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  • 美国经济评论2014年第一期论文合集.zip

    • Aligned Delegation.pdf
    • Estimating a structural model of herd behavior in financial markets.pdf
    • Immigration and the Diffusion of Technology_ The Huguenot Diaspora in Prussia.pdf
    • One Swallow Doesn’t Make Summer_ New Evidence on Anchoring Effects.pdf
    • Risk Sharing and Transactions Costs_ Evidence from Kenya’s Mobile Money Revolution.pdf
    • Risk Shocks.pdf
    • Sales Taxes and Internet Commerce .pdf
    • Social ideology and taxes in a differentiated candidates framework.pdf
    • Term Premia and Inflation Uncertainty_ Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset_ Comment.pdf
    • Time Allocation and Task Juggling.pdf
    • Violence and Risk Preference_ Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan+.pdf
    • Worktime Regulations and Spousal Labor Supply .pdf
  • 10 MB
  • 2014-8-15