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  • Minimum Connectedness Portfolios and the Market for Green Bonds Advocating Socia.zip

    • Minimum Connectedness Portfolios and the Market for Green Bonds Advocating Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Activity.pdf
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  • Henrot A. - Extremum Problems for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators - Birkhauser 2006.zip
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    • Henrot A. - Extremum Problems for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators - Birkhauser 2006.djvu
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  • data.rar

    • minimum wage.csv
    • NFLQ1 - NFLQ1.csv
    • dominicks - dominicks.csv
    • NLSY97_gender_book - NLSY97_gender_book.csv
    • NLSY97_min - NLSY97_min.csv
    • hmda_aer - Data.csv
    • card.csv
    • bat_ave - bat_ave.csv
    • NLSY97Panel_names.csv
    • NLSY97Panel.csv
    • cardkrueger.csv
    • auctions - auctions.csv
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  • Estimation of Copulas via Maximum Mean Discrepancy.rar

    • Estimation of Copulas via Maximum Mean Discrepancy.pdf
  • 779.35 KB
  • 2022-12-31
  • applied_micro_methods(2).zip

    • The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs..pdf
    • Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation.pdf
    • Efficient Estimation for Staggered Rollout Designs.pdf
    • Errors in the Dependent Variable of Quantile Regression Models.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect.pdf
    • External Validity in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2014)..pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2018)..pdf
    • Factorial Designs, Model Selection,and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2012)..pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2017)..pdf
    • How Much Should We Trust Staggered DID Estimates.pdf
    • Identification and Extrapolation with IV.pdf
    • Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Instrumental Variable Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable.pdf
    • Inference with Arbitrary Clustering.pdf
    • Inference with DID Revisited.pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(Paper).pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(PPT).pdf
    • Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments_Issues and tests for the exclusion restriction.pdf
    • Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects_Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.pdf
    • Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous_Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights.pdf
    • Kleven, H. J. (2016). Bunching. Annual Review of Economics 8, 435–464..pdf
    • Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data.pdf
    • Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models..pdf
    • Network and Panel Quantile Effects via Distribution Regression..pdf
    • Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks-Theory and Applications.pdf
    • Nonparametric Bounds for Causal Effects in Imperfect Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity.pdf
    • On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression.pdf
    • On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method.pdf
    • On_Event_Studies_and_Distributed_Lags_in_Two_Way_Fixed_Effects_Models.pdf
    • Optimal Bandwidth Choice for Robust Bias-Corrected Inference in Regression Riscontinuity Designs..pdf
    • Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models..pdf
    • Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Panel Data and Experimental Design..pdf
    • Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables.pdf
    • Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Quantile Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Models under Dependence Restrictions and with Only Two Time Periods..pdf
    • Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models with panal data.pdf
    • Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates..pdf
    • Revisiting Event Study Designs_Robust and Efficient Estimatation.pdf
    • Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples_Some Practical Advice.pdf
    • Sampling-Based Versus Design-Based Uncertainty in Regression Analysis..pdf
    • Shift-Share Designs_Theory and Inference..pdf
    • Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-parametric Regression..pdf
    • Simple local polynomial density estimators..pdf
    • Simultaneous Selection of Optimal Bandwidths for the Sharp Regression Discontinuity Estimator..pdf
    • Small Sample Methods for Cluster Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Sufficient Statistics Revisited.pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Imperfect Pre-Treatment Fit..pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Synthetic Difference in Differences.pdf
    • Testing continuity of a density via g-order statistics in the regression discontinuity design.pdf
    • Testing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • The Augmented Synthetic Control.pdf
    • The casual interpretation of two-stage least squares with multiple instrumental variables.pdf
    • The Generalized Oaxaca-Blinder Estimator.pdf
    • The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Settings_An Application to Environmental Economics.pdf
    • The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large Clusters.pdf
    • Two-Stage Differences-in-Differences.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects Estimators with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and DID Estimators.pdf
    • Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation under Known First-Stage Sign..pdf
    • Using instrumental variables for inference about policy relevant treatment parameters.pdf
    • Using Synthetic Controls_Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Methodological Aspects.pdf
    • Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.pdf
    • Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in IV Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumentalvariables regression.pdf
    • Weak-Instrument Robust Inference for Two-Sample IV Regression.pdf
    • When Is Parallel Trends Sensitive to Functional Form.pdf
    • When Should We (Not) Interpret Linear IV Estimands as LATE.pdf
    • When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering.pdf
    • Why High Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
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    • Week 6_ Maximum Likelihood Estimation sl.pdf
    • Week 6_ Maximum Likelihood Estimation.pdf
    • Week 13_ Dynamics and Endogeneity.pdf
    • Topics in Advanced Econometrics (ResEcon 703).pdf
    • Week 0_ Course Overview.pdf
    • Week 1_ Structural Estimation.pdf
    • Week 2_ R Tutorial.pdf
    • Week 3_ Random Utility Mode.pdf
    • Week 4_ Logit Model.pdf
    • Week 7_ Logit Estimation.pdf
    • Week 8_ Generalized Method of Moments.pdf
    • Week 9_ Generalized Extreme Value Models.pdf
    • Week 10_ Mixed Logit Model.pdf
    • Week 11_ Simulation-Based Estimation.pdf
    • Week 12_ Individual-Level Coefficients.pdf
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  • Trend Trading Set-ups Entering and Exiting Trends for Maximum Profit.pdf.zip

    • Trend Trading Set-ups Entering and Exiting Trends for Maximum Profit.pdf
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  • Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model 1970.zip

    • Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model 1970.pdf
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  • Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model 1971.zip

    • Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model 1971.pdf
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    • Maximum likelihood, entropy maximization, and the geometric programming approaches.pdf
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  • Minimum vertex-diameter-2-critical graphs.zip

    • Minimum vertex-diameter-2-critical graphs.pdf
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  • 2017-12-17
  • stata.rar
       Stata 15 documentation 官方手册配套数据

    • mumpspc.dta
    • mumps2.dta
    • mumps.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xtdesxmpl.dta
    • xtdatasmpl.dta
    • xtcoint.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • womenwage2.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenhlth.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wellness.dta
    • weibre.dta
    • website.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • wageed.dta
    • wafer.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • vptscores.dta
    • voter.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • usmacro2.dta
    • usmacro.dta
    • uslifeexp2.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
    • urates.dta
    • urate.dta
    • unrate.dta
    • union3.dta
    • union.dta
    • unicorn.dta
    • ulcer.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • udca.dta
    • txpop.dta
    • txhprice.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • twopart.dta
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    • twogroup.dta
    • tvsfpors.dta
    • turnip.dta
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    • tumor.dta
    • tssetxmpl5.dta
    • tssetxmpl4.dta
    • tssetxmpl3.dta
    • tssetxmpl2.dta
    • tssetxmpl.dta
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    • tsfillxmpl.dta
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    • trips.dta
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    • trip.dta
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    • trafint.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • total.dta
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    • toenail.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • threegroup.dta
    • theoph.dta
    • texas_ue.dta
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    • tb1yr.dta
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    • tabdxmpl1.dta
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    • sysdsn4.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • surface.dta
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    • stvaryex.dta
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    • stdize.dta
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    • stbasexmpl.dta
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    • states1.dta
    • states.dta
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    • stan3.dta
    • stan2.dta
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    • stage5a_jkw.dta
    • stage5a.dta
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    • ss07ptx.dta
    • sprogram.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • soybean.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • snp500.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smedia.dta
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    • sg.dta
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    • sem_sm1.dta
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    • run1.dta
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    • reshapexp1.dta
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    • reshape1.dta
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    • ncu.dta
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    • morse_wide.dta
    • morse_long.dta
    • mloa.dta
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    • mksp1.dta
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    • masc1.dta
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    • lungtumor.dta
    • lowess1.dta
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    • lorenz.dta
    • logitxmpl.dta
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    • lbw.dta
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    • hospid1.dta
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    • homicide1990.dta
    • homicide_1960_1990_shp.dta
    • homicide_1960_1990.dta
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    • hiway.dta
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    • heart.dta
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    • hbp3.dta
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    • gxmpl4.dta
    • gxmpl3.dta
    • gxmpl2.dta
    • gxmpl1.dta
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    • gsem_sysdsn1.dta
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    • gsem_lca1.dta
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    • fmtxmpl.dta
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    • fish.dta
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    • expandxmpl.dta
    • exercise.dta
    • evignet.dta
    • even.dta
    • estimability.dta
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    • egenxmpl6.dta
    • egenxmpl5.dta
    • egenxmpl4.dta
    • egenxmpl3.dta
    • egenxmpl2.dta
    • egenxmpl.dta
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    • educ3.dta
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    • dui_southern.dta
    • dui.dta
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    • drugtr2.dta
    • drugtr.dta
    • drugexp.dta
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    • drug2.dta
    • drug.dta
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    • downs.dta
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    • 1962.dta
    • 401k.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • bcal_simple.raw
    • auto.csv
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    • xtline1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
  • 80.57 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Springer Series in Statistics(2009-2011).rar

    • 2009.Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation_ Volume II_ Regression(2009).pdf
    • 2011.Targeted Learning_ Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data(2011).pdf
    • 2009.Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation(2010).pdf
    • 2009.Monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo sampling(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Principles and Theory for Data Mining and Machine Learning(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Statistical Analysis of Network Data_ Methods and Models(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Statistical Analysis of Network Data_ Methods and Models-Springer (2009).djvu
    • 2009.The Elements of Statistical Learning_ Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Ed.pdf
    • 2010.A Comparison of the Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches to Estimation(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Comparing Distributions(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Design of observational studies(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Recursive Partitioning and Applications(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Spatial statistics and modeling(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices.pdf
    • 2011.Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal Data, Springer, 2011.pdf
    • 2011.Inequalities_ Theory of majorization and its applications(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Statistics for High-Dimensional Data_ Methods, Theory and Applications(2011).pdf
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  • 2017-9-15
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 111-120.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 113) Rainer Schwabe (auth.)-Optimum Designs for Multi-Factor Models-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 120) Roderick P. McDonald (auth.), Maia Berkane (eds.)-Latent Variable Modeling and Applications to Causality-Springer-Verlag New York (1997).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 111) Leon Willenborg, Ton de Waal (auth.)-Statistical Disclosure Control in Practice-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 112) Paul R. Cohen, Dawn E. Gregory, Lisa Ballesteros, Robert St. Amant (auth.), Doug Fisher, Hans-J. Lenz (eds.)-Learning from Data_ Artificial Intelligence and Statistic.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 114) F. Thomas Bruss, Thomas S. Ferguson (auth.), C. C. Heyde, Yu V. Prohorov, Ronald Pyke, S. T. Rachev (eds.)-Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series An.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 116) Genshiro Kitagawa, Will Gersch (auth.)-Smoothness Priors Analysis of Time Series-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 117) J. G. Dai, John H. Vande Vate (auth.), Paul Glasserman, Karl Sigman, David D. Yao (eds.)-Stochastic Networks-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 118) Radford M. Neal (auth.)-Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 119) Masanao Aoki (auth.), Masanao Aoki, Arthur M. Havenner (eds.)-Applications of Computer Aided Time Series Modeling-Springer-Verlag New York (1997).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 61-70(缺少65).rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 69) Nico J. D. Nagelkerke (auth.)-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Functional Relationships-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 70) Kōji Iida (auth.)-Studies on the Optimal Search Plan-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 61) Jens Breckling (auth.), Jens Breckling (eds.)-The Analysis of Directional Time Series_ Applications to Wind Speed and Direction-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 62) Johan C. Akkerboom (auth.)-Testing Problems with Linear or Angular Inequality Constraints-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 63) Johann Pfanzagl (auth.)-Estimation in Semiparametric Models_ Some Recent Developments-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 64) Siegfried Gabler (auth.)-Minimax Solutions in Sampling from Finite Populations-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 66) Tommy Wright (auth.)-Exact Confidence Bounds when Sampling from Small Finite Universes_ An Easy Reference Based on the Hypergeometric Distribution-Springer-Verlag New .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 67) Martin A. Tanner (auth.)-Tools for Statistical Inference_ Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods-Springer-Verlag New York (1991).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 68) Masanobu Taniguchi (auth.)-Higher Order Asymptotic Theory for Time Series Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (1991).pdf
  • 52.44 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • (Test Bank)South-Western Federal Taxation 2018 Comprehensive, 41st Edition.zip

    • Chapter_15__Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01__An_Introduction_To_Taxation_and_Understanding_the_Federal_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_02__Working_With_The_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03__Computing_The_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_04__Gross_Income__Concepts_and_Inclusions.docx
    • Chapter_05__Gross_Income__Exclusions.docx
    • Chapter_06__Deductions_and_Losses__In_General.docx
    • Chapter_07__Deductions_and_Losses__Certain_Business_Expenses_and_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_08__Depreciation__Cost_Recovery__Amortization__And_Depletion.docx
    • Chapter_09__Deductions__Employee_and_Self_Employed_Related_Expenses.docx
    • Chapter_10__Deductions_and_Losses__Certain_Itemized_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_11__Investor_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_12__Tax_Credits_and_Payments.docx
    • Chapter_13__Property_Transactions__Determination_of_Gain_or_Loss__Basis_Considerations__and_Nontaxable_Exchanges.docx
    • Chapter_14__Property_Transactions__Capital_Gains_and_Losses__Sec__1231__and_Recapture_Provisions.docx
    • Chapter_16__Accounting_Periods_and_Methods.docx
    • Chapter_17__Corporations__Introduction_and_Operating_Rules.docx
    • Chapter_18__Corporations__Organization_and_Capital_Structure.docx
    • Chapter_19__Corporations__Distributions_Not_In_Complete_Liquidation.docx
    • Chapter_20__Corporations__Distributions_in_Complete_Liquidation_and_an_Overview_of_Reorganization.docx
    • Chapter_21__Partnerships.docx
    • Chapter_22__S_Corporations.docx
    • Chapter_23__Exempt_Entities.docx
    • Chapter_24__Multistate_Corporate_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_25__Taxation_of_International_Transactions.docx
    • Chapter_26__Tax_Practice_and_Ethics.docx
    • Chapter_27__The_Federal_Gift_and_Estate_Taxes.docx
    • Chapter_28__Income_Taxation_of_Trusts_and_Estates.docx
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  • 2017-8-31
  • South-Western Federal Taxation 2018 Essentials of Taxation Individuals and Busin.zip

    • Chapter_17__Tax_Credits_and_Corporate_Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01__Introduction_to_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_02__Working_With_the_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03__Taxation_on_the_Financial_Statements.docx
    • Chapter_04__Gross_Income.docx
    • Chapter_05__Business_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_06__Losses_and_Loss_Limitations.docx
    • Chapter_07__Basis__Gain_and_Loss__and_Nontaxable_Exchanges.docx
    • Chapter_08_Capital_Gains_and_Losses__Section_1231__and_Recapture_Provisions.docx
    • Chapter_09__Individuals_as_the_Taxpayers.docx
    • Chapter_10__Income__Deductions_and_Credits.docx
    • Chapter_11__Individuals_as_Employees_and_Proprietors.docx
    • Chapter_12__Organization__Capital_Structure__and_Operating_Rules.docx
    • Chapter_13__Earnings___Profits_and_Distributions.docx
    • Chapter_14__Partnerships_and_Limited_Liability_Entities.docx
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    • Chapter_16__Multijurisdictional_Taxation.docx
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  • 2017-6-11
  • 001.pdf
       Optimal foldover plans of asymmetric factorials with minimum wrap-around L2-discrepancy

  • 544.96 KB
  • 2017-3-4
  • South-Western Federal Taxation 2017 Individual Income Taxes 40e TestBank.zip
       TEST BANK

    • Chapter_12_Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01_An_Introduction_to_Taxation_and_Understanding_the_Federal_Law.docx
    • Chapter_02_Working_with_the_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03_Tax_Formula_and_Tax_Determination_an_Overview_of_Property_Transactions.docx
    • Chapter_04_Gross_Income_Concepts_and_Inclusions.docx
    • Chapter_05_Gross_Income_Exclusions.docx
    • Chapter_06_Deductions_and_Losses_In_General.docx
    • Chapter_07_Deductions_and_Losses_Certain_Business_Expenses_and_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_08_Depreciation_Cost_Recovery_Amortization_and_Depletion.docx
    • Chapter_09_Deductions_Employee_and_Self_Employed_Related_Expenses.docx
    • Chapter_10_Deduction_and_Losses_Certain_Itemized_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_11_Investor_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_13_Tax_Credits_and_Payment_Procedures.docx
    • Chapter_14_Property_Transactions_Determination_of_Gain_and_Loss_and_Basic_Considerations.docx
    • Chapter_15_Property_Transactions_Nontaxable_Exchanges.docx
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  • 人口与经济增长论文.rar

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    • 人口转变时期的经济增长与仿真.pdf
    • 我国人口年龄结构、储蓄效应与经济增长.pdf
    • 中国人口转变、人口红利与经济增长的实证.pdf
    • 中国省际迁移人口的受教育程度差异对经济增长及地区差距的影响分析.pdf
    • Alvin Hansen on economic progress and declining population growth.pdf
    • economic growth, population and environment——John M. Culbertson.pdf
    • Editorial 25 Years Journal of Population Economics.pdf
    • Energy use, population and growth, 1800–1970.pdf
    • OECD国家人口转变与经济增长的关系研究.pdf
    • populaion and economic growth——Everett E. Hagen.pdf
    • Population aging and endogenous economic growth——Klaus Prettner.pdf
    • population and economic growth ——Gary S. Becker.pdf
    • population and economic growth——Simon Kuznets.pdf
    • population dynamics and economic growth in Asia——David E. Bloom.pdf
    • Population Growth and Economic Development Illustrative Projections——Wassily Leontief.pdf
    • population growth and economic growth——Robin Barlow.pdf
    • The relationship between pop and eco growth in Asian economies——Wong Hock Tsen.pdf
    • 不同文化程度人口对我国经济增长的贡献——我国经济增长与教育关系的一种实证分析(1981-2000年).pdf
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  • 2017-2-7
  • MUMR (pdf).zip

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  • 2017-1-9
  • MUMR (epub).zip

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  • MUMR (pdf epub).zip

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  • 2017-1-9
  • AFA-2017-Part02.zip

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    • AFA2017-Informed Trading and Option Prices_ Evidence from Activist.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Insider Purchases after Short Interest Spikes_ a False Signaling Device_.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Integrity Culture and Analyst Forecast Quality .pdf
    • AFA2017-Interfund lending in mutual fund families_ Role of internal capital markets.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Taking Orders and Taking Notes_ Dealer Information Sharing in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Term Structure of Interest Rates with Short-run and Long-run Risks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Causal Effect of Limits to Arbitrage on Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Cross-Section of Subjective Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Option-based Compensation on Payout Policy_ Evidence from FAS 123R.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Equity Premium and the One Percent.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Face of Risk_ CEO Testosterone and Risk Taking Behavior.pdf
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    • AFA2017-The Liquid Hand-to-Mouth_ Evidence from Personal.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisors.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Momentum of News .pdf
    • AFA2017-The Term Structure of Implied Volatility and Volatility Risk Premia in the FX Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Information for Contracting.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Trading Relationships in Turbulent Times.pdf
    • AFA2017-The real effects of credit ratings_ Evidence from corporate asset sales.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Uncertainty, the Exchange Rate and International Capital Flows.pdf
    • AFA2017-Unemployment and Credit Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Variance Risk Premia on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Weighted Least Squares Estimates of Return Predictability Regressions.pdf
    • AFA2017-What Drives Liquidity_ Identifying Shocks to Market Makers' Supply of Liquidity and Their Role in Economic Fluctuations.pdf
    • AFA2017-What's Behind the Smooth Dividends_ Evidence from Structural Estimation.pdf
    • AFA2017-When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Where the Heart Is_ Information Production and the Home Bias.pdf
    • AFA2017-Wholesale Funding Runs.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why does fast loan growth predict poor performance for banks_ .pdf
  • 77.41 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • South-Western Federal Taxation 2017 Essentials of Taxation Individuals and Busin.zip

    • Chapter_17_Business_Tax_Credits_and_Corporate_Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01_Introduction_to_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_02_Working_with_the_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03_Tax_Determination_Personal_and_Dependency_Exemptions_An_Overview_of_Property_Transactions.docx
    • Chapter_04_Gross_Income.docx
    • Chapter_05_Business_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_06_Losses_and_Loss_Limitations.docx
    • Chapter_07_Property_Transactions_Basis_Gain_and_Loss_and_Nontaxable_Exchanges.docx
    • Chapter_08_Property_Transactions_Capital_Gains_and_Losses_Section_1231_and_Recapture_Provisions.docx
    • Chapter_09_Individuals_as_the_Taxpayer.docx
    • Chapter_10_Income_Deductions_and_Credits.docx
    • Chapter_11_Individuals_as_Employees_and_Proprietors.docx
    • Chapter_12_Corporations_Organization_Capital_Structure_and_Operating_Rules.docx
    • Chapter_13_Corporations_Earnings_Profits_and_Distributions.docx
    • Chapter_14_Partnerships_and_Limited_Liability_Entities.docx
    • Chapter_15_S_Corporations.docx
    • Chapter_16_Multijurisdictional_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_18_Comparative_Forms_of_Doing_Business.docx
  • 1.84 MB
  • 2016-12-10
  • Trade Mindfully.zip
       Trade Mindfully Achieve Your Optimum Trading Performance with Mindfulness and Cutting Edge Psycholog ...

    • Trade Mindfully Achieve Your Optimum Trading Performance with Mindfulness and Cutting Edge Trade Mindfully Achieve Your Optimum Trading Performance with Mindfulness and Cutting Edge P.pdf
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  • 2016-10-8
  • Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Auto.zip

    • Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Autoregressive Models.pdf
  • 228.57 KB
  • 2016-9-7
  • 题库 South-Western Federal Taxation 2017....zip

    • Chapter_15_Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01_An_Introduction_to_Taxation_and_Understanding_the_Federal_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_02_Working_with_the_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03_Tax_Determination_Personal_and_Dependency_Exemptions_An_Overview_of_Property_Transactions.docx
    • Chapter_04_Gross_Income_Concepts_and_Inclusions.docx
    • Chapter_05_Gross_Income_Exclusions.docx
    • Chapter_06_Deductions_and_Losses_In_General.docx
    • Chapter_07_Deductions_and_Losses_Certain_Business_Expenses_and_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_08_Depreciation_Cost_Recovery_Amortization_and_Depletion.docx
    • Chapter_09_Deductions_Employee_and_Self_Employed_Related_Expenses.docx
    • Chapter_10_Deductions_and_Losses_Certain_Itemized_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_11_Investor_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_12_Tax_Credits_and_Payments.docx
    • Chapter_13_Property_Transactions_Determination_of_Gain_or_Loss_Basis_Considerations_and_Nontaxable_Exchanges.docx
    • Chapter_14_Property_Transactions_Capital_Gains_and_Losses_Section_1231_and_Recapture_Provisions.docx
    • Chapter_16_Accounting_Periods_and_Methods.docx
    • Chapter_17_Corporations_Introduction_and_Operating_Rules.docx
    • Chapter_18_Corporations_Organization_and_Capital_Structure.docx
    • Chapter_19_Corporations_Distributions_Not_in_Complete_Liquidation.docx
    • Chapter_20_Corporations_Distributions_in_Complete_Liquidation_and_an_Overview_of_Reorganizations.docx
    • Chapter_21_Partnerships.docx
    • Chapter_22_S_Corporations.docx
    • Chapter_23_Exempt_Entities.docx
    • Chapter_24_Multistate_Corporate_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_25_Taxation_of_International_Transactions.docx
    • Chapter_26_Tax_Practice_and_Ethics.docx
    • Chapter_27_The_Federal_Gift_and_Estate_Taxes.docx
    • Chapter_28_Income_Taxation_of_Trusts_and_Estates.docx
  • 2.79 MB
  • 2016-9-6
  • 16 Minimum detectable effect size for one-way analysis of variance.mp4.zip

    • 16 Minimum detectable effect size for one-way analysis of variance.mp4
  • 21.78 MB
  • 2016-7-22
  • 13 Calculating the minimum detectable effect size for comparing the means from t.zip

    • 13 Calculating the minimum detectable effect size for comparing the means from two paired samples.mp4
  • 24.31 MB
  • 2016-7-22
  • 10 Calculate minimum detectable effect size for two independent proportions.mp4.zip

    • 10 Calculate minimum detectable effect size for two independent proportions.mp4
  • 27.06 MB
  • 2016-7-22
  • 7 Minimum detectable effect size for comparing a sample proportion to a referenc.zip

    • 7 Minimum detectable effect size for comparing a sample proportion to a reference value.mp4
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  • 2016-7-22
  • 4 Find the minimum detectable effect size for comparing a sample mean to a refer.zip

    • 4 Find the minimum detectable effect size for comparing a sample mean to a reference value.mp4
  • 31.39 MB
  • 2016-7-22
  • item response theory文章-附代码.zip
       tem response theory文章-附代码

    • A SAS Macro for Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Longitudinal Polytomous Rasch Models.pdf
    • An R Package for Latent Variable Modelingand Item Response Theory Analyses.pdf
    • Fitting Difusion Item Response Theory Models for Responses and Response Times Using the R Package difIRT.pdf
  • 1.7 MB
  • 2016-5-25
  • Estimating Consumer Demand Across the Development Spectrum Maximum Likelihood Es.rar

    • Estimating Consumer Demand Across the Development Spectrum Maximum Likelihood Estimates of an Implicit Direct Additivit.pdf
  • 156.98 KB
  • 2016-4-8
  • A survey on the maximum entropy method and parameter spectral estimation.rar

    • A survey on the maximum entropy method and parameter spectral estimation.pdf
  • 5.28 MB
  • 2015-12-30
  • South-western Federal Taxation 2016 Essentials of Taxation I....Test Bank zip.zip
       Test Bank South-western Federal Taxation 2016 Essentials of Taxation

    • Chapter_17_Business_Tax_Credits_And_Corporate_Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01_Introduction_To_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_02_Working_With_The_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03_Taxes_On_The_Financial_Statements.docx
    • Chapter_04_Gross_Income.docx
    • Chapter_05_Business_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_06_Losses_And_Loss_Limitations.docx
    • Chapter_07_Property_Transactions_Basis_Gain_And_Loss_And_Nontaxable_Exchanges.docx
    • Chapter_08_Property_Transactions_Capital_Gains_And_Losses_Section_1231_And_Recapture_Provisions.docx
    • Chapter_09_Individuals_As_The_Taxpayer.docx
    • Chapter_10_Individuals_Income_Deductions_And_Credits.docx
    • Chapter_11_Individuals_As_Employees_And_Proprietors.docx
    • Chapter_12_Corporations_Organization_Capital_Structure_And_Operating_Rules.docx
    • Chapter_13_Corporations_Earnings_Profits_And_Distributions.docx
    • Chapter_14_Partnerships_And_Limited_Liability_Entities.docx
    • Chapter_15_S_Corporations.docx
    • Chapter_16_Multijurisdictional_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_18_Comparative_Forms_Of_Doing_Business.docx
  • 1.9 MB
  • 2015-9-24
  • South-Western Federal Taxation 2016 Comprehensive Volume 39e....zip

    • Chapter_15_Alternative_Minimum_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_01_An_Introduction_To_Taxation_And_Understanding_The_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_02_Working_With_The_Tax_Law.docx
    • Chapter_03_Computing_The_Tax.docx
    • Chapter_04_Gross_Income_Concepts_And_Inclusions.docx
    • Chapter_05_Gross_Income_Exclusions.docx
    • Chapter_06_Deductions_And_Losses_In_General.docx
    • Chapter_07_Deductions_And_Losses_Certain_Business_Expenses_And_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_08_Depreciation_Cost_Recovery_Amortization_And_Depletion.docx
    • Chapter_09_Deductions_Employee_And_Self_Employed_Related_Expenses.docx
    • Chapter_10_Deductions_And_Losses_Certain_Itemized_Deductions.docx
    • Chapter_11_Investor_Losses.docx
    • Chapter_12_Tax_Credits_And_Payments.docx
    • Chapter_13_Property_Transactions_Determination_of_Gain_or_Loss_Basis_Considerations_and_Nontaxabl.docx
    • Chapter_14_Property_Transactions_Capital_Gains_And_Losses_Section_1231_And_Recapture_Provisions.docx
    • Chapter_16_Accounting_Periods_And_Methods.docx
    • Chapter_17_Corporations_Introduction_And_Operating_Rules.docx
    • Chapter_18_Corporations_Organization_And_Capital_Structure.docx
    • Chapter_19_Corporations_Distributions_Not_In_Complete_Liquidation.docx
    • Chapter_20_Corporations_Distributions_in_Complete_Liquidation_and_an_Overview_of_Reorganizations.docx
    • Chapter_21_Partnerships.docx
    • Chapter_22_S_Corporations.docx
    • Chapter_23_Exempt_Entities.docx
    • Chapter_24_Multistate_Corporate_Taxation.docx
    • Chapter_25_Taxation_Of_International_Transactions.docx
    • Chapter_26_Tax_Practice_And_Ethics.docx
    • Chapter_27_Family_Tax_Planning.docx
    • Chapter_28_Income_Taxation_Of_Trusts_And_Estates.docx
    • cover.jpg
  • 3.18 MB
  • 2015-9-2
  • BookExamples-6e.zip
       BookExamples 例子文档

    • Optimum Seeking 06-06.opt
    • Avg Total WIP natural A.dat
    • Avg Total WIP natural B.dat
    • Avg Total WIP synched A.dat
    • Avg Total WIP synched B.dat
    • Book.plb
    • Exercise 04-34 Input Data.xls
    • Experiment 06-05.pan
    • mission.wav
    • Model 03-01.doe
    • Model 03-02.doe
    • Model 03-03.doe
    • Model 03-04.doe
    • Model 03-05.doe
    • Model 04-01.doe
    • Model 04-02.doe
    • Model 04-03.doe
    • Model 04-04.doe
    • Model 04-05.doe
    • Model 05-01.doe
    • Model 05-02.doe
    • Model 05-03.doe
    • Model 05-04.doe
    • Model 06-01.doe
    • Model 06-02.doe
    • Model 06-03.doe
    • Model 06-04.dgr
    • Model 06-04.doe
    • Model 06-05.doe
    • Model 06-05.p
    • Model 06-06.doe
    • Model 06-07.doe
    • Model 07-01.doe
    • Model 07-01.dxf
    • Model 07-02.dgr
    • Model 07-02.doe
    • Model 07-03.doe
    • Model 07-04.doe
    • Model 08-01.doe
    • Model 08-02.doe
    • Model 08-03.doe
    • Model 08-04.doe
    • Model 08-05.doe
    • Model 09-01.doe
    • Model 09-02.doe
    • Model 09-03.doe
    • Model 09-04.doe
    • Model 09-05.doe
    • Model 09-06.doe
    • Model 10-01.doe
    • Model 10-02 Input.txt
    • Model 10-02.doe
    • Model 10-03 Input.mdb
    • Model 10-03 Input.xls
    • Model 10-03.doe
    • Model 10-04 Call Data.xls
    • Model 10-04.doe
    • Model 10-05 Input.xls
    • Model 10-05.doe
    • Model 10-05a.doe
    • Model 10-06 Input.txt
    • Model 10-06.doe
    • Model 10-07 Input.txt
    • Model 10-07.doe
    • Model 10-07.xls
    • Model 11-01.doe
    • Model 11-02a.doe
    • Model 11-02b.doe
    • Model 11-03.doe
    • Model 11-04.doe
    • Model 11-05.doe
    • Model 12-01.doe
    • Model 12-02.doe
    • Model 12-03.doe
    • Model 12-04.doe
    • Models 12-1 and 12-2.dgr
    • MU1.xls
    • Newsvendor.xls
    • partbprp.dst
    • Percent Rejected - Base Case.dat
    • Percent Rejected - More Resources.dat
    • Total Cost - Base Case.dat
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.dat
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.dft
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.txt
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.xls
    • Total Cost - More Resources.dat
    • Total WIP History One Long Run.dat
    • Total WIP History.dat
  • 6.56 MB
  • 2015-5-25
  • EM.zip

    • Notes on Expectation Maximum .pdf
    • notes on EM iterations.pdf
    • The EM Algorithm and Extensions(2nd ed).pdf
    • Theory and Use of the EM Algorithm.pdf
    • The_EM_Algorithm_and_Related_Statistical_Models_2003_Watanabe,_Yamaguchi.pdf
  • 20.37 MB
  • 2015-5-16
  • Stata 14.0 配套数据.rar
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    • mumps.dta
    • mumps2.dta
    • mumpspc.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • acme.dta
    • acmeh.dta
    • acmemanuf.dta
    • additive.dta
    • admissions.dta
    • adoption.dta
    • agexmpl.dta
    • air2.dta
    • airacc.dta
    • airacc2.dta
    • airline.dta
    • alike.dta
    • angina.dta
    • apple.dta
    • applesales.dta
    • archxmpl.dta
    • assembly.dta
    • auc.dta
    • audiometric.dta
    • australia10.dta
    • auto.dta
    • auto1.dta
    • auto2.dta
    • auto2yr.dta
    • auto3.dta
    • auto4.dta
    • auto7.dta
    • autoexpense.dta
    • autofull.dta
    • automiss.dta
    • autornd.dta
    • autosize.dta
    • balaam.dta
    • balance2.dta
    • bangladesh.dta
    • bball.dta
    • bc.dta
    • bd163.dta
    • bdendo.dta
    • bdendo11.dta
    • bdesop.dta
    • bdsianesi5.dta
    • beetle.dta
    • betablockers_long.dta
    • betablockers_wide.dta
    • bg2.dta
    • binreg.dta
    • biochemical.dta
    • bioequiv.dta
    • birthcat.dta
    • bobsdata.dta
    • bodyfat.dta
    • bp.dta
    • bp1.dta
    • bp2.dta
    • bp3.dta
    • bpchange.dta
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    • brcancer.dta
    • bsales.dta
    • bsample1.dta
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    • bweightex.dta
    • byssin.dta
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    • campito.dta
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    • census12.dta
    • census13.dta
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    • cerealnut.dta
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    • charity.dta
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    • cholesterol3.dta
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    • citytemp3.dta
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    • nmihs_bs.dta
    • nmihs_mbs.dta
    • nnhs.dta
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    • nobetween.dta
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    • odd1.dta
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    • ovary.dta
    • overlap1.dta
    • overlap2.dta
    • oxygen.dta
    • p612.dta
    • p615.dta
    • p615b.dta
    • page2.dta
    • parent.dta
    • peach.dta
    • pefrate.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • permute1.dta
    • permute2.dta
    • petri.dta
    • petridish.dta
    • petrinone.dta
    • physed.dta
    • pig.dta
    • pisa2000.dta
    • pkdata.dta
    • pkdata2.dta
    • pkdata3.dta
    • pksumm.dta
    • pneumonia.dta
    • poisson1.dta
    • poisson2.dta
    • poissonwts.dta
    • pop2000.dta
    • popkahn.dta
    • poststrata.dta
    • probe.dta
    • production.dta
    • productivity.dta
    • promo.dta
    • promonone.dta
    • promotion.dta
    • psidextract.dta
    • qsales.dta
    • quad1.dta
    • quad2.dta
    • quick.dta
    • rat.dta
    • rate2.dta
    • rate2no3.dta
    • rates.dta
    • rdinc.dta
    • reading.dta
    • reading2.dta
    • recid2.dta
    • recodexmpl.dta
    • regress.dta
    • regsmpl.dta
    • renamexmpl.dta
    • renpainters.dta
    • repair.dta
    • reshape1.dta
    • reshape2.dta
    • reshape3.dta
    • reshape4.dta
    • reshape6.dta
    • reshapexp1.dta
    • reshapexp2.dta
    • restaurant.dta
    • rgnp.dta
    • rm.dta
    • rod93.dta
    • rootstock.dta
    • run1.dta
    • runshoes.dta
    • rvary.dta
    • rvary2.dta
    • salamander.dta
    • sales_cert.dta
    • sales1.dta
    • sales2.dta
    • sandstone.dta
    • sat.dta
    • schizophrenia.dta
    • school.dta
    • science.dta
    • selvin.dta
    • sem_1fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmmby.dta
    • sem_cu1.dta
    • sem_hcfa1.dta
    • sem_lcm.dta
    • sem_mimic1.dta
    • sem_rel.dta
    • sem_sm1.dta
    • sem_sm2.dta
    • senile.dta
    • sewage.dta
    • sforce.dta
    • sg.dta
    • sheart.dta
    • sheartm.dta
    • ships.dta
    • skulls.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • snp500.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • sprogram.dta
    • ss07ptx.dta
    • stackxmpl.dta
    • stage5a.dta
    • stage5a_jkw.dta
    • stan2.dta
    • stan3.dta
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    • statehardware.dta
    • states.dta
    • states1.dta
    • states2.dta
    • statsby.dta
    • stay.dta
    • stbasexmpl.dta
    • stbasexmpl2.dta
    • stdize.dta
    • stocks.dta
    • stptime.dta
    • strata5.dta
    • studentsurvey.dta
    • stvaryex.dta
    • sunspot.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • surface.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn4.dta
    • systolic.dta
    • systolic2.dta
    • t43.dta
    • t77.dta
    • t713.dta
    • tabdxmpl1.dta
    • tabdxmpl2.dta
    • tabdxmpl3.dta
    • tabdxmpl4.dta
    • tabdxmpl5.dta
    • table614.dta
    • tb1yr.dta
    • test.dta
    • threegroup.dta
    • toenail.dta
    • tostring.dta
    • total.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • trafint.dta
    • travel.dta
    • trip.dta
    • trip1.dta
    • trips.dta
    • trocolen.dta
    • tsappend1.dta
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    • tsfillxmpl.dta
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    • tsline1.dta
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    • tsrevarex.dta
    • tsrptxmpl.dta
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    • tssetxmpl2.dta
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    • tumor.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turnip.dta
    • tvsfpors.dta
    • twogroup.dta
    • twogrp.dta
    • twopart.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • txhprice.dta
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    • udca.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • ulcer.dta
    • union.dta
    • union3.dta
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    • urates.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
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    • usmacro.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • voter.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • website.dta
    • weibre.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenwage.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
    • xtdatasmpl.dta
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    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
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    • xtline1.dta
    • yield.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • 401k.dta
  • 40.37 MB
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       Card and Krueger: Minimum Wage and Employment

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    • 1-2 Average Returns, BM, and Share Issues.pdf
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    • Credible Commitments Using Hostages to Support Exchange.pdf
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    • Economies as an Antitrust Defense The Welfare Tradeoffs.pdf
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    • Markets and Hierarchies Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Peak-Load Pricing and Optimal Capacity under Indivisibility Constraints.pdf
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    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
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    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Considerations.pdf
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    • Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error.pdf (by James J.Heckman).pdf
    • Specification Tests in Econometrics.pdf (by J.A.Hausman).pdf
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    • mumps.dta
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    • acmemanuf.dta
    • additive.dta
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    • agexmpl.dta
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    • apple.dta
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    • census2.dta
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    • cholesterol.dta
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    • frontier2.dta
    • fuel2.dta
    • fuel3.dta
    • fuel.dta
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    • furnace.dta
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    • gasexp.dta
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    • hiv1.dta
    • hiv_n.dta
    • hiv_si.dta
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    • hiway.dta
    • homework.dta
    • hospid1.dta
    • hospid2.dta
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    • hotelprice.dta
    • hsng2.dta
    • hsng.dta
    • hstandard.dta
    • hypoxia.dta
    • ibm.dta
    • icedata.dta
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    • idle.dta
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    • ilpop.dta
    • im1.dta
    • im2.dta
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    • ipolxmpl2.dta
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    • irxmpl3.dta
    • irxmpl.dta
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    • klein.dta
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    • labelbook2.dta
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    • laborsup.dta
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    • lowess1.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
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    • mheart10s0.dta
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    • mhouses1993s30.dta
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    • morse_wide.dta
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    • mrecord.dta
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    • mushroom.dta
    • music.dta
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    • ncu3.dta
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    • overlap2.dta
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    • p615.dta
    • p615b.dta
    • page2.dta
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    • patients.dta
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    • permute2.dta
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    • petridish.dta
    • petrinone.dta
    • physed.dta
    • pig.dta
    • pisa2000.dta
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    • pkdata3.dta
    • pkdata.dta
    • pksumm.dta
    • pneumonia.dta
    • poisson1.dta
    • poisson2.dta
    • poissonwts.dta
    • pop2000.dta
    • popkahn.dta
    • poststrata.dta
    • probe.dta
    • production.dta
    • productivity.dta
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    • promonone.dta
    • promotion.dta
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    • qsales.dta
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    • quad2.dta
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    • rate2.dta
    • rate2no3.dta
    • rates.dta
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    • reading.dta
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    • regsmpl.dta
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    • reshape2.dta
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    • reshape6.dta
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    • reshapexp2.dta
    • restaurant.dta
    • rm.dta
    • rod93.dta
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    • rvary.dta
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    • sales2.dta
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    • sem_2fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmmby.dta
    • sem_cu1.dta
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    • sem_mimic1.dta
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    • sem_sm1.dta
    • sem_sm2.dta
    • senile.dta
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    • sforce.dta
    • sg.dta
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    • skulls.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • ss07ptx.dta
    • stackxmpl.dta
    • stage5a.dta
    • stage5a_jkw.dta
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    • stan3.dta
    • stanford.dta
    • statehardware.dta
    • states1.dta
    • states2.dta
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    • statsby.dta
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    • stbasexmpl2.dta
    • stbasexmpl.dta
    • stdize.dta
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    • stptime.dta
    • strata5.dta
    • studentsurvey.dta
    • stvaryex.dta
    • sunspot.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • surface.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn4.dta
    • systolic2.dta
    • systolic.dta
    • t43.dta
    • t77.dta
    • t713.dta
    • tabdxmpl1.dta
    • tabdxmpl2.dta
    • tabdxmpl3.dta
    • tabdxmpl4.dta
    • tabdxmpl5.dta
    • table614.dta
    • tb1yr.dta
    • test.dta
    • threegroup.dta
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    • tostring.dta
    • total.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • trafint.dta
    • travel.dta
    • trip1.dta
    • trip.dta
    • trocolen.dta
    • tsappend1.dta
    • tsappend2.dta
    • tsappend3.dta
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    • tssetxmpl4.dta
    • tssetxmpl5.dta
    • tssetxmpl.dta
    • tumor.dta
    • turksales.dta
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    • tvsfpors.dta
    • twogroup.dta
    • twogrp.dta
    • twopart.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • txhprice.dta
    • txpop.dta
    • udca.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • union3.dta
    • union.dta
    • unrate.dta
    • urate.dta
    • urates.dta
    • uslifeexp2.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • voter.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • website.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenwage.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • xmpl1.dta
    • xmpl2.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
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    • xtdesxmpl.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xtline1.dta
    • yield.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • acme.dta
  • 37.73 MB
  • 2014-5-15
  • Lecture09.pdf
       Consistency of extremum estimators

  • 96.06 KB
  • 2014-1-24
  • LeSage空间计量经济学讲义.rar

    • Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial regression models.pdf
    • lecture2.pdf
    • lecture2_slide.pdf
    • lecture3.pdf
    • lecture3_slide.pdf
    • lecture4_slide.pdf
    • lecture5.pdf
    • lecture5_slide.pdf
    • lecture6.pdf
    • lecture6_slide.pdf
    • lecture7.pdf
    • lecture7_slide.pdf
    • outline.pdf
    • lecture1_slide.pdf
  • 5.47 MB
  • 2013-11-19
  • 9.doc
       Optimum Currency Areas

  • 53 KB
  • 2013-11-14
  • 8.doc
       The “New” Theory of Optimum Currency Areas

  • 135.5 KB
  • 2013-11-14