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  • applied_micro_methods(2).zip

    • Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation.pdf
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    • Errors in the Dependent Variable of Quantile Regression Models.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect.pdf
    • External Validity in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2014)..pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2018)..pdf
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    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2017)..pdf
    • How Much Should We Trust Staggered DID Estimates.pdf
    • Identification and Extrapolation with IV.pdf
    • Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Instrumental Variable Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable.pdf
    • Inference with Arbitrary Clustering.pdf
    • Inference with DID Revisited.pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(Paper).pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(PPT).pdf
    • Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments_Issues and tests for the exclusion restriction.pdf
    • Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects_Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.pdf
    • Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous_Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights.pdf
    • Kleven, H. J. (2016). Bunching. Annual Review of Economics 8, 435–464..pdf
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    • Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models..pdf
    • Network and Panel Quantile Effects via Distribution Regression..pdf
    • Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks-Theory and Applications.pdf
    • Nonparametric Bounds for Causal Effects in Imperfect Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity.pdf
    • On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression.pdf
    • On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method.pdf
    • On_Event_Studies_and_Distributed_Lags_in_Two_Way_Fixed_Effects_Models.pdf
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    • Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models..pdf
    • Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Panel Data and Experimental Design..pdf
    • Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables.pdf
    • Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Quantile Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Models under Dependence Restrictions and with Only Two Time Periods..pdf
    • Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models with panal data.pdf
    • Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates..pdf
    • Revisiting Event Study Designs_Robust and Efficient Estimatation.pdf
    • Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples_Some Practical Advice.pdf
    • Sampling-Based Versus Design-Based Uncertainty in Regression Analysis..pdf
    • Shift-Share Designs_Theory and Inference..pdf
    • Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-parametric Regression..pdf
    • Simple local polynomial density estimators..pdf
    • Simultaneous Selection of Optimal Bandwidths for the Sharp Regression Discontinuity Estimator..pdf
    • Small Sample Methods for Cluster Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Sufficient Statistics Revisited.pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Imperfect Pre-Treatment Fit..pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Synthetic Difference in Differences.pdf
    • Testing continuity of a density via g-order statistics in the regression discontinuity design.pdf
    • Testing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • The Augmented Synthetic Control.pdf
    • The casual interpretation of two-stage least squares with multiple instrumental variables.pdf
    • The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs..pdf
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    • The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Settings_An Application to Environmental Economics.pdf
    • The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large Clusters.pdf
    • Two-Stage Differences-in-Differences.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects Estimators with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and DID Estimators.pdf
    • Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation under Known First-Stage Sign..pdf
    • Using instrumental variables for inference about policy relevant treatment parameters.pdf
    • Using Synthetic Controls_Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Methodological Aspects.pdf
    • Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.pdf
    • Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in IV Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumentalvariables regression.pdf
    • Weak-Instrument Robust Inference for Two-Sample IV Regression.pdf
    • When Is Parallel Trends Sensitive to Functional Form.pdf
    • When Should We (Not) Interpret Linear IV Estimands as LATE.pdf
    • When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering.pdf
    • Why High Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
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  • 2021-9-7
  • Author Disclosure Statement.zip

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  • 2019-1-17
  • UBS-科技系列.zip

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  • 2018-5-18
  • driscoll1998.rar

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  • 2017-9-10
  • The Econometricians (PDF).zip

    • The Econometricians_Gauss, Galton, Pearson, Fisher, Hotelling, Cowles, Frisch and Haavelmo.pdf
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  • 2016-11-19
  • The Econometricians (EPUB).zip

    • The Econometricians_Gauss, Galton, Pearson, Fisher, Hotelling, Cowles, Frisch and Haavelmo.epub
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  • 2016-11-19
  • The Econometricians (PDF EPUB).zip

    • The Econometricians_Gauss, Galton, Pearson, Fisher, Hotelling, Cowles, Frisch and Haavelmo.pdf
    • The Econometricians_Gauss, Galton, Pearson, Fisher, Hotelling, Cowles, Frisch and Haavelmo.epub
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  • 2016-11-19
  • IRIS_Tbx_20140128.zip

    • iriscleanup.m
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    • Contents.m
    • findtexmf.m
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    • info.xml
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    • irisreleasecommit.asc
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    • irisstartup.m
    • irisuserconfighelp.m
    • irisversion.m
    • licence.txt
    • passvalopt.m
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  • 2016-3-4
  • 三十三体观音像.rar

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  • 2015-1-16
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics F.rar

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    • Fasiani, Mauro (1900–1950) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • 高清风景壁纸汇总[002].rar

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    • Canada1.jpg
    • Canada2.jpg
    • Canada3.jpg
    • Bahia Honda State Park, Key West, Florida.jpg
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    • Balanced_Rock_Arches_National_Park_Utah.jpg
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    • Bald_Eagle_Homer_Alaska.jpg
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    • Balfour_Glacier_Westland_National_Park_South_Island_New_Zealand.jpg
    • Bali Hai Sunset, Kauai, Hawaii.jpg
    • Ballynahow_Bay_County_Kerry_Ireland.jpg
    • Balsam_Lake_Mount_Revelstoke_National_Park_British_Columbia_Canada.jpg
    • Baltinglass_Abbey_County_Wicklow_Ireland.jpg
    • Bamboo_Forest_Arashiyama_Park_Kyoto_Japan.jpg
    • Banff_in_Winter_Alberta_Canada.jpg
    • Baobab_Trees_Reflected_in_Wetlands_Morondava_Madagascar.jpg
    • Barn and Distant Forest Fire at Sunset, Montana.jpg
    • Basket_Buddies.jpg
    • Basket_of_Kittens.jpg
    • Basketful_of_Tabby_Kittens.jpg
    • Bass_Harbor_Head_Lighthouse_Reflected_Acadia_National_Park_Maine.jpg
    • Bastei Bridge over the Elbe River, Schweiz National Park, Saxony, Germany.jpg
    • Bavaria, Germany.jpg
    • Beach_House_View_Hawaii.jpg
    • Beached_Outrigger_Thailand.jpg
    • Beachside_Stroll.jpg
    • Beagle Channel, Ushuaia, Argentina.jpg
    • Beagle Puppies.jpg
    • Beagle_Puppy.jpg
    • Beautiful_Poinsettias.jpg
    • Beavertail_Cactus_Joshua_Tree_National_Park_California.jpg
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    • Bed_of_Red_Tulips.jpg
    • Below_the_Curl.jpg
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    • Bengal_Tiger_Walking_in_Dry_Grasses_Bandhavgarh_National_Park_India.jpg
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    • Big_Sur_at_Dusk_California.jpg
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    • Black Cat and Jack.jpg
    • Black Hollow Falls, Virginia.jpg
    • Black_and_White_Shorthair.jpg
    • Black_Gray_Wolf_Montana.jpg
    • Black_Rock_Cottage_Rannoch_Moor_Scotland.jpg
    • Blackwater_Falls_Blackwater_Falls_State_Park_West_Virginia.jpg
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    • Blue Ridge Sunset.jpg
    • Blue Sky Sunset, Washington Monument, Washington D.C.jpg
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    • Blue_Tabular_Icebergs_Near_South_Georgia_Island.jpg
    • Blue-and-Black_Tanager_Andes_Peru.jpg
    • Bluebells_in_the_Forest.jpg
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    • Boat Houses, Aberfoyle, Scotland.jpg
    • Boat Jetty, Windermere, Lake District, Cumbria, England.jpg
    • Boat_Wake.jpg
    • Bobcat_in_Winter.jpg
    • Bonaire_Salt_Flats_West_Indies.jpg
    • Bones of Ossuary Chapel, Sedlec, Czech Republic.jpg
    • Boreal Forest, Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon, Canada.jpg
    • Boreal_Chickadee_Canso_Nova_Scotia_Canada.jpg
    • Boston_Harbor_Massachusetts.jpg
    • Boston_Terrier.jpg
    • Bow_Lake_Rockies_Canada.jpg
    • Brandywine_Falls_Cuyahoga_Valley_National_Park_Ohio.jpg
    • Brazil1.jpg
    • Brazil2.jpg
    • Brazil3.jpg
    • Brazil4.jpg
    • Brazil5.jpg
    • Brazil6.jpg
    • Breaching Orca Whale, San Juan Island, Washington.jpg
    • Breaking_Sunlight_Mount_Rainer_Washington.jpg
    • Bridal_Veil_Falls_Near_Raglan_New_Zealand.jpg
    • Bridging Seasons, Southern Ohio.jpg
    • Britain1.jpg
    • Britain2.jpg
    • Britain3.jpg
    • Britain4.jpg
    • Britain5.jpg
    • Britain6.jpg
    • British_Columbia_Provincial_Parliament_Victoria_British_Columbia.jpg
    • Brittany Spaniel on Point.jpg
    • Broken Top Volcano and Sparks Lake, Oregon.jpg
    • Bromeliads_Bocaina_National_Park_Atlantic_Rainforest_Brazil.jpg
    • Brown_Bear_Foraging_for_Salmon_Kamchatka_Russia.jpg
    • Brown_Pelicans_in_Flight_Carmel_California.jpg
    • Brown_Wood_Turtle.jpg
    • Brown`s_Bay_Beach_Islandmagee_Peninsula_Northern_Ireland.jpg
    • Brown-Eyed_Girl.jpg
    • Brownstone_Falls_Copper_Falls_State_Park_Wisconsin.jpg
    • Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.jpg
    • Bryce_Canyon_National_Park_Utah.jpg
    • Bubbles.jpg
    • Buddha_Statue_Wat_Tower.jpg
    • Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia.jpg
    • Bulldog Puppies.jpg
    • Burj al Arab Resort, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.jpg
    • Butterfly_Weed_in_Bloom_Schulenberg_Prairie_Morton_Arboretum_Illinois.jpg
    • Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz.jpg
    • Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine.jpg
    • Calico Tabby Mix.jpg
    • Calla_Lilies_Hawaii.jpg
  • 47.54 MB
  • 2010-6-20
  • 67618.rar
       The labor-supply elasticity and borrowing

    • frisch.pdf
  • 379.71 KB
  • 2006-10-16
  • 25773.rar
       Journal of Econometrics Vol 95 2000

    • Galton, Edgeworth, Frisch, and prospects for quantile regression in econometrics.pdf
    • A numerically stable quadrature procedure for the one-factor random-component discrete choice model.pdf
    • Bayesian analysis of ARMA–GARCH models-- A Markov chain sampling approach.pdf
    • Conference Paper.pdf
    • Cross-sectional aggregation of non-linear models.pdf
    • Detection of change in persistence of a linear time series.pdf
    • Econometrics and decision theory.pdf
    • Editorial.pdf
    • Empirically relevant critical values for hypothesis tests-- A bootstrap approach.pdf
    • Estimating the density of unemployment duration based on contaminated samples or small samples.pdf
    • Estimation of a censored regression panel data model using conditional moment restrictions efficiently.pdf
    • Identification problems and decisions under ambiguity-- treatment response and choice.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • Internet-based econometric computing.pdf
    • On the sensitivity of the usual t- and F-tests to covariance misspecification.pdf
    • Rank estimation of a generalized fixed-effects regression model.pdf
    • Testing for the cointegrating rank of a VAR process with a time trend.pdf
    • Testing time reversibility without moment restrictions.pdf
    • The econometric consequences of the ceteris paribus condition in economic theory.pdf
    • The incidental parameter problem since 1948.pdf
    • Unit root tests in the presence of uncertainty about the non-stochastic trend.pdf
    • Using a likelihood perspective to sharpen econometric discourse-- Three examples.pdf
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  • 2005-9-9