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  • 42.zip

    • The-effect-of-cost-goal-specificity-and-new-product-development-process-on-cost-reduction-performance_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • How-do-analysts-interpret-management-range-forecasts-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Earthquakes-exceptional-government-and-extraordinary-accounting_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Multinational-investment-and-voluntary-disclosure-Project-level-evidence-from-the-petroleum-industry_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Transplanting-Anglo-American-accounting-oversight-boards-to-a-diverse-institutional-context_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 2.51 MB
  • 2016-2-20
  • williamson.zip

    • Asset specificity and economic organization.pdf
    • Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Comparative economic organization_ The analysis of discrete structural alternatives.pdf
    • Corporate finance and corporate governance.pdf
    • Economic Institutions_ Spontaneous and Intentional Governance.pdf
    • Economies as an antitrust defense_ The welfare tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Managerial discretion and business behavior.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies_ Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Organization Form, Residual Claimants, and Corporate Control.pdf
    • Peak-load pricing and optimal capacity under indivisibility constraints.pdf
    • Strategy research_ governance and competence perspectives.pdf
    • The Institutions and Govemance of Economic Development and Reform.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure_ From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The economics of organization_ the transaction cost approach.pdf
    • The modern corporation_ origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • The new institutional economics_ taking stock, looking ahead.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics_ The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Vertical integration and market foreclosure.pdf
    • Williamson-OE=The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • using hostages to support exchange.pdf
  • 41.83 MB
  • 2014-8-15
  • Alchian.rar

    • The basis of some recent advances in the theory of management of the firm.pdf
    • the meaning of ultility measurement.pdf
    • The Property Right Paradigm.pdf
    • The Rate of Interest, Fisher's Rate of Return over Costs and Keynes' Internal Rate of Return.pdf
    • uncertainty, evolution and economics.pdf
    • Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive contracting process.pdf
    • Effects of Inflation.pdf
    • On a Correct Measure of Inflation.pdf
    • Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Specificity, specialization, and coalitions.pdf
  • 10.3 MB
  • 2014-4-30
  • 156777.rar

    • Asset specificity and economic organization.pdf
    • Some uneasiness with the Coase Theorem-Comment.pdf
    • Technology and the organization of work-A rejoinder.pdf
    • Technology and transaction cost economics-A reply.pdf
    • The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • The organization of work a comparative institutional assessment.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics and business administration.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics and the Carnegie connection.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics-The comparative contracting perspective.pdf
    • Employee ownership and internal governance-A perspective.pdf
    • Markets, hierarchies, and the modern corporation-An unfolding perspective.pdf
  • 9.69 MB
  • 2007-9-22