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  • full-set-of-gri-standards-traditional-chinese.zip

    • GRI 1- Foundation 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 11- Oil and Gas Sector 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 2- General Disclosures 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 201- Economic Performance 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 202- Market Presense 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 203- Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 204- Procurement Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 205- Anti-corruption 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 206- Anti-competitive Behaviour 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 207- Tax 2019 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 3- Material Topics 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 301- Materials 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 302- Energy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 303- Water and Effluents 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 304- Biodiversity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 305- Emissions 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Effluents and Waste 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Waste 2020 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 308- Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 401- Employment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 402- Labor-Management Relations 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 403- Occupational Health and Safety 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 404- Training and Education 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 405- Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 406- Non-discrimination 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 407- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 408- Child Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 409- Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 410- Security Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 411- Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 413- Local Communities 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 414- Supplier Socail Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 415- Public Policy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 416- Customer Health and Safety 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 417- Marketing and Labeling 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 418- Customer Privacy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI Standards Glossary 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 12 Coal Sector Standard 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
  • 44.14 MB
  • 2023-8-15
  • Econometrica - 2022 - Chassang - Robust Screens for Noncompetitive Bidding in Pr.rar

    • Econometrica - 2022 - Chassang - Robust Screens for Noncompetitive Bidding in Procurement Auctions.pdf
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  • The procurement and supply manager’s desk reference.zip
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  • 2017-5-26
  • Cartels, Competition and Public Procurement_Law and Economics Approaches to Bid .zip

    • Cartels, Competition and Public Procurement_Law and Economics Approaches to Bid Rigging.pdf
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  • 2017-1-26
  • Global Public Procurement Theories and Practices.zip

    • Global Public Procurement Theories and Practices.pdf
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  • 2016-12-28
  • Purchasing - Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry.rar
       Purchasing - Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry

    • Purchasing - Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry.pdf
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  • 2016-7-19
  • Collaboration and Competition in Buyer-Supplier Relations The Role of Informatio.rar

    • Collaboration and Competition in Buyer-Supplier Relations The Role of Information in Supply Chain and e-Procurement Impacted Relationships.pdf
  • 2.17 MB
  • 2016-1-13
  • TPP_All-Chapters.zip

    • 21. Cooperation and Capacity Building Chapter.pdf
    • 22. Competitiveness and Business Facilitation Chapter.pdf
    • 23. Development Chapter.pdf
    • 24. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Chapter.pdf
    • 25. Regulatory Coherence Chapter.pdf
    • 26. Transparency and Anti-Corruption Chapter.pdf
    • 27. Administrative and Institutional Provisions Chapter.pdf
    • 28. Dispute Settlement Chapter.pdf
    • 29. Exceptions Chapter.pdf
    • 30. Final Provisions Chapter.pdf
    • 0. Preamble.pdf
    • 1. Initial Provisions and General Definitions Chapter.pdf
    • 2. National Treatment and Market Access for Goods Chapter.pdf
    • 3. Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures Chapter.pdf
    • 4. Textiles and Apparel Chapter.pdf
    • 5. Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation Chapter.pdf
    • 6. Trade Remedies Chapter.pdf
    • 7. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Chapter.pdf
    • 8. Technical Barriers to Trade Chapter.pdf
    • 9. Investment Chapter.pdf
    • 10. Cross-Border Trade in Services Chapter.pdf
    • 11. Financial Services Chapter.pdf
    • 12. Temporary Entry for Business Persons Chapter.pdf
    • 13. Telecommunications Chapter.pdf
    • 14. Electronic Commerce Chapter.pdf
    • 15. Government Procurement Chapter.pdf
    • 16. Competition Policy Chapter.pdf
    • 17. State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies Chapter.pdf
    • 18. Intellectual Property Chapter.pdf
    • 19. Labour Chapter.pdf
    • 20. Environment Chapter.pdf
  • 3.15 MB
  • 2015-11-9
  • PPT.rar

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    • System Wide Concepts.pptx
    • Financial Accounting.pptx
    • Fulfillment.pptx
    • MRP.pptx
    • IWM.pptx
    • Procurement.pptx
    • Introduction_to_Integrated_Business_Proc.pptx
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  • 2015-5-13
  • 最新诺贝经济学奖得主英文文献.zip

    • A Model of Forum Shopping.pdf
    • Adverse Selection and Renegotiation in Procurement.pdf
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    • Cooperation among competitors some economics of payment card.pdf
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    • Individual and Corporate Social Responsibility.pdf
    • Interbank Lending and Systemic Risk.pdf
    • Internet interconnection and the off-net-cost pricing principle.pdf
    • Internet Peering.pdf
    • LAPM A Liquidity-Based Asset Pricing Model.pdf
    • Leverage and the Central Banker's Put.pdf
    • Liquidity and Risk Management.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Shocks and Banking Regulation.pdf
    • Market Power Screens Willingness-to-Pay.pdf
    • MERCH.pdf
    • Modes of Communication.pdf
    • Network competition II. Price discrimination.pdf
    • On the receiver-pays principle.pdf
    • Optimal Bypass and Cream Skimming.pdf
    • Over My Dead Body Bargaining and the Price of Dignity..pdf
    • Overcoming Adverse Selection How Public Intervention Can Restore Market.pdf
    • Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets.pdf
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    • Repeated auctions of incentive contracts, investment, and bidding parity wi....pdf
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    • The Theory of Corporate Finance.pdf
    • Using Cost Observation to Regulate Firms.pdf
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  • 2014-11-18
  • Component procurement strategies in decentralized assemble-to-order systems with.rar

    • Component procurement strategies in decentralized assemble-to-order systems with time-dependent pricing.pdf
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  • 2013-5-13
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics P.rar

    • procurement The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pantaleoni, Maffeo (1857–1924) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • paradigms The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • paradoxes and anomalies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto distribution The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto efficiency The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto principle and competing principles The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • partial identification in econometrics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • partial linear model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • patent races The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • patent valuation The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • patents The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence and occupations The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence in technical standards The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Patinkin, Don (1922–1995) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Patten, Simon Nelson (1852–1922) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • peasant economy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • 中国饥荒.rar

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    • 1967_Comp_ Bern.pdf
    • 1984_Procurements_Bernstein.pdf
    • 1990_exit_right_Lin.pdf
    • 1993_exit_right_Kung.PDF
    • 1998_综述_Kung.pdf
    • 2000_FAD_Entitlment_Lin_Yang.pdf
    • 2003_cause_Kung_Lin.pdf
    • 2007_共同食堂_范子英_孟令杰.PDF
    • 2010_Weather_Kung_Bai.PDF
    • 2010_回顾与启示_陈硕.PDF
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  • 2011-1-24
  • BOT 1.rar

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    • Financial Risk Analysis of BOT Projects.pdf
    • risk management of BOT.pdf
    • risk of road BOT project.pdf
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  • 2010-12-24
  • A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation.rar

    • A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation.CHM
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  • 2010-11-25
  • 拉丰的A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation .rar

    • A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation.CHM
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  • 2010-5-18
  • 121-141.rar

    • A Framework for Assessing of the Impact of Capacity Building.pdf
    • Assessing the economic viability of alternative water resources in water scarce regions:The roles of economic valuation,cost–benefit analysis and discounting.pdf
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    • Disease and Behavioral Dynamics for Brucellosis Control in Elk and Cattle in the Greater Yellowstone Area.pdf
    • Economic analysis of summer fallow management to reduce take-all disease and N-leaching in a wheat crop rotation.pdf
    • Energy Input Use and CO2 Emissions in the Major Wheat Growing Regions of India.pdf
    • Exploring production-theoretical insights for analyzing trade-offs between economic performance and environmental pressure at firm level.pdf
    • Fertilizer profitability in East Africa:A Spatially Explicit Policy Analysis.pdf
    • Food Aid and Biofuels:The Effects of Biofuel Policies on Procurement and Delivery.pdf
    • How Important are Peer Effects in Group Lending? Estimating a Static Game of Incomplete Information.pdf
    • IAAE2009_ViaggiRaggiGomez-y-Paloma_final2.pdf
    • Justified hopes or utopian thinking? The suitability of coffee certification schemes as a business model for small-scale producers.pdf
    • Mass Media and Public Policy: Global Evidence from Agricultural Policies.pdf
    • On food quality in domestic markets of developing economies.pdf
    • Optimal crop protection against climate risk in a dynamic cost-loss decision-making model.pdf
    • Rates of Return to Public Agricultural Research in 48 U.S. States.pdf
    • Using multi-agent modeling technique to regionalize key processes and patterns of sustainable agricultural cropping systems in the North China Plain.pdf
    • Where is Basmatirice Coming From?A Global Trade-related Overview.pdf
    • Would Consumers Value New Functional Properties of GM Food?A Choice-Modeling Approach for Rapeseed Oil.pdf
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  • 2009-11-2
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    • A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation.CHM
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  • 2009-4-22
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    • cbp_0012_goin_global_whitepaper_ch.pdf
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    • ge510-6212-consumer-products-asian-xsum.pdf
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  • 2007-6-25
  • 126337.rar

    • Review method on demand information of customer procurement sevives 305.doc
    • Marking management of casc 303.DOC
    • methods and work flow of domestic payment collection 343.DOC
    • Operation and flow map of agent export tax-rebate 333.doc
    • operation method of export cancel after verification and domestic payment 334.DOC
    • Operation method of imports payment 317.DOC
    • preventive action control procedures 204.doc
    • procedures of establishing bids appraisal report 341.DOC
    • quality records control procedures 202.doc
    • Risk Assessment Procedures of Suppliers 345.doc
    • Rules of aviation spare parts transportation 324.DOC
    • Rules of Equipment management 314.DOC
    • Rules of foreign-currency clearance managemant 342.doc
    • services-provide process control procedures 207.doc
    • Suppliers Selection Evaluation Management 306.doc
    • The management of tendering agent 329.DOC
    • the operation rules of huacai cargo dept. 323.doc
    • The process of Engine purchase and repair 327.DOC
    • The verification and review method of bids department 332.DOC
    • Training procedures of division 2 328.DOC
    • Transportation rules of aviation engine 325.DOC
    • verification management of import and export documentary credit establishing 304.doc
    • Warehouse management of business department 322.DOC
    • Work procedures of business department 321.DOC
    • work procedures of customs clearance & transportation dept. 319.DOC
    • Annual assessment method of personnel in casc 311.DOC
    • Assessment method of forwarder management of casc 339.DOC
    • Bids procedures of casc 331.DOC
    • casc quality manual 101.doc
    • control & protection Procedures os Customer Property in Division three 344.doc
    • correction action control procedures 203.doc
    • documentation control procedures 201.doc
    • Documentation verification rules of import payment 316.DOC
    • Employee training method of casc 312.DOC
    • Establishment procedures of bid documents 330.DOC
    • Export contract management method 302.doc
    • failure products control procedures 205.doc
    • Import contract management method 301.doc
    • internal audit control procedures 206.doc
    • Job responsibilities and description of personnel in casc 313.DOC
    • Management of bonded warehouse 320.DOC
    • Management of business handover among department 318.DOC
    • Management of raw material-supplied and raw material-purchased process 307.doc
    • management of repair & claims of aviation equipment outside china 310.DOC
  • 343.92 KB
  • 2007-6-15
  • 121112.zip

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    • RP_2005_TradeFacilitation.doc
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    • INA_2005_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
    • INA_2005_Standards_and_Conformance.doc
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    • US_2005_Competition_Policy.doc
    • US_2005_Customs_Procedures.doc
    • US_2005_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
    • INA_2005_Customs_Procedures.doc
    • THA_2005_Competition_Policy.doc
    • THA_2005_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
    • THA_2005_Dispute_Mediation.doc
    • JPN_2005_Standards_and_Conformance.doc
    • CT_2006_Customs_Procedures.doc
    • THA_2005_Government_Procurement.doc
    • INA_2005_Mobility_of_Business_People.doc
    • THA_2005_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
    • THA_2005_Intellectual_Property_Rights.doc
    • THA_2005_Standards_and_Conformance.doc
    • THA_2005_Customs_Procedures.doc
    • HKC_2005_Standards_and_Conformance.doc
    • HKC_2005_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
    • HKC_2005_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
    • MEX_2005_Transparency.doc
    • INA_2005_Information_Gathering_and_Analysis.doc
    • US_2005_Mobility_of_Business_People.doc
    • INA_2005_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
    • INA_2005_Intellectual_Property_Rights.doc
    • PE_2005_Customs_Procedures.doc
    • HKC_2005_Dispute_Mediation.doc
    • HKC_2005_Intellectual_Property_Rights.doc
    • JPN_2005_Intellectual_Property_Rights.doc
    • JPN_2005_Competition_Policy.doc
    • JPN_2005_Mobility_of_Business_People.doc
    • JPN_2005_Information_Gathering_and_Analysis.doc
    • JPN_2005_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
    • JPN_2005_Dispute_Mediation.doc
    • HKC_2006_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
    • JPN_2005_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
    • CT_2005_Paperless_Trading.doc
    • JPN_2005_TradeFacilitation.doc
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    • HKC_2005_TradeFacilitation.doc
    • PRC_2005_TradeFacilitation.doc
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    • MAS_2005_Competition_Policy.doc
    • MAS_2005_Government_Procurement.doc
    • CDA_2005_Transparency.doc
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    • CT_2005_Transparency.doc
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    • JPN_2006_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
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    • NZ_2006_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
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    • NZ_2006_Intellectual_Property_Rights.doc
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    • THA_2006_Government_Procurement.doc
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    • ROK_2006_Implementation_of_WTO_Obligations_including_Rules_of_Origin.doc
    • ROK_2006_Intellectual_Property_Rights.doc
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    • CDA_2006_Transparency.doc
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    • PRC_2006_Government_Procurement.doc
    • PRC_2006_Mobility_of_Business_People.doc
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    • PRC_2006_Deregulation_Regulatory_Review.doc
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  • 2007-5-26