大小 上传时间
  • synthrunner.zip

    • synth_runner.ado
    • synth_runner.sthlp
    • _sr_add_keepfile_to_agg.ado
    • _sr_do_work_do.ado
    • _sr_do_work_tr.ado
    • _sr_gen_time_locals.ado
    • _sr_get_returns.ado
    • _sr_print_dots.ado
    • calc_rmspe.ado
    • effect_graphs.ado
    • effect_graphs.sthlp
    • pval_graphs.ado
    • pval_graphs.sthlp
    • single_treatment_graphs.ado
    • single_treatment_graphs.sthlp
    • synth_wrapper.ado
  • 28.65 KB
  • 2020-4-29
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis-斯坦福.rar
       斯坦福大学卫生统计课程资料(课件、数据、SAS程序)—Longitudinal Data Analysis

    • runners.sas7bdat
    • lab2_EG.doc
    • lab3.doc
    • lab3_EG.doc
    • lab4.doc
    • lab4_EG.doc
    • lab5.doc
    • lab5_EG.doc
    • lab6.doc
    • lab6_EG.doc
    • lab7.doc
    • lab7_data.doc
    • lab7_EG.doc
    • lab8.doc
    • lab8_data.doc
    • lab8_EG.doc
    • laba.doc
    • lecture1.ppt
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    • lecture7.ppt
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    • lecture10.ppt
    • Midterm%20Example%202.pdf
    • Midterm%20Example1.pdf
    • peerreview.doc
    • pretest.doc
    • project2.xls
    • project3.xls
    • syllabus_2012.doc
    • uis.sas7bdat
    • Code%20to%20test%20linearity%20assumption%20in%20Cox%20regression.sas
    • ex1.pdf
    • ex2.pdf
    • fex1.pdf
    • fex2.pdf
    • fexample1.pdf
    • fexample2.pdf
    • fexample3.pdf
    • fexample4.pdf
    • fig1.sas7bdat
    • fig3.sas7bdat
    • fig4.sas7bdat
    • hmohiv.sas7bdat
    • hmohiv.xls
    • Intro_SASEG.doc
    • lab%208_data.doc
    • lab1.doc
    • lab1_EG.doc
    • lab2.doc
  • 17.11 MB
  • 2019-7-15
  • Discrete Data Analysis-斯坦福.rar
       斯坦福大学卫生统计课程资料(课件、数据、作业、SAS程序)—Discrete Data Analysis

    • runners.sas7bdat
    • lowbw.sas7bdat
    • matched.sas7bdat
    • pill.sas7bdat
    • problemset2data.doc
    • psa.sas7bdat
    • psa.xls
    • review.doc
    • review_problems_2010.doc
    • review_problems_2011.doc
    • review_problems_2012.doc
    • review_problems_answers2012.doc
    • ReviewConcepts.doc
    • syllabus.doc
    • warmdata.xls
    • chd.sas7bdat
    • childhealth.sas7bdat
    • class.sas7bdat
    • Data_lab2.xls
    • Data_lab2.xlsx
    • HandyRef.doc
    • handyref261.pdf
    • Homework%204.doc
    • homework1.doc
    • homework2.doc
    • homework3.doc
    • homework3data.xls
    • homework4.doc
    • homework4data.xls
    • homework5.doc
    • homework6.doc
    • kyphosis.sas7bdat
    • kyphosis.xls
    • lab1.doc
    • lab1_EG.doc
    • lab2.doc
    • lab2_data.doc
    • lab2_EG.doc
    • lab3.doc
    • lab3_data.doc
    • lab3_EG.doc
    • lab4.doc
    • lab4_EG.doc
    • lab5.doc
    • lab5_EG.doc
    • lab6.doc
    • lab6_EG.doc
    • lab7.doc
    • lab7_EG.doc
    • lab8.doc
    • lab8_EG.doc
    • lecture1.ppt
    • lecture2.ppt
    • lecture3.ppt
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    • lecture7.ppt
    • lecture8.ppt
    • lecure1.ppt
    • logisticMacros.sas
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  • 2019-7-15
  • 样本含量-斯坦福.rar

    • runners.sas7bdat
    • classdata09.sas7bdat
    • classdata09.xls
    • classdata09.xlsx
    • classdata2010.xlsx
    • classdata2011.xlsx
    • correlateddata.pdf
    • Dice%20spreadsheet.xls
    • Dice.doc
    • ExtraProbability.doc
    • ExtraProbabilityAns.doc
    • h1.doc
    • h2.doc
    • h3.doc
    • h4.doc
    • h5.doc
    • h6.doc
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    • h11.doc
    • h12.doc
    • h13.doc
    • h13.pdf
    • h14.doc
    • h15.doc
    • HandyRef1.doc
    • HandyRef2.doc
    • homework8_2010.doc
    • lab1_EG.doc
    • lab2_EG.doc
    • lab3_EG.doc
    • lab4.doc
    • lab4_EG.doc
    • lab4_EG_2.doc
    • lab5.doc
    • lab5_EG.doc
    • lecture1.doc
    • lecture1.pdf
    • lecture1.ppt
    • lecture2.ppt
    • lecture3.ppt
    • lecture4.ppt
    • lecture5.ppt
    • lecture6.ppt
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    • lecture8.ppt
    • lecture9.ppt
    • lecture10.ppt
    • lecture11.ppt
    • lecture12.ppt
    • lecture13.ppt
    • Monty%20Hall%20Problem.doc
    • OptionalPractice2.doc
    • OptionalPractice2Ans.doc
    • stats%20roadmap.doc
    • syllabus2010.doc
    • syllabus2011.doc
    • classdata.sas7bdat
  • 10.65 MB
  • 2019-7-15
  • 【飘域家园】移动迷宫.The.Maze.Runner.2014.DVD.rar

    • 【飘域家园】移动迷宫.The.Maze.Runner.2014.DVD.torrent
  • 16.96 KB
  • 2014-11-30
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics B.rar

    • Brunner, Karl (1916–1989) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Buchanan, James M_ (born 1919) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bücher, Karl Wilhelm (1847–1930) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • budget deficits The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • budget projections The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovitch (1888–1938) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • bullionist controversies (empirical evidence) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • bundling and tying The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • bureaucracy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Burns, Arthur Frank (1904–1987) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Burns, Arthur Robert (1895–1981) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • business cycle measurement The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • business networks The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Butlin, Noel George (1921–1991) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Babbage, Charles (1791–1871) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bachelier, Louis (1870–1946) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bagehot, Walter (1826–1877) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bailey, Samuel (1791–1870) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bain, Joe Staten (1912–1991) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bairoch, Paul (1930–1999) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • balanced growth The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Balassa, Béla (1928–1991) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • bandit problems The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bank of England The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • banking industry The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • bankruptcy, economics of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Banks, Jeffrey Scot (1958–2000) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Brady, Dorothy Stahl (1903–1977) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • brain drain The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Braudel, Fernand (1902–1985) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Braverman, Harry (1920–1976) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Brentano, Lujo (Ludwig Josef) (1844–1931) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bresciani-Turroni, Costantino (1882–1963) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bretton Woods system The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • bribery The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Bright, John (1811–89) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Bruno, Michael (1932–1996) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • bubbles The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Buchanan, David (1779–1848) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • Financial Institute and Market.rar
       Financial Institute and Market

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    • Viney_6e_PowerPoint__ch11_edited.ppt
    • Viney_6e_PowerPoint__ch12.ppt
    • Viney_6e_PowerPoint__ch18.ppt
    • Viney_6e_PowerPoint__ch19.ppt
    • Viney_6e_PowerPoint__Moosa.ppt
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    • Viney_6e_PowerPoint__ch01.ppt
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  • 2011-6-28
  • 英文剧本合集A - B.rar

    • Wes Craven.doc
    • A Clockwork Orange.doc
    • A CROWDED ROOM.doc
    • A Few Good Men.doc
    • A N T Z.doc
    • A Nightmare on Elm Street 2.doc
    • A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.doc
    • ACE VENTURA.doc
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    • Alien1.doc
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    • Batman Forever.doc
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  • 5.03 MB
  • 2010-3-25