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  • Deift Orthogonal Polynomials And Random Matrices A Riemann-Hilbert Approach (Nyu.zip
       Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices

    • Deift Orthogonal Polynomials And Random Matrices A Riemann-Hilbert Approach (Nyu Lectures, Ams, 2000, 269S).djvu
  • 1.55 MB
  • 2024-1-9
  • 3319590316.pdf
       Orthogonal Designs Hadamard Matrices, Quadratic Forms and Algebras

  • 5.23 MB
  • 2018-2-23
  • Springer Series in Statistics(1999).rar

    • 1999.Subsampling(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Conditional Specification of Statistical Models(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Fitting Linear Relationships_ A History of the Calculus of Observations 1750–1900(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Interpolation of Spatial Data_ Some Theory for Kriging(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Linear Models_ Least Squares and Alternatives(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Nonparametric curve estimation_ methods, theory and applications(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Orthogonal arrays_ theory and applications-Springer (1999).djvu
    • 1999.Statistical Design and Analysis for Intercropping Experiments Vol II Three or More Crops(1999).pdf
    • 1999.Statistical Methods in Software Engineering_ Reliability and Risk(1999).pdf
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  • 2017-9-15
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 141-150.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 150) Block Designs_ A Randomization Approach_ Volume I_ Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 141) Brani Vidakovic, Peter Müller (auth.), Peter Müller, Brani Vidakovic (eds.)-Bayesian Inference in Wavelet-Based Models-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 142) Gyorgy Terdik (auth.)-Bilinear Stochastic Models and Related Problems of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis_ A Frequency Domain Approach-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 143) Russell R. Barton (auth.)-Graphical Methods for the Design of Experiments-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 144) L. Mark Berliner, Douglas A. Nychka, Timothy J. Hoar (auth.), L. Mark Berliner, Douglas Nychka, Timothy Hoar (eds.)-Studies in the Atmospheric Sciences-Springer-Verla.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 145) James H. Matis, Thomas R. Kiffe (auth.), James H. Matis, Thomas R. Kiffe (eds.)-Stochastic Population Models_ A Compartmental Perspective-Springer-Verlag New York (20.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 146) Wim Schoutens (auth.)-Stochastic Processes and Orthogonal Polynomials-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 147) Ludger Overbeck (auth.), Jürgen Franke, Gerhard Stahl, Wolfgang Hardle (eds.)-Measuring Risk in Complex Stochastic Systems-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 148) Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference-Springer-Verlag New York (2001).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 149) Denis Bosq (auth.)-Linear Processes in Function Spaces_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials (2nd Edition).zip

    • Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials (2nd Edition).pdf
  • 2.06 MB
  • 2016-11-28
  • orthogonal design.zip

    • orthogonal design.sas
  • 509 Bytes
  • 2015-2-2
  • spasm.zip

    • test_elasticnet_orthogonal_variables.m
    • test_lasso_orthogonal_variables.m
    • test_slda_orthogonality.m
    • center.m
    • choldelete.m
    • cholinsert.m
    • elasticnet.m
    • example_elasticnet.m
    • example_forwardselection.m
    • example_lar.m
    • example_lasso.m
    • example_slda.m
    • example_spca.m
    • forwardselection.m
    • lar.m
    • larsen.m
    • lasso.m
    • normalize.m
    • profile_elasticnet.m
    • profile_lar.m
    • profile_lasso.m
    • profile_slda.m
    • profile_spca.m
    • slda.m
    • spca.m
    • test_cholesky.m
    • test_elasticnet_lasso_equivalence.m
    • test_elasticnet_ridge_equivalence.m
    • test_lar_lasso_equivalence.m
    • test_lar_ols_equivalence.m
    • test_lasso_ols_equivalence.m
    • test_slda_pda_equivalence.m
    • test_slda_ridge_equivalence.m
    • test_spca_pca_equivalence.m
  • 34.22 KB
  • 2013-6-22
  • Orthogonal_Arrays_-_Theory_and_Applications.rar

    • Orthogonal_Arrays_-_Theory_and_Applications.djvu
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  • 2009-12-28
  • 264573.rar
       [推荐]诺奖获得者Briton Clive W.J Granger论文N篇

    • Varieties of long memory models.pdf
    • A Cointegration Analysis of Treasury Bill Yields.pdf
    • A simple nonlinear time series model with misleading linear properties.pdf
    • An introduction to stochastic unit-root processes.pdf
    • Comments on -Psychophysics of Prices-.pdf
    • Comments on testing economic theories and the use of model selection criteria.pdf
    • Copycats and Common Swings- The Impact of the Use of Forecasts in Information Sets.pdf
    • Developments in the Nonlinear Analysis of Economic Series.pdf
    • Impulse Response Functions Based on a Causal Approach to Residual Orthogonalization in vector autoregressions.pdf
    • Infinite Variance- and Research Strategy in Time Series Analysis.pdf
    • Is Seasonal Adjustment a Linear or Nonlinear Data-Filtering Process.pdf
    • Modeling volatility persistence of speculative returns-a new modle.pdf
    • Nonlinear stochastic trends.pdf
    • Prediction and Regulation by Linear Least-Squared Methods(review).pdf
    • Shorte-run forecasts of electricity loads and peaks.pdf
    • Some Consequences of the Valuation Model When Expectations are Taken to be Optimum Forecasts.pdf
    • Time Series Analysis, Cointegration, and Applications.pdf
  • 12.19 MB
  • 2008-11-7
  • 64578.rar
       下载:国外大学常用的高等微积分教程Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics

    • Appendix, Solutions to Selected Exercises.pdf
    • CH1.An Introduction to Set Theory.pdf
    • CH2.Basic Concepts in Linear Algebra.pdf
    • CH3.Limits and Continuity of Functions.pdf
    • CH4.Differentiation.pdf
    • CH5.Infinite Sequences and Series.pdf
    • CH6.Integration.pdf
    • CH7.Multidimensional Calculus.pdf
    • CH8.Optimization in Statistics.pdf
    • CH9.Approximation of Functions.pdf
    • CH10.Orthogonal Polynomials.pdf
    • CH11.Fourier Series.pdf
    • CH12.Approximation of Integrals.pdf
    • Front Matter.pdf
    • General Bibliography.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • safecover.jpg
    • Table of Contents.mht
    • Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics.pdf
  • 4.18 MB
  • 2006-9-21
  • 48368.rar
       [分享]2005年Journal of Empirical Finance

    • Evaluating the importance of missing risk factors using the optimal orthogonal portfolio approach .pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk (1).pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk (2).pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk (3).pdf
    • A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk .pdf
    • Equilibrium analysis of volatility clustering .pdf
    • European exchange rate volatility dynamics_ an empirical investigation .pdf
    • Forecasting asymmetries in aggregate stock market returns_ Evidence from conditional skewness .pdf
    • Forecasting daily variability of the S&P 100 stock index using historical, realised and implied volatility measurements .pdf
    • Foreign acquisitions by UK limited companies_ short- and long-run performance .pdf
    • Index futures and positive feedback trading_ evidence from major stock exchanges .pdf
    • Index futures arbitrage before and after the introduction of sixteenths on the NYSE .pdf
    • Internationally cross-listed stock prices during overlapping trading hours_ price discovery and exchange rate effects .pdf
    • Measuring tail thickness under GARCH and an application to extreme exchange rate changes .pdf
    • Order imbalance and liquidity supply_ Evidence from the bubble burst of Nasdaq stocks .pdf
    • Ownership concentration and executive compensation in closely held firms_ Evidence from Hong Kong .pdf
    • Price limit performance_ evidence from transactions data and the limit order book .pdf
    • Pricing American options when the underlying asset follows GARCH processes .pdf
    • Regime shifts in interest rate volatility .pdf
    • STAR and ANN models_ forecasting performance on the Spanish ______Ibex-35______ stock index .pdf
    • Testing dividend signaling models .pdf
    • Testing for contagion_ a conditional correlation analysis .pdf
    • Testing forward rate unbiasedness allowing for persistent regressors .pdf
    • The econometrics of efficient portfolios .pdf
    • The pricing discount for limited liquidity_ evidence from SWX Swiss Exchange and the Nasdaq .pdf
    • The relationship between stock returns and inflation_ new evidence from wavelet analysis .pdf
    • The relationship between stock returns and volatility in international stock markets .pdf
    • Trading volume and contract rollover in futures contracts .pdf
    • Winter blues and time variation in the price of risk .pdf
    • Yet another look at mutual fund tournaments .pdf
  • 8.08 MB
  • 2006-4-14