大小 上传时间
  • ASIE release matched utility model patents - 424,484 records (409,070 true match.rar

    • ASIE release matched utility model patents - 424,484 records (409,070 true matches, among which 304,441 are unqiue).xlsx
  • 49.72 MB
  • 2021-7-13
  • ASIE release matched invention patents - 332,682 records (317,268 true matches, .rar

    • ASIE release matched invention patents - 332,682 records (317,268 true matches, among which 253,628 are unique).xlsx
  • 43.74 MB
  • 2021-7-13
  • ASIE release matched design patents - 398,483 records (387,250 true matches, amo.rar

    • ASIE release matched design patents - 398,483 records (387,250 true matches, among which 291,578 are unique).xlsx
  • 34.32 MB
  • 2021-7-13
  • Discrete Data Analysis-斯坦福.rar
       斯坦福大学卫生统计课程资料(课件、数据、作业、SAS程序)—Discrete Data Analysis

    • matched.sas7bdat
    • lowbw.sas7bdat
    • pill.sas7bdat
    • problemset2data.doc
    • psa.sas7bdat
    • psa.xls
    • review.doc
    • review_problems_2010.doc
    • review_problems_2011.doc
    • review_problems_2012.doc
    • review_problems_answers2012.doc
    • ReviewConcepts.doc
    • runners.sas7bdat
    • syllabus.doc
    • warmdata.xls
    • chd.sas7bdat
    • childhealth.sas7bdat
    • class.sas7bdat
    • Data_lab2.xls
    • Data_lab2.xlsx
    • HandyRef.doc
    • handyref261.pdf
    • Homework%204.doc
    • homework1.doc
    • homework2.doc
    • homework3.doc
    • homework3data.xls
    • homework4.doc
    • homework4data.xls
    • homework5.doc
    • homework6.doc
    • kyphosis.sas7bdat
    • kyphosis.xls
    • lab1.doc
    • lab1_EG.doc
    • lab2.doc
    • lab2_data.doc
    • lab2_EG.doc
    • lab3.doc
    • lab3_data.doc
    • lab3_EG.doc
    • lab4.doc
    • lab4_EG.doc
    • lab5.doc
    • lab5_EG.doc
    • lab6.doc
    • lab6_EG.doc
    • lab7.doc
    • lab7_EG.doc
    • lab8.doc
    • lab8_EG.doc
    • lecture1.ppt
    • lecture2.ppt
    • lecture3.ppt
    • lecture4.ppt
    • lecture5.ppt
    • lecture6.ppt
    • lecture7.ppt
    • lecture8.ppt
    • lecure1.ppt
    • logisticMacros.sas
  • 15.4 MB
  • 2019-7-15
  • AER2014年第六期.zip

    • Aid Under Fire_ Development Projects and Civil Con ict.pdf
    • Does Growing Up in a High Crime Neighborhood Affect Youth Criminal Behavior.pdf
    • Language, Meaning, and Games_ A Model of Communication, Coordination, and Evolution_ Comment.pdf
    • Tenure, Experience, Human Capital and Wages_ A Tractable Equilibrium Search Model of Wage Dynamics.pdf
    • The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment.pdf
    • The Size Distribution of Farms and International Productivity Diferences.pdf
    • The Wage Effects of Offshoring_ Evidence from Danish Matched Worker‐Firm Data.pdf
    • Two Pillars of Asset Pricing.pdf
    • US Food Aid and Civil Conflict .pdf
    • Who Is (More) Rational_.pdf
    • evolutionary origins of the endowment effect evidence from Hunter gatherers.pdf
    • speculative asset prices.pdf
  • 5.6 MB
  • 2014-8-13
  • Hosmer_Applied Logistic Regression.rar

    • 07 logistic regression for matched case-control.pdf
    • 00 Front Matter.pdf
    • 01 Introduction to the Logistic Regression Model.pdf
    • 02 multiple Logistic Regression.pdf
    • 03 Interpretation of the fitted logistic regression model.pdf
    • 04 model building strategies and methods.pdf
    • 05 assess the fit of the model.pdf
    • 06 application of logistic regression with different sampling models.pdf
    • 08 special topics.pdf
    • 09 addendum.pdf
    • 10 reference.pdf
    • 11 Index.pdf
  • 14.42 MB
  • 2012-9-10
  • biostat method.zip

    • 2i.Introduction.pdf
    • 2ii.SAS and R.pdf
    • 2iii.Risk.pdf
    • 2iv.Inference.pdf
    • 2iv.LogisticCompare.pdf
    • 2ix.Followup.pdf
    • 2v.Confounding.pdf
    • 2vi.Matching.pdf
    • 2vii.Standardization.pdf
    • 2viii.LogisticMultiple.pdf
    • 2viii.Outline1.pdf
    • 2x.LogisticIntro.pdf
    • 2xi.LogisticML.pdf
    • 2xii.LogisticEst.pdf
    • 2xiii.LogisticMultiple.pdf
    • 2xiv.LogisticCompare.pdf
    • 2xixLogisticVarSelection.pdf
    • 2xv.LogisticConfounding.pdf
    • 2xviLogisticCaseControl.pdf
    • 2xviiOutline2.pdf
    • 2xviiiLogisticDiagnostics.pdf
    • 2xxLogisticGEE.pdf
    • 2xxiLogisticOrdinal.pdf
    • 2xxiiOrdinalRegression
    • 2xxiiiPoissonRegression.pdf
    • 2xxivLogisticMatched.pdf
    • 2xxvROC.pdf
    • 2xxviMatching2.pdf
    • 2xxviiOutline3.pdf
    • 2xxviiiSampleSize_mini.pdf
    • Exam 2 - key.pdf
    • Exam 2.pdf
    • Final-Key.pdf
    • Final.pdf
    • Followup data.PDF
    • HW1.pdf
    • HW1_key.pdf
    • HW2.pdf
    • HW2_key.pdf
    • HW3.pdf
    • HW3_key.pdf
    • HW4.pdf
    • HW4_key.pdf
    • HW5.pdf
    • HW5_key.pdf
    • HW6.pdf
    • HW7 - Key.pdf
    • HW7.pdf
    • Inference.pdf
    • Introduction.pdf
  • 5.84 MB
  • 2011-9-17
  • 悉尼大学计量经济荣誉学位讲座专题.rar

    • 5-Panel Data Methods Application (matched pair).pdf
    • 9-Probit Model with endogeneity.pdf
    • 10-Tobit most recent 2.pdf
    • 11-Sample Selection Model modified.pdf
    • 12-ordered probit.pdf
    • 13-Delta Method.pdf
    • 14-multinomial discrete.pdf
    • 15-Mutinomial Logit Model with Endogeneity.pdf
    • Practice questions.pdf
    • sample.pdf
    • Sample 2.pdf
    • Sample Questions for Mid.pdf
    • Suggested Answers for Selected Questions in the Midterm Exam.pdf
    • 1-Endogeneity OLS&IV.pdf
    • 2-Applications of IV .pdf
    • 3-Heteroskedasticy-robust standard errors & Some Specification Tests.pdf
    • 4-Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • 6-Binary Choice Models.pdf
    • 7-Numerical Optimization.pdf
    • 8-Introduction to Gauss ECMT4030.pdf
  • 2.93 MB
  • 2010-6-25
  • 30685.zip
       [推荐]Statistics Ebooks

    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-10-13
  • 13867.rar

    • hedonic.pdf
  • 117.85 KB
  • 2005-5-4
  • 12111.zip
       [下载]Alan Agresti.Categorical Data Analysis

    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-4-13
  • 9492.zip
       [下载]Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis

    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-3-2