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  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2009-2010).rar

    • 2010.Statistical Methods for Disease Clustering(2010).pdf
    • 2009.A Guide to QTL Mapping with R_qtl(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Cancer Mortality and Morbidity Patterns in the U.S. Population_ An Interdisciplinary Approach.pdf
    • 2009.Clinical Prediction Models_ A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Medical Applications of Finite Mixture Models(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R(1).pdf
    • 2009.Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R(2).pdf
    • 2010.Analysing Seasonal Health Data(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Design and Analysis of Vaccine Studies(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Logistic Regression_ A Self-Learning Text(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology.pdf
    • 2010.Regression with Linear Predictors.pdf
  • 68.36 MB
  • 2017-9-14
  • Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus (2000).rar

    • Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus (2000).pdf
  • 2.96 MB
  • 2017-8-9
  • SAS for Data Analysis (Ebook).rar

    • Front Matter.pdf
    • 1. Introduction to the SAS Language.pdf
    • 2. More on SAS Programming and Some Applications.pdf
    • 3. Statistical Graphics Using SAS GRAPH.pdf
    • 4. Statistical Analysis of Regression Models.pdf
    • 5. Analysis of Variance Models.pdf
    • 6. Analysis of Variance- Random and Mixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Back Matter.pdf
  • 7.08 MB
  • 2010-7-8
  • 吴喜之 教授.rar

    • 07主成分和因子分析S.ppt
    • 08聚类分析S.ppt
    • 09判别分析S.ppt
    • 10典型相关分析S.ppt
    • 11对应分析S.ppt
    • 12时间序列.ppt
    • 13非参数检验.ppt
    • 14生存分析S.ppt
    • DataMiningWithR.pdf
    • Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus (Statistics and Computi.pdf
    • mvalectures.pdf
    • Statistics with R.pdf
    • 从数据到结论二版勘误.pdf
    • 01引言S.ppt
    • 02基本概念回顾S.ppt
    • 03统计推断S.ppt
    • 04变量的关系1.ppt
    • 04变量的关系2S.ppt
    • 05列联表对数线性模型.ppt
    • 06方差分析S.ppt
  • 46.47 MB
  • 2010-5-9
  • 112224.pdf
       免费Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus

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  • 2007-4-29
  • 85989.pdf
       [下载]Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus(Statistics and Computing)[Pinheiro&Bates_2

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  • 2007-1-21