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  • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表(2008-2023).zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose.xlsx
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2024-3-8
  • 上市公司环境信息披露指数EDI2022-2008CODCO2SO2烟尘和粉尘排放量废气减排治理情况工业.zip

    • EDI.dta
    • ENV_CarrierInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_LiabilitiesDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_ManageDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_SupCertDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • lnEDI.dta
    • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表2008-2022.zip
    • 上市公司环境信息披露载体信息表2008-2022.zip
    • 上市公司环境监管与认证披露情况表2008-2022.zip
    • 上市公司环境管理披露情况表20082-2022.zip
    • 上市公司环境负债披露情况表2008-2022.zip
    • 代码.do
    • 数据说明.txt
    • 环保费改税对企业绿色信息披露的影响研究_孔东民 (1).pdf
  • 7.7 MB
  • 2024-2-6
  • 上市公司环境监管与认证披露情况表2008-2022.zip

    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 上市公司环境监管与认证披露情况表.dta
    • 上市公司环境监管与认证披露情况表.xlsx
    • ENV_SupCertDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2024-2-6
  • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表2008-2022.zip

    • ENV_SupCertDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表.dta
    • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表.xlsx
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
  • 1.43 MB
  • 2024-2-6
  • Berndt B.C., Gesztesy F. (eds) Continued Fractions. From Analytic Number Theory .zip
       Continued Fractions. From Analytic Number Theory to Constructive Approximation

    • Berndt B.C., Gesztesy F. (eds) Continued Fractions. From Analytic Number Theory to Constructive Approximation (AMS, 1999)(393s).djvu
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  • python爬虫程序源代码网易客户端内容百度断点续传百度云盘Bilibili用户中国知网爬虫.zip

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    • baidu-music-spider-master百度mp3全站爬虫,使用redis支持断点续传.zip
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  • 1.05 MB
  • 2023-11-22
  • Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1 Equations and Initial Semantics (Hartm.zip
       Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1 (Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr)

    • Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1 Equations and Initial Semantics (Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr) (Z-Library).djvu
  • 2.14 MB
  • 2023-10-2
  • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表093942361.zip

    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose.xlsx
  • 847.95 KB
  • 2022-6-17
  • BVAR模型matlab代码及详解.zip

    • bernoullirnd.m
    • gamm_rnd.m
    • BVAR_FULL.m
    • bvardgp.m
    • bvar模型matlab代码详解.pdf
    • impulse.m
    • mlag2.m
    • mvnpdf.m
    • prior_hyper.m
    • quantile.m
    • results_indep_normal_wishart.mat
    • results_SSVS_full.mat
    • wish.m
    • ydata.mat
    • yearlab.dat
    • Yraw.dat
  • 36.18 MB
  • 2021-11-28
  • BVAR_FULL.zip

    • bernoullirnd.m
    • gamm_rnd.m
    • BVAR_FULL.m
    • bvardgp.m
    • bvar模型matlab代码详解.pdf
    • impulse.m
    • mlag2.m
    • mvnpdf.m
    • prior_hyper.m
    • quantile.m
    • results_indep_normal_wishart.mat
    • results_SSVS_full.mat
    • wish.m
    • ydata.mat
    • yearlab.dat
    • Yraw.dat
  • 36.18 MB
  • 2021-11-28
  • 2011204data.zip
       Supplemental Material

    • Calibrate.m
    • ChadMatlab.zip
    • Consumption.m
    • getells0.m
    • HealthOECD.m
    • HealthRNDShare.m
    • NSF-AllYears-IndustrialRND.xls
    • OECDHealthData2012.xls
    • oecdhealth.m
    • PatentFigureFromJeffClemens.xls
    • Patents.m
    • README
    • solvetransition.m
    • STAN-HealthRND.xls
    • Transition4.m
    • transit1dx.m
  • 693.65 KB
  • 2021-9-10
  • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表204339975.zip

    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose.xlsx
  • 791.15 KB
  • 2021-8-26
  • ml_tvpsv_code.zip
       不同tvp-var模型优劣比较 matlab代码

    • dirirnd.m
    • constructX.m
    • constructX_RS.m
    • dic_tvp.m
    • dic_tvp_r1_sv.m
    • dic_tvp_r2_sv.m
    • dic_tvp_r3_sv.m
    • dic_tvpsv.m
    • dic_var.m
    • dic_varsv.m
    • dirifit.m
    • intlike_tvp.m
    • intlike_tvpsv.m
    • intlike_var_rs.m
    • intlike_varsv.m
    • ldiripdf.m
    • main_tvpsv.m
    • ml_tvp.m
    • ml_tvp_r1_sv.m
    • ml_tvp_r2_sv.m
    • ml_tvp_r3_sv.m
    • ml_tvpsv.m
    • ml_var.m
    • ml_var_rs.m
    • ml_var_rs_r1.m
    • ml_var_rs_r2.m
    • ml_varsv.m
    • README.txt
    • SURform.m
    • SURform2.m
    • SVRW.m
    • TVP.m
    • TVP_R1_SV.m
    • TVP_R2_SV.m
    • TVP_R3_SV.m
    • TVPSV.m
    • USdata_2014Q4.xlsx
    • VAR.m
    • VAR_RS.m
    • VAR_RS_R1.m
    • VAR_RS_R2.m
    • VAR_SV.m
  • 62.75 KB
  • 2020-11-7
  • 252-1117-1-SP.zip

    • mvnrnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected_dec13.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Prior_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_revised_main.m
    • vare.m
    • wish.m
    • apm.m
    • beta_inv.m
    • beta_pdf.m
    • bfgsi.m
    • carter_kohn_hom2.m
    • carter_kohn1.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • coda.m
    • convcheck.m
    • corrvc.m
    • csminit.m
    • csminwel.m
    • csolve.m
    • Data_US_Q.mat
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_constant.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP_dec13.m
    • draw_beta_conditional.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_constant.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_hierarchical.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_lr.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_reparametrized.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_single.m
    • draw_sigma_constant.m
    • draw_sigma_constant_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH2.m
    • draw_sign_restrictions.m
    • empquant.m
    • Example.m
    • exp_approx.m
    • fdis_prb.m
    • g1.mat
    • H.dat
    • ident_SZ06_alt.prn
    • indtest.m
    • inv_wishpdf.m
    • keep.m
    • logdet.m
    • loglike_svar_AB.m
    • mcest.m
    • mctest.m
    • MDD_TVP_SVAR_Harmonic_final.m
    • mlag.m
    • mlag2.m
    • momentg.m
    • mprint.m
    • mvnpdf.m
    • numgrad.m
    • ols.m
    • ppnd.m
    • prior_ML_final_40_2_1_2_1_20_0.mat
    • prt_coda.m
    • quantile.m
    • raftery.m
    • Readme.xlsx
    • round2.m
    • sacf.m
    • tdis_inv.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • thin.m
    • transx.m
    • trimr.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Figures_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected.m
    • Supplementary.pdf
    • paper.pdf
  • 875.88 KB
  • 2020-5-25
  • files_matlab_spatial_modeling.zip

    • beta_rnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • beta_cdf.m
    • beta_prior.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • cigarette.xls
    • cigar_states.xls
    • Course2016cigarette.m
    • Data_cigarette_demand.mat
    • demean.m
    • demeanF.m
    • direct_indirect_effects_estimates.m
    • f2_sacpanel.m
    • f2_sarpanel.m
    • f2_sempanel.m
    • f_sacpanel.m
    • f_sarpanel.m
    • f_sempanel.m
    • invpd.m
    • lndetexact.m
    • lndetfull.m
    • lndetint.m
    • lndetmc.m
    • log_marginal_panelprob.m
    • log_marginal_panelvec.m
    • matdiv.m
    • matsub.m
    • mprint.m
    • normw.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • norm_prb.m
    • ols.m
    • prt_reg.m
    • prt_sp.m
    • sac_panel_FE.m
    • sar_eigs.m
    • sar_lndet.m
    • sar_panel_FE.m
    • sar_parse.m
    • sem_eigs.m
    • sem_lndet.m
    • sem_panel_FE.m
    • sem_parse.m
    • Solmaria_logmarginal.m
    • Spat-Sym-US.xls
    • startfile.m
    • stdn_pdf.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • W_cigarette_demand.mat
  • 210.21 KB
  • 2020-3-29
  • Ramanujan's Notebooks [拉马努金的笔记] Vol1-5合集.zip

    • Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 1 - B. Berndt.djv
    • Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 2 - B. Berndt.djv
    • Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 3 - B. Berndt.djv
    • Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 4 - B. Berndt.djv
    • Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 5 - B. Berndt.djv
  • 19.96 MB
  • 2020-2-24
  • (2004)Credit Risk Pricing Models_Theory and Practice_Dr. Bernd Schmid.rar

    • (2004)Credit Risk Pricing Models_Theory and Practice_Dr. Bernd Schmid.pdf
  • 7.8 MB
  • 2018-11-1
  • berndt1973.rar

    • berndt1973.pdf
  • 1.63 MB
  • 2017-12-27
  • stata.rar
       Stata 15 documentation 官方手册配套数据

    • autornd.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xtdesxmpl.dta
    • xtdatasmpl.dta
    • xtcoint.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • womenwage2.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenhlth.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wellness.dta
    • weibre.dta
    • website.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • wageed.dta
    • wafer.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • vptscores.dta
    • voter.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • usmacro2.dta
    • usmacro.dta
    • uslifeexp2.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
    • urates.dta
    • urate.dta
    • unrate.dta
    • union3.dta
    • union.dta
    • unicorn.dta
    • ulcer.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • udca.dta
    • txpop.dta
    • txhprice.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • twopart.dta
    • twogrp.dta
    • twogroup.dta
    • tvsfpors.dta
    • turnip.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • tumor.dta
    • tssetxmpl5.dta
    • tssetxmpl4.dta
    • tssetxmpl3.dta
    • tssetxmpl2.dta
    • tssetxmpl.dta
    • tsrptxmpl.dta
    • tsrevarex.dta
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    • tsfillxmpl2.dta
    • tsfillxmpl.dta
    • tsappend3.dta
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    • tsappend1.dta
    • trocolen.dta
    • trips.dta
    • trip1.dta
    • trip.dta
    • travel.dta
    • trafint.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • total.dta
    • tostring.dta
    • toenail.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • threegroup.dta
    • theoph.dta
    • texas_ue.dta
    • test.dta
    • tb1yr.dta
    • table614.dta
    • tabdxmpl5.dta
    • tabdxmpl4.dta
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    • tabdxmpl2.dta
    • tabdxmpl1.dta
    • t713.dta
    • t77.dta
    • t43.dta
    • systolic2.dta
    • systolic.dta
    • sysdsn4.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • surface.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • sunspot.dta
    • stvaryex.dta
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    • strata5.dta
    • stptime.dta
    • stocks.dta
    • stdize.dta
    • stbasexmpl2.dta
    • stbasexmpl.dta
    • stay.dta
    • statsby.dta
    • states2.dta
    • states1.dta
    • states.dta
    • statehardware.dta
    • stanford.dta
    • stan3.dta
    • stan2.dta
    • stamp.dta
    • stage5a_jkw.dta
    • stage5a.dta
    • stackxmpl.dta
    • ss07ptx.dta
    • sprogram.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • soybean.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • snp500.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smedia.dta
    • skulls.dta
    • ships.dta
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    • sheart.dta
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    • sem_sm1.dta
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    • reshape1.dta
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    • pop2000.dta
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    • poisson1.dta
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    • petri.dta
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    • permute1.dta
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    • nmihs.dta
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    • nlswork3.dta
    • nlswork2.dta
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    • nlsw88.dta
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    • nhanes2brr.dta
    • nhanes2b.dta
    • nhanes2.dta
    • nh2.dta
    • nh1.dta
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    • network1a.dta
    • network1.dta
    • ncu3.dta
    • ncu2.dta
    • ncu.dta
    • myeloma.dta
    • mvstatsbooks.dta
    • mvnexample0.dta
    • music.dta
    • mushroom.dta
    • mus03sub.dta
    • mumpspc.dta
    • mumps2.dta
    • mumps.dta
    • multistage.dta
    • mroz87.dta
    • mrmf.dta
    • mrecord.dta
    • motorcycle.dta
    • mortality.dta
    • morse_wide.dta
    • morse_long.dta
    • mloa.dta
    • mksp2.dta
    • mksp1.dta
    • mjsps5.dta
    • miproto.dta
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    • mhouses1993.dta
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    • mheart10s0.dta
    • mheart9s0.dta
    • mheart8s0.dta
    • mheart7s0.dta
    • mheart6s0.dta
    • mheart5s0.dta
    • mheart5.dta
    • mheart4.dta
    • mheart3.dta
    • mheart2.dta
    • mheart1s20.dta
    • mheart1s0.dta
    • mheart0.dta
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    • mfail2.dta
    • mfail.dta
    • metabolic.dta
    • melanoma.dta
    • medproviders.dta
    • medpar.dta
    • mdrugtrs25.dta
    • mastitis.dta
    • masc2.dta
    • masc1.dta
    • marubini.dta
    • margex.dta
    • manufac.dta
    • manuf.dta
    • manemp2.dta
    • machine.dta
    • maccumxmpl.dta
    • m1nsa.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • lynx2.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • lungtumor.dta
    • lowess1.dta
    • lowbirth2.dta
    • lorenz.dta
    • logitxmpl.dta
    • lifeexp.dta
    • leukemia.dta
    • lenses.dta
    • legulcer1.dta
    • ldose.dta
    • lbw3.dta
    • lbw.dta
    • lawnmower2.dta
    • latinsq.dta
    • labtech.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • labelbook2.dta
    • labelbook1.dta
    • kva2.dta
    • kva.dta
    • ksxmpl.dta
    • kleinfull.dta
    • klein2.dta
    • klein.dta
    • kahn.dta
    • judges.dta
    • jobhistory.dta
    • jaw.dta
    • issp93.dta
    • irxmpl3.dta
    • irxmpl2.dta
    • irxmpl.dta
    • iris.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • iran.dta
    • ipq.dta
    • ipolxmpl2.dta
    • ipolxmpl1.dta
    • invest2.dta
    • intregxmpl.dta
    • inschoice.dta
    • infection.dta
    • infants2.dta
    • infants.dta
    • income.dta
    • imorig.dta
    • im2.dta
    • im1.dta
    • ilpop.dta
    • igg.dta
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    • idle.dta
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    • acme.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • 401k.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • bcal_simple.raw
    • auto.csv
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    • xtline1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
  • 80.57 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 41-50.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 50) Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (auth.)-Parametric Statistical Models and Likelihood-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 41) Francois Baccelli, Pierre Brémaud (auth.)-Palm Probabilities and Stationary Queues-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 42) Solomon Kullback, John C. Keegel, Joseph H. Kullback (auth.)-Topics in Statistical Information Theory-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 43) Barry C. Arnold (auth.)-Majorization and the Lorenz Order_ A Brief Introduction-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 44) D. L. McLeish, Christopher G. Small (auth.)-The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inference Functions-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 45) J. K. Ghosh (auth.), J. K. Ghosh (eds.)-Statistical Information and Likelihood_ A Collection of Critical Essays by Dr. D. Basu-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 46) Hans-Georg Müller (auth.)-Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 47) Albert J. Getson, Francis C. Hsuan (auth.)-{2}-Inverses and Their Statistical Application-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 48) G. Larry Bretthorst (auth.)-Bayesian Spectrum Analysis and Parameter Estimation-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 49) Steffen L. Lauritzen (auth.)-Extremal Families and Systems of Sufficient Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
  • 43.01 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 51-60.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 58) Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Preben Blaesild, Poul Svante Eriksen (auth.)-Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models-Springer-Verlag N.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 60) Lázió Gyorfi, Wolfgang Hardle, Pascal Sarda (auth.), Lázió Gyorfi, Wolfgang Hardle, Pascal Sarda, Philippe Vieu (eds.)-Nonparametric Curve Estimation from Time Series-.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 51) Michael Falk (auth.), Jürg Hüsler, Rolf-Dieter Reiss (eds.)-Extreme Value Theory_ Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, Dec. 6–12, 1987-Springer-Verlag New .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 52) The Matching Methodology_ Some Statistical Properties-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 53) Barry C. Arnold, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (auth.)-Relations, Bounds and Approximations for Order Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 54) Kirti R. Shah, Bikas K. Sinha (auth.)-Theory of Optimal Designs-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 55) Bryan F. J. Manly (auth.), Lyman L. McDonald, Bryan F. J. Manly, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Jesse A. Logan (eds.)-Estimation and Analysis of Insect Populations_ Proceedings .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 56) James K. Lindsey (auth.)-The Analysis of Categorical Data Using GLIM-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 57) A V Swan (auth.), Adriano Decarli, Brian J. Francis, Robert Gilchrist, Gilg U. H. Seeber (eds.)-Statistical Modelling_ Proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 59) Sudhir Gupta, Rahul Mukerjee (auth.)-A Calculus for Factorial Arrangements-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
  • 55.75 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Minicase Solutions - Principles of Corporate Finance 12th.zip
       Minicase Solutions

    • 12e_Ch24_Shocking_Demise_of_Mr_Thorndike.doc
    • 12e_Ch04_Reeby_Sports.docx
    • 12e_Ch04_Reeby_Sports.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch05_CFO_Calls_Again.doc
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    • 12e_Ch06_New_Economy_B.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch06_New_Economy_Transport_B.doc
    • 12e_Ch08_John_and_Marsha_on_Portfolio_Selection.doc
    • 12e_Ch09_Jones_Family_Inc.docx
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    • 12e_Ch11_Ecsy_Cola_in_Inglistan.doc
    • 12e_Ch11_Ecsy_Cola_in_Inglistan_Spreadsheet.xlsx
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    • 12e_Ch26_Rensselaer_Advisors.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch27_Exacta_SA.doc
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  • 2017-8-18
  • Niall Kishtainy, George Abbot, John Farndon, Frank Kennedy, James Meadway, Chris.rar

    • Niall Kishtainy, George Abbot, John Farndon, Frank Kennedy, James Meadway, Christopher Wallace, Marcus Weeks The Economics Book.pdf
  • 21.58 MB
  • 2017-8-13
  • bootdemo.zip

    • mixrnd.m
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    • swb.m
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    • ciestpb.m
    • ciestnpb.m
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    • bootdemo.m
    • boot.m
    • birandn.m
    • biastut.m
    • biasest.m
    • vartut.m
  • 52.04 KB
  • 2017-7-28
  • berndt1973.rar

    • berndt1973.pdf
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  • 2017-6-15
  • World of Dance-Modern Dance, Second Edition.rar
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    • 1604134836ModernDance.pdf
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  • 2017-6-13
  • kb_sources.zip

    • kb_rnd.py
    • kb_cat.py
    • kb_cla.py
    • kb_sta.py
  • 17.42 KB
  • 2016-12-3
  • MrExcelXLFiles.zip
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    • A05A-CompareSideBySideJan.xlsx
    • A05B-CompareSideBySideFeb.xlsx
    • A06-TurnDataSideways.xlsx
    • A07-DefaultSettingsFutureWorkbooks.xlsx
    • A08-RecoverUnsavedWorkbooks.xlsx
    • A09-OneClickCharts.xlsx
    • A10-PasteNewDataOnChart.xlsx
    • A11-SortUsingCustomList.xlsx
    • A12-SortLeftToRight.xlsx
    • A13-SortSubtotals.xlsx
    • A14-YearOverYearPivotTable.xlsx
    • A15A-TrueTopFiveInPivotTable.xlsx
    • A15B-TrueTopFiveUsingDataModel.xlsx
    • A16A-CtrlTBeforeAddingNewData.xlsx
    • A16B-ReadableReferencesStep1.xlsx
    • A16B-ReadableReferencesStep2.xlsx
    • A16C-RunningTotals.xlsx
    • A17-ReplicatePivotTableForEachRep.xlsx
    • A18-CompareListsWithPivotTable.xlsx
    • A19-CustomChartLabels.xlsx
    • A20-DashboardsSparklinesSlicers.xlsx
    • A21-GetPivotDataBefore.xlsx
    • A21-GetPivotDataSolution.xlsx
    • A22-EliminateVLOOKUPWithDataModel.xlsx
    • A23-BudgetActualData.xlsx
    • A23-BudgetActualFinished.xlsx
    • A24-F4Key.xlsx
    • A25-FormulasToValues.xlsx
    • A26-SeeAllFormulas.xlsx
    • A27-DiscoverFunctionsWithfx.xlsx
    • A28-NonstandardWorkWeeks.xlsx
    • A29-MultipleConditionsIf.xlsx
    • A30-KillerFormula.xlsx
    • A31-VLOOKUP.xlsx
    • A32-NestedIfReplacement.xlsx
    • A33-SpeedUpVLOOKUP.xlsm
    • A34-ProtectFormulas.xlsx
    • A35-GoalSeek.xlsx
    • A36-WhatIfDataTable.xlsx
    • A37-Solver.xlsx
    • A38-PowerQuery.xlsx
    • A39-3DMap.xlsx
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    • C10-From Outline to Flat Table.xlsx
    • C11-Goal Seek for Renters and Shoe Lovers.xlsx
    • C12-Controlled Lists with Data Validation.xlsx
    • C14-Named Formulas Yesterday and Tomorrow.xlsx
    • C15-Named Formulas & Vlookup w.o. the Sausage.xlsx
    • C16-Controlled Formula Lists with Data Validation.xlsx
    • C17-Dependent Data Validation Lists.xlsm
    • C18-Smile for the Excel Camera.xlsx
    • C19-VLOOKUP Left.xlsm
    • C20-Power Query Unpivot.xlsx
    • C21-XSzil Design Tips for Trainers and Presenters.xlsm
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    • C23-IFError.xlsx
    • C24-Sumifs.xlsx
    • C25-NumberFormats.xlsx
    • C26-ExtractUniques.xlsx
    • C27-Consolidate.xlsx
    • C28-IndexDoesOffset.xlsx
    • C29-SortFilterByIcon.xlsx
    • C30-WordForExcellers.xlsx
    • E01-WaterfallChart.xlsx
  • 18.29 MB
  • 2016-9-19
  • SPSEModels.zip

    • beta_rnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • direct_indirect_effects_estimates.m
    • prt.m
    • LMsarsem_panel.m
    • lmlag_robust_panel.m
    • lmerror_panel.m
    • lmerror_robust_panel.m
    • lmlag_panel.m
    • prt_spat.m
    • beta_cdf.m
    • beta_prior.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • invpd.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • norm_prb.m
    • normw.m
    • stdn_pdf.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • demoLMsarsem_panel.m
    • demopanelscompare.m
    • sar_panel.m
    • panel_effects_sdm.m
    • panel_effects_sar.m
    • f_sarpanel.m
    • f2_sarpanel.m
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    • sem_panel_FE.m
    • lndetexact.m
    • lndetfull.m
    • lndetint.m
    • lndetmc.m
    • sar_eigs.m
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    • sar_parse.m
    • sem_eigs.m
    • sem_lndet.m
    • sem_parse.m
    • mprint.m
    • hessian.m
    • demean.m
    • f_respat.m
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    • sem_panel_RE.m
    • sar_panel_RE.m
    • f_resar.m
    • f2_resar.m
  • 62.68 KB
  • 2016-8-3
  • (Advances in Psychology 54) Berndt Brehmer and C.R.B. Joyce (Eds.)-Human Judgmen.rar

    • (Advances in Psychology 54) Berndt Brehmer and C.R.B. Joyce (Eds.)-Human Judgment the SJT View-Academic Press, Elsevier (1988).pdf
  • 4.98 MB
  • 2016-3-31
  • Do You Think You're Clever by John Farndon.rar
       Do You Think You're Clever?

    • Do You Think You're Clever by John Farndon.epub
  • 348.51 KB
  • 2016-1-20
  • Files Matlab spatial modeling.zip

    • beta_rnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • beta_cdf.m
    • beta_prior.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • cigarette.xls
    • cigar_states.xls
    • Data_cigarette_demand.mat
    • demean.m
    • demeanF.m
    • direct_indirect_effects_estimates.m
    • f2_sarpanel.m
    • f2_sempanel.m
    • f_sarpanel.m
    • f_sempanel.m
    • invpd.m
    • lndetexact.m
    • lndetfull.m
    • lndetint.m
    • lndetmc.m
    • log_marginal_panelvec.m
    • mprint.m
    • normw.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • norm_prb.m
    • ols.m
    • prt_reg.m
    • prt_sp.m
    • sar_eigs.m
    • sar_lndet.m
    • sar_panel_FE.m
    • sar_parse.m
    • sem_eigs.m
    • sem_lndet.m
    • sem_panel_FE.m
    • sem_parse.m
    • Solmaria_logmarginal.m
    • Spat-Sym-US.xls
    • startfile.m
    • stdn_pdf.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • W_cigarette_demand.mat
  • 196.75 KB
  • 2015-11-28
  • bayes VAR.rar

    • bernoullirnd.m
    • gamrnd.m
    • mvnrnd.m
    • normlt_rnd.m
    • normt_rnd.m
    • BAYES_DFM.m
    • BFM.m
    • bfmdgp.m
    • bfmdgp2.m
    • dfmdgp.m
    • estvar.m
    • extract.m
    • mlag.m
    • olssvd.m
  • 252.71 KB
  • 2015-10-31
  • CRSEModels.zip

    • beta_rnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • demo_crime_rates.m
    • f_sempaul.m
    • f2_sacpaul.m
    • f2_sarpaul.m
    • f2_sempaul.m
    • f_sacpaul.m
    • f_sarpaul.m
    • sempaul.m
    • sacpaul.m
    • sarpaul.m
    • direct_indirect_effects_estimates.m
    • prt.m
    • LMsarsem_panel.m
    • lmlag_robust_panel.m
    • lmerror_panel.m
    • lmerror_robust_panel.m
    • lmlag_panel.m
    • prt_spat.m
    • mprint.m
    • beta_cdf.m
    • beta_prior.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • invpd.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • norm_prb.m
    • normw.m
    • stdn_pdf.m
    • tdis_prb.m
  • 29.72 KB
  • 2015-9-20
  • jplv7.rar

  • 6.45 MB
  • 2015-6-2
  • Stata 14.0 配套数据.rar
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    • acmemanuf.dta
    • additive.dta
    • admissions.dta
    • adoption.dta
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    • airacc2.dta
    • airline.dta
    • alike.dta
    • angina.dta
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    • applesales.dta
    • archxmpl.dta
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    • audiometric.dta
    • australia10.dta
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    • auto1.dta
    • auto2.dta
    • auto2yr.dta
    • auto3.dta
    • auto4.dta
    • auto7.dta
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    • autosize.dta
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    • bc.dta
    • bd163.dta
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    • bdendo11.dta
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    • bioequiv.dta
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    • bobsdata.dta
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    • bp2.dta
    • bp3.dta
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    • bpwide.dta
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    • bsample2.dta
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    • byssin1.dta
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    • cancer.dta
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    • capop.dta
    • catheter.dta
    • cattaneo2.dta
    • cattaneo3.dta
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    • census3.dta
    • census4.dta
    • census5.dta
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    • census9.dta
    • census10.dta
    • census11.dta
    • census12.dta
    • census13.dta
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    • cholesterol3.dta
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    • chowliu2.dta
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    • citytemp2.dta
    • citytemp3.dta
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    • clprogxmpl2.dta
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    • ct2.dta
    • ct3.dta
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    • ctset2.dta
    • ctset3.dta
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    • destring2.dta
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    • egenxmpl5.dta
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    • frontier2.dta
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    • fuel2.dta
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    • gasexp2.dta
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    • gxmpl8.dta
    • gxmpl9.dta
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    • hbp3.dta
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    • hiv_si.dta
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    • hiway2.dta
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    • hospid2.dta
    • hospital.dta
    • hotelprice.dta
    • hsng.dta
    • hsng2.dta
    • hstandard.dta
    • hypoxia.dta
    • ibm.dta
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    • idle2.dta
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    • ilpop.dta
    • im1.dta
    • im2.dta
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    • infants2.dta
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    • invest2.dta
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    • ipolxmpl2.dta
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    • irxmpl.dta
    • irxmpl2.dta
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    • jobhistory.dta
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    • kva2.dta
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    • labelbook2.dta
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    • laborsup.dta
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    • lbw3.dta
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    • lutkepohl2.dta
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    • machine.dta
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    • manuf.dta
    • manufac.dta
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    • marubini.dta
    • masc1.dta
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    • mheartpois.dta
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    • mhouses1993s30.dta
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    • miproto.dta
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    • mksp2.dta
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    • morse_wide.dta
    • mortality.dta
    • motorcycle.dta
    • mrecord.dta
    • mrmf.dta
    • mrsa.dta
    • multistage.dta
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    • mumps2.dta
    • mumpspc.dta
    • mushroom.dta
    • music.dta
    • mvnexample0.dta
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    • ncu.dta
    • ncu2.dta
    • ncu3.dta
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    • network1a.dta
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    • nlswork5.dta
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    • nmihs_mbs.dta
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    • nobetween.dta
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    • odd1.dta
    • oddeven.dta
    • ourunsetdata.dta
    • outfilexmpl.dta
    • ovary.dta
    • overlap1.dta
    • overlap2.dta
    • oxygen.dta
    • p612.dta
    • p615.dta
    • p615b.dta
    • page2.dta
    • parent.dta
    • peach.dta
    • pefrate.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • permute1.dta
    • permute2.dta
    • petri.dta
    • petridish.dta
    • petrinone.dta
    • physed.dta
    • pig.dta
    • pisa2000.dta
    • pkdata.dta
    • pkdata2.dta
    • pkdata3.dta
    • pksumm.dta
    • pneumonia.dta
    • poisson1.dta
    • poisson2.dta
    • poissonwts.dta
    • pop2000.dta
    • popkahn.dta
    • poststrata.dta
    • probe.dta
    • production.dta
    • productivity.dta
    • promo.dta
    • promonone.dta
    • promotion.dta
    • psidextract.dta
    • qsales.dta
    • quad1.dta
    • quad2.dta
    • quick.dta
    • rat.dta
    • rate2.dta
    • rate2no3.dta
    • rates.dta
    • rdinc.dta
    • reading.dta
    • reading2.dta
    • recid2.dta
    • recodexmpl.dta
    • regress.dta
    • regsmpl.dta
    • renamexmpl.dta
    • renpainters.dta
    • repair.dta
    • reshape1.dta
    • reshape2.dta
    • reshape3.dta
    • reshape4.dta
    • reshape6.dta
    • reshapexp1.dta
    • reshapexp2.dta
    • restaurant.dta
    • rgnp.dta
    • rm.dta
    • rod93.dta
    • rootstock.dta
    • run1.dta
    • runshoes.dta
    • rvary.dta
    • rvary2.dta
    • salamander.dta
    • sales_cert.dta
    • sales1.dta
    • sales2.dta
    • sandstone.dta
    • sat.dta
    • schizophrenia.dta
    • school.dta
    • science.dta
    • selvin.dta
    • sem_1fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmmby.dta
    • sem_cu1.dta
    • sem_hcfa1.dta
    • sem_lcm.dta
    • sem_mimic1.dta
    • sem_rel.dta
    • sem_sm1.dta
    • sem_sm2.dta
    • senile.dta
    • sewage.dta
    • sforce.dta
    • sg.dta
    • sheart.dta
    • sheartm.dta
    • ships.dta
    • skulls.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • snp500.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • sprogram.dta
    • ss07ptx.dta
    • stackxmpl.dta
    • stage5a.dta
    • stage5a_jkw.dta
    • stan2.dta
    • stan3.dta
    • stanford.dta
    • statehardware.dta
    • states.dta
    • states1.dta
    • states2.dta
    • statsby.dta
    • stay.dta
    • stbasexmpl.dta
    • stbasexmpl2.dta
    • stdize.dta
    • stocks.dta
    • stptime.dta
    • strata5.dta
    • studentsurvey.dta
    • stvaryex.dta
    • sunspot.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • surface.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn4.dta
    • systolic.dta
    • systolic2.dta
    • t43.dta
    • t77.dta
    • t713.dta
    • tabdxmpl1.dta
    • tabdxmpl2.dta
    • tabdxmpl3.dta
    • tabdxmpl4.dta
    • tabdxmpl5.dta
    • table614.dta
    • tb1yr.dta
    • test.dta
    • threegroup.dta
    • toenail.dta
    • tostring.dta
    • total.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • trafint.dta
    • travel.dta
    • trip.dta
    • trip1.dta
    • trips.dta
    • trocolen.dta
    • tsappend1.dta
    • tsappend2.dta
    • tsappend3.dta
    • tsfillxmpl.dta
    • tsfillxmpl2.dta
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    • tsline2.dta
    • tsrevarex.dta
    • tsrptxmpl.dta
    • tssetxmpl.dta
    • tssetxmpl2.dta
    • tssetxmpl3.dta
    • tssetxmpl4.dta
    • tssetxmpl5.dta
    • tumor.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turnip.dta
    • tvsfpors.dta
    • twogroup.dta
    • twogrp.dta
    • twopart.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • txhprice.dta
    • txpop.dta
    • udca.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • ulcer.dta
    • union.dta
    • union3.dta
    • unrate.dta
    • urate.dta
    • urates.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
    • uslifeexp2.dta
    • usmacro.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • voter.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • website.dta
    • weibre.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenwage.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
    • xtdatasmpl.dta
    • xtdesxmpl.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xtline1.dta
    • yield.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • 401k.dta
  • 40.37 MB
  • 2015-4-23
  • Handbook_1.rar

    • Berndt_Chapter-3-Medical-care-prices-and-output.pdf
    • Cutler_Chapter-11-The-anatomy-of-health-insurance.pdf
    • Zweifel_Chapter-8-Moral-hazard-and-consumer-incentives-in-health-care.pdf
    • McGuire_Chapter-9-Physician-agency.pdf
    • Subject-index.pdf
    • Author-index.pdf
    • Culyer_Acknowledgments.pdf
    • Contents-of-the-handbook.pdf
    • Arrow_Introduction-to-the-series.pdf
    • Culyer_Introduction-The-state-and-scope-of-health-economics.pdf
    • Gerdtham_Chapter-1-International-comparisons-of-health-expenditure-Theory,-data-and-econometric-analysis.pdf
    • Phelps_Chapter-5-Information-diffusion-and-best-practice-adoption.pdf
    • Garber_Chapter-4-Advances-in-cost-effectiveness-analysis-of-health-interventions.pdf
    • Jones_Chapter-6-Health-econometrics.pdf
    • Hurley_Chapter-2-An-overview-of-the-normative-economics-of-the-health-sector.pdf
    • Pauly_Chapter-10-Insurance-reimbursement.pdf
  • 37.88 MB
  • 2014-7-2
  • Datasets for Stata 13 manuals.rar

    • autornd.dta
    • acmeh.dta
    • acmemanuf.dta
    • additive.dta
    • admissions.dta
    • adoption.dta
    • agexmpl.dta
    • air2.dta
    • airacc2.dta
    • airacc.dta
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    • apple.dta
    • applesales.dta
    • archxmpl.dta
    • assembly.dta
    • auc.dta
    • audiometric.dta
    • auto1.dta
    • auto2.dta
    • auto2yr.dta
    • auto3.dta
    • auto4.dta
    • auto7.dta
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    • autoexpense.dta
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    • automiss.dta
    • autosize.dta
    • balaam.dta
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    • bangladesh.dta
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    • ctset2.dta
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    • hospid2.dta
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    • hsng.dta
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    • idle.dta
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    • mhouses1993s30.dta
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    • mrecord.dta
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    • multistage.dta
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    • mumps.dta
    • mushroom.dta
    • music.dta
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    • nmihs_mbs.dta
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    • nobetween.dta
    • ocancer.dta
    • odd1.dta
    • odd.dta
    • oddeven.dta
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    • overlap2.dta
    • p612.dta
    • p615.dta
    • p615b.dta
    • page2.dta
    • parent.dta
    • patients.dta
    • peach.dta
    • pefrate.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • permute1.dta
    • permute2.dta
    • petri.dta
    • petridish.dta
    • petrinone.dta
    • physed.dta
    • pig.dta
    • pisa2000.dta
    • pkdata2.dta
    • pkdata3.dta
    • pkdata.dta
    • pksumm.dta
    • pneumonia.dta
    • poisson1.dta
    • poisson2.dta
    • poissonwts.dta
    • pop2000.dta
    • popkahn.dta
    • poststrata.dta
    • probe.dta
    • production.dta
    • productivity.dta
    • promo.dta
    • promonone.dta
    • promotion.dta
    • psidextract.dta
    • qsales.dta
    • quad1.dta
    • quad2.dta
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    • rat.dta
    • rate2.dta
    • rate2no3.dta
    • rates.dta
    • rdinc.dta
    • reading2.dta
    • reading.dta
    • recodexmpl.dta
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    • regsmpl.dta
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    • renpainters.dta
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    • reshape2.dta
    • reshape3.dta
    • reshape4.dta
    • reshape6.dta
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    • reshapexp2.dta
    • restaurant.dta
    • rm.dta
    • rod93.dta
    • rootstock.dta
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    • runshoes.dta
    • rvary2.dta
    • rvary.dta
    • salamander.dta
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    • sales2.dta
    • sales_cert.dta
    • sandstone.dta
    • sat.dta
    • schizophrenia.dta
    • school.dta
    • selvin.dta
    • sem_1fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmmby.dta
    • sem_cu1.dta
    • sem_hcfa1.dta
    • sem_lcm.dta
    • sem_mimic1.dta
    • sem_rel.dta
    • sem_sm1.dta
    • sem_sm2.dta
    • senile.dta
    • sewage.dta
    • sforce.dta
    • sg.dta
    • ships.dta
    • skulls.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • ss07ptx.dta
    • stackxmpl.dta
    • stage5a.dta
    • stage5a_jkw.dta
    • stan2.dta
    • stan3.dta
    • stanford.dta
    • statehardware.dta
    • states1.dta
    • states2.dta
    • states.dta
    • statsby.dta
    • stay.dta
    • stbasexmpl2.dta
    • stbasexmpl.dta
    • stdize.dta
    • stocks.dta
    • stptime.dta
    • strata5.dta
    • studentsurvey.dta
    • stvaryex.dta
    • sunspot.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • surface.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn4.dta
    • systolic2.dta
    • systolic.dta
    • t43.dta
    • t77.dta
    • t713.dta
    • tabdxmpl1.dta
    • tabdxmpl2.dta
    • tabdxmpl3.dta
    • tabdxmpl4.dta
    • tabdxmpl5.dta
    • table614.dta
    • tb1yr.dta
    • test.dta
    • threegroup.dta
    • toenail.dta
    • tostring.dta
    • total.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • trafint.dta
    • travel.dta
    • trip1.dta
    • trip.dta
    • trocolen.dta
    • tsappend1.dta
    • tsappend2.dta
    • tsappend3.dta
    • tsfillxmpl2.dta
    • tsfillxmpl.dta
    • tsline1.dta
    • tsline2.dta
    • tsrevarex.dta
    • tsrptxmpl.dta
    • tssetxmpl2.dta
    • tssetxmpl3.dta
    • tssetxmpl4.dta
    • tssetxmpl5.dta
    • tssetxmpl.dta
    • tumor.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turnip.dta
    • tvsfpors.dta
    • twogroup.dta
    • twogrp.dta
    • twopart.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • txhprice.dta
    • txpop.dta
    • udca.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • union3.dta
    • union.dta
    • unrate.dta
    • urate.dta
    • urates.dta
    • uslifeexp2.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • voter.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • website.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenwage.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • xmpl1.dta
    • xmpl2.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
    • xtdatasmpl.dta
    • xtdesxmpl.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xtline1.dta
    • yield.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • acme.dta
  • 37.73 MB
  • 2014-5-15
  • matlab 空间面板程序2010版.zip

    • beta_rnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • direct_indirect_effects_estimates.m
    • beta_cdf.m
    • beta_prior.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • Data_cigarette_demand.mat
    • demean.m
    • ols.m
    • f2_sarpanel.m
    • f2_sempanel.m
    • f_sarpanel.m
    • f_sempanel.m
    • invpd.m
    • lndetexact.m
    • lndetfull.m
    • lndetint.m
    • lndetmc.m
    • mprint.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • norm_prb.m
    • normw.m
    • W_cigarette_demand.mat
    • prt_reg.m
    • prt_sp.m
    • sar_eigs.m
    • sar_lndet.m
    • sar_panel_FE.m
    • sar_parse.m
    • sem_eigs.m
    • sem_lndet.m
    • sem_panel_FE.m
    • sem_parse.m
    • startfile.m
    • stdn_pdf.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • spat-sym-us.wk1
    • cigardemo.wk1
    • Cigarette.wk1
    • demodynfeerror.m
    • demopanelscompare.m
  • 174.5 KB
  • 2013-4-6
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics A.rar

    • Arndt, Heinz Wolfgang (1915–2002) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • assets and liabilities The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • auctions (applications) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • auctions (experiments) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Aumann, Robert J_ (born 1930) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • gprg100.zip

    • AFCC.G
    • AFCOH.G
    • AFTG.G
    • BDIAG.G
    • BDIAGC.G
    • BDIAGR.G
    • BOOTST.G
    • CATEG.G
    • CDFBIN.G
    • CDFNT.G
    • CDFTT.G
    • CLRIMP.G
    • COMBIN.G
    • CONDLR.G
    • CORRP.G
    • COXMOD.G
    • CPRODG.G
    • DESC.G
    • DIAGM.G
    • DIM.G
    • EBIND.G
    • EBRR.G
    • EPANK.G
    • EXACT2X2.G
    • EXPIT.G
    • EXPITG.G
    • EXPREG.G
    • FREQ.G
    • HISTSM.G
    • INDC.G
    • INDC2.G
    • INDEX.G
    • INDINC.G
    • INTER.G
    • INVT.G
    • KAPMU.G
    • LIKLIM.G
    • LIKLIMP0.G
    • LOGIT.G
    • LOGITG.G
    • LOGREG.G
    • LR2STAGE.G
    • LRIMP.G
    • LRMSM.G
    • LRPM.G
    • LRPMP.G
    • LRPOLY.G
    • LRSPEC.G
    • LRTPQ.G
    • MATCOL.G
    • MAX.G
    • MAXR.G
    • MEANCW.G
    • MHRATE.G
    • MHRISK.G
    • MIDDLE.G
    • MIN.G
    • MINR.G
    • MNIMP.G
    • MPSUMC.G
    • MSCORE.G
    • NINDC.G
    • NINDC2.G
    • NINTER.G
    • NINTER2.G
    • ORMH2X2.G
    • ORST2X2.G
    • PBINF.G
    • PBINL.G
    • PCTILE.G
    • POWBIN.G
    • PPOIS.G
    • PRODR.G
    • RANGEC.G
    • README.G
    • RNDBIN.G
    • RNDCHI.G
    • RNDMN.G
    • RNDMULT2.G
    • ROC.G
    • ROCWT.G
    • SIGN.G
    • SSBIN.G
    • SUBST.G
    • SUMALL.G
    • SUMR.G
    • VECOMB.G
    • WLS.G
    • WLSD.G
    • YPRED.G
  • 214.69 KB
  • 2012-4-3
  • 120211.zip
       Matlab Codes

    • dirrnd.m
    • mygamrnd.m
    • setup.m
    • README.txt
    • cap.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • gpl.txt
    • FactorGraph.m
    • checkFactorGraph.m
    • absorb.m
    • absorption.m
    • absorptionID.m
    • ancestors.m
    • ancestralorder.m
    • ancestralsample.m
    • assign.m
    • bar3zcolor.m
    • bucketelim.m
    • condindep.m
    • condpot.m
    • dag.m
    • deltapot.m
    • descendents.m
    • disptable.m
    • divpots.m
    • edges.m
    • elimtri.m
    • evalpot.m
    • eyepot.m
    • ind2subv.m
    • istree.m
    • jtassignpot.m
    • jtree.m
    • jtreeID.m
    • lengthcell.m
    • markov.m
    • maxpot.m
    • maxprodFG.m
    • maxsumpot.m
    • mostprobablepath.m
    • multpots.m
    • numstates.m
    • orderpotfields.m
    • orderpot.m
    • potscontainingonly.m
    • potvariables.m
    • randgen.m
    • replace.m
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    • setpot.m
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    • subv2ind.m
    • triangulateComponent.m
    • sumpot.m
    • sumpots.m
    • sumprodFG.m
    • triangulate.m
    • triangulatePorder.m
    • uniquepots.m
    • validgridposition.m
    • whichpot.m
    • maxarray.m
    • connectedComponents.m
    • changevar.m
    • FactorConnectingVariable.m
    • VariableConnectingFactor.m
    • drawFG.m
    • maxNarray.m
    • maxNpot.m
    • maxNprodFG.m
    • mvrandn.m
    • blanknames.m
    • blankstates.m
    • MesstoFact.m
    • squeezepots.m
    • MDPsolve.m
    • table.m
    • normp.m
    • argmax.m
    • potsample.m
    • logpot.m
    • condindepEmp.m
    • condMI.m
    • count.m
    • chi2test.m
    • neigh.m
    • field2cell.m
    • mynchoosek.m
    • mynanmean.m
    • MDPemDeterministicPolicy.m
    • EMqTranMarginal.m
    • EMqUtilMarginal.m
    • EMminimizeKL.m
    • EMvalueTable.m
    • EMTotalBetaMessage.m
    • sumpotID.m
    • IDvars.m
    • noselfpath.m
    • parents.m
    • children.m
    • drawJTree.m
    • drawNet.m
    • drawID.m
    • exppot.m
    • LoopyBP.m
    • MaxFlow.m
    • myones.m
    • setstate.m
    • condindepPot.m
    • myzeros.m
    • myrand.m
    • mostprobablepathmult.m
    • mynansum.m
    • isoctave.m
    • potistyped.m
    • logsigma.m
    • setfields.m
    • PCskeletonOracle.m
    • PCorient.m
    • PCskeletonData.m
    • BDscore.m
    • learnBayesNet.m
    • normpot.m
    • KLdiv.m
    • condMIemp.m
    • MIemp.m
    • squeezestates.m
    • JTsample.m
    • singleparenttree.m
    • neighboursize.m
    • argmin.m
    • IPF.m
    • nonzerovalue.m
    • empdist.m
    • learnMarkovDecomp.m
    • EntropyEmp.m
    • GibbsSample.m
    • mylogsig.m
    • grouppot.m
    • ungrouppot.m
    • groupstate.m
    • makeThinJT.m
    • gatherstrings.m
    • getdimind.m
    • EMbeliefnet.m
    • majority.m
    • nearNeigh.m
    • svdm.m
    • BayesLogRegressionRVM.m
    • CanonVar.m
    • GPreg.m
    • LogReg.m
    • avsigmaGauss.m
    • covfnGE.m
    • logdet.m
    • plsa.m
    • plsaCond.m
    • sigmoid.m
    • sigma.m
    • softloss.m
    • rbf.m
    • kernel.m
    • sqdist.m
    • BayesLinReg.m
    • HMMem.m
    • condp.m
    • condexp.m
    • HMMviterbi.m
    • HMMsmooth.m
    • HMMforward.m
    • HMMbackward.m
    • logsumexp.m
    • HMMgamma.m
    • mixMarkov.m
    • pointsCov.m
    • GMMem.m
    • Kmeans.m
    • MIXprodBern.m
    • LDSsmooth.m
    • LDSsubspace.m
    • LDSforwardUpdate.m
    • LDSbackwardUpdate.m
    • LDSforward.m
    • LDSbackward.m
    • SLDSforward.m
    • SLDSbackward.m
    • logeps.m
    • mix2mix.m
    • placeobject.m
    • sumlog.m
    • metropolis.m
    • logp.m
    • compat.m
    • betaXbiggerY.m
    • HebbML.m
    • NaiveBayesTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesTest.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTest.m
    • logZdirichlet.m
    • SARlearn.m
    • ARtrain.m
    • HMMforwardSAR.m
    • HMMbackwardSAR.m
    • HMMsmoothSAR.m
    • ARlds.m
    • pca.m
    • hinton.m
    • FA.m
    • plotCov.m
    • GaussCond.m
    • SVMtrain.m
    • cca.m
    • SLDSmargGauss.m
    • binaryMRFmap.m
    • GPclass.m
    • cliquedecomp.m
    • rasch.m
    • conjgrad.m
    • Contents.m
  • 4.63 MB
  • 2012-3-20
  • skewtdis_rnd.rar

    • skewtdis_rnd.m
  • 682 Bytes
  • 2011-11-17
  • Recent Developments in Environmental Economics (papers).rar

    • Hoel and Kverndokk 96.pdf
    • Weitzman 98.pdf
    • Weitzman 2001.pdf
    • Arora and Cason 95.pdf
    • Asheim 94.pdf
    • Bovenberg and de Mooij 94.pdf
    • Bovenberg and Goulder 96.pdf
    • Chakravorty, Roumasset and Tse 97.pdf
    • Cropper and Wallace 1992.pdf
    • DASGUPTA AND MALER 2000.pdf
    • Frey and Oberholzer-Gee 97.pdf
    • Goulder, Parry, Williams III and Burtraw 99.pdf
    • Harford 98.pdf
    • Heal and Kristom 2002.pdf
    • Hoel and Karp 2002.pdf
    • Howarth 98.pdf
    • Karp and Livernois 94.pdf
    • Kolstad 96.pdf
    • Montero 2002.pdf
    • Pindyck 2000.pdf
    • Segerson and Miceli 98.pdf
    • Stavins 96.pdf
    • Ulph and Ulph 97.pdf
  • 37.05 MB
  • 2011-3-8
  • Patton_copula_toolbox.zip

    • bb7_rnd.m
    • clayton_rnd.m
    • Gumbel_rnd.m
    • plackett_rnd.m
    • sym_jc_rnd.m
    • corrcoef12.m
    • BB7UgivenV_inverse2.m
    • BB7UgivenV_t.m
    • bisect2.m
    • bivarnormcdf.m
    • bivarnormcdf_arg.m
    • bivarnormcdf2.m
    • bivartcdfmc.m
    • bivartLL.m
    • bivartpdf.m
    • clayton_cdf.m
    • clayton_pdf.m
    • claytonCL.m
    • copula_example_code.m
    • ang_chen1.m
    • cov12.m
    • empiricalCDF.m
    • frankCL.m
    • gumbel_cdf.m
    • gumbel_pdf.m
    • gumbelCL.m
    • GumbelUgivenV_inverse2.m
    • GumbelUgivenV_t.m
    • kappa2tau.m
    • nines.m
    • NormalCopula_cdf.m
    • NormalCopula_CL.m
    • NormalCopula_pdf.m
    • plackett_cdf.m
    • plackett_pdf.m
    • plackettCL.m
    • PlackettUgivenV_inverse2.m
    • PlackettUgivenV_t.m
    • quantiledep.m
    • sym_jc_cdf.m
    • sym_jc_CL.m
    • sym_jc_example_code.m
    • sym_jc_pdf.m
    • tau2kappa.m
    • tCopula.m
    • tCopula_cdf.m
    • tcopula_pdf.m
    • tcopulaCL.m
    • ibm_ccola_rets.txt
    • Gumbel_tvp1_CL.m
    • bivnorm_tvp1_CL.m
    • sym_jc_tvp_CL.m
    • readme.txt
    • contents.xls
    • contour_plots_code.m
    • theta2rho.m
    • rho2theta.m
    • bivnormpdf.m
  • 73.87 KB
  • 2010-11-23
  • 中文版.rar

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    • dumb-on.bat
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    • Anxiety.sav
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    • carpet.sav
    • Cars.sav
    • coffee.sav
    • Coronary artery data.sav
    • Employee data.sav
    • Fat surfactant.sav
    • flying.sav
    • Glass strain.sav
    • Growth study.sav
    • GSS93 subset.sav
    • GSS 93 for Missing Values.sav
    • guttman.sav
    • Home sales [by neighborhood].sav
    • Inventor.sav
    • judges.sav
    • kinship_dat.sav
    • kinship_ini.sav
    • kinship_var.sav
    • Love.sav
    • Mall rentals.sav
    • map_data.sav
    • Mouse survival.sav
    • New drug.sav
    • Oven tests.sav
    • ozone.sav
    • Plastic.sav
    • Road construction bids.sav
    • sales.sav
    • screws.sav
    • smoking.sav
    • Tomato.sav
    • Trends chapter 4.sav
    • Trends chapter 5.sav
    • Trends chapter 6.sav
    • Trends chapter 7.sav
    • Trends chapter 8.sav
    • Trends chapter 9.sav
    • Trends chapter 10.sav
    • Trends chapter 11.sav
    • Trends chapter 12.sav
    • Trends chapter 13.sav
    • Trends chapter 14.sav
    • Turnip leaves.sav
    • tv-survey.sav
    • University of Florida graduate salaries.sav
    • verd1985.sav
    • voter.sav
    • World95.sav
    • World 95 for Missing Values.sav
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    • Descriptive statistics.sps
    • Ridge regression.sps
    • SPSS PC+ syntax convertor.sps
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    • 70.dat
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    • tpf.ico
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    • milascii.txt
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    • registry.txt
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    • advisor.chm
    • defrag.exe
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    • spssprod.exe
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    • spsswmre.dll
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    • spsswrnk.dll
    • spsswroc.dll
  • 38.3 MB
  • 2010-8-18
  • SPSS10英文原版安装文件-2.rar

    • spsstrnd.pdf
    • trdh.z
    • trds.z
    • ww_o@000.dll
    • maps1.z
    • maps1a.z
    • maps2.z
    • maps2a.z
    • maps2c.z
    • maps3.z
    • maps3a.z
    • maps4.z
    • maps4a.z
    • maps4b.z
    • mapsc.z
    • mapset.z
    • mapxd1.z
    • mapxd2.z
    • mvad.z
    • mvah.z
    • mvas.z
    • proh.z
    • pros.z
    • readme.doc
    • reg.z
    • setup.exe
    • setup.inf
    • setup.ini
    • setup.ins
    • setup.inv
    • setupntr.inf
    • spssbase.pdf
    • spsscat.pdf
    • spssconj.pdf
    • spssmaps.pdf
    • spssmva.pdf
    • spsstbcb.pdf
    • spsstut.cnt
    • spsstut.hlp
    • tabd.z
    • tabh.z
    • tabs.z
    • trdd.z
  • 18.7 MB
  • 2010-8-18
  • mplus5.zip

  • 14.73 MB
  • 2010-6-15
  • CDS.zip

    • Restructuring Risk in Credit Default Swaps-An Empirical Analysis_A. Berndt, R. Jarrow, and C. Kang.pdf
    • 20050222信用違約交換.pdf
    • The Relationship between Credit Default Swap Spreads, Bond Yields, and Credit Rating Announcements_J. Hull, M. Predescu, and A. White.pdf
    • Credit Derivatives - Pricing Equity Default Swaps [2005].pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2010-5-14
  • 线性规划.pdf
       Bernd Luderer · Volker Nollau Klaus Vetters-Mathematical Formulas for Economists

  • 613.24 KB
  • 2010-3-13
  • ARCVIEW3.3(1).rar

    • avbkgrnd.gif
    • data.z
    • Dbaccess.txt
    • _INST32I.EX_
    • _ISDEL.EXE
    • _setup.lib
    • _setup32.lib
    • _setup.dll
    • arcview.htm
    • arcview.z
    • CDKEY.txt
  • 44.21 MB
  • 2010-1-14
  • cds实例与定价模型.zip

    • Restructuring Risk in Credit Default Swaps-An Empirical Analysis_A. Berndt, R. Jarrow, and C. Kang.pdf
    • 20050222信用違約交換.pdf
    • The Relationship between Credit Default Swap Spreads, Bond Yields, and Credit Rating Announcements_J. Hull, M. Predescu, and A. White.pdf
    • Credit Derivatives - Pricing Equity Default Swaps [2005].pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2009-6-27
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    • aparch_parameter_check.m
    • aparch_simulate.m
    • aparch_starting_values.m
    • aparch_tester.m
    • aparch_transform.m
    • arma_forecaster.m
    • armaroots.m
    • ARMAX.m
    • ARMAX_about.m
    • ARMAX_close_dialog.m
    • ARMAX_viewer.m
    • armaxerrors.m
    • armaxfilter.m
    • armaxfilter_core.m
    • armaxfilter_likelihood.m
    • armaxfilter_simulate.m
    • augdf.m
    • augdf_cvsim_tieup.m
    • augdfautolag.m
    • augdfcv.m
    • berkowitz.m
    • c2mdate.m
    • ccc_ivech.m
    • ccc_mvgarch.m
    • ccc_mvgarch_full_likelihood.m
    • ccc_mvgarch_parameter_check.m
    • ccc_mvgarch_simulate.m
    • ccc_vech.m
    • chi2cdf.m
    • covnw.m
    • covvar.m
    • dcc_mvgarch.m
    • dcc_mvgarch_full_likelihood.m
    • dcc_mvgarch_likelihood.m
    • dcc_mvgarch_parameter_check.m
    • dcc_mvgarch_parameter_itransform.m
    • dcc_mvgarch_parameter_transform.m
    • dcc_univariate_simulate.m
    • egarch.m
    • egarch_core.m
    • egarch_display.m
    • egarch_itransform.m
    • egarch_likelihood.m
    • egarch_nlcon.m
    • egarch_parameter_check.m
    • egarch_simulate.m
    • egarch_starting_values.m
    • egarch_transform.m
    • englegranger.m
    • experim.m
    • gedloglik.m
    • grangercause.m
    • hessian_2sided.m
    • hessian_2sided_nrows.m
    • impulseresponse.m
    • inverse_ar_roots.m
    • iscompatible.m
    • ivech.m
    • jarquebera.m
    • kolmogorov.m
    • kscritical.m
    • kurtosis.m
    • ljungbox.m
    • lmtest1.m
    • lr.m
    • mprint.m
    • newlagmatrix.m
    • norm_pdf.m
    • normcdf.m
    • norminv.m
    • normloglik.m
    • normpdf.m
    • npdf2.m
    • ols.m
    • olsnw.m
    • pacf.m
    • pltdens.m
    • robustvcv.m
    • sacf.m
    • skewness.m
    • skewtcdf.m
    • skewtinv.m
    • skewtloglik.m
  • 217.91 KB
  • 2009-4-8
  • 255599.zip
       MATLAB 中copula 函数

    • mvcoprnd.m
    • bernsteincop.m
    • claytoncml.m
    • cmlstat.m
    • copulaparam.m
    • corrtest.m
    • debye1.m
    • ecopula.m
    • frankcml.m
    • gausscml.m
    • gumbelcml.m
    • kfun.m
    • tcml.m
  • 9.76 KB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 223181.rar
       不下非好汉,Schmitt, Bernd H 19体验营销英文文献一起诱惑您!(40多M)

  • 41.92 MB
  • 2008-6-27
  • 171529.zip

    • rndchi.g
    • rndinx.g
    • rndmn.g
    • rndmt.g
    • rndsmpl2.g
    • rndsmpl.g
    • bin2dec.g
    • cdfnorm.g
    • cmeanc.g
    • cmeanwc.g
    • coxcc.g
    • coxccq.g
    • dec2bin.g
    • delifall.g
    • dens.g
    • exist.g
    • fisherz.g
    • fisherzi.g
    • gec.g
    • graphgk.g
    • graphon.g
    • hyperg.g
    • icpsr.g
    • infrv.g
    • in.g
    • ismissm.g
    • lcdfnormi.g
    • lnpdfmn.g
    • lnpdfmt.g
    • loada.g
    • loadvars.g
    • logit.g
    • logiti.g
    • lpdfnorm.g
    • makefac.g
    • makefacn.g
    • mat2str.g
    • meanse.g
    • meanwc.g
    • missr.g
    • mkmissm.g
    • mlogit.g
    • mlogiti.g
    • pdfnorm.g
    • pline.g
    • plines.g
    • prtv.g
    • psym.g
    • ptext.g
    • reg.g
    • regrand.g
    • regr.g
    • regv.g
    • regvr.g
    • relogit.g
    • relogitp.g
    • relogitq.g
    • scalone.g
    • scalzero.g
    • sechol.g
    • selifall.g
    • seqase.g
    • seqas.g
    • str2mat.g
    • strstrip.g
    • subdat.g
    • subdatv.g
    • ternary.g
    • token2.g
    • trimall.g
    • triple.g
    • vin.g
    • vputall.g
    • vreadall.g
    • vrename.g
    • probs.src
    • truncbeta.src
    • truncnorm.src
    • fmtt.g
    • counterf.zip
  • 85.01 KB
  • 2007-11-7
  • 46213.rar

    • integrnd.m
    • FUN_E1.M
    • FUN_E2.M
    • FUNC1.M
    • func2.m
    • FUNC3.M
    • func4.m
    • func5.m
    • func5.p
    • func6.m
    • go.m
    • GREP.M
    • guide1.m
    • guide2.m
    • guide2_fig.m
    • lorenz1.m
    • objective.m
    • pairdist.c
    • pairdist.dll
    • putarray.c
    • putarray.dll
    • recipsum.m
    • recipsum1.m
    • recipsum2.m
    • scalarx2.c
    • SCALARX2.M
    • scalarx2.dll
    • SCRIPT1.M
    • setpie.m
    • setupnb.m
    • simulinkteam.jpg
    • spmat.dat
    • sqrt.dat
    • TBIG5.TXT
    • test.bin
    • test.m
    • test.mat
    • TEST.TXT
    • TEST2.TXT
    • testfile.dat
    • TFILL3.M
    • TFMINS.M
    • tguide1.m
    • tguide1.mat
    • tguide2.m
    • tguide2.mat
    • tmouse.m
    • TPOPU.M
    • TTT.M
    • TUI.M
    • ui1.m
    • ui2.m
    • vdp1.m
    • vdp2.m
    • vdp3.m
    • vdp4.m
    • WS_FTP.LOG
    • yprime.c
    • yprime.dll
    • arrayx2.c
    • arrayx2.dll
    • CB1.M
    • CB2.M
    • CB3.M
    • fact1.m
    • fact2.m
  • 189.74 KB
  • 2006-3-30
  • 11257.zip

    • copularnd.m
    • copulastat.m
    • copulaparam.m
    • debye1.m
    • iscor.m
    • kendall.m
    • metapop.m
  • 7.77 KB
  • 2005-4-2
  • 11255.zip

    • copularnd.m
    • copulastat.m
    • copulaparam.m
    • debye1.m
    • iscor.m
    • kendall.m
    • metapop.m
  • 7.77 KB
  • 2005-4-2
  • 11254.zip

    • copularnd.m
    • copulastat.m
    • copulaparam.m
    • debye1.m
    • iscor.m
    • kendall.m
    • metapop.m
  • 7.77 KB
  • 2005-4-2
  • 11253.zip

    • copularnd.m
    • copulastat.m
    • copulaparam.m
    • debye1.m
    • iscor.m
    • kendall.m
    • metapop.m
  • 7.77 KB
  • 2005-4-2
  • 9113.zip

    • rnde.g
    • maxlik.lcg
    • count.lcg
    • gauss.lcg
    • maxlik.lcg.BAK
    • pgraph.lcg
    • user.lcg
    • fastpflcl.src
    • fastbayes.src
    • fastboot.src
    • fastmax.src
    • maxlik.dec
    • fastprof.src
    • fastutil.src
    • maxbayes.src
    • maxblim.src
    • maxboot.src
    • maxdens.src
    • maxhist.src
    • maxlik.src
    • maxpflcl.src
    • maxprof.src
    • maxutil.src
    • mlcheck.src
    • mlgradre.src
    • base10.src
    • cdfchii.src
    • cdfnonc.src
    • cmtools.src
    • coord.src
    • corr.src
    • count.dec
    • count.ext
    • count.src
    • countwts.src
    • crossprd.src
    • cumprodc.src
    • cumsumc.src
    • datalist.src
    • datatran.src
    • dataxchn.dec
    • dataxchn.ext
    • dataxchn.src
    • dens.g
    • design.src
    • dfft.src
    • dffti.src
    • diag.src
    • dos.src
    • ds.sdf
    • ds.src
    • dstat.src
    • eig.dec
    • eig.ext
    • eigcg.src
    • eigch.src
    • eigrg.src
    • eigrs.src
    • eqsolve.dec
    • eqsolve.ext
    • eqsolve.src
    • exctsmpl.src
    • expgam.src
    • expon.src
    • fcompare.dec
    • fcompare.ext
    • fcompare.src
    • fftm.src
    • finprocs.dec
    • finprocs.ext
    • finprocs.src
    • finutils.src
    • flibuff.dec
    • flibuff.ext
    • gauss.dec
    • gauss.ext
    • gauss.src
    • getpath.src
    • gradmt.src
    • gradp.src
    • hessmt.src
    • hessp.src
    • holidays.asc
    • hurdlep.src
    • indexcat.src
    • indices.src
    • indices2.src
    • indsav.src
    • integral.dec
    • integral.ext
    • integral.src
    • intgrat.src
    • intrsect.src
    • intsimp.src
    • keys.h
    • lag.src
    • lapeig.src
    • lapschur.src
    • lapsvd.src
    • lncdfn.dec
    • lncdfn.ext
    • lncdfn.src
    • lnfact.src
    • lnpdfn.src
    • loess.dec
    • loess.ext
    • loess.src
    • machconst.src
    • maxlik.ext
    • median.src
    • medit.src
    • momentd.src
    • nametype.src
    • negbin.src
    • null.src
    • ols.dec
    • ols.ext
    • ols.src
    • olsqr.src
    • optim.sdf
    • optim.src
    • pareto.src
    • parse.dec
    • parse.ext
    • parse.src
    • pause.src
    • paxnum.src
    • pbar.src
    • pbox.src
    • pcart.src
    • pcart3d.src
    • pcontour.src
    • pdraw.src
    • peps.dec
    • peps.ext
    • peps.src
    • pgraph.dec
    • pgraph.ext
    • pgraph.src
    • phist.src
    • play.src
    • ploglog.src
    • plogx.src
    • plogy.src
    • poisson.src
    • polar.src
    • poly.dec
    • poly.ext
    • poly.src
    • polyint.src
    • polymat.src
    • ppc.src
    • pscale.src
    • psurface.src
    • putf.src
    • pv.sdf
    • pv.src
    • pwindow.src
    • pxy.src
    • pxyz.src
    • qnewton.dec
    • qnewton.ext
    • qnewton.src
    • qprog.dec
    • qprog.ext
    • qprog.src
    • qqr.src
    • qr.dec
    • qr.ext
    • qr.src
    • qrsol.src
    • qtyr.src
    • quantile.src
    • qyr.src
    • randkm.src
    • randlc.src
    • random.src
    • rangechk.src
    • recserrc.src
    • ribesl.src
    • rref.src
    • saveload.src
    • schtoc.src
    • seqai.g
    • seqas.g
    • setdif.src
    • showpath.src
    • sortd.src
    • sortmc.src
    • sparse.dec
    • sparse.ext
    • sparse.src
    • spline.src
    • sqpsolve.dec
    • sqpsolve.ext
    • sqpsolve.src
    • sqpsolvemt.sdf
    • sqpsolvemt.src
    • strput.src
    • subdat.g
    • subdatd.g
    • subdatv.g
    • subscat.src
    • supreme.src
    • supreme2.src
    • svd.dec
    • svd.ext
    • svd.src
    • system.dec
    • system.ext
    • system.src
    • time.src
    • toeplitz.src
    • token.src
    • trig.src
    • tsutil.src
    • varmaml.src
    • vars.src
    • vartype.src
    • vpack.src
    • wait.src
    • waitc.src
    • xls.src
    • x_indcv.src
  • 454.35 KB
  • 2005-2-22