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  • Williamson威廉姆森.zip

    • A Dynamic Theory of Interfirm Behavior.pdf
    • Acemoglu_Aoki与Gr_省略_if三者之内生制度变迁理论的比较_彭涛.pdf
    • Allocative Efficiency and the Limits of Antitrust.pdf
    • American Economic Association.pdf
    • Comparative Economic Organization The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives.pdf
    • Contested Exchange Versus the Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Credible Commitments Further Remarks.pdf
    • Credible Commitments Using Hostages to Support Exchange.pdf
    • Economies as an Antitrust Defense Reply.pdf
    • Economies as an Antitrust Defense The Welfare Tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Innovation and Market Structure.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Peak-Load Pricing and Optimal Capacity under Indivisibility Constraints.pdf
    • Selling Expense as a Barrier to Entry.pdf
    • Social Choice A Probabilistic Approach.pdf
    • The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • The Economics of Internal Organization Exit and Voice in Relation to Markets and.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Lens of Contract Private Ordering.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The New Institutional Economics Taking Stock, Looking Ahead.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Consideration.pdf
    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Considerations.pdf
    • The modern origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Visible and Invisible Governance.pdf
    • Wage Rates as a Barrier to Entry The Pennington Case in Perspective.pdf
  • 28.1 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • williamson.zip

    • Asset specificity and economic organization.pdf
    • Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Comparative economic organization_ The analysis of discrete structural alternatives.pdf
    • Corporate finance and corporate governance.pdf
    • Economic Institutions_ Spontaneous and Intentional Governance.pdf
    • Economies as an antitrust defense_ The welfare tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Managerial discretion and business behavior.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies_ Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Organization Form, Residual Claimants, and Corporate Control.pdf
    • Peak-load pricing and optimal capacity under indivisibility constraints.pdf
    • Strategy research_ governance and competence perspectives.pdf
    • The Institutions and Govemance of Economic Development and Reform.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure_ From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The economics of organization_ the transaction cost approach.pdf
    • The modern corporation_ origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • The new institutional economics_ taking stock, looking ahead.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics_ The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Vertical integration and market foreclosure.pdf
    • Williamson-OE=The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • using hostages to support exchange.pdf
  • 41.83 MB
  • 2014-8-15
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization (Vol 1).rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization(产业经济学手册) (Vol 1), 经典第一卷!

    • Chapter 5 Noncooperative game theory for industrial organization###########Signalling.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Theories of oligopoly behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 7 Cartels, collusion, and horizontal merger.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Mobility barriers and the value of incumbency.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Predation, monopolization, and antitrust.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Price discrimination.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Vertical contractual relations.pdf
    • Chapter 12 Product differentiation.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Imperfect information in the product market.pdf
    • Chapter 14 The timing of innovation- Research, development, and diffusion.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Technological determinants of firm and industry structure.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The theory of the firm.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Vertical integration- Determinants and effects.pdf
  • 46.24 MB
  • 2011-12-8
  • 基础文献.rar

    • Large shareholders and corporate control.pdf
    • one share one vote.pdf
    • 1972-production information costs and economic organization.pdf
    • 1976-theory of the firm.pdf
    • 1980-Agency problems and the theory of the firm.pdf
    • Coase_ The_Nature_of_the_ Firm-1937.pdf
    • Fama Jensen (1983) - Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
  • 14.81 MB
  • 2011-8-16
  • 22 Fama 1980_JPE.pdf
       22. Fama, E. 1980. Agency problems and the theory of the firm. Journal of Political Economy 88: 288

  • 2.2 MB
  • 2011-7-10
  • 6.zip

    • Edward Elgar,.The Economics of Business Enterprise - An Introduction to Economic Organisation and the Theory of the Firm, 3rd Edition.[2002.ISBN1840645245].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.European Collaboration in Research and Development - Business Strategy and Public Policy 2004.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Financial Markets, Money and the Real World.[2002.王学鸿].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Innovation and Institutions - A Multidisciplinary Review of the Study of Innovation Systems.[2005.ISBN1843762110].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Innovation in Construction - A European Analysis 2004 王学鸿.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Culture - The Interaction Between Technology, Progress and Economic Growth.[2004.ISBN184376346X].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Managing the Embedded Multinational - A Business Network View.[2005.ISBN1845426150].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Monetary Theory.[2004.ISBN1840647442]王学鸿.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Money, Finance and Capitalist Development.[2001.ISBN1840645989].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Multinational Firms' Location and the New Economic Geography.2004. 王学鸿.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Multinational Firms' Location and the New Economic Geography.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Narrative and Discursive Approaches in Entrepreneurship - A Second Movements in Entrepreneurship Book.[2004.ISBN1843765896].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Strategic Business Alliances - An Examination of the Core Dimensions.[2004.王学鸿].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Technology, Knowledge and the Firm - Implications for Strategy and Industrial Change.[2005.王学鸿].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.The Future of Economic Growth - As New Becomes Old.[2004.ISBN184376606X].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.The New Russian Business Leaders.[2004.ISBN1843764997].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics - An Introduction to Their Careers And Main Published Works.[2005.ISBN1843766000].pdf
    • Edward.Elgar,.Modern.Macroeconomics.(2005).pdf
    • Edward.Elgar.Publishing.Handbook.on.the.Knowledge.Economy.Nov.2005.eBook-LinG.pdf
  • 20.23 MB
  • 2011-4-26
  • Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.26, No.2.zip

    • Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm, The.pdf
    • Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm, The Comment.pdf
    • Front Cover.pdf
    • Introduction.pdf
    • Literature of Economics The case of Berle and Means, The.pdf
    • Literature of Economics The case of Berle and Means,The Comment.pdf
    • Modern Corporation and Private Property A Reappraisal, The.pdf
    • Modern Corporation and Private Property A Reappraisal, The Comment.pdf
    • Hessen's reappraisal.pdf
    • Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
    • Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
    • Organiazation Form, Residual Claimants and Corporate Control.pdf
    • Contracting Costs and Residual Claims The Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
    • Voting in Corporate Law.pdf
    • Extent and Effects of Aggregate Concentration, The.pdf
    • Professor Weiss on Concentration.pdf
    • Corporate Power in the Marketplace.pdf
    • Administered Prices Fifty Years Later Comment on Gardiner C. Means Corporate Power in Marketplace.pdf
    • Back Cover.pdf
  • 23.78 MB
  • 2010-3-12
  • willmson.rar

    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance StructureFrom Choice to Contract.pdf
    • the Vertical Integration of Productio Market Failure Consideratio.pdf
    • Visible and Invisible Governance.pdf
    • Williamsonvertint.pdf
    • Governance and Competence Perspectives.pdf
    • Institutional Economics.pdf
    • Internal Organization.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies.pdf
    • The Economics of Governance.pdf
  • 6.23 MB
  • 2009-10-14
  • 269266.rar
       {下载}The Economics Of Business Enterprise

    • Edward Elgar,.The Economics of Business Enterprise - An Introduction to Economic Organisation and the Theory of the Firm, 3rd Edition.[2002.ISBN1840645245].pdf
  • 1.78 MB
  • 2008-11-22
  • 231875.pdf
       Williamson:(The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure: From Choice to Contract)

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  • 2008-7-30
  • 168116.pdf
       [求助]谁有 Coase R H 1990 Accounting and the theory of the firm

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  • 2007-10-27
  • 114199.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 1,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Chapter 5 Noncooperative game theory for industrial organization- An introduction and overview.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Technological determinants of firm and industry structure.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The theory of the firm.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Vertical integration- Determinants and effects.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
  • 45297.rar

    • 15_Systematic Risk and the Theory of the Firm_Subrahmanyam and Themadakis_1980.pdf
    • 19_A Rationale for Debt Maturity Structure and Call Provisions in the Agency Theoretic Framework_BarneaHaugen and Senbet_1980.pdf
    • 20_On the Relevance of Debt Maturity Structure_Brick and Ravid_1985.pdf
    • 11_Future Investment Opportunities and the Value of the Call Provision on a Bond_Bodie and Taggart_1978.pdf
    • 12_The Effect of the Firm's Capital Structure on the Systematic Risk of Common Stocks_Hamada_1972.pdf
    • 13_The Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Perfect Capital Markets, and Project Life A Clarification_Miles and Ezzell_1980.pdf
    • 14_Corporate Debt Management and the Value of the Firm_Lewellen and Emery_1986.pdf
    • 16_Leverage, Output Effects and the MM Theorems_Hite_1977.pdf
    • 17_The Capital Structure Puzzle_Myers_1984.pdf
    • 18_Asymmetric Information and Risky Debt Maturity Choice_Flannery_1986.pdf
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  • 2006-3-24
  • 20064.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 3

    • Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.pdf
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    • a new paradigm of economic regulation.pdf
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    • Adverse Selection in Dynamic Moral Hazard.pdf
    • Alternative Systems of Health Care Provision.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • An Incentive Approach to Banking Regulation.pdf
    • Are Invisible Hands Good Hands- Moral Hazard, Competition, and the Second-Best in Health Care Markets.pdf
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  • 2005-7-20
  • 19225.rar

    • Hart_Incomplete Contracts and the Theory of the Firm.pdf
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  • 2005-7-11
  • 16129.rar

    • The Theory of the Firm:Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure.pdf
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  • 2005-6-3
  • 13132.rar

    • The Theory of the Firm and Its Critics_.pdf
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  • 2005-4-25
  • 8171.rar

    • Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.pdf
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  • 2005-1-18