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  • discrete stochastic process.rar

    • Appendix A&Bibliography.pdf
    • chap01-introduction and review of probability.pdf
    • chap02-POISSON PROCESSES.pdf
    • chap04-RENEWAL PROCESSES.pdf
    • Preface-discrete stochastic process.pdf
  • 9.01 MB
  • 2023-1-20
  • Fama.rar

    • Fama & French 1992 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 1992 JF.xml
    • Fama & French 1993 Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • Fama & French 1996 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 2000 Characteristics, Covariances, and Average Returns 1929 to 1997.pdf
    • Fama & French 2002 The equity premium.pdf
    • Fama & French 2004 The Capital asset pricing model theory and evidence .pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 Profitability, investment and average returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 The Behavior of Interest Rates.pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 The Value Premium and the CAPM.pdf
    • Fama & French 2007 Disagreement, tastes, and asset prices.pdf
    • Fama & French 2007 The anatomy of value and growth stock returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2008 Average Returns, BM, and Share Issues.pdf
    • Fama & French 2008 Dissecting Anomalies.pdf
    • Fama & French 2010 Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual.pdf
    • Fama & French 2012 Size, value, and momentum in international stock returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2015 A five-factor asset pricing model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2016 RFS Dissecting Anomalies with a Five-Factor Model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2017 JFE International tests of a five-factor asset pricing model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2018 Choosing factors.pdf
    • Fama & MacBeth 1973 JPE.pdf
    • Fama 1965 Random Walks.pdf
    • Fama 1965 The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • Fama 1970 Efficient Capital Markets A Review of Theory and Empirical work.pdf
    • Fama 1984 Term Premiums in Bond Reuturns JFE.pdf
    • Fama 1984 The Information in the Term Structure JFE.pdf
    • Fama 1991 Efficient Capital Markets II JF.pdf
    • Fama 1998 Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance JFE.pdf
    • Fama 2006 RFS.pdf
    • Fama 2006 The Behavior of Interest Rates RFS.pdf
    • Fama 2010 Gene Fama’s comments.pdf
    • Fama 2011 My Life in Finance.pdf
    • Fama 2012 Size, value,and momentum ininternational stock returns.pdf
    • Fama and Blume 1966.pdf
    • Fama, Fisher, Jensen, Roll 1969 The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information.pdf
    • WP Interest Rates and Inflation Revisited.pdf
    • Fama & Bliss 1987 AER.pdf
    • Fama & Blume 1966 Filter Rules and Stock-Market Trading.pdf
    • Fama & French 1987 JB.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JFE.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JPE.pdf
    • Fama & French 1989 Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds.pdf
  • 50.12 MB
  • 2021-8-12
  • Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability(31-40).rar

    • (Applications of Mathematics 40) Random Walks in the Quarter-Plane_ Algebraic Methods, Boundary[1st Edition].pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 31) A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition(1996).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 32) Discrete Gambling and Stochastic Games(1996).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 33) Modelling Extremal Events_ for Insurance and Finance(1997).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 34) Random Iterative Models-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1997).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 35) Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications Applications of Mathematics(2003).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 35) Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications(2010).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 36) Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling(1997).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 36) Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling(2009).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 37) Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications_ A Singular Perturbation Approach(1998).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 37) Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications_ A Two-Time-Scale Approach(2013).pdf
    • (Applications of mathematics 38) Large deviations techniques and applications(1998).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 38) Large Deviations Techniques and Applications(2010).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 39) Methods of mathematical finance(1999).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 40) Random Walks in the Quarter Plane_ Algebraic Methods, Boundary Value Problems, Applications[2nd Edition].pdf
  • 92.88 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • Vol28.Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems.rar

    • Vol28.Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems.djvu
  • 4.75 MB
  • 2017-8-10
  • 10.1007@978-3-319-49113-4.rar
       Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes

    • 10.1007@978-3-319-49113-4.pdf
  • 2.01 MB
  • 2016-12-12
  • PRW (pdf).zip

    • Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes.pdf
  • 2.04 MB
  • 2016-12-12
  • PRW (epub).zip

    • Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes.epub
  • 3.38 MB
  • 2016-12-12
  • PRW (pdf epub).zip

    • Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes.pdf
    • Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes.epub
  • 5.42 MB
  • 2016-12-12
  • Random Walks on Reductive Groups.zip

    • Random Walks on Reductive Groups.pdf
    • Random Walks on Reductive Groups.epub
  • 6.54 MB
  • 2016-11-25
  • 新凯恩斯主义和新古典宏观经济学的奠基性文献.zip

    • Mankiw and Shapiro's TRends, random walks, and tests of the permanent income hypothesis.pdf
    • Aklorf's The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment.pdf
    • Are Government Bonds Net Wealth.pdf
    • Attanasio and Browning's Consumption over the Life Cycle and over the Business Cycle.pdf
    • Barro - RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE ROLE OF monetary policy.pdf
    • Barro's Output Effects of Government Purchases.pdf
    • Blanchard's The dynamic effects of aggregate demand and supply disturbances.pdf
    • Blanchard's hysteresis and european unemployment problem.pdf
    • Blinder's inventories, rational expectations, and the business cycle.pdf
    • Cogley's Output dynamics in real-business-cycle models.pdf
    • Consumption over the Life Cycle and Over the Business Cycle.pdf
    • Fischer's Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule.pdf
    • Flavin's The adjustment of consumption to changing expectations about future income.pdf
    • Gould's Adjustment Costs in the Theory of Investment of the Firm.pdf
    • HW2 economtrics.pdf
    • Kydland's Rules rather than discretion The inconsistency of optimal plans.pdf
    • Long's real business cycles.pdf
    • Lucas's Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply.pdf
    • Lucas's Optimal Investment Policy and the Flexible Accelerator.pdf
    • Lucas's Some international evidence on output-inflation tradeoffs.pdf
    • Mankiw's Small menu costs and large business cycles A macroeconomic model of monopoly.pdf
    • McCallum's Rational expectations and macroeconomic stabilization policy an overview.pdf
    • Sargent's Rational expectations and the theory of economic policy.pdf
    • Shapiro's unemployment as a worker discipline device.pdf
    • Taylor's Staggered wage setting in a macro model.pdf
    • a model of the demand for investment in inventories of finished goods and emplyment.pdf
    • barro's macroceonomics a modern approach.pdf
    • can the production smoothing model of inventories be saved.pdf
    • compbell and mankiw's Consumption, Income, and Interest Rates Reinterpreting the Time Series Evidence.pdf
    • lucas's Econometric policy evaluation a critique.pdf
    • some empirical evidence on the production level and production cost.pdf
    • tobin's marginal q and average q an eoclassical interpretaion.pdf
    • treadway.pdf
  • 38.64 MB
  • 2014-8-17
  • 4.pdf
       Trends versus random walks in time series analysis

  • 485.46 KB
  • 2013-2-5
  • 1952 to 1969.rar

    • 1965 Random Walks In Stock Market Price.pdf
    • 1965 Security Prices, Risk, And Maximal Gains From Diversification.pdf
    • 1965 The Behavior Of Stock Market Prices.pdf
    • 1966 Equilibrium In A Capital Asset Market.pdf
    • 1966 Forecasts Of Future Prices, Unbiased Markets, And Martingale Models.pdf
    • 1969 Lifetime Portfolio Selection Under Uncertainty-The Continuous-Time Case.pdf
    • 1969 The Adjustment Of Stock Prices To New Information.pdf
    • 1952 Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • 1953 The Analysis Of Economic Time-Series-Part I-Prices.pdf
    • 1954 Existence Of An Equilibrium For A Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 1958 Liquidity Preference As Behavior Toward Risk.pdf
    • 1958 The Cost Of Capital, Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 1959 Portfolio Selection-Efficient Diversification Of Investments.pdf
    • 1959 Stock-Market Patterns And Financial Analysis-Methodological Suggestions.pdf
    • 1963 Corporate Income Taxes And The Cost Of Capital-A Correction.pdf
    • 1964 Capital Asset Prices-A Theory Of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions Of Risk.pdf
    • 1965 Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly.pdf
  • 25.16 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • 1952 to 1969.rar

    • 1965 Random Walks In Stock Market Price.pdf
    • 1965 Security Prices, Risk, And Maximal Gains From Diversification.pdf
    • 1965 The Behavior Of Stock Market Prices.pdf
    • 1966 Equilibrium In A Capital Asset Market.pdf
    • 1966 Forecasts Of Future Prices, Unbiased Markets, And Martingale Models.pdf
    • 1969 Lifetime Portfolio Selection Under Uncertainty-The Continuous-Time Case.pdf
    • 1969 The Adjustment Of Stock Prices To New Information.pdf
    • 1952 Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • 1953 The Analysis Of Economic Time-Series-Part I-Prices.pdf
    • 1954 Existence Of An Equilibrium For A Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 1958 Liquidity Preference As Behavior Toward Risk.pdf
    • 1958 The Cost Of Capital, Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 1959 Portfolio Selection-Efficient Diversification Of Investments.pdf
    • 1959 Stock-Market Patterns And Financial Analysis-Methodological Suggestions.pdf
    • 1963 Corporate Income Taxes And The Cost Of Capital-A Correction.pdf
    • 1964 Capital Asset Prices-A Theory Of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions Of Risk.pdf
    • 1965 Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly.pdf
  • 25.16 MB
  • 2010-3-23
  • 326189.rar
       [下载]Stopped Random Walks

  • 2.68 MB
  • 2009-5-16
  • 320902.pdf
       Richard A Stevenson, Robert M. Bear - Commodity Futures. Trends or Random Walks

  • 1.65 MB
  • 2009-5-1
  • 248157.pdf
       [下载]Random Walks in Stock- Market Prices

  • 101.21 KB
  • 2008-9-19
  • 118523.rar
       [下载]Stopped random walks(Springer 1988 Gut A. 207s).djvu

    • Stopped random walks(Springer 1988 Gut A. 207s).djvu
  • 1.53 MB
  • 2007-5-20
  • 1192.rar

    • Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconmic Time Series_Some Evidence and Implications(JME1982).pdf
  • 2.02 MB
  • 2004-9-5