大小 上传时间
  • mac.20190248.Sectoral Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy.rar

    • mac.20190248.Sectoral Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy.pdf
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  • 2022-10-12
  • 2022 Jonathan Kreamer Sectoral Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy.zip

    • mac.20190248.Sectoral Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy.pdf
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  • TVP-VAR.zip

    • Koop, Korobilis - 2013 - Large time-varying parameter VARs-annotated.pdf
    • Nakajima - 2011 - Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Methodology and Empirical Applications.pdf
    • Primiceri - 2005 - Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy-annotated.pdf
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  • Mortgage Prepayment and Path-Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy.rar

    • aer.20181857.Mortgage Prepayment and Path-Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy.pdf
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  • 2021-9-2
  • The Time-Varying Effect of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices.zip

    • The Time-Varying Effect of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices.pdf
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  • 2020-10-21
  • Interpreting the macroeconomic time series facts:The effects of monetary policy.zip

    • Interpreting the macroeconomic time series facts:The effects of monetary policy.pdf
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  • 2020-10-18
  • emerging research on monetary policy, banking, and financial markets (2019).rar
       emerging research on monetary policy, banking, and financial markets (2019)

    • emerging research on monetary policy, banking, and financial markets (2019).epub
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  • 2020-3-17
  • central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy.zip

    • central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy.pdf
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  • 2019-4-14
  • Monetary Policy under Uncertainty.zip

    • Monetary Policy under Uncertainty.pdf
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  • 2018-7-16
  • Tanner(2002).pdf
       Exchange Market Pressure and Monetary Policy: Asia and Latin America in the 1990s

  • 2.75 MB
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  • Tanner(2000).pdf
       Exchange Market Pressure, Currency Crises and Monetary Policy: Additional Evidence from Emerging Mar ...

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  • Monetary Policy and the Design of Financial Institutions in China,1978-90.zip

    • Monetary Policy and the Design of Financial Institutions in China,1978-90.pdf
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  • 2017-1-13
  • MPI (pdf).zip

    • Monetary Policy in India_A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective.pdf
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  • 2017-1-6
  • MPI (epub).zip

    • Monetary Policy in India_A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective.epub
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  • 2017-1-6
  • MPI (pdf epub).zip

    • Monetary Policy in India_A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective.pdf
    • Monetary Policy in India_A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective.epub
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  • 2017-1-6
  • AFA-2017-Part01.zip

    • AFA2017-A Dynamic Theory of Mutual Fund Runs and Liquidity Management.pdf
    • AFA2017-A Macroeconomic Model with Financially Constrained Producers and Intermediaries.pdf
    • AFA2017-A Tough Act to Follow_ Contrast Effects in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-An Equilibrium Model of Institutional Demand and Asset Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are Corporate Inversions Good for Shareholders_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are Lemons Sold First_ Dynamic Signaling in the Mortgage Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Monitoring_ Evidence from Syndicated Loans.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bankruptcy Law, Private Benefits, and Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bankruptcy and the Cost of Organized Labor.pdf
    • AFA2017-Betting Against Winners.pdf
    • AFA2017-Board Diversity and Director Dissent in Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-CDS and Credit_ Testing the Small Bang Theory of the Financial Universe with Micro Data.pdf
    • AFA2017-Capital Structure Misallocation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Collateral Values and Corporate Employment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Complexity and Information Content of Financial Disclosures_ Evidence from Evolution of Uncertainty Following 10-K Filings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Contrasts in Governance_ Newly Public Firms Versus Mature Firms.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Capital Structure Actions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Inversions_ A Case of Having the Cake and Eating it Too_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Leverage and Employees’ Rights in Bankruptcy.pdf
    • AFA2017-Death by Committee_ An Analysis of Delegation in Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Debt, Bankruptcy Risk, and Corporate Tax Sheltering.pdf
    • AFA2017-Differences of Opinion and Stock Prices_ Evidence from Spin-Offs and Mergers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Dividend Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Individual Behavioral Biases Affect Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Institutional Investors Transplant Social Norms_ International Evidence on Corporate Social Responsibility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Economic Consequences of Housing Speculation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Equity is Cheap for Large Financial Institutions_ The International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-Excessive Credit Supply and the Housing Boom.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Condition and Product Quality_ The Case of Nonprofit Hospitals .pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Loss Aversion Illusion.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Financing Intangible Capital.pdf
    • AFA2017-Firing the Wrong Workers_ Financing Constraints and Labor Misallocation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Funding Value Adjustments.pdf
    • AFA2017-Going Entrepreneurial_ IPOs and New Firm Creation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Good News in Numbers.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Impact Investing.pdf
    • AFA2017-In No (Un-)Certain Terms_ Managerial Style in Communicating Earnings News.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Information Aggregation and Asset Prices in Large Markets with Institutional Investors.pdf
    • AFA2017-Information Sharing and Rating Manipulation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intangible Capital and the Investment-q Relation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intermediary Asset Pricing_ New Evidence from Many Asset Classes.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intervention Policy in a Dynamic Environment_ Coordination and Learning.pdf
    • AFA2017-Is Skin in the Game a Game Changer_ Evidence from Mandatory Changes of D&O Insurance Policies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Lazy Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Lender of Last Resort versus Buyer of Last Resort – Evidence from the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.pdf
    • AFA2017-Linking Cross-Sectional and Aggregate Expected Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-Liquidity and Price Pressure in the Corporate Bond Market_ Evidence from Mega-bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Loan Terms and Collateral_ Evidence from the Bilateral Repo Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Low Risk Anomalies_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Macroeconomic Effects of Secondary Market tRADING.pdf
    • AFA2017-Market Fragmentation, Dissimulation, and the Disclosure of Insider Trades.pdf
    • AFA2017-Merger Integration and Merger Success.pdf
    • AFA2017-Mispricing Factors.pdf
    • AFA2017-Monetary Policy and Global Banking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Monetary Policy through Production Networks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Mutual fund flight-to-liquidity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Non-Recourse Mortgage Law and Housing Speculation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Older and Wiser, or Too Old to Govern_.pdf
    • AFA2017-On the Asset Allocation of a Default Pension Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Optimal Deposit Insurance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Peer Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Performance-Based Turnover on Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Policy Uncertainty, Political Capital, and Firm Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Political Influence and Government Investment_ Evidence from Contract-Level Data.pdf
    • AFA2017-Political Information, Firm Value and Information Networks_ Evidence from the Chinese National Social Security Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Portfolio Choice with Model Misspecification_ A Foundation for Alpha and Beta Portfolios.pdf
    • AFA2017-Predicting Merger Targets and Acquirers from Text.pdf
    • AFA2017-Price and Probability_ Decomposing the Takeover Effects of Anti-Takeover Provisions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Product Market Competition in a World of Cross-Ownership_ Evidence from Institutional Blockholdings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Rational Quantitative Trading in E? cient Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Anomalies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Estate Holdings of Public Firms and Collateral Discount.pdf
    • AFA2017-Residential Real Estate Traders_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Ripple Effects of Noise on Corporate Investment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Management with Supply Contracts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Taking and Low Longer-term Interest Rates.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sequential Credit Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Size Matters, if You Control Your Junk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Socially Responsible Investing_ Good Is Good, Bad is Bad.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sovereign Debt Portfolios, Bond Risks, and the.pdf
    • AFA2017-Still Learning After All These Years_ Dynamic Information Acquisition in Banking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sustainable Housing Policy.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Banking View of Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Cost of Immediacy for Corporate Bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Economic Consequences of Borrower Information Sharing_ Relationship Dynamics and Investment.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Central Bank Liquidity Injections on Bank Credit Supply.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Monetary Policy on Bank Wholesale Funding.pdf
    • AFA2017-The History of the Cross Section of Stock Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Impact of Positive Payment Shocks on Mortgage Credit Risk – a Natural Experiment from Home Equity Lines of Credit at End of Draw.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Invisible Hand of the Government_ ”Moral Suasion” during the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Life Cycle of Corporate Venture Capital.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Political Economy of Financial Innovation_ Evidence from Local Governments.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Privatization of Bankruptcy_ Evidence from Financial Distress in the Shipping Industry.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Role of Hard Information in Debt Contracting_ Evidence from Fair Value Adoption.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Role of the Government Bond Lending Market in Collateral Transformation.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Speculation Channel and Crowding Out Channel_ Real Estate Shocks and Corporate Investment in China.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Speed of Communication.pdf
    • AFA2017-Thinking About Prices Versus Thinking About Returns in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Trading Costs and Informational Efficiency.pdf
    • AFA2017-Trading Frictions in the Interbank Market, and the Central Bank.pdf
    • AFA2017-Understanding Precautionary Cash at Home and Abroad.pdf
    • AFA2017-Using Managerial Attributes to Identify Market Feedback Effects_ The Case of Mutual Fund Fire Sales.pdf
    • AFA2017-Vote Avoidance and Shareholder Voting in Mergers & Acquisitions.pdf
    • AFA2017-What Drives Corporate Inversions_ International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-What do Measures of Real-time Corporate Sales Tell us about Earnings Surprises and Post-announcement Returns_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why Do Institutions Delay Reporting Their Shareholdings_ Evidence from Form 13F.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why Don't We Agree_ Evidence from a Social Network of Investors.pdf
    • AFA2017-Will I Get Paid_ Employee Stock Options and Mergers and.pdf
  • 76.53 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • the political economy of US monetary policy - how the federal reserve gained con.rar

    • the political economy of US monetary policy - how the federal reserve gained control and uses it (2016).pdf
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  • 2016-10-10
  • JFE-2016-05-06-07.zip

    • JFE-2016-05-Asset allocation and monetary policy_ Evidence from the eurozone.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Adverse selection, slow-moving capital, and misallocation .pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Bankruptcy law and bank financing.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Discerning information from trade data.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Does the geographic expansion of banks reduce risk_.pdf
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    • JFE-2016-05-Sentiments, financial markets, and macroeconomic fluctuations.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Shareholder nonparticipation in valuable rights offerings_ New findings for an old puzzle.pdf
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    • JFE-2016-05-Underwriter deal pipeline and the pricing of IPOs.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Does rating analyst subjectivity affect corporate debt pricing_.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Indexing and active fund management_ International evidence.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Roughing up beta_ Continuous versus discontinuous betas and the cross section of expected stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Taxes and bank capital structure.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The causal effect of option pay on corporate risk management.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The commitment problem of secured lending.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The leverage externalities of credit default swaps.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The value of a good credit reputation_ Evidence from credit card renegotiations.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Why do firms use high discount rates.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Why does the option to stock volume ratio predict stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Accruals, cash flows, and operating profitability in the cross.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Borrower protection and the supply of credit_ Evidence from foreclosure laws.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Does variance risk have two prices_ Evidence from the equity and option markets.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Have we solved the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-How costly is corporate bankruptcy for the CEO.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Liquidity, resiliency and market quality around predictable trades_ Theory and evidencE.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Passive investors, not passive owners.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Performance measurement with selectivity, market and volatility timing.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Short interest and aggregate stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-The value of creditor control in corporate bonds.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Under new management_ Equity issues and the attribution of PAST RETURN.pdf
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  • 桌面.rar

    • (2)1-s2.0-S1094202514000635-main.pdf
    • (1)1-s2.0-S1094202515000198-main.pdf
    • (3)Liquidity, Monetary Policy, and the Financial Crisis_ A New Monetarist Approach.pdf
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  • 测度非传统货币政策对资产定价的影响.rar

    • w21816 Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Asset Prices.pdf
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  • 2015-12-31
  • Dynamic Economic Decision Making_ Strategies for Financial Risk, Capital Markets.rar

    • Dynamic Economic Decision Making_ Strategies for Financial Risk, Capital Markets, and Monetary Policy (2011).pdf
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  • 2015-9-27
  • Optimal Monetary Policy and Capital Account Restrictions in a Small Open Economy.rar

    • Optimal Monetary Policy and Capital Account Restrictions in a Small Open Economy wp2013-33.pdf
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  • 2015-9-21
  • Financial Markets, Banking, and Monetary Policy-Wiley (2014).rar

    • Financial Markets, Banking, and Monetary Policy-Wiley (2014).pdf
  • 2.69 MB
  • 2015-9-5
  • bubble.rar

    • 2013 The impact of monetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior Evidence from the lab.pdf
    • 1998 Initial cash asset ratio and asset prices an experimental study.pdf
    • 1995 Futures contracting and dividend uncertainty in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 1991 Private information acquisition in experimental markets prone to bubble and crash.pdf
    • 1990 Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation.pdf
    • 1988 Bubbles, Crashes, and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2015 Thar SHE Blows_Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 To see is to believe Common expectations in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 The impact of different incentive schemes on asset prices.pdf
    • 2014 The Impact of Asset Repurchases and Issues in an Experimental Market.pdf
    • 2014 Relative Performance Incentives and Price Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles.pdf
    • 2014 How do experienced traders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders_An experimental analysis.pdf
    • 2014 Experimental evidence on varying uncertainty and skewness in laboratory double-auction markets.pdf
    • 2014 Double Bubbles in Assets Markets With Multiple Generations.pdf
    • 2014 Do option-like incentives induce overvaluation_Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Bubbling with Excitement An Experiment.pdf
    • 2014 Asset-holdings caps and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Asset price bubbles a survey.pdf
    • 2014 Interest on Cash, Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation on Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2013 The Bubble Game An Experimental Study of Speculation.pdf
    • 2013 Super-exponential bubbles in lab experiments Evidence for anchoring over-optimistic expectations on price.pdf
    • 2013 Stulz, R. M., Harris, M., & Constantinides, G. M. (2013). Handbook of the Economics of Finance SET. Amsterdam North Holland..pdf
    • 2013 Reaction to Public Information in Markets How much does Ambiguity Matter.pdf
    • 2013 In the Mind of the Market Theory of Mind Biases Value Computation during Financial Bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Fight or freeze Individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2013 Differentiated assets An experimental study on bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Before and after The impact of a real bubble crash on investors' trading behavior in the lab.pdf
    • 2013 A Review of bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Two heads are less bubbly than one team decision-making in an experimental asset market.pdf
    • 2012 Tournament incentives and asset price bubbles Evidence from a field experiment.pdf
    • 2012 The impact of instructions and procedure on reducing confusion and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Thar she bursts_reducing confusion reduces bubbles.pdf
    • 2012 Relative performance information in asset markets An experimental approach.pdf
    • 2012 Excitement and irrationality in a financial market.pdf
    • 2012 Bubbles and Information An Experiment.pdf
    • 2012 Asset Characteristics and Boom and Bust Periods An Experimental Study.pdf
    • 2011 Overconfidence and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2011 On the ingredients for bubble formation Informed traders and communication.pdf
    • 2011 Experience and Confidence in an Internet-Based Asset Market Experiment.pdf
    • 2011 An Experimental Study of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tatonnement Trading Institution.pdf
    • 2010 The effect of reliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset trading behavior.pdf
    • 2010 Digital options and efficiency in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2010 Bubble measures in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2009 An experimental test of the impact of overconfidence and gender.pdf
    • 2008 Thar She Blows Can Bubbles Be Rekindled with Experienced Subjects.pdf
    • 2008 Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments.pdf
    • 2007 Traders’ expectations in asset markets_experimental evidence.pdf
    • 2007 Risk attitude and market behavior Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 The effect of short selling on bubbles and crashes in experimental spot asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Margin, short selling, and lotteries in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Futures markets and bubble formation in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2005 bubbles and experience An experiment.pdf
    • 2003 Boundaries of the tournament pricing effect in asset markets Evidence from experimental markets.pdf
    • 2002 Simultaneous over- and underconfidence Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2002 Do Speculative Stocks Lower Prices and Increase Volatility of Value Stocks.pdf
    • 2001 The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2001 Price bubbles in laboratory asset markets with constant fundamental values.pdf
    • 2001 Financial Bubbles_Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information.pdf
    • 2000 Momentum and overreaction in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Dividend timing and behavior in laboratory asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Asset markets How they are affected by tournament incentives for individuals.pdf
  • 67.2 MB
  • 2015-5-4
  • Fed_LSAP.zip

    • The Effects of Quantitative Easing_krishnamurthy.pdf
    • Monetary Policy since the Onset of the Crisis.pdf
    • Monetary policy zero lower bound williams.pdf
    • Flow and Stock Effects of Large-Scale Treasury Purchases.pdf
    • The Financial Market Effects of the Fed LSAP.pdf
    • The impact of recent central bank asset purchase.pdf
    • Methods of Policy Accommodation.pdf
    • The Federal Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchase Programs.pdf
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  • 2014-10-31
  • 9月.rar

    • European Credit Strategy: European Credit – Flows, Positioning and Redemptions.pdf
    • European Credit Strategy: IG Non-Fin Fundamentals Update: Slow and Steady.pdf
    • European Equity Strategy: Can fund performance be a contrarian indicator?.pdf
    • European Financials: Weekly Bond Tracker.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - On the Road.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Retaining Our Bearish Bias.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Searching For Yield.pdf
    • 3D Systems Corp:Growth On Track to Accelerate in 2H.pdf
    • 21Vianet: Core Businesses Intact; Room for Improvement in Cash Management.pdf
    • 20140930-Morgan Stanley-China Materials:Weekly Monitor.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief: Refi Index Largely Flat Despite Lower Rates.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: Carry On, For Now.pdf
    • Agile Property: Quick Comment: 1-for-5 rights issue – the expected and the unexpected.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment: FSA Data Gets More Bullish.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment:Anticipating a Quiet Farewell to 13-14.pdf
    • Amgen Inc.: Pipeline Drives PT to $151.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.: Event Confirms This Cycle is Different.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.:iPhone Gross Margins Biased to the Upside.pdf
    • ASEAN Economics Chartbook: Where are we in the cycle?.pdf
    • ASEAN In a Minute: Entering a Rising Rate Environment.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: What’s Going on in Asian Credit.pdf
    • Asia FX & Rates Strategy: India Rates:Improving Fiscal Outlook.pdf
    • Asian Banks: (g)Rate Expectations?.pdf
    • Asian Banks:Valuation Chartbook:Where Are Valuations Compared with history?.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview : Inflation and Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview: Anticipating a Rebound in Exports.pdf
    • ASML Holding NV: SPIE comments positive for EUV.pdf
    • Astra International:IIMS 2014 – On the Ground Feedback.pdf
    • AT&T, Inc.: Internet of Things Leadership, Early in the Race.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: Investment Property Loans.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week:Major Banks' Return on Equity.pdf
    • Australia Insurance & Wealth: Risky Business:Can QBE afford to sell its Lenders Mortgage business?.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Assessing state of economy after startling jobs figures.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Global Earners Gathering Momentum.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Playing the Long Cycle.pdf
    • Australian Energy – Drilling Down: Aussie E&P as yield plays?.pdf
    • Autos & Auto Parts:Dealer Study #5: BMW ahead of pack; DAI closes gap vs. Audi.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: Cutting US Autos to Cautious, Downgrading Ford to UW.pdf
    • Bayer AG: Confident CMD.pdf
    • China Cement:Three Cement Companies Fined for Price Monopoly; Potential Negative to Prices.pdf
    • China Coal: 1H14 results wrap:Suppliers' reaction to weak demand.pdf
    • China Healthcare:MS Monthly Hospital Rx Report.pdf
    • China Industrials: Heavy Truck: Steady Volume Growth and Notable ASP Hike Ahead.pdf
    • China Insurance: Asia Insight: Significant Cash Flow Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • China Lodging Group, Limited: Trip Takeaways:Bright Outlook for Franchise Business.pdf
    • China Oil & Gas: China Gas & Chemical Trips' Takeaways.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp:New Restructuring Has Limited Impact on Sinopec; Yizheng A-Shares Placed at Premium to H-shares.pdf
    • China petroleum chemical Crop.pdf
    • China Resources Gas: Better-than-expected cost pass-through in Tianjin; Buying opportunity.pdf
    • China September 2014 “Revisions for Decisions” Revisited.pdf
    • China Shipping: Positioning for 4Q14: B Before C.pdf
    • China Telecoms Monthly KPIs: Aug-14: CM Expanded Outperformance vs. CU.pdf
    • CIO Survey:Steady As She Grows.pdf
    • CMBS Market Insights: The State of the CRE Credit Cycle.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power: Cross-Industry Implications of Marcellus-Utica Gas Basis; Bearish Natgas Outlook.pdf
    • Com Hem Holding AB: Buy on Recent Weakness.pdf
    • Commodities Fall Symposium: Oil & Gas Market Discussion.pdf
    • Consumer Digest #4:Key Takeaways from A-Share Corporate Days.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(1).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(2).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • Credit Companion:CDX IG23 and CDX HY23 Roll.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Supplementary Supply.pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms(1).pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms.pdf
    • Cross Industry Analysis: Impact of Apple Pay on Payments Value Chain:Biggest Beneficiaries Likely AAPL, NXP.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - October 2014.pdf
    • Crude Oil:What Are OSPs Telling Us?.pdf
    • Daimler: Checkpoint China: Progress Made & Future Steps to Take.pdf
    • Danone: Topline and margin trend to improve from 2H14 - OW.pdf
    • Daum Kakao:Asia Insight: Enters Mobile Payment.pdf
    • Delhaize: Solid US momentum provides further comfort on sustainability of FCF.pdf
    • Direct Line Group Plc: Taking Profits After Strong Run:Downgrading to EW.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: US Unconventional Oil: Sliding Down the Cost Curve.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC: Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC:Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy Insights.pdf
    • EM Credit Strategy: Up in Quality.pdf
    • EM Macro Strategy -Brazil: What’s Your Take? Survey Results.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel:No buying opportunity as profitability peaks.pdf
    • Energy Transfer Partners: Improving Outlook at Attractive Value; Upgrading to OW.pdf
    • ENN Energy Holdings Limited: Investment in Sinopec Marketing: Positive to ENN.pdf
    • EUR6bn Net Reduction – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • EUR47bn Net Addition– ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • European Banks: S&P Downgrades: Dropouts.pdf
  • 82.56 MB
  • 2014-10-7
  • 新凯恩斯主义和新古典宏观经济学的奠基性文献.zip

    • Barro - RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE ROLE OF monetary policy.pdf
    • Aklorf's The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment.pdf
    • Are Government Bonds Net Wealth.pdf
    • Attanasio and Browning's Consumption over the Life Cycle and over the Business Cycle.pdf
    • Barro's Output Effects of Government Purchases.pdf
    • Blanchard's The dynamic effects of aggregate demand and supply disturbances.pdf
    • Blanchard's hysteresis and european unemployment problem.pdf
    • Blinder's inventories, rational expectations, and the business cycle.pdf
    • Cogley's Output dynamics in real-business-cycle models.pdf
    • Consumption over the Life Cycle and Over the Business Cycle.pdf
    • Fischer's Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule.pdf
    • Flavin's The adjustment of consumption to changing expectations about future income.pdf
    • Gould's Adjustment Costs in the Theory of Investment of the Firm.pdf
    • HW2 economtrics.pdf
    • Kydland's Rules rather than discretion The inconsistency of optimal plans.pdf
    • Long's real business cycles.pdf
    • Lucas's Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply.pdf
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    • Lucas's Some international evidence on output-inflation tradeoffs.pdf
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    • Sargent's Rational expectations and the theory of economic policy.pdf
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    • compbell and mankiw's Consumption, Income, and Interest Rates Reinterpreting the Time Series Evidence.pdf
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  • 2014-8-14
  • 美国经济评论2014年第五期会议论文(上).zip

    • A Tale of Two Stimulus Payments 2001vs2008.pdf
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    • Macro-perspective on Asset Grants Programs Occupational and Wealth Mobility.pdf
    • Mandated Risk Retention in Mortgage Securitization_ An Economist's View.pdf
    • Measuring How Fiscal Shocks Affect Durable Spending in Recessions and Expansions.pdf
    • Physician Payment Reform and Hospital Referrals.pdf
    • Recovery from financial crises_ evidence from 100 episodes.pdf
    • Renegotiation Policies in Sovereign Defaults.pdf
    • Retirement Security in an Aging Population.pdf
    • Sovereign Debt Booms in Monetary Unions.pdf
    • SpecificationAndEstimationOfTreatmen_preview.pdf
    • The Aggregate Impact of Household Saving and Borrowing Constraints Designing a Field Experiment in Uganda.pdf
    • The Distribution of Wealth and the MPC_ Implications of New European Data.pdf
    • The Mortgage Mess, the Press, and the Politics of Inattention.pdf
    • The Natural Rate of Interest and its Usefulness for Monetary Policy.pdf
    • The Role of Policy in the Great Recession and the Weak Recovery.pdf
    • Weak Identification in Maximum Likelihood_ A Question of Information.pdf
    • Why Is Housing Finance Still Stuck in Such a Primitive Stage.pdf
    • Year-End Tax Planning of Top Management_ Evidence from High-Frequency Payroll Data.pdf
    • a reassessment of RBC theory.pdf
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  • 2014-8-13
  • Journal of International Economics2014 93(1).rar
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    • The asymmetric effects of tariffs on intra-firm trade and offshoring decisions.pdf
    • Trade intensity and purchasing power parity.pdf
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    • Draghi May Enter Twilight Zone Where Fed Fears to Tread - Bloomberg.pdf
    • ECB_ Central banks and the challenges of the zero lower bound.pdf
    • ECB_ international spillovers of US QE.pdf
    • ECB_ Interview with Die Zeit.pdf
    • ECB_ Monetary policy communication in turbulent times.pdf
    • ECB_ Outright Monetary Transactions, one year on.pdf
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    • LSE_The potential instruments for moentary policy.pdf
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  • 2014-2-11
  • 课件.zip
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    • 2.ECON 305 IS PC MR model(1).pdf
    • 3.ECN6520 Monetary policy(1).pdf
    • 4.ECN6520 4.Fiscal Policy.pdf
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  • 17.pdf
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  • A New Keynesian model for analysing monetary policy in Mainland China.rar

    • A New Keynesian model for analysing monetary policy in Mainland China.pdf
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    • Monetary Policy Rules and Macroeconomic Stability.pdf
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  • 价格粘性英文文献.zip

    • -2005-Rotemberg -Customer anger at price increases, changes in the frequency of price adjustment and monetary policy[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics..pdf
    • -1935-Hicks-Annual Survey of Economic Theory The Theory of Monopoly.pdf
    • -1972-Barro-A_Theory_of_Monopolistic_Price_Adjustment.pdf
    • -1983-calvo-Staggered prices in a utility-maximizing framework .pdf
    • -1984-Rotemberg-A Supergame-Theoretical Model of Price Wars during Boomsrt7.pdf
    • -1989-Bailey Brorsen Price asymmetry in spatial fed cattle markets[J]. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics.pdf
    • -1994-Ball and Mankiw-Asymmetric Price Adjustments and Economic Fluctuations’.pdf
    • -2002-Mankiw N G, Reis-Sticky Information versus Sticky Price.pdf
    • -2004-gewecke-综述油-Issues in the rockets and feathers gasoline price literature.pdf
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    • -2009-Kleshchelski-Market share and price rigidity.pdf
    • -2010-Price settinginforward-lookingcustomermarkets.pdf
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  • Gali 2008.pdf
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  • China_s monetary policy_ Quantity versus price rules.rar

    • China_s monetary policy_ Quantity versus price rules.pdf
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  • 2013-5-11
  • 宏观经济学.zip

    • 01 Introduction to Macroeconomics.pdf
    • 02 Key Macro Variables and Relationships.pdf
    • 03 Economic Output.pdf
    • 04 Introduction to Long Run Economic Growth.pdf
    • 05 The Neoclassical Growth Model I.pdf
    • 06 The Neoclassical Growth Model II.pdf
    • 07 Technology and Economic Growth.pdf
    • 08 Growth and the World Economy.pdf
    • 09 Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Long Run.pdf
    • 10 EXAM #1.doc
    • 11 Introduction to Business Cycles.pdf
    • 12 The Multiplier Model.pdf
    • 13 The IS Curve.pdf
    • 14 The LM Curve.pdf
    • 15 The IS - LM Model.pdf
    • 16 Employment Unemployment,and Okun's Law.pdf
    • 17 Employment Fiscal Policy.pdf
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  • China’s Growing Influence in Southeast Asia – Monetary Policy and Equity Markets.rar

    • China’s Growing Influence in Southeast Asia – Monetary Policy and Equity Markets.pdf
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  • 2012-2.rar

    • Aggregate Savings and External Imbalances in China.pdf
    • How Did China Take Off.pdf
    • Amy Finkelstein - 2012 John Bates Clark Medalist.pdf
    • Retrospectives - Irving Fisher's Appreciation and Interest (1896) and the Fisher Relation.pdf
    • The Economics of Spam.pdf
    • Identifying the Disadvantaged - Official Poverty, Consumption Poverty, and the New Supplemental Poverty Measure.pdf
    • The New Demographic Transition - Most Gains in Life Expectancy Now Realized Late in Life.pdf
    • Groups Make Better Self-Interested Decisions.pdf
    • Deleveraging and Monetary Policy - Japan since the 1990s and the United States since 2007.pdf
    • The Relationship between Unit Cost and Cumulative Quantity and the Evidence for Organizational Learning-by-Doing.pdf
    • From Exxon to BP - Has Some Number Become Better Than No Number.pdf
    • Contingent Valuation - A Practical Alternative When Prices Aren't Available.pdf
    • Contingent Valuation - From Dubious to Hopeless.pdf
    • The End of Cheap Chinese Labor.pdf
    • Labor Market Outcomes and Reforms in China.pdf
    • Understanding China's Growth - Past, Present, and Future.pdf
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  • 2013-2-24
  • AEA TOP20 2.rar

    • 08 The role of monetary policy.pdf
    • 20 Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends..pdf
    • 01 Production Information Costs and Economic Organization.pdf
    • 02 Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.pdf
    • 03 A Theory of Production.pdf
    • 04 An almost Ideal demand system.pdf
    • 05 National debt in a neoclassical growth model.pdf
    • 06-1 Optimal Taxation and Public Production I Production Efficiency..PDF
    • 06-2 Optimal Taxation and Public Production II Tax Rules.PDF
    • 07 Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity.pdf
    • 09 On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 10 migration unemployment and development a two-sector analysis.pdf
    • 11 the use of knowledge in society.pdf
    • 12 Capital Theory and Investment Behavior.pdf
    • 13 The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • 14 Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • 16 Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs.pdf
    • 17 The Cost Of Capital Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 18 A theory of optimum currency areas.pdf
    • 19 The Economic Theory of Agency The Principal_s Problem .pdf
    • 100 Years of the American Economic Review ..The Top 20 Articles.pdf
    • 《美国经济评论》创刊100年来的20篇最佳文章.pdf
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    • Monetary policy with a touch of Basel.pdf
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    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Dual-track interest rates and the conduct of monetary policy in China.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Assessing Monetary Policy and deposit dereg.pdf
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    • 利率市场化_英文论文\China’s official rates and bond yields.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Competition and Interest Rate Ceilings in Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Competitive Dynamics of Deregulation Evidence from U.S. Banking.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Consequences of Deregulation for Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Deposit Rate Deregulation and Demand.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\DPS270411F.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Getting Along Without Regulation Q Testing the Standard View of Deposit- Rate Competition During the Wild-Card Experience.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Honohan, Patrick, How Interest Rates Changed under Financial Liberalization_A Cross-Country Review.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Impact of deposit rate deregulation.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Incentive Compensation for Bank Directors The Impact of Deregulation.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Interest rate deregulation Monetary policy efficacy and rate rigidity.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Joint Effects of Interest Rate Deregulation and Capital Requirements on Optimal Bank Portfolio Adjustments.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Market volatility and retail interest rate pass-through.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Money demand in China and time-varying cointegration.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\On Deposit Interest Rate Regulation and Deregulation.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Post-Deregulation Bank-Deposit-Rate Pricing The Multivariate Dynamics.pdf
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  • mac.4.2.1.zip
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  • Gelter论文.zip

    • 2001-A simple framework for international monetary policy analysis.PDF
    • 1989-Agency Costs,Net Worth,and Business Fluctuations.PDF
    • 1997-‘‘Overreaction’’ of Asset Prices in General Equilibrium.PDF
    • 1998-Nonetary pilicy rules in practice-some international evidence.PDF
    • 1999-Inflation Dynamics-A structural econometric analysis.PDF
    • 1999-Monetary Policy and Asset Price Volatility.PDF
    • 1999-The Science of Monetary Policy-a new keynesian perspective.PDF
    • 2000-MONETARY POLICY RULES AND MACROECONOMIC Stability-evidence and some theory.PDF
    • 2001-European in#ation dynamics.PDF
    • 2001-Notes on Estimating the Closed Form of the Hybrid New Phillips Curve.PDF
    • 2001-Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve.PDF
    • 2003-Comments on-'The Zero Bound on Interest Rates and Optimal Monetery Policy'by Eggerston and Woodford.PDF
    • 2003-External Constraints on Monetary Policy.PDF
    • 2003-Markups, Gaps, and the Welfare Costs of.PDF
    • 2007-Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation.PDF
    • 2008-A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation.PDF
    • 2008-An Estimated Monetary DSGE Model with Unemployment and staggered nominal wage bargaining.PDF
    • 2008-Unemployment Fluctuations with Staggered Nash Wage Bargaining.PDF
    • 2009-A Model of Unconventional Monetary Policy.PDF
    • 2009-Financial Intermediation and Credit Policy.PDF
    • 2009-Technology Innovation and Diusion as Sources of output and asset price fluctuations.PDF
    • 2010-Financial Crises, Bank Risk Exposure and Government Financial Policy.PDF
    • Financial Crises,Bank Risk Exposure and Government Ginancial Policy.PDF
    • Should Central Banks Respond to Movements in Asset Prices.PDF
    • 数量化经济周期框架下的金融加速器理论(货币经济学第21章).PDF
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    • monetary and fiscal policy overview The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary approach to the balance of payments The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary business cycle models (sticky prices and wages) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary business cycles (imperfect information) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary cranks The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary economics, history of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary overhang The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monetary transmission mechanism The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • money The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • money and general equilibrium The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • money illusion The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • money supply The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • money supply in the American colonies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • money, classical theory of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • moneylenders in developing countries The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monocentric versus polycentric models in urban economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monopolistic competition The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monopoly The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monopoly capitalism The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • monopsony The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Moore, Henry Ludwell (1869–1958) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • moral hazard The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Morgenstern, Oskar (1902–1977) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Morishima, Michio (1923–2004) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • mortality The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • motion pictures, economics of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • multilingualism The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • multiple equilibria in macroeconomics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • multiplier analysis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • multiplier–accelerator interaction The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Mummery, Albert Frederick (1855–1895) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Mun, Thomas (1571–1641) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Mundell, Robert (born 1932) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • municipal bonds The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Musgrave, Richard Abel (1910–2007) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • music markets, economics of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Muth, John F_ (1930–2005) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 12.02 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • Macroeconomics.rar

    • 4 ECON 305 monetary policy barro gordon.pdf
    • 5 ECO5 305 monetary policy conservative CB.pdf
    • Tutorial 1.pdf
    • 1 ECON 305 AD AS basics(1).pdf
    • 2 ECON 305 IS PC MR model.pdf
    • 3 ECON 305 Monetary policy 2011.pdf
    • 6 Fiscal Policy.pdf
    • 7 Consumption(1).pdf
    • 8 ECON 305 Investment.pdf
    • ECON 305 Tutorial 2.pdf
    • ECON 305 Tutorial Assignment 3 – Fiscal Policy.pdf
  • 3.25 MB
  • 2012-5-6
  • 335-bank risks and the effects of monetary policy in China.rar

    • 335-bank risks and the effects of monetary policy in China.pdf
  • 456.2 KB
  • 2012-4-19
  • Gali.pdf
       Monetary Policy, Inflation and the Business Cycle

  • 4 MB
  • 2012-3-26
  • monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle.rar

    • monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle.mw
  • 113.93 KB
  • 2012-2-15
  • 伯南克.rar
       伯南克monetary policy transmission through money or credit,credit in the macroeconomy

    • monetary policy transmission through money or credit.PDF
    • 4 questions, 4 answers from Ben Bernanke; In speech today, Fed chairman will explain the whys, whats and hows of the financial crisis..doc
    • credit in the macroeconomy Ben Bernanke.PDF
  • 2.14 MB
  • 2012-1-9
  • 货币经济学经典文献-附目录说明.rar

    • A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory.pdf
    • A theory of consumption.pdf
    • Alternative theories of the rate of interest.pdf
    • business cycles and national income.pdf
    • Dynamic equilibrium price index asset price and inflation.pdf
    • Herd Behaviour, Bubbles and Crashes.pdf
    • How to pay for the war.pdf
    • Monetary policy and asset price volatility.pdf
    • Mr. Keynes and the Classics A Suggested Interpretation.pdf
    • On a correct measure inflation.pdf
    • Prices and production.pdf
    • Rules rather than discretion the inconsistency of optimal plans.pdf
    • the financial instability hypothesis.pdf
    • The general theory of employment, interest rate and money.pdf
    • The interest –elasticity of transactions demand for cash.pdf
    • The permanent income hypothesis revisited.pdf
    • The purchasing power of money.pdf
    • The theory of Interest.pdf
    • The transactions demand for cash an inventory theoretic approach.pdf
    • The use of indicators and the monetary conditions index in Canada.pdf
    • The value of money.pdf
    • Time to build and aggregate fluctuations.pdf
    • Utility analysis and the consumption an interpretation of cross-section data.in post-keynesian economics.pdf
    • 货币经济学.doc
  • 11.99 MB
  • 2012-1-4
  • 经济与金融文献选读课件[1].zip

    • friedman_the role of monetary policy.doc
    • friedman_the_role_of_monetary_policy.pdf
    • talor_Discretion versus policy rules in practice.pdf
  • 3.91 MB
  • 2011-11-3
  • 请参照参考文献下载.rar

    • the effcets o monetary policy shocks -- evidences from the flow of funds.pdf
    • Material Flow Analysis for Kayangel State, Republic of Palau .pdf
    • 资金流量分析方法的发展和应用.pdf
    • A Comparison of the Household Sector from the Flow of Funds Accounts and the Survey of Consumer Finances.pdf
    • Guide to Japan’s Flow of Funds Accounts.pdf
    • Improvement of Material Flow in the .pdf
    • Japan’s Financial Structure—in View of the Flow of Funds Accounts.pdf
  • 7.32 MB
  • 2011-9-16
  • International Finance.rar

    • Lecture 8 International Parities.pdf
    • Lecture 9 Discussion and Presentation-Evidence of PPP.pdf
    • Lecture 9 EVIDENCE OF PPP-additional reading material.pdf
    • Lecture 10 The New International Financial Crisis.pdf
    • Lecture 00 Introduction.pdf
    • Lecture 1 International Monetary System.pdf
    • Lecture 2-The Structure of Financial System.pdf
    • Lecture 3-Evolution of Financial System.pdf
    • Lecture 4 Monetary Policy-PBC.pdf
    • Lecture 5 Monetary Policy-Instrument.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Transmission Theories.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Inflation Target Mismatch.pdf
  • 4.82 MB
  • 2011-8-2
  • 论文ji3.rar

    • 335-bank risks and the effects of monetary policy in China.pdf
    • 284-是谁加剧了知情交易.pdf
    • 285-我国外汇市场压力研究--基于马尔可夫区制转换方法(定稿陈娟).pdf
    • 287-主权财富基金股票投资行为的微观经济效应 ——基于事件研究法的实证研究.doc
    • 290-外资银行在华经营战略及其效率研究.doc
    • 293-信贷过程中的社会网络运行机制.doc
    • 295-中国家庭负债的状况及影响因素的实证研究.doc
    • 296-基于动态随机一般均衡模型的房地产市场结构与宏观经济波动研究(中国金融学年会).pdf
    • 297-预防性储蓄动机强度的时序变化与地区差异——基于中国城镇居民的实证研究.doc
    • 300-欧洲主权债务危机:根源、影响、治理和警示(7届金融学年会).doc
    • 301-基于二手市场与理性预期的房地产市场机制研究.pdf
    • 302-金融海啸对金融上市公司股价异常变动影响的实证研究.doc
    • 303-基于银行破产的美国金融危机成因研究.doc
    • 305-中国宏观经济时序的平稳性再考察.pdf
    • 308-长寿风险对我国养老金体制的影响分析(胡仕强).doc
    • 310-中国城镇居民预防性储蓄动机强度估计.doc
    • 314-中国农村金融市场中非价格信贷配给的理论和实证分析——基于农户层面的经济分析.doc
    • 315-民间金融与农户借贷选择.pdf
    • 318-我国房市泡沫的决定性因素分析:理论与实证.pdf
    • 322-小额信贷缓解农户正规信贷配给了吗 ?.doc
    • 330-谁获得了更多的隐性收入.pdf
    • 334-When Does Capital Adequacy Ratio Fail to Indicate Capital Adequacy.pdf
    • 338-土地租赁、信息甄别与农村信用社贷款定价.doc
    • 339-公允价值会计与银行系统性风险研究.doc
    • 341-我国商业银行内部欺诈风险度量研究.doc
    • 343-银行个体特征对贷款行为差异性的影响.doc
    • 344-中国商业银行效率研究——基于资源 型两阶段DEA模型的平滑自助法实证分析.doc
    • 347-中国银行体系脆弱性的动态分析与预测.doc
    • 349-不良贷款约束下的中国上市商业银行效率和全要素生产率研究.doc
    • 352-小额贷款业务效率实证研究.doc
    • 361-信息披露、市场预期与国有商业银行的竞争策略.doc
    • 363-银行资本、银行信贷与宏观经济波动.pdf
    • 366-非利息收入有利于降低银行风险吗final.doc
    • 369-商业银行信用集中风险与经济资本测度研究.doc
    • 373-银行所有类型与上市公司流动性.pdf
  • 7.12 MB
  • 2011-5-9
  • AER20.rar

    • 1 Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization 1972 62(5) 777–95.pdf
    • 2 Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care1963 53(5) 941–73.pdf
    • 3 A Theory of Production 1928 18(1) 139–65..pdf
    • 4 An Almost Ideal Demand System1980 70.3.312-326.pdf
    • 5 National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model1965 55.5.1126-1150.pdf
    • 6 Optimal Taxation and Public Production I Production Efficiency1971 61.1.8-27.pdf
    • 6 Optimal Taxation and Public Production II Production Efficiency1971 61.3.261-278.pdf
    • 7 Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity 1977 67.3.297-308.pdf
    • 8 The Role of Monetary Policy 1968 58.1.1-17.pdf
    • 9 On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets 1980 70.3.393-408.pdf
    • 10 Migration, Unemployment and Development A Two-Sector Analysis 1970 60.1.126-142.pdf
    • 11 The Use of Knowledge in Society 1945 35.4.519-530.pdf
    • 12 Capital Theory and Investment Behavior 1963 53.2.247-259.pdf
    • 13 The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society 1974 64.3.291-303.pdf
    • 14 Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of trade 1980 70.5.950-959.pdf
    • 15 Economic Growth and Income Inequality 195545.1.1-28.pdf
    • 16 Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation tradeoffs 1973 63.3.326-334.pdf
    • 17 The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment 1958 48.3.261-297.pdf
    • 18 A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas 1961 51.4.657-665.pdf
    • 19 The Economic Theory of Agency The Principals problem 1973 63.2.134-139.pdf
    • 20 Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends 1981 71.3.421-436.pdf
    • 100 Years of the American Economic Review The Top 20 Articles.pdf
  • 20.79 MB
  • 2011-2-20
  • 2.rar

    • 335-bank risks and the effects of monetary policy in China.pdf
    • 104-全球金融一体化与中国对外资产结构异象.pdf
    • 126-人民币汇率预期特征研究——基于金融机构调查数据的实证分析(李晓峰).pdf
    • 159-基于生产函数法的季度潜在产出估计.pdf
    • 168-我国货币政策工具最优选择的考 察-基于普勒规则的扩展.pdf
    • 182-最优财政和货币政策及其福利效应分析.pdf
    • 190-经济二元、结构效应与转轨时期的货币长期非中性.pdf
    • 2-It Pays to Follow the Leader- Acquiring Targets Picked by Private Equity.pdf
    • 226-One Factor CVA Model for CDS with Counterparty Credit Risk in the Reduced Form Framework.pdf
    • 234-投资者情绪对证券价格波动的影响的理论分析、建模与模拟-会议投稿.pdf
    • 245-带两因素随机波动的衍生证券最优投资策略.pdf
    • 252-风险中性高阶矩:特征、风险与应用.pdf
    • 259-金融资产的动态非线性相关--一个新的模型.pdf
    • 260-包含定价噪音期权价格中的风险中性密度估计.pdf
    • 284-是谁加剧了知情交易.pdf
    • 285-我国外汇市场压力研究--基于马尔可夫区制转换方法(定稿陈娟).pdf
    • 296-基于动态随机一般均衡模型的房地产市场结构与宏观经济波动研究(中国金融学年会).pdf
    • 301-基于二手市场与理性预期的房地产市场机制研究.pdf
    • 305-中国宏观经济时序的平稳性再考察.pdf
    • 315-民间金融与农户借贷选择.pdf
    • 318-我国房市泡沫的决定性因素分析:理论与实证.pdf
    • 330-谁获得了更多的隐性收入.pdf
    • 334-When Does Capital Adequacy Ratio Fail to Indicate Capital Adequacy.pdf
    • 363-银行资本、银行信贷与宏观经济波动.pdf
    • 37-经营者将要退休是否影响公司绩效.pdf
    • 373-银行所有类型与上市公司流动性.pdf
    • 376-市场群体的交易性条件反射及其量化方法.pdf
    • 397-消费攀比效用函数的资产定价研究——基于马尔科夫状态转移的禀赋过程(陈瑞).pdf
    • 398-Pricing of Cross-sectional Idiosyncratic Volatility and Liquidity Bias in Emerging Market.pdf
    • 399-Equity-link Momentum.pdf
    • 40-寻租还是政府压力:基金代表了谁的利益(江萍).pdf
    • 403-Jump Spillover in Energy Futures Markets Implications for Portfolio Risk Diversification.pdf
    • 406-Do prices underreact to information.pdf
    • 407-Intraday Price Discovery and Volatility Transmission in Stock Index and Stock Index Futures Markets Evidence from China.pdf
    • 409-私有信息风险被市场定价了吗?.pdf
    • 419-公司规模和账面市值比与违约风险关系的横截面分析.pdf
    • 427-Improved Stock Market Prediction by Comb ining SVM and EMD(金融学年会).pdf
    • 435-不对称信息下的资产链定价研究.pdf
    • 441-基于不完全信息视角的中国股市投资者认知研究.pdf
    • 445-信息市场、预期消费与股市收益变动--基于投资者信息选择行为的分析(胥爱欢).pdf
    • 453-Index Investments and Financialization of Commodities.pdf
    • 459-修改稿_林建浩_中山大学_《通货膨胀与股票收益的关系研究——基于具有财务杠杆与货币效用的资产定价模型》.pdf
    • 46-股权分置改革与上市公司业绩薪酬实证研究.pdf
    • 462-Access to Equity Markets, Corporate Investments and Stock Returns International Evidence.pdf
    • 54-终极控制权法制环境与上市公司现金持有.pdf
    • 57-现金、股利与独立董事有效性.pdf
    • 58-企业生命周期视角下董事会治理结构演变及影响因素.pdf
    • 59-社会目标、雇员规模与民营化定价.pdf
    • 68-经理人变更具有治理效应吗.pdf
    • 69-中国上市公司代理成本的估算.pdf
    • 75-Will Currency Appreciation Crowd Out Domestic Consumption:Evi dence from China, Japan and Korea.pdf
  • 20.06 MB
  • 2010-12-2
  • 4q99bern.pdf
       How Useful Are Taylor Rules for Monetary Policy?

  • 310.91 KB
  • 2010-10-9
  • 国际金融学课件.rar

    • monetary policy target and function.pdf
    • An American Depositary Receipt.doc
    • barker.pdf
    • Currency_Unions.pdf
    • Exchange rate models are not as bad as you think.pdf
    • exchange rate system and brief history.doc
    • global financial and CA DIFICITS.pdf
    • i(book)nternational financial stabiity.pdf
    • M_L_condition mathmatic proof.pdf
    • Marshall lerner condition note.pdf
    • Sager_Taylor_Microscope.pdf
    • Twin_DeficitsTF[1].pdf
    • 第二章外汇的供求及其弹性.ppt
    • 第六章国际金融组织.ppt
    • 第七章最适度通货区与欧洲货币、经济一体化.ppt
    • 第三章外汇汇率.ppt
    • 第四章国际金融市场.ppt
    • 第五章国际货币体系.ppt
    • 第一章国际收支.ppt
    • 国际储备与国际储备政策.ppt
    • 国际金融练习4.doc
    • 国际收支调节政策与理论.ppt
    • 国际收支平衡表编制模拟(练习1).doc
    • 国际收支平衡表与汇率练习题(练习3).doc
    • 国际收支数字.doc
    • 国际收支习题(练习2).doc
    • 汇率决定理论.ppt
  • 11.35 MB
  • 2010-8-23
  • 耶鲁大学金融市场视频.rar

    • Lecture 4 - Portfolio Diversification and Supporting Financial Institutions.docx
    • Lecture 5 - Insurance-- The Archetypal Risk Management Institution.docx
    • Lecture 6 - Efficient Markets vs. Excess Volatility.docx
    • Lecture 7 - Behavioral Finance- The Role of Psychology.docx
    • Lecture 8 - Human Foibles, Fraud, Manipulation, and Regulation 人性的弱点,诈骗,操纵以及金融监管.docx
    • Lecture 9 - Guest Lecture by David Swensen .docx
    • Lecture 10 - Debt Markets- Term Structure.docx
    • Lecture 11 - Stocks.docx
    • Lecture 12 - Real Estate Finance and Its Vulnerability to Crisis.docx
    • Lecture 13 - Banking- Successes and Failures.docx
    • Lecture 14 - Guest Lecture by Andrew Redleaf.docx
    • Lecture 15 - Guest Lecture by Carl Icahn.docx
    • Lecture 16 - The Evolution and Perfection of Monetary Policy.docx
    • Lecture 17 - Investment Banking and Secondary Markets.docx
    • Lecture 18 - Professional Money Managers and Their Influence .docx
    • Lecture 20 - Guest Lecture by Stephen Schwarzman.docx
    • Lecture 21 - Forwards and Futures.docx
    • Lecture 22 - Stock Index, Oil and Other Futures Markets.docx
    • Lecture 24 - Making It Work for Real People- The Democratization of Finance.docx
    • Lecture 25 - Okun Lecture- Learning from and Responding to Financial Crisis-part1.docx
    • Lecture 26 - Okun Lecture- Learning from and Responding to Financial Crisis-Part II (Guest Lecture by Lawrence Summers.docx
    • ecture 19 - Brokerage, ECNs, etc.docx
    • ecture 23 - Options Markets.docx
    • Lecture 1 - Finance and Insurance as Powerful Forces in Our Economy and Society.docx
    • Lecture 2 - The Universal Principle of Risk Management- Pooling and the Hedging of Risks.docx
    • Lecture 3 - Technology and Invention in Finance.docx
  • 831.05 KB
  • 2010-8-5
  • 1980 to 1989.rar

    • 1985 An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model Of Asset Prices.pdf
    • 1986 Informational Efficiency And Information Subsets.pdf
    • 1986 Noise.pdf
    • 1986 The Efficient Market Hypothesis On Trial.pdf
    • 1988 Permanent And Temporary Components Of Stock Prices.pdf
    • 1989 Efficient Capital Markets And Martingales.pdf
    • 1980 Back On The Track With The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1980 Inside Information, Market Information And Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1980 On The Impossibility Of Informationally Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1981 An Integrated View Of Tests Of Rationality, Market Efficiency, And The Short-Run Neutrality Of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • 1981 Investing With Ben Graham-An Ex Ante Test Of The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1981 Testing The Efficiency Of The Canadian-U.S. Exchange Market Under The Assumption Of No Risk Premium.pdf
    • 1981 The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1983 A Relationship Between Regression Tests And Volatility Tests Of Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1983 Arbitrage, Factor Structure, And Mean-Variance Analysis On Large Asset.pdf
    • 1984 Efficient Markets And The Professional Investor.pdf
    • 1984 Stock Market Panics-A Test Of The Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
  • 15.79 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • inflation targetting文献英文10篇.rar

    • indonesia's monetary policy dilemma-constraints of inflation targeting.pdf
    • accountability transparency and inflation targeting.pdf
    • central bank performance under inflation targeting.pdf
    • comment.pdf
    • discussion.pdf
    • econometric inflation targeting.pdf
    • flexible commitment or inflation targeting for the us..pdf
    • inflation targeting and core inflation.pdf
    • a persperctive on inflation targeting.pdf
    • a review of inflation targeting in developed countries.pdf
  • 7.78 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • 1980 to 1989.rar

    • 1985 An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model Of Asset Prices.pdf
    • 1986 Informational Efficiency And Information Subsets.pdf
    • 1986 Noise.pdf
    • 1986 The Efficient Market Hypothesis On Trial.pdf
    • 1988 Permanent And Temporary Components Of Stock Prices.pdf
    • 1989 Efficient Capital Markets And Martingales.pdf
    • 1980 Back On The Track With The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1980 Inside Information, Market Information And Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1980 On The Impossibility Of Informationally Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 1981 An Integrated View Of Tests Of Rationality, Market Efficiency, And The Short-Run Neutrality Of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • 1981 Investing With Ben Graham-An Ex Ante Test Of The Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1981 Testing The Efficiency Of The Canadian-U.S. Exchange Market Under The Assumption Of No Risk Premium.pdf
    • 1981 The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis.pdf
    • 1983 A Relationship Between Regression Tests And Volatility Tests Of Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1983 Arbitrage, Factor Structure, And Mean-Variance Analysis On Large Asset.pdf
    • 1984 Efficient Markets And The Professional Investor.pdf
    • 1984 Stock Market Panics-A Test Of The Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
  • 15.79 MB
  • 2010-3-24
  • Monetary Policy by Peter Bofinger.rar

    • Monetary Policy by Peter Bofinger.pdf
  • 17.86 MB
  • 2010-2-4
  • Jordi Gali.rar

    • (2007)Essays on open economic, inflation and labour markets.pdf
    • (2008)Essays on new Keynesian Macroeconomics.pdf
    • (2008)Fiscal and Monetary Policy under imperfect commitment.pdf
    • (2006)Essays on Monetary and Fiscal Policy.pdf
    • ( 2007)Essays on Monetary Policy, Wage Bargaining and Fiscal Policy.pdf
  • 3.49 MB
  • 2009-12-18
  • Monetary_Policy.rar

    • 1848444427 Monetary Policy.pdf
  • 2.52 MB
  • 2009-12-8
  • NBER-China Economic Group working paper 2009.zip

    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Exporters and Importers -- Firms, Products and Trade Partners.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Land Market Auctions -- Evidence of Corruption.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Creative Accounting or Creative Destruction - Firm-level Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Credit Booms Gone Bust -- Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870–2008.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Dynamic Debt Runs.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Export Prices and Heterogeneous Firm Models.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Innovation and Institutional Ownership.pdf
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