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  • An Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis.rar
       An Introduction to Aircraft St ...

    • 185617932XAircraftAnalysis.pdf
  • 4.62 MB
  • 2017-5-23
  • Fundamentals of Structural Analysis 5th - 2018.rar

    • Fundamentals of Structural Analysis 5th - 2018.pdf
  • 36.16 MB
  • 2017-4-28
  • A Theory of Social Structure and Action-Cambridge University Press (2002).rar

    • (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) Nan Lin-Social Capital_ A Theory of Social Structure and Action-Cambridge University Press (2002).pdf
  • 11.29 MB
  • 2017-4-16
  • europe in crisis - a structural analysis (2016).rar
       europe in crisis - a structural analysis (2016)

    • europe in crisis - a structural analysis (2016).pdf
  • 3.81 MB
  • 2016-11-22
  • Europe in Crisis_A Structural Analysis.zip

    • Europe in Crisis_A Structural Analysis.pdf
    • Europe in Crisis_A Structural Analysis.epub
  • 5.25 MB
  • 2016-11-22
  • (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) Nan Lin-Social Capital_ A Theory of.rar

    • (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) Nan Lin-Social Capital_ A Theory of Social Structure and Action -Cambridge University Press (2001).pdf
  • 772.43 KB
  • 2016-3-31
  • 22-41.rar

    • ‘GMO-Free’ Labels–Enhancing Transparency or Deceiving Consumers?.pdf
    • Adoption of Food Safety and Quality Standards by China’s Agricultural Cooperatives:A Way out of Monitoring Production Practices of Numerous Small-scale Farmers?.pdf
    • Answer to the challenges of the 21st century in the Hungarian pig sector.pdf
    • Application of Prospective Structural Analysis to Rural Development Strategy.pdf
    • Asymmetric Response of Nutrient Intakes to Cereal Price Changes among the Poor in China:Implications for the Effect of Cereal Price Subsidies on the Poor’s Nutrient Intakes.pdf
    • Biofuel policies and the environment:the effects of biofuel feedstock production on climate,water quality and biodiversity.pdf
    • Consumer preferences for ground beef packaged under a modified atmosphere.pdf
    • Food-safety Standards and Farmers Health:Evidence from Kenyan’s Export Vegetable Growers.pdf
    • Green auctions versus uniform agri-environmental payments under heterogeneous conditions.pdf
    • Impact of the EU Milk Quota on Structural Change in the Dairy Sectors of Germany and The Netherlands.pdf
    • Impacts of Retailers’ Pricing Strategies for Produce Commodities on Farmer Welfare.pdf
    • Is Wal-Mart a Monopsony?Evidence from Local Labor Markets.pdf
    • Modes of Land Access and Welfare Impacts in Uganda.pdf
    • Performance Analysis of Production and Trade of Indian Silk under WTO Regime.pdf
    • Prevalence and drivers of seed and pollen-mediated gene flow in sorghum:implications for biosafety regulations and policy in Kenya.pdf
    • Technical efficiency of organic milk-farms in Germany——the role of subsidies and of regional factors.pdf
    • The patterns of retail price variation:The case of milk products.pdf
    • Weather,Climate,and Agricultural Disaster Payments in the Southeastern U.S..pdf
    • What makes exit from poverty:Investigation of smallholder women livestock farmers in Bangladesh.pdf
    • Why market institutions disfavor smallholder farmers’ compliance with international food safety standards:Evidence from Kenya,Zambia and Ethiopia.pdf
  • 5.77 MB
  • 2009-9-3
  • 191307.pdf
       Math - Matrix (Structural Analysis with an Introduction to Finite Elements)

  • 5.09 MB
  • 2008-1-29
  • 24389.zip
       [下载][Finance] Structural Analysis Of Discrete Data And Econometrics

    • ch1.pdf
    • ch11.pdf
    • ch13.pdf
    • ch2.pdf
    • ch3.pdf
    • ch4.pdf
    • ch5.pdf
    • ch6.pdf
    • ch7.pdf
    • ch8.pdf
    • ch9.pdf
    • chapter10.pdf
    • chapter12.pdf
    • cover.pdf
    • ed_intro.pdf
    • front_matter.pdf
    • index.pdf
  • 16.55 MB
  • 2005-8-29
  • 9691.rar
       [讨论]Structural Equation Modeling

    • Structural Analysis Equations.pdf
  • 295.45 KB
  • 2005-3-6
  • 9529.rar
       [分享]Structural Analysis of Discrete Data and Econometric Applications第二部分

    • ch12.pdf
    • ch13.pdf
    • cover.pdf
    • ed_intro.pdf
    • index.pdf
    • Structural Analysis of Discrete Data and Econometric Applications.pdf
    • ch6.pdf
    • ch7.pdf
    • ch8.pdf
    • ch9.pdf
    • ch10.pdf
    • ch11.pdf
  • 2.74 MB
  • 2005-3-3
  • 9528.rar
       [分享]Structural Analysis of Discrete Data and Econometric Applications第一部分

    • ch3.pdf
    • ch4.pdf
    • ch5.pdf
    • ch1.pdf
    • ch2.pdf
  • 3.5 MB
  • 2005-3-3