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  • The Econometric Analysis of Transition Data.rar

    • 2.0 Part II - Inference.pdf
    • 3.2 bibliography.pdf
    • 3.3 Index.pdf
    • 3.1 Appendix 2 - Some Properties of the Laplace Transform.pdf
    • 3.0 Appendix 1 - The Gamma Function and Distribution.pdf
    • 2.11 - Residual Analysis.pdf
    • 2.10 - Misspecification Analysis.pdf
    • 2.9 - Limited Information Inference.pdf
    • 2.8 - Fully Parametric Inference.pdf
    • 2.7 - Identifiability Issues.pdf
    • 1.0 Part I - Model Building.pdf
    • 1.5 - Some Important Processes.pdf
    • 1.4 - Mixture Models.pdf
    • 1.6 - Some Structural Transition Models.pdf
    • 1.3 - Parametric Families of Duration Distributions.pdf
    • 1.2 - Covariates and the Hazard Function.pdf
    • 1.1 - Some Basic Results.pdf
    • 0.0 Frontmatter.pdf
  • 15.3 MB
  • 2019-6-7
  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2009-2010).rar

    • 2010.Statistical Methods for Disease Clustering(2010).pdf
    • 2009.A Guide to QTL Mapping with R_qtl(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Cancer Mortality and Morbidity Patterns in the U.S. Population_ An Interdisciplinary Approach.pdf
    • 2009.Clinical Prediction Models_ A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Medical Applications of Finite Mixture Models(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R(1).pdf
    • 2009.Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R(2).pdf
    • 2010.Analysing Seasonal Health Data(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Design and Analysis of Vaccine Studies(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Logistic Regression_ A Self-Learning Text(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology.pdf
    • 2010.Regression with Linear Predictors.pdf
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  • 2017-9-14
  • fmm.pdf
       Finite Mixture Models

  • 7.19 MB
  • 2017-6-16
  • Bayesian binomial mixture models for estimating abundance in ecological monitori.rar

    • Bayesian binomial mixture models for estimating abundance in ecological monitoring studies.pdf
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  • 2015-8-11
  • Mixture Models using r2winbugs.rar

    • Mixture Models using r2winbugs.pdf
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  • 2014-6-15
  • nmix.pdf
       Fitting N-mixture models with random observer effects in BUGS and ADMB

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  • 2013-12-7
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics M.rar

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  • 2012-5-13
  • Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models.zip
       书籍 Book

    • 11.Statistical Inference for Markov Switching Models.pdf
    • 12.Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Based on Markov Switching Models.pdf
    • 13.Switching State Space Models.pdf
    • A.Appendix.pdf
    • Front-Matter.pdf
    • 01.Finite Mixture Modeling.pdf
    • 02.Statistical Inference for a Finite Mixture Model with Known Number of Components.pdf
    • 03.Practical Bayesian Inference for a Finite Mixture Model with Known Number of Components.pdf
    • 04.Statistical Inference for Finite Mixture Models Under Model Specification Uncertainty.pdf
    • 05.Computational Tools for Bayesian Inference for Finite Mixtures Models Under Model Specification Uncertainty.pdf
    • 06.Finite Mixture Models with Normal Components.pdf
    • 07.Data Analysis Based on Finite Mixtures.pdf
    • 08.Finite Mixtures of Regression Models.pdf
    • 09.Finite Mixture Models with Nonnormal Components.pdf
    • 10.Finite Markov Mixture Modeling.pdf
  • 6.77 MB
  • 2010-5-15
  • 223032.rar

    • 用双广义线性模型预测非寿险未决赔款准备金.pdf
    • Generalized Linear Models Beyond the Exponential Family with Loss Reserve Applications.pdf
    • GLM Basic Modeling Avoiding Common Pitfalls.pdf
    • GLM III Advanced Modeling Strategy.pdf
    • IBNR FACTORS.pdf
    • IBNR Reserve Under a Loglinear Location-Scale Regression Model.pdf
    • IBNR索赔准备金均匀最小方差的无偏估计.pdf
    • Interpretations of Semi-Parametric Mixture Models.pdf
    • Largest Claims Reinsurance Premiums under Possible Claims Dependence.pdf
    • Local Mixtures and Exponential Dispersion Models.pdf
    • Loss Development Using Credibility.pdf
    • Loss Reserving Using Claim-Level Data.pdf
    • Loss Reserving with Limited Data.pdf
    • Mack_Venter.pdf
    • Measuring the Variability of Chain Ladder Reserve Estimates.pdf
    • Method of Testing Loss Reserves.pdf
    • Methods and Models of Loss Reserving Based on Run-Off Triangles_ A Unifying Survey.pdf
    • methods for IBNR.pdf
    • On the Analysis of the Truncated Generalized Poisson Distribution Using a Bayesian Method.pdf
    • On the Distribution of Discounted Loss Reserves Using Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • On the Distribution of Discounted Loss.pdf
    • Parameter Estimation for Bornhuetter_Ferguson.pdf
    • Predictive Distributions for Reserves which Separate True IBNR.pdf
    • Refining Reserve Runoff Ranges.pdf
    • report on An approach to the analysis of claims experience in excess of loss reinsurance.pdf
    • Some remarks on IBNR evaluation techniques.pdf
    • Stochastic ReservingMack and Bootstrapping.pdf
    • The Estimation Error in the Chain-Ladder Reserving Method_A Bayesian Approach.pdf
    • The Modified Bornhuetter-Ferguson Approach To IBNR Allocation.pdf
    • The Path of the Ultimate Loss Ratio estimate..pdf
    • The Path of the Ultimate Loss Ratio Estimate.pdf
    • The Prediction Error of the Chain Ladder Method Applied to Correlated Run-off Triangles.pdf
    • Using Claim Department Work Measurement Systems to Determine Claim Adjustment Expense Reserves.pdf
    • Variance and Covariance in Reserves Due to Inflation.pdf
    • Which Stochastic Model is Underlying the Chain Ladder Method.pdf
    • 保险公司IBNR准备金财务规定的实证研究.pdf
    • 产险业已发生已报案未决赔款准备金评估差异性实证分析.pdf
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    • 广义线性模型在非寿险精算中的应用及其研究进展.pdf
    • 广义线性模型在汽车保险定价的应用.pdf
    • 我国保险公司IBNR准备金的财务核算内涵.pdf
    • 修正IBNR法的算法及其简化.pdf
  • 27.06 MB
  • 2008-6-27
  • 188807.pdf
       Advances in Mixture Models (混合模型)

  • 5.13 MB
  • 2008-1-16
  • 118526.pdf
       [下载]McLachlan, Geoffrey and David Peel_Finite Mixture Models.pdf

  • 22.5 MB
  • 2007-5-20
  • 92385.rar
       Wiley ebook-Finite Mixture Models

  • 17.06 MB
  • 2007-2-22
  • 30685.zip
       [推荐]Statistics Ebooks

    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-10-13
  • 12111.zip
       [下载]Alan Agresti.Categorical Data Analysis

    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-4-13
  • 9492.zip
       [下载]Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis

    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-3-2