大小 上传时间
  • weitzman1965-1999(75篇).rar

    • Weitzman-1993-What to Preserve An Application of Diversity Theory to Crane Conservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1999-Pricing the Limits to Growth from Minerals Depletion.pdf
    • Weitzman-1965-Utility Analysis and Group Behavior An Empirical Study.pdf
    • Weitzman-1967-On Choosing an Optimal Technology.pdf
    • Weitzman-1968-A Model of the Demand for Money by Firms Comment.pdf
    • Weitzman-1970-Iterative Multi-Level Planning with Production Targets.pdf
    • Weitzman-1970-Optimal Growth with Scale Economies in the Creation of Overhead Capital.pdf
    • Weitzman-1970-Soviet Postwar Economic Growth and Capital Labor Substitution.pdf
    • Weitzman-1971-A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Zero-One Mixed Integer Programming Problems..pdf
    • Weitzman-1971-Duality Theory of Convex Programming for Infinite Horizon Economic Models.pdf
    • Weitzman-1971-Material Balances under Uncertainty.pdf
    • Weitzman-1971-Shiftable vs. Non-Shiftable Capital A Synthesis.pdf
    • Weitzman-1973-Duality Theory for Infinite Horizon Convex Models.pdf
    • Weitzman-1974- A Mathematical Model of Enclosures.pdf
    • Weitzman-1974-Free Access vs. Private Ownership as Alternative Systems for Managing Common Property.pdf
    • Weitzman-1974-Prices vs. Quantities.pdf
    • Weitzman-1975-A Marxian Model of Enclosures.pdf
    • Weitzman-1976-OPEC and Monopoly Price of World Oil.pdf
    • Weitzman-1976-The New Soviet Incentive Model..pdf
    • Weitzman-1976-The New Soviet Incentive Model.pdf
    • Weitzman-1976-The Optimal Development of Resource Pools.pdf
    • Weitzman-1977-Is the Price System or Rationing More Efficient in Getting a Commodity to Those Who Need it Most.pdf
    • Weitzman-1978- Manove M. Aggregation for Material Balances.pdf
    • Weitzman-1978-Aggregation for Material Balances.pdf
    • Weitzman-1978-Optimal Rewards for Economic Regulation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1978-Regulatory Strategies for Pollution Control.pdf
    • Weitzman-1979-Optimal Search for the Best Alternative.pdf
    • Weitzman-1979-Technology Transfer to the USSR An Econometric Analysis.pdf
    • Weitzman-1980-Efficient Incentive Contracts.pdf
    • Weitzman-1980-The ‘Rachet Principle’ and Performance Incentives.pdf
    • Weitzman-1981-Funding Criteria for Research, Development, and Exploration Projects.pdf
    • Weitzman-1981-Sequential R&D Strategy for Synfuels.pdf
    • Weitzman-1982-Asymmetries in Price and Quantity Adjustments by the Competitive Industry.pdf
    • Weitzman-1982-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-Contestable Markets An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure Comment.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-Industrial Production.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-On the Meaning of Comparative Factor Productivity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-Some Macroeconomic Implications of Alternative Compensation Systems.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory An Explanation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-Profit Sharing as Macroeconomic Policy.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-The Simple Macroeconomics of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1986-Macroeconomic Implications of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1986-The Share Economy Symposium A Reply.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Bonuses and Employment in Japan.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Employment and Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Macroeconomic Aspects of Profit Sharing..pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Share Arrangements and Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Steady State Unemployment Under Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Comments on Can the Share Economy Conquer Stagflation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Consumer's Surplus as an Exact Approximation When Prices are Appropriately Deflated.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory Rejoinder.pdf
    • Weitzman-1989-A Theory of Wage Dispersion and Job Market Segmentation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1989-The Promise of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1990-Profit Sharing and Productivity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1990-Reflections on Macroeconomics and Share Systems.pdf
    • Weitzman-1991-A Proposal for Using Incentive Pre-Commitments in Public Enterprise Funding.pdf
    • Weitzman-1991-Price Distortion and Shortage Deformation or What Happened to the Soap.pdf
    • Weitzman-1992-On Diversity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1993-Economic Transition Can Theory Help.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-Chinese Township-Village Enterprises as Vaguely Defined Cooperatives.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-Monopolistic Competition with Endogenous Specialization.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-On the 'Environmental' Discount Rate.pdf
    • Weitzman-1995-Diversity Functions.pdf
    • Weitzman-1995-Incentive Effects of Profit Sharing and Employee Share Ownership Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Competition and the Evolution of Efficiency.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Hybridizing Growth Theory.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Patterns of Behavior in Endangered Species Preservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1997- On the Welfare Significance of Green Accounting as Taught by Parable.pdf
    • Weitzman-1997-Sustainability and Technical Progress.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Conflicts and Choices in Biodiversity Preservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-On the Welfare Significance of National Product under Interest-Rate Uncertainty.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Recombinant Growth.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-The Noah's Ark Problem.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Why the Far-Distant Future Should be Discounted at its Lowest Possible Rate.pdf
    • Weitzman-1999-Just Keep Discounting, But.pdf
  • 50.22 MB
  • 2020-8-17
  • reserve.xlsx

  • 15.5 KB
  • 2020-4-14
  • recruit-restaurant-visitor-forecasting.zip

    • hpg_reserve.csv
    • air_reserve.csv
    • store_id_relation.csv
    • hpg_store_info.csv
    • air_store_info.csv
    • air_visit_data.csv
    • sample_submission.csv
    • date_info.csv
  • 27.16 MB
  • 2019-9-30
  • 1-s2.0-S1094202518303223-mmc1.zip

    • excess_reserve_calculation.do
    • reserve_requirement_parameters.dta
    • reserves_data.dta
    • read-me.txt
  • 48.61 MB
  • 2019-9-29
  • solution introduction to ratemaking and loss reserve.rar

    • solution introduction to ratemaking and loss reserve.pdf
  • 1.56 MB
  • 2018-6-15
  • introduction to ratemaking and loss reserve.rar

    • introduction to ratemaking and loss reserve.pdf
  • 9.58 MB
  • 2018-6-15
  • Ramkishen S. Rajan.zip

    • Foreign-exchange-market-intervention-and-reserve-accumulation-_2011_Economic.pdf
    • China-as-a-reserve-sink--The-evidence-from-off_2010_Journal-of-International.pdf
    • Comparative-analysis-of-mutagenic-potency-of-1-nitro-acridin_2005_Life-Scien.pdf
    • Do-capital-controls-make-gross-equity-flows-to_2015_Journal-of-International.pdf
    • Management-of-exchange-rate-regimes-in-emergi_2012_Review-of-Development-Fin.pdf
    • Impact-of-exchange-rate-volatility-on-Indon_2004_Journal-of-the-Japanese-and.pdf
    • Group-IB-phospholipase-A2-from-Pseudonaj_2004_Archives-of-Biochemistry-and-B.pdf
    • Does-foreign-bank-presence-affect-interest-rate-pass-thr_2017_Journal-of-Mac.pdf
    • The-political-economy-of-sequencing--Mone_2006_The-North-American-Journal-of.pdf
    • Has-Foreign-Aid-Been-Effective-in-the-Water-Supply-and-Sanit_2016_World-Deve.pdf
    • What-determines-external-debt-tipping-points-_2014_Journal-of-Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Exchange-rate-pass-through-in-Korea-and-Thailand--Tr_2009_Japan-and-the-Worl.pdf
    • Introduction--Regional-integrati_2006_The-North-American-Journal-of-Economic.pdf
    • Exchange-rate-regimes-and-real-exchange-rate-volatility_2016_Japan-and-the-W.pdf
    • Real-exchange-rate-fluctuations-and-the-relat_2013_Journal-of-International-.pdf
    • Capital-inflows-and-the-interest-premium-problem--T_2015_International-Revie.pdf
    • Government-bailouts-and-monetary-disequilibrium--_2000_The-North-American-Jo.pdf
    • Structurally-conserved---neurotoxin-genes-encode-functionally-divers_2003_FE.pdf
    • Corrigendum-to--Real-exchange-rate-fluctuations-and-th_2015_Journal-of-Inter.pdf
  • 9.42 MB
  • 2018-4-27
  • China as a reserve sink.zip

    • China as a reserve sink.pdf
  • 995.56 KB
  • 2017-6-25
  • Danielle DiMartino Booth-Fed Up_ An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve i.rar

    • Danielle DiMartino Booth-Fed Up_ An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America-Portfolio (2017).epub
  • 1004.61 KB
  • 2017-3-29
  • Sovereign Money_Beyond Reserve Banking.zip

    • Sovereign Money_Beyond Reserve Banking.pdf
  • 2.38 MB
  • 2016-12-31
  • 影子银行 论文 2010年后.zip

    • Building an Open, Integrated, and Resilient Global Financial System_ The Road to Brisbane and Beyond.pdf
    • The Federal Reserve and Panic Prevention_ The Roles of Financial Regulation and Lender of Last Resort.pdf
    • Federalism and the shadow economy.pdf
    • Regulating the Shadow Banking System [with Comments and Discussion].pdf
    • Banking crisis management in the EU_ an early assessment [with Discussion].pdf
  • 7.81 MB
  • 2016-12-26
  • the political economy of US monetary policy - how the federal reserve gained con.rar

    • the political economy of US monetary policy - how the federal reserve gained control and uses it (2016).pdf
  • 905.67 KB
  • 2016-10-10
  • The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis, 2013, Ben S.Bernanke.zip
       The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis, 2013 (Ben S.Bernanke)

    • The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis, 2013, Ben S.Bernanke.epub
  • 2.11 MB
  • 2016-6-26
  • Involuntary excess reserves, the reserve requirements and credit rationing in China.rar

    • Involuntary excess reserves, the reserve requirements and credit rationing in China.pdf
  • 172.54 KB
  • 2016-3-4
  • 46.zip

    • Disclosure-transparency-about-activity-in-valuation-allowance-and-reserve-accounts-and-accruals-based-earnings-management_2015_Accounting-Organization.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Discussion-of-The-effect-of-alternative-accounting-measurement-bases-on-investors-assessments-of-managers-stewardship-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-a.pdf
    • A-practitioners-perspective-2014-AOS-Conference-on-Accounting-Estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Discussion-of-The-effects-of-forecast-type-and-performance-based-incentives-on-the-quality-of-management-forecasts-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-.pdf
    • The-impact-of-risk-modeling-on-the-market-perception-of-banks-estimated-fair-value-gains-and-losses-for-financial-instruments_2015_Accounting-Organiza.pdf
    • The-effects-of-forecast-type-and-performance-based-incentives-on-the-quality-of-management-forecasts_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Fair-value-measurement-capabilities-disclosure-and-the-perceived-reliability-of-fair-value-estimates-A-discussion-of-Bhat-and-Ryan-2015-_2015_Accounti.pdf
    • Discussion-of-construal-instructions-and-professional-skepticism-in-evaluating-complex-estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-relation-between-disclosure-quality-and-reporting-quality-A-discussion-of-Cassell-Myers-and-Seidel-2015-_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-effect-of-alternative-accounting-measurement-bases-on-investors-assessments-of-managers-stewardship_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Commentary-on-The-effect-of-an-audit-judgment-rule-on-audit-committee-members-professional-skepticism-The-case-of-accounting-estimates-Kang-Trotman-an.pdf
    • Construal-instructions-and-professional-skepticism-in-evaluating-complex-estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Key-takeaways-and-overarching-themes-A-foreward-2014-AOS-Conference-on-Accounting-Estimates-special-issue_2015_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-effect-of-an-Audit-Judgment-Rule-on-audit-committee-members-professional-skepticism-The-case-of-accounting-estimates_2015_Accounting-Organizations.pdf
  • 5.77 MB
  • 2016-2-19
  • Visual FoxPro 6.0绿色中文版.rar

    • FOXPRO.H
    • VFP6.EXE
    • foxhhelpps.dll
    • FOX.BMP
    • FOXFONT.850
    • FOXFONT.852
    • FOXFONT.866
    • book1.DBF
    • book2.DBF
    • book3.DBF
    • book4.DBF
    • book5.DBF
    • book6.DBF
    • book7.DBF
    • browser.dbf
    • detail.DBF
    • genhtml.dbf
    • market.DBF
    • txl.dbf
    • 默认值.FKY
    • browser.FPT
    • genhtml.fpt
    • Offline.FPT
    • txl.FPT
    • 111.FRT
    • 111.frx
    • genmenu.FXP
    • outlook.FXP
    • viewcode.FXP
    • Offline.msg
    • FOX.MSK
    • outlook.PRG
    • viewcode.prg
    • VFPSP3.CHM
  • 30.9 MB
  • 2015-12-25

    • bernanke-lecture-1-20120320.pdf
    • bernanke-lecture-2-20120322.pdf
    • bernanke-lecture-3-20120327.pdf
    • bernanke-lecture-4-20120329.pdf
    • chairman-bernanke-lecture1-20120320.pdf
    • chairman-bernanke-lecture2-20120322.pdf
    • chairman-bernanke-lecture3-20120327.pdf
    • chairman-bernanke-lecture4-20120329.pdf
    • questions-for-classroom-discussion-bernanke-lecture-series.pdf
  • 10.28 MB
  • 2015-12-9
  • The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis - Bernanke.zip

    • bernanke-lecture-four-20120329.pdf
    • bernanke-lecture-one-20120320.pdf
    • bernanke-lecture-three-20120327.pdf
    • bernanke-lecture-two-20120322.pdf
    • Bernanke-lecture2-20120322.pdf
    • Bernanke-lecture3-20120327.pdf
    • chairman-bernanke-lecture1-20120320.pdf
    • chairman-bernanke-lecture4-20120329.pdf
  • 18.79 MB
  • 2015-7-10
  • The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis - Bernanke, Ben S.rar

    • The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis - Bernanke, Ben S.epub
  • 2.11 MB
  • 2015-4-20
  • GemDataEXTR.zip

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xlsx
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xlsx
    • Commodity Prices.xlsx
    • Core CPI, not seas. adj..xlsx
    • Core CPI, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xlsx
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xlsx
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant 2010 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2010 LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2010 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant 2010 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Industrial Production, constant 2010 US$, not seasonally adjusted.xlsx
    • Industrial Production, constant 2010 US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xlsx
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Retail Sales Volume Index, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, LCU.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, US$.xlsx
    • Terms of Trade.xlsx
    • Total Reserves.xlsx
    • Unemployment Rate, seas. adj..xlsx
  • 8.71 MB
  • 2014-11-22
  • Fed_LSAP.zip

    • The Effects of Quantitative Easing_krishnamurthy.pdf
    • Monetary Policy since the Onset of the Crisis.pdf
    • Monetary policy zero lower bound williams.pdf
    • Flow and Stock Effects of Large-Scale Treasury Purchases.pdf
    • The Financial Market Effects of the Fed LSAP.pdf
    • The impact of recent central bank asset purchase.pdf
    • Methods of Policy Accommodation.pdf
    • The Federal Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchase Programs.pdf
  • 8.73 MB
  • 2014-10-31
  • Money.for.Nothing.Inside.the.Federal.Reserve.rar

    • Money.for.Nothing.Inside.the.Federal.Reserve.torrent
  • 128.26 KB
  • 2014-10-7
  • journal of finance April 2013.rar

    • A Multiple Lender Approach to Understanding.pdf
    • Divisional Managers and Internal Capital.pdf
    • How Effective Were the Federal Reserve.pdf
    • Monitoring Managers Does It Matter.pdf
    • Noisy Prices and Inference Regarding Returns.pdf
    • On the High-Frequency Dynamics of Hedge Fund.pdf
    • Outsourcing Mutual Fund Management.pdf
    • The Cost of Short-Selling Liquid Securities.pdf
    • The Maturity Rat Race.pdf
    • Uncovering Hedge Fund Skill from the Portfolio.pdf
  • 2.91 MB
  • 2014-10-4
  • 金融监管 文献.rar

    • 9. AER2013--Benefit-Cost Analysis for Financial Regulation.pdf
    • 1. JEL2011--Financial Regulation Lessons from the Recent Financial Crises.pdf
    • 2. JF2010--The Political Economy of Financial Regulation Evidence from U.S. State Usury Laws in the 19th Century.pdf
    • 3. JF2012--Regulatory Arbitrage and International Bank Flows.pdf
    • 4. JF2009--Level Playing Fields in International Financial Regulation.pdf
    • 5. JF2013--Financial Regulation Financial Globalization and the Synchronization of Economic Activity.pdf
    • 6. JEP2013--The Federal Reserve and Panic Prevention The Roles of Financial Regulation and Lender of Last Resort.pdf
    • 7. JEP2011--A Macroprudential Approach to Financial Regulation.pdf
  • 15.81 MB
  • 2014-9-11
  • CB_Stanford.zip

    • 2014PapellDeviationsfromRules-BasedPolicy.pdf
    • 2014BordoLOLR-revised.pdf
    • 2014ClaridaMonetaryPolicyinOpenEconomies-revised.pdf
    • 2014GeorgeStanfordHoover052914.pdf
    • 2014GoodfriendLessonsfromaCenturyofFedPolicy.pdf
    • 2014LevinThe DesignandCommunicationofSystematicMonetaryPolicyStrategies-revised.pdf
    • 2014MeltzerFederalReserveIndependence.pdf
    • 2014OhanianMonetaryPolicyintheMidstofBigShocks.pdf
    • 2014OpeningRemarks-JBT-May 29.pdf
  • 3.65 MB
  • 2014-5-31
  • GemDataEXTR.zip
       Global Economic Monitor

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xlsx
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xlsx
    • Commodity Prices.xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xlsx
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xlsx
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2005 LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, constant 2005 US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current LCU, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP at market prices, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • Industrial Production, constant US$, seas. adj..xlsx
    • J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI+).xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 3-month rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 6-month rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xlsx
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, Local Currency.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, US$.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, LCU.xlsx
    • Stock Markets, US$.xlsx
    • Terms of Trade.xlsx
    • Total Reserves.xlsx
  • 9.43 MB
  • 2014-4-17
  • A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 2, 1970-1986.rar

    • A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 2, 1970-1986.pdf
  • 2.78 MB
  • 2014-3-17
  • 7.doc
       The Need for Monetary Reserves

  • 183 KB
  • 2013-11-14
  • 全球经济监测.zip

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xlsx
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xlsx
    • Commodity Prices.xlsx
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xlsx
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xlsx
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xlsx
    • Export Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xlsx
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xlsx
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xlsx
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln US$.xlsx
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xlsx
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln US$.xlsx
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xlsx
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xlsx
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xlsx
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xlsx
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xlsx
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xlsx
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xlsx
    • Import Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xlsx
    • Industrial Production, Seasonally Adjusted Volumes.xlsx
    • Inflation (CPI) by aggregate, 2005=1, y-o-y growth median .xlsx
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1, y-o-y growth .xlsx
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1.xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 3-month Rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • London Interbank Offered 6-month Rates (LIBOR).xlsx
    • Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xlsx
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xlsx
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, Local Currency.xlsx
    • Stock Market Index, US$.xlsx
    • Terms of Trade.xlsx
    • Total Foreign Reserves, excl gold, mln US$.xlsx
  • 9.9 MB
  • 2013-8-7
  • cjag12010.pdf
       SocialWelfare and Marine Reserves: Is

  • 233.24 KB
  • 2013-7-12
  • MLC handouts.rar

    • 1 Multi-State Models.rar
    • 1 Survival Distributions and Life Tables.rar
    • 2 Life Insurance.rar
    • 2 Poisson Process.rar
    • 3 Life Annuities.rar
    • 4 Benefit Premiums.rar
    • 5 Benefit Reserves.rar
    • 6 Multiple Life Functions.rar
    • 7 Multiple Life Decrements.rar
    • 8 Insurance Models Including Expenses.rar
  • 7.55 MB
  • 2013-5-5
  • 伯南克华盛顿大学讲座中英文全集.rar

    • S2 Origins and Mission of the Federal Reserve.pdf
    • S3 The Federal Reserve s Response to the Financial Crisis.pdf
    • S4 The Aftermath of the Crisis.pdf
    • 伯南克第2讲大纲:二次大战后的联储.pdf
    • 伯南克第3讲大纲:美联储应对金融危机.pdf
    • 伯南克第4讲大纲:金融危机的影响.pdf
    • 伯南克乔治华盛顿大学讲座提纲(1).doc
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    • 伯南克在华盛顿大学第一课_美联储的基本使命-课件.pdf
    • S1 The Federal Reserve after World War II.pdf
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  • 华盛顿大学:伯南克公开课——美联储与金融危机.zip

    • 伯南克公开课_第一讲:美联储的起源与使命bernanke-lecture-one-20120320.pdf
    • 伯南克公开课_第四讲:金融危机的后果_bernanke-lecture-four-20120329.pdf
    • 伯南克华盛顿大学第三课_美联储对金融危机的反应.pdf
    • S1 The Federal Reserve after World War II.pdf
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  • 2013-4-25
  • Measuring the policy effects of changes in reserve requirement ratios.rar

    • Measuring the policy effects of changes in reserve requirement ratios.pdf
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  • 2013-3-26
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics I.rar

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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics F.rar

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  • 国际金融.rar

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  • Barclays(8.10).rar

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    • Federal_Reserve_Commentary_August_FOMC_Firmer_commitment_to_low_policy_rate_Not.pdf
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  • GemDataEXTR201002 new format.rar

    • Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio.xls
    • Stock Market Index, US$.xls
    • Terms of Trade.xls
    • Total Foreign Reserves, excl gold, mln US$.xls
    • Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier).xls
    • Commodities.xls
    • Emerging Market Bond Index (JPM Total Return Index).xls
    • Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average.xls
    • Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average.xls
    • Export Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xls
    • Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods.xls
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xls
    • GDP at Constant Market Prices in mln US$.xls
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln Local Currency.xls
    • GDP at Current Market Prices in mln US$.xls
    • GDP Deflator at Market Prices, LCU.xls
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xls
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xls
    • Goods Exports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xls
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Value, mln US$.xls
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume US$ growth rate.xls
    • Goods Imports, Seasonally Adjusted,Volume, mln US$.xls
    • Import Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, 2005=1.xls
    • Industrial Production, Non Seasonally Adjusted Volumes.xls
    • Industrial Production, Seasonally Adjusted Volumes.xls
    • Inflation (CPI) by aggregate, 2005=1, y-o-y growth median .xls
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1, y-o-y growth .xls
    • Inflation (CPI) by country, 2005=1.xls
    • London Interbank Offered 3-month Rates (LIBOR).xls
    • London Interbank Offered 6-month Rates (LIBOR).xls
    • M2 by Reserves.xls
    • M2 Mutliplier .xls
    • Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.xls
    • Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average.xls
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate.xls
    • Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries.xls
    • Stock Market Index, Local Currency.xls
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    • Caijing_68 – Meeting God’s Bankers.doc
    • Caijing_70 Generational Gap.doc
    • caijing_71 100128CaijingExchangeRatesAllthatjazz.doc
    • Caijing_72 Waltzing around Exchange Rates.doc
    • Caijing_73 Rise of the Market State.docx
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    • 090818Caijing_60EuroasCompetitor.doc
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    • Caijing 50FableofMonkeys.doc
    • Caijing 51AgeoftheUnthinkable.doc
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    • Caijing 54Bubbles in Bear Markets.doc
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  • 高清风景壁纸汇总[006].rar

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    • White_Lops.jpg
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    • White_Rhinoceros_With_a_Red-Billed_Oxpecker_Kenya.jpg
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    • Wildflowers, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington.jpg
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    • Winchester_Cathedral_Hampshire_England.jpg
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    • Wind Waves on Snow, Garden of Eden, Southern Alps, New Zealand.jpg
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    • Winter_Mist_Westerwald_Germany.jpg
    • Winter_Morning_Sparks_Lane_Cades_Cove_Great_Smoky_Mountains_National_Park_Tennessee.jpg
    • Winter_Retreat_Tirol_Austria.jpg
    • Winter_White_Wonderland.jpg
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    • Winterton-on-Sea, Norfolk, England.jpg
    • womens_1920x1200.jpg
    • Wonalancet Chapel and Autumn Color, Wonalancet, New Hampshire.jpg
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    • Tom Turkey.jpg
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    • Tranquility_in_the_Wild.jpg
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    • Tropical Beach, Aitutaki, Cook Islands.jpg
    • Tropical Fish and Coral.jpg
    • Tropical_Island_North_Male_Atoll_Maldives.jpg
    • Tropical_Island_Sunset.jpg
    • Tropical_Paradise_at_Sunset.jpg
    • Tropical_Reflections_Hawaii.jpg
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    • Trossachs National Park in Autumn, Scotland.jpg
    • Tulip Garden 01.jpg
    • Tulip Garden 02.jpg
    • Tunnels Beach, Kauai, Hawaii.jpg
    • Tuolumne_Meadows_Yosemite_National_Park_California.jpg
    • Turkey1.jpg
    • Turkey2.jpg
    • Turkey3.jpg
    • Turkey4.jpg
    • Turkey5.jpg
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    • Turquoise Waters, Hawaii.jpg
    • Tuscan Rainbow, Italy.jpg
    • Two Newborn Giraffe, Masai Mara, Kenya.jpg
    • Underside View of a Daisy.jpg
    • Unnamed_Falls_and_Devils_Club_in_Spring_Boulder_River_Wilderness_Washington.jpg
    • Upper_Lake_Killarney_National_Park_County_Kerry_Ireland.jpg
    • US1.jpg
    • US2.jpg
    • US3.jpg
    • US4.jpg
    • US5.jpg
    • US6.jpg
    • US56.jpg
    • Val_Badia_Trentino-Alto_Adige_Italy.jpg
    • Valley_Mist_at_Dawn_South-West_National_Park_Tasmania_Australia.jpg
    • Vancouver_at_Dusk_British_Columbia_Canada.jpg
    • Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.jpg
    • Varlaam_Monastery_Meteora_Greece.jpg
    • Veery, Kingston, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada.jpg
    • Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.jpg
    • Vermilion_Cliffs_Near_Marble_Canyon_Arizona.jpg
    • Vibrant_Colors_of_Dawn_Guernsey_Channel_Islands.jpg
    • View from Below in an Aspen Grove, Colorado.jpg
    • View of Yosemite Valley Near Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park, California.jpg
    • View_of_Evisa_Corsica_Island_France.jpg
    • View_of_the_Beartrack_Mountains_From_Leland_Island_Alaska.jpg
    • Villa Driveway, Tuscany, Italy.jpg
    • Village_in_Alta_Roca_Region_Corsica_France.jpg
    • Vineyard_at_Sunset_Munot_Castle_Schaffhausen_Switzerland.jpg
    • Vltava_River_Prague.jpg
    • Vomo_Lailai_Island_at_Sunset_Fiji.jpg
    • Wadden_Island_Estuary_at_Sunset_The_Netherlands.jpg
    • Wade's Mill, Raphine, Virginia.jpg
    • Wagonload of Samoyed Puppies.jpg
    • Wahnapitei River at Sunrise, Ontario, Canada.jpg
    • Wai'alae_Beach_Park_Oahu_Hawaii.jpg
    • Waianapanapa State Park, Maui, Hawaii.jpg
    • Waikato River, Near Taupo, New Zealand.jpg
    • Waikiki_at_Night_Oahu.jpg
    • Waimea_Shore_Break.jpg
    • Waitutu_Forest_South_Island_New_Zealand.jpg
    • Walker_Glacier_Alsek_River_Alaska.jpg
    • Wallflowers.jpg
    • Wareham, Dorset, England.jpg
    • Washington_Cascades.jpg
    • Washington_Square_Park_Greenwich_Village_Manhattan_New_York.jpg
    • Watcher_in_the_Woods_Grey_Wolf.jpg
    • Water_Drop_on_Leaf.jpg
    • Waterloo_Bridge_New_Hampshire.jpg
    • Wave-Sculpted Sandstone, Tongaporutu, North Taranski, New Zealand.jpg
  • 42.65 MB
  • 2010-6-20
  • 高清风景壁纸汇总[001].rar

    • Auburn Hues, Ohio.jpg
    • Aurelian_Lily.jpg
    • Aurora Borealis over Boreal Forest, Alaska.jpg
    • Aurora Borealis over Spruce Trees, Glenallen, Alaska.jpg
    • Australia1.jpg
    • Australia2.jpg
    • Australia3.jpg
    • Australia4.jpg
    • Australia5.jpg
    • Australia6.jpg
    • Australian_Pelicans_Sydney_Australia.jpg
    • Autumn Getaway, Hocking Hills, Ohio.jpg
    • Autumn Harvest, Ohio.jpg
    • Autumn in the Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon, Canada.jpg
    • Autumn Leaves.jpg
    • Autumn Mist at Sunrise.jpg
    • Autumn Overlook, Hocking Hills, Ohio.jpg
    • Autumn Pathway, Rocky River, Ohio.jpg
    • Awaiting Jaguar, Belize.jpg
    • Awapuhi_Trail_Kauai_Hawaii.jpg
    • Azaleas_and_Live_Oaks_Magnolia_Plantation_South_Carolina.jpg
    • 5th_Falls_Gooseberry_Falls_State_Park_Minnesota.jpg
    • 26.jpg
    • 886.jpg
    • 1965_Shelby_Cobra_Daytona_Coupe_(Replica).jpg
    • 2006_Yamaha_Roadliner.jpg
    • 3226.jpg
    • A Change of Season, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee.jpg
    • A Comfy Place, Katmai National Park, Alaska.jpg
    • A Watchful Cougar.jpg
    • A Wild Rose.jpg
    • A_Curious_Raccoon.jpg
    • A_Day_at_the_Beach_Dalmatian.jpg
    • A_Fragrant_Arrangement.jpg
    • A_Frosty_Fellow.jpg
    • A_Guiding_Light.jpg
    • A_Place_to_Relax.jpg
    • A_Playful_Black_Bear_Cub.jpg
    • A_Setting_Sun.jpg
    • A_Watchful_Bobcat.jpg
    • abbr_3ac3f47b78511b9f049e85550f7d407b.jpg
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    • abbr_f105b8f1245f24287f2750a333e97ba9.jpg
    • abbr_r_the_Midnight_Sun_and_Impending_Storm_Edward_VIII_Bay_Kemp_Coast_Antarctica.jpg
    • Acacia_Tree_at_Sunset_Africa.jpg
    • Acacia_Tree_Over_the_Savannah_Kenya.jpg
    • ACS_Image_of_NGC_5866.jpg
    • Action_at_the_Watering_Hole_Etosha_National_Park_Namibia.jpg
    • Adelie Penguin, Antarctica.jpg
    • Adelie_Penguin_South_Shetland_Islands_Antarctic_Peninsula.jpg
    • Adelie_Penguins_Antarctica.jpg
    • Admiralty_Skyline_Hong_Kong.jpg
    • Adriatic_Sea_at_Sunrise_Rovigno_Croatia.jpg
    • Aerial_View_of_a_Salt_Marsh_South_Carolina.jpg
    • Aerial_View_of_Bora_Bora.jpg
    • Aerial_View_of_Bora_Bora_French_Polynesia.jpg
    • Aerial_View_of_Hualalai_Volcano_at_Sunrise_Big_Island_Hawaii.jpg
    • African Lion Cub, Masai Mara, Kenya.jpg
    • African Lion, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.jpg
    • African_Elephants_Masai_Mara_Kenya.jpg
    • African_Leopard_Samburu_National_Reserve_Kenya.jpg
    • African_Lion_Kruger_National_Park_South_Africa.jpg
    • After_The_Storm_Kansas.jpg
    • Afternoon in the Palouse Region, Washington.jpg
    • Agricultural_Fields_and_Village_Tibet.jpg
    • Ait_Benhaddou_Ouarzazate_Region_Morocco.jpg
    • Aitone Waterfalls, Corse du Sud, France.jpg
    • Akan National Park, Hokkaido, Japan.jpg
    • Alaskan Brown Bear, Hallo Bay, Alaska.jpg
    • Alaskan Tundra in Autumn, Denali National Park, Alaska.jpg
    • Alaskan_Coastline.jpg
    • Alberta_Countryside.jpg
    • Aldabran_Tortoise.jpg
    • Algae_Patterns_in_Harts_Run_Greenbrier_State_Forest_West_Virginia.jpg
    • Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.jpg
    • Along_the_Snake_River_at_Sunrise_Below_Mount_Moran_Grand_Teton_National_Park_Wyoming.jpg
    • Alpinists_Chamonix_France.jpg
    • Alps_in_Fog_Switzerland.jpg
    • Amazing_Grace.jpg
    • Amber_Sunset_California.jpg
    • Amboseli National Park, Kenya.jpg
    • American_Buffalo_Yellowstone_National_Park.jpg
    • American_Robin_Louisville_Kentucky.jpg
    • Ammergauer Alps, Germany.jpg
    • An Autumn Walk, Virginia.jpg
    • Anasazi_Cliff_Ruin_Utah.jpg
    • Anse Source d'Argent, La Digue, Seychelles.jpg
    • Aran Island, Ireland.jpg
    • Arc_de_Triomphe_at_Dusk_Paris_France.jpg
    • Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, New Zealand.jpg
    • Arctic Wolf, Idaho.jpg
    • Arctic_Coastal_Plains_Top_of_Engigstciak_Ivvavik_National_Park_Yukon_Canada.jpg
    • Arctic_Fox_Canada.jpg
    • Arctic_Waters_Baffin_Island_Canada.jpg
    • Argent_La_Digue_Island_Seychelles.jpg
    • Arid Landscape of the Altiplano, Bolivia.jpg
    • Arid_Desert_Utah.jpg
    • Armenian_Church_and_Lake_Van_East_Anatolia_Province_Turkey.jpg
    • asdf US6.jpg
    • asdfS6.jpg
    • asdfwS6.jpg
    • Ashness Bridge, Cumbria, England.jpg
    • Athabasca_Falls_Jasper_National_Park_Alberta.jpg
    • Atlantic_Puffin_Hermaness_Unst_Island_Shetland_Islands_United_Kingdom.jpg
    • Atlantic_Puffin_West_Fjords_Iceland.jpg
    • Atlas_and_St_Patrick愀_Cathedral_New_York_City_New_York.jpg
  • 41.75 MB
  • 2010-6-20
  • 161-181.rar

    • Italian Consumer Acceptance of Nutritionally Enhanced GM Food.pdf
    • Monitoring of Public Spending in Agriculture in Southern Africa.pdf
    • Price-based Valuation of Rice Genetic Diversity in Nepal.pdf
    • Rapid urbanization and food security:Using food density maps to identify future food security hotspots.pdf
    • Smallholder Incomes, Vegetable Marketing and Food Safety:Evidence from China.pdf
    • The Impact of Agricultural Technology Adoption on Poverty:The case of NERICA rice varieties in Benin.pdf
    • Trade Liberalization and Agricultural Terms of Trade in China:Price Scissors Revisited.pdf
    • What Does Liberalization without Price Competition Achieve?The Case of Cocoa in Ghana.pdf
    • A non-compensatory choice modeling analysis of Japanese consumers’ preferences for beef:A choice experiment approach.pdf
    • An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-Related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations.pdf
    • Borrowing Amongst Friends:The Economics of Informal Credit in Rural China.pdf
    • Contract Designs and Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program in the Era of Biofuel Production.pdf
    • Determinants of productivity change of crop and dairy farms in Germany,the Netherlands and Sweden in 1995-2004.pdf
    • Dynamics of the restructuring fresh produce food markets in the southern African region.pdf
    • Efficiency Measurements in Multi-activity Data Envelopment Analysis with Shared Inputs:An Application to Farmers’ Organizations in Taiwan.pdf
    • Estimation of Actual and potential adoption rates and determinants of a new technology not universally known in the population:The case of NERICA rice varieties in Guinea.pdf
    • Fluctuation and Cycle of Pork Price in China.pdf
    • Impact of Land Institutional Factors on Farm Management and Soil Quality.pdf
  • 5.59 MB
  • 2010-1-26
  • topics.rar

    • What-is-an-account.ppt
    • Accounting-documentation.pptx
    • Bringing-down-balances.pptx
    • Calculating-depreciation.pptx
    • Capital-and-Reserves.pptx
    • Capital-vs-Revenue.pptx
    • Presenting-columns,totals-and-subtotals.ppt
    • query-discounts-provisions.pptx
    • Recording-depreciation.pptx
    • W2-A-0910.doc
    • What-are-fixed-assets-and-depreciation.pptx
  • 1.04 MB
  • 2010-1-9
  • C++程序开发.rar

    • reservelink.cpp
    • 第二章.ppt
    • 5-2-4.cpp
    • 5-3.cpp
    • 5-3-1.cpp
    • 5-4-1.cpp
    • 6-1-2.cpp
    • 6-7-1.cpp
    • 6-7-2.cpp
    • 6-7-21.cpp
    • 6-7-22.cpp
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    • 7-2-1.cpp
    • 7-3-1.cpp
    • 8_6.cpp
    • 9-1-1.cpp
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    • 9-2-2.cpp
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    • 9-2-5.cpp
    • 9-3-1.cpp
    • 9-4-1.cpp
    • 第九章.ppt
    • 10-2.cpp
    • 10-3-1.cpp
    • 10-3-2.cpp
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    • 10-3-4.cpp
    • 第十章.ppt
    • 11-2-1.cpp
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    • 11-2-3.cpp
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    • 11-4-2-1.cpp
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    • 11-4-3-2.cpp
    • 11-4-4-1.cpp
    • 第四章.ppt
    • t5-1.cpp
    • 5-2-1.cpp
    • 第十二章.ppt
    • t5-2.cpp
    • 第五章new.ppt
    • 第七章.ppt
    • 8-4.cpp
    • 第八章.ppt
    • 第十三章图书馆设计.ppt
    • 第三章.ppt
    • hw5-1.cpp
    • hw5-2.cpp
    • 第六章.ppt
    • 6-7-all.cpp
    • 7-2-1.dsp
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    • kj.rar
    • hanoi.cpp
    • 例子程序.rar
    • 8_2.dsp
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    • twoprime.cpp
    • huiwen.cpp
    • commonstr.cpp
    • list.cpp
    • 习题课.ppt
    • ModClass.plg
    • copytemplate.plg
    • DataStore.plg
    • 模板习题.ppt
    • 11-2-21.dsp
    • 11-2-21.cpp
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    • 11-4-4-1.dsp
    • 11-4-4-1.plg
    • MYDATA
    • 11-4-4-1.ncb
    • 11-4-4-1.dsw
    • 11-4-4-1.opt
    • buffer.cpp
    • filter.cpp
    • filter.dsp
    • filter.plg
    • filter.opt
    • result.cpp
    • filter.ncb
    • filter.dsw
    • person.cpp
    • person1.cpp
    • studentsys.dsp
    • studentsys.cpp
    • studentsys.plg
    • student.dat
    • studentsys.ncb
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    • studentsys.opt
    • 第十一章.ppt
    • 第一章.ppt
  • 1.89 MB
  • 2009-11-24
  • 金融风险管理Seminar阅读材料.zip

    • Credit Risk Transfer, Hedge Funds, and the.pdf
    • Global Financial Stability Report.pdf
    • Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk, and the Federal Reserve’s Responses to the Crisis.pdf
    • Monetary Policy in a Financial Crisis.pdf
    • Recent Advances in Credit Risk Modeling.pdf
    • What Explains Global Exchange Rate Movements During The Financial Crisis.pdf
    • World Financial Crisis and the Rise of Chinese Commercial Banks.pdf
  • 9.18 MB
  • 2009-11-20
  • Hayek_1.rar

    • Hayek_Collectivist Economic Planning.pdf
    • Hayek_Competition as a Discovery Procedure.pdf
    • Hayek__Intellectuals and Socialism_.pdf
    • Hayek__The Non Sequitur of the Dependence Effect_.pdf
    • Hayek_A Commodity Reserve Currency.pdf
    • Hayek_A Free-Market Monetary System and Pretense of Knowledge.pdf
    • Hayek_A Note on the Development of the Doctrine of Forced Saving.pdf
    • Hayek_Austrian Economics, Neoclassicism, and the Market Test.pdf
    • Hayek_Capital and Industrial Fluctuations.pdf
    • Hayek_Carl Menger.pdf
  • 28.3 MB
  • 2009-7-3
  • 经济资本.rar

    • DECK 8x_Risk Limits_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 2_Information Technology_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 3_Macro_Forecast_Commercial_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 4_Commercial_Reserves_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 5_Macro Forecast_Consumer_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 6_Loss Forecasting_Mortgage_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 7_Regulatory Capital_August 2006_chi.PPT
    • DECK 1_Total_Credit_Exposure_August_2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 8_STSA_August_2006_chi.ppt
    • DECK 9_Op_Risk_Management Training_August 2006_chi.ppt
    • _DECK A_BAC Org_August 2006_chi.ppt
  • 2.77 MB
  • 2009-6-19
  • 330385.pdf
       [下载]免费-新书-2008-Robert L. Hetzel -The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve: A

  • 5.28 MB
  • 2009-5-27
  • 320189.pdf
       [原创]Crisis and Responses: The Federal Reserve in the Early Stages of the Financial Cris

  • 189.16 KB
  • 2009-4-29
  • 320015.pdf
       [分享]Crisis and Responses The Federal Reserve in the Early Stages of the Financial Crisis

  • 177.9 KB
  • 2009-4-29
  • 310369.pdf
       [求助]求paper:A model of reserves, bank runs, and deposit insurance

  • 652.22 KB
  • 2009-4-1
  • 305912.zip

    • Foreign reserves xcl. Gold (US$ Million).xls
    • Bond Spreads (basis points over US Treasuries).xls
    • Broad Money (M2 Multiplier and Ratio to Reserves).xls
    • Central Bank Policy Rates.xls
    • Commodity Prices (history and forecast).xls
    • Current Account Balances (history and forecast).xls
    • Documentation.xls
    • Effective Exchange Rates (Real-REER and Nominal-NEER).xls
    • Equity Markets (US$ and LCU terms).xls
    • Fiscal Balance.xls
    • Foreign Reserves (months import cover, merch.).xls
    • Gross Domestic Product (history and forecast).xls
    • Gross Domestic Product (real, quarterly).xls
    • Industrial Production.xls
    • Inflation (CPI).xls
    • Interest rates (10-year bonds).xls
    • London Interbank Offer Rates (LIBOR).xls
    • Merchandise Trade (Constant US$ Million).xls
    • Merchandise Trade (Current US$ Million).xls
    • Merchandise Trade Volume Growth.xls
    • Oil prices (daily, monthly).xls
    • Real Bank Deposit Rates (Delf. = CPI).xls
    • Trade Prices (Imports, Exports, ToT).xls
  • 8.69 MB
  • 2009-3-19
  • 301471.rar

    • World proven crude oil reserves by country.xls
    • World proven crude oil reserves by region.xls
    • World Proven Natural Gas Reserves by Country.xls
    • 7.rar
    • 8.rar
    • 9.rar
    • 10.rar
    • 11.rar
    • 12.rar
  • 161.35 KB
  • 2009-3-9
  • 301470.rar

    • World Proven Natural Gas Reserves by Region.XLS
    • World Refining Capacity by Region.xls
    • World Tanker Fleet a) by Age, 10,000 DWT And Over.xls
    • 2.rar
    • 3.rar
    • 4.rar
    • 5.rar
    • 6.rar
  • 110.87 KB
  • 2009-3-9
  • 296629.pdf
       MODERN MONEY MECHANICS (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)

  • 584.71 KB
  • 2009-2-24
  • 287683.pdf
       SOA SN CSP IU 09 Actuarial review of reserves and ....

  • 1.55 MB
  • 2009-1-20
  • 276556.doc
       郎咸平推荐的关于FEDERAL RESERVE的一本书,也是货币战争大量剽窃的原著

  • 1.18 MB
  • 2008-12-14
  • 254073.pdf
       1007高盛Q&A on Interest o n Bank Reserves.pdf

  • 125.72 KB
  • 2008-10-8
  • 245830.rar

    • Undisbursed debt, total (UND, US$).xls
    • Debt service (TDS)÷Exports of goods and services (XGS) (%).xls
    • External Debt $.xls
    • Reserves (RES)÷Imports of goods and services (MGS) (months).xls
    • Short-term debt (% of total external debt).xls
  • 90.99 KB
  • 2008-9-10
  • 243075.rar
       [下载] 季度数据,CPI M2 import export , foreign reserves

    • 复件 季度数据总.xlsx
  • 11.93 KB
  • 2008-9-2
  • 243006.rar
       [原创] GDP Import exPort M2 foreign reserves 等 季度数据

    • 季度数据总.xlsx
  • 18.25 KB
  • 2008-9-2
  • 223032.rar

    • 用双广义线性模型预测非寿险未决赔款准备金.pdf
    • Generalized Linear Models Beyond the Exponential Family with Loss Reserve Applications.pdf
    • GLM Basic Modeling Avoiding Common Pitfalls.pdf
    • GLM III Advanced Modeling Strategy.pdf
    • IBNR FACTORS.pdf
    • IBNR Reserve Under a Loglinear Location-Scale Regression Model.pdf
    • IBNR索赔准备金均匀最小方差的无偏估计.pdf
    • Interpretations of Semi-Parametric Mixture Models.pdf
    • Largest Claims Reinsurance Premiums under Possible Claims Dependence.pdf
    • Local Mixtures and Exponential Dispersion Models.pdf
    • Loss Development Using Credibility.pdf
    • Loss Reserving Using Claim-Level Data.pdf
    • Loss Reserving with Limited Data.pdf
    • Mack_Venter.pdf
    • Measuring the Variability of Chain Ladder Reserve Estimates.pdf
    • Method of Testing Loss Reserves.pdf
    • Methods and Models of Loss Reserving Based on Run-Off Triangles_ A Unifying Survey.pdf
    • methods for IBNR.pdf
    • On the Analysis of the Truncated Generalized Poisson Distribution Using a Bayesian Method.pdf
    • On the Distribution of Discounted Loss Reserves Using Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • On the Distribution of Discounted Loss.pdf
    • Parameter Estimation for Bornhuetter_Ferguson.pdf
    • Predictive Distributions for Reserves which Separate True IBNR.pdf
    • Refining Reserve Runoff Ranges.pdf
    • report on An approach to the analysis of claims experience in excess of loss reinsurance.pdf
    • Some remarks on IBNR evaluation techniques.pdf
    • Stochastic ReservingMack and Bootstrapping.pdf
    • The Estimation Error in the Chain-Ladder Reserving Method_A Bayesian Approach.pdf
    • The Modified Bornhuetter-Ferguson Approach To IBNR Allocation.pdf
    • The Path of the Ultimate Loss Ratio estimate..pdf
    • The Path of the Ultimate Loss Ratio Estimate.pdf
    • The Prediction Error of the Chain Ladder Method Applied to Correlated Run-off Triangles.pdf
    • Using Claim Department Work Measurement Systems to Determine Claim Adjustment Expense Reserves.pdf
    • Variance and Covariance in Reserves Due to Inflation.pdf
    • Which Stochastic Model is Underlying the Chain Ladder Method.pdf
    • 保险公司IBNR准备金财务规定的实证研究.pdf
    • 产险业已发生已报案未决赔款准备金评估差异性实证分析.pdf
    • 非寿险责任准备金评估.pdf
    • 广义线性模型在非寿险精算中的应用及其研究进展.pdf
    • 广义线性模型在汽车保险定价的应用.pdf
    • 我国保险公司IBNR准备金的财务核算内涵.pdf
    • 修正IBNR法的算法及其简化.pdf
  • 27.06 MB
  • 2008-6-27
  • 223030.rar

    • Distribution-free Calculation of the Standard Error of Chain Ladder Reserve Estimates.pdf
    • An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods using Arc.pdf
    • An Introduction to GLM Theory.pdf
    • An Introduction to the Bootstrap.pdf
    • Applying GLM Techniques in Non- Traditional Areas_ppt.pdf
    • August 2000 Actuarial Review.pdf
    • Bayesian Methods in Actuarial Science.pdf
    • Bootstrap Methodology in Claim Reserving.pdf
    • Bootstrap resampling.pdf
    • Chain ladder and Interactive Modelling.pdf
    • Chain Ladder Bias.pdf
    • Chain Ladder Reserve Risk Estimators.pdf
    • Claims Reserving Using Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • Claims Reserving Using Tweedie's Compound Poisson Model.pdf
    • Claims Reserving When There Are Negative Values in the triangle.pdf
    • Comparative Study of the Performance of Loss Reserving Methods Through Simulation.pdf
    • Consideration of Bias in Chain Ladder Estimates.pdf
    • Considerations Regarding Standards of Materiality in Estimates of Outstanding Liabilities.pdf
    • Credibility theory and Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • Designing a New Automobile Insurance Pricing System in China.pdf
    • Discussion of “Nonlinear Regression Model of Incurred But Not Reported Losses” by Scott Stelljes.pdf
    • Discussion of Generalized Minimum Bias Models.pdf
    • Discussion of the Mean Square Error of Prediction in the Chain-Ladder Reserving Method.pdf
    • An Extension of Mack's Model for the Chain Ladder Method.pdf
    • Estimating Claim Settlement Values Using GLM.pdf
    • Estimating Predictive Distributions for Loss Reserve Models.pdf
  • 13.58 MB
  • 2008-6-27
  • 223029.rar

    • A Stochastic Model to determine IBNR-reserves .pdf
    • A Better Way to Calculate IBNR Reserves With Low Variance.pdf
    • A Bibliography on Loss Reserving.pdf
    • A Least Squares Method of Producing Bornhuetter-Ferguson Initial Loss Ratios.pdf
    • A New Method of Estimating Loss Reserves.pdf
    • A Nonlinear Regression Model of Incurred But Not Reported Losses.pdf
    • A Practitioner's Guide to Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • a report year approach.pdf
    • A Semi-Parametic Predictor of the IBNR Reserve.pdf
    • A Stochastic Minimax Model to Calculate Outstanding Claims_ppd.pdf
    • Adjustments for Reporting Delays and the Prediction of Occurred but Not Reported.pdf
    • An Alternative Approach to Calculation of IBNR .pdf
    • An Annotated Bibliography for Bootstrap Resampling.pdf
    • An approach to the analysis of claims experience in motor liability excess of loss reinsurance.pdf
    • An Empirical Analysis of the Magnitude and Accuracy of IBNR.pdf
  • 10.48 MB
  • 2008-6-27
  • 215430.rar

    • BIS-FX reserve management:trends & challenges.pdf
    • BIS-Axel A Weber:Central banks & globalisation.pdf
    • BIS-Prospects for recovery & repair of mortgage markets.pdf
    • BIS-Erkki Liikanen:The euro, integration & growth.pdf
    • BIS-Svein Gjedrem:The conduct of monetary policy.pdf
    • BIS-T T Mboweni:Monetary policy, inflation targeting & inflation pressures.pdf
    • BIS-Policy lessons from the recent financial market turmoil.pdf
    • BIS-Y V Reddy:Indian economy – prospects for growth with stability.pdf
  • 876.97 KB
  • 2008-5-27
  • 213179.zip
       [原创]便宜啦25币!美国Reserves and Monetary Base数据

  • 484.78 KB
  • 2008-5-17
  • 212715.pdf
       [下载]美联储的作用和职能,The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions,了解美联储的

  • 28.38 MB
  • 2008-5-15
  • 210945.pdf
       一篇文献International reserves and monetary policy

  • 491.89 KB
  • 2008-5-6
  • 197004.rar

    • International reserves and monetary policy.pdf
  • 868.73 KB
  • 2008-3-10
  • 180343.rar

    • 西方为何害怕中国主权基金?(上).pdf
    • 西方为何害怕中国主权基金?(下).pdf
    • 中国将加入主权财富基金俱乐部.pdf
    • 中投应该买什么?(FT2007中国报道之三十一).pdf
    • 主权财富基金的西行之路.pdf
    • 主权基金不足为虑.pdf
    • 主权基金争相入股金融类公司.pdf
    • “亦农亦猎”的楼继伟.pdf
    • 【海外】海湾巨额主权基金“着眼”新兴市场投资.pdf
    • China takes the bank.pdf
    • Fear of foreigners.pdf
    • Governments go shopping.pdf
    • How sovereign wealth funds are muscling in on global markets.pdf
    • How to deal with sovereign funds.pdf
    • Instrument in the News_Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf
    • Keep your T-bonds, we'll take the bank.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_How Big Could Sovereign Wealth Funds Be by 2015.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Portfolio Allocation for Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Russia_The Newest Member of the ‘SWF Club’.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Sovereign Wealth Funds and Bond and Equity Prices.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_The Definition of a Sovereign Wealth Fund.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Tracking the Tectonic Shift in Foreign Reserves and SWFs.pdf
    • Not so risk-free.pdf
    • pqdweb.jpg
    • REG Monitor_Responses to Sovereign Wealth Funds_Are 'Draconian' Measures on.pdf
    • Responses to Sovereign Wealth Funds_Are 'Draconian' Measures on.pdf
    • Sovereign funds snap up bank stakes.pdf
    • Sovereign funds warning.pdf
    • Sovereign wealth funds could total US$10 trillion by 2012.pdf
    • Sovereign-wealth funds too big to ignore.pdf
    • Standard Chartered_SWF.pdf
    • The Case for an International Reserve Diversification Standard.pdf
    • The new Rothschilds.pdf
    • The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf
    • The world's most expensive club.pdf
    • truman1107.pdf
    • UBS Asian and Japan Hedge Fund Directory 2005.pdf
    • View of the day_Sovereign wealth funds.pdf
    • 别给中国主权基金找麻烦.pdf
    • 大宗商品市场的新面孔.pdf
    • 国家外汇投资公司面临六大挑战.pdf
    • 国家外汇资产投资的六大看点.pdf
    • 楼继伟:中国主权基金将“严格追求商业目标”.pdf
    • 美林:主权财富基金资产到2011年将翻升四倍.pdf
    • 美元:中国的烫手山芋?(FT2007中国报道之三十).pdf
    • 欧盟调查外国政府投资基金.pdf
    • 欧盟要求主权财富基金更透明.pdf
  • 4.24 MB
  • 2007-12-9
  • 180341.rar
       [分享](主权财富基金系列之八)IMF Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Reserve Management

  • 1.78 MB
  • 2007-12-9
  • 142359.zip

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 135639.rar

    • A Bayesian Generalized Linear Model for the Bornhuetter-Ferguson Method of Claims Reserving.pdf
    • Predictive Distributions for Reserves which Separate True IBNR and IBNER.ppt
    • Stochastic Claims Reserving in General Insurance.pdf
  • 726.25 KB
  • 2007-7-11
  • 120176.zip

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-5-24
  • 119304.rar

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves(外汇储备).xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production(发电量).xls
    • 04_Freight traffic(货运量).xls
    • 05_Grain production(主要农产品产量).xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications(邮电业务量).xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income(城乡居民家庭人均可支配收入).xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment(吸收外商直接投资).xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit(国内信贷).xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans(各项贷款).xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits(各项储蓄).xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
    • cpi.xls
    • 存款利率和180.xls
    • 年平均汇率.xls
  • 200.02 KB
  • 2007-5-22
  • 110827.zip

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-4-24
  • 104442.zip
       宏观经济统计数据 一直到03年 内容覆盖全面

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-4-1
  • 104073.zip

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-3-30
  • 102206.rar
       [下载]2007年第1期的China & World Economy

    • China's FDI Net Inflow and Deterioration of Terms of Trade:Paradox and Explanation.pdf
    • China's Rapid Accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Its Policy Implications.pdf
    • China's State Security in a Time of Peaceful Development.pdf
    • Financing Alternatives for Chinese Small and Medium Enterprise.pdf
    • Changes in China's Main Economic Indicators.pdf
    • China&World Economy Table of Contents Issues No.1-6.2006.pdf
  • 3.24 MB
  • 2007-3-24
  • 85343.zip

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-1-18
  • 68414.rar

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves(外汇储备).xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production(发电量).xls
    • 04_Freight traffic(货运量).xls
    • 05_Grain production(主要农产品产量).xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications(邮电业务量).xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income(城乡居民家庭人均可支配收入).xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment(吸收外商直接投资).xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit(国内信贷).xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans(各项贷款).xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits(各项储蓄).xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
    • cpi.xls
    • 存款利率和180.xls
    • 年平均汇率.xls
  • 200.02 KB
  • 2006-10-22
  • 49561.rar

    • reserve.xls
    • BaseAndtransaction.xls
    • discountratio.xls
    • moneybase.xls
  • 59.25 KB
  • 2006-4-22
  • 43818.rar

    • reserve-list.pdf
    • hw1.pdf
    • hw1_solutions.pdf
    • hw2.pdf
    • hw2_solutions.pdf
    • hw3.pdf
    • hw3_solutions.pdf
    • hw4.pdf
    • hw4_solutions.pdf
    • hw5_solutions.pdf
    • hw6.pdf
    • hw6_solutions.pdf
    • exam.pdf
    • section1.pdf
    • section2.pdf
    • section3.pdf
    • section3-addendum.pdf
    • section4.pdf
    • section5.pdf
    • section6.pdf
    • section7.pdf
    • section8.pdf
    • section9.pdf
    • semester_review.pdf
    • stochastic-calculus.pdf
    • syllabus.pdf
  • 1.58 MB
  • 2006-3-15
  • 43757.rar

    • reserve-list.pdf
    • hw1.pdf
    • hw1_solutions.pdf
    • hw2.pdf
    • hw2_solutions.pdf
    • hw3.pdf
    • hw3_solutions.pdf
    • hw4.pdf
    • hw4_solutions.pdf
    • hw5_solutions.pdf
    • hw6.pdf
    • hw6_solutions.pdf
    • exam.pdf
    • section1.pdf
    • section2.pdf
    • section3.pdf
    • section3-addendum.pdf
    • section4.pdf
    • section5.pdf
    • section6.pdf
    • section7.pdf
    • section8.pdf
    • section9.pdf
    • semester_review.pdf
    • stochastic-calculus.pdf
    • syllabus.pdf
  • 1.58 MB
  • 2006-3-15
  • 30226.zip

    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2005-10-10
  • 5003.rar
       PDE in Finance绝对的好东东

    • reserve-list.pdf
    • hw1.pdf
    • hw1_solutions.pdf
    • hw2.pdf
    • hw2_solutions.pdf
    • hw3.pdf
    • hw3_solutions.pdf
    • hw4.pdf
    • hw4_solutions.pdf
    • hw5_solutions.pdf
    • hw6.pdf
    • hw6_solutions.pdf
    • exam.pdf
    • section1.pdf
    • section2.pdf
    • section3.pdf
    • section3-addendum.pdf
    • section4.pdf
    • section5.pdf
    • section6.pdf
    • section7.pdf
    • section8.pdf
    • section9.pdf
    • semester_review.pdf
    • stochastic-calculus.pdf
    • syllabus.pdf
  • 1.58 MB
  • 2004-12-7
  • 4519.rar

    • The Effects of Lower Reserve Requirements on Money Market Volatility.pdf
    • Bank Regulation and Deposit Insurance.pdf
    • Comment on A Barter Theory of Bank Regulation and Credit Allocation.pdf
    • Commercial Bank Regulation, Structure, and Performance.pdf
    • Discussion of Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Portfolio Risk.pdf
    • Price Regulation and Quality Rivalry In a Profit-Maximizing Model-The Case of Bank Branching.pdf
    • Regulation and the Determination of Bank Capital Changes.pdf
    • Bank Portfolio Regulation and the Probability of Bank Failure.pdf
    • 金融监管综述.htm
  • 4.75 MB
  • 2004-12-2