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  • classical papers about behavioral finance.rar

    • 5. sin stocks - hong et al.pdf
    • 8. overconfident ceo acquisitions - tate et al.pdf
    • 9. overconfident ceo born - billet and qian.pdf
    • 10. religion and corporate finance - hilary and hui.pdf
    • 11. anchoring borrowing rate - dougal et al.pdf
    • 12. anchoring and M&A - baker et al.pdf
    • 1. disposition effect - odean.pdf
    • 2. familiarity bias - huberman.pdf
    • 3. overconfident investors - grinblatt et al.pdf
    • 4. china firm name - bae and wang.pdf
    • 6. religion and investing - kumar et al.pdf
    • 7. overconfident ceo corporate investment - tate et al.pdf
  • 11.94 MB
  • 2014-1-13