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  • The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of G.rar

    • 9747-vol3.cover.jpg
    • 9789813208179_bmatter.pdf
    • 9789813208179_fmatter.pdf
    • 97898132081790001.pdf
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    • 97898132081790011.pdf
    • 97898132081790012.pdf
    • 97898132081790013.pdf
    • 97898132081790014.pdf
  • 10.47 MB
  • 2018-12-12
  • financial accounting IFRS.rar

    • ch14 Financial Statement Analysis.pptx
    • ch01 Accounting in Action.pptx
    • ch02 The Recording Process.pptx
    • ch03 Adjusting the Accounts.pptx
    • ch04 Completing the Accounting Cycle.pptx
    • ch05 Accounting for Merchandising Operations.pptx
    • ch06 Inventories.pptx
    • ch07 Fraud, Internal Control, Cash.pptx
    • ch08 Accounting for Receivables.pptx
    • ch09 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, Intangible Assets.pptx
    • ch10 Liabilities.pptx
    • ch11 Share Transactions, Dividend, Retained Earnings.pptx
    • ch12 Investments.pptx
    • ch13 Statement of Cash Flow.pptx
  • 45.74 MB
  • 2018-3-13
  • China Profile 2009.rar

    • 10.Recent political developments.pdf
    • 11.Important recent events.pdf
    • 12.International relations and defenc.pdf
    • 13.Population.pdf
    • 14.Demographics and resources.pdf
    • 15.Education.pdf
    • 16.Natural resources.pdf
    • 17.Infrastructure.pdf
    • 18.Economic structure.pdf
    • 19.The econom.pdf
    • 20.Economic policy.pdf
    • 21.Economic performance.pdf
    • 22.Regional trends.pdf
    • 23.The external sector.pdf
    • 24.Reference.pdf
    • 25.Appendix Index methodology.pdf
    • 1.Country Profile 2009 China..pdf
    • 2.Comparative economic indicators, 2008.pdf
    • 3.Basic data.pdf
    • 4.Highlights.pdf
    • 5.Politics.pdf
    • 6.Political background.pdf
    • 7.Political forces and institutions.pdf
    • 8.Main political figures.pdf
    • 9.Democracy index (for methodology, see Appendix).pdf
  • 2.85 MB
  • 2009-7-16
  • 316799.rar
       [下载]Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment

    • Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment.pdf
  • 2.64 MB
  • 2009-4-19
  • 307813.rar
       [下载]OECD: Natural Resources and Pro-Poor Growth

    • Natural Resources and Pro-Poor Growth.pdf
  • 3.2 MB
  • 2009-3-25
  • 299888.rar
       [下载]From Conflict to Peacebuilding–the Role of Natural Resources and the Environment

    • From Conflict to Peacebuilding – the Role of Natural Resources and the Environment.pdf
  • 1.09 MB
  • 2009-3-4
  • 277465.rar

    • Slides of NRE.pdf
    • Natural Resources Economics.pdf
    • Natural Resources and Environment Economics.pdf
  • 4.81 MB
  • 2008-12-17
  • 238641.rar
       [分享]Handbook of Public Economics(34篇)(不全)

    • Chapter 2 The Theory of Excess Burden and Optimal Taxation - Alan J. Auerbach.w1025.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Public Sector Pricing - Dieter Bos.doc
    • Chapter 5 The Effects of Taxation on Savings and Risk Taking - Agnar Sandmo.doc
    • Chapter 6 Tax Policy in Open Economies - Avinash Dixit.doc
    • Chapter 7 Housing Subsidies_ Effects on Housing Decisions, Efficiency, and Equity - Harvey S. Rosen.w1161.pdf
    • Chapter 8 The Taxation of Natural Resources - Terry Heaps and John F. Helliwell.doc
    • Chapter 9 Theory of Public Goods - William H. Oakland.doc
    • Chapter 10 Incentives and the Allocation of Public Goods - Jean-Jacques Laffont.doc
    • Chapter 12 Markets, Governments, and the New Political Economy - Robert P. Inman.doc
  • 2.08 MB
  • 2008-8-21
  • 227271.pdf
       [下载]HCBC:Natural Resources and Energy research

  • 1.02 MB
  • 2008-7-14
  • 99465.rar
       [下载]毕马威报告-Energy & Natural Resources

    • 7550AAA ENR AR Kworld Version.pdf
  • 292.06 KB
  • 2007-3-16
  • 20064.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 3

    • Asymmetric Information and the Pricing of Natural Resources-The Case of Unmetered Water.pdf
    • @The Dynamic Efficiency of Regulatory Constitutions .pdf
    • A Guide to Health Care Reform.pdf
    • a new paradigm of economic regulation.pdf
    • A Renegotiation-Proof Mechanism for a Principal-Agent Model with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection.pdf
    • A Theory of Price Rigidities When Quality is Unobservable.pdf
    • Adverse Selection in Dynamic Moral Hazard.pdf
    • Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.pdf
    • Alternative Systems of Health Care Provision.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • An Incentive Approach to Banking Regulation.pdf
    • Are Invisible Hands Good Hands- Moral Hazard, Competition, and the Second-Best in Health Care Markets.pdf
  • 20.63 MB
  • 2005-7-20