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  • Birkhauser - The Orbit Method In Geometry And Physics - 2003.zip
       The Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics

    • Birkhauser - The Orbit Method In Geometry And Physics - 2003.djvu
  • 5.37 MB
  • 2024-2-4
  • [MATLAB图书合集].Basics.of.MATLAB.and.Beyond.-.Andrew.Knight.(.m.Files).文字版.zip

    • orbit.m
    • catenary.m
    • asc.dat
    • axisgui.m
    • axisgui.mat
    • bluewhite.m
    • colouredlights.m
    • colouredlightsexercise.m
    • concen.m
    • cyl.m
    • cyl2.m
    • cylgeometry.m
    • exradio.m
    • exradio2.m
    • file.m
    • frontispiece.m
    • funplot.m
    • gamm.m
    • hierarchy.m
    • mandelbrot.m
    • arrow_mouse.m
    • minorticklabels.m
    • moon.m
    • multiplot.m
    • myopea.m
    • newplt.m
    • numberedtetrahedron.m
    • objects.m
    • oops.m
    • paperplane.m
    • plotbxyt.m
    • proformagui.m
    • proformagui.mat
    • proformagui2.m
    • proformatax.m
    • proformatax.mat
    • pyramid.m
    • saved_data.mat
    • ship.m
    • slideredit.m
    • sliders.m
    • sliders.mat
    • sonar.mat
    • temp1.m
    • tetrahedron.m
    • threebuttons.m
    • threebuttons.mat
    • tile.m
    • tpyramid.m
    • trigplt.m
    • vineyard.m
    • banana.m
    • bargrid.m
    • beam.m
    • beam_ta.m
    • beampattern.m
    • beamplt.m
    • blue.m
    • arrow.m
    • box.m
    • centaxes.m
    • cfield.m
    • changelineprop.m
    • chglines.m
    • circle.m
    • coldhot.m
    • colorview.m
    • colourprint.m
    • comets.m
    • contourflegend.m
    • curlabel.m
    • cyan.m
    • cycdemo.m
    • cycplot.m
    • dataaxes.m
    • demo3d.m
    • digitise.m
    • dsum.m
    • duplicate.m
    • enlarge.m
    • env.m
    • factorial.m
    • fitrange.m
    • geomap.m
    • green.m
    • julia.m
    • julia1.m
    • julia2.m
    • julia3.m
    • julia4.m
    • julia5.m
    • juliaSH.m
    • lights.m
    • magenta.m
    • mandel.m
    • mandel1.m
    • mandel2.m
    • moveaxis.m
    • myjet.m
    • mymenu.m
    • negpolar.m
    • ntsc.m
    • ohpsetup.m
    • pickbox.m
    • pickpeaks.m
    • planet.m
    • plot3in2.m
    • plotzero.m
    • plt.m
    • pltbrokenline.m
    • pltlight.m
    • polarmesh.m
    • polarsurf.m
    • polarsurfl.m
    • poles.m
    • red.m
    • redblue.m
    • s.m
    • fftfreq.m
    • undo.m
    • xyz.m
    • yellow.m
    • zeroaxes.m
    • population.dat
    • factorialloop.m
    • factorialpre.m
    • factorialvect.m
    • fft_sine.m
    • forloop1.m
    • forloop2.m
    • forloop3.m
    • mfile1.m
    • multiline.m
    • plotlotspeaks.m
    • pltannulus.m
    • posneg.m
    • printpages.m
    • quadratic.m
    • sincostangui.m
    • specex.m
    • stuckarrowplot.m
    • uicontrol_humps.m
    • gps.mat
    • spanplot.m
    • torus.m
    • ticklabely.m
    • ticklabelx.m
  • 1 MB
  • 2012-2-11