大小 上传时间
  • 7 Habits.pdf

  • 1.49 MB
  • 2024-4-7
  • full-set-of-gri-standards-traditional-chinese.zip

    • GRI 1- Foundation 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 11- Oil and Gas Sector 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 2- General Disclosures 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 201- Economic Performance 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 202- Market Presense 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 203- Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 204- Procurement Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 205- Anti-corruption 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 206- Anti-competitive Behaviour 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 207- Tax 2019 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 3- Material Topics 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 301- Materials 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 302- Energy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 303- Water and Effluents 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 304- Biodiversity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 305- Emissions 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Effluents and Waste 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Waste 2020 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 308- Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 401- Employment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 402- Labor-Management Relations 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 403- Occupational Health and Safety 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 404- Training and Education 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 405- Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 406- Non-discrimination 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 407- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 408- Child Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 409- Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 410- Security Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 411- Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 413- Local Communities 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 414- Supplier Socail Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 415- Public Policy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 416- Customer Health and Safety 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 417- Marketing and Labeling 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 418- Customer Privacy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI Standards Glossary 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 12 Coal Sector Standard 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
  • 44.14 MB
  • 2023-8-15
  • 全球世界各国癌症发病率和死亡数据集1990-2019年.zip

    • 06 number-of-people-with-cancer-by-age.csv
    • 01 annual-number-of-deaths-by-cause.csv
    • 02 total-cancer-deaths-by-type.csv
    • 03 cancer-death-rates-by-age.csv
    • 04 share-of-population-with-cancer-types .csv
    • 05 share-of-population-with-cancer.csv
    • 07 share-of-population-with-cancer-by-age.csv
    • 08 disease-burden-rates-by-cancer-types.csv
    • 09 cancer-deaths-rate-and-age-standardized-rate-index.csv
    • 数据说明-全球癌症和死亡数据集1990-2019年.docx
  • 2.47 MB
  • 2023-3-31
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之四.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • Why people use social networking sites- An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory.pdf
    • Towards Identifying the Challenges Associated with Emerging Large Scale Social Networks.pdf
    • Visual representation of knowledge networks- A social network analysis of hospitality research domain.pdf
    • 标签系统中基于潜在社会网络的知识传播研究_易明.pdf
    • 从知识传播的角度看问答型社交网站_知乎_.pdf
    • 基于_弱关系理论_的知识问答社区知识传播研究_以知乎网为例_宁菁菁.pdf
    • 基于Bass模型的知识扩散演化分析_罗天虎.pdf
    • 基于Tag的知识主题网络构建与Web知识推送研究_易明.pdf
    • 社会性标签系统中的信息搜寻_基于豆瓣网的实证调查.pdf
    • Power and the perception of social networks(视角特别,可参考,难模仿).pdf
    • Privacy threat model for data portability in social network applications.pdf
    • Recommendation of similar users, resources and social networks in a Social Internetworking Scenario(好文章).pdf
    • Relationship between the level of intimacy and lurking in online social network services(实证,选题和综述参考).pdf
    • Role of knowledge conversion and social networks in team performance(张大鲁可参考).pdf
    • Scholars and faculty members lived experiences in online social networks.pdf
    • Set Pair Community Mining and Situation Analysis Based on Web Social Network.pdf
    • Simulation-based workforce assignment in a multi-organizational social network for alliance-based software development(可参考).pdf
    • SNS社区中知识传播演化仿真模型:simulation based on Chinese Douban.docx
    • SNS社区中知识扩散演化仿真模型.docx
    • Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks(没看明白,可参考).pdf
    • Social integration and post-adoption usage of Social Network Sites An analysis of effects on learning performance(实证).pdf
    • Social network analysis in virtual learning community at faculty of information technologies (fit), Mostar(实证).pdf
    • Social network productivity in the use of.pdf
    • Social network, social trust and shared goals in organizational knowledge sharing(实证).pdf
    • Social networks – access all areas.pdf
    • Social structure of Facebook networks(复杂网络分析,有高度参考价值,可模仿分析其他数据).pdf
    • Structural investigation of supply networks- A social network analysis approach(社会网络跨领域应用参考).pdf
    • The contribution of social network sites to exposure to political difference.pdf
    • The dynamic competitive recommendation algorithm in social network services.pdf
    • The provision of online public goods- Examining social structure in an electronic network of practice.pdf
    • The social networks of collaborative process.pdf
    • The ties that bind- Social network principles in online communities.pdf
    • Topic oriented community detection through social objects and link analysis in social networks(社区发现方面有参考价值).pdf
  • 15.98 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • Insurance Company Valuation_2.zip

    • I17 四大\KPMG Pacific Life Re IFRS support 29032018 - excl. fees and people.pptx
    • I17 四大\DTT-IFRS 17 Transition Resource Group meeting 3.pdf
    • I17 四大\DTT_global-ifrs-insurance-survey-2018.pdf
    • I17 四大\ey-good-life-insurance-pd-oct-2018.pdf
    • I17 四大\EY_Applying IFRS 17 A closer look at the new Insurance Contracts Standard.pdf
    • I17 四大\deloitte-cn-fs-implementing-ifrs-17-in-china-zh-170911.pdf
    • I17 四大\PwC ifrs-17-illustration-feb-26.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_IFRS 17:reinsurance needs careful consideration, a guide to the challenges ahead.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_ifrs-17-will-affect-how-reinsurers-conduct-business.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_Three simple ideas can take the panic out of your prep for IFRS 17.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_保险准则过渡工作组第二次会议讨论计量单元、合同边界及保障责任单元问题.pdf
    • I17 四大\KPMG Comment Letter on IASB ED-2013-7 and FASB Proposed Accounting Stand....pdf
    • I17 四大\KPMG Pacific Life Re IFRS support 29032018.pptx
    • I17 四大\KPMG-CL-ED-2015-11-Applying-IFRS-9-with-IFRS 4.pdf
    • I17 四大\kpmg-navigating-change-ifrs17-9-benchmarking-report.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS17一般模型点的原则与实施难点-1201.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS4.2 保险合同会计准则最新进展与挑战__20160818_EY付振平.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS4 phase II update-金鹏.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2015-48.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2015-49.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-51.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-52.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-53.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-54.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2017-57.pdf
    • ifrs-17-accounting-model-a3-jan-2018.pdf
    • ifrs-17-effects-analysis.pdf
    • ifrs-17-factsheet.pdf
    • ifrs-17-in-it-to-win-it.pdf
    • ifrs-17-insurance-contracts-accounting-new-perspective.pdf
    • ifrs-17-project-summary.pdf
    • ifrs17-first-impressions-2017.pdf
    • ifrs17-transi.pdf
    • IFRS17_Full.pdf
    • IFRS17disclsoures28062017.pdf
    • IFRS4_SII.pptx
    • IFRS_17_Slipsheet_V9.pdf
    • IFRS_Peer_Analysis_v7.pdf
    • IFRS_Peer_Analysis_v7.pptx
    • IFRS_Slides_022817_Color.pdf
    • IFRS_update_Insurance_Partner_Conference_2017.pptx
  • 98.69 MB
  • 2021-4-22
  • 昆仑Health1.zip

    • 11.20\保费收入_v1.xlsx
    • 11.20\健医康护养筛选表_HC_1120_v2.xlsx
    • 11.20\健医康护养筛选表_RC_1120_v4.xlsx
    • 11.20\大健康战略_汇报报告_20201120 两个表格.pptx
    • 第一次全员培训\
    • 第一次全员培训\Changing the way insurance works_ Vitality globally.mp4
    • 第一次全员培训\Changing the way the insruance works - vitality.docx
    • 第一次全员培训\shared value model.docx
    • 第一次全员培训\vitality 汇报.docx
    • 第一次全员培训\We’re changing the world with Vitality!.mp4
    • 第一次全员培训\会议议程20200810_v2.pptx
    • 第一次全员培训\昆仑健康保险大健康战略规划项目-保险峰会参会指南.docx
    • 第一次全员培训\昆仑健康保险大健康战略规划项目-保险峰会参会指南.pdf
    • 第一次全员培训\昆仑健康保险大健康战略规划项目第一次全员培训_V1.pdf
    • 改宽屏\
    • 改宽屏\昆仑大健康项目_案例分析_full version v5.pptx
    • 改宽屏\昆仑大健康项目_案例分析_full version v6.pptx
    • 改宽屏\昆仑大健康项目_案例分析_复星&众安.pptx
    • 改宽屏\昆仑大健康项目_案例分析_宽版_v1_ACT.pptx
    • 改宽屏\昆仑大健康项目_案例分析vitality_v1.pptx
    • 竞争整理\
    • 竞争整理\中国人身保险市场2018年概况 .pdf
    • 竞争整理\中国保险市场2018年经营状况分析.pdf
    • 竞争整理\保险资金2018年运用情况 .pdf
    • 竞争整理\健康险行业概况.xlsx
    • 竞争整理\各人身保险公司业务统计表.xls
    • 竞争整理\平安健康2019年报.pdf
    • 竞争整理\昆仑健康2019年报.pdf
    • 竞争整理\昆仑健康vs平安健康.xlsx
    • 竞争整理\昆仑大健康项目_案例分析_full version v2.pptx
    • 竞争整理\议题:关于提请审议《公司三年发展规划(2020-2022)》的议案(终稿).pdf
    • 11.17 brain storm.docx
    • 2018年保险市场份额.pptx
    • 3,4页数据库整理v2.xlsx
    • ADV_Internship Management Guidelines_June 2020_vf-Final.pptx
    • Copy of 昆仑健康保险大健康战略规划项目_整体规划_项目工作_周计划合并表_0813.xlsx
    • Here’s to the #PeopleWithPurpose making a difference.mp4
    • IMG_1514.JPG
    • KPMG 内部培训专题1.pptx
    • Kunlun_客户群体分析_V2.pptx
    • MS research paper about China's health insurance market .docx
    • P57-标尺.xlsx
  • 96.27 MB
  • 2021-4-18
  • INSPIRED2_Empowered_Marty Cagan.zip

    • INSPIRED_ How to Create Tech Products Customers Love-2E.pdf
    • Marty Cagan_Chris Jones - Empowered_ Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products (2020).epub
  • 7.43 MB
  • 2021-2-18
  • the deficit myth - modern monetary theory and the birth of the people's eco.rar
       the deficit myth - modern monetary theory and the birth of the people's economy (2020)

    • the deficit myth - modern monetary theory and the birth of the people's economy (2020).epub
  • 2.2 MB
  • 2020-6-9
  • Talent Wins.pdf
       Talent Wins: The New Playbook for Putting People Firs

  • 3.01 MB
  • 2019-8-15
  • the technology fallacy - how people are the real key to digital transformation (2019).rar
       the technology fallacy - how people are the real key to digital transformation (2019)

    • the technology fallacy - how people are the real key to digital transformation (2019).epub
  • 4.82 MB
  • 2019-7-9
  • The Oxford Handbook of the Elegy.rar

    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-Piv.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-1.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-2 Ancient Greek Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-3 What's Love got to do with it.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-4 Lamentation and Lament in the Hebrew Bible.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-5 Late Roman Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-6 Not What it was.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-7 The Consolations of Philosophy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-8 Nation and History.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-9 Classical Love Elegy .pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-10 The Funeral Elegy in Early Modern .pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-11Elegies in Country Churchyards.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-12 New World Frontiers.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-13 American Constitutional Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-14 Romantic Elegiac Hybridity.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-15 The Dark Ecology of Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-16 Victoria Dressed in Black.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-17In the Tense of Decadence.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-18Between the Bullet and the Lie.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-19Fresh Woods.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-20That the People might Live.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-21Elegies upon the Dying.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-22Attending to AIDS.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-23Kaddish.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-24 The Contemporary Anti‐Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-25Women's Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-26Anguish no Cessation Knows.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-27Women's Elegies.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-28Lett me not Pyne for Poverty.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-29Between Men.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-30Elegy in English Drama.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-31Post Coitum Triste.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-32Mourning Modernity.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-33Elegy and the Gothic.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-34Moving Pictures.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-35Nationalism, Transnationalism.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-36Museum Elegies.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-37The War Memorial as Elegy.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-38Grieving Images.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-39On Photographic Eleg.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-e-40Index-1.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-List of Figures.pdf
    • 9_oxfordhb-9780199228133-Notes on Contributors.pdf
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  • in_the_name_of_people.zip

    • in_the_name_of_people.txt
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  • what future 2018 - the year's best writing on what's next for people, .rar
       what future 2018 - the year's best writing on what's next for people, technology & the planet (2 ...

    • what future 2018 - the year's best writing on what's next for people, technology & the planet (2018).epub
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    • [Pfeffer_Jeffrey]_Power_Why_Some_People_Have_It.mobi
    • [Jeffrey_Pfeffer]_Power_Why_Some_People_Have_It.epub
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  • UBS_Q-Series.zip

    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-WhatIstheScopeoftheSharingEconomy--_Jul_21_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_-Q-Series-DoDividendsReallyMatter-12303Mezrich_Jan_23_2003.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_-Q-Series-DoDividendsReallyMatter-_Jan_25_2003.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_-Q-SeriesCorporateFundamentalsProfitabilityMoreroomtogo--Precious_May_04_2004.pdf
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    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaInternetSector-UBSEvidenceLabsocialvideoismore-lean-_Jan_02_2018.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaInternetSector-UBSEvidenceLab–Mobilegamesextendsuccess-Xu_Mar_22_2017.pdf
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    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Howdisruptivewillamassadoptionofrobotaxisbe--Lesne_Sep_29_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Isthe'goldenage'offoreigncorporate-(ChineseVersion)_Aug_21_2015.pdf
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    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-UBSEvidenceLabElectricCarTeardown–(ChineseVersion)-_Jun_16_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-UBSEvidenceLabElectricCarTeardown–DisruptionAhead--Hummel_May_19_2017.pdf
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    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Wherewill5GfallonHypevsRealityspectrum--Dineen_Nov_17_2016.pdf
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    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-WillAIAdoptionFollowtheInternetEvolution-WhichVendors-_Nov_07_2016.pdf
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    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesChinaEconomics-WhattoExpectfromChineseConsumersintheNext-_Oct_26_2012.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesESGandSustainability-Doesgoodgovernance-(ChineseVersion)_Jul_01_2014.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalBanks-IsAIthenextrevolutioninretailbanking--Finch_Nov_27_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalRetail-DissectingAmazon'snewmarketplaybookHaveshareprices-_Jul_17_2017 (1).pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalRetail-DissectingAmazon'snewmarketplaybookHaveshareprices-_Jul_17_2017.pdf
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  • cambridge-core_journal-aso-volume-37-issue-9_29Mar2018.zip

    • Old_age_expectations_are_related_to_how_long_people_want_to_live.pdf
    • Enjoying_the_third_age_Discourse_identity_and_liminality_in_extra-care_communities.pdf
    • ASO_volume_37_issue_9_Cover_and_Front_matter.pdf
    • ASO_volume_37_issue_9_Cover_and_Back_matter.pdf
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  • 2018-3-29
  • down and out in the new economy - how people find (or don't find) work toda.rar
       down and out in the new economy - how people find (or don't find) work today (2017)

    • down and out in the new economy - how people find (or don't find) work today (2017).epub
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  • Twitter_In_30_Minutes_3rd.rar

    • Twitter In 30 Minutes (3rd Edition) How to connect with interesting people, write great tweets, and find information that's relevant to you.epub
    • Twitter In 30 Minutes (3rd Edition) How to connect with interesting people, write great tweets, and find information that's relevant to you.pdf
    • Twitter In 30 Minutes (3rd Edition) How to connect with interesting people, write great tweets, and find information that's relevant to you.azw3
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  • the rhetoric of mao zedong - transforming china and its people (2017).rar
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    • the rhetoric of mao zedong - transforming china and its people (2017).epub
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    • innovation and its enemies - why people resist new technologies (2016).pdf
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  • tectonic shifts in financial markets - people, policies, and institutions (2017).rar
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    • tectonic shifts in financial markets - people, policies, and institutions (2017).pdf
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  • Making People Illegal_What Globalization Means for Migration and Law.zip

    • Making People Illegal_What Globalization Means for Migration and Law.pdf
  • 1.08 MB
  • 2017-1-25
  • Radicalization_Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence.zip

    • Radicalization_Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence.pdf
  • 3.09 MB
  • 2017-1-15
  • Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers_The People Skills You Need to Achiev.zip

    • Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers_The People Skills You Need to Achieve Outstanding Results (2nd Edition).epub
  • 3.53 MB
  • 2017-1-7
  • Radicalization_Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence.zip

    • Radicalization_Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence.epub
  • 1.86 MB
  • 2017-1-4
  • LU (pdf).zip

    • Leading the Unleadable_How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People.pdf
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  • 2017-1-2
  • LU (epub).zip

    • Leading the Unleadable_How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People.epub
  • 933.65 KB
  • 2017-1-2
  • LU (pdf epub).zip

    • Leading the Unleadable_How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People.pdf
    • Leading the Unleadable_How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People.epub
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  • 2017-1-2
  • The Ultimate Competitive Advantage_Why Your People Make All the Difference and t.zip

    • The Ultimate Competitive Advantage_Why Your People Make All the Difference and the 6 Practices You Need to Engage Them.pdf
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  • 2017-1-2
  • Fables of Fortune_What Rich People Have That You Don't Want.zip

    • Fables of Fortune_What Rich People Have That You Don't Want.epub
  • 295.68 KB
  • 2016-12-29
  • Winning with data _ transform your culture, empower your people, and shape the f.rar

    • Winning with data _ transform your culture, empower your people, and shape the future(2016).pdf
  • 1.11 MB
  • 2016-12-29
  • Make Your People Before You Make Your Products_Using Talent Management to Achiev.zip

    • Make Your People Before You Make Your Products_Using Talent Management to Achieve Competitive Advantage in Global Organizations.pdf
  • 1.87 MB
  • 2016-12-21
  • 41 Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter-What Got You Here Won't Get You There_ H.rar

    • 41 Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter-What Got You Here Won't Get You There_ How Successful People Become Even More Successful -Hyperion (2007).mobi
  • 357.76 KB
  • 2016-12-17
  • 37 Erika Andersen-Growing Great Employees_ Turning Ordinary People into Extraord.rar

    • 37 Erika Andersen-Growing Great Employees_ Turning Ordinary People into Extraordinary Performers -Portfolio Trade (2007).mobi
  • 488.22 KB
  • 2016-12-17
  • 27 Gary A. Klein-Sources of power_ how people make decisions -MIT Press (1998).rar

    • 27 Gary A. Klein-Sources of power_ how people make decisions -MIT Press (1998).epub
  • 904.16 KB
  • 2016-12-17
  • Next Generation Demand Management_People, Process, Analytics, and Technology.zip

    • Next Generation Demand Management_People, Process, Analytics, and Technology.epub
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  • 2016-12-1
  • People Get Ready (pdf).zip

    • People Get Ready_The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy.pdf
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  • 2016-11-30
  • People Get Ready (pdf epub).zip

    • People Get Ready_The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy.pdf
    • People Get Ready_The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy.epub
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  • People Get Ready_The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy.zip

    • People Get Ready_The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy.epub
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  • 2016-11-30
  • the people's money - how china is building a global curency (2016) .rar
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    • the people's money - how china is building a global curency (2016) .epub
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  • The People's Money_How China Is Building a Global Currency.zip

    • The People's Money_How China Is Building a Global Currency.epub
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  • 2016-11-30
  • Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice_A Guide to People .zip

    • Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice_A Guide to People Management.pdf
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  • 2016-11-25
  • Gender, Development and Globalization_Economics as if All People Mattered (2nd E.zip

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  • 2016-11-20
  • Rich People Poor Countries (azw).zip

    • Rich People Poor Countries.azw
  • 4.93 MB
  • 2016-11-9
  • Innovation and Its Enemies_Why People Resist New Technologies.zip
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    • Innovation and Its Enemies_Why People Resist New Technologies.epub
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  • Toyota Kata_Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results.zip

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  • 2016-8-4
  • The Inner Lives of Markets_How People Shape Them—And They Shape Us.zip
       epub + PDF

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    • The Inner Lives of Markets_How People Shape Them—And They Shape Us.epub
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  • 2016-6-10
  • Journals of Urban Economic201691.rar
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    • A journey home_ What drives how long people are homeless.pdf
    • Agglomeration within an urban area.pdf
    • Do charter schools crowd out private school enrollment_ Evidence from Michigan.pdf
    • Do land use regulations stifle residential development_ Evidence from California cities.pdf
    • Does the market value value-added_ Evidence from housing prices after a public release of school and teacher value-added.pdf
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    • Intergenerational conflict and the political economy of higher education funding.pdf
    • Local fiscal competition_ An application to sales taxation with multiple federations.pdf
    • Negative home equity, economic insecurity, and household mobility over the Great Recession.pdf
    • Workforce location and equilibrium unemployment in a duocentric economy with matching frictions.pdf
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  • 2016-3-15
  • Words That Work_ It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear [Disc 01.rar

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  • 2.26 MB
  • 2016-2-19
  • 06 The Right People in the Wrong Places_ The Paradox of Entrepreneurial Entry an.rar

    • 06 The Right People in the Wrong Places_ The Paradox of Entrepreneurial Entry and Successful Opportunity Realization.pdf
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  • 2016-1-4
  • Bill Gross Monthly Outlook.rar

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    • 201511It’s the Zero Bound Yield Curve, Stupid.pdf
    • 201512TL-Bill Gross Investment Outlook.pdf
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  • 2015-12-10
  • 1-15.rar
       IELTS,Native Speaker,英式短语&英式句型,1000条

    • Lesson15 Travel.mp3
    • Lesson01 Education.mp3
    • Lesson02 Work.mp3
    • Lesson03 People.mp3
    • Lesson04 Traffic & Transport.mp3
    • Lesson05 Food.mp3
    • Lesson06 Media.mp3
    • Lesson07 Science & Technology.mp3
    • Lesson08 Friendship & Co-operation.mp3
    • Lesson09 Likes and Dislikes.mp3
    • Lesson10 Effort,Plan & Decision.mp3
    • Lesson11 Clothing & Fashion.mp3
    • Lesson12 Reading & Writing.mp3
    • Lesson13 Money.mp3
    • Lesson14 Music.mp3
  • 51.56 MB
  • 2015-11-11
  • Organizational Behavior Managing People and Organizations 11....zip

    • Chapter 1--An Overview of O.rtf
    • Chapter 10--Using Teams in .rtf
    • Chapter 11--Communication i.rtf
    • Chapter 12--Traditional Mod.rtf
    • Chapter 13--Contemporary Vi.rtf
    • Chapter 14--Power, Politics.rtf
    • Chapter 15--Conflict and Ne.rtf
    • Chapter 16--Foundations of .rtf
    • Chapter 17--Organization De.rtf
    • Chapter 18--Organization Cu.rtf
    • Chapter 19--Organization Ch.rtf
    • Chapter 2--The Changing Env.rtf
    • Chapter 3--Foundations of I.rtf
    • Chapter 4--Motivation in Or.rtf
    • Chapter 5--Motivating Emplo.rtf
    • Chapter 6--Motivating Emplo.rtf
    • Chapter 7--Managing Stress .rtf
    • Chapter 8--Decision Making .rtf
    • Chapter 9--Foundations of I.rtf
    • cover.jpg
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  • 2015-10-6
  • Economic cost of smoking in people with mental disorders in the UK.rar

    • Economic cost of smoking in people with mental disorders in the UK.pdf
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  • 2015-9-27
  • Justice 45) Claudia Martin, Diego Rodr铆guez-Pinz贸n, Bethany Brown-Human Rights.zip
       Human Rights of Older People: Universal and Regional Legal Perspectives

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  • 2015-7-28
  • Ghost_Cities_of_China_The_Story_of_Cities_without_People_in_the_World-s_Most_Pop.zip
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  • 2015-7-23
  • Dan DiMicco, David Rothkopf-American Made_ Why Making Things Will Return Us to G.zip
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  • 2015-6-22
  • Charles V. Bagli-Other People's Money_ Inside the Housing Crisis and the De.rar

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  • 2015-3-7
  • Managing People Globally. An Asian Perspective.rar

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  • 2015-2-1
  • Managing People in a Downturn.rar

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  • 2015-1-30
  • Organizational citizenship behavior in the people's republic of china.rar

    • Organizational citizenship behavior in the people's republic of china.pdf
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  • 2015-1-25
  • Why Do People Obey the Law?The Case of Corruption in Developing Countries.zip

    • Why Do People Obey the Law?The Case of Corruption in Developing Countries.pdf
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  • 2015-1-16
  • clts_wp_10_14.pdf
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  • 2015-1-14
  • 大分流.zip

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    • 李约瑟之谜、韦伯疑问和中国的奇迹——自宋以来的长期经济发展.pdf
    • 李约瑟之谜与长期经济增长——一个文献综述.pdf
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  • 2014-11-8
  • The People Vs. Barack Obama_ The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration .rar

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  • 机器人(自动化)1.rar

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  • 2014-10-28
  • tubiao.rar

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  • CapPeople.zip

    • CapPeople.epub
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  • 2014-9-12
  • 2008年American Economic Review 文章精选.zip

    • A Dynamic Theory of Public Spending Taxation and Debt.pdf
    • Allowing the Data to Speak Freely The Macroeconometrics of the Cointegrated Vector Autoregression.pdf
    • Deal or No Deal Decision Making under Risk in a Large-Payoff Game Show.pdf
    • Do People Vote with Their Feet An Empirical Test of Tiebout's Mechanism.pdf
    • How Big Are Total Individual Income Tax Expenditures, and Who Benefits from Them.pdf
    • Income and Democracy.pdf
    • Limited Attention and Income Distribution.pdf
    • Rational Expectations in Games.pdf
    • Report of the Treasurer.pdf
    • Tax Expenditures for Owner-Occupied Housing Deductions for Property Taxes and Mortgage Interest and the Exclusion of Imputed Rental Income.pdf
    • Temporary Investment Tax Incentives Theory with Evidence from Bonus Depreciation.pdf
    • The Future of the IMF and the World Bank.pdf
    • Using Tax Expenditures to Achieve Energy Policy Goals.pdf
  • 5.5 MB
  • 2014-8-17
  • 斯蒂格勒.zip

    • People’s opium_ Religion andeconomic attitudes.pdf
    • Productive cities_ Sorting, selection, and agglomeration.pdf
    • The Nature of Countercyclical Income Risk.pdf
    • A Nation of Immigrants assimilation and economic outcomes of mass migration.pdf
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  • 2014-8-14
  • Muddy Water.zip

    • Muddy Water\Initiating Coverage on NQ Mobile Inc. (NYSE NQ) – Strong Sell.pdf
    • Muddy Water\MW Offer to NQ’s Independent Committee.pdf
    • Muddy Water\NQ’s Top Ten Lies Since Friday.pdf
    • Muddy Water\NQ’s US Veneer: Withholding Facts, Conned Men, and a Convicted Racketeer.pdf
    • Muddy Water\NQ: You Can’t Fool All of the People All of the Time.pdf
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  • 2014-6-11
  • 7_habits.pdf
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  • 2.77 MB
  • 2014-6-8
  • 行为博弈论与国外经典文献.zip

    • 经济学的行为挑战The behavioral challenge to economics Understanding normal people.pdf
    • Sophisticated Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning and Strategic Teaching in Repeated Games.pdf
    • A Behavioral Model for Participation Games with Negative Feedback.pdf
    • A cognitive hierarchy theory of one-shot games Some preliminary results.pdf
    • Camerer的行为博弈论的英文PDF版(Behavioral game theory_experiments in strategic interaction).pdf
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    • 神经元经济学导论Neuroeconomics How neuroscience can inform economics.pdf
    • 实验经济学的新视野:行为博弈论述评.pdf
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    • 行为博弈论Behavioral Game Theory( 超经典).pdf
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  • 2014-3-29
  • administrative_region_of_the_people39s_republic_of_china_figure_vector_179906.zip

    • administrative_region_of_the_people39s_republic_of_china_figure_vector.cdr
    • all-free-download.com.url
  • 1.69 MB
  • 2014-1-6
  • Leading.the.Starbucks.Way..5.Principles.for.Connecting.with.Your.Customers.Your..rar
       Leading the Starbucks Way - 5 Principles

    • Leading.the.Starbucks.Way..5.Principles.for.Connecting.with.Your.Customers.Your.Products.and.Your.People.epub
  • 2.37 MB
  • 2013-12-12
  • PPT模板-商业管理.rar

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    • business_follies.pot
    • business_model.pot
    • business_objective.pot
    • calculated_risk.pot
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  • 2013-8-9
  • Tata.pdf

  • 90.89 KB
  • 2013-6-2
  • [Luigi_Zingales]_A_Capitalism_for_the_People_Reca).rar

    • [Luigi_Zingales]_A_Capitalism_for_the_People_Reca).mobi
  • 489.67 KB
  • 2013-5-19
  • HBS Case General Management 2005-2012.zip

    • Global Wine War 2009- New world Versus Older -2009.pdf
    • Hamilton Real Estate_Confidential Role Information for the Executive VP of Pearl Investments (SELLER) -2005.pdf
    • IBM China Development Lab Shanghai_Capability by Design -2011.pdf
    • Political and Economic History of the People's Republic of China_An Annotated Timeline -2010.pdf
    • Real Estate Franchising_The Case of Coldwell Banker Expansion into China -2005.pdf
    • Regency Plaza -2008.pdf
    • Sakhizwe Con Roux Construction_Building the Nation (1965-2004) -2005.pdf
    • Taikang Insurance_Standing Out in China's Crowded Insurance Market -2012.pdf
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  • 2013-5-15
  • The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil - Philip Zimbardo.zip

    • The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil - Philip Zimbardo.epub
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  • 2013-4-25
  • The Growth Illusion.pdf
       The premise of this book is that economic growth has made life considerably worse for people in Brit ...

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  • 2013-4-21
  • sigma-2010-1到6.rar

    • 2010-06_en Microinsurance - risk protection for 4 billion people(小额保险).pdf
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    • 2010-05_ch.pdf
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    • 2010-02en.pdf
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  • 2013-4-13
  • The usa history.zip

    • 10 - The French and Indian War.pdf
    • 11- American.pdf
    • 12 - Road To Revolution.pdf
    • 13 - Second Continental Congress.pdf
    • 14 - American Revolution.pdf
    • 15 - Victory and Independence.pdf
    • 16 - Transition to Constitution.pdf
    • 17 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 18 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 19 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 20 - Writing The Constitution.pdf
    • 21 - Writing The Constitution.pdf
    • 22 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 23 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 24 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 25 - Writing the Constitution.pdf
    • 9 - Slavery.pdf
    • American Indians.pdf
    • Colonial Expansion7.pdf
    • Europeans Arrive.pdf
    • First European Settlers4.pdf
    • First Peoples.pdf
    • Introduction.pdf
    • Settlers & Indians Clash6.pdf
    • The South8.pdf
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  • 2013-4-8
  • hot money in china.pdf
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  • 2013-4-5
  • 时间管理资料.zip

    • A Simple, Effective Time Management System -Cornell.pdf
    • Battling the Block Writing hrough and beyongd writer's block -Pennsylvania.pdf
    • Effective Time Management -Duck.pdf
    • Getting Past Perfectionism -Princeton.pdf
    • One of These Days I will Stop Procrastinating -Pennsylvania.pdf
    • Time Management -Stanford.pdf
    • Time Managment for Right-Brained People -Cornell.pdf
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  • 2013-2-25