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  • (GMW 211)The Theory of Ultrafilters (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissensc.zip
       (GMW 211)The Theory of Ultrafilters -W. W. Comfort, S. Negrepontis.

    • (GMW 211)The Theory of Ultrafilters (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Bd. 211)W. W. Comfort, S. Negrepontis..djvu
  • 6.48 MB
  • 2024-9-4
  • Econ3000zip.zip

    • Lecture 1 Economic Modelling and Principles.pdf
    • Lecture 10 Risk Bearing.pdf
    • Lecture 11 Adverse Selection.pdf
    • Lecture 12 Signaling.pdf
    • Lecture 2 Preference Utility and Choice.pdf
    • Lecture 4 Theory of Utility Maximization.pdf
    • Lecture 5 Applications of Utility Maximization.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Demand Analysis.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Revealed Preference.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Expected Utility.pdf
    • Practice Problems for Midterm.pdf
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  • 2024-8-16
  • 569-004.pdf
       Theory of Urban Household Automobile-Ownership Decisions

  • 8.97 MB
  • 2022-6-1
  • Coase.zip

    • the theory of utility pricing and its application.pdf
    • Adam Smith's View of Man.pdf
    • Economics at LSE in the 1930's_ A Personal View.pdf
    • Fisher-General Motors and the nature of the firm.pdf
    • Law and economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on method.pdf
    • SystemPigou and Coase Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework_ A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm_ Influence.pdf
    • The conduct of economics_ the example of Fisher Body and General Motors.pdf
    • The institutional structure of production.pdf
    • The nature of the firm_ Meaning.pdf
    • The wealth of nations.pdf
    • The welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies, and theft.pdf
    • blackmail.pdf
    • old fashioned scholar.pdf
    • orgCoase and Bertrand on Lighthouses.pdf
    • orgCoase, Costs, and Coordination.pdf
    • orgCostly Enforcement of Property Rights and the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • orgRonald Coase on the Nature of Social Cost as a Key to the Problem of the Firm.pdf
    • orgThe Myth of Two Coases What Coase Is Really Saying.pdf
    • ronald coase and methodology.pdf
    • social capital civil society and development.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • the coase theorem as negative externalities.pdf
    • the federal communications commission.pdf
    • the lighthouse in economics.pdf
    • the market for goods and the market for ideas.pdf
    • the nature of the firm influence.pdf
    • the nature of the firm.pdf
    • the nature of the firm:origin.pdf
    • the new institutional economics.pdf
    • the social cost of monopoly and regulation.pdf
    • 江湖骗术.doc
    • 论经济学和经济学家(美)罗纳德·H·科斯 著.pdf
  • 43.46 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • Coase.zip

    • the theory of utility pricing and its application.pdf
    • Adam Smith's View of Man.pdf
    • Economics at LSE in the 1930's_ A Personal View.pdf
    • Fisher-General Motors and the nature of the firm.pdf
    • Law and economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on method.pdf
    • SystemPigou and Coase Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework_ A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm_ Influence.pdf
    • The conduct of economics_ the example of Fisher Body and General Motors.pdf
    • The institutional structure of production.pdf
    • The nature of the firm_ Meaning.pdf
    • The wealth of nations.pdf
    • The welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies, and theft.pdf
    • blackmail.pdf
    • old fashioned scholar.pdf
    • orgCoase and Bertrand on Lighthouses.pdf
    • orgCoase, Costs, and Coordination.pdf
    • orgCostly Enforcement of Property Rights and the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • orgRonald Coase on the Nature of Social Cost as a Key to the Problem of the Firm.pdf
    • orgThe Myth of Two Coases What Coase Is Really Saying.pdf
    • ronald coase and methodology.pdf
    • social capital civil society and development.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • the coase theorem and empty core.pdf
    • the coase theorem as negative externalities.pdf
    • the federal communications commission.pdf
    • the lighthouse in economics.pdf
    • the market for goods and the market for ideas.pdf
    • the nature of the firm influence.pdf
    • the nature of the firm.pdf
    • the nature of the firm:origin.pdf
    • the new institutional economics.pdf
    • the social cost of monopoly and regulation.pdf
  • 30.31 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • Behavioral Finance - Lecture 6 Course Materials.zip

    • A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets.pdf
    • Investor psychology and security market under and overreactions.pdf
    • a model of investor sentiment.pdf
    • Behavioral Finance - Lecture 6.pdf
  • 2.29 MB
  • 2014-2-10
  • 诺贝尔得主的几篇论文.rar

    • An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, I Steady States.pdf
    • AssociationSavings and Portfolio Choice in a Two-Period Two-Asset Mode.pdf
    • Competitive Pricing and Efficiency in Search Equilibrium.pdf
    • Disembodied Technical Change in a Two-Sector Model.pdf
    • Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages with Trade Unions.pdf
    • Efficiency Aspects of the Financing of Unemployment Insurance and Other Government.pdf
    • Equilibrium Unemployment Dynamics.pdf
    • Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment.pdf
    • Job Search, the Duration of Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve.pdf
    • Job Search, the Duration of Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve Reply.pdf
    • Learning by Trading and the Returns to Human Capital in Developing Countries.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Aspects of Social Security Reform.pdf
    • Mobility Costs, Frictional Unemployment, and Efficiency.pdf
    • Monopsony and the Lifetime Relation between Wages and Productivity.pdf
    • Optimal Income Taxation An Example with a U-Shaped Pattern of Optimal Marginal Tax Rates.pdf
  • 21.7 MB
  • 2010-11-14
  • Henderson2005 __ New Economic Geography(1).rar

    • 8__Duranton and Puga2001 Nursery Cities Urban Diversity, Process Innovation, and the Life Cycle of Products.pdf
    • 9__Black and Henderson1999 A Theory of Urban Growth.pdf
    • 10__Fujita et1999 On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems.pdf
    • 11__Arthur1990 Silicon valley locational clusters when do increasing returns imply monopoly.pdf
    • 12__Gabaix1999 Zipf's Law for Cities An Explanation.pdf
    • 0__Introduction.pdf
    • 1__Krugman1991 Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • 2__Venables1996 Equilibrium Locations of Vertically Linked Industries.pdf
    • 3__Puga1999 The rise and fall of reginal inequalities.pdf
    • 4__Ottaviano et2002 Agglomeration and Trade Revisited.pdf
    • 5__Fujita and Thisse2003 Does Geographical Agglomeration Foster Economic Growth And Who Gains and Loses from It.pdf
    • 6__Helsley and Strange1990 Matching and agglomeration economies in a system of cities.pdf
    • 7__Henderson and Becker2000 Political Economy of City Sizes and Formation.pdf
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  • 2010-2-16
  • 291029.rar
       [下载]Theory of Urban Externalities

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  • 2009-2-6
  • 260925.rar

    • A3526c A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading, and overreaction in asset markets.pdf
    • A3526f A Model of Investor Sentiment.pdf
    • A3530a Overconfidence, Arbitrage, and Equilibrium Asset Pricing.pdf
    • A3616e A Simple Model of Herd Behavior.pdf
    • A4312a Prospect Theory and Asset Prices .pdf
    • A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice.pdf
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  • 2008-10-29
  • 201851.pdf
       分享A Unified Theory of Underreaction, Momentum Trading, and Overreaction in

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  • 2008-3-29
  • 58147.rar
       [下载] Short selling 方面的文献系列1

    • a unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading, and overreaction in asset prices.pdf
    • An Analysis of mutual fund design_ the case of investing in small-cap stocks.pdf
    • A Fuller Theory of Short Selling.pdf
    • A simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information.pdf
    • a theory of costly sequential bidding.pdf
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  • 2006-7-16