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  • Springer Series in Statistics(2012-2016).rar

    • 2012.Inference for Functional Data with Applications(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Markov Bases in Algebraic Statistics(2012).pdf
    • 2013.Bayesian and Frequentist Regression Methods(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Sequential Experimentation in Clinical Trials_ Design and Analysis(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models(2013).pdf
    • 2013.The Gini Methodology_ A Primer on a Statistical Methodology(2013).pdf
    • 2014.Analysis of Neural Data(2014).pdf
    • 2014.Longitudinal Categorical Data Analysis(2014).pdf
    • 2015.Bayesian Nonparametric Data Analysis(2015).pdf
    • 2015.Regression Modeling Strategies_ With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic and Ordinal Regression, and Survival Analysis(2015).pdf
    • 2015.The Linear Model and Hypothesis_ A General Unifying Theory(2015).pdf
    • 2015.Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models_ With an Implementation in R(2015).pdf
    • 2016.Functional and Shape Data Analysis(2016).pdf
    • 2016.Modeling Discrete Time-to-Event Data(2016).pdf
    • 2016.Multivariate Analysis with LISREL.pdf
    • 2016.Prior Processes and Their Applications_ Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation(2016).pdf
  • 90.93 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Springer Series in Statistics(2002S-2004).rar

    • 2002.Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models(2002).pdf
    • 2003.All of Statistics_ A Concise Course in Statistical Inference(2003).pdf
    • 2003.Bayesian Nonparametrics.djvu
    • 2003.Nonlinear Time Series,Nonparametric and Parametric Methods[Fan and Yao].pdf
    • 2003.Partial identification of probability distributions-Springer (2003).pdf
    • 2003.Resampling Methods for Dependent Data.pdf
    • 2003.Sample Survey Theory_ Some Pythagorean Perspectives(2003).pdf
    • 2003.The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments(2003).djvu
    • 2003.Unified Methods for Censored Longitudinal Data and Causality(2003).pdf
    • 2004.Exploring Multivariate Data with the Forward Search-Springer-Verlag New York (2004).pdf
    • 2004.Introduction to Rare Event Simulation(2004).pdf
    • 2004.Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing(2004).pdf
    • 2004.Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models(2004).pdf
    • 2004.Statistical Inference for Ergodic Diffusion Processes(2004).pdf
    • 2004.Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression_ A Practical Guide with S-PLUS and R Examples(2004).pdf
  • 93.47 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • smoothing spline.zip

    • Introduction to Smoothing Splines.ppt
    • Smoothing Splines Advanced Methods for Data Analysis.pdf
    • Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Penalized Spline Smoothing.pdf
  • 2.78 MB
  • 2015-2-18
  • Wang_Y.-Smoothing_Splines__Methods_and_Applications new version.rar
       Smoothing Splines Methods and Applications new version

    • Wang_Y.-Smoothing_Splines__Methods_and_Applications.pdf
  • 3.79 MB
  • 2012-11-24