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       有声书 (10 of 10)

    • 21 Afterword_ The Animal that Became a God.mp3
    • 18 A Permanent Revolution.mp3
    • 19 And They Lived Happily Ever After.mp3
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  • lservrc.rar
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  • 2015-10-28
  • inflation forcasting and interest rate.zip

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    • Forecasting Inflation.pdf
    • Yield Spreads and Interest Rate Movements_ A Bird s Eye View.pdf
    • are philips curves useful for forecasting inflation.pdf
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  • rt2.pdf
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  • 新凯恩斯主义和新古典宏观经济学的奠基性文献.zip

    • Mankiw and Shapiro's TRends, random walks, and tests of the permanent income hypothesis.pdf
    • Aklorf's The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment.pdf
    • Are Government Bonds Net Wealth.pdf
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    • Barro - RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE ROLE OF monetary policy.pdf
    • Barro's Output Effects of Government Purchases.pdf
    • Blanchard's The dynamic effects of aggregate demand and supply disturbances.pdf
    • Blanchard's hysteresis and european unemployment problem.pdf
    • Blinder's inventories, rational expectations, and the business cycle.pdf
    • Cogley's Output dynamics in real-business-cycle models.pdf
    • Consumption over the Life Cycle and Over the Business Cycle.pdf
    • Fischer's Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule.pdf
    • Flavin's The adjustment of consumption to changing expectations about future income.pdf
    • Gould's Adjustment Costs in the Theory of Investment of the Firm.pdf
    • HW2 economtrics.pdf
    • Kydland's Rules rather than discretion The inconsistency of optimal plans.pdf
    • Long's real business cycles.pdf
    • Lucas's Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply.pdf
    • Lucas's Optimal Investment Policy and the Flexible Accelerator.pdf
    • Lucas's Some international evidence on output-inflation tradeoffs.pdf
    • Mankiw's Small menu costs and large business cycles A macroeconomic model of monopoly.pdf
    • McCallum's Rational expectations and macroeconomic stabilization policy an overview.pdf
    • Sargent's Rational expectations and the theory of economic policy.pdf
    • Shapiro's unemployment as a worker discipline device.pdf
    • Taylor's Staggered wage setting in a macro model.pdf
    • a model of the demand for investment in inventories of finished goods and emplyment.pdf
    • barro's macroceonomics a modern approach.pdf
    • can the production smoothing model of inventories be saved.pdf
    • compbell and mankiw's Consumption, Income, and Interest Rates Reinterpreting the Time Series Evidence.pdf
    • lucas's Econometric policy evaluation a critique.pdf
    • some empirical evidence on the production level and production cost.pdf
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  • Andrew.Bacevich.-.Washington.Rules.Americas.path.to.permanent.war.2010.RETAiL.eB.rar

    • Andrew.Bacevich.-.Washington.Rules.Americas.path.to.permanent.war.2010.RETAiL.eBOOk-rebOOk.pdf
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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics P.rar

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    • Pareto efficiency The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • partial linear model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • path dependence The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence and occupations The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence in technical standards The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Patten, Simon Nelson (1852–1922) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • The general theory of employment, interest rate and money.pdf
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    • The theory of Interest.pdf
    • The transactions demand for cash an inventory theoretic approach.pdf
    • The use of indicators and the monetary conditions index in Canada.pdf
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    • Utility analysis and the consumption an interpretation of cross-section data.in post-keynesian economics.pdf
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  • C0B40d01.pdf
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  • 2011-10-20
  • 1980 to 1989.rar

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    • 1986 The Efficient Market Hypothesis On Trial.pdf
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    • 1980 Back On The Track With The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1980 Inside Information, Market Information And Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1980 On The Impossibility Of Informationally Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1981 An Integrated View Of Tests Of Rationality, Market Efficiency, And The Short-Run Neutrality Of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • 1981 Investing With Ben Graham-An Ex Ante Test Of The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1981 Testing The Efficiency Of The Canadian-U.S. Exchange Market Under The Assumption Of No Risk Premium.pdf
    • 1981 The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1983 A Relationship Between Regression Tests And Volatility Tests Of Market Efficiency.pdf
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  • 2010-5-5
  • 1980 to 1989.rar

    • 1985 An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model Of Asset Prices.pdf
    • 1986 Informational Efficiency And Information Subsets.pdf
    • 1986 Noise.pdf
    • 1986 The Efficient Market Hypothesis On Trial.pdf
    • 1988 Permanent And Temporary Components Of Stock Prices.pdf
    • 1989 Efficient Capital Markets And Martingales.pdf
    • 1980 Back On The Track With The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1980 Inside Information, Market Information And Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1980 On The Impossibility Of Informationally Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1981 An Integrated View Of Tests Of Rationality, Market Efficiency, And The Short-Run Neutrality Of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • 1981 Investing With Ben Graham-An Ex Ante Test Of The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1981 Testing The Efficiency Of The Canadian-U.S. Exchange Market Under The Assumption Of No Risk Premium.pdf
    • 1981 The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1983 A Relationship Between Regression Tests And Volatility Tests Of Market Efficiency.pdf
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