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  • (2001)Advanced Linear Modeling_Multivariate,Time Series,and Spatial Data_Nonpara.rar

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  • Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization - With R and Applicatio.rar
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  • 2018-8-2
  • Nonparametric Statistics.zip

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  • 2018-5-31
  • Springer Series in Statistics(2001C-2002P).rar

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    • 2001.Permutation Methods_ A Distance Function Approach(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Regression Modeling Strategies_ With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic Regression, and Survival Analysis(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Scan Statistics(2001).pdf
    • 2001.The Elements of Statistical Learning-Springer (2001).djvu
    • 2002.A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression (Springer Series in Statistics)-Springer (2002).pdf
    • 2002.Applied Functional Data Analysis(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Growth Curve Models and Statistical Diagnostics (2002).pdf
    • 2002.Observational Studies 2ed.pdf
    • 2002.Principal Component Analysis 2nd Ed.pdf
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  • 2017-9-15
  • Springer Texts in Statistics(2000-2002).rar

    • 2002.Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements(2002).pdf
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    • 2000.Probability for Statisticians,Galen R. Shorack(2000).pdf
    • 2000.Probability via Expectation【Peter Whittle (auth.) 】2000.pdf
    • 2000.Stat Labs [Mathematical Statistics Through Applications] (2000).pdf
    • 2000.Time Series Analysis and Its Applications(2000).pdf
    • 2001.Advanced Linear Modeling_ Multivariate, Time Series, and Spatial Data_ Nonparametric Regression and Response Surface Maximization.pdf
    • 2001.Applying and Interpreting Statistics(2001).pdf
    • 2002.Applied Multivariate Analysis (Springer)(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Introduction to time series and forecasting(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Plane Answers to Complex Questions_ The Theory of Linear Models (2002).pdf
    • 2002.Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments 2e (2002).pdf
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  • 2017-9-13
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 41-50.rar

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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 41) Francois Baccelli, Pierre Brémaud (auth.)-Palm Probabilities and Stationary Queues-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 42) Solomon Kullback, John C. Keegel, Joseph H. Kullback (auth.)-Topics in Statistical Information Theory-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 43) Barry C. Arnold (auth.)-Majorization and the Lorenz Order_ A Brief Introduction-Springer-Verlag New York (1987).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 44) D. L. McLeish, Christopher G. Small (auth.)-The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inference Functions-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 45) J. K. Ghosh (auth.), J. K. Ghosh (eds.)-Statistical Information and Likelihood_ A Collection of Critical Essays by Dr. D. Basu-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 46) Hans-Georg Müller (auth.)-Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 47) Albert J. Getson, Francis C. Hsuan (auth.)-{2}-Inverses and Their Statistical Application-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 48) G. Larry Bretthorst (auth.)-Bayesian Spectrum Analysis and Parameter Estimation-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 49) Steffen L. Lauritzen (auth.)-Extremal Families and Systems of Sufficient Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1988).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • 期权波动率交易.zip

    • 10、cboe_vix计算白皮书.pdf
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    • 1、波动率交易全面讲解_Volatility Trading-(second edition).pdf
    • 2、随机波动率模型和跳_The+Volatility+Surface+A+Practitioner’s+Guide.pdf
    • 3、Parameter risk in black and scholes model_HenrardM.pdf
    • 4、对冲时的波动率选择_wilmott implied vs actual vol for delta hedge.pdf
    • 5、动态对冲_dynamic hedging.pdf
    • 6、三次样条插值参考_Nonparametric regression and generalized linear models.pdf
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  • 2017-5-16
  • Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization With R and Applications .rar

    • Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization With R and Applications to Finance.pdf
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  • 2016-6-16
  • Nonparametric and spline.rar
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    • Nonparametric regression and spline smoothing.pdf
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  • 2013-10-10
  • Probability and Statistics (2).rar

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    • Applied Regression Analysis Using Statistics.pdf
    • Applied Spatial Statistics For Public Health Data.pdf
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    • Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers.pdf
    • Applied Statistics Using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R.pdf
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    • Barvinok’s Rational Functions Algorithms and Applications to Optimization, Statistics, and Algebr.pdf
    • Basic Statistics for Processing and Analysis of Data.pdf
    • Bayesian Statistical Modelling.pdf
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    • Computing the singular value decomposition with high relative accuracy.pdf
    • Conditions for Non-confounding and Collapsibility without Knowledge of Completely Constructed Cau.pdf
    • contents,Computational Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems.pdf
    • dynamic games-based modeling of electricity markets .pdf
    • Elementary Probability.pdf
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  • 2011-4-5
  • Eubank R. Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing (Dekker%2C 1999)(T)(356s).rar

    • Eubank R. Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing (Dekker%2C 1999)(T)(356s).djvu
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  • 2010-1-18
  • 278608.rar

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    • 3L-1_Managerial Hubris and International Joint Ventures_Lanyue Zhou.ppt
    • 3M-4—大陆与香港能够构成共同货币区的实证研究.喻旭兰.ppt
    • 4A-2—Nonparametric regression estimation .Carlos Martins-Filho,Feng Yao.pdf
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    • 4E-3_工会对劳动者权益维护的作用分析_姚先国等.ppt
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  • 2008-12-20
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  • 2008-10-15
  • 199285.rar
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  • 2008-3-19
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  • 2007-7-13
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  • 2006-10-16
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  • 35947.rar
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  • 2005-12-28
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  • 2005-9-1
  • 8249.rar
       分享Applied Nonparametric Regression

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