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  • Fundamental Groups of Compact Kahler Manifolds (Mathematical Surveys and Monogra.zip
       Fundamental Groups of Compact Kahler Manifolds

    • Fundamental Groups of Compact Kahler Manifolds (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)- Amorós, M. Burger, K. Corlette, D. Kotschick, D. Toledo.djvu
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  • 电子科技行业趋势.zip

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    • 20191123-天风证券-电子行业深度研究:深度解读电子为什么超预期.pdf
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    • 20190529-国泰君安-立讯精密-002475.SZ-立讯精密专题研究报告:5G+AI时代的精密制造平台.pdf
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    • 20191022-光大证券-TWS耳机行业专题报告:甚似当年“山寨机”兴起,TWS耳机拐点已至.pdf
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  • 2020-5-1
  • 25篇OLED行业精选研究报告合集.rar
       从OLED的应用领域来看,智能手机仍是OLED面板的最主要应用方向。目前,智能手机OLED面板收入占OLED面板收入 ...

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  • 2019-3-13
  • Nordhaus2000-2018合集.zip

    • William D. Nordhaus & John R. Oneal & Bruce Russett, 2009. The Effects of the Security Environment on Military Expenditures Pooled Analyses of 165 Countries, 1950-2000.pdf
    • Arrow, Kenneth J. & Cropper, Maureen L., 2012. _How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context_ The Views of an Expert Panel,.pdf
    • Kenneth Gillingham & William D. Nordhaus, 2015. _Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Change_ A Multi-Model Comparison,.pdf
    • Nordhaus, William D., 2005. Economics, Politics and the 2004 Election Electoral Victory and Statistical Defeat.pdf
    • Nordhaus, William D., 2005. Schumpeterian Profits and the Alchemist Fallacy Revised.pdf
    • Richard S. J. Tol & Kenneth J. Arrow , 2013. _How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context_.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus Andrew Moffat, 2017. Evolution of Modeling of the Economics of Global Warming Changes in the DICE model.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & Andrew Moffat, 2017. _A Survey of Global Impacts of Climate Change_ Replication, Survey Methods, and a Statistical Analysis,_.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & Xi Chen, 2012. Improved Estimates of Using Luminosity as a Proxy for Economic Statistics New Results and Estimates of Precision.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2000. New Data and Output Concepts for Understanding Productivity Trends.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2000. Alternative Methods for Measuring Productivity Growth.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2001. The Progress of Computing,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2001. _Productivity Growth and the New Economy.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. The Mildest Recession Outputs, Profits, and Stock Prices as the U.S. Emerges from the 2001 Recession.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. The Economic Consequences of a War with Iraq.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. _The Health of Nations_ The Contribution of Improved Health to Living Standards.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2004. Retrospective on the Postwar Productivity Slowdown.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2004. _Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy_ Theory and Measurement.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _Baumol's Diseases_ A Macroeconomic Perspective.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _The Economics of Hurricanes in the United States,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _The _Stern Review_ on the Economics of Climate Change.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. Alternative Policies and Sea-Level Rise in the RICE-2009 Model.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. Measurement of Income with Time Use with Applications to Hedonic Indicators of Happiness and Misery.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. _An Analysis of the Dismal Theorem.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. _The Perils of the Learning Model For Modeling Endogenous Technological Change.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2011. Integrated Economic and Climate Modeling,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2011. Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon Background and Results from the RICE-2011 Model,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2015. _Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity_ Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2016. _Projections and Uncertainties About Climate Change in an Era of Minimal Climate Policies.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2017. _Evolution of Assessments of the Economics of Global Warming_ Changes in the DICE model, 1992 – 2017.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2018. _Global Melting_ The Economics of Disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet,_.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2004. _Retrospective on the 1970s Productivity Slowdown.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2005. _Life After Kyoto_ Alternative Approaches to Global Warming.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2005. _The Sources of the Productivity Rebound and the Manufacturing Employment Puzzle.pdf
    • Xi Chen & William D. Nordhaus, 2010. _The Value of Luminosity Data as a Proxy for Economic Statistics.pdf
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       从2016年开始,LED行业就处在高速发展的阶段。到2018年,又出现了新的格局。纵观整个LED产业链,可以发现, ...

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  • 2018-7-10
  • 13篇OLED行业精选研究报告合集.rar

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    • 精测电子:布局平板检测蓝海,深度受益OLED趋势.pdf
    • 欧菲光:双摄OLED汽车电子齐发力,打开千亿市值空间.pdf
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  • 2018-1-31
  • PMA (pdf).zip

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  • 2016-12-23
  • PMA (epub).zip

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  • 2016-11-16
  • 电子设备(可穿戴).rar

    • 民生证券-2014年CES投资机遇分析系列报告三-电子元器件行业-可穿戴设备武装到牙齿的革命.pdf
    • 民生证券-穿戴式设备深度研究报告:概念春风化雨-需求滋润行业.pdf
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    • 中信建投-电子行业“创新助力中国梦“系列报告之一:GoogleGlass-OKGlass,showmetheworld!.pdf
    • 光大证券-电子行业《迈向谷歌产业链时代》系列报告之二:无边界扩张的谷歌生态系统.pdf
    • 光大证券-电子行业可穿戴设备系列报告之二:硬件产业链的变革,谷歌提前布局.pdf
    • 光大证券-电子行业可穿戴设备系列报告之一:手表+眼镜替代智能手机.pdf
    • 光大证券-电子行业人机交互系列报告之二:人机交互新时代、硬件迎来复兴.pdf
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  • 2014-12-26
  • EViews 8-1.rar

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    • F77L3.EER
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    • input.dll
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    • libharu.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • LicenseAgree.rtf
    • lisource.txt
    • msvcr71.dll
    • seats.dll
    • spssio32.dll
    • Symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • urctab.bin
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    • xlsx_template.xlsx
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  • 49.22 MB
  • 2014-11-26
  • 有源OLED驱动控制电路的研究与设计_王曼媛.rar

    • 有源OLED驱动控制电路的研究与设计_王曼媛.caj
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  • 2014-10-28
  • 基于FPGA的OLED驱动设计_周福强.rar

    • 基于FPGA的OLED驱动设计_周福强.caj
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  • 2014-10-28
  • OLED像素驱动电路设计_周雷.rar

    • OLED像素驱动电路设计_周雷.caj
  • 4.64 MB
  • 2014-10-28
  • AM_OLED驱动及测试方法的研究_戴其兵.rar

    • AM_OLED驱动及测试方法的研究_戴其兵.caj
  • 4.77 MB
  • 2014-10-28
  • 三份打包版.rar

    • 基于FPGA的OLED驱动设计_周福强.caj
    • AM_OLED驱动及测试方法的研究_戴其兵.caj
    • 有源OLED驱动控制电路的研究与设计_王曼媛.caj
  • 21.58 MB
  • 2014-10-27
  • Eviews7.2 完全破解版.zip

    • EViews Add In.xla
    • EViews7 - 快捷方式.lnk
    • EViews7.exe
    • EViewsMgr.dll
    • EViewsOleDbProvider.dll
    • EViewsUpdateLauncher.exe
    • F77L3.EER
    • INFSymmath.dll
    • InfoZip.dll
    • Lapack.dll
    • P32FTPC6.DLL
    • P32TCPC5.DLL
    • Register for Com.bat
    • abank32.dll
    • dforrt.dll
    • dlxapi32.dll
    • edcdatadll.dll
    • edcfdbbin.dll
    • entry.dll
    • ev_dbase.dll
    • ev_dset.dll
    • evx11.pif
    • fame95.dll
    • input.dll
    • internet.ini
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    • johpval.dll
    • johtab.bin
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    • libguide40.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • mkl_def.dll
    • mkl_intel_thread.dll
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    • mkl_lapack32.dll
    • mkl_p3.dll
    • mkl_p4.dll
    • mkl_p4m.dll
    • mkl_p4m3.dll
    • mkl_p4p.dll
    • msvcr71.dll
    • seats.dll
    • sn.txt
    • spssio32.dll
    • symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • tvpack.dll
    • urctab.bin
    • urctab.ebn
    • uroot_pval3.dll
    • x11q2.exe
    • x11ss.exe
    • x12a.exe
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    • zlib1.dll
  • 28.22 MB
  • 2014-9-17
  • Eviews7.2.zip

    • dforrt.dll
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    • evx11.pif
    • F77L3.EER
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    • InfoZip.dll
    • INFSymmath.dll
    • input.dll
    • internet.ini
    • intramo.dll
    • johpval.dll
    • johtab.bin
    • johtab.ebn
    • Lapack.dll
    • libguide40.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • mkl_def.dll
    • mkl_intel_thread.dll
    • mkl_lapack.dll
    • mkl_lapack32.dll
    • mkl_p3.dll
    • mkl_p4.dll
    • mkl_p4m.dll
    • mkl_p4m3.dll
    • mkl_p4p.dll
    • msvcr71.dll
    • P32FTPC6.DLL
    • P32TCPC5.DLL
    • Register for Com.bat
    • seats.dll
    • sn.txt
    • spssio32.dll
    • symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • tvpack.dll
    • urctab.bin
    • urctab.ebn
    • uroot_pval3.dll
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    • x11ss.exe
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    • x12a.mdl
    • zlib1.dll
    • abank32.dll
  • 28.88 MB
  • 2014-7-11
  • 招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告(六篇).zip

    • 电子-招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告之一:韩国电子行业产业链及发展现状.pdf
    • 电子-招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告之三:触控路线之争ON-CELL,IN-CELL还是touch on lens?.pdf
    • 电子-招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告之二:AMOLED,下一代显示启动加速.PDF
    • 电子-招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告之五:LED照明:明日之光.PDF
    • 电子-招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告之六:锂电池:聚合物、EV和ESS是未来方向.pdf
    • 电子-招商系列-电子行业调研系列报告之四:智能电视:起居室的终端变革.PDF
  • 2.25 MB
  • 2013-4-18
  • Eviews7.2+完全破解版.rar

    • Register for Com.bat
    • seats.dll
    • spssio32.dll
    • symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • tvpack.dll
    • urctab.bin
    • urctab.ebn
    • uroot_pval3.dll
    • x11q2.exe
    • x11ss.exe
    • x12a.exe
    • x12a.mdl
    • zlib1.dll
    • abank32.dll
    • dforrt.dll
    • dlxapi32.dll
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    • entry.dll
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    • INFSymmath.dll
    • input.dll
    • internet.ini
    • intramo.dll
    • johpval.dll
    • johtab.bin
    • johtab.ebn
    • Lapack.dll
    • libguide40.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • mkl_def.dll
    • mkl_intel_thread.dll
    • mkl_lapack.dll
    • mkl_lapack32.dll
    • mkl_p3.dll
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  • 22.61 MB
  • 2013-4-7
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

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    • dbghelp.dll
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    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • RegisterDataMinerRecipe.dll
    • SmallParser.dll
    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_can.dll
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    • STA_FLM.dll
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  • 44.64 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

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    • libifportmd.dll
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    • libxml2.dll
    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
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    • SmallParser.dll
    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
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    • sta_can.dll
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  • 43.6 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • V10汉化包.rar

    • Collection.dll
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    • emlayout.xml
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    • libxml2.dll
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    • MenuOld.bmp
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    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
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    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
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    • sta_Log.dll
    • sta_man.dll
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    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
    • stl_cbar.dll
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    • stl_ctrl.dll
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  • 2013-3-30
  • Eviews7.2破解版.rar

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    • P32FTPC6.DLL
    • P32TCPC5.DLL
    • Register for Com.bat
    • seats.dll
    • sn.txt
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    • symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
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    • zlib1.dll
    • abank32.dll
    • dforrt.dll
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  • 22.51 MB
  • 2013-2-28
  • 3:从 LED 到 OLED.rar

    • 3:从 LED 到 OLED.pdf
  • 2.09 MB
  • 2012-10-17
  • eviews panel data 操作.zip
       eviews 面板操作集合

    • EViews5_1PanelPooledData.pdf
    • 1_An_introduction_to_panel_data_methods.pdf
    • cn7.pdf
    • ecmiic2.pdf
    • FromPooltoPanelusingEviews51.pdf
    • paneldataanalysis_presentation.pdf
  • 6.76 MB
  • 2012-8-31
  • EViews7.rar

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    • EViews Add In.xla
    • EViews7.exe
    • EViewsMgr.dll
    • EViewsOleDbProvider.dll
    • EViewsUpdateLauncher.exe
    • evx11.pif
    • F77L3.EER
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    • P32FTPC6.DLL
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    • sn.txt
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  • 22.7 MB
  • 2011-7-5
  • CoolEditpro-v2.1.rar

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  • 34.47 MB
  • 2010-11-25
  • continuous-time financial.rar

    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice for pooled annuity funds.pdf
    • 1.Life time portfolio selection under uncertainty the continuous time case.pdf
    • A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice.pdf
    • Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumptionportfolio problem.pdf
    • Existence of optimal consumption and portfolio rules with portfolio constraints and stochastic income, durability and habit formation.pdf
    • Lifetime consumption-portfolio choice under trading constraints, recursive preferences, and nontradeable income.pdf
    • Lifetime Portfolio Selection By Dynamic Stochastic Programming.pdf
    • Multi-asset investment-consumption model with transaction costs.pdf
    • On the fluctuations in consumption and market returns in the presence of labor and human capital.pdf
    • Optimal consumption choices for a ‘large’ investor.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity and anticipation.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio in a jump diffusion market with proportional transaction costs.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habi.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durabilityLocal Substitution.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with downside consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Differential Utility.pdf
    • Optimal consumption investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraint.pdf
    • Optimal consumption–portfolio choices and retirement planning.pdf
    • Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain.pdf
    • Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio strategies under trading constraints and generalized recursive preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption choice with stochasticinvestment opportunities and habit formation in preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption decisions with the consumption habit constraints.pdf
    • Utility maximization with partial information.pdf
    • 5.Martingales and stochastic integrals in the theory of continuous trading.txt
    • 6.Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a.txt
    • 13.Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case本文档 (2).txt
    • Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case.txt
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.txt
    • 新建 文本文档.txt
  • 12.04 MB
  • 2010-4-29
  • continuous-time financial.rar

    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice for pooled annuity funds.pdf
    • 1.Life time portfolio selection under uncertainty the continuous time case.pdf
    • A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice.pdf
    • Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumptionportfolio problem.pdf
    • Existence of optimal consumption and portfolio rules with portfolio constraints and stochastic income, durability and habit formation.pdf
    • Lifetime consumption-portfolio choice under trading constraints, recursive preferences, and nontradeable income.pdf
    • Lifetime Portfolio Selection By Dynamic Stochastic Programming.pdf
    • Multi-asset investment-consumption model with transaction costs.pdf
    • On the fluctuations in consumption and market returns in the presence of labor and human capital.pdf
    • Optimal consumption choices for a ‘large’ investor.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity and anticipation.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio in a jump diffusion market with proportional transaction costs.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habi.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durabilityLocal Substitution.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with downside consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Differential Utility.pdf
    • Optimal consumption investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraint.pdf
    • Optimal consumption–portfolio choices and retirement planning.pdf
    • Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain.pdf
    • Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio strategies under trading constraints and generalized recursive preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption choice with stochasticinvestment opportunities and habit formation in preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption decisions with the consumption habit constraints.pdf
    • Utility maximization with partial information.pdf
    • 5.Martingales and stochastic integrals in the theory of continuous trading.txt
    • 6.Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a.txt
    • 13.Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case本文档 (2).txt
    • Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case.txt
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.txt
    • 新建 文本文档.txt
  • 12.04 MB
  • 2010-4-29
  • 274375.pdf
       [下载]WHO controled US

  • 369.43 KB
  • 2008-12-8
  • 223247.rar

    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice for pooled annuity funds.pdf
    • 1.Life time portfolio selection under uncertainty the continuous time case.pdf
    • A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice.pdf
    • Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumptionportfolio problem.pdf
    • Existence of optimal consumption and portfolio rules with portfolio constraints and stochastic income, durability and habit formation.pdf
    • Lifetime consumption-portfolio choice under trading constraints, recursive preferences, and nontradeable income.pdf
    • Lifetime Portfolio Selection By Dynamic Stochastic Programming.pdf
    • Multi-asset investment-consumption model with transaction costs.pdf
    • On the fluctuations in consumption and market returns in the presence of labor and human capital.pdf
    • Optimal consumption choices for a ‘large’ investor.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity and anticipation.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio in a jump diffusion market with proportional transaction costs.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habi.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durabilityLocal Substitution.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with downside consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Differential Utility.pdf
    • Optimal consumption investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraint.pdf
    • Optimal consumption–portfolio choices and retirement planning.pdf
    • Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain.pdf
    • Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio strategies under trading constraints and generalized recursive preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption choice with stochasticinvestment opportunities and habit formation in preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption decisions with the consumption habit constraints.pdf
    • Utility maximization with partial information.pdf
    • 5.Martingales and stochastic integrals in the theory of continuous trading.txt
    • 6.Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a.txt
    • 13.Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case本文档 (2).txt
    • Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case.txt
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.txt
    • 新建 文本文档.txt
  • 12.04 MB
  • 2008-6-28
  • 157072.pdf

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  • 126575.rar

    • 台湾OLED显示器产业概况.pdf
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  • 48033.pdf
       Pooled Time-Series Cross-Section Estimation

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  • 33812.rar
       [下载]风险分析工具Crystal Ball5.2.2示例

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  • 2005-12-3