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  • 2021_International Macroeconomics (Manuscript), PPT.zip

    • Ch 03. slides_An Intertemporal Theory of the Current Account.pdf
    • Ch 04. slides_Terms of Trade, World Interest Rates, Tariffs and the Current Account.pdf
    • Ch 05. slides_Current Account Determination.pdf
    • Ch 06. slides_Uncertainty and the Current Account.pdf
    • Ch 07. slides_Large Open Economies.pdf
    • Ch 08. slides_The Real Exchange Rate and.pdf
    • Ch 09. slides_Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate.pdf
    • Ch 10. slides_International Capital Market Integration.pdf
    • Ch 11. slides_Capital Controls.pdf
    • Ch 01. slides_Global Imbalances.pdf
    • Ch 02. slides_Current Account Sustainability.pdf
    • 为避免重复上传而创txt档.txt
  • 2.02 MB
  • 2022-3-11
  • GemDataEXTR.zip

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xlsx
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xlsx
    • Commodity Prices.xlsx
    • Core CPI, not seas. adj..xlsx
    • Core CPI, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xlsx
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xlsx
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant 2010 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2010 LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2010 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant 2010 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Industrial Production, constant 2010 US$, not seasonally adjusted.xlsx
    • Industrial Production, constant 2010 US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xlsx
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Retail Sales Volume Index, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, LCU.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, US$.xlsx
    • Terms of Trade.xlsx
    • Total Reserves.xlsx
    • Unemployment Rate, seas. adj..xlsx
  • 8.71 MB
  • 2014-11-22
  • BOA.rar

    • BOA -Macroeconomic consequense of terms of trade.pdf
    • BOA - The Next Generation Banknote Project.pdf
    • BOA -Australia after the Terms of Trade Boom.pdf
    • BOA -Housing Trends in China and India.pdf
    • BOA- The Distribution of Household Spending in australia.pdf
    • BOA-Developments in Banks’ Funding Costs and lending rates.pdf
    • BOA-Household Saving in australia.pdf
    • BOA-Non-dealer Clearing of Over-the-counter and derivatives.pdf
    • BOA - Employment Outcomes of the economically disadvantaged.pdf
    • BOA - Exchange Rate Movements and economic activitiy.pdf
    • BOA - Fiscal Policy and the Inflation target.pdf
    • boa - Inflation and the Cost of Living.pdf
  • 6.47 MB
  • 2014-5-14
  • GemDataEXTR.zip
       Global Economic Monitor

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xlsx
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xlsx
    • Commodity Prices.xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xlsx
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xlsx
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2005 LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2005 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Industrial Production, constant US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI+).xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 3-month rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 6-month rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xlsx
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, Local Currency.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, US$.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, LCU.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, US$.xlsx
    • Terms of Trade.xlsx
    • Total Reserves.xlsx
  • 9.43 MB
  • 2014-4-17
  • 林江2011年修订 中青院2009级国贸理论与政策双语课件.zip

    • 名词解释.docx
    • 第一章 19 Introduction.ppt
    • 第七章 49 New Trade Theory.ppt
    • 第三章 85 Classic trade theory.ppt
    • 第五章 80 Neo-classic trade theory.ppt
    • 第八章 25 Economic Growth and International Trade.ppt
    • 第六章 14 The standard trade model.ppt
    • 第四章 15 Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of Trade.ppt
  • 7 MB
  • 2014-3-16
  • 全球经济监测.zip

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xlsx
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xlsx
    • Commodity Prices.xlsx
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xlsx
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xlsx
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xlsx
    • Export Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xlsx
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xlsx
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xlsx
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln US$.xlsx
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xlsx
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln US$.xlsx
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xlsx
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xlsx
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xlsx
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xlsx
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xlsx
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xlsx
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xlsx
    • Import Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xlsx
    • Industrial Production, Seasonally Adjusted Volumes.xlsx
    • Inflation (CPI) by aggregate, 2005=1, y-o-y growth median .xlsx
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1, y-o-y growth .xlsx
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1.xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 3-month Rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 6-month Rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xlsx
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, Local Currency.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, US$.xlsx
    • Terms of Trade.xlsx
    • Total Foreign Reserves, excl gold, mln US$.xlsx
  • 9.9 MB
  • 2013-8-7
  • 4.pdf
       Effects of Terms of Trade Gains and Tariff Changes

  • 450.51 KB
  • 2013-1-16
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics T.rar

    • terms of trade The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • thin markets The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • third world debt The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Thompson, Thomas Perronet (1783–1869) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Thornton, Henry (1760–1815) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • threshold models The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Thünen, Johann Heinrich von (1783–1850) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tiebout hypothesis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tiebout, Charles Mills (1924–1968) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time consistency of monetary and fiscal policy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time preference The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time series analysis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time use The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Timlin, Mabel Frances (1891–1976) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tinbergen, Jan (1903–1994) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tintner, Gerhard (1907–1983) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Titmuss, Richard Morris (1907–1973) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tobin, James (1918–2002) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tobin's q The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tobit model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clérel de (1805–1859) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tooke, Thomas (1774–1858) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Torrens, Robert (1780–1864) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • total factor productivity The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • tournaments The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • Townshend, Hugh (1890–1974) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Toynbee, Arnold (1852–1883) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tozer, John Edward (1806–1877) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • tradable and non-tradable commodities The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • trade and poverty The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • trade costs The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • turnpike trusts The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Twiss, Travers (1809–1897) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • taxation of income The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Taylor, Fred Manville (1855–1932) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • the Baring crisis of 1890 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • the economy of ancient Greece The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Theil, Henri (1924–2000) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • theory appraisal The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 6.75 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • GemDataEXTR201002 new format.rar

    • Stock Market Index, US$.xls
    • Terms of Trade.xls
    • Total Foreign Reserves, excl gold, mln US$.xls
    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xls
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xls
    • Commodities.xls
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xls
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xls
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xls
    • Export Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xls
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xls
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xls
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln US$.xls
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xls
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln US$.xls
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xls
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xls
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xls
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xls
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xls
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xls
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xls
    • Import Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xls
    • Industrial Production, Non Seasonally Adjusted Volumes.xls
    • Industrial Production, Seasonally Adjusted Volumes.xls
    • Inflation (CPI) by aggregate, 2005=1, y-o-y growth median .xls
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1, y-o-y growth .xls
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1.xls
    • London Interbank Offered 3-month Rates (LIBOR).xls
    • London Interbank Offered 6-month Rates (LIBOR).xls
    • M2 by Reserves.xls
    • M2 Mutliplier .xls
    • Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.xls
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xls
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xls
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xls
    • Stock Market Index, Local Currency.xls
  • 9.03 MB
  • 2010-8-16
  • 161-181.rar

    • Italian Consumer Acceptance of Nutritionally Enhanced GM Food.pdf
    • Monitoring of Public Spending in Agriculture in Southern Africa.pdf
    • Price-based Valuation of Rice Genetic Diversity in Nepal.pdf
    • Rapid urbanization and food security:Using food density maps to identify future food security hotspots.pdf
    • Smallholder Incomes, Vegetable Marketing and Food Safety:Evidence from China.pdf
    • The Impact of Agricultural Technology Adoption on Poverty:The case of NERICA rice varieties in Benin.pdf
    • Trade Liberalization and Agricultural Terms of Trade in China:Price Scissors Revisited.pdf
    • What Does Liberalization without Price Competition Achieve?The Case of Cocoa in Ghana.pdf
    • A non-compensatory choice modeling analysis of Japanese consumers’ preferences for beef:A choice experiment approach.pdf
    • An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-Related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations.pdf
    • Borrowing Amongst Friends:The Economics of Informal Credit in Rural China.pdf
    • Contract Designs and Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program in the Era of Biofuel Production.pdf
    • Determinants of productivity change of crop and dairy farms in Germany,the Netherlands and Sweden in 1995-2004.pdf
    • Dynamics of the restructuring fresh produce food markets in the southern African region.pdf
    • Efficiency Measurements in Multi-activity Data Envelopment Analysis with Shared Inputs:An Application to Farmers’ Organizations in Taiwan.pdf
    • Estimation of Actual and potential adoption rates and determinants of a new technology not universally known in the population:The case of NERICA rice varieties in Guinea.pdf
    • Fluctuation and Cycle of Pork Price in China.pdf
    • Impact of Land Institutional Factors on Farm Management and Soil Quality.pdf
  • 5.59 MB
  • 2010-1-26
  • 209553.rar

    • 资本流动、对外直接投资和最优税制.doc
    • The Economic Impacts of Immigration of High-skill Workers in the Context of Globalization.doc
    • The Effectiveness Study of Area-based Yield Crop Insurance Application in China.doc
    • The Effects of Housing Reform on Durables Consumption in China.doc
    • The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment:Evidence from China.pdf
    • The Impact of Off-farm Employment on Rural Factor Market Development and Village Incomes.doc
    • The Impact of Rural Taxation Reform on Farmer’s Household Income.doc
    • The Transmission Effects of World Demographic Changes in an International Multi-Region Overlapping Generations Model.doc
    • Trade Openness, Domestic Terms of Trade, and Welfare of Agricultural Producers in China.doc
    • Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy.doc
    • Understanding Variation in the Design of China’s New Cooperative Medical System.doc
    • Understanding Why Household Incomes Are More Unequally Distributed in China than in Russia.doc
    • Urban size, efficiency and agglomeration economies:the case of China.pdf
    • Water Shortages, Intersectoral Water Allocation and Economic Growth:The Case of China.pdf
    • Will health inequality be enlarged——the demand for preventive care.doc
    • 从经济体制改革进程看有中国特色的社会主义市场化改革─中国大陆经济崛起的内在制度环境.doc
    • 儿童学习成绩变化——对农村父母回流决策的影响.doc
    • 工业集聚与城市经济效率的因果关系和决定因素—中国城市的空间计量经济实证分析.doc
    • 绝对教育年限与相对教育位置的收入效应.doc
    • 农村道路建设对减缓贫困的影响评估.doc
    • 农村小学布局结构调整前后政府教育投入的变化研究.doc
    • 我国外资银行风险监管的研究.doc
    • 新型农村合作医疗与农村养老行为.doc
    • 学生学习成绩变化对父母回流决策的影响CES.doc
    • 中国房地产市场的制度缺陷与调控政策选择.doc
    • 中国工业民主和员工参与制度及功能:国企民企外企的比较——来自湖南的调查.doc
    • 中国工业民主和员工参与制度与功能:国企民企外企的比较——来自湖南的调查.doc
    • 中国经济增长与政府官员评价机制.doc
  • 3.19 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 169107.rar
       Feenstra的《Advanced International Trade》完整版下载

    • 2003431319954749.zip
    • 20034314392166695.zip
    • 20034314422681598.zip
    • 20034314454971459.zip
    • 20034314533178439.zip
    • 20034314564542295.zip
    • Appendix A Price,Productivity and Terms of Trade Indexes.pdf
    • Appendix B Discrete Choice Models.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
    • chapter2.pdf
    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter7.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
    • chapter10.pdf
    • chapter11.pdf
    • contents.pdf
    • References.pdf
  • 2.67 MB
  • 2007-10-31
  • 102206.rar
       [下载]2007年第1期的China & World Economy

    • China's FDI Net Inflow and Deterioration of Terms of Trade:Paradox and Explanation.pdf
    • China's Rapid Accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Its Policy Implications.pdf
    • China's State Security in a Time of Peaceful Development.pdf
    • Financing Alternatives for Chinese Small and Medium Enterprise.pdf
    • Changes in China's Main Economic Indicators.pdf
    • China&World Economy Table of Contents Issues No.1-6.2006.pdf
  • 3.24 MB
  • 2007-3-24