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    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 18.ppt
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    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 20.ppt
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    • 东北财经大学公共经济学课件(依据高等教育出版社高培勇所编教材).ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen Chapter 01.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 02.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 03.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 04.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 05.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 06.ppt
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    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 14.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 15.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 16.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 17.ppt
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  • 2024-9-14
  • 公共财政学.zip
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  • 2023-10-14
  • Principles of Public Finance, 1e, by Toshihiro Ihori -Springer (2017).zip
       Principles of Public Finance, 1e, by Toshihiro Ihori -Springer (2017)

    • Principles of Public Finance, 1e, by Toshihiro Ihori -Springer (2017).pdf
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  • 2017-12-21
  • 哈维罗森Public Finance第10版课后习题答案英文版第1___22章.pdf.zip

    • 哈维罗森Public Finance第10版课后习题答案英文版第1___22章.pdf
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  • 2017-6-18
  • SPPTChap022.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 22

  • 1.27 MB
  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap021.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 21

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap020.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 20

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap019.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 19

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap018.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 18

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap017.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 17

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap016.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 16

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap015.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 15

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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap014.ppt
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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap013.ppt
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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap012.ppt
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  • 2017-6-15
  • SPPTChap011.ppt
       Harvey Rosen Public Finance 10th edition Chapiter 11

  • 1.72 MB
  • 2017-6-15
  • Public Finance and Public Policy in the New Century.zip

    • Public Finance and Public Policy in the New Century.pdf
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  • 2017-1-25
  • Public Finance and Islamic Capital Markets_Theory and Application.zip

    • Public Finance and Islamic Capital Markets_Theory and Application.pdf
    • Public Finance and Islamic Capital Markets_Theory and Application.epub
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  • 2016-11-26
  • Public Finance 10th Edition by Rosen-Test Bank .zip
       Test Bank

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  • 2016-3-17
  • Proprietary public finance and economic welfare.rar

    • Proprietary public finance and economic welfare.pdf
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  • 2016-3-12
  • 腐败的经济分析英文文献.zip

    • corruption growth and public finance.pdf
    • Corruption and Economic Growth.pdf
    • Corruption and Growth.pdf
    • Corruption and the composition of government expenditure.pdf
    • Corruption_ Causes, Consequences, and Agenda for Further Research.pdf
    • Corruption_ The Facts.pdf
    • Crime and Punishment_ An Economic Approach.pdf
    • Eight Questions about Corruption.pdf
    • Ownership, Competition, and Corruption.pdf
    • Public Expenditure, Corruption, and Economic Growth_ The case of Italy.pdf
    • The Invisible Hand and the Grabbing Hand 1.pdf
    • The proper scope of government_ theory and an application to prisons 2.pdf
    • Why is rent-seeking so costly to growth_5.pdf
    • corruption a review.pdf
    • economic analysis of corruption.pdf
    • privatizaion and corruption in transition economies.pdf
    • public official and sustainable democracy.pdf
    • rent competition and corruption.pdf
    • the allocation of talent.pdf
    • the effects of corruption on growth.pdf
    • the quality of government 3.pdf
    • tunneling 4.pdf
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  • 2014-8-14
  • Public_Finance_By_Rosen(8th_Edition)带习题答案.rar
       Rosen 《Public Finance》英文8版

    • 财政学 第八版 (哈维·S·罗森 特德·盖亚 著).pdf
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  • 中国财政前沿问题.zip

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    • 1 China's Public Finance--An Overview .pdf
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  • 2013-10-26
  • public finance.rar

    • Chapter_13.ppt
    • Chapter_14.ppt
    • Chapter_15.ppt
    • Chapter_16.ppt
    • Chap001.ppt
    • Chap002.ppt
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    • Chapter_09.ppt
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    • Chapter_12.ppt
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  • public finance,8e(harvey s.rosen & ted gaver).rar
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    • public finance,8e(harvey s.rosen & ted gaver,mcgraw-hill,2008).pdf
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  • New perspectives on public finance recent achievements and future challenges.rar

    • New perspectives on public finance recent achievements and future challenges.pdf
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  • 2012-6-5
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics P.rar

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    • local public finance The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Lagrange multipliers The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • PPT of Public Finance-Harvey Rosen.rar

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    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 11.ppt
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    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 18.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 19.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 20.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 21.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 22.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen Chapter 01.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 02.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 03.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 04.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 05.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 06.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 07.ppt
    • Public Finance-Harvey Rosen-Chapter 08.ppt
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  • 2012-3-29
  • Public finance 8e.rar

    • Public finance 8e.djvu
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  • 2012-1-15
  • 贸易与经济增长的英文文献12篇.rar

    • Trade policy and economic growth- a skeptic's guide to the cross-national evidence2699.pdf
    • Economic growth, trade and energy_ implications for the environmental Kuznets curve 424.pdf
    • The environment as a factor of production-the effects of economic growth and trade liberalization362.pdf
    • How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth3111.pdf
    • Foreign direct investment and growth in Nigeria-An empirical investigation.pdf
    • Intergenerational trade, longevity, and economic growth409.pdf
    • Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment1369.pdf
    • International Trade, Distortions, and Long-Run Economic Growth287.pdf
    • Trade openness and economic growth- a cross-country empirical investigation293.pdf
    • Public finance in models of economic growth3319.pdf
    • Measuring services trade liberalization and its impact on economic growth-An illustration208.pdf
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  • 2011-12-14
  • Economic Survey 2009-10.zip

    • chapter08 Argiculture and Food Management.pdf
    • chapter09 Industry.pdf
    • chapter10 Energy Infrustructrue and Communication.pdf
    • chapter11 Human Development, Poverty and Public Programmes.pdf
    • chapter01 State of the Economy and Prospects.pdf
    • chapter02 Micro-Foundation of Inclusive Growth.pdf
    • chapter03 Fiscal Developments and Public Finance.pdf
    • chapter04 Prices and Monetary Management.pdf
    • chapter05 Financial Intermediation and Markets.pdf
    • chapter06 Balance of Payments.pdf
    • chapter07 International Trade.pdf
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  • 2011-12-5
  • the new dynamic public finance.rar

    • the new dynamic public finance.pdf
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  • 2009-11-8
  • 296660.pdf
       Public Finance in China Reform and Growth for Harmonious Society - World Bank 2008

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  • 2009-2-24
  • 252690.rar

    • Public Finance II (耶鲁大学, Philippe De Donder)08年,耶鲁大学邀请IDEI的DeDonder博士开设公共经济学课程,讲授包括公共选择理论、社会选择理论等基础理论及公共融资、税收经济学等前沿论题....pdf
  • 8.85 MB
  • 2008-10-3
  • 238647.rar
       [分享]Handbook of Public Economics(34篇)(不全)

    • Chapter 24 Political Economics and Public Finance - Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini.doc
    • Chapter 25 Economic Analysis of the Law - Louis Kaplow and Steven Shavell.doc
    • Chapter 27 Generational Policy - Laurence J. Kotlikoff NBER Working Paper No. w8163.pdf
    • Chapter 32 Social Security - Martin Feldstein and Jeffrey B. Liebman NBER Working Paper No. W8451.pdf
    • Chapter 28 International Taxation - Roger H. Gordon and James R. Hines Jr. NBER Working Paper No. w8854.pdf
    • Chapter 29 Local Public Goods and Clubs - Suzanne Scotchmer.doc
    • Chapter 29 Local Public Goods and Clubs - Suzanne Scotchmer.pdf
    • Chapter 30 Publicly Provided Education - Eric A. Hanushekw8799.pdf
    • Chapter 31 Health Care and the Public Sector - David M. Cutlerw8802.pdf
    • Chapter 33 Labor Supply Effects of Social Insurance - Alan B. Krueger and Bruce D. Meyer.w9014.pdf
    • Chapter 34 Welfare Programs and Labor Supply - Robert A. Moffitt NBER Working Paper No. W9168 .pdf
    • Chapter 23 Environmental Taxation and Regulation - A. Lans Bovenberg and Lawrence H. Goulder.w8458.pdf
  • 10.72 MB
  • 2008-8-21
  • 186401.pdf
       [下载]Cambridge《联邦国家公共财政理论》(Theory of Public Finance in a Federal State)

  • 2.5 MB
  • 2008-1-4
  • 168526.pdf
       布坎南Public Finance in Democratic Process原版英文书

  • 1.8 MB
  • 2007-10-29
  • 123113.pdf
       Handbook of Public Finance

  • 7.22 MB
  • 2007-6-4
  • 110726.rar
       [下载]elsevier公共经济学手册(vol 3)handbook of public economics继续上传!

    • Chapter 24 Political economics and public finance.pdf
    • Chapter 23 Environmental taxation and regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 25 Economic analysis of law.pdf
    • Contents of the handbook.pdf
    • Editors' introduction.pdf
    • Editors' introduction to volume 3.pdf
    • Introduction to the series.pdf
    • Subject index.pdf
    • The transformation of public economics research- 1970–2000.pdf
  • 19.84 MB
  • 2007-4-24
  • 99045.rar
       [原创]new public finance——论文集

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  • 2007-3-15
  • 95619.rar
       [原创]new public finance——论文集

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  • 2007-3-4
  • 95618.rar
       [原创]new public finance——论文集

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  • 2007-3-4
  • 95617.rar
       [原创]new public finance——论文集

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  • 2007-3-4
  • 95616.rar
       [原创]new public finance——论文集

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  • 2007-3-4
  • 34830.rar
       [下载]R.马斯格雷夫&J.布坎南:公共财政与公共选择 (pdf中文版)

    • Public Finance and Public Choice.pdf
  • 4.59 MB
  • 2005-12-17