大小 上传时间
  • TVP-VAR.zip

    • Koop, Korobilis - 2013 - Large time-varying parameter VARs-annotated.pdf
    • Nakajima - 2011 - Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Methodology and Empirical Applications.pdf
    • Primiceri - 2005 - Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy-annotated.pdf
  • 1.87 MB
  • 2022-2-5
  • 数量金融 Quantitative Finance,Paul Wilmott:Excel Spreadsheets and VBA.rar

    • 3. Random Behavior of Assets.XLS
    • 4. Stochastic Calculus.XLS
    • 7. Black-Scholes Formulae.XLS
    • 9. Early Exercise and American Options.xls
    • 10. Probability Density Functions and First Exit Times.XLS
    • 11. Multi-asset options.XLS
    • 12. How to Delta Hedge.XLS
    • 13. Fixed Income Products and Analysis.XLS
    • 15. Binomial Model.XLS
    • 17. Investment Lessons from Blackjack and Gambling.xls
    • 18. Portfolio Management.XLS
    • 19. Value at Risk.XLS
    • 20. Predicting the Markets.XLS
    • 23. Barrier Options.xls
    • 29. Equity and FX Term Sheets.xls
    • 30. One-factor Interest Rate Modeling.XLS
    • 33. Convertible Bonds.xls
    • 37. Heath, Jarrow and Morton.XLS
    • 38. Fixed Income Term Sheets.xls
    • 40. Credit Risk.xls
    • 43. CrashMetrics.XLS
    • 47. Discrete Hedging.XLS
    • 51. Stochastic Volatility.XLS
    • 52. Uncertain Parameters.xls
    • 56. Volatility Case Study The Cliquet Option.xls
    • 77. Finite-difference Methods for One-factor Models.xls
    • 80. Monte Carlo Simulation.XLS
    • 81. Numerical Integration.XLS
    • 82. Finite-difference Programs.XLS
    • 83. Monte Carlo Programs.xls
  • 5.05 MB
  • 2021-5-9
  • Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Metho.zip

    • Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Methodology and Empirical Applications.pdf
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  • 2019-11-11
  • Time-Varing Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility.rar

    • Time-Varing Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility.pdf
  • 798.84 KB
  • 2017-2-19
  • Continuous Time Approximations to GARCH and Stochastic Volatility Models.zip

    • Continuous Time Approximations to GARCH and Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
  • 493.5 KB
  • 2016-12-28
  • Stochastic Volatility Modeling.zip

    • Stochastic Volatility Modeling.pdf
  • 99.27 MB
  • 2016-12-9
  • WinBUGS for A Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models.rar

    • WinBUGS for A Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
  • 1.2 MB
  • 2016-5-22
  • A Stochastic Volatility Model With Conditional Skewness.rar

    • A Stochastic Volatility Model With Conditional Skewness.pdf
  • 318.95 KB
  • 2016-4-7

  • 846.18 KB
  • 2014-9-26
  • Finance Option Pricing and Price Processes Simulation.rar

    • 2 Efficient Monte Carlo Pricing of Basket Options.pdf
    • 3 Monte Carlo Pricing.pdf
    • 4 Testing the Models of Stock Price Processes Using Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method.pdf
    • 5 Path Generation for Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of Mortgage Backed Securities.pdf
    • 6 Applications of Monte CarloQuasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Finance Option Pricing.pdf
    • 7 Variance Reduction of Monte Carlo and Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Estimators for Stochastic Volatility Models in Finance.pdf
    • 8 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
    • 1 Quasi-Monte Carlo Approaches to Option Pricing.pdf
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  • 2014-9-8

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  • 2013-5-1
  • Simulation-based sequential analysis of Markov switching stochastic volatility models.rar

    • Simulation-based sequential analysis of Markov switching stochastic volatility models.pdf
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  • 2013-1-23
  • Regime-switching stochastic volatility and short-term interest rates.rar

    • Regime-switching stochastic volatility and short-term interest rates.pdf
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  • 2013-1-19
  • 定价理论的经典文献2.zip

    • (Harrison pliska)a stochastic calculus model of continuous trading complete markets.pdf
    • A Continuous Time Arbitrage Pricing Model with Stochastic Volatility and Jumps..pdf
    • A Path Integral Approach to Option Pricing with Stochastic Volatility Some Exact Results.pdf
    • Bond Pricing and the Term Structure o Interest Rates A New Methodology for Contingent Claims Valuation .pdf
    • Changes of Numéraire, Changes of Probability Measure and Option Pricing.pdf
    • coherent measures of risk.pdf
    • Hedging with Stochastic and Local Volatility.pdf
    • Louis Bachelier’s “Theory of Speculation.pdf
    • ON CHANGES OF MEASURE IN S TOCHASTIC volatility models.pdf
    • Option Pricing Kernels and the ICAPM.PDF
    • Option Pricing with Lévy Process .pdf
    • Option Valuation with Jumps in Returns and volatility.pdf
    • Peter Carr.pdf
    • RJarrow%20MarketEfficiency6.pdf
    • stcochastic local volatility.pdf
    • The Pricing of Commodity Contracts.pdf
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  • 2012-7-25
  • 经典论文2.zip

    • Option values under stochastic volatility Theory and empirical estimates.pdf
    • option pricing when underlying stock returns are discntinuious.pdf
    • pricing with smile.pdf
    • Probability_of_Loss_on_Loan_Portfolio.pdf
    • qunatitative strategies research notes.pdf
    • static simplicity.pdf
    • the market model of interest rate dynamics.pdf
    • The Pricing of Foreign Currency Options.pdf
    • The Valuation of Option Contracts and a Test of Market Efficiency.pdf
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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics S.rar

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    • Say's Law The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • Multiscale Stochastic Volatility.rar

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  • 2012-3-21
  • Derivatives in Financial Markets with Stochastic Volatility.rar

    • Derivatives in Financial Markets with Stochastic Volatility.djvu
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  • 2011-4-3
  • selected papers 5.zip

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    • 1994 Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Jrnl of Bus & Econ Stats.pdf
    • Bayesian Analysis of Linear Factor Models with.pdf
    • Bayesian Estimation of a Stochast.pdf
    • Lecture 12_ Bayesian Estimation o.pdf
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  • 2010-9-5
  • Bayesian analysis and MCMC 4.zip

    • Discrete-Time Stochastic Volatili.pdf
    • discussion of MCMC-based inference by R.pdf
    • Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models- An.pdf
    • Inference With Non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes.pdf
    • LectureNotes_6 MCMC.pdf
    • marginal likelihood from Gibbs output.pdf
    • marginal likelihood from metropolis-hasting output.pdf
    • Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Statistical Inference.pdf
    • Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian Analysis.pdf
    • Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for Generalized Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
    • markov chain monte carlo simulation methods in econometrics.pdf
    • Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions Luke Tierney.pdf
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  • 2010-9-5
  • Bayesian analysis and MCMC 3.zip

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    • MCMC analysis of diffusian model with application to finance.pdf
    • MCMC and Gibbs sampling.pdf
    • MCMC Bayesian Estimation of a Skew-GED Stochastic.pdf
    • McMC Estimation of Multiscale Sto.pdf
    • MCMC for bayesian analysis.pdf
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    • MCMC Methods for Continuous-Time financial econometrics.pdf
    • MCMC Methods for Estimating Stochastic volatility model with leverage effect.pdf
    • MCMC Methods for Financial Econometrics.pdf
    • MCMC methods implemetation and comparison.pdf
    • mcmc-gibbs-intro.pdf
    • Metropolis in R.pdf
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  • 2010-9-5
  • Bayesian analysis and MCMC 2.zip

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    • Monte carlo methods and bayesian computation.pdf
    • monte carlo sampling using markov chain and their applications.pdf
    • On leverage in a stochastic volat.pdf
    • on mcmc method for nonlinear and non-gaussian state-space model.pdf
    • Parameterisation and Efficient MC.pdf
    • Probabilistic Inference Using MCMC.pdf
    • Robust Bayesian Analysis of Heavy.pdf
    • Simulation and Monte Carlo with Applications,Dagpunar - John Wiley.pdf
    • Stochastic Volatility- Likelihood Inference and Comparison with ARCH Models.pdf
    • student-seminar.pdf
    • The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation .pdf
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  • 2010-9-5
  • heston.rar

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    • Pricing American-style Derivatives under the Heston Model.pdf
    • Convexity of option prices in the Heston model.pdf
    • Finite Difference Schemes for Heston model.pdf
    • Heston’s Stochastic Volatility.pdf
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    • The Heston Model.pdf
    • The Heston Model A Practical Approach with matlab code.pdf
    • [The Review of Financial Studies, Heston] A Closed-Form Solution for Options with Stochastic Volatility with Applications to Bond and Currency Options.pdf
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  • 2010-1-16
  • Stochastic Volatility and the Pricing of Financial Derivatives.rar

    • Stochastic Volatility and the Pricing of Financial Derivatives.pdf
  • 6.6 MB
  • 2009-10-12
  • 278945.pdf
       [下载]BUGS for a Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models

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  • 2008-12-21
  • 264576.rar
       [推荐]诺奖获得者Robert F. Engle论文N篇

    • The Econometrics of Ultra-High-Frequency Data.pdf
    • [Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
    • A Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Covariances.pdf
    • Band Spectrum Regression.pdf
    • Co-Integration and Error Correction-Representation, Estimation, and Testing.pdf
    • Common Volatility in International Equity Markets.pdf
    • Estimates of the Variance of U. S. Inflation Based upon the ARCH Model.pdf
    • Estimating Time Varying Risk Premia in the Term Structure-The Arch-M Model.pdf
    • Exact Maximum Likelihood Methods for Dynamic Regressions and Band Spectrum Regressions.pdf
    • Multivariate Simultaneous Generalized Arch.pdf
    • Semiparametric ARCH Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Properties of ARCH Estimators and Tests.pdf
    • Specification of the Disturbance for Efficient Estimation.pdf
    • Statistical Models for Financial Volatility.pdf
    • Testing for Regression Coefficient Stability with a Stationary AR(1) Alternative.pdf
    • Testing Price Equations for Stability Across Spectral Frequency Bands.pdf
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  • 2008-11-7
  • 251968.pdf
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  • 2008-9-30
  • 250871.pdf
       [下载] Stochastic Volatility Selected Readings

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  • 2008-9-26
  • 215495.pdf
       stochastic volatility

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    • The pricing of options on assets with stochastic volatility.pdf
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  • 180749.rar
       Stochastic Volatility: Selected Readings (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)

    • 9780199257195-0199257191.pdf
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  • 2007-12-11
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    • Multi-Factor Term Structure Models.pdf
    • Nonparametric Modeling of U.S. Interest Rate Term Structure Dynamics and Implications on the Prices of Derivative Securities.pdf
    • The Stochastic Volatility of Short-Term Interest Rates-Some International Evidence.pdf
    • Gaussian Estimation of Single-Factor Continuous Time Models of the Term.pdf
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       国外论文:A Path Integral Approach to Option Pricing with Stochastic VolatilitySome Exact

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  • 2007-4-28
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       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 27 Bollerslev and Zhou-2002-Estimating stochastic volatility diffusion using conditional moments of integrated volatility.pdf
    • 26 Bollerslev and Zhou-2002-Corrigendum to “Estimating stochastic volatility diffusion using conditional moments of integrated volatility”.pdf
    • 25 Bollerslev and Zhang-2003-Measuring and modeling systematic risk in factor pricing models using high-frequency data.pdf
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  • 42018.rar
       最新The Journal of Finance (February 2006 - Vol. 61 Issue 1 Page i-492)

    • 6-Empirical Evidence on Capital Investment, Growth Options, and Security Returns.pdf
    • 8-The Limits of Investor Behavior.pdf
    • 9-The Cross-Section of Volatility and Expected Returns.pdf
    • 10-Competing for Securities Underwriting Mandates--Banking Relationships and Analyst Recommendations.pdf
    • 11-Unspanned Stochastic Volatility-- Evidence from Hedging Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf
    • 12-Wealth and Executive Compensation.pdf
    • 13-Initial Public Offerings-- An Analysis of Theory and Practice.pdf
    • 14-Finance as a Barrier to Entry-- Bank Competition and Industry Structure in Local U.S. Markets.pdf
    • 15-Investor Tax Heterogeneity and Ex-Dividend Day Trading Volume.pdf
    • 16-MISCELLANEA.pdf
    • 1-What Works in Securities Laws.pdf
    • 2-Investment and Financing Constraints-- Evidence from the Funding of Corporate Pension Plans.pdf
    • 3-Favoritism in Mutual Fund Families- Evidence on Strategic Cross-Fund Subsidization.pdf
    • 4-Information Uncertainty and Stock Returns.pdf
    • 5-Asset Pricing Implications of Nonconvex Adjustment Costs and Irreversibility of Investment.pdf
    • 7-The Price Impact and Survival of Irrational Traders.pdf
  • 4.97 MB
  • 2006-3-6
  • 22539.rar
       [下载]Mathematical finance (journal)October 2004 Volume 14

    • vasicek beyond the normal.pdf
    • Dynamic Minimization of Worst Conditional Expectation of Shortfall.pdf
  • 1005.06 KB
  • 2005-8-10
  • 21088.rar

    • Analytical comparisons of option prices in stochastic volatility models.pdf
  • 88.46 KB
  • 2005-7-29
  • 18352.rar
       [下载]Analytical comparisons of option prices in stochastic volatility models

    • Analytical comparisons of option prices in stochastic volatility models.pdf
  • 88.46 KB
  • 2005-7-3