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  • 橡树资本memo-2001-2005.rar

    • 2005_10_17 Hindsight First, Please (or, What Where They Thinking) 101705.pdf
    • 2001_04_10 Safety First.pdf
    • 2001_07_11 Alpha.pdf
    • 2001_09_16 Notes from NY.pdf
    • 2001_10_04 What Lies Ahead.pdf
    • 2001_11_20 You Can't Predict.pdf
    • 2002_03_14 Learning from Enron.pdf
    • 2002_05_31 The Realist's Creed.pdf
    • 2002_07_26 Quo Vadis.pdf
    • 2002_09_04 Etorre's Wisdom.pdf
    • 2002_11_11 Returns and How They Get That Way.pdf
    • 2003_1_3 Most Important Thing (070103).pdf
    • 2003_3_11 Whad'Ya Know (031103).pdf
    • 2003_5_16_What's Going On.pdf
    • 2003-_9_5 What's Your Game Plan (090503).pdf
    • 2003_10_2 The Feeling's Mutual.pdf
    • 2004_3_16 Hey, Steward!! (031604).pdf
    • 2004_5_7 Us and Them (050704).pdf
    • 2004_7_21 Happy Medium (072104).pdf
    • 2004_10_6 Hedge Funds_A Case for Caution (100604).pdf
    • 2004_10_27 Risk and Return Today (102704).pdf
    • 2005_4_11 Oaktree_at_Ten.pdf
    • 2005_06_05 There They Go Again (05_06_05).pdf
    • 2005_6_6 A Case in Point 060605.pdf
  • 2.14 MB
  • 2015-12-30
  • 美国经济评论2014年第二期论文合集.zip

    • How financial incentives induce disability insurance recipients to return to work.pdf
    • A Macroeconomic Model with a Financial Sector.pdf
    • Are Private Markets and Filtering a Viable Source of Low-Income Housing_ Estimates from a “Repeat Income” Model.pdf
    • Collateral Crises.pdf
    • Do Consumers Respond to Marginal or Average Price_ Evidence from Nonlinear Electricity Pricing.pdf
    • Finance and Misallocation Evidence from Plant-Level Data.pdf
    • Income and Democracy_ Comment.pdf
    • Market Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of ExportersMarket Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of Exporters.pdf
    • Outside Options and the Failure of the Coase Conjecture.pdf
    • Raising RetailersíProOts_ On Vertical Practices and the Exclusion of Rivals.pdf
    • Time Allocation and Task Juggling.pdf
    • time to build and fluctuations in bulk shipping.pdf
  • 9.39 MB
  • 2014-8-15
  • Wetfeet资料汇总.zip

    • Ace Your Case 1 -Consulting Interviews.pdf
    • Ace Your Case 2 -Fifteen More Consulting Cases.pdf
    • Ace Your Case 3 -Practice Makes Perfect.pdf
    • Ace Your Case 4 -The Latest and Greatest.pdf
    • Ace Your Case 5 -Return to the Interview.pdf
    • Bain Company Insider Guide.pdf
    • Killer Consulting Resumes.pdf
    • Killer Cover Letters Resumes.pdf
    • Killer Investment Banking Resumes.pdf
    • Mckinsey & Company Insider Guide.pdf
    • The Boston Consulting Group Insider Guide.pdf
    • Wetfeet Careers In Investment Banking.pdf
    • Wetfeet Careers In Management Consulting.pdf
  • 7.19 MB
  • 2012-7-17
  • ace your case1-5合.rar

    • 1ace your case-case interview.pdf
    • 2ace your case-ii-more cases.pdf
    • 3ace your case iii-Practice make perfect.pdf
    • 4ace your case iv-the latest and greatest.pdf
    • 5ace Your Case V-Return to the Case Interview.pdf
  • 3.1 MB
  • 2011-12-20
  • Hingley.pdf
       Evolution of Category Management in UK Supermarket Fresh Produce Networks: A Return to Direct Supply ...

  • 73.08 KB
  • 2011-9-26
  • ace your case.rar

    • Wetfeet Careers In Management Consulting.pdf
    • WetFeet Ace_Your_Case I - Consulting Interview.pdf
    • WetFeet Ace_Your_Case_II - 15 More Cases.pdf
    • WetFeet Ace_Your_Case_III - Practice Makes Perfect.pdf
    • WetFeet Ace_Your_Case_IV - The Latest and Greatest.pdf
    • WetFeet Ace_Your_Case_V - Return to the Case Interview.pdf
  • 4.27 MB
  • 2011-1-20
  • 121-141.rar

    • A Framework for Assessing of the Impact of Capacity Building.pdf
    • Assessing the economic viability of alternative water resources in water scarce regions:The roles of economic valuation,cost–benefit analysis and discounting.pdf
    • Biofuels,Growth and Agricultural Development.pdf
    • Disease and Behavioral Dynamics for Brucellosis Control in Elk and Cattle in the Greater Yellowstone Area.pdf
    • Economic analysis of summer fallow management to reduce take-all disease and N-leaching in a wheat crop rotation.pdf
    • Energy Input Use and CO2 Emissions in the Major Wheat Growing Regions of India.pdf
    • Exploring production-theoretical insights for analyzing trade-offs between economic performance and environmental pressure at firm level.pdf
    • Fertilizer profitability in East Africa:A Spatially Explicit Policy Analysis.pdf
    • Food Aid and Biofuels:The Effects of Biofuel Policies on Procurement and Delivery.pdf
    • How Important are Peer Effects in Group Lending? Estimating a Static Game of Incomplete Information.pdf
    • IAAE2009_ViaggiRaggiGomez-y-Paloma_final2.pdf
    • Justified hopes or utopian thinking? The suitability of coffee certification schemes as a business model for small-scale producers.pdf
    • Mass Media and Public Policy: Global Evidence from Agricultural Policies.pdf
    • On food quality in domestic markets of developing economies.pdf
    • Optimal crop protection against climate risk in a dynamic cost-loss decision-making model.pdf
    • Rates of Return to Public Agricultural Research in 48 U.S. States.pdf
    • Using multi-agent modeling technique to regionalize key processes and patterns of sustainable agricultural cropping systems in the North China Plain.pdf
    • Where is Basmatirice Coming From?A Global Trade-related Overview.pdf
    • Would Consumers Value New Functional Properties of GM Food?A Choice-Modeling Approach for Rapeseed Oil.pdf
  • 6.22 MB
  • 2009-11-2
  • 277762.rar

    • 2D-1_Competitive Franchising_Brett Graham et al.pdf
    • 2D-2—Entry Deterrence through Strategic Sourcing.Yutian Chen.ppt
    • 2D-4—Strategic Mis-selling and Pre-Contractual Cognition-Xiaojian Zhao.pdf
    • 2E-1—Innovation, Licensing,and Price vs. Quantity Competition.Changying Li et al.ppt
    • 2E-2—Trade Policy and Innovation_Huasheng Song et al.ppt
    • 2E-3_Technological Innovation, Competitiveness and Economic Performance_Jinghua Xu.ppt
    • 2E-3_Technological Innovation, Competitiveness and Economic Performance_Jinghua Xu(Data Table).doc
    • 2G-3—交易费用与经济增长-韩中元.ppt
    • 2J-3—民营经济进入航空运输业的结构性壁垒-杨永忠等.ppt
    • 3A-2—R&D Internationalization.Dan Lu.pdf
    • 3A-3_Infrastructure Capital and Economic Growth in China- Xiongjian Wang.pdf
    • 3B-2—Indeterminacy and the Elasticity of Substitution in One-Sector Models.Tsz-Nga Wong et al.ppt
    • 3C-2—Return to Harrod.Gang Gong.ppt
    • 3C-3—Asymmetric Information, Auditing Commitment, and Economic Growth.Yong Wang.ppt
    • 3D-2—Return Migration.Roman Zakharenko.pdf
  • 6.56 MB
  • 2008-12-17
  • 247183.pdf
       免费Ace Your Case - Return To The Case Interviews.pdf

  • 679.73 KB
  • 2008-9-16
  • 211732.rar

    • Rate of return to education investment.ppt
    • 第21章.ppt
    • 第22章..ppt
    • 第23章.ppt
    • 第24章.ppt
    • 第25章.ppt
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    • 第28章.ppt
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    • 第31章.ppt
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    • 第八章.ppt
    • 第二章.ppt
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    • 第六章.ppt
    • 第七章.ppt
    • 第三章.ppt
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    • 第十一章.ppt
    • 第十章.ppt
    • 第四章.ppt
    • 第五章.ppt
    • 第一章.ppt
    • 8.1.ppt
    • 8.2.ppt
    • 8.3.ppt
    • 第20章.ppt
  • 8 MB
  • 2008-5-10
  • 209551.rar

    • Evaluating Chinese Farm Level Yield Risks and Crop Insurance with Nonparametric Methods.doc
    • Examining the Changes in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption over Time and across Regions in China.pdf
    • Exchange Rate Policy and the Relative Distribution of FDI among Host Countries.pdf
    • Explaining Production Inefficiency in China’s Agriculture using Data Envelope Analysis and Semi-Parametric Bootstrapping.doc
    • Factors Affecting Alcohol Purchase Decisions and Expenditures in Malaysia.pdf
    • Finance and Cluster-Based Industrial Development in China.doc
    • Firm Heterogeneity and Location Choices Evidence from Foreign Manufacturing Investments in China.doc
    • Fundamental Causes of Inland-coastal Income Inequality in Post-reform China.pdf
    • Geographically Weighted Regression Bandwidth Selection and Spatial Autocorrelation.doc
    • Health Shocks and Children’s School Attainments in Rural China.doc
    • Housing Reforms, Incomplete Property Rights and Its Implication on Housing Pricing.doc
    • How Do Social Interactions Affect Peer Effect in Migration Decision.doc
    • How Does RMB Appreciation affect China and the World Economy.doc
    • How Much Does Social Network Contribute to Income Inequality in Rural China During Marketization.doc
    • A Strategic Ramsey Model With Huge Number Of Agents And Production Side Increasing Return To Scale.doc
    • Adolescent Obesity and Academic Achievement in Korea.doc
    • An Analysis of so-called Export-led Growth.pdf
    • An Empirical Analysis of China’s Recent Waves of Cooperative Medical Insurance.doc
    • Business and Financial Risks of Small Rural Enterprises in China.pdf
    • Can Education Expansion Improve Income Di stribution.doc
    • Can Education Expansion Improve Income Distribution.doc
    • China in the World Economy:Dynamic Correlation Analysis of Business Cycles.pdf
    • China’s Iron Ore Import Demand and Its Determinants.doc
    • Chinese Intellectual Property Policy at the Crossroads.doc
    • CO2 Emission and Development.doc
    • Count on the Growth Pole Strategy for Economic Growth?The Spread-Backwash Effects in Greater Central China.doc
    • Cream-Skimmer or Underdog?A pilot study of rural labor training program in Zhejiang, China.pdf
    • Damming the Nu:Energy and Economics on China’s Angry River.doc
    • Dependent Development?Macau’s Gaming Industry:Its Problems and Prospects.doc
    • Determinants of Office Property Value in China’s Emerging Markets.pdf
    • Development Strategy, Technology Choice and Inequality.doc
    • Does China’s Trade Expansion Help African Development - A South-South Trade Model Approach.doc
    • Does crop insurance influence agrochemical uses under current Chinese situations.doc
    • Does Taking One Step Back Get You Two Steps Forward?Grade Retention and School Performance in Rural China.doc
    • Economic emergence of China and its potentials in Boosting Economic Growth in developing economies.doc
    • Economic Growth and Employment:What Determines Employment Elasticity.doc
    • Economists as the Institutional Entrepreneur in China’s Market Reform.doc
    • Effects of Rice Price Uncertainty on Vulnerability to Poverty in Rural Nepal.pdf
    • Equal Work Opportunity but Unequal Pay:Sexual disparities among urban poor in China.doc
    • Equipment Investment, Output and Productivity in China.doc
  • 5.78 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 80173.rar
       Charles I. Jones的经济增长论文(经典)

    • Productivity and Convergence across U.S. States and Industries.pdf
    • A New Proof of Uzawa's Steady-State Growth Theorem.pdf
    • A Note on the Closed-Form Solution of the Solow Model.pdf
    • Comment on Klenow-Rodriguez, [The Neoclassical Growth Revival--Has it Gone too Far].pdf
    • Comment on Rodriguez-Rodrik, [Trade Policy and Economic Growth- A Skeptic's Guide to the Cross-National Evidence].pdf
    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Productivity Convergence and Measurement Across Industries and Countries.pdf
    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Reply.pdf
    • Convergence Revisited.pdf
    • Economic Growth and the Relative Price of Capital.pdf
    • Growth and Ideas.pdf
    • Growth-- With or Without Scale Effects.pdf
    • Growth, Capital Shares, and a New Perspective on Production Functions.pdf
    • Levels of Economic Activity across Countries.pdf
    • Measuring the Social Return to R&D.pdf
    • On the Evolution of the World Income Distribution.pdf
    • Population and Ideas-- A Theory of Endogenous Growth.pdf
  • 7.46 MB
  • 2006-12-25
  • 36244.rar
       Return to RiskMetrics

    • Return to RiskMetrics.pdf
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  • 2005-12-31