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    • Joseph E. Stiglitz - Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy_ An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity (2016, W. W. Norton).epub
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  • 2018-7-24
  • Joseph E. Stiglitz - Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy_ An Agenda for .rar

    • Joseph E. Stiglitz - Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy_ An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity (2015, W. W. Norton Company).mobi
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  • 2018-7-24
  • Stiglitz的十二本书.rar

    • 2016重写美国经济的规则(report)-stiglitz.pdf
    • 2015健康保险的道德风险.pdf
    • 2001东亚奇迹再思考.pdf
    • 2012不平等的代价.pdf
    • 2016美国政府经济政策报告?.pdf
    • 2014我们从经济危机学到了什么?.pdf
    • 2014创建学习型社会.pdf
    • 2008资本市场自由化及发展.pdf
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    • 2010自由市场的坠落.pdf
    • 2006让全球化工作?.pdf
    • 2005公平贸易.pdf
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  • 2016-6-13
  • 《Economics》(Stiglitz)(4th Edition).rar
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  • Joseph E.Stiglitz Economics of the Public Sector.rar

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  • 2015-12-12
  • A Comment on Rothschild and Stiglitz's.rar

    • A Comment on Rothschild and Stiglitz's.pdf
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  • 2015-8-28
  • Joseph E. Stiglitz - The Great Divide.epub.zip
       Stiglitz 2015: The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them

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  • 431.52 KB
  • 2015-8-25
  • e A. Akerlof, Olivier J. Blanchard, David Romer, Joseph E. Stiglitz-What Have We.zip
       What Have We Learned?: Macroeconomic Policy after the Crisis

    • e A. Akerlof, Olivier J. Blanchard, David Romer, Joseph E. Stiglitz-What Have We Learned__ Macroeconomic Policy after the Crisis-The MIT Press (2014).epub
  • 3.46 MB
  • 2015-2-10
  • Desktop.zip

    • greenwald, stiglitz, Towards A New Paradigm for Monetary Economics.pdf
    • the_contributions_of_information_economics.pdf
    • 契约经济学.pdf
    • 诺贝尔经济学奖得主斯蒂格利茨-不平等的代价.pdf
    • Stiglitz-不平等的代价.pdf
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  • 2014-10-10
  • Archive.zip

    • fault lines 断层线.pdf
    • Freakonomics_ A Rogue Economist Explores - Steven D. Levitt (Download1.ch).epub
    • Super Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt.epub
    • The Price of Inequality by Stiglitz.epub
    • Why Nations Fail, by Acemoglu and Robinson.epub
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  • 2013-12-9
  • 新经济地理学定位.rar

    • 新经济地理学定位.doc
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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics S.rar

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    • scholastic economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 农业经济主文献3.rar

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    • 62.Tiebout Charles M. 1956.A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures.pdf
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    • 59.Steven Buccola; Yoko Iizuka. 1997. Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components.pdf
    • 58.Schultz. Theodore W. 1961. Investment in Human Capital.pdf
    • 57.Schultz. Theodore W. 1965. Investing in Poor People An Economist's View.pdf
    • 56.Sachs JD, Warner AM. 1999. The big push, natural resource booms and growth.pdf
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    • 1996_莫里斯、维克瑞-委托代理理论_3.pdf
    • Competitive Bidding With Disparate Information Wilson 1969.pdf
    • Macfee and Macmillan 1991 Teams.pdf
    • Moral Hazard and Observation 1979 Holmstrom.pdf
    • Radner1981 MonitoringCoopAgreements.pdf
    • Shapiro_Stiglitz 1984 equilibrium umemployment as a discipline.pdf
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  • 7.5 MB
  • 2011-10-20
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    • alkerlof 1970 market-for-lemons.pdf
  • 3.07 MB
  • 2011-10-20
  • 11.zip

    • Greenwald & Stiglitz 2006 A Modest Proposal For International Monetary Reform.pdf
    • Gunson John - Erp In Multinational Companies.pdf
    • Handbook Of Globalization.pdf
  • 36.43 MB
  • 2011-4-26
  • finance.rar

    • family firm.pdf
    • Law and Finance.pdf
    • Screening vs. Rationing in Credit Markets with Imperfect Information 1.pdf
    • Screening vs. Rationing in Credit Markets with Imperfect Information.pdf
    • Stiglitz and Weiss.pdf
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  • 18.64 MB
  • 2010-11-20
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    • Varian1980.pdf
    • Geanakoplos1989.pdf
    • Rothschild&Stiglitz1976.pdf
    • Rubinstein1989.pdf
  • 1.04 MB
  • 2009-10-24
  • Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets.rar
       Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets:An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information by

    • Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets:An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information by Rothschild-Stiglitz_(QJE76).pdf
  • 1.57 MB
  • 2009-9-6
  • 331194.rar

    • stiglitz-lecture.pdf
    • 理解现代经济学.doc
    • 1经济学、经济学家与经济学教育.pdf
    • 10诺贝尔经济学奖世纪回顾.pdf
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  • 2009-5-30
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  • 67.66 KB
  • 2009-4-22
  • 318075.pdf

  • 127.58 KB
  • 2009-4-22
  • 317239.rar
       [下载]Dixit & Stiglitz关于垄断竞争模型的三篇文献

    • Dixit,Stiglitz(1993) - Monopoliatic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity Reply.pdf
    • Dixit,Stiglitz(1975) - Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity.pdf
    • Dixit,Stiglitz(1977) - Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity.pdf
  • 693.69 KB
  • 2009-4-20
  • 315632.pdf

  • 163.06 KB
  • 2009-4-15
  • 311116.rar
       [下载](首发)Stiglitz新作 Fair Trade for All (申请加精)

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  • 2009-4-3
  • 311115.rar
       [下载](首发)Stiglitz新作 Fair Trade for All (申请加精)

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  • 2009-4-3
  • 311114.rar
       [下载](首发)Stiglitz新作 Fair Trade for All (申请加精)

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  • 2009-4-3
  • 311113.rar
       [下载](首发)Stiglitz新作 Fair Trade for All (申请加精)

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  • 2009-4-3
  • 299180.pdf
       [下載]Principles Of Microeconomics - Stiglitz (434P)

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  • 2009-3-2
  • 261969.pdf
       [下载]Stiglitz: The future of global governance

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  • 2008-10-31
  • 253651.pdf

  • 986.66 KB
  • 2008-10-7
  • 249876.pdf
       Dixit和Stiglitz“Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity”1975年的工作论文

  • 3.08 MB
  • 2008-9-23
  • 238646.rar
       [分享]Handbook of Public Economics(34篇)(不全)

    • Chapter 13 Income Maintenance and Social Insurance - A.B. Atkinson.doc
    • Chapter 14 The Theory of Cost-Benefit Analysis - Jean Dréze and Nicholas Stern.doc
    • Chapter 15 Pareto Efficient and Optimal Taxation and the New New Welfare Economics - Joseph E. Stiglitz.w2189.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Tax Incidence - Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Lawrence H. Summers.w1864.pdf
    • Chapter 17 Taxation, Risk Taking and Household Portfolio Behavior - James M. Poterba.w8340.pdf
    • Chapter 18 Taxation and Saving - B. Douglas Bernheim.NBER Working Paper No. w7061.pdf
    • Chapter 19 Taxation and Corporate Financial Policy - Alan J. Auerbach.w8203.pdf
    • Chapter 20 Tax Policy and (Business )Investment - Kevin A. Hassett and R. Glenn Hubbard.w5683.pdf
    • Chapter 21 Taxation and Economic Efficiency - Alan J. Auerbach and James R. Hines Jr..pdf
    • Chapter 22 Tax Avoidance, Evasion, and Administration - Joel Slemrod and Shlomo Yitzhaki.w7473.pdf
  • 5.82 MB
  • 2008-8-21
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  • 2008-7-4
  • 181949.pdf
       Dixit and Stiglitz1977年文章解读

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  • 2007-12-15
  • 175498.rar
       Joseph E. Stiglitz 2001年经济学家

  • 22.1 MB
  • 2007-11-20
  • 167287.pdf
       请教Stiglitz、 Weiss(1981)Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information中的一个

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  • 2007-10-24
  • 152553.pdf
       求书:Stiglitz 《通往货币经济学的新范式》

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  • 2007-9-9
  • 120646.rar

    • Institutional Change and Economic Growth Douglass C. North.pdf
    • Longer-Run Determinants of the Economic Role of the U.S. Government Douglass C. North .pdf
    • Monopoly Pricing with Interrelated Costs and Demands.pdf
    • Ocean Freight Rates and Economic Development 1750-1913 Douglass C. North .pdf
    • Ocean Freight Rates and Economic Development 1750-1913 NORTH.pdf
    • Private Property Rights and Sharecropping Steven N. S. Cheung.pdf
    • Quantitative Research in American Economic History Douglass C. North.pdf
    • Should Transaction Costs be Subtracted from Gross National Product Douglass C. North .pdf
    • Some Notes on Monopoly Price.pdf
    • An Economic Theory of the Growth of the Western World Douglass C. North.pdf
    • Aspects of the X-Efficiency Theory of the Firm Leibenstein.pdf
    • Coase, R H, 1992. The Institutional Structure of Production.doc
    • Comment on McCloskey, Cohen, and Forster Douglass C. North.pdf
    • Comment on the Nature of X-Efficiency Leibenstein Douglass C. North .pdf
    • Constitutions and Commitment The Evolution of Institutional Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England.pdf
    • Economic History Its Contribution to Economic Education, Research, and Policy Douglass C. North .pdf
    • Exports and Regional Economic Growth A Reply Douglass C. North .pdf
    • Income Distribution, Market Size, and Industrialization Murphy.pdf
    • Industrialization and the Big Push Murphy.pdf
    • Institutional Change and American Economic Growth Douglass C. North .pdf
  • 17.48 MB
  • 2007-5-25
  • 119540.rar

    • Tests of Scale Effects Predicted by the Dixit-Stiglitz Model.pdf
    • Testing the scale effect predicted by the Fujita–Krugman urbanization model.pdf
    • The Crisis of Success and Feedback Quality in Managing Economic Crisis.pdf
    • The Division of Labor and the Allocation of Time.pdf
    • Theory of the firm and structure of residual rights.pdf
    • Toward a Theory of Impersonal Networking Decisions and Endogenous Structure of the Division of Labor.pdf
    • Walrasian Sequential Equilibrium, Bounded Rationality, and Social Experiments.pdf
    • 对梁琦批评的回应.PDF
    • 杨小凯:后发劣势.doc
  • 5.58 MB
  • 2007-5-23
  • 110817.pdf
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  • 2007-4-24
  • 110816.pdf
       [下载]stiglitz的两篇经典论文,journal of economic theory(1970)!

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  • 2007-4-24
  • 76052.rar

    • Rothschild stiglitz_Increasing risik.pdf
    • Rothschild_stiglitz Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information.pdf
    • Malcomson_The Multiperiod Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • Matthews_a technical primer on auction theory.pdf
    • moral hazard and verifiablity hermalin katz.pdf
    • Pratt_Risk Aversion in the Small and in the Large.pdf
    • Raiffa_Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms Comment.pdf
    • Rogerson1985_repeated moral hazard.pdf
    • Rogerson The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems.pdf
    • salop_ Evaluating Uncertain Evidence With Sir Thomas Bayes A Note for Teachers.pdf
    • sandmo Asymmetric Information and Public Economics The Mirrlees-Vickrey Nobel Prize.pdf
    • Spence_jobmarketsignaling.pdf
    • Stochastisch Dominanz.pdf
  • 9.31 MB
  • 2006-12-5
  • 51628.rar

    • Levels of economic activity across countries. By Hall, Robert E.; Jones, Charles I.. American Economic Review, May97, Vol. 87 Issue 2, p173, 5p.pdf
    • Life is not Easy---Mexico's Quest for Stability and Growth. By Lustig, Nora. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter2001, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p85-106, 22p, 1 graph.pdf
    • Market Failure and Government Failure. By Datta-Chaudhuri, Mrinal. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer90, Vol. 4 Issue 3, p25-39, 15p.pdf
    • Markets, Market Failures, and Development. By Stiglitz, Joseph E.. American Economic Review, May89, Vol. 79 Issue 2, p197, 7p.pdf
    • NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND INDIGENOUS SYSTEMS IN MEXICO SOME PROBLEMS OF ANALYSIS. By Barkin, David. Journal of Economic Issues, Dec70, Vol. 4 Issue 4, p82, 5p.pdf
    • PART 3 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CAPITAL 12. Learning from early childcare and education programs Evaluation & Development---The Institutional Dimension - World Bank on Evaluation Development, 1998, p239-261, 23p.pdf
    • Political and Economic Factors in the Development of Russia's Regions. By Piliasov, A.. Problems of Economic Transition, Oct2003, Vol. 46 Issue 6, p32-55, 24p, 1 chart.pdf
    • The Role of International Fragmentation in the Development Process. By Jones, Ronald W.; Marjit, Sugata. American Economic Review, May2001, Vol. 91 Issue 2, p363-366, 4p.pdf
    • The State of Development Theory. By Lewis, W. Arthur. American Economic Review, Mar1984, Vol. 74 Issue 1, p1, 10p.pdf
  • 7.25 MB
  • 2006-5-7
  • 45281.rar

    • 10_Determinants of Corporate Borrowing_Myers_1977.pdf
    • 1_The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment_Modigliani&Miller_1958.pdf
    • 2_Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital A Correction_Modigliani and Miller_1963.pdf
    • 3_On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy_Stiglitz_1974.pdf
    • 4_A Theory of Optimal Capital Structure_Scott_1976.pdf
    • 5_Debt and Taxes_Miller_1977.pdf
    • 6_Optimal Capital Structure under Corporate and Personal Taxation_Deangelo and Masulis_1980.pdf
    • 7_The Effect of Taxes and Depreciation on Corporate Investment and Financial Leverage_Dammon and Senbet_1988.pdf
    • 8_The Determination of Financial Structure_The Incentive-Signalling Approach_Ross_1977.pdf
    • 9_Theory of the Firm_Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure_Jensen and Meckling_1976.pdf
  • 19.65 MB
  • 2006-3-24
  • 41267.pdf
       [分享](免费的经典paper)stiglitz&weiss:Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect I

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  • 2006-3-1
  • 16530.rar

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    • hirshleifer(qje)investment decision under uncertainty-applications of the state-preference approach.pdf
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    • rosen(jel)implicit contracts-a survey.pdf
    • sims(aer)money income and causality.pdf
    • whiteman(aer)lucas on the quantity theory hypothesis testing without theory.pdf
  • 10.37 MB
  • 2005-6-7
  • 14823.rar
       [求助]如何理解Dixit ——Stiglitz模型,还有萨缪尔森的冰山理论

  • 1.3 MB
  • 2005-5-15
  • 13243.rar
       Stiglitz and Walsh: economics

  • 3.55 MB
  • 2005-4-27
  • 13242.rar
       Stiglitz and Walsh: economics

  • 3.67 MB
  • 2005-4-27
  • 13241.rar
       Stiglitz and Walsh: economics

  • 3.67 MB
  • 2005-4-27
  • 13240.rar
       Stiglitz and Walsh: economics

  • 3.67 MB
  • 2005-4-27
  • 13239.rar
       Stiglitz and Walsh: economics

  • 3.67 MB
  • 2005-4-27
  • 13027.rar
       Grossman and stiglitz 1980 的文献分析。

    • stiglitz1980.pdf
  • 1.04 MB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 13026.rar
       Grossman and stiglitz 1980 的文献分析。

    • Smart money, noise trading and stock price behavior.pdf
  • 2.85 MB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 13025.rar
       Grossman and stiglitz 1980 的文献分析。

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  • 283.52 KB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 13024.rar
       Grossman and stiglitz 1980 的文献分析。

    • A Model of Intertemporal Asset Prices Under Asymmetric Information.pdf
  • 2.79 MB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 9680.rar

    • Approaches to the Economics of Discrimination.pdf
  • 605.66 KB
  • 2005-3-6
  • 9679.rar

    • Allocation of Heterogeneous Capital Goods in a Two-Sector Economy.pdf
  • 671.25 KB
  • 2005-3-6
  • 9678.rar

    • A Re-Examination of the Modiglianimiller Theorem.pdf
  • 625.21 KB
  • 2005-3-6
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    • A Note on Technical Choice Under Full Employment in a Socialist Economy.pdf
  • 299.02 KB
  • 2005-3-6
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    • A Development Round of Trade Negotiations .pdf
  • 139.94 KB
  • 2005-3-6
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    • A Consumption-Oriented Theory of the Demand for Financial Assets and the Term Structure of Interest Rates.pdf
  • 1.4 MB
  • 2005-3-6
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       [下载]Stiglitz Walsh economics(语音版mp3,附文本)

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  • 2005-3-5
  • 9658.rar
       [下载]Stiglitz Walsh economics(语音版mp3,附文本)

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  • 2005-3-5
  • 9657.rar
       [下载]Stiglitz Walsh economics(语音版mp3,附文本)

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  • 2005-3-5
  • 2557.rar
       紧急求助Dixit, Avinash and Joseph Stiglitz的倆篇经典论文

    • 1980AER,Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • 1981JPE,Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade.pdf
  • 1.3 MB
  • 2004-11-10
  • 2377.rar

    • Grossman & Stiglitz_Informational and Competitive Price System.pdf
  • 902.69 KB
  • 2004-11-7
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    • Grossman & Stiglitz_Informational and Competitive Price System.pdf
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    • Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity..pdf
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  • 2004-10-28
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       [下载]Avinash K. Dixit重要文献专栏-->nie转移

    • Whither Greenwald-Stiglitz.pdf
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  • 2004-8-21