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  • Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 6A.zip

    • Chapter-60-Nonparametric-Approaches-to-Auctions_2007_Handbook-of-Econometric.pdf
    • Chapter-67-Linking-the-Theory-with-the-Data--That-is-the-_2007_Handbook-of-E.pdf
    • Chapter-66-The-Measurement-of-Productivity-for-Na_2007_Handbook-of-Econometr.pdf
    • Chapter-61-Intertemporal-Substitution-and-Risk-Av_2007_Handbook-of-Econometr.pdf
    • Chapter-62-A-Practitioner-s-Approach-to-Estimating-Intertempo_2007_Handbook-.pdf
    • Chapter-69-Labor-Supply-Models--Unobserved-Heterogeneit_2007_Handbook-of-Eco.pdf
    • Preface-to-the-Handbook_2007_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Contents-of-the-Handbook_2007_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-65-Microeconometric-Models-of-Investment-an_2007_Handbook-of-Econome.pdf
    • Chapter-63-Econometric-Tools-for-Analyzing-Market-_2007_Handbook-of-Economet.pdf
    • Chapter-68-Models-of-Aggregate-Economic-Relationships-t_2007_Handbook-of-Eco.pdf
    • Chapter-64-Structural-Econometric-Modeling--Rationales-an_2007_Handbook-of-E.pdf
    • Author-Index-of-Volumes-6A-and-6B_2007_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Subject-Index-of-Volumes-6A-and-6B_2007_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
  • 5.76 MB
  • 2022-5-4
  • Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 7A.zip

    • Chapter-4---Asymptotic-analysis-of-statistical-decision-rules-_2020_Handbook.pdf
    • Subject-index_2020_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Preface_2020_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Introduction-by-the-founding-editors-to-the-seri_2020_Handbook-of-Econometri.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2020_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Copyright_2020_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Contributors_2020_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-2---Network-data_2020_Handbook-of-Econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Estimation-of-large-dimensional-conditional-factor-model_2020_Ha.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Generalized-instrumental-variable-models--methods--and-a_2020_Ha.pdf
    • Chapter-5---Microeconometrics-with-partial-identification-----I-thank_2020_H.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Mismeasured-and-unobserved-variable_2020_Handbook-of-Econometric.pdf
  • 7.59 MB
  • 2022-5-4
  • Microeconometrics Using Stata.zip

    • Microeconometrics Using Stata.pdf
  • 12.81 MB
  • 2016-7-26
  • Microeconometrics Using StataV2009.zip
       《Microeconometrics Using Stata》v2009

    • Microeconometrics Using StataV2009.pdf
  • 12.81 MB
  • 2015-10-25
  • Microeconometrics-Methods and ApplicationsV2005.zip
       《Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications》v2005

    • Microeconometrics-Methods and ApplicationsV2005.pdf
  • 5.84 MB
  • 2015-10-25
  • datasets used in Microeconometrics-Methods and Applications .zip
       《Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications》v2005

    • ema1996.asc
    • mma04p1wls.asc
    • mma04p3iv.asc
    • mma04p4ivweak.asc
    • mma05data.asc
    • mma06p1nl2sls.asc
    • mma07p1mltests.asc
    • mma07p4boot.asc
    • mma08p1cmtests.asc
    • mma08p2nonnested.asc
    • mma08p3diagnostics.asc
    • mma09p1np.asc
    • mma09p2npmore.asc
    • mma09p3kernels.asc
    • mma11p1boot.asc
    • mma12p2mslmsm.asc
    • mma14p1binary.asc
    • mma15p4gev.asc
    • mma16p1tobit.asc
    • mma16p3selection.asc
    • mma20p1count.asc
    • nswre74_all.asc
    • patr7079.asc
    • propensity_cps.asc
    • qreg0902.asc
    • strkdur.asc
    • vietnam_ex1.asc
    • vietnam_ex2.asc
    • nswpsid.da1
    • DATA66.dat
    • MOM.dat
    • MOMprecise.dat
    • psidf3050.dat
    • DATA66.dct
    • mma04p1wls.do
    • mma04p2qreg.do
    • mma04p3iv.do
    • mma04p4ivweak.do
    • mma05p1mle.do
    • mma05p2nls.do
    • mma05p3nlsbyml.do
    • mma05p4margeffects.do
    • mma06p2twostage.do
    • mma07p1mltests.do
    • mma07p2power.do
    • mma07p3montecarlo.do
    • mma07p4boot.do
    • mma08p1cmtests.do
    • mma08p2nonnested.do
    • mma08p3diagnostics.do
    • mma09p1np.do
    • mma09p2npmore.do
    • mma09p3kernels.do
    • mma10p1gradient.do
    • mma11p1boot.do
    • mma12p1integration.do
    • mma12p2mslmsm.do
    • mma12p3draws.do
    • mma13p1bayesthm.do
    • mma14p1binary.do
    • mma15p1mnl.do
    • mma15p2gev.do
    • mma16p1tobit.do
    • mma16p2mills.do
    • mma16p3selection.do
    • mma17p1km.do
    • mma17p2kmextra.do
    • mma17p3weib.do
    • mma17p4duration.do
    • mma18p1heterogeneity.do
    • mma19p1comprisks.do
    • mma20p1count.do
    • mma21p1panbasic.do
    • mma21p1panfeandre.do
    • mma21p2panmanual.do
    • mma21p3panresiduals.do
    • mma21p4pangls.do
    • mma22p1pangmm.do
    • mma23p1pannonlin.do
    • mma24p1olscluster.do
    • mma24p2poiscluster.do
    • mma25p1treatment.do
    • mma25p2matching.do
    • mma25p3extra.do
    • ch7dataforboot.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • mma07p4boot.dta
    • mma07p4bootreps.dta
    • mma11p1boot.dta
    • mma11p1bootreps.dta
    • nswpsid.dta
    • nswre74_control.dta
    • nswre74_treated.dta
    • probitsimresults.dta
    • propensity_cps.dta
    • qreg0902.dta
    • randdata.dta
    • strkdur.dta
    • vietnam_ex1.dta
    • vietnam_ex2.dta
    • xyforsim.dta
    • bar2.gif
    • mmadata.html
    • mmaprograms.html
    • mmaprogramsexplain.html
    • mma06p1nl2sls.lim
    • mma14p2maxscore.lim
    • mma15p3mnl.lim
    • mma15p4gev.lim
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.log
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.lst
    • mma06p1nl2sls.out
    • mma14p2maxscore.out
    • mma15p3mnl.out
    • mma15p4gev.out
    • mma13p2bayesgibbs.sas
    • mma04p1wls.txt
    • mma04p2qreg.txt
    • mma04p3iv.txt
    • mma04p4ivweak.txt
    • mma05p1mle.txt
    • mma05p2nls.txt
    • mma05p3nlsbyml.txt
    • mma05p4margeffects.txt
    • mma06p2Theil.txt
    • mma06p2twostage.txt
    • mma07p1mltests.txt
    • mma07p2power.txt
    • mma07p3montecarlo.txt
    • mma07p4boot.txt
    • mma08p1cmtests.txt
    • mma08p2nonnested.txt
    • mma08p3diagnostics.txt
    • mma09p1np.txt
    • mma09p2npmore.txt
    • mma09p3kernels.txt
    • mma10p1gradient.txt
    • mma11p1boot.txt
    • mma12p1integration.txt
    • mma12p2mslmsm.txt
    • mma12p3draws.txt
    • mma13p1bayesthm.txt
    • mma14p1binary.txt
    • mma15p1mnl.txt
    • mma15p2gev.txt
    • mma16p1tobit.txt
    • mma16p2mills.txt
    • mma16p3selection.txt
    • mma17p1km.txt
    • mma17p2kmextra.txt
    • mma17p3weib.txt
    • mma17p4duration.txt
    • mma18p1heterogeneity.txt
    • mma19p1comprisks.txt
    • mma20p1count.txt
    • mma21p1panfeandre.txt
    • mma21p2panmanual.txt
    • mma21p2panresiduals.txt
    • mma21p3panresiduals.txt
    • mma21p4pangls.txt
    • mma22p1pangmm.txt
    • mma23p1pannonlin.txt
    • mma24p1olscluster.txt
    • mma24p2poiscluster.txt
    • mma25p1treatment.txt
    • mma25p2matching.txt
    • mma25p3extra.txt
    • readme.txt
  • 3.94 MB
  • 2015-10-25
  • Internal finance and growth-Microeconometric evidence on Chinese firms.zip

    • Internal finance and growth-Microeconometric evidence on Chinese firms.PDF
  • 336.49 KB
  • 2012-10-20
  • A. Colin Cameron & Pravin K. Trivedi, Microeconometrics.rar

    • Cameron, Microeconometrics.pdf
  • 5.85 MB
  • 2012-9-17
  • A._Colin_Cameron.Microeconometrics_Methods_and_Applications.Cambridge_University.rar

    • A. Colin Cameron.Microeconometrics - Methods and Applications.Cambridge University Press.2005.pdf
  • 5.81 MB
  • 2011-12-22
  • Microeconometrics Using Stata.rar
       Microeconometrics Using Stata word版

    • Microeconometrics Using Stata.doc
  • 1.33 MB
  • 2011-10-10
  • 332283.rar

    • w4291_notes microeconometrics 2007ok .pdf
    • Panel Data lecture notes.pdf
  • 1.45 MB
  • 2009-6-1
  • 329094.pdf
       [分享][下载]鸿篇巨制Microeconometrics - Methods and ApplicationsCambridge University Press

  • 6.62 MB
  • 2009-5-24
  • 285482.pdf
       Taylor teaching Microeconometrics using stata

  • 147.93 KB
  • 2009-1-13
  • 282834.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 92.95 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 282833.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 282831.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 282830.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 282829.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 282828.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 282826.rar
       [下载]英文原版书Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 976.56 KB
  • 2009-1-4
  • 272789.pdf
       Microeconometrics-methods and applications(A.Colin Cameron&Pravin K. Trivedi)

  • 6.62 MB
  • 2008-12-3
  • 272782.pdf
       Microeconometrics-methods and applications(A.Colin Cameron&Pravin K. Trivedi)

  • 6.62 MB
  • 2008-12-3
  • 235235.rar

    • Cambridge University Press,.Microeconometrics - Methods and Applications.[2005.ISBN0521848059].pdf
  • 5.81 MB
  • 2008-8-8
  • 232071.rar
       求Microeconometrics:Methods and Applications电子版

  • 5.81 MB
  • 2008-7-30
  • 191677.rar
       Lecture notes on Microeconometrics

    • Microeconometrics Lecture Notes.pdf
  • 928.95 KB
  • 2008-2-1
  • 174136.pdf
       [下载]Microeconometrics Methods and Applications

  • 14.22 MB
  • 2007-11-16
  • 110234.pdf
       microeconometricss GMM

  • 144.06 KB
  • 2007-4-22
  • 89749.pdf
       The Analysis of Household Surveys—A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy

  • 3.56 MB
  • 2007-2-6
  • 89366.rar
       The Analysis of Household Surveys—A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy

    • The Analysis of Household Surveys—A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy 469页.pdf
  • 3.04 MB
  • 2007-2-5
  • 69947.rar
       [下载]Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

    • Part6.pdf
  • 686.77 KB
  • 2006-11-1
  • 66555.rar
       [下载]Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 478.99 KB
  • 2006-10-8
  • 66554.rar
       [下载]Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2006-10-8
  • 66553.rar
       [下载]Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2006-10-8
  • 66552.rar
       [下载]Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2006-10-8
  • 66551.rar
       [下载]Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2006-10-8
  • 9490.rar
       [分享]计量经济学手册 第六卷

    • Structural Econometric Modeling.pdf
    • The Econometrics of Data Combination.pdf
    • A Survey of Empirical Methods of Productivity Measurement and Analysis.pdf
    • Implementing Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimators .pdf
    • Linking the Theory with the Data.pdf
    • Microeconometric Models of Investment and Employment.pdf
    • Nonparametric Approaches to Auctions.pdf
  • 4.24 MB
  • 2005-3-2