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  • The optimal control of pollution.zip

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  • dp_vol1_sol.pdf
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  • Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension.zip

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  • 下载地址.txt
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  • Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability(1-10缺少2).rar

    • (Applications of Mathematics 10) Linear Multivariable Control_ A Geometric Approach(1985).djvu
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    • (Applications of Mathematics 5) Statistics of Random Processes_ I. General Theory(2001).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 6) Statistics of Random Processes II_ Applications(1978).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 6) Statistics of Random Processes_ II. Applications(2001).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 7) Game Theory_ Lectures for Economists and Systems Scientists(1977).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 8) Optimal Stopping Rules(1978).pdf
    • (Applications of Mathematics 8) Optimal stopping rules(2008).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 9) Gaussian Random Processes(1978).djvu
    • (Applications of Mathematics 10) Linear Multivariable Control_ a Geometric Approach(1979).pdf
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  • (PTSM 82) Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension_ Dynamic Programming .rar

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  • Vol15.Optimal Control.rar

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    • 75.Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with ConjugationConditions.djvu
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  • GTM-20.zip

    • 256 Kemper. A Course in Commutative Algebra..pdf
    • 257 Hartshorne. Deformation Theory..pdf
    • 258 Guler. Foundation of Optimization..pdf
    • 259 Einsiedler,Ward. Ergodic Theory:with a view towards Number Theory..pdf
    • 260 Herzog,Hibi. Monomial Ideals..pdf
    • 261 C?nlar. Probability and Stochastics..pdf
    • 262 Stroock. Essentials of Integration Theory for Analysis..pdf
    • 263 Zhu. Analysis on Fock Spaces..pdf
    • 264 Clarke. Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control..pdf
    • 265 Schmudgen. Unbounded Self-adjoint Operators on Hilbert Space..pdf
    • 266 Penot. Calculus Without Derivatives..pdf
    • 267 Hall. Quantum Theory for Mathematians. (1).pdf
    • 267 Hall. Quantum Theory for Mathematians..pdf
    • 268 Krantz. Geometric Analysis of the Bergman Kernel and Metric..pdf
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  • Stochastic Optimal Control The Discrete-TIme Case.rar

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  • Dimitri P. Bertsekas,Dynamic programming and optimal control.Vol 1 第三版.rar
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    • introduction.pdf
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    • A more formal introduction to Dynamic Programming .pdf
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    • Differential Equations.pdf
    • DP Acceleration methods .pdf
    • Empirical applications of dynamic programming.pdf
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    • introduction.pdf
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