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  • Mastering Python - Machine Learning, Data Structures, Django, Object Oriented Pr.rar

    • Mastering Python - Machine Learning, Data Structures, Django, Object Oriented Programming and Software Engineering,2ed.azw3
  • 513.41 KB
  • 2019-6-2
  • ESEUR-draft.pdf
       Empirical Software Engineering using R

  • 18.32 MB
  • 2017-11-7
  • Springer Series in Statistics(1999).rar

    • 1999.Subsampling(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Conditional Specification of Statistical Models(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Fitting Linear Relationships_ A History of the Calculus of Observations 1750–1900(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Interpolation of Spatial Data_ Some Theory for Kriging(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Linear Models_ Least Squares and Alternatives(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Nonparametric curve estimation_ methods, theory and applications(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Orthogonal arrays_ theory and applications-Springer (1999).djvu
    • 1999.Statistical Design and Analysis for Intercropping Experiments Vol II Three or More Crops(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Statistical Methods in Software Engineering_ Reliability and Risk(1999).pdf
  • 49.98 MB
  • 2017-9-15