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  • Spatial rainfall model using a pattern classifier for estimating missing daily r.rar

    • Spatial rainfall model using a pattern classifier for estimating missing daily rainfall data.pdf
  • 333.8 KB
  • 2024-9-19
  • 中国620个城市空间权重矩阵经纬度空间地理矩阵反距离矩阵经济地理矩阵GDP差值倒数.zip

    • Clustering+of+cultural+industries+in+Chinese+cities+A+spatial+panel+approach.pdf
    • General+equilibrium+effects+of+spatial+structure:Health+outcomes+and+health+behaviours+in+Scotland-+direct+and+indirect+spillove.pdf
    • Assignment%20Spatial%20Modeling.pdf
    • Course+Spatial+Econometrics+Autumn+2014+Lectures+and+computer+lab+by+J.P.+Elhorst.rar
    • LECTURE%20SESSIONS%20Course%20on%20Applied%20Spatial%20Data%20Analysis.pdf
    • 中国雾霾污染治理的经济政策选择_基于空间溢出效应的视角_邵帅-经济研究2016.pdf
    • 生产性服务业集聚如何影响制造业结_省略_济与熊彼特内生增长理论的综合框架_韩峰-管理世界2020.pdf
    • 研发要素流动_空间知识溢出与经济增长_白俊红-经济研究2017.pdf
    • 空间计量STATA代码(版本2).do
    • 空间计量stata结果分析.docx
    • 空间计量模型中权重矩阵的类型与选择_王守坤.pdf
    • 空间计量模型相关命令(版本1).do
    • 面板数据的空间计量模型的stata程序(版本3).pdf
    • 中国各城市空间权重矩阵.xlsx
  • 30.99 MB
  • 2024-1-6
  • 中国31个省份空间权重矩阵经济矩阵全国铁路主要站间货运里程表城市间公路里程表.zip

    • Clustering+of+cultural+industries+in+Chinese+cities+A+spatial+panel+approach.pdf
    • General+equilibrium+effects+of+spatial+structure:Health+outcomes+and+health+behaviours+in+Scotland-+direct+and+indirect+spillove.pdf
    • Assignment%20Spatial%20Modeling.pdf
    • Course+Spatial+Econometrics+Autumn+2014+Lectures+and+computer+lab+by+J.P.+Elhorst.rar
    • LECTURE%20SESSIONS%20Course%20on%20Applied%20Spatial%20Data%20Analysis.pdf
    • 中国31个省份空间权重矩阵.xlsx
    • 中国雾霾污染治理的经济政策选择_基于空间溢出效应的视角_邵帅-经济研究2016.pdf
    • 生产性服务业集聚如何影响制造业结_省略_济与熊彼特内生增长理论的综合框架_韩峰-管理世界2020.pdf
    • 研发要素流动_空间知识溢出与经济增长_白俊红-经济研究2017.pdf
    • 空间计量STATA代码(版本2).do
    • 空间计量stata结果分析.docx
    • 空间计量模型中权重矩阵的类型与选择_王守坤.pdf
    • 空间计量模型相关命令(版本1).do
    • 面板数据的空间计量模型的stata程序(版本3).pdf
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  • 2024-1-6
  • BayesEL.SQR.zip

    • sim.spatial.r
    • BEL.r
    • examples.r
    • IVRQ.r
    • wwIVRQ.r
  • 14.54 KB
  • 2023-12-31
  • eeus.zip

    • spatial.do
    • spatialfish_small.dta
    • spatial-testing.do
    • allstations.dta
    • annualsunspots.dta
    • ar2models.do
    • arfima.do
    • armasimulate.do
    • auto.do
    • beyond.do
    • bilinear.do
    • binary.do
    • brisbanetemp.dta
    • cb_2017_us_state_20m.dta
    • cb_2017_us_state_20m_shp.dta
    • censored.do
    • census_popnst.dta
    • cerillos.dta
    • cerrillosm.dta
    • co2breaks.do
    • co2businesscycleshocks.xls
    • co2cycles.irf
    • co2.irf
    • co2plot.do
    • cointegration.do
    • commodity.dta
    • confirmed_adj_st.dta
    • confirmed_adj_st_long.dta
    • confirmed_adj_st_pol.dta
    • consistency.do
    • corruption.dta
    • crushbreaks.do
    • crushplot.do
    • crushspread2.do
    • crushspread.do
    • crushspread.dta
    • dailywind.do
    • data.do
    • discrete.do
    • dist_cepii.dta
    • djsidata.dta
    • dynamics.do
    • ecmsimulate.do
    • ,eeus-ado.pkg
    • eeus-ado.pkg
    • ,eeus-data.pkg
    • eeus-data.pkg
    • eeus-do.pkg
    • fci.dta
    • fcoint.do
    • firstgen.do
    • fishmap.do
    • forecasting.do
    • fractionalcointegration.dta
    • fractional.do
    • gmm.do
    • grassi.do
    • greenrisk.do
    • greensolow.dta
    • hourly.do
    • intro.do
    • knitteldata.do
    • knittel.do
    • loadweightedprice.do
    • logforecast.do
    • logpercapitaco2.dta
    • lwp.dta
    • main.do
    • markov.do
    • mgarch.do
    • ml.do
    • mlestimate.do
    • moran.do
    • mw-data.dta
    • ne_110m_admin_0_countries.dbf
    • ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp
    • nile.dta
    • nina34.dta
    • nonlinear.do
    • nonlinear-testing.do
    • ,ols.do
    • ols.do
    • ordered.do
    • panel.do
    • phh.do
    • phh.dta
    • phh_fix.dta
    • phhmap.do
    • phh_orig.dta
    • phhwide.dta
    • plots-fractional.do
    • plots-single.do
    • plots-stsm.do
    • plots-svars.do
    • pm_daily.dta
    • pm_hourly.dta
    • pm_weekly.dta
    • politaffil2.dta
    • politaffil_76_92.xlsx
    • politaffil.dta
    • quarterlyusmacro.dta
    • santiago.dta
    • secondgen.do
    • sim10.dta
    • sim50.dta
    • single.do
    • soi.dta
    • spinst_eeus.ado
    • sst34.dta
    • stabv.dta
    • star.do
    • ,stata.toc
    • stata.toc
    • states.dta
    • stern&kaufmann2014.dta
    • stsm.do
    • sumstats.do
    • sunspots.dta
    • svars.do
    • threshold.do
    • treaty_all_final.dta
    • twobalance.dta
    • ucm.do
    • unitroots.do
    • usastates.dta
    • usastates_shp.dta
    • us_co2_emissions_by_source.xlsx
    • v23.ado
    • var.do
    • varma.do
    • vars.dta
    • vcecomp.tex
    • volatility.do
    • wdist.stswm
    • weightingmatrices.do
    • whalecatch.do
    • whalecatch.dta
    • whalesdata.dta
    • whales.dta
    • windstats.do
    • world.dta
    • world_shp.dta
    • wpol.spmat
    • wpol.stswm
  • 21.38 MB
  • 2022-5-20
  • 利用R语言进行空间统计分析.rar

    • spatial.R
    • spatial_R_1_09S.pdf
    • Spatial6.pdf
    • world.dbf
    • world.shp
    • world.shx
    • CodeData.zip
    • Datasets.RData
    • polity.csv
    • Spatial_Slides.pdf
    • Spatial1.pdf
    • Spatial2.pdf
    • Spatial3.pdf
    • Spatial4.pdf
    • Spatial5.pdf
  • 39.93 MB
  • 2022-4-23
  • 城市(空间)经济学经典外文文献.zip

    • Glaeser,Edward+L+2008+Cities,agglomeration,and++spatial+equilibrum,Oxford+Univer.pdf
    • Glaeser,Edward+L+2008+Cities,agglomeration,and++spatial+equilibrum1.pdf
    • Cities in Bad Shape Urban Geometry in India(1).pdf
    • Cities in Bad Shape Urban Geometry in India.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • Local Public Service Provision and Spatial Inequality in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • Space The Final Frontier.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Japan and china.pdf
    • The Decline of Cities and Inequality.pdf
    • The Determinants and Welfare Implications of US Workers’.pdf
    • The Productivity Advantages of Large Cities:Distinguish?.pdf
    • increasing returning and economic geography.pdf
    • nequality and City Size.pdf
    • “Sorting and Local Wage and Skill Distributions in France”.pdf
  • 14.69 MB
  • 2022-3-23
  • Spatial Analysis with R Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods 2nd.rar

    • Spatial Analysis with R Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods 2nd Ed 2021.pdf
  • 6.79 MB
  • 2021-12-26
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之三.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • MEK- Using spatial–temporal information to improve social networks and knowledge dissemination(有参考价值).pdf
    • Investigating an online social network using spatial interaction models(挺简单的研究).pdf
    • Knowledge network dissemination in a family-firm sector(研究视角特别,实证研究).pdf
    • Leadership groups on Social Network Sites based on Personalized PageRank(可模仿).pdf
    • Less effortful thinking leads to more social networking- The associations between the use of social network sites and personality traits.pdf
    • Leveraging personal photos to inferring friendships in social network services(挺神奇的研究,可模仿).pdf
    • Moving knowledge to action through dissemination and exchange.pdf
    • New technology facilitates the study of social networks.pdf
    • Online and offline social networks- Use of social networking sites by emerging adults(跨领域,可参考).pdf
    • Online social networks—Paradise of computer viruses(病毒=知识?).pdf
    • Organising Knowledge Management and Dissemination in New Product Development- Lessons from 12 Global Corporations(早期研究).pdf
    • Evolution of trust networks in social web applications using supervised learning.pdf
    • Exploiting user interest similarity and social links for micro-blog forwarding in mobile opportunistic networks.pdf
    • Exploring computer supported collaborative coordination through social networks(很好,值得一读).pdf
    • Facing scalability- Naming faces in an online social network(有趣的研究,挺难).pdf
    • Game Analysis of Google's Information Dissemination Strategy in China:a New Perspective for Knowledge Engineering(可精度).pdf
    • How companies cultivate relationships with publics on social network sites- Evidence from China and the United States(实证).pdf
    • How to keep members using the information in a computer-supported social network(实证).pdf
    • Implications of the Internet for Knowledge Creation and Dissemination in Clusters of Hi-tech Firms(参考).pdf
    • Importance of tie strengths in the prisoner’s dilemma game on social networks(刘鲁文章,参考).pdf
    • Improving learning management through semantic web and social networks in e-learning environments(偏技术的可参考).pdf
    • Inferring preference correlations from social networks(可参考).pdf
    • JCRFulL2014-sci.pdf
    • Knowledge communication and translation.pdf
    • Knowledge flows through social networks in a cluster- Comparing university and industry links.pdf
    • Knowledge management techniques- teaching and dissemination concepts.pdf
  • 15.25 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
    • An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls..pdf
    • An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends.pdf
    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • Are Sufficient Statistics Necessary_Nonparametric Measurement of Deadweight Loss from Unemployment.pdf
    • Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions_A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes..pdf
    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Broken or Fixed Effects.pdf
    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
    • Decomposing Wage Distributions using Recentered Influence Function Regressions.pdf
    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • 利用R语言进行空间统计分析:学习课件+代码code.zip

    • spatial_R_1_09S.pdf
    • CodeData.zip
    • Spatial1.pdf
    • Spatial2.pdf
    • Spatial3.pdf
    • Spatial4.pdf
    • Spatial5.pdf
    • Spatial6.pdf
    • Spatial_Slides.pdf
  • 43.25 MB
  • 2021-6-29
  • moran.rar

    • www.uni-kassel.de_~rkosfeld_lehre_spatial_SpatialEconometrics2.pdf
    • moran.m
    • moranScatterPlot.m
    • moran_test.m
  • 877.66 KB
  • 2020-11-25
  • Anselin L Spatial econometrics.zip
       Anselin L. Spatial econometrics: methods and models

    • Anselin L Spatial econometrics
  • 10.71 MB
  • 2020-9-8
  • Luc Anselin 论文.zip

    • Thirty years of spatial econometrics.pdf
    • GeoDa An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis.pdf
    • Local Geographic Spillovers between University Research and High Technology Innovations.pdf
    • Local Indicators of Spatial Association—LISA.pdf
    • Spatial econometrics in practice A review of software options.pdf
    • Spatial econometrics in RSUE Retrospect and prospect.pdf
    • Spatial statistical analysis and geographic information systems.pdf
  • 5.06 MB
  • 2020-8-18
  • files_matlab_spatial_modeling.zip

    • beta_cdf.m
    • beta_prior.m
    • beta_rnd.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • cigarette.xls
    • cigar_states.xls
    • Course2016cigarette.m
    • Data_cigarette_demand.mat
    • demean.m
    • demeanF.m
    • direct_indirect_effects_estimates.m
    • f2_sacpanel.m
    • f2_sarpanel.m
    • f2_sempanel.m
    • f_sacpanel.m
    • f_sarpanel.m
    • f_sempanel.m
    • invpd.m
    • lndetexact.m
    • lndetfull.m
    • lndetint.m
    • lndetmc.m
    • log_marginal_panelprob.m
    • log_marginal_panelvec.m
    • matdiv.m
    • matsub.m
    • mprint.m
    • normw.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • norm_prb.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • ols.m
    • prt_reg.m
    • prt_sp.m
    • sac_panel_FE.m
    • sar_eigs.m
    • sar_lndet.m
    • sar_panel_FE.m
    • sar_parse.m
    • sem_eigs.m
    • sem_lndet.m
    • sem_panel_FE.m
    • sem_parse.m
    • Solmaria_logmarginal.m
    • Spat-Sym-US.xls
    • startfile.m
    • stdn_pdf.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • W_cigarette_demand.mat
  • 210.21 KB
  • 2020-3-29
  • 程序Introduction to Stochastic Processes with R.zip

    • spatialPoisson.R
    • absorption.R
    • adjacent.R
    • AustenCount.txt
    • bbridge.R
    • bivariatenormal.R
    • bm.R
    • bmhitting.R
    • branching.R
    • branchPoisson.R
    • buswaiting.R
    • c1brownian.R
    • c1expgrowth.pdf
    • c1expgrowth.R
    • c1gamblersruin.R
    • c1randomwalk.R
    • c5trivariate.pdf
    • c8options.R
    • cancerstudy.R
    • carleton_1.0.1.tar.gz
    • coinflips.R
    • darwin.R
    • decode.R
    • drift.R
    • forest.R
    • gamblersruin.R
    • globalbalance.R
    • graduation.R
    • gym.R
    • hypercube.R
    • integratedbm.R
    • ising.R
    • kstest.R
    • logistic.R
    • lungcancer.csv
    • lungcancer.xls
    • markovproc.R
    • matrixexp.R
    • maxssrw.R
    • mm1queue.R
    • ornstein.R
    • ornstein2.R
    • pagerank.R
    • pattern.R
    • pattern2.R
    • perfect.R
    • perfectmono.R
    • pizza.R
    • poissonsim.R
    • powerlaw.R
    • powerlaw2.R
    • Psubordination.R
    • ReedFrost.R
    • returntime.R
    • rw1135.R
    • rw134.R
    • rw2135.R
    • SaylesCost.R
    • scriptsample.R
    • snakes.R
    • standardnormal.R
    • stochresonance.R
    • trivariate.R
    • utilities.R
    • waitingparadox.R
  • 754.15 KB
  • 2020-3-13
  • ScienceDirect_articles_08Mar2020_13-14-18.322.zip

    • All-aboard--Commuter-train-access-and-labor-_2017_Regional-Science-and-Urban.pdf
    • Home-purchase-restriction-and-housing-price--A-d_2017_Regional-Science-and-U.pdf
    • Inside-Front-Cover_2017_Regional-Science-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Spatial-difference-in-differences-models-for-impact-o_2017_Regional-Science-.pdf
    • The-distributional-effect-of-commuting-subsidies---Evi_2017_Regional-Science.pdf
    • The-economic-contribution-of-unauthorized-worke_2017_Regional-Science-and-Ur.pdf
    • Informal-borrowing-and-home-purchase--Evidenc_2017_Regional-Science-and-Urba.pdf
    • The-causal-effects-of-regional-industrial-policies-_2017_Regional-Science-an.pdf
    • Demand-for-new-cities--Property-value-capitalizat_2017_Regional-Science-and-.pdf
    • Next-train-to-the-polycentric-city--The-effect-of_2017_Regional-Science-and-.pdf
    • Gender-and-racial-peer-effects-with-endogenou_2017_Regional-Science-and-Urba.pdf
    • Output-growth-thresholds-for-the-creation-of-employment-an_2017_Regional-Sci.pdf
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  • 2020-3-8
  • 参考文献.rar

    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • The spatial autocorrelation problem in spatial interaction modelling-a comparison of two common solutions.pdf
    • Identifying local spatial association in flow data.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling.pdf
    • Donald J. Lacombe.pdf
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  • 2020-1-20
  • Sarra-Nissi2019_Article_ASpatialCompositeIndicatorForH.zip

    • Sarra-Nissi2019_Article_ASpatialCompositeIndicatorForH.pdf
  • 16.2 MB
  • 2019-10-11
  • Sarra-Nissi2019_Article_ASpatialCompositeIndicatorForH.rar

    • Sarra-Nissi2019_Article_ASpatialCompositeIndicatorForH.pdf
  • 16.2 MB
  • 2019-10-11
  • Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics vol5.zip

    • Foreword_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Cities-and-the-Environm_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Econ.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Spatial-Methods_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-18---Place-Based-Policie_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economi.pdf
    • Chapter-5---The-Empirics-of-Agglomeratio_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban.pdf
    • Contributors_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Causal-Inference-in-Urban-and-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urb.pdf
    • Chapter-23---Urban-Crime_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-20---Transportation-Costs-and-the-Spatia_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-a.pdf
    • Index_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-11---Housing-Bubbles_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Copyright_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-13---The-Microstructure-of-Housing-Marke_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-a.pdf
    • Chapter-15---How-Mortgage-Finance-Affects-t_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Ur.pdf
    • Chapter-21---Cities-in-Developing-Countries--Fueled-by-_2015_Handbook-of-Reg.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Agglomeration-and-Innov_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Econ.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Neighborhood-and-Network-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Ec.pdf
    • Chapter-8---Urban-Land-Use_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Introduction-to-the-Series_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-19---Regulation-and-Housing-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Eco.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Agglomeration-Theory-with-Hete_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urb.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Immigration-and-the-Economy-of_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Ur.pdf
    • Chapter-2---Structural-Estimation-in-Urb_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban.pdf
    • Chapter-14---US-Housing-Policy_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-17---Taxes-in-Cities_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-22---The-Geography-of-Development-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urb.pdf
    • Chapter-12---Housing--Finance--and-the-M_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban.pdf
    • Chapter-16---Change-and-Persistence-in-the-Econo_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-a.pdf
  • 17.38 MB
  • 2019-9-3
  • panel_spatial(论坛).rar

    • 经济距离矩阵的计算.xlsx
    • 零起点空间面板计量模型的构建:Stata实践版.pdf
    • 视频教程网盘地址.txt
    • 数据.xls
  • 31.29 MB
  • 2019-8-10
  • The Theory and Practice of Spatial Econometrics.zip

    • The Theory and Practice of Spatial Econometrics.pdf
  • 2.17 MB
  • 2019-6-17
  • Spatial Econometrics From Cross-sectional Data to Spatial Panels.zip

    • Spatial Econometrics From Cross-sectional Data to Spatial Panels.pdf
  • 1.41 MB
  • 2019-6-17
  • Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering.zip

    • Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering.pdf
  • 7.87 MB
  • 2019-3-26
  • Modern_Spatial_Econometrics_in_Practice_A_Guide_to_GeoDa.rar
       Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice: A Guide to GeoDa, GeoDaSpace and PySAL

    • Modern_Spatial_Econometrics_in_Practice_A_Guide_to_GeoDa.pdf
  • 27.8 MB
  • 2019-3-23
  • Evolution and Spatial Characteristics of Tourism Scale Distribution in Xi′an To.rar

    • Evolution and Spatial Characteristics of Tourism Scale Distribution in Xi′an Tourism Destination Circle.pdf
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  • 2019-3-20
  • Data Visualization Toolkit.pdf
       Data Visualization Toolkit: Using JavaScript, Rails, and Postgres to Present Data and Geospatial Inf ...

  • 18.2 MB
  • 2019-1-12
  • Statistical Analysis of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns.zip

    • Statistical Analysis of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns.pdf
  • 25.27 MB
  • 2018-12-10
  • (2001)Advanced Linear Modeling_Multivariate,Time Series,and Spatial Data_Nonpara.rar

    • (2001)Advanced Linear Modeling_Multivariate,Time Series,and Spatial Data_Nonparametric Regression and Response Surface Maximization_Ronald Christensen.pdf
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  • 2018-11-4
  • Clue.rar

  • 8.79 MB
  • 2018-9-19
  • The Spatial Economy Cities, Regions, and International Trade.zip

    • The Spatial Economy Cities, Regions, and International Trade.pdf
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  • 2018-9-12
  • A Review of Spatial.pdf
       A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists

  • 4.27 MB
  • 2018-8-24
  • spatial2.rar

  • 1 MB
  • 2018-8-17
  • Spatial equilibrium.zip

    • Spatial equilibrium.gms
  • 705 Bytes
  • 2018-6-27
  • Spatial Data Analysis.zip

    • Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R.pdf
    • Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data.pdf
    • Model-based Geostatistics.pdf
    • Spatial Econometrics Methods and Models.pdf
    • Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis.pdf
    • Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data.pdf
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  • 2018-5-31
  • Spatial Econometrics Models using Matlab.rar

    • MATLAB.ppt
  • 109.29 KB
  • 2018-4-22
  • 3《Quantitative Geography Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis》 by Stewart Fot.rar

    • 3《Quantitative Geography Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis》 by Stewart Fotheringham.pdf
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  • 2018-2-2
  • 2《Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data》 by Sudipto Banerjee.rar

    • 2《Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data》 by Sudipto Banerjee.pdf
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  • 2018-2-2
  • 1《Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (use R)》 Roger S. Bivand Springer.rar
       Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (use R

    • 1《Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (use R)》 Roger S. Bivand Springer.pdf
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  • 2018-2-2
  • Statistics for Spatial Data,revised edition.rar

    • Statistics for Spatial Data,revised edition.azw3
  • 11.74 MB
  • 2018-1-14
  • spatial1.zip

  • 467.06 KB
  • 2017-11-10
  • Dynamic_Spatial_Econometrics.rar

    • 使用说明.txt
  • 108.3 KB
  • 2017-11-9