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  • Stata ivgravity.rar

    • ivgravity.ado
    • ivgravity.sthlp
  • 5.39 KB
  • 2020-9-11
  • Introduction to Stata in Boston College.rar
       Introduction to Stata from Boston College

    • Introduction to Stata.pdf
  • 4.54 MB
  • 2018-2-10
  • princeton-stata intro.rar

    • Programming Stata-princeton university.htm
    • Introduction to Stata-princeton university.htm
    • Data Management in Stata-princeton university.htm
    • Stata Graphics-princeton university.htm
    • effort.raw
  • 49.15 KB
  • 2014-10-29
  • stata.rar

    • Stata Journal Volume 10, Number 4.pdf
    • Simple thematic mapping.pdf
    • Stata in space-Econometric analysis of spatially explicit raster data.pdf
  • 1.64 MB
  • 2011-5-21
  • 334454.rar
       Proceedings of Mexican Stata Users Group Meetings 2009

    • 04 Multilevel modeling of ordinal responses.zip
    • 03 A review of Stata SVAR modeling capabilities.ppt
    • 02 Stata in the measurement and analysis of poverty in Mexico.zip
    • 01 Decomposition of the Gini coefficient using Stata.pdf
    • 11 Reproducible research Weaving with Stata and StatWeave.zip
    • 10 Analysis of micro data from ENIGH using Stata.pdf
    • 09 Predicting counterfactual densities with the DFL ado-file A pertinent constructive critique.pptx
    • 08 Determinants and consequences of property tax collection in Mexico.pdf
    • 07 Cointegrating VAR models and probability forecasting in Stata.ppt
    • 05 Dealing with the cryptic survey Processing labels and value labels with Mata.pdf
  • 5.01 MB
  • 2009-6-8
  • 325266.pdf
       Using Stata in Panal Data

  • 453.97 KB
  • 2009-5-13