大小 上传时间
  • 20 t-test for two independent samples in Stata.mp4.zip

    • 20 t-test for two independent samples in Stata.mp4
  • 38.68 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 19 t-test for two paired samples.mp4.zip

    • 19 t-test for two paired samples.mp4
  • 24.03 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 18 One-sample t-test in Stata.mp4.zip

    • 18 One-sample t-test in Stata.mp4
  • 29.56 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • R.zip

    • 5.t-test.R
    • .Rhistory
    • 1-R语言与统计分析.pptx
    • 1.R
    • 10.1R语言实现偏最小二乘回归.pdf
    • 10.主成分回归偏最小二乘回归.pptx
    • 11.变量的选择lasso.R
    • 11.变量选择.pptx
    • 12.cluster.R
    • 12.聚类.pptx
    • 13.分类discriminant.R
    • 13.判别分析.pdf
    • 14.principal.R
    • 14.主成分分析.pptx
    • 15.factor.R
    • 15.因子分析.pptx
    • 16.典型相关分析.pptx
    • 16.典型相关分析CAAPLS.R
    • 17.1多分类logistic模型,神经网络和决策树mull-party.R
    • 17.2决策树(回归树).R
    • 17.神经网络和决策树nnet-ppt.pdf
    • 18.决策树回归树随机森林.pptx
    • 18.随机森林RandomForest.R
    • 19.关联规则.pptx
    • 19.关联规则Association.R
    • 2-R语言数据构造.pptx
    • 2.R
    • 3-统计图形基本绘图 .pptx
    • 3.plot.R
    • 4-R语言_语句组_循环_条件控制.pptx
    • 4.控制语句.R
    • 5.均值比较.pptx
    • 6.回归.R
    • 6.回归分析.pptx
    • 7.1logistic回归、probit回归与poission回归.pptx
    • 7.glm.R
    • 7.广义线性模型glms.pdf
    • 9.1非参数变系数回归.pdf
    • 9.1非参数回归nonparametric.R
    • 9.2半参数回归semiparametric.R
    • 9.非参数回归.ppt
    • bank.csv
    • broadband.csv
    • Do you really know p-value.pptx
    • ICC.pdf
    • loan.csv
    • prostate.csv
    • Rcolor.pdf
    • R语言与统计分析课程回顾.pptx
    • titanic.raw.rdata
    • 二元回归分析smatr.pdf
    • 保健品.csv
    • 基于经验似然的变点分析.pdf
    • 抑郁症.RData
  • 19.9 MB
  • 2016-6-6
  • ExcelDataAnalysisWorkBookExamples.zip

    • t-test workbook.xlsx
    • a blank grocery list.xlsx
    • A simple array formula.xlsx
    • A Simple Budget.xlsx
    • A worksheet for illustrating the ranking functions.xlsx
    • Another Simple Budget.xlsx
    • Apple production collapses.xlsx
    • Bad data arrangement fixed with text functions.xlsx
    • Book SRPs vs. Annual Units #1.xlsx
    • Book SRPs vs. Annual Units #2.xlsx
    • Book SRPs vs. Annual Units #3.xlsx
    • capbudget example.xlsx
    • Datalist of coffees #2.xlsx
    • Datalist of coffees with pivottable custom calculations.xlsx
    • Datalist of coffees.xlsx
    • Datalist of herbal tea sales.xlsx
    • David vs Goliath.xlsx
    • Exploring effect of ads on sales #2.xlsx
    • Exploring effect of ads on sales.xlsx
    • figure for chi square discussion.xlsx
    • Figure for DAVERAGE #2.xlsx
    • Figure for DAVERAGE #3.xlsx
    • Figure for DAVERAGE.xlsx
    • Figure for DCOUNT and DCOUNTA.xlsx
    • Figure for DGET.xlsx
    • Figure for DMAX and DMIN.xlsx
    • Figure for DSTDEV and DSTDEVP.xlsx
    • Figure for DSUM.xlsx
    • Figure for DVAR and DVARP.xlsx
    • Golf scores in FREQUENCY bins.xlsx
    • Good data but bad arrangement.xlsx
    • grocery list #1.xlsx
    • grocery list #2.xlsx
    • grocery list #3.xlsx
    • grocery list #4.xlsx
    • grocery list setup for advanced filters.xlsx
    • Illustrating the PROB function.xlsx
    • Sales and profits continue to increase.xlsx
    • Simple budget worksheet.xlsx
    • Solver workbook example.xlsx
    • temps for moving averages.xlsx
    • text I've just imported.xlsx
    • Uniform distribution six sides of a die.xlsx
    • z-test workbook.xlsx
  • 393.62 KB
  • 2014-11-18
  • Excel2007DataAnalysisFD_SampleWorkBooks.zip

    • t-test workbook.xlsx
    • Datalist of herbal tea sales.xlsx
    • David vs Goliath.xlsx
    • Exploring effect of ads on sales #2.xlsx
    • Exploring effect of ads on sales.xlsx
    • figure for chi square discussion.xlsx
    • Figure for DAVERAGE #2.xlsx
    • Figure for DAVERAGE #3.xlsx
    • Figure for DAVERAGE.xlsx
    • Figure for DCOUNT and DCOUNTA.xlsx
    • Figure for DGET.xlsx
    • Figure for DMAX and DMIN.xlsx
    • Figure for DSTDEV and DSTDEVP.xlsx
    • Figure for DSUM.xlsx
    • Figure for DVAR and DVARP.xlsx
    • Golf scores in FREQUENCY bins.xlsx
    • Good data but bad arrangement.xlsx
    • grocery list #1.xlsx
    • grocery list #2.xlsx
    • grocery list #3.xlsx
    • grocery list #4.xlsx
    • Illustrating the PROB function.xlsx
    • Sales and profits continue to increase.xlsx
    • Solver workbook example.xlsx
    • temps for moving averages.xlsx
    • text I've just imported.xlsx
    • z-test workbook.xlsx
    • A simple array formula.xlsx
    • A Simple Budget.xlsx
    • A worksheet for illustrating the ranking functions.xlsx
    • Another Simple Budget.xlsx
    • Apple production collapses.xlsx
    • Bad data arrangement fixed with text functions.xlsx
    • Book SRPs vs. Annual Units #1.xlsx
    • Book SRPs vs. Annual Units #2.xlsx
    • Book SRPs vs. Annual Units #3.xlsx
    • Datalist of coffees #2.xlsx
    • Datalist of coffees.xlsx
  • 331.34 KB
  • 2013-9-17
  • 52 One-sample t-test in Stata.rar

    • 52 One-sample t-test in Stata.flv
  • 6.76 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 51 t-test for two independent samples in Stata.rar

    • 51 t-test for two independent samples in Stata.flv
  • 8.31 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 50 t-test for two paired samples in Stata.rar

    • 50 t-test for two paired samples in Stata.flv
  • 8.26 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 32 Immediate commands in Stata_ One sample t-tests from summar.rar

    • 32 Immediate commands in Stata_ One sample t-tests from summar.flv
  • 3.35 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 31 Immediate commands in Stata_ Two sample t-tests from summar.rar

    • 31 Immediate commands in Stata_ Two sample t-tests from summar.flv
  • 4.07 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • Using R to do unrelated t-tests.zip

    • Using R to do unrelated t-tests.webm
  • 5.75 MB
  • 2011-10-22
  • Using R to do a related t-test.zip

    • Using R to do a related t-test.webm
  • 3.92 MB
  • 2011-10-22
  • 2000 to 2009.rar

    • 2005 Are Emerging Financial Markets Efficient-Some Evidence From The Models Of The Thai Stock Market.doc
    • 2005 Reflections On The Efficient Market Hypothesis-30 Years Later.pdf
    • 2006 A Dynamic Characterization Of Efficiency.pdf
    • 2006 An Alternative Definition Of Market Efficiency And Some Comments On Its Empirical Testing.pdf
    • 2006 An Empirical Test Of The Efficiency Hypothesis On The Renminbi Ndf In Hong Kong Market.pdf
    • 2006 Simulating Stock Returns Under Switching Regimes-A New Test Of Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 2007 On The Importance Of Clean Accounting Measures For The Tests Of Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 2007 Weak Form Efficiency In Indian Stock Markets.pdf
    • 2008 A Note On The Use Of Moving Average Trading Rules To Test For Weak Form Efficiency In Capital Markets.pdf
    • 2008 Measuring The Functional Efficiency Of Capital Markets.pdf
    • 2008 Testing Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress.pdf
    • 2009 Empirical Evidence On Indian Stock Market Efficiency In Context Of The Global Financial Crisis.pdf
    • 2009 Testing The Predictability And Efficiency Of Securitized Real Estate Markets.pdf
    • 2009 Testing The Semi-Strong Form Efficiency Of Indian Stock Market With Respect To Information Content Of Stock Split Announcement-A Study In It Industry.pdf
    • 2000 Information, Nonexcludability, And Financial Market Structure.pdf
    • 2000 Is The Stock Market Overvalued.pdf
    • 2000 Rational Markets-Yes Or No-The Affirmative Case.pdf
    • 2000 The Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
    • 2001 A Surprising Development-Tests Of The Capital Asset Pricing Model And The Efficient Market Hypothesis In Turkey'S Securities Markets.pdf
    • 2002 Market Timing And Capital Structure.pdf
    • 2003 A Survey Of Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 2003 Modeling And Forecasting Realized Volatility.pdf
    • 2003 The Efficient Market Hypothesis And Its Critics.pdf
    • 2004 The Capital Asset Pricing Model-Theory And Evidence.pdf
    • 2004 The Efficiency Of Canadian Capital Markets-Some Bank Of Canada Research.pdf
  • 9.97 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • data.rar

    • segment-test.arff
    • weather.arff
    • weather.nominal.arff
    • contact-lenses.arff
    • cpu.arff
    • cpu.with.vendor.arff
    • iris.arff
    • labor.arff
    • segment-challenge.arff
    • soybean.arff
  • 107.58 KB
  • 2010-4-2
  • 2000 to 2009.rar

    • 2005 Are Emerging Financial Markets Efficient-Some Evidence From The Models Of The Thai Stock Market.doc
    • 2005 Reflections On The Efficient Market Hypothesis-30 Years Later.pdf
    • 2006 A Dynamic Characterization Of Efficiency.pdf
    • 2006 An Alternative Definition Of Market Efficiency And Some Comments On Its Empirical Testing.pdf
    • 2006 An Empirical Test Of The Efficiency Hypothesis On The Renminbi Ndf In Hong Kong Market.pdf
    • 2006 Simulating Stock Returns Under Switching Regimes-A New Test Of Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 2007 On The Importance Of Clean Accounting Measures For The Tests Of Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 2007 Weak Form Efficiency In Indian Stock Markets.pdf
    • 2008 A Note On The Use Of Moving Average Trading Rules To Test For Weak Form Efficiency In Capital Markets.pdf
    • 2008 Measuring The Functional Efficiency Of Capital Markets.pdf
    • 2008 Testing Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress.pdf
    • 2009 Empirical Evidence On Indian Stock Market Efficiency In Context Of The Global Financial Crisis.pdf
    • 2009 Testing The Predictability And Efficiency Of Securitized Real Estate Markets.pdf
    • 2009 Testing The Semi-Strong Form Efficiency Of Indian Stock Market With Respect To Information Content Of Stock Split Announcement-A Study In It Industry.pdf
    • 2000 Information, Nonexcludability, And Financial Market Structure.pdf
    • 2000 Is The Stock Market Overvalued.pdf
    • 2000 Rational Markets-Yes Or No-The Affirmative Case.pdf
    • 2000 The Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
    • 2001 A Surprising Development-Tests Of The Capital Asset Pricing Model And The Efficient Market Hypothesis In Turkey'S Securities Markets.pdf
    • 2002 Market Timing And Capital Structure.pdf
    • 2003 A Survey Of Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 2003 Modeling And Forecasting Realized Volatility.pdf
    • 2003 The Efficient Market Hypothesis And Its Critics.pdf
    • 2004 The Capital Asset Pricing Model-Theory And Evidence.pdf
    • 2004 The Efficiency Of Canadian Capital Markets-Some Bank Of Canada Research.pdf
  • 9.97 MB
  • 2010-3-24
  • 社会科学统计(英文版)(五).rar

    • Lecture 5 T-Test (W).pdf
  • 367.48 KB
  • 2009-10-17
  • 66974.rar

    • panel-unit-root-tests.pdf
    • Nonlinear IV Panel Unit Root Tests.pdf
    • Nonparametric Tests for Unit Roots and Cointegration.pdf
    • Panel Cointegration Testing using Nonlinear Instruments.pdf
    • Panel Data Unit Root Tests with an Application.pdf
    • Panel unit root and panel cointegration methods.pdf
    • panel unit root cointegration.pdf
    • Panel Unit Roots and Cointegration_Evidence for OECD Energy .pdf
    • Spurious Regression and Residual-Based Tests for Cointegration in Panel Data.pdf
    • Taking a New Contour A Novel Approach to Panel Unit Root Tests.pdf
    • Testing for Unit Roots in Panel Data An Exploration Using Rea and Simulated Datal.pdf
    • Testing for Unit Roots in Panel Data.pdf
    • The Local Power of Some Unit Root Tests for Panel Data.pdf
    • Unit roots and cointegration in panels.pdf
    • 单位根检验新进展.doc
    • 面板单位根检验理论及其应用研究综述.doc
    • A Panel Bootstrap Cointegration Test.pdf
    • Asymptotically Normal Unit Root Testing_Extensions to Panel Data and Structural Breaks.pdf
    • Cointegration versus Spurious Regression in Heterogeneous Panels.pdf
    • Comparison of Panel Cointegration Tests.pdf
    • Mixed Signals Among Tests for Panel Cointegration.pdf
  • 8.67 MB
  • 2006-10-12