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  • tian2018.pdf
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  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之四.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

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    • Visual representation of knowledge networks- A social network analysis of hospitality research domain.pdf
    • Why people use social networking sites- An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory.pdf
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    • 从知识传播的角度看问答型社交网站_知乎_.pdf
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    • Power and the perception of social networks(视角特别,可参考,难模仿).pdf
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    • Recommendation of similar users, resources and social networks in a Social Internetworking Scenario(好文章).pdf
    • Relationship between the level of intimacy and lurking in online social network services(实证,选题和综述参考).pdf
    • Role of knowledge conversion and social networks in team performance(张大鲁可参考).pdf
    • Scholars and faculty members lived experiences in online social networks.pdf
    • Set Pair Community Mining and Situation Analysis Based on Web Social Network.pdf
    • Simulation-based workforce assignment in a multi-organizational social network for alliance-based software development(可参考).pdf
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    • Social integration and post-adoption usage of Social Network Sites An analysis of effects on learning performance(实证).pdf
    • Social network analysis in virtual learning community at faculty of information technologies (fit), Mostar(实证).pdf
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    • Social network, social trust and shared goals in organizational knowledge sharing(实证).pdf
    • Social networks – access all areas.pdf
    • Social structure of Facebook networks(复杂网络分析,有高度参考价值,可模仿分析其他数据).pdf
    • Structural investigation of supply networks- A social network analysis approach(社会网络跨领域应用参考).pdf
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    • The dynamic competitive recommendation algorithm in social network services.pdf
    • The provision of online public goods- Examining social structure in an electronic network of practice.pdf
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    • The ties that bind- Social network principles in online communities.pdf
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  • matlab 官方教程(英文部分).rar

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    • Real World Instrumentation with Python_ Automated Data Acquisition and Control Systems.pdf
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    • MtbGED.dll
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    • MATLAB_MAT-File_Format.pdf
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    • MATLAB_Object-Oriented_Programming.pdf
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  • 231-240.rar

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    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 232) Applications of Location Analysis-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf
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    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 239) Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis-Springer US.pdf
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    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 204) Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Tonality_ Theory and Applications-Springer US (2014).pdf
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  • 3.67 MB
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  • R Object-Oriented Programming by Kelly Black.rar

    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.pdf
    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.azw3
    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.epub
    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.mobi
  • 6.68 MB
  • 2015-4-23
  • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.rar

    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.azw3
    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.epub
    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.mobi
    • R Object-oriented Programming - Kelly Black.pdf
  • 2.44 MB
  • 2015-4-22
  • Big Java.zip

    • Big Java Early Objects, 5th Edition.pdf
  • 43.47 MB
  • 2015-1-29
  • Human capital and objective indicators of career success.rar

    • Human capital and objective indicators of career success.pdf
  • 323.77 KB
  • 2014-12-7
  • 11月.rar

    • EDF:Reassuring on 2014 EPS DPS, Realistic on 2018 Objective.pdf
    • EM Credit Strategy Comment: Venezuela: Trading Oil Weakness.pdf
    • Energy transfer (ETE-P) organic platforms pick up.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Confirmation Day.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist: BTPs - Selling into Strength.pdf
    • Facebook Inc: Follow the Leader - Initiate OW.pdf
    • Fiat Chrysler:The House That Sergio Built: Initiating at OW, EUR13 Target.pdf
    • FX Morning - November 7, 2014.pdf
    • FX Pulse:2014年11月7日号.pdf
    • FX-Tract: Currency Monthly.pdf
    • Global Brands: What’s Trending This Week? The Rise of eCommerce.pdf
    • Global Brands: What’s Trending This Week? Three Global Sporting Brands Themes to Watch.pdf
    • Global CLOs: CLO Collateral Fundamentals Tracker - October 2014: Measuring A Manager’s Value(1).pdf
    • Global CLOs: CLO Collateral Fundamentals Tracker - October 2014: Measuring A Manager’s Value.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - October 31, 2014.pdf
    • Greater China Economics: Issues in Focus.pdf
    • India Economics: Inflation Outlook – More Positive Surprises in the Offing.pdf
    • Internet and Media: Bringing It All Together(1).pdf
    • Internet and Media: Bringing It All Together.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives:U.S. and the Americas, November 06, 2014.pdf
    • Key Stock Ideas into the TMT Conference.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks & US Interest Rate Strategy:Weekly Financials Call Recap: What Is Going to Drive US Rates Higher?.pdf
    • Lenovo: Mixed FY2Q Results; Reality Check Begins.pdf
    • Maritime Industries: Gas Shipping Review.pdf
    • Ping An Insurance Company: Potential H-share Private Placement.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • Rightmove Plc: Mutual Understanding.pdf
    • Royal Bank of Scotland: 3Q14: Encouraging progress on capital RCR.pdf
    • SA Property: Investing Down Under.pdf
    • Safe Bulkers: Weak Quarter Behind.pdf
    • Siemens: Lowering the Bar Again – but Power Concerns Seem Genuine.pdf
    • South African Equities: Commodity drag on the JSE.pdf
    • Starbucks Corp.:Traffic report: Slowdown, but No Jams.pdf
    • Sunday Start: What Next in the Global Economy (November 02, 2014).pdf
    • Tata Communications Ltd:Premium Data Play; Initiate at Overweight.pdf
    • The Global Macro Analyst: 主要新興国における選挙:騒ぎが収まった後―今後の見通し.pdf
    • Travelport Worldwide Limited: Emerging From Quarantine; Initiate at Overweight.pdf
    • UK Banks & Economics: FPC leverage review - less hard edged than feared; most beneficial for Barclays.pdf
    • US Economics: Fed Focus: Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro - Morgan Stanley ARIA: US Economy Speeding Up (Not Slowing Down).pdf
    • Walt Disney Co: Broadly in-line F4Q, pacings mixed.pdf
    • Weekly Credit Companion: Economy, Elections and Earnings – What’s Next?.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: No Tricks, Only Treats.pdf
    • Airline 3Q14 Review: Super-majors Still Super?.pdf
    • Alcatel-Lucent:Powering on despite US capex slowdown - stay Overweight, 35% upside to PT.pdf
    • Asia Pacific Summit 2014 Presentation: China Banks - When Giants Awake.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: The Calm Before the Yen Storm.pdf
    • AXIS Bank:Strong Earnings + Rerating = 40% Upside.pdf
    • CMBS Credit Tracker: Modification Volumes Fall To 6-year Low.pdf
    • Credit Companion:Weekly Market Thoughts and Strategy.pdf
    • Crop Tracker:Soy Complex: What Goes Up (Usually) Comes Down.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - November 2014.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy:Global In the Flow - November 2014.pdf
    • Crown Castle Corp.:3Q14 Earnings:The Dividend That You Want in Tower Land.pdf
    • Economics and Strategy Insights:USD BRL Headed to 2.80.pdf
  • 53.08 MB
  • 2014-11-15
  • python应用文献1.zip

    • 地质统计学组件库系统架构设计与应_省略_apObject的趋势面分析为例_马维峰.pdf
    • 基于Python的文本分类系统开发研究_孙强.pdf
    • 基于Python的混合语言编程及其实现_罗霄.pdf
    • 一种基于Python的红外图像分析软件结构_王晓宇.pdf
  • 1020.81 KB
  • 2014-10-26
  • Fuzzy multi-objective productiondistribution planning decisions with multi-produ.rar

    • Fuzzy multi-objective productiondistribution planning decisions with multi-product and multi-time period in a supply chainOriginal Research Article.pdf
  • 176.41 KB
  • 2014-7-18
  • CAViaRCodes.ZIP

    • RQobjectiveFunction.m
    • VarianceCovariance.m
    • ADAPTIVEloop.dll
    • ASloop.c
    • ASloop.dll
    • CAViaR.m
    • CAViaROptimisation.m
    • DQtest.m
    • GARCHloop.c
    • GARCHloop.dll
    • NewsImpactCurve.m
    • ReadMe.txt
    • SAVloop.c
    • SAVloop.dll
    • ADAPTIVEloop.c
  • 21.71 KB
  • 2014-6-23
  • EViews 8 Docs.zip

    • EViews 8 Command Ref.pdf
    • EViews 8 Getting Started.pdf
    • EViews 8 Object Ref.pdf
    • EViews 8 Users Guide I.pdf
    • EViews 8 Users Guide II.pdf
    • EViews Illustrated.pdf
  • 46.54 MB
  • 2014-4-2
  • 跟着Leon冲30之黄金80题示范音频完整版.rar

    • 13 an object.mp3
    • 77 intern.mp3
    • 78 one year break.mp3
    • 79 most important lesson.mp3
    • 80 recycling.mp3
    • 01 most useful book.mp3
    • 02 most important decision.mp3
    • 03 spare time.mp3
    • 04 relax myself.mp3
    • 05 restaurant.mp3
    • 06 deep impression.mp3
    • 07 celebration event.mp3
    • 08best time in a year.mp3
    • 09a place that you like best.mp3
    • 10 most happy event.mp3
    • 11 enjoyable event.mp3
    • 12 good news.mp3
    • 14 special opportunity.mp3
    • 15 miss the most.mp3
    • 16 letter.mp3
    • 17 favorite room.mp3
    • 18 efficient transportation.mp3
    • 19 important invention.mp3
    • 20 a school.mp3
    • 21 student's vacation.mp3
    • 22 good teacher.mp3
    • 23 good parent.mp3
    • 24 person you admire.mp3
    • 25 good friend.mp3
    • 26 leader.mp3
    • 27 chanllenging experence.mp3
    • 28 ask for help.mp3
    • 29 skill learning.mp3
    • 30 ideal career.mp3
    • 31 goal to fulfill.mp3
    • 32 together with your friends(place).mp3
    • 33 together with friends(sports).mp3
    • 34 public area.mp3
    • 35 plain.mp3
    • 36 computers.mp3
    • 37 leader or follower.mp3
    • 38 TV.mp3
    • 39 more influence.mp3
    • 40 media.mp3
    • 41 eat at home.mp3
    • 42 big city.mp3
    • 43 all students.mp3
    • 44 higher education.mp3
    • 45 attend college.mp3
    • 46 college education.mp3
    • 47 fictions.mp3
    • 48 ive with others.mp3
    • 49 work in an office.mp3
    • 50 by telephone.mp3
    • 51 guide childern tv.mp3
    • 52 personal experence.mp3
    • 53 help research.mp3
    • 54 study method.mp3
    • 55 study alone.mp3
    • 56 with discussions.mp3
    • 57 studying by oneself.mp3
    • 58 dormitory.mp3
    • 59 choose major.mp3
    • 60 job or interests.mp3
    • 61 suit interests.mp3
    • 62 short vacations.mp3
    • 63 sight-seeing.mp3
    • 64 old buildings.mp3
    • 65 if i have money.mp3
    • 66 type of movies.mp3
    • 67 emergencies.mp3
    • 68 job or career.mp3
    • 69 music and art.mp3
    • 70 sports courses.mp3
    • 71 uniforms.mp3
    • 72 forbid cellphones.mp3
    • 73 artistic places.mp3
    • 74 tell the truth.mp3
    • 75 appearance.mp3
    • 76 relaxed life.mp3
  • 48.22 MB
  • 2014-3-10
  • Read excel.zip

    • swfobject.js
    • 14 Read excel.flv
    • 14 Read excel.html
    • 14 Read excel.jpg
    • 14 Read excel.js
    • 14 Read excel_config.xml
    • 14 Read excel_controller.swf
    • 14 Read excel_nofp_bg.gif
    • 14 Read excel_preload.swf
    • FlashTemplate.css
    • ProductionInfo.xml
  • 7.28 MB
  • 2014-2-25
  • Linear and Multiobjective Programming with Fuzzy Stochastic Extensions.rar

    • Linear and Multiobjective Programming with Fuzzy Stochastic Extensions.pdf
  • 2.69 MB
  • 2013-11-30
  • 0003main.pdf
       Fuzzy approaches for multiple-objective linear fractional optimization

  • 2.02 MB
  • 2013-11-10
  • 0000002.pdf
       Fuzzy approaches for multiple-objective linear fractional optimization

  • 496.35 KB
  • 2013-11-10
  • Marketization Index and politically connected CEO.rar

    • Governance with multiple objectives Evidence from top executive turnover in China.pdf
    • Are Political Connections a Blessing or a CurseEvidence from CEO Turnover in China.pdf
    • Government intervention and investment efficiency Evidence from China.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.pdf
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2013-10-8
  • PPT模板-商业管理.rar

    • business_objective.pot
    • cataclysmic_revolution.pot
    • at_work.pot
    • binary_prizm.pot
    • bold_mogul.pot
    • business_as_usual.pot
    • business_follies.pot
    • business_model.pot
    • business_people.pot
    • calculated_risk.pot
  • 9.46 MB
  • 2013-8-9
  • R 2.2 - Loading Data, Object Summaries, and Dates-cx_3zWo4sUs.zip

    • R 2.2 - Loading Data, Object Summaries, and Dates-cx_3zWo4sUs.mp4
  • 28.66 MB
  • 2013-7-12
  • Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization.rar

    • Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization.pdf
  • 9.7 MB
  • 2012-9-27
  • Databases.pdf
       MoveMine: Mining Moving Object Databases

  • 1.64 MB
  • 2012-7-21
  • 120211.zip
       Matlab Codes

    • placeobject.m
    • setup.m
    • README.txt
    • cap.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • gpl.txt
    • FactorGraph.m
    • checkFactorGraph.m
    • absorb.m
    • absorption.m
    • absorptionID.m
    • ancestors.m
    • ancestralorder.m
    • ancestralsample.m
    • assign.m
    • bar3zcolor.m
    • bucketelim.m
    • condindep.m
    • condpot.m
    • dag.m
    • deltapot.m
    • descendents.m
    • disptable.m
    • divpots.m
    • edges.m
    • elimtri.m
    • evalpot.m
    • eyepot.m
    • ind2subv.m
    • istree.m
    • jtassignpot.m
    • jtree.m
    • jtreeID.m
    • lengthcell.m
    • markov.m
    • maxpot.m
    • maxprodFG.m
    • maxsumpot.m
    • mostprobablepath.m
    • multpots.m
    • numstates.m
    • orderpotfields.m
    • orderpot.m
    • potscontainingonly.m
    • potvariables.m
    • randgen.m
    • replace.m
    • setdiff_unsorted.m
    • setevpot.m
    • setpot.m
    • spantree.m
    • subv2ind.m
    • triangulateComponent.m
    • sumpot.m
    • sumpots.m
    • sumprodFG.m
    • triangulate.m
    • triangulatePorder.m
    • uniquepots.m
    • validgridposition.m
    • whichpot.m
    • maxarray.m
    • connectedComponents.m
    • changevar.m
    • FactorConnectingVariable.m
    • VariableConnectingFactor.m
    • drawFG.m
    • maxNarray.m
    • maxNpot.m
    • maxNprodFG.m
    • mvrandn.m
    • dirrnd.m
    • mygamrnd.m
    • blanknames.m
    • blankstates.m
    • MesstoFact.m
    • squeezepots.m
    • MDPsolve.m
    • table.m
    • normp.m
    • argmax.m
    • potsample.m
    • logpot.m
    • condindepEmp.m
    • condMI.m
    • count.m
    • chi2test.m
    • neigh.m
    • field2cell.m
    • mynchoosek.m
    • mynanmean.m
    • MDPemDeterministicPolicy.m
    • EMqTranMarginal.m
    • EMqUtilMarginal.m
    • EMminimizeKL.m
    • EMvalueTable.m
    • EMTotalBetaMessage.m
    • sumpotID.m
    • IDvars.m
    • noselfpath.m
    • parents.m
    • children.m
    • drawJTree.m
    • drawNet.m
    • drawID.m
    • exppot.m
    • LoopyBP.m
    • MaxFlow.m
    • myones.m
    • setstate.m
    • condindepPot.m
    • myzeros.m
    • myrand.m
    • mostprobablepathmult.m
    • mynansum.m
    • isoctave.m
    • potistyped.m
    • logsigma.m
    • setfields.m
    • PCskeletonOracle.m
    • PCorient.m
    • PCskeletonData.m
    • BDscore.m
    • learnBayesNet.m
    • normpot.m
    • KLdiv.m
    • condMIemp.m
    • MIemp.m
    • squeezestates.m
    • JTsample.m
    • singleparenttree.m
    • neighboursize.m
    • argmin.m
    • IPF.m
    • nonzerovalue.m
    • empdist.m
    • learnMarkovDecomp.m
    • EntropyEmp.m
    • GibbsSample.m
    • mylogsig.m
    • grouppot.m
    • ungrouppot.m
    • groupstate.m
    • makeThinJT.m
    • gatherstrings.m
    • getdimind.m
    • EMbeliefnet.m
    • majority.m
    • nearNeigh.m
    • svdm.m
    • BayesLogRegressionRVM.m
    • CanonVar.m
    • GPreg.m
    • LogReg.m
    • avsigmaGauss.m
    • covfnGE.m
    • logdet.m
    • plsa.m
    • plsaCond.m
    • sigmoid.m
    • sigma.m
    • softloss.m
    • rbf.m
    • kernel.m
    • sqdist.m
    • BayesLinReg.m
    • HMMem.m
    • condp.m
    • condexp.m
    • HMMviterbi.m
    • HMMsmooth.m
    • HMMforward.m
    • HMMbackward.m
    • logsumexp.m
    • HMMgamma.m
    • mixMarkov.m
    • pointsCov.m
    • GMMem.m
    • Kmeans.m
    • MIXprodBern.m
    • LDSsmooth.m
    • LDSsubspace.m
    • LDSforwardUpdate.m
    • LDSbackwardUpdate.m
    • LDSforward.m
    • LDSbackward.m
    • SLDSforward.m
    • SLDSbackward.m
    • logeps.m
    • mix2mix.m
    • sumlog.m
    • metropolis.m
    • logp.m
    • compat.m
    • betaXbiggerY.m
    • HebbML.m
    • NaiveBayesTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesTest.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTest.m
    • logZdirichlet.m
    • SARlearn.m
    • ARtrain.m
    • HMMforwardSAR.m
    • HMMbackwardSAR.m
    • HMMsmoothSAR.m
    • ARlds.m
    • pca.m
    • hinton.m
    • FA.m
    • plotCov.m
    • GaussCond.m
    • SVMtrain.m
    • cca.m
    • SLDSmargGauss.m
    • binaryMRFmap.m
    • GPclass.m
    • cliquedecomp.m
    • rasch.m
    • conjgrad.m
    • Contents.m
  • 4.63 MB
  • 2012-3-20
  • [MATLAB图书合集].Basics.of.MATLAB.and.Beyond.-.Andrew.Knight.(.m.Files).文字版.zip

    • objects.m
    • catenary.m
    • asc.dat
    • axisgui.m
    • axisgui.mat
    • bluewhite.m
    • colouredlights.m
    • colouredlightsexercise.m
    • concen.m
    • cyl.m
    • cyl2.m
    • cylgeometry.m
    • exradio.m
    • exradio2.m
    • file.m
    • frontispiece.m
    • funplot.m
    • gamm.m
    • hierarchy.m
    • mandelbrot.m
    • arrow_mouse.m
    • minorticklabels.m
    • moon.m
    • multiplot.m
    • myopea.m
    • newplt.m
    • numberedtetrahedron.m
    • oops.m
    • orbit.m
    • paperplane.m
    • plotbxyt.m
    • proformagui.m
    • proformagui.mat
    • proformagui2.m
    • proformatax.m
    • proformatax.mat
    • pyramid.m
    • saved_data.mat
    • ship.m
    • slideredit.m
    • sliders.m
    • sliders.mat
    • sonar.mat
    • temp1.m
    • tetrahedron.m
    • threebuttons.m
    • threebuttons.mat
    • tile.m
    • tpyramid.m
    • trigplt.m
    • vineyard.m
    • banana.m
    • bargrid.m
    • beam.m
    • beam_ta.m
    • beampattern.m
    • beamplt.m
    • blue.m
    • arrow.m
    • box.m
    • centaxes.m
    • cfield.m
    • changelineprop.m
    • chglines.m
    • circle.m
    • coldhot.m
    • colorview.m
    • colourprint.m
    • comets.m
    • contourflegend.m
    • curlabel.m
    • cyan.m
    • cycdemo.m
    • cycplot.m
    • dataaxes.m
    • demo3d.m
    • digitise.m
    • dsum.m
    • duplicate.m
    • enlarge.m
    • env.m
    • factorial.m
    • fitrange.m
    • geomap.m
    • green.m
    • julia.m
    • julia1.m
    • julia2.m
    • julia3.m
    • julia4.m
    • julia5.m
    • juliaSH.m
    • lights.m
    • magenta.m
    • mandel.m
    • mandel1.m
    • mandel2.m
    • moveaxis.m
    • myjet.m
    • mymenu.m
    • negpolar.m
    • ntsc.m
    • ohpsetup.m
    • pickbox.m
    • pickpeaks.m
    • planet.m
    • plot3in2.m
    • plotzero.m
    • plt.m
    • pltbrokenline.m
    • pltlight.m
    • polarmesh.m
    • polarsurf.m
    • polarsurfl.m
    • poles.m
    • red.m
    • redblue.m
    • s.m
    • fftfreq.m
    • undo.m
    • xyz.m
    • yellow.m
    • zeroaxes.m
    • population.dat
    • factorialloop.m
    • factorialpre.m
    • factorialvect.m
    • fft_sine.m
    • forloop1.m
    • forloop2.m
    • forloop3.m
    • mfile1.m
    • multiline.m
    • plotlotspeaks.m
    • pltannulus.m
    • posneg.m
    • printpages.m
    • quadratic.m
    • sincostangui.m
    • specex.m
    • stuckarrowplot.m
    • uicontrol_humps.m
    • gps.mat
    • spanplot.m
    • torus.m
    • ticklabely.m
    • ticklabelx.m
  • 1 MB
  • 2012-2-11
  • 3-1.rar

    • Integrating decomposition.pdf
    • Environmentally Important Inter.pdf
  • 1.55 MB
  • 2012-1-4
  • 【4A】特辑精选 上_共121个.zip

    • 07长安汽车巡展标准执行手册:一个项目执行规划及考核标准的范本.ppt
    • 2004上海时装周首届时尚精英选拔赛.ppt
    • 2004中国城市MM夏日激情对抗赛企划案.ppt
    • 2004中韩国际电子对抗赛赞助方案.ppt
    • 2004年LG手机日大型活动策划思路.ppt
    • 2004年增城首届汽车展销会策划案.doc
    • 2004长宽之夏—长城宽带暑期市场推广系列活动方案.doc
    • 2004飞利浦照明中国路政机构公关推广活动方案.ppt
    • 2005环球国际小姐中国赛区方案.doc
    • 2005花博园中国女排接待宴会.ppt
    • 8848推广方案.PPT
    • caina广告文案手册.doc
    • caina广告管理文件.doc
    • caina广告调查手册.doc
    • caina调查方案模板.doc
    • caina调查问卷模板.doc
    • caina调研宝典.doc
    • caina顾客满意度研究.ppt
    • Gotrade股票网上市期宣传推广方案.PPT
    • IBM 蓝星计划—二、三级城市整合营销传播公关案.doc
    • TCL洗衣机·2004新品发布会方案(修改).ppt
    • TCL移动通信公司12月金喜善来华公关活动策划方案.ppt
    • V70中国首发式首发策划方案.ppt
    • 三利宅院项目策划总案.doc
    • 三里屯新天地招商推广策划案 .ppt
    • 上汽大众PASSAT试乘试驾暨三厢POLO展示周活动策划案活动内容文案.doc
    • 上海多媒体产业园办公研发中心整体推广方案.doc
    • 上海海湾别墅策划推广案.doc
    • 上风尚城整合营销推广案.ppt
    • 世纪锦囊-火热八月·周杰伦与你一起感受动感地带促销策划案.ppt
    • 世纪锦囊-美通汽车抽奖及中移动卡促销推广案.ppt
    • 世纪锦囊-金秋有情·全球通俱乐部韶关自驾游.ppt
    • 东方食神烧腊熟食连锁店上市推广案.ppt
    • 东海啤酒金色麦田社区营销方案.ppt
    • 五羊WY125-11上市策划建议书.ppt
    • 传世嘉业-燕泉精品市场策略调整方案.ppt
    • 信用卡高校行销推广计划.doc
    • 公关新闻策划.doc
    • 华美芦荟市场营销策划初案.ppt
    • 博广力作—三星银加(Ag+)技术推广大策略创意案.ppt
    • 古歌品牌女装折扣店加盟指引.doc
    • 名派-万和制药和安复方氨基酸胶囊CF策略方案.ppt
    • 商业房地产《XX商业广场》整合策划方案.doc
    • 国泰-丹芭碧上市推广活动策划.ppt
    • 国贸新华联品牌推广方案.doc
    • 壳牌喜力升级全国巡展策划案.ppt
    • 大显心动D2100上市推广手册.doc
    • 大显通信“专业&专心,只为你”活动促销方案.doc
    • 奥美-Nokia Web Objectives Overview.ppt
    • 奥美-OgilvyOne and ADP, Inc.ppt
    • 奥美-Philips Brand Equity Board.PPT
    • 奥美-Prepared for APP.ppt
    • 奥美-Prepared for B&L.ppt
    • 奥美-SINA.com.PPT
    • 如何打造银行卡品牌.ppt
    • 安吉儿饮水机品牌推广方案.ppt
    • 定位明确、策略错位与战略重塑—问诊中国联通CDMA.pdf
    • 家乐福中秋国庆营销活动案.pdf
    • 山水绿城·山水庭院广告推广提案.ppt
    • 山水美地整合推广策略.ppt
    • 山水芙蓉国际新城(初次广告方案形象部分).PPT
    • 峰域-白沙金世纪“金时金刻重重享”及“金时金刻 佳节品香”活动现场启示.ppt
    • 峰域-白沙银世界2003年下半年活动建议(细化执行方案).ppt
    • 川池集团股份有限公司CIS导入方案.doc
    • 广告图片书.exe
    • 广告大师奥格威—未公诸于世的选集.doc
    • 广告模型研究.doc
    • 广告策划与管理.chm
    • 广告策划培训教程.exe
    • 广告策划培训教程(全书).doc
    • 建立“安桦”通路文化,带动安桦企业品牌建立.ppt
    • 房地产代理公司全程策划工作程序.doc
    • 房地产策划业的发展与思考.doc
    • 房地产策划八大原则.doc
    • 房地产筹资.doc
    • 曼联餐吧推广策略.ppt
    • 服装品牌战略实施务实操作手册.doc
    • 服饰广告企划完全攻略.doc
    • 某OTC产品上市广告与推广策略.doc
    • 江淮瑞风(苏州)特许经销商资格申请商业计划书.doc
    • 江铃汽车广告投放吉林省各大媒介分析定稿.doc
    • 沟通100品牌传播策略.ppt
    • 泰轮胎传播计划.ppt
    • 皇冠集团品牌战略规划作业提案.ppt
    • 盛世长安,万水千山走遍.ppt
    • 福满多香脆面(捉迷藏篇).doc
    • 禾源-金泓达品牌提升及促销提案.ppt
    • 第二届脉动校园挑战赛--定向寻宝.ppt
    • 第五季·柏芝不平凡媒体策动计划.ppt
    • 美灯多灯饰连锁卖场开业庆典活动方案.ppt
    • 联合汽车电子品牌传播计划.ppt
    • 脑灵通整合营销推广策略.ppt
    • 脑白金广告研究大纲.ppt
    • 脑白金策划案.doc
    • 花の季鲜花市场开业活动推广方案.ppt
    • 豆浆品牌促销方案.doc
    • 迪亚多纳推广活动.doc
    • 迪比特2017D 上市企划案.ppt
    • 量贩式购物中心商业规划方案.doc
    • 金杯海狮锐驰2004年度推广方案.ppt
    • 长岭冰箱广告策划专案.ppt
    • 飞火国际-国安酒2003年整合行销策略&TVC创意.ppt
    • 首届全国汽车模特大赛北京赛区之汽车文化活动策划书.doc
    • 高尔夫球赛红牛现场执行初案.ppt
  • 38.22 MB
  • 2012-1-3
  • Handbook of Redional and Urban Economics.VOL.1.rar
       Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics vol1

    • Chapter 12 Multiple objective decision analysis in regional economics.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Regional, interregional and multiregional input-output analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Spatial interaction, transportation, and interregional commodity flow models.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Regional econometric and dynamic models.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Qualitative statistical models for regional economic analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Regional labor market analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 14 Regional energy and environmental analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 15 Innovation and changes in regional structure.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Regional policies in developing countries.pdf
    • Contents of the handbook.pdf
    • Introduction to the series.pdf
    • List of contributors.pdf
    • Subject index.pdf
    • Author index.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Advances in regional economics.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The location of production activities(1).pdf
    • Chapter 2 The location of production activities.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Residential mobility and household location modelling.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Public facility location A multiregional and multi-authority decision context.pdf
    • Chapter 5 Spatial equilibrium analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Regional economic dynamics.pdf
    • Chapter 7 Regional and multiregional economic models A survey.pdf
  • 37.15 MB
  • 2011-10-20
  • Financial Theory.rar
       Financial Theory and Corporate Policy

    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T4_Objects of Choice Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T5_Market Equilibrium CAPM and APT.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T6_Pricing Contingent Claims-Option Pricing Theory and Evidence.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T7_The Term Structure of Interest Rates, Forward Contracts, and Futures.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T8_Efficient Capital Markets-Theory and Evidence.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T1_Investment Decisions with Certainty.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T2_The Theory of Choice Utility Theory Given Uncertainty.pptx
    • ICMF473_Financial Theory_T3_State Preference Theory.pptx
  • 26.35 MB
  • 2011-9-2
  • c++ for financial engineers .rar

    • introduction to c++ for financial engineers an object-oriented approach.pdf
  • 2.76 MB
  • 2011-5-24
  • 2011年二级道德PDF文件.rar

    • L2_S1_4_objective_P.pdf
    • L2_S1_3_softdollar_P.pdf
    • L2_S2_R5-10case_P.pdf
  • 1.34 MB
  • 2011-5-5
  • json.xls
       json代码转换成dictionary object的源代码,json.org来的。

  • 57.5 KB
  • 2011-3-2
  • SM-Robinson.rar

    • Lecture_06_-_Internal_Analysis_Ch_6_.pdf
    • Lecture_07_-_Long-term_Objectives_and_Strategies_Ch_7_.pdf
    • Lecture 08 - Business Strategy (Ch 8).pdf
    • Lecture 09 - Multibusiness Strategy (Ch 9).pdf
    • Lecture 10 - Implementation (Ch 10).pdf
    • Lecture 11 - Organizational Structure (Ch 11).pdf
    • Lecture_03_-_Corporate_Social_Responsibility_and_Business_Ethics_Ch_3_.pdf
    • Lecture_04_-_The_External_Environment_Ch_4_.pdf
    • Lecture_05_-_The_Global_Environment_Ch_5_.pdf
  • 3.55 MB
  • 2010-12-14
  • 2.zip

    • A Multi-Equation Spatial Econometric Model, with Application to EU Manufacturing Productivity Growth.pdf
    • A Web-based Environmental Decision Support System for Environmental Planning and Watershed Management.pdf
    • ARTMAP Neural Network Multisensor Fusion Model for Multiscale Land Cover Characterization.pdf
    • Expansion Method, Dependency, and Multimodeling.pdf
    • Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis.pdf
    • Exposure Assessment in Environmental Epidemiology.pdf
    • Geographic Object-based Image Change Analysis.pdf
    • Geographically Weighted Regression.pdf
    • Income Distribution Dynamics and Cross-Region Convergence in Europe.pdf
    • Incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation in Species Distribution Models.pdf
    • Model Selection in Markov Random Fields for High Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Data.pdf
    • Multilevel Modeling.pdf
  • 15.67 MB
  • 2010-11-18
  • 绩效管理汇总.rar

    • 绩效管理.ppt
    • EVA绩效考核研讨会纪要4.rar
    • EVA绩效考核研讨会纪要2.rar
    • KPI及考核流程.rar
    • 考勤的基本原理.rar
    • 联想集团绩效考核.rar
    • 经营导向的绩效管理.rar
    • 联想绩效考核案例分析.rar
    • 面纱之后:绩效评估中的政治.rar
    • KPI业绩考评体系.rar
    • 明尼苏达多相个性测验表.rar
    • Management By Objectives(上海贝尔).rar
    • X X集团人事考核规程.rar
    • MBO(ASB).rar
    • XXX公司战略发展目标.rar
    • XX公司员工惩戒通知单.rar
    • 目标管理与绩效考核.rar
    • 目标管理与知识管理.rar
    • XX公司员工季度绩效考核表.rar
    • 年 度 考 核 管 理 规 定.rar
    • XX集团员工评价制度.rar
    • 目标与绩效管理(华润).rar
    • 内部竞聘考核工作方案.rar
    • 年度晋级考核制度.rar
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    • 平衡计分卡1.rar
    • 某大型高科技企业的KPI库及中期述.rar
    • 《工作岗位信息调查问卷 》.rar
    • 平衡记分卡.rar
    • 《奔跑的蜈蚣——以考核促进成长》.rar
    • 平衡計分卡.rar
    • 平衡計分卡概論1.rar
    • 《绩 效 管 理》.rar
    • 平衡记分卡及其在中国企业中的实践 .rar
    • 企业的绩效管理.rar
    • 《绩效考核激励体系与结果运用实践技巧》.rar
    • 企业的绩效考评管理.rar
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    • 《GE360度领导能力评估表》.rar
    • 《人力资源部年度目标(范本)》.rar
    • 《人力资源指数调查问卷》.rar
    • 企业的薪酬设计(3-3).rar
    • 企业各类人员考核指标体系参考.rar
    • 《突破績效的人才管理》.rar
    • 《预算管理与绩效评估》.rar
    • 《年度优秀员工评选办法》.rar
    • 《企业的绩效考评管理》.rar
    • 企业综合绩效评价系统.rar
    • 《员工满意度调研问卷》.rar
    • 缺勤处理方法.rar
    • 《员工休假考勤制度》.rar
    • 强化KPI,提升企业竞争优势.rar
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    • 人力资源管 理考核与激励.rar
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    • 企业的绩效考评管理(2-1).rar
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    • 部门绩效考核评价表.rar
    • 人事部部长岗位职责.rar
    • 部门绩效评估.rar
    • 财务经理的绩效标准.rar
    • 人事测量例题简要题库.rar
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    • 企业绩效综合评价系统.rar
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    • 人事主管岗位职责.rar
    • 成功的绩效管理体系设计.rar
    • 软件工程师工作态度考评标准.rar
    • 处分管理方针.rar
    • 人力资源管理 .rar
    • 点因素法岗位评估体系.rar
    • 成绩与效率改进计划.rar
    • 软件工程师日常工作考评标准.rar
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    • 个人绩效考核评价表.rar
    • 素质训练.rar
    • 突破績效的人才管理.rar
    • 销售人员绩效奖金发放办法(示例).rar
    • 薪酬与考核方案.rar
    • 公司考勤制度.rar
    • 突破绩效的人才管理.rar
    • 业务员工作日报.rar
    • 公司生产、行政系统班(组)长绩效考核实施方案.rar
    • 公司员工试用期考核办法.rar
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    • 员工工奖励与惩罚条例.rar
    • 公司整体目标绩效管理方案(全套).rar
    • 管理人员入职测评分析问卷.rar
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    • 衡量绩效有效性的标准.rar
    • 员工工作绩效考核.rar
    • 管理人员内部晋升管理程序.rar
    • 员工激励.rar
    • 员工激励机制.rar
    • 绩 效 考 核 流 程 图.rar
    • 绩效-企业的生命.rar
    • 员工绩效考核表格.rar
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    • 员工绩效评价表范本(一).rar
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    • 员工绩效考核.rar
    • 员工奖励与惩罚条例.rar
    • 绩效管理操作手册.rar
    • 绩效管理沟通技巧.rar
    • 绩效管理-业绩不断提升的闭环.rar
    • 员工考核管理办法.rar
    • 员工考评意见调查.rar
    • 员工培训与发展主管的绩效标准.rar
    • 员工招募调配与考核.rar
    • 绩效管理培训.rar
    • 绩效管理体系.rar
    • 职员报告书.rar
    • 绩效管理体系,薪资与职工股的设计.rar
    • 绩效管理讲义.rar
    • 运用5M因素法(鱼骨图)分析及解决问题的实际操作案例.rar
    • 职员考核安排表-部门经理.rar
    • 绩效管理体系再设计.rar
    • 指标管理.rar
    • 绩效管理体系设计.rar
    • 职员品行评定表.rar
    • 制造业成绩与效率增长率考核表典范.rar
    • 重要任务说明.rar
    • 绩效管理与薪酬激励技巧.rar
    • 绩效考核方案.rar
    • 绩效考核表范例.rar
    • 绩效管理英文资料BSCFinalPresentation.rar
    • 总务部门业务能力分析.rar
    • 主管绩效考核手册范例.rar
    • 组织行为与绩效管理 .rar
    • 绩效考核工作分析.rar
    • 绩效考核与绩效管理.rar
    • 组织中不同工作岗位绩效评价指标体系.rar
    • 绩效管理与绩效考核制度.rar
    • 绩效考核与培训.rar
    • 绩效评估-绩效管理-绩效发展.rar
    • 360度考核体系文件实例.rar
    • 21世纪全球人力资源部门最青睐的智力测评标准.rar
    • 解決績效低落的難題.rar
    • A公司各驻地分公司总经理考核细则.rar
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    • 金中华绩效考核.rar
    • ADERSON绩效管理.rar
    • BSC关键绩效指标.rar
    • CIPD Pres2.rar
    • EVA绩效考核研讨会纪要.rar
    • 经营导向的绩效管理-成都会议.rar
    • 考评要素定义一览表.rar
    • EVA绩效考核研讨会纪要1.rar
    • 劳动工资员岗位职责.rar
  • 13.78 MB
  • 2010-11-6
  • Management By Objectives(上海贝尔).rar

    • Management By Objectives(上海贝尔).ppt
  • 220.87 KB
  • 2010-11-6
  • Structured_Finance_The_Object_Oriented_Approach.rar

    • Structured Finance The Object Oriented Approach.PDF
  • 3.01 MB
  • 2010-10-11
  • 著名公司内部资料3.rar

    • ××××公司应聘人员登记表.doc
    • ××公司的电子人力资源解决方案.doc
    • ××公司的全面招聘体系.doc
    • ××公司的人力资源创新策略.doc
    • ADERSON绩效管理.ppt
    • BNMT C&B .ppt
    • BNMT 薪资福利.ppt
    • CIPD Pres2.ppt
    • IBM销售工程师职务说明书.doc
    • LNJC电子股份有限公司人力资源诊断报告.ppt
    • Management By Objectives(上海贝尔).ppt
    • MBO(ASB).ppt
    • STAR-----招聘面试的技巧.doc
    • TCL工资制度.doc
    • UTStarcom 360°评估结果分析报告.doc
    • 《BNMT 薪资福利》.ppt
    • 《GE360度领导能力评估表》.doc
    • 《LG员工评价制度》.ppt
    • 《爱多区域经理入职培训文件》.ppt
    • 《爱立信薪酬体系》.ppt
    • 《当代集团职员职业生涯》.doc
    • 《海尔集团公司培训管理手册》.doc
    • 《海尔企业文化手册》.doc
    • 《海信集团月度工作任务书》.doc
    • 《河南思念食品股份有限公司个性化培训课程》.ppt
    • 《联想公司岗位责任体系》.ppt
    • 《某医疗公司的员工职业生涯管理实例》.doc
    • 《诺基亚薪资方案》.ppt
    • 《台刊-薪酬设计理论与实务之整合性模式》(PDF 26页).pdf
    • 《台刊-影响大陆台商人力资源策略之成因分析》(PDF 26页).pdf
    • 《微软团队:成功秘诀》.PDF
    • 《招聘成功的人才微软招聘过程及经验》.ppt
    • 《中国民生银行人力资源规划》.ppt
    • 《中国企业人力资源管理现状调查报告》(PDF 73页).pdf
    • 《著名企业招聘典型试题精选》.doc
  • 14.73 MB
  • 2010-8-20
  • 人力资源管理大全--培训资料、讲义1.rar

    • 成功的绩效管理体系设计.ppt
    • 采购过程与成本绩效管理.ppt
    • 电子化的人力资源管理.ppt
    • HR培训教案-招聘与配置篇.ppt
    • IT人力资源规划实例.ppt
    • KPI业绩考评体系.ppt
    • Management By Objectives(上海贝尔).ppt
    • MBO(ASB).ppt
    • Train the trainer.ppt
    • XXHR能力体系模型和应用.ppt
    • XXX公司管理咨询标准流程.ppt
    • XXX集团战略报告.ppt
    • 操作流程及方法.ppt
    • XXX咨询顾问必备宝典-沟通.ppt
    • XXX咨询顾问必备宝典-七步成诗.ppt
    • XX集团员工评价制度.ppt
    • XX人力资源管理体系.ppt
    • 北大方正的绩效考核激励体系.ppt
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    • 成 功 面 试.ppt
    • 成功操作岗位评价.ppt
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  • 2010-8-20
  • 中文版.rar

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    • spsswvar.dll
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    • spsswx11.dll
    • spsydac.dll
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    • spsymsg.dll
    • srvevent.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • statrn32.dll
    • styles.dll
    • svrdmgr.dll
    • svrerrs.dll
    • sxmlexp.dll
    • sysio32.dll
    • tempdir.dll
    • testlog.dll
    • textfilereader.dll
    • textfilereaderres.dll
    • thematics.dll
    • thematicsres.dll
    • thr4d.dll
    • tls704d.dll
    • tokens.dll
    • tools.dll
    • txtwdac.dll
    • txtwdacc.dll
    • txtwdmsg.dll
    • uninst.dll
    • utilclnt.dll
    • utility.dll
    • utilityres.dll
    • utilmsg.dll
    • vserial.dll
    • vutility.dll
    • xlsdac.dll
    • xlsdacc.dll
    • xlsdmsg.dll
    • xmlexp.dll
    • xmlxpmsg.dll
    • mapx.abb
    • mapx40.ocx
    • spssgctl.ocx
    • spsspvt.ocx
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    • textur15.bmp
    • spssadv.cbf
    • spssbase.cbf
    • spsscat.cbf
    • spssconj.cbf
    • spssdlg.cbf
    • spssimap.cbf
    • spssmva.cbf
    • spsspro.cbf
    • spsstbcb.cbf
    • spsstrnd.cbf
    • imaptut.cnt
    • spssnewg.cnt
    • spssole.cnt
    • spssremo.cnt
    • spsstut.cnt
    • spsswin.cnt
    • igparse.dfa
    • spss-ml.dtd
    • datasrc.err
    • odbcdac.err
    • spss.err
    • txtwdac.err
    • xlsdac.err
    • ebbmp2.flt
    • ebjpg2.flt
    • ebpng2.flt
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    • imwmf2.flt
    • mapinfow.fnt
    • spssbase.pdf
    • spsscat.pdf
    • spssconj.pdf
    • spssmaps.pdf
    • spssmva.pdf
    • spsstbcb.pdf
    • spsstrnd.pdf
    • msw.hdi
    • DeIsL1.isu
    • mapx40.lic
    • igparse.llr
    • batfiles.doc
    • faq.doc
    • readme.doc
    • delbars.bat
    • dumb-off.bat
    • dumb-on.bat
    • expoff.bat
    • generic.bat
    • launchon.bat
    • newuser.bat
    • objs-off.bat
    • objs-on.bat
    • pmalert.bat
    • prtfast.bat
    • prtnorm.bat
    • prtslow.bat
    • reghoops.bat
    • regpurge.bat
    • rereg61.bat
    • rereg70.bat
    • rereg.bat
    • wmf-off.bat
    • wmf-on.bat
    • ebbmp2.nii
    • ebjpg2.nii
    • ebpng2.nii
    • ebtif2.nii
    • emcgm2.nii
    • empct2.nii
    • emps_2.nii
    • emwmf2.nii
    • imwmf2.nii
    • isgdi32.nii
    • mapx.pen
    • mapinfow.prj
    • spsswaim.sbb
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    • spsswrel.sbb
    • spsswrts.sbb
    • spsswtsc.sbb
    • spsswv2c.sbb
    • spsswwbc.sbb
    • Descriptive statistics.spp
    • 1991 U.S. General Social Survey.sav
    • AML survival.sav
    • anorectic.sav
    • Anxiety 2.sav
    • Anxiety.sav
    • Breast cancer survival.sav
    • carpet.sav
    • Cars.sav
    • coffee.sav
    • Coronary artery data.sav
    • Employee data.sav
    • Fat surfactant.sav
    • flying.sav
    • Glass strain.sav
    • Growth study.sav
    • GSS93 subset.sav
    • GSS 93 for Missing Values.sav
    • guttman.sav
    • Home sales [by neighborhood].sav
    • Inventor.sav
    • judges.sav
    • kinship_dat.sav
    • kinship_ini.sav
    • kinship_var.sav
    • Love.sav
    • Mall rentals.sav
    • map_data.sav
    • Mouse survival.sav
    • New drug.sav
    • Oven tests.sav
    • ozone.sav
    • Plastic.sav
    • Road construction bids.sav
    • sales.sav
    • screws.sav
    • smoking.sav
    • Tomato.sav
    • Trends chapter 4.sav
    • Trends chapter 5.sav
    • Trends chapter 6.sav
    • Trends chapter 7.sav
    • Trends chapter 8.sav
    • Trends chapter 9.sav
    • Trends chapter 10.sav
    • Trends chapter 11.sav
    • Trends chapter 12.sav
    • Trends chapter 13.sav
    • Trends chapter 14.sav
    • Turnip leaves.sav
    • tv-survey.sav
    • University of Florida graduate salaries.sav
    • verd1985.sav
    • voter.sav
    • World95.sav
    • World 95 for Missing Values.sav
    • Canonical correlation.sps
    • Descriptive statistics.sps
    • Ridge regression.sps
    • SPSS PC+ syntax convertor.sps
    • mdatasetint.tlb
    • spssgctl.tlb
    • spsspvt.tlb
    • spssrtf.tlb
    • spsswin.tlb
    • spss.tpl
    • dba01.inf
    • dba02.inf
    • dba03.inf
    • spssprod.inf
    • distut.hlp
    • exceldac.hlp
    • imaptut.hlp
    • mapole.hlp
    • odbcwzrd.hlp
    • spssadv.hlp
    • spsscat.hlp
    • spssconj.hlp
    • spssdbca.hlp
    • spssimap.hlp
    • spssmva.hlp
    • spssnewg.hlp
    • spssole.hlp
    • spsspro.hlp
    • spssprod.hlp
    • spsspub.hlp
    • spssremo.hlp
    • spsstbcb.hlp
    • spsstrnd.hlp
    • spsstut.hlp
    • spsswin.hlp
    • textwzrd.hlp
    • 61.dat
    • 70.dat
    • dregedit.dat
    • nlsy-emp.dat
    • tc-msft.dat
    • tpf.ico
    • htmlfram.txt
    • milascii.txt
    • nutrdata.txt
    • registry.txt
    • defaultLayers
    • nadcon
    • advisor.chm
    • defrag.exe
    • dregedit.exe
    • fileinfo.exe
    • geodictionarymanager40.exe
    • geosetmanager40.exe
    • licrenew.exe
    • openspss.exe
    • regdump.exe
    • regsvr32.exe
    • runsyntx.exe
    • spssdbca.exe
    • spsslave.exe
    • spssprod.exe
    • spssrtf.exe
    • spsssrvr.exe
    • spsswin.exe
    • testload.exe
    • wregedit.exe
    • alltype.dll
    • alltyperes.dll
    • bla2012d.dll
    • clntutil.dll
    • collookupsystem.dll
    • commandprocessor.dll
    • commandprocessorres.dll
    • compiler.dll
    • coordsys.dll
    • coordsysres.dll
    • csgds.dll
    • csgdsclt.dll
    • csserver.dll
    • customproperties.dll
    • cxmlexp.dll
    • dacmgr.dll
    • dacmgrpk.dll
    • dacmmsgs.dll
    • daengine.dll
    • daengineres.dll
    • datasrc.dll
    • dataxchg.dll
    • dbinfo.dll
    • dbinfores.dll
    • dblayer.dll
    • dblayerres.dll
    • dedstore.dll
    • dlgsmsg.dll
    • dlgspkg.dll
    • exprpacket.dll
    • exprpacketcreator.dll
    • exprpacketcreatorres.dll
    • exprpacketres.dll
    • fcninfoserver.dll
    • fcninfoserverres.dll
    • find.dll
    • findres.dll
    • fmsgs.dll
    • fopen.dll
    • fopenmsg.dll
    • fopenpkg.dll
    • gdsmsgs.dll
    • geo.dll
    • geodictionarymanagerintl40.dll
    • geores.dll
    • geoset.dll
    • geosetmanagerintl40.dll
    • geosetres.dll
    • hoops32.dll
    • isgdi32.dll
    • laf2012d.dll
    • legend.dll
    • legendres.dll
    • lexer.dll
    • lexerres.dll
    • loclsrvr.dll
    • lpk2012d.dll
    • mapbasicinternalfcn.dll
    • mapbasicinternalfcnres.dll
    • mapper.dll
    • mapperres.dll
    • metadata.dll
    • midlg40.dll
    • midlin40.dll
    • migeoreg.dll
    • mimfal32.dll
    • mirdb.dll
    • mirdbres.dll
    • mirdbspatial.dll
    • mirdbspatialres.dll
    • mires412.dll
    • mitmin40.dll
    • mk4nvmxd.dll
    • MMapXColumnInfo.dll
    • MSafeArrayDataset.dll
    • mth6112d.dll
    • mtl70mt.dll
    • mxintl40.dll
    • net4d.dll
    • ngdsclnt.dll
    • oc30.dll
    • odbcdac.dll
    • odbcdacc.dll
    • odbcdmsg.dll
    • og61as.dll
    • program.dll
    • programres.dll
    • raster.dll
    • rasterres.dll
    • riched32.dll
    • savfdac.dll
    • savfdacc.dll
    • slaveadv.dll
    • sock11.dll
    • sock20.dll
    • spawn.dll
    • spscache.dll
    • spssaddc.dll
    • spssadv.dll
    • spssbmed.dll
    • spsscapp.dll
    • spsscat.dll
    • spsscgds.dll
    • spssclnt.dll
    • spsscls.dll
    • spsscmn.dll
    • spsscntr.dll
    • spsscoll.dll
    • spssconj.dll
    • spssctrl.dll
    • spssdde.dll
    • spssdeds.dll
    • spssdemg.dll
    • spssdevw.dll
    • spssdmgr.dll
    • spssgagv.dll
    • spssgds.dll
    • spssgraf.dll
    • spssgrph.dll
    • spssgrui.dll
    • spssgspc.dll
    • spssimap.dll
    • spssiocv.dll
    • spssmsgs.dll
    • spssmva.dll
    • spssodbc.dll
    • spsspref.dll
    • spssprnt.dll
    • spssprnv.dll
    • spsstabl.dll
    • spsstbar.dll
    • spsstrnb.dll
    • spsstrnd.dll
    • spsstrnp.dll
    • spsstxwz.dll
    • spssui.dll
    • spssutil.dll
    • spsswacf.dll
    • spsswagg.dll
    • spsswals.dll
    • spsswano.dll
    • spsswarc.dll
    • spsswari.dll
    • spsswbrk.dll
    • spsswcde.dll
    • spsswclu.dll
    • spsswcom.dll
    • spsswcox.dll
    • spsswcrs.dll
    • spsswctl.dll
    • spsswdat.dll
    • spsswdsc.dll
    • spssweda.dll
    • spsswexs.dll
    • spsswext.dll
    • spsswfac.dll
    • spsswfil.dll
    • spsswfit.dll
    • spsswfli.dll
    • spsswfre.dll
    • spsswfxl.dll
    • spsswgct.dll
    • spsswgen.dll
    • spsswglm.dll
    • spsswgra.dll
    • spsswhil.dll
    • spsswigp.dll
    • spsswkm.dll
    • spsswkme.dll
    • spsswldn.dll
    • spsswlgr.dll
    • spsswlis.dll
    • spsswlog.dll
    • spsswman.dll
    • spsswmar.dll
    • spsswmco.dll
    • spsswmdt.dll
    • spsswmre.dll
    • spsswmsg.dll
    • spsswmtc.dll
    • spsswmva.dll
    • spsswnlr.dll
    • spsswnom.dll
    • spsswnpt.dll
    • spsswone.dll
    • spsswpar.dll
    • spsswpea.dll
    • spsswpkg.dll
    • spsswplo.dll
    • spsswpro.dll
    • spsswprx.dll
    • spsswpum.dll
    • spsswpxs.dll
    • spsswreg.dll
    • spsswrel.dll
    • spsswrep.dll
    • spsswrnk.dll
    • spsswroc.dll
  • 38.3 MB
  • 2010-8-18
  • Wiley.Structured.Finance.Modeling.with.Object.Oriented.VBA.May.2007.zip

    • Wiley.Structured.Finance.Modeling.with.Object.Oriented.VBA.May.2007.chm
  • 5.52 MB
  • 2010-7-13
  • F9_FTC.rar

    • 4 Financial and other objectives in not-for-profit organisations.htm
    • 3 Measuring achievement of corporate objectives.htm
    • 2 Management and the achievement of stakeholder objectives.htm
    • 15 Sources of finance.htm
    • 14 The economic environment.htm
    • 13 Asset investment decisions and capital rationing.htm
    • 12 Investment appraisal under uncertainty.htm
    • 11 Investment appraisal – further aspects of discounted cash flows (DCF).htm
    • 10 Investment appraisal – discounted cash flow techniques.htm
    • 9 Capital budgeting and basic investment appraisal techniques.htm
    • 8 Working capital management – cash and funding strategies.htm
    • 7 Working capital management – accounts receivable and payable.htm
    • 6 Working capital management – inventory control.htm
    • 5 Working capital management.htm
    • 1 The financial management function.htm
    • Introduction.htm
    • 24 Questions & Answers.htm
    • 23 Interest rate risk.htm
    • 22 Foreign exchange risk.htm
    • 21 Market efficiency.htm
    • 20 Business valuations.htm
    • 19 Capital structure and the cost of capital.htm
    • 18 The cost of capital.htm
    • 17 Finance for small and medium enterprises.htm
    • 16 Capital structure and financial ratios.htm
    • acca_f9_errata_sheet_2_2007.pdf
  • 10.5 MB
  • 2010-6-12
  • Choices, Values, and Frames.rar

    • 37. Experienced utility and objective happiness a moment-based approach.pdf
    • 38. Evaluation by moments_past and future.pdf
    • 39. Endowments and contrast in judgments of well-being(in Chapter 6).pdf
    • 40. A bias in the prediction of tastes.pdf
    • 41. The effect of purchase quantity and timing on variety-seeking behavior.pdf
    • 01. Choices, Values, and Frames.pdf
    • 02. Prospect theory_an analysis of decision under risk.pdf
    • 03. Advance in prospect theory_Cumulative representation of uncertainty.pdf
    • 04. The probability weighting function.pdf
    • 05. Weighing risk and uncertainty.pdf
    • 06. A belief-based account of decision under uncertainty.pdf
    • 07. Loss aversion in riskless choice_A reference-dependent model.pdf
    • 08. Anomalies_The endowment effect, loss aversion, and status quo bias.pdf
    • 09. The endowment effect and evidence of non reversible indifference curve.pdf
    • 10. A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences.pdf
    • 11. Diminish marginal utility of wealth cannot explain risk aversion.pdf
    • 12. Rational choice and the framing of decisions.pdf
    • 13. Framing, probability distortions, and insurance decisions.pdf
    • 14. Mental accounting matters.pdf
    • 16. Prospect theory in the wild_evidence from the field.pdf
    • 17. Myopic loss aversion and the equity premium puzzle.pdf
    • 18. Fairness as a constraint on profit seeking_entitlements in the market.pdf
    • 19. Money illusion.pdf
    • 20. Labor supply of New York City cab drivers_one day at a time.pdf
    • 21. Are investors reluctant to realize their losses.pdf
    • 22. Timid choices and bold forecasts_a cognitive perspective on risk taking.pdf
    • 23. Overconfidence and excess entry_an experimental approach.pdf
    • 24. judicial choice and disparities between measures of economic values.pdf
    • 25. Contrasting rational and psychological analyses of political choice.pdf
    • 29. Context-dependent preferences.pdf
    • 30. Ambiguity aversion and comparative ignorance.pdf
    • 31. Attribute evaluability and its implications for joint-separate evaluation reversals and beyond.pdf
    • 32. Preferences for sequences of outcomes.pdf
    • 33. Anomalies in intertemporal choice_evidence and an interpretation.pdf
    • 34. Reason-based choice.pdf
    • 36. Economists have preferences, psychologists have attitudes_an analysis of dollar responses to public issues.pdf
  • 36.45 MB
  • 2010-1-31
  • Introduction_to_C++_for_Financial_Engineers.rar

    • Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers - An Object-oriented Approach - 0470015381.pdf
  • 1.65 MB
  • 2010-1-30