • PubMed (NLM).enf
    • ToxFile (DL).enf
    • Wilson Human Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • CApreviews (STN).enf
    • Index New Zealand.enf
    • ATLA Religion (EBSCO).enf
    • Middle Eastern Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Harvard Business Rev (DL).enf
    • EconLit (DL).enf
    • Physical Ed Index (CSA).enf
    • Clase y Periodica (OCLC).enf
    • Prof Dev Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersInvited (CSA).enf
    • Mental Measurements (OvidSP).enf
    • RILM (EBSCO).enf
    • Disaster (VHL).enf
    • TOPICsearch (EBSCO).enf
    • FOODLINE Market (OvidSP).enf
    • EndNote Import.enf
    • COS Funding Opp (CSA).enf
    • Education Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Wildlife Ecology Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Books (OvidSP).enf
    • Education (CSA).enf
    • Max Planck DB.enf
    • Arab e-Marefa (EBSCO).enf
    • BNI (OvidSP).enf
    • PEDro.enf
    • World Almanac (OCLC).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DL).enf
    • EconLit (OCLC).enf
    • CABDirect (CABI).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (OvidSP).enf
    • IBSS (EBSCO).enf
    • Arte Publico Hisp Hist Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • METADEX (CSA).enf
    • Royal Geographic Society.enf
    • Ethnic NewsWatch (EBSCO).enf
    • FOODLINE (DL).enf
    • EMBASE.enf
    • MEDLINE (DS).enf
    • Meteo and Geoastro Abs (CSA).enf
    • LISTA (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXNET (NLM).enf
    • Fuente Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • EBM Revs-CDSR (OvidSP).enf
    • Patent Lens.enf
    • Criminal Justice Abs (CSA).enf
    • ATLA Religion (OCLC).enf
    • Design Abs Retro (CSA).enf
    • IMID (CSA).enf
    • MEDCARIB (VHL).enf
    • EMBASE Psychiatry (OvidSP).enf
    • SciFinder (CAS).enf
    • Comm Mass Media (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (CSA).enf
    • Abs Soc Gerontology (EBSCO).enf
    • AgeLine (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (DL).enf
    • EconLit (CSA).enf
    • Digibib (HBZ).enf
    • Scopus Bus Econ (CSA).enf
    • EMBASE (DS).enf
    • Union Lists (OCLC).enf
    • HealthSTAR (OvidSP).enf
    • COMPENDEX (STN).enf
    • HAPI (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (PQ).enf
    • Wanfang Data.enf
    • HCAplus (STN).enf
    • Salud en Espanol (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycBOOKS (CSA).enf
    • HMIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Acct Finance Learning Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • ASSIA (CSA).enf
    • Toxline (NLM).enf
    • Bus and Industry (DL).enf
    • Bib Hist Art (CSA).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (DL).enf
    • Art Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Scirus.enf
    • MEDLINE (KF).enf
    • PERIND.enf
    • IndexCat (NLM).enf
    • Primary Search (EBSCO).enf
    • Technology Res (CSA).enf
    • Natural Alt Treatments (EBSCO).enf
    • NTIS (CSA).enf
    • Current Contents (INIST).enf
    • Ovid Nursing Database (OvidSP).enf
    • SocINDEX (EBSCO).enf
    • WorldCat Diss (OCLC).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (EBSCO).enf
    • Opposing Viewpoints (Gale).enf
    • Bus ARTS (DL).enf
    • Ecology Abs (CSA).enf
    • Nota Bene Ibid.enf
    • GeoRef (EBSCO).enf
    • Assoc Prog Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (EBSCO).enf
    • Ebooks (OCLC).enf
    • Alt HealthWatch (EBSCO).enf
    • BIOSIS (STN).enf
    • Chem Eng Bio Abs (DL).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (EBSCO).enf
    • Global Health (DS).enf
    • Pharm News (DL).enf
    • MEDLINE (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (DS).enf
    • Aerospace Database (CSA).enf
    • Student Res Ctr (Gale).enf
    • BIBSYS.enf
    • Natl Crim Just Ref Serv Abs (CSA).enf
    • DH-DATA (DS).enf
    • English Short Title Catalogue.enf
    • Health (NLM).enf
    • zetoc (MIMAS).enf
    • Religion Phil Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Australia NZ POV (EBSCO).enf
    • Homeopathy (VHL).enf
    • Mech Eng Abs (CSA).enf
    • Toxline (CSA).enf
    • Joanna Briggs Inst EBP (OvidSP).enf
    • GeoRef (STN).enf
    • PSYNDEXplus Tests (OvidSP).enf
    • Tufts U.enf
    • MEDLINE (OCLC).enf
    • Water Resources (EBSCO).enf
    • ATLAS (OCLC).enf
    • INNOPAC.enf
    • Ethnic NewsWatch (OCLC).enf
    • ComDisDome (CSA).enf
    • Literature Online.enf
    • SACat (Sabinet).enf
    • Social SciSearch (DL).enf
    • British Nursing Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Old Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation Indexes (TS).enf
    • British Educ Index (DL).enf
    • Legacy Tobacco Docs.enf
    • LILACS (VHL).enf
    • Historical Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Assoc Prog Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Maternity Infant Care (OvidSP).enf
    • WorldCat (OCLC).enf
    • EBM Revs-DARE (OvidSP).enf
    • Yale U.enf
    • Intl Medieval Bib.enf
    • Nation Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Spanish Health (EBSCO).enf
    • Tab-delimited.enf
    • World Shakespeare Bib.enf
    • DRUGU (STN).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (DS).enf
    • Paperbase (CSA).enf
    • Australia NZ Ref Centre (EBSCO).enf
    • PILOTS (CSA).enf
    • Social Work Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • Avery Index (EBSCO).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DS).enf
    • Computer App Sci Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Zetoc (MIMAS).enf
    • GeoRef (DL).enf
    • Amer Diabetes Assn Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersFirst (OCLC).enf
    • Books in Print (Bowker).enf
    • PsycINFO (APA).enf
    • Current Contents (DL).enf
    • GPO (OCLC).enf
    • Anthropological Lit (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Islamicus (EBSCO).enf
    • Research Starters - Bus (EBSCO).enf
    • Avery Index (CSA).enf
    • J Physique Archives.enf
    • PsycEXTRA (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (PC).enf
    • Gateway (NLM).enf
    • Library Lit Info Sci (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Jewish Per (EBSCO).enf
    • ACM Digital Library.enf
    • AIDS CancerS (OCLC).enf
    • Index Islamicus (CSA).enf
    • Social Sciences (CSA).enf
    • MWIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Assoc Prog Source Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (OCLC).enf
    • Joint WorldBank.enf
    • Global Health (OvidSP).enf
    • Oceanic Abs (CSA).enf
    • Polymer Library (SR).enf
    • Mantis (OvidSP).enf
    • EconLit (OvidSP).enf
    • ICONDA (OvidSP).enf
    • FIZ Technik.enf
    • NTIS (DS).enf
    • QPAT.enf
    • SpringerLink.enf
    • Recent Refs Technology (CSA).enf
    • Family Soc Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Acad Search Res Dev (EBSCO).enf
    • NIOSHTIC-2 (NIOSH).enf
    • Books in Print (EBSCO).enf
    • Dissertation Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • RISM Series A (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Agricultural Library.enf
    • Amer Heritage Child Dict (EBSCO).enf
    • AIDS Cancer Res Abs (CSA).enf
    • New Scientist Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • OAIster (OCLC).enf
    • PsycINFO (DL).enf
    • WoK Alert (TS).enf
    • EBM Revs-CCTR (OvidSP).enf
    • Biological Abs Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • EconLit (AEA).enf
    • Nation Arch Prem Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DL).enf
    • Acad Search Main (EBSCO).enf
    • Internet Pers Comp Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Russian Acad Sci Bib (OCLC).enf
    • Computer Abs (CSA).enf
    • Current Conts Connect (TS).enf
    • PsycBOOKS (EBSCO).enf
    • Comm Studies (CSA).enf
    • App Sci Tech Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (PQ).enf
    • Info Tech Case Studies (CSA).enf
    • Cochrane Library (Wiley).enf
    • Avery Index (OCLC).enf
    • Chem Abs Student (OCLC).enf
    • Philosophers Index (OvidSP).enf
    • Bus Source Corp (EBSCO).enf
    • WizFolio.enf
    • Bib of Asian Studies.enf
    • Index 19th-C Art Per (OCLC).enf
    • MEDLINE (INIST).enf
    • Bus Source Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • COS Scholar Universe (CSA).enf
    • GeoArchive (DL).enf
    • AP Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Clinical Ref Sys (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (ICHU).enf
    • ERIC (PQ).enf
    • Zentralblatt MATH.enf
    • ArticleFirst (OCLC).enf
    • Web Res Technology (CSA).enf
    • McClatchy-Tribune Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • CLAIMS (DL).enf
    • PAIS (DL).enf
    • ERIC (DS).enf
    • Personal Alert-short (TS).enf
    • Informit.enf
    • Readers Guide Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • MagillOnLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Materials Research DB (CSA).enf
    • AbeBooks.enf
    • Art Source (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (CSA).enf
    • Solid State Abs (CSA).enf
    • J Amer Med Assoc.enf
    • Naval Postgraduate School.enf
    • BNI (DS).enf
    • JSTOR.enf
    • Acad Search Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • Drug Info (OvidSP).enf
    • ERIC (EBSCO).enf
    • MDXHealth (OCLC).enf
    • Art Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • BasicBIOSIS (EBSCO).enf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 43 Treatment effects for survival models.mp4.zip

    • 43 Treatment effects for survival models.mp4
  • 8.54 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 42 Endogenous treatment effects.mp4.zip

    • 42 Endogenous treatment effects.mp4
  • 9.46 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 28 Treatment effects Propensity-score matching.mp4.zip

    • Treatment effects Propensity-score matching.mp4
  • 14.75 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 27 Treatment effects Nearest-neighbor matching.mp4.zip

    • Treatment effects Nearest-neighbor matching.mp4
  • 23.48 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 26 Treatment effects Augmented inverse-probability weighting.mp4.zip

    • Treatment effects Augmented inverse-probability weighting.mp4
  • 28.37 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 25 Treatment effects Inverse-probability weighted regression adjustment.mp4.zip

    • Treatment effects Inverse-probability weighted regression adjustme.mp4
  • 28.59 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 24 Treatment effects Inverse-probability weighting.mp4.zip

    • Treatment effects Inverse-probability weighting.mp4
  • 18.78 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 23 Treatment effects Regression adjustment.mp4.zip

    • Treatment effects Regression adjustment.mp4
  • 36.9 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 22 Introduction to treatment effects Part 2.mp4.zip

    • Introduction to treatment effects Part 2.mp4
  • 7.58 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 21 Introduction to treatment effects Part 1.mp4.zip

    • Introduction to treatment effects Part 1.mp4
  • 30.8 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 【stata 】Propensity scores for the estimation of average treatment effects in o.zip

    • 【stata 】Propensity scores for the estimation of average treatment effects in observational studies.pdf
  • 471.54 KB
  • 2016-4-17
  • TPP_All-Chapters.zip

    • 21. Cooperation and Capacity Building Chapter.pdf
    • 22. Competitiveness and Business Facilitation Chapter.pdf
    • 23. Development Chapter.pdf
    • 24. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Chapter.pdf
    • 25. Regulatory Coherence Chapter.pdf
    • 26. Transparency and Anti-Corruption Chapter.pdf
    • 27. Administrative and Institutional Provisions Chapter.pdf
    • 28. Dispute Settlement Chapter.pdf
    • 29. Exceptions Chapter.pdf
    • 30. Final Provisions Chapter.pdf
    • 0. Preamble.pdf
    • 1. Initial Provisions and General Definitions Chapter.pdf
    • 2. National Treatment and Market Access for Goods Chapter.pdf
    • 3. Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures Chapter.pdf
    • 4. Textiles and Apparel Chapter.pdf
    • 5. Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation Chapter.pdf
    • 6. Trade Remedies Chapter.pdf
    • 7. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Chapter.pdf
    • 8. Technical Barriers to Trade Chapter.pdf
    • 9. Investment Chapter.pdf
    • 10. Cross-Border Trade in Services Chapter.pdf
    • 11. Financial Services Chapter.pdf
    • 12. Temporary Entry for Business Persons Chapter.pdf
    • 13. Telecommunications Chapter.pdf
    • 14. Electronic Commerce Chapter.pdf
    • 15. Government Procurement Chapter.pdf
    • 16. Competition Policy Chapter.pdf
    • 17. State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies Chapter.pdf
    • 18. Intellectual Property Chapter.pdf
    • 19. Labour Chapter.pdf
    • 20. Environment Chapter.pdf
  • 3.15 MB
  • 2015-11-9
  • heterogeneous treatment effect.zip

    • stata.toc
    • readme.txt
    • hte_sm.sthlp
    • hte_sd.sthlp
    • hte_ms.sthlp
    • hte.sthlp
    • hte.pkg
    • hte.ado
  • 24.32 KB
  • 2015-11-4
  • datasets used in Microeconometrics-Methods and Applications .zip
       《Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications》v2005

    • mma25p1treatment.do
    • mma25p1treatment.txt
    • ema1996.asc
    • mma04p1wls.asc
    • mma04p3iv.asc
    • mma04p4ivweak.asc
    • mma05data.asc
    • mma06p1nl2sls.asc
    • mma07p1mltests.asc
    • mma07p4boot.asc
    • mma08p1cmtests.asc
    • mma08p2nonnested.asc
    • mma08p3diagnostics.asc
    • mma09p1np.asc
    • mma09p2npmore.asc
    • mma09p3kernels.asc
    • mma11p1boot.asc
    • mma12p2mslmsm.asc
    • mma14p1binary.asc
    • mma15p4gev.asc
    • mma16p1tobit.asc
    • mma16p3selection.asc
    • mma20p1count.asc
    • nswre74_all.asc
    • patr7079.asc
    • propensity_cps.asc
    • qreg0902.asc
    • strkdur.asc
    • vietnam_ex1.asc
    • vietnam_ex2.asc
    • nswpsid.da1
    • DATA66.dat
    • MOM.dat
    • MOMprecise.dat
    • psidf3050.dat
    • DATA66.dct
    • mma04p1wls.do
    • mma04p2qreg.do
    • mma04p3iv.do
    • mma04p4ivweak.do
    • mma05p1mle.do
    • mma05p2nls.do
    • mma05p3nlsbyml.do
    • mma05p4margeffects.do
    • mma06p2twostage.do
    • mma07p1mltests.do
    • mma07p2power.do
    • mma07p3montecarlo.do
    • mma07p4boot.do
    • mma08p1cmtests.do
    • mma08p2nonnested.do
    • mma08p3diagnostics.do
    • mma09p1np.do
    • mma09p2npmore.do
    • mma09p3kernels.do
    • mma10p1gradient.do
    • mma11p1boot.do
    • mma12p1integration.do
    • mma12p2mslmsm.do
    • mma12p3draws.do
    • mma13p1bayesthm.do
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    • mma16p3selection.do
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    • mma17p3weib.do
    • mma17p4duration.do
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    • mma20p1count.do
    • mma21p1panbasic.do
    • mma21p1panfeandre.do
    • mma21p2panmanual.do
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    • mma21p4pangls.do
    • mma22p1pangmm.do
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    • mma24p2poiscluster.do
    • mma25p2matching.do
    • mma25p3extra.do
    • ch7dataforboot.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • mma07p4boot.dta
    • mma07p4bootreps.dta
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    • mma11p1bootreps.dta
    • nswpsid.dta
    • nswre74_control.dta
    • nswre74_treated.dta
    • probitsimresults.dta
    • propensity_cps.dta
    • qreg0902.dta
    • randdata.dta
    • strkdur.dta
    • vietnam_ex1.dta
    • vietnam_ex2.dta
    • xyforsim.dta
    • bar2.gif
    • mmadata.html
    • mmaprograms.html
    • mmaprogramsexplain.html
    • mma06p1nl2sls.lim
    • mma14p2maxscore.lim
    • mma15p3mnl.lim
    • mma15p4gev.lim
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.log
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.lst
    • mma06p1nl2sls.out
    • mma14p2maxscore.out
    • mma15p3mnl.out
    • mma15p4gev.out
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.sas
    • mma04p1wls.txt
    • mma04p2qreg.txt
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    • mma05p4margeffects.txt
    • mma06p2Theil.txt
    • mma06p2twostage.txt
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    • mma07p2power.txt
    • mma07p3montecarlo.txt
    • mma07p4boot.txt
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    • mma08p2nonnested.txt
    • mma08p3diagnostics.txt
    • mma09p1np.txt
    • mma09p2npmore.txt
    • mma09p3kernels.txt
    • mma10p1gradient.txt
    • mma11p1boot.txt
    • mma12p1integration.txt
    • mma12p2mslmsm.txt
    • mma12p3draws.txt
    • mma13p1bayesthm.txt
    • mma14p1binary.txt
    • mma15p1mnl.txt
    • mma15p2gev.txt
    • mma16p1tobit.txt
    • mma16p2mills.txt
    • mma16p3selection.txt
    • mma17p1km.txt
    • mma17p2kmextra.txt
    • mma17p3weib.txt
    • mma17p4duration.txt
    • mma18p1heterogeneity.txt
    • mma19p1comprisks.txt
    • mma20p1count.txt
    • mma21p1panfeandre.txt
    • mma21p2panmanual.txt
    • mma21p2panresiduals.txt
    • mma21p3panresiduals.txt
    • mma21p4pangls.txt
    • mma22p1pangmm.txt
    • mma23p1pannonlin.txt
    • mma24p1olscluster.txt
    • mma24p2poiscluster.txt
    • mma25p2matching.txt
    • mma25p3extra.txt
    • readme.txt
  • 3.94 MB
  • 2015-10-25
  • CAER-10-2013-0143.pdf
       The education treatment effect on the non-farm income of Chinese western rural labors

  • 519.88 KB
  • 2015-4-8
  • 2011 The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Theoretica.rar

    • 2011 The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Findings, and Treatments(mobi).mobi
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  • 2014-11-27
  • 2011 The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Theoretica.rar

    • W. Keith Campbell, Joshua D. Miller (editors)-The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder_ Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Findings, and Treatments -John Wiley & Sons (2011).epub
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  • 2014-11-27
  • 美国经济评论2014年第四期论文集.zip

    • A Grand Gender Convergence Its Last Chapter.pdf
    • Bidding for Incomplete Contracts_ An Empirical Analysis of Adaptation Costs.pdf
    • Cycles of Conáict_ An Economic Model.pdf
    • Do Physicians' Financial Incentives Affect Medical Treatment and Patient Health.pdf
    • Frictionless Technology Diffusion_ The Case of Tractors.pdf
    • Investment Dispersion and the Business Cycle.pdf
    • Knowledge is (Less) Power_ Experimental Evidence from Residential Energy Use.pdf
    • Misallocation and Growth.pdf
    • Search, liquidity and the dynamics of house prices and construction.pdf
    • Stock Prices, News, and Economic Fluctuations_ Comment.pdf
    • The Role of Local Officials in New Democracies_ Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Vertical Integration and Input Flows.pdf
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  • 2014-8-15
  • Handbook_3.rar

    • Cullis_Chapter-23-Waiting-lists-and-medical-treatment-Analysis-and-policies.pdf
    • Sintonen_Chapter-24-Economics-of-dental-services.pdf
    • Scott_Chapter-22-Economics-of-general-practice.pdf
    • Sloan_Chapter-21-Not-for-profit-ownership-and-hospital-behavior.pdf
    • Dranove_Chapter-20-The-industrial-organization-of-health-care-markets.pdf
    • Currie_Chapter-19-Child-health-in-developed-countries.pdf
    • Haveman_Chapter-18-The-economics-of-disability-and-disability-policy.pdf
    • Norton_Chapter-17-Long-term-care.pdf
    • Chaloupka_Chapter-29-The-economics-of-smoking.pdf
    • Gaynor_Chapter-27-Antitrust-and-competition-in-health-care-markets.pdf
    • Scherer_Chapter-25-The-pharmaceutical-industry.pdf
    • Danzon_Chapter-26-Liability-for-medical-malpractice.pdf
    • Williams_Chapter-35-Equity-in-health.pdf
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  • 2014-7-2
  • Ch08.rar
       slack treatment in multiplier model...

    • Chapter 8 slack treatment in multiplier model.mp4
    • Chapter 8 assurance region.mp4
    • Chapter 8 epsilon in DEA.mp4
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  • 2013-12-22
  • te.pdf
       Treatment Effects

  • 5.75 MB
  • 2013-6-11
  • 1. Tour of treatment effects in Stata.rar

    • 1. Tour of treatment effects in Stata.flv
  • 7.46 MB
  • 2013-6-10
  • Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and risk factors associated with hype.zip

    • Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and risk factors associated with hypertension in urban adults from 33 communities of China.pdf
  • 177.35 KB
  • 2013-3-29
  • New Econometric Methods.zip

    • treatment_effect.pdf
    • panel_data.pdf
    • Further Readings.txt
    • nonsemi_est_edit.pdf
    • ngmm07.pdf
    • local_lin_reg_ocr.pdf
  • 1.05 MB
  • 2012-12-6
  • Randomized Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Treatments.zip

    • Randomized Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Treatments.pdf
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  • 2012-9-21
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics T.rar

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  • 2012-5-13
  • 胡颖尧微观计量专题.rar

    • 1.7Lecture-Merror-app-Dynamic-panel-unobs-heterog[1].pdf
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  • 7.67 MB
  • 2011-11-23
  • Advanced ME.rar

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    • 第7讲_离散因变量模型1.pdf
    • 第8讲_离散因变量模型2.pdf
    • 第9讲_截取、断尾与样本选择模型1.pdf
    • 第10讲_截取、断尾与样本选择模型2.pdf
    • 第11讲_Treatment Effect 模型1.pdf
    • 第12讲_Treatment Effect 模型2.pdf
    • 第13讲_Treatment Effect 模型3.pdf
    • 第14讲_模型设定与诊断检验.pdf
    • 第1讲_导论.pdf
    • 第2讲_渐进分布理论.pdf
    • 第3讲_工具变量.pdf
    • 第4讲_面板数据导论.pdf
    • 第5讲_面板数据:随机效应模型.pdf
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  • 2011-6-1
  • 前期外文文献.rar

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    • A Meta-Analysis of Stabilities.pdf
    • A Note on a Continuous-Time Search Model with Several Offer Streams.pdf
    • A Simple Test for Heterogeneity in Exponential Models of Duration.pdf
    • A Survey of Search Theory.pdf
    • An Empirical Equilibrium Job Search Model with Search on the Job and Heterogeneous.pdf
    • An Empirical Job-Search Model, with a Test of the Constant Reservation-Wage Hypothesis.pdf
    • An Equilibrium Model of Search Unemployment.pdf
    • Duration Dependence and Heterogeneity in French Youth Unemployment Durations.pdf
    • Econometric Methods for the Duration of Unemployment.pdf
    • Economic Duration Data and Hazard Functions.pdf
    • Economics of Information and Job Search Reply.pdf
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    • Equilibrium Search with Continuous Productivity Dispersion Theory and Nonparametric.pdf
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    • Estimating a Structural Search Model The Transition from School to Work.pdf
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    • Individual Effects in a Nonlinear Model Explicit Treatment of Heterogeneity in the Empirical.pdf
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  • 2011-5-10
  • carbon trading.rar

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    • Emissions trading for international aviation—an estimation of the economic impact on selected European airlines.pdf
    • An overview of emissions trading and its prospects in Hong Kong.pdf
    • The hedge value of international emissions trading under uncertainty.pdf
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    • 低碳经济研究现状述评.pdf
    • Potential impact of (CET) carbon emissions trading on China’s power sector A perspective from different allowance allocation options.pdf
    • Analysis of the impacts of combining carbon taxation and emission trading on different industry sectors.pdf
    • Equity and carbon emissions trading a model analysis.pdf
    • Electricity pricing under “carbon emissions trading” A dominant firm with competitive fringe model.pdf
    • Carbon trading time for industry involvement.pdf
    • Price floors for emissions trading.pdf
    • Price discovery and intermediation in linked emissions trading markets A laboratory study.pdf
    • The future of the European Emission Trading System and the Clean Development Mechanism in a post-Kyoto world.pdf
    • Emissions trading of global and local pollutants, pollution havens and free riding.pdf
    • European Emission Trading Scheme and competitiveness A cas study on the iron and steel industry.pdf
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    • Assessment of the impact of the European CO2 emissions trading scheme on the Portuguese chemical industry.pdf
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    • The European Emissions Trading Scheme An exploratory study of how companies learn to account for carbon.pdf
    • Allocation and banking in Korean permits trading.pdf
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  • 2011-4-24
  • 02 treatments.zip

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    • pg.ztt
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  • 2010-10-16
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    • Cells Tissues Organs.ens
    • Cellular Immunology.ens
    • Cellular Microbiology.ens
    • Cellular Phys Biochem.ens
    • Cellular Signalling.ens
    • Cement Concrete Composites.ens
    • Cement Concrete Research.ens
    • Centaurus.ens
    • Cephalalgia.ens
    • Ceramics International.ens
    • Cereal Chemistry.ens
    • Cereal Science.ens
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    • Cerebrovascular Diseases.ens
    • CERP.ens
    • Changing English.ens
    • Chaos Solitons Fractals.ens
    • Chem Biology Drug Design.ens
    • Chem Engineer J.ens
    • Chem Engineer Process.ens
    • Chem Engineer Science.ens
    • Chemical Communications.ens
    • Chemical Geology.ens
    • Chemical Physics Letters.ens
    • Chemical Physics.ens
    • Chemical Record.ens
    • Chemical Res Toxicology.ens
    • Chemical Reviews.ens
    • Chemical Science.ens
    • Chemical Senses.ens
    • Chemical Society Reviews.ens
    • Chemico-Biological Int.ens
    • Chemie Ingenieur Technik.ens
    • Chemistry Biology.ens
    • Chemistry Letters.ens
    • Chemistry of Materials.ens
    • Chemistry Physics of Lipids.ens
    • Chemistry.ens
    • ChemMedChem.ens
    • Chemoecology.ens
    • Chemometrics Intelligent Lab Sys.ens
    • Chemosphere.ens
    • Chemotherapy.ens
    • ChemPhysChem.ens
    • Chest.ens
    • Chicago 15th A.ens
    • Chicago 15th B (sections).ens
    • Chicago 15th B.ens
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    • Child Abuse Review.ens
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    • Child Dev Perspectives.ens
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    • Children's Geographies.ens
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    • China Economic Review.ens
    • China Quarterly.ens
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    • Chinese Chemical Letters.ens
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    • Chinese GBT 7714-2005标准文献格式(et al).ens
    • Chinese J Dental Research.ens
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    • Chinese J Intl Politics.ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (author-year).ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (numeric).ens
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    • Chromatographia.ens
    • Chromosoma.ens
    • CIN Plus.ens
    • CIN.ens
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    • CLA Journal.ens
    • Cladistics.ens
    • Climate Research.ens
    • Climatic Change.ens
    • Clin Child Psychology Psychiatry.ens
    • Clin Drug Investigation.ens
    • Clin Endocrinology.ens
    • Clin Exp Allergy.ens
    • Clin Exp Derma.ens
    • Clin Exp Immunology.ens
    • Clin Exp Ophthalmology.ens
    • Clin Exp Optometry.ens
    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Clin Exper Allergy Rev.ens
    • Clin Experi Metastasis.ens
    • Clin Implant Dent Rel Res.ens
    • Clin Microbiol Infection.ens
    • Clin Oral Implants Res.ens
    • Clin Otolaryngology.ens
    • Clin Pharma Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Clin Physiol Funct Imaging.ens
    • Clin Psych Sci Pract.ens
    • Clin Transplantation.ens
    • Clin Vaccine Immunol.ens
    • Clinica Chimica Acta.ens
    • Clinical Anatomy.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
    • Clinical Cancer Research.ens
    • Clinical Cardiology.ens
    • Clinical Case Studies.ens
    • Clinical Chemistry.ens
    • Clinical Genetics.ens
    • Clinical Immunology.ens
    • Clinical Infectious Diseases.ens
    • Clinical Microbio Reviews.ens
    • Clinical Molecular Allergy.ens
    • Clinical Neurology Neuro.ens
    • Clinical Nurse Specialist.ens
    • Clinical Nursing Research.ens
    • Clinical Ortho Related Res.ens
    • Clinical Psycho Psycho.ens
    • Clinical Psychology Rev.ens
    • Clinical Radiology.ens
    • Clinical Respiratory J.ens
    • Clinical Teacher.ens
    • Clinics Colon Rectal Surg.ens
    • Clinics in Dermatology.ens
    • Clinics N America.ens
    • Cloning Stem Cells.ens
    • Clothing Textiles Res J.ens
    • CNS Drugs.ens
    • Coastal Engineering.ens
    • CoDesign.ens
    • Cognition.ens
    • Cognitive Development.ens
    • Cognitive Psychology.ens
    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
    • Cold Regions Sci Tech.ens
    • Coleopterists Bulletin.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces A.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces B.ens
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    • Coloration Tech.ens
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    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
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    • Comm Soil Sci Plant Analysis.ens
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    • Communist Post-Comm Stud.ens
    • Community Development J.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part A.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part B.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part C.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part D.ens
    • Comp Biol Chem.ens
    • Comp Critical Studies.ens
    • Comp Geometry.ens
    • Comp Health Practice Rev.ens
    • Comp Materials Sci.ens
    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
    • Comp Sci Engineer.ens
    • Comp Statistics Data Anal.ens
    • Comp Stud in Soc and Hist.ens
    • Comp Vision Image Under.ens
    • Comp-Aided Civil Infrastructure Eng.ens
    • Comparative Education.ens
    • Comparative Hepatology.ens
    • Comparative Lit Studies.ens
    • Comparative Medicine.ens
    • Comparative Political Studies.ens
    • Compare.ens
    • Compensation Benefits Rev.ens
    • Complexity.ens
    • ComPlexUs.ens
    • Composite Structures.ens
    • Composites Sci Tech.ens
    • Composites-Part A.ens
    • Composites-Part B.ens
    • Compositio Mathematica.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Biologies.ens
    • Computational Intelligence.ens
    • Computational Mechanics.ens
    • Computer Aided Design.ens
    • Computer Aided Geometric Des.ens
    • Computer Aided Surgery.ens
    • Computer App Eng Educ.ens
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    • Computer J.ens
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    • Computer Law Security Review.ens
    • Computer Meth Appl Mech Engineer.ens
    • Computer Networks.ens
    • Computer Physics Communications.ens
    • Computer Science Review.ens
    • Computer Speech Lang.ens
    • Computer Standards Interfaces.ens
    • Computer.ens
    • Computers and Composition.ens
    • Computers and Fluids.ens
    • Computers and Geosciences.ens
    • Computers and Geotechnics.ens
    • Computers and Operations Res.ens
    • Computers and Security.ens
    • Computers Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Education.ens
    • Computers Electrical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Electronics Agricul.ens
    • Computers Environ Urban Systems.ens
    • Computers Graphics.ens
    • Computers Human Behavior.ens
    • Computers in Industry.ens
    • Computers Industrial Engineer.ens
    • Computers Math with Applications.ens
    • Computers Structures.ens
    • Computing Surveys.ens
    • Concepts in Magnetic Res.ens
    • Concrete Intl.ens
    • Condor.ens
    • Congenital Anomalies.ens
    • Congenital Heart Disease.ens
    • Congestive Heart Failure.ens
    • Consciousness and Cognition.ens
    • Conservation Biology.ens
    • Conservation Genetics.ens
    • Conservation Letters.ens
    • Conservation.ens
    • Constellations.ens
    • Construction Building Materials.ens
    • Cont Accounting Res.ens
    • Cont Ed Anesth Crit Care Pain.ens
    • Cont Educ Psych.ens
    • Cont Mech Thermodyn.ens
    • Contact Dermatitis.ens
    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
    • Contemporary Clinical Trials.ens
    • Contemporary European Hist.ens
    • Contemporary Psychology.ens
    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
    • Continuity and Change.ens
    • Contrib Mineralogy Petro.ens
    • Control Engineering Practice.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
    • Coordination Chemistry Rev.ens
    • Copeia.ens
    • Copernicus Publications.ens
    • Coral Reefs.ens
    • Cornell Hotel Restaurant Admin Q.ens
    • Corporate Governance.ens
    • Corrosion Engineering.ens
    • Corrosion Science.ens
    • Cortex.ens
    • Cost Eff Resource Alloc.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • CPMT.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • CRC Press.ens
    • Creativity Innovation Mgmt.ens
    • Cretaceous Research.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Criminal Justice and Behavior.ens
    • Criminal Justice Policy Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Criminology Public Policy.ens
    • Criminology.ens
    • Crit Persp Accounting.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Crit Rev Biochem Molecular.ens
    • Crit Rev Intl Soc Political Philos.ens
    • Critical Care Medicine.ens
    • Critical Care.ens
    • Critical Public Health.ens
    • Critical Quarterly.ens
    • Criticism.ens
    • Crop Pasture Science.ens
    • Crop Protection.ens
    • Crop Science.ens
    • Crops and Soils.ens
    • Cross-Cultural Research.ens
    • Cryobiology.ens
    • Cryogenics.ens
    • Crystal Growth Design.ens
    • CrystEngComm.ens
    • CSA News.ens
    • CSE Style Manual C-S.ens
    • CSE Style Manual N-Y.ens
    • CSH Protocols.ens
    • CSIRO.ens
    • Cultural Anthropology.ens
    • Cultural Studies-Critical Method.ens
    • Culture Agriculture.ens
    • Culture Health Sexuality.ens
    • Culture Psychology.ens
    • Curr Directions Psych Sci.ens
    • Curr Opinion Colloid Interface Sci.ens
    • Curr Opinion Solid State Mater Sci.ens
    • Current Anthropology.ens
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    • Current Clinical Pract EEG.ens
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    • Current Neurovascular Res.ens
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    • Current Opinion Cell Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Chem Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Drug Disc Dev.ens
    • Current Opinion Gen Dev.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • Current Opinion Invest Drugs.ens
    • Current Opinion Lipid.ens
    • Current Opinion Microbio.ens
    • Current Opinion Mol Ther.ens
    • Current Opinion Neurobio.ens
    • Current Opinion Otolaryn.ens
    • Current Opinion Plant Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Current Pharma Design.ens
    • Current Topics Dev Bio.ens
    • Current Urology.ens
    • Curriculum Inquiry.ens
    • Curriculum J.ens
    • Curtis Botanical Mag.ens
    • CyberPsychology Behavior.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Cytogenetics and Cell Gen.ens
    • CytoJournal.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Cytokine.ens
    • Cytometry.ens
    • Cytopathology.ens
    • DAI-Deutsches Arch Inst.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
    • Data Knowledge Engineer.ens
    • Database.ens
    • DCCN.ens
    • Decision Sciences J Innov Ed.ens
    • Decision Sciences J.ens
    • Decision Support Systems.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part I.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res.ens
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    • Democratization.ens
    • Demography.ens
    • Dental Traumatology.ens
    • Depression and Anxiety.ens
    • Der Internist.ens
    • Dermatologic Surgery.ens
    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
    • Desalination.ens
    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
    • Deutsche Zeits fur Onkologie.ens
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    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
    • Dev Medicine Child Neuro.ens
    • Dev Neurosci.ens
    • Dev World Bioethics.ens
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    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Dialectica.ens
    • Dialog.ens
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    • Diamond Related Materials.ens
    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Digestion.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Digestive Endoscopy.ens
    • Digestive Surgery.ens
    • Digital Investigation.ens
    • Digital Signal Proc.ens
    • Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Author-Year.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Numeric.ens
    • Diplomatic History.ens
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    • Discrete Applied Math.ens
    • Discrete Mathematics.ens
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    • Disease Notes.ens
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    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • Displays.ens
    • Diversity Distributions.ens
    • DMW - Deutsche Med Wochenschrift.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
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    • Drug and Alcohol Dep.ens
    • Drug Development Res.ens
    • Drug Discovery Today.ens
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    • Drug Resistance Updates.ens
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    • Dyslexia.ens
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    • Ear and Hearing.ens
    • Early Amer Literature.ens
    • Early Child Dev Care.ens
    • Early Childhood Res Quarterly.ens
    • Early Intervention Psych.ens
    • Early Medieval Europe.ens
    • Early Music.ens
    • Early Years.ens
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    • Earth Planet Sci Letters.ens
    • Earth Sci Rev.ens
    • East European Politics Societies.ens
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    • Eating Behaviors.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
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    • Ecological Applications.ens
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    • Ecological Economics.ens
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    • Ecological Entomology.ens
    • Ecological Indicators.ens
    • Ecological Informatics.ens
    • Ecological Modelling.ens
    • Ecological Monographs.ens
    • Ecological Research.ens
    • Ecology Letters.ens
    • Ecology of Freshwater Fish.ens
    • Ecology.ens
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    • Economics Letters.ens
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    • Educ Phil Theory.ens
    • Education 3-13.ens
    • Education Action Res.ens
    • Education and the Law.ens
    • Education and Urban Society.ens
    • Educational Administration Q.ens
    • Educational and Psych Measurement.ens
    • Educational Measurement.ens
    • Educational Media Intl.ens
    • Educational Policy.ens
    • Educational Res Rev.ens
    • Educational Research.ens
    • Educational Researcher.ens
    • Educational Review.ens
    • Educational Studies.ens
    • Educational Theory.ens
    • Eighteenth-Century Music.ens
    • Eighteenth-Century Studies.ens
    • eLanguage.ens
    • Elec and Comm in Japan.ens
    • Elect Commerce Res Appl.ens
    • Elect Notes Discrete Math.ens
    • Elect Notes Theor Comp Sci.ens
    • Electoral Studies.ens
    • Electric Power Sys Res.ens
    • Electrical Eng in Japan.ens
    • Electroanalytical Chem.ens
    • Electrochemistry Comm.ens
    • Electrochimica Acta.ens
    • Electrophoresis.ens
    • ELT Journal.ens
    • EMBO J.ens
    • EMBO Molec Medicine.ens
    • Emerg Med Australas.ens
    • Emerg Themes Epidemiol.ens
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    • Emotion Space Society.ens
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    • Endoscopy.ens
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    • Energy Environ Sci.ens
    • Energy Materials.ens
    • Energy Policy.ens
    • Energy Procedia.ens
    • Energy Sustainable Dev.ens
    • Energy.ens
    • Eng Failure Analysis.ens
    • Eng Fracture Mechanics.ens
    • Eng Med Biol Mag.ens
    • Engineer Analysis Bound Elem.ens
    • Engineer App Artificial Intel.ens
    • Engineering Geology.ens
    • Engineering Optimization.ens
    • Engineering Structures.ens
    • English Historical Review.ens
    • English in Education.ens
    • English Lang and Linguistics.ens
    • English Language Notes.ens
    • English Literary History.ens
    • English Literary Renaissance.ens
    • English Specific Purposes.ens
    • Enterprise Info Systems.ens
    • Enterprise Society.ens
    • Entertainment Computing.ens
    • Entomologia Exp et App.ens
    • Entomological Research.ens
    • Entomological Science.ens
    • Entrepreneurship Theor Pract.ens
    • Entropy.ens
    • Environ Biology Fishes.ens
    • Environ Biosafety Res.ens
    • Environ Chemistry.ens
    • Environ Ecological Stats.ens
    • Environ Engineer Sci.ens
    • Environ Entomology.ens
    • Environ Experimental Botany.ens
    • Environ Health Persp.ens
    • Environ Impact Assess Rev.ens
    • Environ Modelling Software.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Environ Quality Mgmt.ens
    • Environ Sci Pollut Res (Num).ens
    • Environ Sci Pollut Res (N-Y).ens
    • Environ Science Policy.ens
    • Environ Science Tech.ens
    • Environ Tox Chem.ens
    • Environ Toxicol Pharmacol.ens
    • Environment and Behavior.ens
    • Environment and Dev Econ.ens
    • Environment and Planning.ens
    • Environment Intl.ens
    • Environmental Conservation.ens
    • Environmental Educ Res.ens
    • Environmental Ethics.ens
    • Environmental Health.ens
    • Environmental Microbiology.ens
    • Environmental Politics.ens
    • Environmental Pollution.ens
    • Environmental Res.ens
    • Environmental Technology.ens
    • Environmental Toxicology.ens
    • Environmetrics.ens
    • Enzymes Microbial Tech.ens
    • Epidemics.ens
    • Epidemiol Perspect Innov.ens
    • Epidemiologic Reviews.ens
    • Epidemiology and Infection.ens
    • Epidemiology.ens
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    • Epilepsy Currents.ens
    • Epileptic Disorders.ens
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    • Equine Veterinary J.ens
    • Erfahrungsheilkunde.ens
    • Ergodic Theory Dyna Sys.ens
    • Ergonomics.ens
    • Ergoscience.ens
    • Ernahrung Medizin.ens
    • ESAIM-Control Optim Calc Var.ens
    • ESAIM-Math Model Numerical Anal.ens
    • ESAIM-Probability Statistics.ens
    • Essays in Criticism.ens
    • Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci.ens
    • Ethics Intl Affairs.ens
    • Ethics Sci Enviro Pol.ens
    • Ethnic Racial Studies.ens
    • Ethnicity Health.ens
    • Ethnography & Education.ens
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    • Eukaryotic Cell.ens
    • Eur J Lipid Sci Technol.ens
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    • Euro J Applied Mathematics.ens
    • Euro J Applied Physiology.ens
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    • Euro J Cancer Care.ens
    • Euro J Cancer.ens
    • Euro J Cardio-thora Surg.ens
    • Euro J Clin Micro Inf Dis.ens
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    • Euro J Clin Pharmacol.ens
    • Euro J Clinical Invest.ens
    • Euro J Combinatorics.ens
    • Euro J Dental Education.ens
    • Euro J Echocardiology.ens
    • Euro J Education.ens
    • Euro J Endocrinology.ens
    • Euro J Engineering Ed.ens
    • Euro J Haematology.ens
    • Euro J Human Genetics.ens
    • Euro J Immunology.ens
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    • Euro J Mechanics-B Fluids.ens
    • Euro J Medical Genetics.ens
    • Euro J Medicinal Chemistry.ens
    • Euro J Neurology.ens
    • Euro J Neuroscience.ens
    • Euro J Nuc Med Molec Imaging.ens
    • Euro J Nutrition.ens
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    • Euro J Orthodontics.ens
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    • Euro J Pediatrics.ens
    • Euro J Personality.ens
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    • Euro J Pharmacology.ens
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    • Euro J Political Economy.ens
    • Euro J Political Res.ens
    • Euro J Radiology.ens
    • Euro J Social Work.ens
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    • Euro J Soil Science.ens
    • Euro J Spec Needs Ed.ens
    • Euro J Teacher Ed.ens
    • Euro Neurology.ens
    • Euro Phys J-Applied Physics.ens
    • Euro Physical J C.ens
    • Euro Review of Economic History.ens
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    • Euro Spine J.ens
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    • European Heart J.ens
    • European Law J.ens
    • European Polymer J.ens
    • European Radiology.ens
    • European Respiratory Journal.ens
    • Eval Program Planning.ens
    • Evaluation and the Health Prof.ens
    • Evaluation Review.ens
    • Evid-based Comp Alt Med.ens
    • Evol Applications.ens
    • Evol Ecology Res.ens
    • Evolution Devel.ens
    • Evolution.ens
    • Evolutionary Anthro.ens
    • Exp and Mol Pathology.ens
    • Exp Dermatol.ens
    • Exp Parasitology.ens
    • Exper Molecular Med.ens
    • Exper Techniques.ens
    • Experi Biology and Med.ens
    • Experi Brain Res.ens
    • Experi Cell Res.ens
    • Experi Clinical Endo Diabetes.ens
    • Experi Clinical Psychopharma.ens
    • Experi Eye Research.ens
    • Experi Hematology.ens
    • Experi Neurology.ens
    • Experi Physiology.ens
    • Experi Therapeutic Medicine.ens
    • Experi Thermal Fluid Sci.ens
    • Experimental Agriculture.ens
    • Experimental Gerontology.ens
    • Experiments in Fluids.ens
    • Expert Rev Anticancer Ther.ens
    • Expert Rev Anti-infective Ther.ens
    • Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther.ens
    • Expert Rev Clin Immunol.ens
    • Expert Rev Dermatology.ens
    • Expert Rev Endo Metab.ens
    • Expert Rev Gastro Hepatol.ens
    • Expert Rev Hematology.ens
    • Expert Rev Med Devices.ens
    • Expert Rev Molecular Diag.ens
    • Expert Rev Neurotherapeutics.ens
    • Expert Rev ObGyn.ens
    • Expert Rev Ophthalmol.ens
    • Expert Rev Pharma Outcome Res.ens
    • Expert Rev Pharmaco Out Res.ens
    • Expert Rev Proteomics.ens
    • Expert Rev Respiratory Med.ens
    • Expert Rev Vaccines.ens
    • Expert Revs Molecular Med.ens
    • Expert Sys With Applications.ens
    • Expert Systems.ens
    • Explicator.ens
    • Exploration Geophysics.ens
    • Explorations in Econ Hist.ens
    • Eye.ens
    • Facial Plastic Surgery.ens
    • Familial Cancer.ens
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    • Family Consumer Science Res J.ens
    • Family Court Review.ens
    • Family Journal.ens
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    • FASEB J.ens
    • Fatigue Frac Eng Mat Struct.ens
    • FEBS J.ens
    • FEBS Letters.ens
    • Feminist Criminology.ens
    • Feminist Studies.ens
    • FEMS Journals.ens
    • Fertility and Sterility.ens
    • Fetal and Maternal Med Rev.ens
    • Fetal Diagnosis Therapy.ens
    • Fibers and Polymers.ens
    • Field Analytic Chem Tech.ens
    • Field Crops Research.ens
    • Field Methods.ens
    • Filaria J.ens
    • Fin Markets Institut Instruments.ens
    • Finance Res Letters.ens
    • Financial Account Mgmt.ens
    • Financial History Review.ens
    • Financial Review.ens
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  • 8.11 MB
  • 2010-10-9
  • 英文剧本合集P - S.rar

    • THE PATRIOT.doc
    • PEARL HARBOR.doc
    • PITCH BLACK.doc
    • PLASTIC MAN.doc
    • Platoon.doc
    • Poetic Justice.doc
    • POINT BREAK.doc
    • Predator.doc
    • PRETTY WOMAN.doc
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    • Pump Up The Volume.doc
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    • Raising Arizona.doc
    • RELIC.doc
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    • Scream 2.doc
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    • STAND BY ME.doc
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    • STEEL SHARKS.doc
    • STEPMOM.doc
    • SubUrbia.doc
    • SuperFights.doc
    • Revised Screenplay.doc
    • SUPERMAN VS.doc
    • SUPERMAN IV.doc
  • 5.72 MB
  • 2010-3-25
  • 低碳经济学术论文1.rar

    • fire,thinning,and the carbon economy:effects of fire and fire surrogate treatments on estimated carbon storage and sequestration rate.pdf
    • (重要)The strategy of energy-related carbon emission reduction in Shanghai.pdf
    • (重要)Transitioning to low carbon communities—from behaviour change to systemic change: Lessons from Australia.pdf
    • (重要)Will future low-carbon schools in the UK have an overheating problem?.pdf
    • (重要)从创建低碳经济到应对能源挑战_解读英国能源政策的变化与特点.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济_理念_实践_创新.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济的发展模式研究.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济发展的技术经济范式与路径思考.kdh
    • (重要)低碳经济发展模式与中国的选择.kdh
    • (重要)低碳经济与环境金融创新.caj
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    • (重要)低碳经济与中国经济发展模式转型.caj
    • (重要)低碳世界中的中国:地位、挑战与战略.pdf
    • (重要)国外发展低碳经济的政策及启示.kdh
    • (重要)基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略.kdh
    • (重要)江西发展低碳经济的思考.kdh
    • (重要)绿色奥运与低碳经济.kdh
    • (重要)南昌发展低碳经济的路径选择研究.kdh
    • (重要)我国发展低碳经济的政策工具创新.caj
    • (重要)我国生态消耗与经济发展的动态比较研究_关于西部地区发展低碳经济的考量.caj
    • (重要)意大利的低碳经济发展政策.kdh
    • (重要)英国发展低碳经济应对气候变化和能源安全的理念和最新进展.caj
    • (重要)中国发展低碳经济的困难与障碍分析.kdh
    • (庄贵阳)How Will China Move towards Becoming a Low carbon economy?.pdf
    • _低碳经济_概述及其在中国的发展.kdh
    • _气候变化与低碳经济发展媒体高层论坛_2009气候变化中国声音_在京召开.kdh
    • 2020年中国低碳经济目标_单位GDP二氧化碳排放降50_.caj
    • A Chinese sky trust?: Distributional impacts of carbon charges and revenue recycling in China.pdf
    • a low-carbon scenario creation method for a local scale economy and its application in Kyoto city.pdf
    • AGE analysis of the impact of a carbon energy tax on the Irish economy.pdf
    • An integrated analysis of policies that increase investments in advanced energy-efficient low-carbon technologies.pdf
    • Analysis and integration of fuel cell combined cycles for development of low-carbon energy technologies.pdf
    • Assessing the economic impacts of agricultural carbon sequestration:Terraces and agroforestry in the Peruvian Andes.pdf
    • Building capacity for low-carbon communities:The role of grassroots initiatives.pdf
    • Catalyzing strategic transformationtoalow-carboneconomy:ACCS roadmap for China.pdf
    • Climate change policy:quantifying uncertainties for damages and optimal carbon taxes.pdf
    • Climate policy and the optimal extraction of high-and low-carbon fossil fuels.pdf
    • Climate Policy, Ecological modernization and the UK Emission trading scheme.pdf
    • Conceptual study of distributed CO2 capture and the sustainable carbon economy.pdf
    • Deregulation in an energy market and its impact on R&D for low-carbon energy technology.pdf
    • Developing pathways to low carbon land-based passenger transport in Great Britain by 2050.pdf
    • Different scenarios for achieving radical reduction in carbon emissions:a decomposition analysis.pdf
    • Diversity and security in UK electricity generation: The influence of low-carbon objectives.pdf
    • Domestic futures—Which way to a low-carbon housing stock?.pdf
    • Economic evaluation of the geological storage of CO2 considering the scale of economy.pdf
    • Economic feasibility of carbon sequestration with enhanced gas recovery(CSEGR).pdf
    • Economy and ecology of emerging markets and credits for bio-sequestered carbon on private land in tropical Australia.pdf
    • Energy and carbon taxes and their distributional implications.pdf
    • Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China.pdf
    • Energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon emissions:challenges faced by an EU candidate member.pdf
    • European and Japanese fuel economy initiatives: what they are, their prospects for success, their usefulness as a guide for US action.pdf
    • From hydrocarbon to hydrogen–carbon to hydrogen economy.pdf
    • From sustainable development to carbon control:eco-state restructuring and the politics of urban and regioanl development.pdf
    • From the petroeconomy to the bioeconomy:integrating bioenergy production with agricultural demands.pdf
    • How carbon credits could drive the emergence of renewable energies.pdf
    • Hydrogen economy in Taiwan and biohydrogen.pdf
    • Hydrogen production from biomass coupled with carbon dioxide capture: The implications of thermodynamic equilibrium.pdf
    • Key policy considerations for facilitating low carbon technology transfer to developing countries.pdf
    • Low-carbon communities as a context for individual behavioural change.pdf
    • Low-carbon energy policy and ambient air pollution in Shanghai,China:A health-based economic assessment.pdf
    • Low-Stabilisation Scenarios and Technologies for Carbon capture and sequestration.pdf
    • Macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of carbon taxation.pdf
    • Market influence on the low carbon energy refurbishment of existing multi-residential buildings.pdf
    • More than a carbon economy: nutrient trade and ecological sustainability in facultative arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses.pdf
    • North and south: Regional footprints on the transition pathway towards a low carbon,global economy.pdf
    • opportunities for low carbon sustainability in large commercial buildings in China.pdf
    • Paths to a low-carbon economy – the Masdar example.pdf
    • Policy interactions, risk and price formation in carbon markets.pdf
    • Potential futures for road transportation CO2 emissions in the Asia Pacific.pdf
    • Powering or de-powering future vehicles to reach low carbon outcomes: the long term view 1930–2020.pdf
    • (重要)Analysis of China’s Renewable Energy development under the current economic and technical circumstances.pdf
    • (重要)Decomposition analysis of CO2 emission in long-term climate stabilization scenarios.pdf
    • (重要)Developing a long-term local society design methodology towards a low-carbon economy:An application to shiga prefecture in Japan.pdf
    • (重要)does the private sector help or hurt the environment?evidence from carbon dioxide pollution in developing countries.pdf
    • (重要)national trajectories of carbon emissions:analysis of proposals to foster the transition to low-carbon economies.pdf
    • (重要)Population aging and future carbon emissions in the United States.pdf
    • (重要)Recent Advances in CO2 Capture and Utilization.pdf
  • 31.54 MB
  • 2009-10-27
  • 334149.pdf
       [原创]How to estimate Average treatment effects (Imbens and Wooldridge 2007NBER)

  • 266.6 KB
  • 2009-6-7
  • 315249.pdf
       Micro-Econometrics for Policy, Program, and Treatment Effects

  • 1.41 MB
  • 2009-4-14
  • 284568.rar
       A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications

    • 11Multidimensional Evolutionary Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
    • 12back-matter.pdf
    • 1front-matter.pdf
    • 2Introduction.pdf
    • 3The Bayes Premium.pdf
    • 4Credibility Estimators.pdf
    • 5The Bühlmann-Straub Model.pdf
    • 6Treatment of Large Claims in Credibility.pdf
    • 7Hierarchical Credibility.pdf
    • 8Multidimensional Credibility.pdf
    • 9Credibility in the Regression Case.pdf
    • 10Evolutionary Credibility Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
  • 3.99 MB
  • 2009-1-9
  • 238941.pdf
       (免费论文)The Treatment of Credit Risk in the Basel Accord and Financial Stability

  • 246.01 KB
  • 2008-8-21
  • 226859.rar
       精算学经典书籍--A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications

    • 11Multidimensional Evolutionary Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
    • 12back-matter.pdf
    • 1front-matter.pdf
    • 2Introduction.pdf
    • 3The Bayes Premium.pdf
    • 4Credibility Estimators.pdf
    • 5The Bühlmann-Straub Model.pdf
    • 6Treatment of Large Claims in Credibility.pdf
    • 7Hierarchical Credibility.pdf
    • 8Multidimensional Credibility.pdf
    • 9Credibility in the Regression Case.pdf
    • 10Evolutionary Credibility Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
  • 3.99 MB
  • 2008-7-13
  • 226650.pdf
       Cowles Commission Structural Models, Causal Effects and Treatment Effects A Synthesis (Un

  • 3.25 MB
  • 2008-7-12
  • 226555.rar
       精算学经典书籍--A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications

    • 11Multidimensional Evolutionary Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
    • 12back-matter.pdf
    • 1front-matter.pdf
    • 2Introduction.pdf
    • 3The Bayes Premium.pdf
    • 4Credibility Estimators.pdf
    • 5The Bühlmann-Straub Model.pdf
    • 6Treatment of Large Claims in Credibility.pdf
    • 7Hierarchical Credibility.pdf
    • 8Multidimensional Credibility.pdf
    • 9Credibility in the Regression Case.pdf
    • 10Evolutionary Credibility Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
  • 3.99 MB
  • 2008-7-12
  • 200620.pdf
       Lecture on Treatment effect and Policy Evaluation

  • 4.53 MB
  • 2008-3-25
  • 193635.rar
       2008年即将发表风险管理(risk management)最新文献(2)[原创]

    • Design and study of a risk management criterion for an unstable anaerobic wastewater treatment process.pdf
    • Assessment of user safety, exposure and risk to veterinary medicinal products in the European Union.pdf
    • A decade of injury monitoring in the New Zealand adventure tourism sector A summary risk analysis.pdf
    • The protection of wildlife from mortality Hypothesis and results for risk assessment.pdf
    • Firm heterogeneity and credit risk diversification.pdf
    • Dynamic risk management of the lending rate policy of an interacted portfolio of loans via an investment strategy into a discrete stochastic framework.pdf
    • Risk management in uncapacitated facility location models with random demands.pdf
    • Involving the public and stakeholders in the evaluation of food risks.pdf
    • Identification of potentially emerging food safety issues by analysis of reports published by the European Community’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) during a four-year p
    • A web-based interactive system for risk management of potato late blight in Michigan.pdf
    • Low probability, high impact Policy making and extreme events.pdf
    • On the pricing of intermediated risks Theory and application to catastrophe reinsurance.pdf
    • Risk management in commodity and financial markets.pdf
    • Defining uncertainty in projects – a new perspective.pdf
    • Funding and investment decisions in a stochastic defined benefit pension plan with several levels of labor-income earnings.pdf
    • The ten commandments of legal risk management.pdf
    • An econometric analysis of emission allowance prices.pdf
    • Risk Management and Risk Assessment of Novel Plant Foods Concepts and Principles.pdf
    • Risk management All stakeholders must do their part.pdf
    • Whose reality counts Factors affecting the perception of volcanic risk.pdf
    • An overlapping process model to assess schedule risk for new product development.pdf
    • Considerations in developing complete and quantified methods for risk assessment.pdf
    • Risk informed decision-making and its ethical basis.pdf
  • 8.36 MB
  • 2008-2-21
  • 192611.rar
       [下载]whats new in Econometrics2007年暑期哈佛及NBER的Guido Imbens教授、密歇根州立大学Jeff

    • lect_2Linear Panel Data Models.pdf
    • lect_3R e gr e ssi on D i sc ont i n ui ty D e si gns1.pdf
    • lect_4Nonlinear Panel Data Models.pdf
    • lect_5Instrumental Variables with Treatment Effect Heterogeneity.pdf
    • lect_1_match_fig.pdf
  • 986.72 KB
  • 2008-2-13
  • 192103.zip
       Some papers on the Econometrics of Policy Evaluation

    • Dynamic discrete choice and dynamic treatment effects.pdf
    • Estimatin treatment effects for discrete outcomes when responses to treatment vary.pdf
    • Fractional treatment rules for social diversification of indivisible.pdf
    • Policy-relevant treatment effects.pdf
    • Direct estimation of policy impacts.pdf
    • Econometric evaluation of social programs part 1.pdf
    • Econometric evaluation of social programs, part II.pdf
    • Evaluating Marginal Policy Changes and the Average Effect.pdf
    • Identification problems and decisions under ambiguity.pdf
    • Making the most out of programme evaluations and social experiments.pdf
    • Matching as an econometric evaluation estimator.pdf
  • 5.5 MB
  • 2008-2-5
  • 192102.zip
       Some papers on the Econometrics of Policy Evaluation

    • Statistical treatment rules for heterogeneous populations.pdf
    • Structural equations,treatment effects and policy evaluation.pdf
    • Program evaluation as a decision problem.pdf
    • Search profiling with partial knowledge of deterrence..pdf
    • Semiparametric reduced form estimation of.pdf
    • The estimation of wage gains and welfare gains in self-selection.pdf
    • Understanding instrumental variables in models with essential heterogeneity.pdf
  • 3.13 MB
  • 2008-2-5
  • 179026.rar
       [下载]情奉献本人最近收集的Risk Management实证文献100篇!

    • Comparative analysis of accounting treatments for derivatives.pdf
    • Credit enhancement through financial engineering - Freeport McMoRan's gold-denominated depositary shares.pdf
    • A multivariate neuro-fuzzy system for foreign currency risk management decision making.pdf
    • A note on hedging cost and basis risks.pdf
    • A primer on the exposure of non-financial corporations to foreign exchange rate risk.pdf
    • A survey on physical delivery versus cash settlement in futures contracts.pdf
    • An analysis of asymmetry in foreign currency exposure of the Australian equities market.pdf
    • An innovative analysis of taxes and corporate hedging.pdf
    • Asymmetric effect of basis on dynamic futures hedging - Empirical evidence from commodity markets.pdf
    • Bank foreign exchange and interest rate risk management - simultaneous versus separate hedging strategies.pdf
    • Can event study methods solve the currency exposure puzzle.pdf
    • Can the use of foreign currency derivatives explain variations in foreign exchange exposure - Evidence from Australian companies.pdf
    • Cephalon, Inc. Taking risk management theory seriously.pdf
    • Comparisons of short and long hedge performance - the case of Taiwan.pdf
    • Congestion management, transmission pricing and area price hedging in the Nordic region.pdf
    • Corporate cash flow and stock price exposures to foreign exchange rate risk.pdf
    • Corporate risk management - A Theoretical Appraisal.pdf
    • Corporate risk management - Costs and benefits.pdf
    • Corporate risk management and asymmetric information.pdf
    • Corporate valuation, capital structure and risk management - A stochastic DCF approach.pdf
  • 3.86 MB
  • 2007-12-3
  • 169761.rar
       [原创][下载]Journal of Econometrics-Volume 141, Issue 2, Pages 323-1420 (December 2007)

    • 18.Endogenous selection or treatment model estimation.pdf
    • 19.A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence.pdf
    • 20.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH(∞) models.pdf
    • 21.Modelling security market events in continuous time- Intensity based, multivariate point process models.pdf
    • 22.Asymptotics for duration-driven long range dependent processes.pdf
    • 23.An adaptive empirical likelihood test for parametric time series regression models.pdf
    • 24.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH models.pdf
    • 25.Discrete time duration models with group-level heterogeneity.pdf
    • 26.Income distribution and inequality measurement- The problem of extreme values.pdf
    • 27.A zero-inflated ordered probit model, with an application to modelling tobacco consumption.pdf
    • 28.Estimating a generalized correlation coefficient for a generalized bivariate probit model.pdf
    • 29.Nonstationary discrete choice- A corrigendum and addendum.pdf
    • 30.Endogeneity in quantile regression models- A control function approach.pdf
    • 31.Time and causality- A Monte Carlo assessment of the timing-of-events approach.pdf
    • 32.Confidence sets for the date of a single break in linear time series regressions.pdf
    • 33.Finite sample multivariate structural change tests with application to energy demand models.pdf
    • 34.Closed-form likelihood approximation and estimation of jump-diffusions with an application to the realignment risk of the Chinese Yuan.pdf
    • 35.Inverse probability weighted estimation for general missing data problems.pdf
    • 36.A simple, robust and powerful test of the trend hypothesis.pdf
    • 38.Nonstationarity-extended local Whittle estimation.pdf
    • 37.A theory of robust long-run variance estimation.pdf
    • 39.Efficient high-dimensional importance sampling.pdf
    • 40.Corrigendum to The pseudo-true score encompassing test for non-nested hypotheses.pdf
    • 41.The large sample behaviour of the generalized method of moments estimator in misspecified models.pdf
    • 42.Erratum to “Generalizing the standard product rule of probability theory and Bayes's Theorem.pdf
    • 43.Error in contents listing of Special issue.pdf
    • 1.Editorial Board.pdf
    • 2.Realized range-based estimation of integrated variance.pdf
    • 3.Instrumental variable estimation based on conditional median restriction.pdf
    • 4.Generalized R-estimators under conditional heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • 5.Incidental trends and the power of panel unit root tests.pdf
    • 6.Non-parametric estimation of sequential english auctions.pdf
    • 7.On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers.pdf
    • 8.On the second-order properties of empirical likelihood with moment restrictions.pdf
    • 9.Contemporaneous threshold autoregressive models- Estimation, testing and forecasting.pdf
    • 10.Efficient tests of the seasonal unit root hypothesis.pdf
    • 11.Determining the cointegrating rank in nonstationary fractional systems by the exact local Whittle approach.pdf
    • 12.Asymptotic properties of a robust variance matrix estimator for panel data when T is large.pdf
    • 13.Online forecast combinations of distributions- Worst case bounds.pdf
    • 14.Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models.pdf
    • 15.Masking identification of discrete choice models under simulation methods.pdf
    • 16.A smoothed least squares estimator for threshold regression models.pdf
    • 17.Can the random walk model be beaten in out-of-sample density forecasts- Evidence from intraday foreign exchange rates.pdf
  • 13.96 MB
  • 2007-11-3
  • 144524.pdf
       Estimation of average treatment effects based on propensity score

  • 299.32 KB
  • 2007-8-7
  • 114535.rar
       便宜——Handbook of Health Economics(2)

    • Chapter 23 Waiting lists and medical treatment-Analysis and policies.pdf
    • Chapter 24 Economics of dental services.pdf
    • Chapter 25 The pharmaceutical industry.pdf
    • Acknowledgments o MISCELLANEOUS.pdf
    • Author Index.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Economics and mental health.pdf
    • Chapter 17 Long-term care.pdf
    • Chapter 18 The economics of disability and disability policy.pdf
    • Chapter 19 Child health in developed countries.pdf
    • Chapter 20 The industrial organization of health care markets.pdf
    • Chapter 21 Not-for-profit ownership and hospital behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 22 Economics of general practice.pdf
  • 30.97 MB
  • 2007-5-7
  • 114208.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Health Economics》,elsevier出版社电子版

    • Chapter 23 Waiting lists and medical treatment- Analysis and policies.pdf
    • Chapter 24 Economics of dental services.pdf
    • Chapter 18 The economics of disability and disability policy.pdf
    • Chapter 19 Child health in developed countries.pdf
    • Chapter 20 The industrial organization of health care markets.pdf
    • Chapter 21 Not-for-profit ownership and hospital behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 22 Economics of general practice.pdf
  • 18.91 MB
  • 2007-5-6
  • 111578.rar

    • Australian chief executive officer remuneration----- pay and performance.pdf
    • CEO turnover and properties of accounting information.pdf
    • Does disclosure deter or trigger litigation.pdf
    • Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses.pdf
    • A Reexamination of the Persistence of Accruals and Cash Flows.pdf
    • Accounting Discretion in Fair Value Estimates---- An Examination of SFAS 142 Goodwill Impairments.pdf
    • Accounting graduates' perceptions of skills emphasis in undergraduate courses----- an investigation from two Victorian universities.pdf
    • Accounting Measurement Basis, Market Mispricing, and Firm Investment Efficiency.pdf
    • Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm.pdf
    • Accrual reliability, earnings persistence and stock prices.pdf
    • Acquirers’ abnormal returns and the non-Big 4 auditor clientele effect.pdf
    • Active investment manager portfolios and preferences for stock characteristics.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Relation between the Stewardship and Valuation Roles of Earnings.pdf
  • 3.86 MB
  • 2007-4-28
  • 25773.rar
       Journal of Econometrics Vol 95 2000

    • Identification problems and decisions under ambiguity-- treatment response and choice.pdf
    • A numerically stable quadrature procedure for the one-factor random-component discrete choice model.pdf
    • Bayesian analysis of ARMA–GARCH models-- A Markov chain sampling approach.pdf
    • Conference Paper.pdf
    • Cross-sectional aggregation of non-linear models.pdf
    • Detection of change in persistence of a linear time series.pdf
    • Econometrics and decision theory.pdf
    • Editorial.pdf
    • Empirically relevant critical values for hypothesis tests-- A bootstrap approach.pdf
    • Estimating the density of unemployment duration based on contaminated samples or small samples.pdf
    • Estimation of a censored regression panel data model using conditional moment restrictions efficiently.pdf
    • Galton, Edgeworth, Frisch, and prospects for quantile regression in econometrics.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • Internet-based econometric computing.pdf
    • On the sensitivity of the usual t- and F-tests to covariance misspecification.pdf
    • Rank estimation of a generalized fixed-effects regression model.pdf
    • Testing for the cointegrating rank of a VAR process with a time trend.pdf
    • Testing time reversibility without moment restrictions.pdf
    • The econometric consequences of the ceteris paribus condition in economic theory.pdf
    • The incidental parameter problem since 1948.pdf
    • Unit root tests in the presence of uncertainty about the non-stochastic trend.pdf
    • Using a likelihood perspective to sharpen econometric discourse-- Three examples.pdf
  • 3.35 MB
  • 2005-9-9
  • 10143.rar
       [分享]Instrumental Variables and Treatment Effects

    • Instrumental Variables and Treatment Effects.doc
  • 61.76 KB
  • 2005-3-14
  • 10142.rar
       [分享]Instrumental Variables and Treatment Effects

    • Instrumental Variables and Treatment Effects.doc
  • 61.76 KB
  • 2005-3-14
  • 10141.rar
       [分享]regression discontinuity

    • Instrumental Variables and Treatment Effects.doc
  • 61.76 KB
  • 2005-3-14