大小 上传时间
  • FSCapture90.zip

    • 210000430145406423.jpg
    • fsc.db
    • FSCapture.exe
    • FSCaptureHelp.chm
    • FSCrossHair.exe
    • FSFocus.exe
    • FSLogo.png
    • FSRecorder.exe
    • LicenseAgreement.txt
    • Portable.db
    • 使用说明 .txt
  • 4.59 MB
  • 2019-8-8
  • FSCapture90.zip

    • fsc.db
    • FSCapture.exe
    • FSCaptureHelp.chm
    • FSCrossHair.exe
    • FSFocus.exe
    • FSLogo.png
    • FSRecorder.exe
    • LicenseAgreement.txt
    • Portable.db
    • 使用说明 .txt
  • 4.59 MB
  • 2019-8-8
  • FSCapture_Ver.9.0_Chs_V2.zip

    • Readme.txt
    • FSCapture.exe
    • FSFocus.exe
    • FSCrossHair.exe
    • FSRecorder.exe
    • FSCaptureHelp.chm
    • LicenseAgreement.txt
    • fsrec.db
    • fsc.db
    • FSLogo.png
    • Portable.db
  • 5.2 MB
  • 2019-1-2
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics S.rar

    • Savage, Leonard J. (Jimmie) (1917–1971) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Savage's subjective expected utility model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Sax, Emil (1845–1927) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Say, (Jean-Baptiste) Léon (1826–1896) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767–1832) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Say's Law The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Scandinavia, economics in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schelling, Thomas C_ (born 1921) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schlesinger, Karl (1889–1938) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schmoller, Gustav von (1838–1917) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schmookler, Jacob (1918–1967) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • scholastic economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Scholes, Myron (born 1941) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • school choice and competition The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schultz, Henry (1893–1938) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schultz, T_W_ (1902–1998) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1883–1950) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri (1760–1825) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • satisficing The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Sauvy, Alfred (1898–1990) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 16.62 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • Waldfogel_Scroogeconomis.rar

    • 送礼经济学.pdf
    • christmas.pdf
    • Kruger_Evolution_and_Shopping.pdf
  • 1.64 MB
  • 2011-12-8
  • bayesf_version_2.0.zip
       Code Zip

    • plotclasscross.m
    • mixturemomentsnor.m
    • iris_data.dat
    • pwilog.m
    • lamb_dat.mat
    • fish_data.m
    • eye_dat.mat
    • qincol.m
    • countex.m
    • simuniform.m
    • simuni.m
    • GNP.DAT
    • dataget.m
    • start_lamb.m
    • start_gdp.m
    • start_fabricfault_negbin.m
    • start_eye.m
    • mcmcplot.m
    • demo_mix_student_Kunknown.m
    • demo_msar_reg_mixeffects.m
    • demo_msar_reg.m
    • demo_msreg_mixeffects.m
    • demo_msreg.m
    • demo_regression_mix_binomial.m
    • demo_mix_binomial.m
    • demo_mix_student.m
    • demo_mix_normal.m
    • mcmcbf.m
    • mixturemcmc.m
    • mcmcstart.m
    • start_gdp_swi.m
    • demo_mixreg_mixeffects.m
    • demo_mixreg.m
    • start_fabricfault_mixed_effects.m
    • dataplot.m
    • start_iris.m
    • start_fishery.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_student_Kunknown.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_student.m
    • demo_mix_exponential.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_normal_Kunknown.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_normal.m
    • demo_mix_normal_Kunknown.m
    • start_fishery_K4.m
    • start_iris_K3.m
    • start_gdp_marmix.m
    • start_fabricfault.m
    • dataclass.m
    • demo_poisson_mix_reg_mixed_effects.m
    • simulate.m
    • priordefine.m
    • demo_regression_negbin.m
    • mcmcic.m
    • posterior.m
    • mcmcpermute.m
    • mixnorprior.m
    • mcmcestimate.m
    • demo_mix_normal_mu0_Kunknown.m
    • start_fishery_plot.m
    • demo_figure2_1.m
    • mcmcaverage.m
    • mcmcextract.m
    • mcmcclustplot.m
    • mcmcdiag.m
    • plotac_discrete.m
    • datamoments.m
    • demo_msm_multivariate_normal_Kunknown.m
    • plotac.m
    • mixstudprior.m
    • skewn_transform.m
    • likeli_skewstudmult.m
    • mcmcsamrep.m
    • demo_multivariate_skewnormal.m
    • ranpermute.m
    • mcmcput.m
    • mcmcsubseq.m
    • moments.m
    • mcmc_student_df.m
    • mcmc_negbin_df.m
    • stabdiagramm.m
    • prodstudmultpdflog.m
    • likeli_multinomial.m
    • mcmcbfplot.m
    • demo_multinomial.m
    • mixglmprior.m
    • prioreval.m
    • mixturepdf.m
    • mixtureplot.m
    • mixturemar.m
    • momentest.m
    • start_eye_plot.m
    • autocov.m
    • mixturepoint.m
    • demo_figure2_2.m
    • mcmcclustsim.m
    • mcmcclust.m
    • mcmcpm.m
    • mc.m
    • invwisim.m
    • statecount.m
    • histneu.m
    • maketab.m
    • qinmatrmult.m
    • mixtureplot_biv.m
    • contmixskewstud.m
    • likeli_skewstudent.m
    • skewn_parameter.m
    • simulate_truncated_normal.m
    • eval_tcdf_skewt.m
    • likeli_skewstudmult_cd.m
    • demo_negbin.m
    • demo_binomial.m
    • prodnormultpdflog.m
    • prodstudmultsim.m
    • studmultsim.m
    • likeli_negbin.m
    • prodbetapdflog.m
    • likeli_binomial.m
    • likelihoodeval.m
    • prodbetasim.m
    • auxmix_initialize_binomial.m
    • auxmix_binomial.m
    • likeli_poisson.m
    • data_fabric_fault.m
    • auxmix_poisson.m
    • auxmix_initialize_poisson.m
    • likeli_skewnormal.m
    • likeli_stumult.m
    • likeli_student.m
    • contmixskewnormal.m
    • likeli_skewnormult.m
    • likeli_normal.m
    • plotclass.m
    • contmix.m
    • marginallikelihood_eval.m
    • contmixstud.m
    • likeli_expon.m
    • likeli_normult.m
    • mcmcpredmom.m
    • mixexpprior.m
    • bridgesampling_se.m
    • chib_se.m
    • mcmcpreddens.m
    • designar.m
    • demo_poisson_mix_reg.m
    • demo_msar.m
    • warn.m
    • mcmcstore.m
    • mcmcmargmom.m
    • compute_mixture.m
    • normultsim.m
    • simstate_ms.m
    • boxplotvar.m
    • proddirichpdflog.m
    • marstat.m
    • demo_poisson_reg_mixed_effects.m
    • demo_poisson_mix_reg_Kfix.m
    • prodnormultsim.m
    • normalpdflog.m
    • prodinvwipdflog.m
    • prodinvgampdflog.m
    • prodgamsim.m
    • dirichsim.m
    • prodnorpdflog.m
    • prodgampdflog.m
    • dirichpdflog.m
    • prodgamlog.m
    • qincolmult.m
    • logprior_mixpoi_hpmarg.m
    • qinmatr.m
    • plotsub.m
  • 167.21 KB
  • 2010-5-15
  • bayesf_version_2.0.zip
       A manual describing the use of this package contained V2.0

    • plotclasscross.m
    • mixturemomentsnor.m
    • iris_data.dat
    • pwilog.m
    • lamb_dat.mat
    • fish_data.m
    • eye_dat.mat
    • qincol.m
    • countex.m
    • simuniform.m
    • simuni.m
    • GNP.DAT
    • dataget.m
    • start_lamb.m
    • start_gdp.m
    • start_fabricfault_negbin.m
    • start_eye.m
    • mcmcplot.m
    • demo_mix_student_Kunknown.m
    • demo_msar_reg_mixeffects.m
    • demo_msar_reg.m
    • demo_msreg_mixeffects.m
    • demo_msreg.m
    • demo_regression_mix_binomial.m
    • demo_mix_binomial.m
    • demo_mix_student.m
    • demo_mix_normal.m
    • mcmcbf.m
    • mixturemcmc.m
    • mcmcstart.m
    • start_gdp_swi.m
    • demo_mixreg_mixeffects.m
    • demo_mixreg.m
    • start_fabricfault_mixed_effects.m
    • dataplot.m
    • start_iris.m
    • start_fishery.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_student_Kunknown.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_student.m
    • demo_mix_exponential.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_normal_Kunknown.m
    • demo_mix_multivariate_normal.m
    • demo_mix_normal_Kunknown.m
    • start_fishery_K4.m
    • start_iris_K3.m
    • start_gdp_marmix.m
    • start_fabricfault.m
    • dataclass.m
    • demo_poisson_mix_reg_mixed_effects.m
    • simulate.m
    • priordefine.m
    • demo_regression_negbin.m
    • mcmcic.m
    • posterior.m
    • mcmcpermute.m
    • mixnorprior.m
    • mcmcestimate.m
    • demo_mix_normal_mu0_Kunknown.m
    • start_fishery_plot.m
    • demo_figure2_1.m
    • mcmcaverage.m
    • mcmcextract.m
    • mcmcclustplot.m
    • mcmcdiag.m
    • plotac_discrete.m
    • datamoments.m
    • demo_msm_multivariate_normal_Kunknown.m
    • plotac.m
    • mixstudprior.m
    • skewn_transform.m
    • likeli_skewstudmult.m
    • mcmcsamrep.m
    • demo_multivariate_skewnormal.m
    • ranpermute.m
    • mcmcput.m
    • mcmcsubseq.m
    • moments.m
    • mcmc_student_df.m
    • mcmc_negbin_df.m
    • stabdiagramm.m
    • prodstudmultpdflog.m
    • likeli_multinomial.m
    • mcmcbfplot.m
    • demo_multinomial.m
    • mixglmprior.m
    • prioreval.m
    • mixturepdf.m
    • mixtureplot.m
    • mixturemar.m
    • momentest.m
    • start_eye_plot.m
    • autocov.m
    • mixturepoint.m
    • demo_figure2_2.m
    • mcmcclustsim.m
    • mcmcclust.m
    • mcmcpm.m
    • mc.m
    • invwisim.m
    • statecount.m
    • histneu.m
    • maketab.m
    • qinmatrmult.m
    • mixtureplot_biv.m
    • contmixskewstud.m
    • likeli_skewstudent.m
    • skewn_parameter.m
    • simulate_truncated_normal.m
    • eval_tcdf_skewt.m
    • likeli_skewstudmult_cd.m
    • demo_negbin.m
    • demo_binomial.m
    • prodnormultpdflog.m
    • prodstudmultsim.m
    • studmultsim.m
    • likeli_negbin.m
    • prodbetapdflog.m
    • likeli_binomial.m
    • likelihoodeval.m
    • prodbetasim.m
    • auxmix_initialize_binomial.m
    • auxmix_binomial.m
    • likeli_poisson.m
    • data_fabric_fault.m
    • auxmix_poisson.m
    • auxmix_initialize_poisson.m
    • likeli_skewnormal.m
    • likeli_stumult.m
    • likeli_student.m
    • contmixskewnormal.m
    • likeli_skewnormult.m
    • likeli_normal.m
    • plotclass.m
    • contmix.m
    • marginallikelihood_eval.m
    • contmixstud.m
    • likeli_expon.m
    • likeli_normult.m
    • mcmcpredmom.m
    • mixexpprior.m
    • bridgesampling_se.m
    • chib_se.m
    • mcmcpreddens.m
    • designar.m
    • demo_poisson_mix_reg.m
    • demo_msar.m
    • warn.m
    • mcmcstore.m
    • mcmcmargmom.m
    • compute_mixture.m
    • normultsim.m
    • simstate_ms.m
    • boxplotvar.m
    • proddirichpdflog.m
    • marstat.m
    • demo_poisson_reg_mixed_effects.m
    • demo_poisson_mix_reg_Kfix.m
    • prodnormultsim.m
    • normalpdflog.m
    • prodinvwipdflog.m
    • prodinvgampdflog.m
    • prodgamsim.m
    • dirichsim.m
    • prodnorpdflog.m
    • prodgampdflog.m
    • dirichpdflog.m
    • prodgamlog.m
    • qincolmult.m
    • logprior_mixpoi_hpmarg.m
    • qinmatr.m
    • plotsub.m
  • 167.21 KB
  • 2010-5-14
  • bayesf_version_1.0.zip
       A manual describing the use of this package contained V1.0

    • plotclasscross.m
    • start.m
    • start_book.m
    • SIMUNI.M
    • warn.m
    • simuniform.m
    • matlab12.m
    • marstat.m
    • matlab15.m
    • Countex.m
    • matlab11.m
    • matlab14.m
    • matlab95.m
    • matlab21.m
    • matlab51.m
    • matlab63.m
    • matlab22.m
    • statecount.m
    • moment_mix_poisson.m
    • mcmcstore.m
    • Istation.m
    • plot_biv_normal.m
    • Dirichlog_eye.m
    • Dirichlog_mbclust.m
    • plotsub.m
    • ranwi_eye.m
    • fish_data.m
    • matlab43.m
    • matlab13.m
    • eye_dat.mat
    • Likeli_normal_old.m
    • logprior_mixpoi.m
    • boxplotvar_old.m
    • mixturecdweight.m
    • Plotac.m
    • Plotac_discrete.m
    • Plotconverge.m
    • Likeli_normal.m
    • QINCOL.M
    • matlab_univortrag.m
    • boxplotvar.m
    • compute_em_poi.m
    • matlab_WII.m
    • mixturemomentsnor.m
    • mychol.m
    • plotclass.m
    • mcmcregression.m
    • plotdichte.m
    • Histneu.m
    • Prodgamlog.m
    • qincolmult.m
    • matlab35.m
    • lamb_dat.mat
    • Likeli_poisson.m
    • star_clust_dat.m
    • Raninvwi_neu.m
    • Invwisim.m
    • logprior_mixpoi_hpmarg.m
    • likeli_normult.m
    • mcmc_mix_poi_mean.m
    • matlab64.m
    • make_contan_neu.m
    • matlabxx.m
    • Likeli_poisson_old.m
    • matlab115.m
    • plot_point_process.m
    • qinmatr.M
    • matlab65.m
    • Simstate.m
    • pmultnormlog.m
    • qinmatrmult.M
    • Simstate_student.m
    • mcmc_sim_sst.m
    • mixturemar.m
    • autocovemp.m
    • matlab64all.m
    • matlab_poireg.m
    • mixpoiprior_old.m
    • Pwilog.m
    • Dirichsim.m
    • mcmc_sim_eta.m
    • Pinvwilog_neu.m
    • matlab96.m
    • matlab65all.m
    • Autocov_alt.m
    • Dirichpdflog.m
    • multimix_ipprior.m
    • mcmcmargmom.m
    • mcmcpredsam.m
    • designpoints.m
    • multimix_cdprior.m
    • mcmcbfplot.m
    • mixturepdf.m
    • gdp_us_dat.mat
    • mcmcpredmom.m
    • multimix_cdpost.m
    • multimix_ippost.m
    • prioreval.m
    • mixpoiprior.m
    • mcmcsubseq_alt.m
    • star_clust_dat.mat
    • mcmcput.m
    • matlab91.m
    • moments_test.m
    • mixturecdpar.m
    • contmix.m
    • proddirichpdflog.m
    • autocovneu.m
    • Prodgamsim.m
    • normalpdflog.m
    • mcmcestimate.m
    • Prodgampdflog.m
    • Prodinvgampdflog.m
    • prodnorpdflog.m
    • mixturediag.m
    • plotpred.m
    • matlab93.m
    • matlab81.m
    • mlcf_multimix.m
    • matlab97.m
    • Plottheta.m
    • matlab92.m
    • mcmcic.m
    • matlab61_old.m
    • surfcontmix.m
    • matlab102.m
    • matlab82.m
    • matlab111_noperm.m
    • matlab94.m
    • matlab111_ergodic.m
    • mixpoissonbf.m
    • likelihoodeval.m
    • matlab111.m
    • matlab98.m
    • fullperm.m
    • prodnormultsim.m
    • mcmcclustplot.m
    • matlab83.m
    • normultsim.m
    • simulatestart.m
    • mc.m
    • mlip_multimix.m
    • compute_posteriormode.m
    • mcmcextract.m
    • mcmcaverage.m
    • multimix_start.m
    • mcmcclust.m
    • simstate_ms_old.m
    • matlab103.m
    • compute_prior.m
    • dataget.m
    • matlab61.m
    • simstate_ms.m
    • datamoments.m
    • matlab62.m
    • Iris_data.dat
    • designar.m
    • mixnorprior_old.m
    • mixtureplot.m
    • matlab116.m
    • matlab101.m
    • mcmcsubseq.m
    • posteriorlog.m
    • dataplot.m
    • checkprior.m
    • moments.m
    • simstate_msmult.m
    • polio.html
    • mcmcpreddens.m
    • matlab114.m
    • mixnorprior.m
    • matlab113.m
    • matlab112.m
    • Mlbsall.m
    • mcmc_nor_musig.m
    • dataclass.m
    • mcmcstart.m
    • mcmcpermute.m
    • mixturepoint.m
    • GNP.DAT
    • run_mixture.m
    • simulate.m
    • mcmcsamrep.m
    • posterior.m
    • mcmcdiag.m
    • mcmcplot.m
    • prodnormultpdflog.m
    • polio.mat
    • compute_mixture_old.m
    • prodinvwipdflog.m
    • compute_mixture.m
    • mixnorbf.m
    • mixnorbf_new.m
    • priordefine.m
    • mcmcbf.m
    • highlight.m
    • mixturemcmc.m
    • matlab84.m
    • stabdiagramm.m
  • 181.28 KB
  • 2010-5-14
  • bayesf_version_1[1].0.zip

    • plotclasscross.m
    • start.m
    • start_book.m
    • SIMUNI.M
    • warn.m
    • simuniform.m
    • matlab12.m
    • marstat.m
    • matlab15.m
    • Countex.m
    • matlab11.m
    • matlab14.m
    • matlab95.m
    • matlab21.m
    • matlab51.m
    • matlab63.m
    • matlab22.m
    • statecount.m
    • moment_mix_poisson.m
    • mcmcstore.m
    • Istation.m
    • plot_biv_normal.m
    • Dirichlog_eye.m
    • Dirichlog_mbclust.m
    • plotsub.m
    • ranwi_eye.m
    • fish_data.m
    • matlab43.m
    • matlab13.m
    • eye_dat.mat
    • Likeli_normal_old.m
    • logprior_mixpoi.m
    • boxplotvar_old.m
    • mixturecdweight.m
    • Plotac.m
    • Plotac_discrete.m
    • Plotconverge.m
    • Likeli_normal.m
    • QINCOL.M
    • matlab_univortrag.m
    • boxplotvar.m
    • compute_em_poi.m
    • matlab_WII.m
    • mixturemomentsnor.m
    • mychol.m
    • plotclass.m
    • mcmcregression.m
    • plotdichte.m
    • Histneu.m
    • Prodgamlog.m
    • qincolmult.m
    • matlab35.m
    • lamb_dat.mat
    • Likeli_poisson.m
    • star_clust_dat.m
    • Raninvwi_neu.m
    • Invwisim.m
    • logprior_mixpoi_hpmarg.m
    • likeli_normult.m
    • mcmc_mix_poi_mean.m
    • matlab64.m
    • make_contan_neu.m
    • matlabxx.m
    • Likeli_poisson_old.m
    • matlab115.m
    • plot_point_process.m
    • qinmatr.M
    • matlab65.m
    • Simstate.m
    • pmultnormlog.m
    • qinmatrmult.M
    • Simstate_student.m
    • mcmc_sim_sst.m
    • mixturemar.m
    • autocovemp.m
    • matlab64all.m
    • matlab_poireg.m
    • mixpoiprior_old.m
    • Pwilog.m
    • Dirichsim.m
    • mcmc_sim_eta.m
    • Pinvwilog_neu.m
    • matlab96.m
    • matlab65all.m
    • Autocov_alt.m
    • Dirichpdflog.m
    • multimix_ipprior.m
    • mcmcmargmom.m
    • mcmcpredsam.m
    • designpoints.m
    • multimix_cdprior.m
    • mcmcbfplot.m
    • mixturepdf.m
    • gdp_us_dat.mat
    • mcmcpredmom.m
    • multimix_cdpost.m
    • multimix_ippost.m
    • prioreval.m
    • mixpoiprior.m
    • mcmcsubseq_alt.m
    • star_clust_dat.mat
    • mcmcput.m
    • matlab91.m
    • moments_test.m
    • mixturecdpar.m
    • contmix.m
    • proddirichpdflog.m
    • autocovneu.m
    • Prodgamsim.m
    • normalpdflog.m
    • mcmcestimate.m
    • Prodgampdflog.m
    • Prodinvgampdflog.m
    • prodnorpdflog.m
    • mixturediag.m
    • plotpred.m
    • matlab93.m
    • matlab81.m
    • mlcf_multimix.m
    • matlab97.m
    • Plottheta.m
    • matlab92.m
    • mcmcic.m
    • matlab61_old.m
    • surfcontmix.m
    • matlab102.m
    • matlab82.m
    • matlab111_noperm.m
    • matlab94.m
    • matlab111_ergodic.m
    • mixpoissonbf.m
    • likelihoodeval.m
    • matlab111.m
    • matlab98.m
    • fullperm.m
    • prodnormultsim.m
    • mcmcclustplot.m
    • matlab83.m
    • normultsim.m
    • simulatestart.m
    • mc.m
    • mlip_multimix.m
    • compute_posteriormode.m
    • mcmcextract.m
    • mcmcaverage.m
    • multimix_start.m
    • mcmcclust.m
    • simstate_ms_old.m
    • matlab103.m
    • compute_prior.m
    • dataget.m
    • matlab61.m
    • simstate_ms.m
    • datamoments.m
    • matlab62.m
    • Iris_data.dat
    • designar.m
    • mixnorprior_old.m
    • mixtureplot.m
    • matlab116.m
    • matlab101.m
    • mcmcsubseq.m
    • posteriorlog.m
    • dataplot.m
    • checkprior.m
    • moments.m
    • simstate_msmult.m
    • polio.html
    • mcmcpreddens.m
    • matlab114.m
    • mixnorprior.m
    • matlab113.m
    • matlab112.m
    • Mlbsall.m
    • mcmc_nor_musig.m
    • dataclass.m
    • mcmcstart.m
    • mcmcpermute.m
    • mixturepoint.m
    • GNP.DAT
    • run_mixture.m
    • simulate.m
    • mcmcsamrep.m
    • posterior.m
    • mcmcdiag.m
    • mcmcplot.m
    • prodnormultpdflog.m
    • polio.mat
    • compute_mixture_old.m
    • prodinvwipdflog.m
    • compute_mixture.m
    • mixnorbf.m
    • mixnorbf_new.m
    • priordefine.m
    • mcmcbf.m
    • highlight.m
    • mixturemcmc.m
    • matlab84.m
    • stabdiagramm.m
  • 181.28 KB
  • 2010-3-26
  • bayesf_version_1[1].0.zip

    • plotclasscross.m
    • start.m
    • start_book.m
    • SIMUNI.M
    • warn.m
    • simuniform.m
    • matlab12.m
    • marstat.m
    • matlab15.m
    • Countex.m
    • matlab11.m
    • matlab14.m
    • matlab95.m
    • matlab21.m
    • matlab51.m
    • matlab63.m
    • matlab22.m
    • statecount.m
    • moment_mix_poisson.m
    • mcmcstore.m
    • Istation.m
    • plot_biv_normal.m
    • Dirichlog_eye.m
    • Dirichlog_mbclust.m
    • plotsub.m
    • ranwi_eye.m
    • fish_data.m
    • matlab43.m
    • matlab13.m
    • eye_dat.mat
    • Likeli_normal_old.m
    • logprior_mixpoi.m
    • boxplotvar_old.m
    • mixturecdweight.m
    • Plotac.m
    • Plotac_discrete.m
    • Plotconverge.m
    • Likeli_normal.m
    • QINCOL.M
    • matlab_univortrag.m
    • boxplotvar.m
    • compute_em_poi.m
    • matlab_WII.m
    • mixturemomentsnor.m
    • mychol.m
    • plotclass.m
    • mcmcregression.m
    • plotdichte.m
    • Histneu.m
    • Prodgamlog.m
    • qincolmult.m
    • matlab35.m
    • lamb_dat.mat
    • Likeli_poisson.m
    • star_clust_dat.m
    • Raninvwi_neu.m
    • Invwisim.m
    • logprior_mixpoi_hpmarg.m
    • likeli_normult.m
    • mcmc_mix_poi_mean.m
    • matlab64.m
    • make_contan_neu.m
    • matlabxx.m
    • Likeli_poisson_old.m
    • matlab115.m
    • plot_point_process.m
    • qinmatr.M
    • matlab65.m
    • Simstate.m
    • pmultnormlog.m
    • qinmatrmult.M
    • Simstate_student.m
    • mcmc_sim_sst.m
    • mixturemar.m
    • autocovemp.m
    • matlab64all.m
    • matlab_poireg.m
    • mixpoiprior_old.m
    • Pwilog.m
    • Dirichsim.m
    • mcmc_sim_eta.m
    • Pinvwilog_neu.m
    • matlab96.m
    • matlab65all.m
    • Autocov_alt.m
    • Dirichpdflog.m
    • multimix_ipprior.m
    • mcmcmargmom.m
    • mcmcpredsam.m
    • designpoints.m
    • multimix_cdprior.m
    • mcmcbfplot.m
    • mixturepdf.m
    • gdp_us_dat.mat
    • mcmcpredmom.m
    • multimix_cdpost.m
    • multimix_ippost.m
    • prioreval.m
    • mixpoiprior.m
    • mcmcsubseq_alt.m
    • star_clust_dat.mat
    • mcmcput.m
    • matlab91.m
    • moments_test.m
    • mixturecdpar.m
    • contmix.m
    • proddirichpdflog.m
    • autocovneu.m
    • Prodgamsim.m
    • normalpdflog.m
    • mcmcestimate.m
    • Prodgampdflog.m
    • Prodinvgampdflog.m
    • prodnorpdflog.m
    • mixturediag.m
    • plotpred.m
    • matlab93.m
    • matlab81.m
    • mlcf_multimix.m
    • matlab97.m
    • Plottheta.m
    • matlab92.m
    • mcmcic.m
    • matlab61_old.m
    • surfcontmix.m
    • matlab102.m
    • matlab82.m
    • matlab111_noperm.m
    • matlab94.m
    • matlab111_ergodic.m
    • mixpoissonbf.m
    • likelihoodeval.m
    • matlab111.m
    • matlab98.m
    • fullperm.m
    • prodnormultsim.m
    • mcmcclustplot.m
    • matlab83.m
    • normultsim.m
    • simulatestart.m
    • mc.m
    • mlip_multimix.m
    • compute_posteriormode.m
    • mcmcextract.m
    • mcmcaverage.m
    • multimix_start.m
    • mcmcclust.m
    • simstate_ms_old.m
    • matlab103.m
    • compute_prior.m
    • dataget.m
    • matlab61.m
    • simstate_ms.m
    • datamoments.m
    • matlab62.m
    • Iris_data.dat
    • designar.m
    • mixnorprior_old.m
    • mixtureplot.m
    • matlab116.m
    • matlab101.m
    • mcmcsubseq.m
    • posteriorlog.m
    • dataplot.m
    • checkprior.m
    • moments.m
    • simstate_msmult.m
    • polio.html
    • mcmcpreddens.m
    • matlab114.m
    • mixnorprior.m
    • matlab113.m
    • matlab112.m
    • Mlbsall.m
    • mcmc_nor_musig.m
    • dataclass.m
    • mcmcstart.m
    • mcmcpermute.m
    • mixturepoint.m
    • GNP.DAT
    • run_mixture.m
    • simulate.m
    • mcmcsamrep.m
    • posterior.m
    • mcmcdiag.m
    • mcmcplot.m
    • prodnormultpdflog.m
    • polio.mat
    • compute_mixture_old.m
    • prodinvwipdflog.m
    • compute_mixture.m
    • mixnorbf.m
    • mixnorbf_new.m
    • priordefine.m
    • mcmcbf.m
    • highlight.m
    • mixturemcmc.m
    • matlab84.m
    • stabdiagramm.m
  • 181.28 KB
  • 2010-3-26
  • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术).rar
       Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术).rar

    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)07-Create a Scrolling Chart (With Dynamic Ranges)(创建一个滚动图(与动态范围))scrollbarchart.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)01-Combo Charts and Formatting Data Points(组合图表和格式化数据点)combocharts.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)04-Using the Bar to Pie Chart(使用条码的饼图)bartopiechart.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)05-Add Average Line to a Chart(添加平均线图表)addavgline.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)06-Invert Negatives in a Chart(反转底片图表)invertnegatives.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)08-Create a Basic Speedometer Chart(创建一个基本的车速表图)gaugechart.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)09-Create a Thermometer Effect in you Column Charts(创建您温度计效应柱形图)thermomterchart.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)10-Creating a Delta Chart(创建三角洲图)deltachart.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)11-Creating a Benchmark Chart(创建一个基准表)benchmarkchart.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)12-Use Excel Charts in PowerPoint Without Bloat(使用Excel图表在PowerPoint中没有膨胀)chartstopwrpoint.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)13-Creating Bullet Graphs in Excel (创建子弹在Excel图表 )ExcelBulletGraphs.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)02-Create Dynamic Chart Labels(创建动态图表标签)dynamicchartlabel.swf
    • Excel Charting Techniques(Excel的图表技术)03-Create a Histogram Chart(创建直方图图表)histogram.swf
  • 34.6 MB
  • 2009-12-11
  • TheScrollMarked.rar

    • The Scroll Marked.doc
  • 19.01 KB
  • 2009-9-22
  • [死海古卷概说]The Dead Sea Scrolls - A Very Short Introduction.rar

    • The Dead Sea Scrolls - A Very Short Introduction.pdf
  • 1.41 MB
  • 2009-9-11