大小 上传时间
  • 伍德里奇导论stata程序及相应的结果.rar

    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.pdf
    • wooldridge 3rd.pdf
    • Wooldridge data sets.pdf
    • 伍德里奇课本的所有stata程序以及相应的结果输出.mht
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.pdf
  • 5.18 MB
  • 2021-10-27
  • c646a65ad093171712391ed726a716f7.zip

    • 10_Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.ppt
    • 11_Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.ppt
    • 12_Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.ppt
    • 13_Pooling Cross Sections across Time_Simple Panel Data Methods.ppt
    • 14_Advanced Panel Data Methods.ppt
    • 15_Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.ppt
    • 16_Simultaneous Equations Models.ppt
    • 17_Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.ppt
    • 18_Advanced Time Series Topics.ppt
    • 19_Carrying Out an Empirical Project.ppt
    • 1_The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data.ppt
    • 2_The Simple Regression Model.ppt
    • 3_Multiple Regression Analysis_Estimation.ppt
    • 4_Multiple Regression Analysis_Inference.ppt
    • 4_Multiple Regression Analysis_Inference2.ppt
    • 5_Multiple Regression Analysis_OLS Asymptotics.ppt
    • 6_Multiple Regression Analysis_Further Issues.ppt
    • 7_Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information.ppt
    • 8_Heteroskedasticity.ppt
    • 9_More on Specification and Data Issues.ppt
  • 32.2 MB
  • 2020-1-8
  • 伍德里奇计量经济学导论所有stata程序和数据及相应的结果.zip

    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.pdf
    • Wooldridge data sets.pdf
    • wooldridge 3rd.pdf
  • 5.44 MB
  • 2016-5-11
  • Statistical Power with Moderated Multiple Regression in Management Research.rar

    • Statistical Power with Moderated Multiple Regression in Management Research.pdf
  • 1.23 MB
  • 2016-1-6
  • A Monte Carlo study of the effects of correlated method variance in moderated mu.rar

    • A Monte Carlo study of the effects of correlated method variance in moderated multiple regression analysis.pdf
  • 837.13 KB
  • 2015-12-4
  • 高级计量经济学_郑旭.rar

    • Lecture 5 Hetero.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Auto.pdf
    • Lecture 7 SUR.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Simu Equa.pdf
    • Lecture 9 LDV.pdf
    • Lecture 10 GMM.pdf
    • Lecture 1 Simple Regression.pdf
    • Lecture 2 Multiple Regression.pdf
    • Lecture 3 MLE.pdf
    • Lecture 4 GLS.pdf
  • 2.67 MB
  • 2014-1-16
  • 2013031110201.rar

    • Ch4- Multiple Regression Models.pdf
    • Ch5- Principle of Model Building.pdf
    • Ch6- Case Study 3.pdf
    • Appendix, Ans & Index.pdf
    • Ch1- A Review of Basic Concept.pdf
    • Ch2- Introduction to Regressions Analysis.pdf
    • Ch3- Simplee Linear Regression.pdf
    • Ch4- Case Study 2.pdf
  • 27.36 MB
  • 2013-3-11
  • 伍德里奇教材案例代码及结果.zip

    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.docx
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.docx
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.docx
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.docx
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.docx
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.docx
    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.docx
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.docx
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.docx
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.docx
    • Chapter 3-Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.docx
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.docx
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.docx
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.docx
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.docx
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.docx
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.docx
  • 428.8 KB
  • 2012-12-19
  • (课件) 商务统计专业课课件(包含案例 数据).zip

    • (课件) business statistics\商统_chap13-multiple regression.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\BSAFC4_PPT_ch10.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\Excel在管理中的应用\
    • (课件) business statistics\Excel在管理中的应用\Excel+tricks.pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\Excel在管理中的应用\EXCEL在管理中的应用(推荐).pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\course3_student.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\RegStudent.xlsx
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\WinTrustSample.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\商统课堂作业20120529\
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\商统课堂作业20120529\10371021 苏凤明 10371021.docx
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\商统课堂作业20120529\10371021 苏凤明 银行信贷.sav
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\demo.csplan
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\demo.sav
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\demo.txt
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\L1SPSS_基本操作.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\notes 20120529.docx
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\Course14\
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\Course14\demo.csplan
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\demo.mdb
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\demo.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\银行信贷.sav
    • (课件) business statistics\上课用文件\Course14 -SPSS- 5月29用\银行信贷.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\BSAFC4_PPT_ch05.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\AnovaStudent.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\AnovaStudent2.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\AnovaStudent3.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\AnovaUGStudent.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\AnovaUGStudent2.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\BSAFC4_PPT_ch10.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\ch10.pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\freak01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\part5.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\part5a.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\pract5.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\Thumbs.db
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\part4.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap10-two-example tests\spract5.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap5-some discrete probability distributions\
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap5-some discrete probability distributions\binomial.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap5-some discrete probability distributions\BSAFC4_PPT_ch05.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\BSAFC4_PPT_ch08.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\BSAFC4_PPT_ch08.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\ch8.pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\cisheet.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\finger02.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\nielsen01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\nielsen02.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\pract3.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\screening01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\virginity.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\part3.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap8-Confidential Interval\spract3.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\AnovaStudent.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\AnovaStudent2.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\AnovaStudent3.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\AnovaUGStudent.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\AnovaUGStudent2.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\BSAFC4_PPT_ch09.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\ch9.pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\htsheet.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\pract4.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\reynolds-curran.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\spract4.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\Thumbs.db
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\WinTrustSample.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap9-HyperthesisTesting\part4.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\BSAFC4_PPT_ch09.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\BSAFC4_PPT_ch11.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\Business Statistics(Orientation).docx
    • (课件) business statistics\finalf-data.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\history (study material).pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\htsheet.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\movies01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\sfinalf.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\Thumbs.db
    • (课件) business statistics\z-and-t-template.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap2-presenting data in tables and charts-20120228.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap3-numerical descriptive measures-20120306.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap4-basic probability-20120313.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap6-normal distribution.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap7-Co-efficient of Correlation and Portfolio Analysis.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统_chap12-simple linear regression.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\18.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\BSAFC4_PPT_ch10.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\BSAFC4_PPT_ch11.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\ch12.pdf
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\freak01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\jenny.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\jenny.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\movies01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\oscar05-01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\oscar05-02.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\part7.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\pract7.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\reg-type-II.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\reg01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\regforms.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\RegStudent.xls
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\spract7.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\Thumbs.db
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chi-square text&simple linear regression\zillow.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-Chapter1(introduction to BS)-20120221.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\finalf.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\商统-chap7-sampling distributions.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\~$vies01.doc
    • (课件) business statistics\
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第一章 随机事件与概率.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第七章参数估计.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第三章 多维随机变量及其分布.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第二章 随机变量及其分布.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第五章 大数定律与中心极限定理.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第八章 假设检验.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第六章样本与抽样分布.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\概率论与数理统计\概率论与数理统(孙宏凯)课件\第四章 随机变量的数字特征.ppt
    • (课件) business statistics\BS solution for practices1-4.docx
  • 44.09 MB
  • 2012-8-19
  • 金融工程papers.rar

    • Rational Capital Budgeting in an Irrational World.pdf
    • hkh1.pdf
    • liquidity and credit risk.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets.pdf
    • Estimation and Test of a Simple Model of Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing.pdf
    • discount with varying expected returns.pdf
    • The Effects of Changes in Risk and Risk Taking A survey.pdf
    • SCC Method a new approach dealing with high-dimension Garch model.pdf
  • 2.68 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • jounal of organizational behavior.rar

    • herman,best practice recommendations for estimationg interaction effects using moderated multiple regression.pdf
    • Bolino,citizenship under pressuer.pdf
    • rebecca,understanding the connections between relationship conflict and performance.pdf
    • Parise,emergent network structure and initial group performance.pdf
    • Lavelle,what motivates ocb.pdf
    • Olivia,careers as tournaments.pdf
    • bolino,citizenship under pressure.pdf
    • pierce,collective psychological owndrship within the work and organizaitonal context.pdf
    • Janssen,emotional exhaustion and job performance.pdf
    • Cappellen,enacting global careers.pdf
    • Zikic,crossing naitonal boundaries.pdf
    • Jones,finding a place in history.pdf
    • Forret,gender role differences in reactions to unemployment.pdf
    • Silviya,at the crossroads of agency and communion.pdf
    • Monica,optimism and the boundaryless career.pdf
    • Spence,the impact of non performance information on ratings of job performance.pdf
    • Ohly,work characteristics,challenge appraisal,creativity,and proactive behavior.pdf
    • wittekind,a longitudinal study of determinants of perceived employability.pdf
  • 2.46 MB
  • 2010-9-27
  • handouts.rar

    • 5-two way Anova.pdf
    • 6-nested design.pdf
    • 7-chi square.pdf
    • 8- Regression 1.pdf
    • 9- Regression 2.pdf
    • 10-Multiple regression .pdf
    • 11-Model choice .pdf
    • 2-t test.pdf
    • 3-non parametric.pdf
    • 4-Anova.pdf
  • 6.28 MB
  • 2010-2-23
  • sas base programm certification.zip

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2009-12-12
  • 315743.rar
       [下载]Applied Multiple Regression Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences

    • Applied Multiple Regression Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences.pdf
  • 40.92 MB
  • 2009-4-16
  • 282206.rar

    • 03-Problems with detecting moderators in leadership research using moderated multiple regression.pdf
    • 84-Mediators, Moderators, and Tests for Mediation.pdf
    • 86-The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological research Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations.pdf
    • 05-When Moderation Is Mediated and Mediation Is Moderated.pdf
  • 2.69 MB
  • 2009-1-1
  • 193206.zip

    • chapter 11 multiple responses.do
    • mrgraph.hlp
    • mrtab.hlp
    • stak.hlp
    • ubos.hlp
    • M_village.xls
    • paddyrice.xls
    • E_HouseholdComposition.csv
    • E_HouseholdRoster.csv
    • E_SocioEconomicStatus.csv
    • survey.csv
    • survey.out
    • survey10.pkg
    • E_HouseholdComposition.dta
    • E_HouseholdRoster.dta
    • E_interviewdate.dta
    • E_newHousehold.dta
    • E_SocioEconomicStatus.dta
    • K_combined.dta
    • K_combined_labelled.dta
    • K_combined_short.dta
    • M_allvillages.dta
    • M_household.dta
    • M_village.dta
    • paddy_weights.dta
    • paddyrice.dta
    • S_MultipleResponses.dta
    • S_polyresponses.dta
    • survey.dta
    • chapter 01 menus and dialogues.do
    • chapter 02 some basic commands.do
    • chapter 03 data input and output.do
    • chapter 04 housekeeping.do
    • chapter 05 good working practice.do
    • chapter 06 graphs for exploration.do
    • chapter 07 tables for exploration.do
    • chapter 08 graphs for presentation.do
    • chapter 09 tables for presentation.do
    • chapter 10 data management.do
    • chapter 12 regression&anova.do
    • chapter 13 frequency weights.do
    • chapter 14 labels.do
    • chapter 14 weights.do
    • chapter 15 standard errors.do
    • chapter 16 statistical modelling.do
    • do all do files.do
    • hist_by.do
    • K_data labels.do
    • K_hist index.do
    • lgraph1.do
    • M_weights.do
    • menu_dup1.do
    • menu_dup2.do
    • menu_dup3.do
    • menu_gsp.do
    • menu_inf.do
    • menu_reg.do
    • menu_UBOS.do
    • multiple.do
    • README.txt
    • stata.toc
    • lgraph1.ado
    • lgraph2.ado
    • lgraph3.ado
    • lgraph4.ado
    • lgraph5.ado
    • lgraph6.ado
    • lgraph.ado
    • mrgraph.ado
    • mrtab.ado
    • stak.ado
    • asd.pdf
    • bis.pdf
    • inf.pdf
    • mma.pdf
    • pes.pdf
    • lgraph.dlg
    • check1.hlp
    • check.hlp
    • lgraph6.hlp
    • lgraph.hlp
  • 1013.68 KB
  • 2008-2-18
  • 190952.rar

    • Introduction.ppt
    • chap1 simple regression.ppt
    • chap2 Multiple Regression.ppt
    • chap3 Nonlinear Model.ppt
    • chap4 Heteroskedasticity.ppt
    • chap5 Autocorrelation.ppt
    • chap6 Multicollinearity.ppt
    • chap7 dummy variable.ppt
    • chap8 Endogenous variable, IV & 2SLS.ppt
    • chap9 simutaneous equation.ppt
    • chap10 ARIMA model.ppt
    • chap11 Nonstationary Time Series and Unit Root Test.ppt
    • chap19A ARIMA model.ppt
    • Chapter 0 Model test.ppt
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2008-1-28
  • 128338.zip
       SAS 认证合集打包-官方真题集+练习题集+教程

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
    • SASbaseM_Answer.htm
  • 2.99 MB
  • 2007-6-22
  • 74337.rar
       [下载]张晓桐 计量经济学课件

    • chap2 Multiple Regression.ppt
    • chap1 simple regression.ppt
    • chap4 Nonlinear Model.ppt
    • chap5 Heteroskedasticity.ppt
    • chap6 Autocorrelation.ppt
    • chap7 Multicollinearity.ppt
    • chap8 dummy variable.ppt
    • Introduction.ppt
  • 617.87 KB
  • 2006-11-26
  • 41038.zip

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2006-2-27
  • 24639.rar

    • Investigating Smooth Multiple Regression by the Method of Average Derivatives.pdf
  • 1.58 MB
  • 2005-8-30
  • 14473.rar
       Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction(连续时间金融有关)

    • Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets.pdf
  • 339.49 KB
  • 2005-5-11
  • 12992.rar
       Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets

    • Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets.pdf
  • 339.49 KB
  • 2005-4-23