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  • Arena学习资料.rar

    • Syllabus - Simulation.pdf
    • Sim Output 20October2014.pdf
    • Dallery liberopoulos.pdf
    • ERG 10Oct2014.pdf
    • Introduction 15Sept2014.pdf
    • Project 21Sept2014.pdf
    • Random number generation 13Oct2014.pdf
    • Random variate generation 20Oct2014.pdf
  • 4.5 MB
  • 2020-1-6
  • Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods(1998).rar

    • Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods(1998).pdf
  • 4.5 MB
  • 2017-8-10
  • Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods 2e (2003).rar

    • Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods 2e (2003).pdf
  • 4.05 MB
  • 2017-8-9
  • R36. Random Number Generation in R - YouTube.rar

    • R36. Random Number Generation in R - YouTube.flv
  • 7.01 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • STAT207j.pdf
        Generating pseudo-random numbers

  • 147.63 KB
  • 2011-4-4
  • STAT207h.pdf
       e. Generating pseudo-random numbers

  • 102.1 KB
  • 2011-4-4
  • 101-146.rar

    • Time Series-Advanced Methods.pdf
    • Time Series-ARIMA Methods.pdf
    • Time Series-Co-integration.pdf
    • Time Series-Cycles.pdf
    • Time Series-Economic Forecasting.pdf
    • Time Series-General.pdf
    • Time Series-Nonstationary Distributions and Unit Roots.pdf
    • Time Series-Seasonal Adjustment.pdf
    • Univariate Methods.pdf
    • Random Numbers.pdf
    • Reliability-Measurement.pdf
    • Resampling Methods of Estimation.pdf
    • Robustness in Statistics.pdf
    • Sample Surveys, History.pdf
    • Sample Surveys-Cognitive Aspects of Survey Design.pdf
    • Sample Surveys-Methods.pdf
    • Sample Surveys-Model-based Approaches.pdf
    • Sample Surveys-Nonprobability Sampling.pdf
    • Sample Surveys-Survey Design Issues and Strategies.pdf
    • Sample Surveys-The Field.pdf
    • Scaling-Correspondence Analysis.pdf
    • Scaling-Multidimensional.pdf
    • Screening and Selection.pdf
    • Semiparametric Models.pdf
    • Sequential Statistical Methods.pdf
    • Significance, Tests.pdf
    • Simultaneous Equation Estimates (Exact and Approximate), Distribution.pdf
    • Simultaneous Equation Estimation-Overview.pdf
    • Single-case Experimental Designs in Clinical Settings.pdf
    • Single-subject Designs-Methodology.pdf
    • Social Network Models-Statistical.pdf
    • Spatial Mismatch.pdf
    • Spatial Statistical Methods.pdf
    • Statistical Analysis, Special Problems of Grouped Observations.pdf
    • Statistical Analysis, Special Problems of Outliers.pdf
    • Statistical Analysis, Special Problems of Transformations of Data.pdf
    • Statistical Analysis-Multilevel Methods.pdf
    • Statistical Clustering.pdf
    • Statistical Data, Missing.pdf
    • Statistical Identification and Estimability.pdf
    • Statistical Sufficiency.pdf
    • Statistics as Legal Evidence.pdf
    • Statistics-The Field.pdf
    • Subjective Probability Judgments.pdf
    • Survival Analysis-Overview.pdf
    • Test Theory-Applied Probabilistic Measurement Structures.pdf
  • 4.08 MB
  • 2010-5-3
  • 186186.rar
       [推荐]The Growth of MATLAB and The MathWorks over Two Decades

    • 09_random numbers.pdf
    • readme.txt
    • 00_preface.pdf
    • 01_intro.pdf
    • 02_linear equation.pdf
    • 03_interpolation.pdf
    • 04_zeros and roots.pdf
    • 05_least squares.pdf
    • 06_quadrature.pdf
    • 07_odes.pdf
    • 08_fourier.pdf
    • 10_eigvalues and singular values.pdf
    • 11_pdes.pdf
    • ncm.zip
  • 3.81 MB
  • 2008-1-3
  • 185841.pdf
       [下载]2nd版《随机数生成与蒙特卡罗法》(Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods )

  • 4.79 MB
  • 2008-1-2
  • 144770.pdf
       Random Number and Monte Carol Method

  • 4.79 MB
  • 2007-8-8
  • 13637.zip
       [下载](Ebook) Statistical Analysis With Excel

    • random number generation.xls
    • Functions in XP.xls
    • Name.xls
    • Error Checking.xls
    • Date and Time.xls
    • Logical and Information.xls
    • Smart Functions.xls
    • Loans.xls
    • Text.xls
    • Consolidate.xls
    • factorials, permutations and combinations.xls
    • Count.xls
    • Advanced file2.xls
    • Advanced file1.xls
    • File3a.xls
    • file1b.xls
    • file1a.xls
    • File3.xls
    • File2.xls
  • 159.3 KB
  • 2005-5-1