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  • 程序Introduction to Stochastic Processes with R.zip

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    • adjacent.R
    • AustenCount.txt
    • bbridge.R
    • bivariatenormal.R
    • bm.R
    • bmhitting.R
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    • branchPoisson.R
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    • c1brownian.R
    • c1expgrowth.pdf
    • c1expgrowth.R
    • c1gamblersruin.R
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    • globalbalance.R
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    • ising.R
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    • logistic.R
    • lungcancer.csv
    • lungcancer.xls
    • markovproc.R
    • matrixexp.R
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    • mm1queue.R
    • ornstein.R
    • ornstein2.R
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    • pattern.R
    • pattern2.R
    • perfect.R
    • perfectmono.R
    • pizza.R
    • poissonsim.R
    • powerlaw.R
    • powerlaw2.R
    • Psubordination.R
    • ReedFrost.R
    • returntime.R
    • rw1135.R
    • rw134.R
    • rw2135.R
    • SaylesCost.R
    • scriptsample.R
    • snakes.R
    • spatialPoisson.R
    • standardnormal.R
    • stochresonance.R
    • trivariate.R
    • utilities.R
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  • stata.rar
       Stata 15 documentation 官方手册配套数据

    • ilpop.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
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    • xtdatasmpl.dta
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    • womenwk.dta
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    • wellness.dta
    • weibre.dta
    • website.dta
    • wclub.dta
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    • manuf.dta
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    • hiway.dta
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    • heartsm.dta
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    • heart.dta
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    • hbp3.dta
    • hbp2.dta
    • hbp.dta
    • hardware.dta
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    • gymdata.dta
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    • gxmpl8.dta
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    • gxmpl6.dta
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    • grunfeld.dta
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    • gnp96.dta
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    • genxmpl3.dta
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    • genxmpl1.dta
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    • gdpoil.dta
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    • destring1.dta
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    • cure.dta
    • cttost.dta
    • ctset3.dta
    • ctset2.dta
    • ctset1.dta
    • ct3.dta
    • ct2.dta
    • ct.dta
    • csxmpl.dta
    • cr.dta
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    • cosmesis.dta
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    • clprogxmpl2.dta
    • clprogxmpl1.dta
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    • clippings.dta
    • class10.dta
    • citytemp3.dta
    • citytemp2.dta
    • citytemp.dta
    • circlegrid.dta
    • chowliu2.dta
    • chowliu.dta
    • cholesterol3.dta
    • cholesterol2.dta
    • cholesterol.dta
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    • child.dta
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    • census12.dta
    • census11.dta
    • census10.dta
    • census9.dta
    • census8.dta
    • census5.dta
    • census4.dta
    • census3.dta
    • census2.dta
    • census.dta
    • ccxmpl.dta
    • cbp05_14co.dta
    • cattaneo3.dta
    • cattaneo2.dta
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    • campito.dta
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    • byssin1.dta
    • byssin.dta
    • bweightex.dta
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    • brcancer.dta
    • bpwide.dta
    • bplong.dta
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    • bp3.dta
    • bp2.dta
    • bp1.dta
    • bp.dta
    • bodyfat.dta
    • bobsdata.dta
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    • bioequiv.dta
    • biochemical.dta
    • binreg.dta
    • bg2.dta
    • betablockers_wide.dta
    • betablockers_long.dta
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    • bdsianesi5.dta
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    • bdendo11.dta
    • bdendo.dta
    • bd163.dta
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    • bc.dta
    • bball.dta
    • bangladesh.dta
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    • balaam.dta
    • autosize.dta
    • autornd.dta
    • automiss.dta
    • autofull.dta
    • autoexpense.dta
    • auto7.dta
    • auto4.dta
    • auto3.dta
    • auto2yr.dta
    • auto2.dta
    • auto1.dta
    • auto.dta
    • australia10.dta
    • audiometric.dta
    • auc.dta
    • assembly.dta
    • archxmpl.dta
    • applesales.dta
    • apple.dta
    • angina.dta
    • alike.dta
    • airline.dta
    • airacc2.dta
    • airacc.dta
    • air2.dta
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    • admissions.dta
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    • acmeh.dta
    • acme.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • 401k.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • bcal_simple.raw
    • auto.csv
    • yield.dta
    • xtline1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
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    • ilpop.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • acme.dta
    • acmeh.dta
    • acmemanuf.dta
    • additive.dta
    • admissions.dta
    • adoption.dta
    • agexmpl.dta
    • air2.dta
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    • airacc2.dta
    • airline.dta
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    • angina.dta
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    • applesales.dta
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    • assembly.dta
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    • audiometric.dta
    • australia10.dta
    • auto.dta
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    • auto2.dta
    • auto2yr.dta
    • auto3.dta
    • auto4.dta
    • auto7.dta
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    • autofull.dta
    • automiss.dta
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    • _robust.dta
    • 401k.dta
  • 40.37 MB
  • 2015-4-23
  • ESLPod.精截651-700.zip
       ESLPod 学习资料

    • ESL Podcast 651 – Psychological Disorders.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 652 – Outdoor Advertising.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 653 – Reading Product Reviews.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 654 – Talking About Sound and Volume.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 655 – Staying in a Vacation Rental.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 656 – Ordering Business Stationery.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 657 – Checking Accounts and Writing Checks.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 658 – Judging a Contest.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 659 – Finding Love on Valentine's Day.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 660 – Work-Related Injuries.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 661 – Demanding an Apology.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 662 – Doctor-Patient Confidentiality.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 663 – Having Problems Concentrating.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 664 – Preparing a Video Resume.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 665 – Types of Sandwiches.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 666 – Traveling to Less Popular Sites.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 667 – Trying to Remember.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 668 – Having Cash Flow Problems.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 669 – Making Controversial Comments.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 670 – To Forgive and Forget.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 671 – Vacationing on an Island.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 672 – Asking for More Time.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 673 – Walking or Running as Exercise.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 674 – Threatening Other Countries.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 675 – Having Furniture Delivered.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 676 – Selecting a Health Insurance Plan.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 677 – Feeding a Picky Eater.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 678 – Reporting Damaged Luggage.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 679 – Getting a Makeover.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 680 – Recognizing an Unsung Hero.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 681 – Disagreeing about Religion.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 682 – Minor Medical Injuries.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 683 – Using a Video-Sharing Website.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 684 – Asking for Information About a Coworker.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 685 – Getting Feedback on Writing.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 686 – Roles Within a Family.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 687 – Shopping for a Television.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 688 – Ending a Business Relationship.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 689 – Listening to a Political Speech.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 690 – Types of Views.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 691 – Dangerous Freeway Driving.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 692 – Recommending Someone for a Job.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 693 – Following a Dress Code.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 694 – Going to the Emergency Room.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 695 – Being Late for an Event.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 696 – Investing Your Money.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 697 – Eating a School Lunch.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 698 – Making Ethnically or Racially Offensive Remarks.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 699 – Dealing With the Paparazzi.pdf
    • ESL Podcast 700 – Starting a New Workweek.pdf
    • ESLPod651.mp3
    • ESLPod652.mp3
    • ESLPod653.mp3
    • ESLPod654.mp3
    • ESLPod655.mp3
    • ESLPod656.mp3
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    • ESLPod658.mp3
    • ESLPod659.mp3
    • ESLPod660.mp3
    • ESLPod661.mp3
    • ESLPod662.mp3
    • ESLPod663.mp3
    • ESLPod664.mp3
    • ESLPod665.mp3
    • ESLPod666.mp3
    • ESLPod667.mp3
    • ESLPod668.mp3
    • ESLPod669.mp3
    • ESLPod670.mp3
    • ESLPod671.mp3
    • ESLPod672.mp3
    • ESLPod673.mp3
    • ESLPod674.mp3
    • ESLPod675.mp3
    • ESLPod676.mp3
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    • ESLPod678.mp3
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    • ESLPod680.mp3
    • ESLPod681.mp3
    • ESLPod682.mp3
    • ESLPod683.mp3
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    • ESLPod685.mp3
    • ESLPod686.mp3
    • ESLPod687.mp3
    • ESLPod688.mp3
    • ESLPod689.mp3
    • ESLPod690.mp3
    • ESLPod691.mp3
    • ESLPod692.mp3
    • ESLPod693.mp3
    • ESLPod694.mp3
    • ESLPod695.mp3
    • ESLPod696.mp3
    • ESLPod697.mp3
    • ESLPod698.mp3
    • ESLPod699.mp3
    • ESLPod700.mp3
  • 31.77 MB
  • 2014-11-30
  • 11月.rar

    • Travelport Worldwide Limited: Emerging From Quarantine; Initiate at Overweight.pdf
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    • Energy transfer (ETE-P) organic platforms pick up.pdf
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    • European Interest Rate Strategist: BTPs - Selling into Strength.pdf
    • Facebook Inc: Follow the Leader - Initiate OW.pdf
    • Fiat Chrysler:The House That Sergio Built: Initiating at OW, EUR13 Target.pdf
    • FX Morning - November 7, 2014.pdf
    • FX Pulse:2014年11月7日号.pdf
    • FX-Tract: Currency Monthly.pdf
    • Global Brands: What’s Trending This Week? The Rise of eCommerce.pdf
    • Global Brands: What’s Trending This Week? Three Global Sporting Brands Themes to Watch.pdf
    • Global CLOs: CLO Collateral Fundamentals Tracker - October 2014: Measuring A Manager’s Value(1).pdf
    • Global CLOs: CLO Collateral Fundamentals Tracker - October 2014: Measuring A Manager’s Value.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - October 31, 2014.pdf
    • Greater China Economics: Issues in Focus.pdf
    • India Economics: Inflation Outlook – More Positive Surprises in the Offing.pdf
    • Internet and Media: Bringing It All Together(1).pdf
    • Internet and Media: Bringing It All Together.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives:U.S. and the Americas, November 06, 2014.pdf
    • Key Stock Ideas into the TMT Conference.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks & US Interest Rate Strategy:Weekly Financials Call Recap: What Is Going to Drive US Rates Higher?.pdf
    • Lenovo: Mixed FY2Q Results; Reality Check Begins.pdf
    • Maritime Industries: Gas Shipping Review.pdf
    • Ping An Insurance Company: Potential H-share Private Placement.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • Rightmove Plc: Mutual Understanding.pdf
    • Royal Bank of Scotland: 3Q14: Encouraging progress on capital RCR.pdf
    • SA Property: Investing Down Under.pdf
    • Safe Bulkers: Weak Quarter Behind.pdf
    • Siemens: Lowering the Bar Again – but Power Concerns Seem Genuine.pdf
    • South African Equities: Commodity drag on the JSE.pdf
    • Starbucks Corp.:Traffic report: Slowdown, but No Jams.pdf
    • Sunday Start: What Next in the Global Economy (November 02, 2014).pdf
    • Tata Communications Ltd:Premium Data Play; Initiate at Overweight.pdf
    • The Global Macro Analyst: 主要新興国における選挙:騒ぎが収まった後―今後の見通し.pdf
    • UK Banks & Economics: FPC leverage review - less hard edged than feared; most beneficial for Barclays.pdf
    • US Economics: Fed Focus: Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro - Morgan Stanley ARIA: US Economy Speeding Up (Not Slowing Down).pdf
    • Walt Disney Co: Broadly in-line F4Q, pacings mixed.pdf
    • Weekly Credit Companion: Economy, Elections and Earnings – What’s Next?.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: No Tricks, Only Treats.pdf
    • Airline 3Q14 Review: Super-majors Still Super?.pdf
    • Alcatel-Lucent:Powering on despite US capex slowdown - stay Overweight, 35% upside to PT.pdf
    • Asia Pacific Summit 2014 Presentation: China Banks - When Giants Awake.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: The Calm Before the Yen Storm.pdf
    • AXIS Bank:Strong Earnings + Rerating = 40% Upside.pdf
    • CMBS Credit Tracker: Modification Volumes Fall To 6-year Low.pdf
    • Credit Companion:Weekly Market Thoughts and Strategy.pdf
    • Crop Tracker:Soy Complex: What Goes Up (Usually) Comes Down.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - November 2014.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy:Global In the Flow - November 2014.pdf
    • Crown Castle Corp.:3Q14 Earnings:The Dividend That You Want in Tower Land.pdf
    • Economics and Strategy Insights:USD BRL Headed to 2.80.pdf
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  • Willpower Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength.rar

    • Willpower Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength.epub
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  • 2014-5-23
  • Datasets for Stata 13 manuals.rar

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    • nhanes2f.dta
    • nhanes2jknife.dta
    • nhefs.dta
    • nhorig.dta
    • nlsw88.dta
    • nlsw88b.dta
    • nlswide1.dta
    • nlswork2.dta
    • nlswork3.dta
    • nlswork4.dta
    • nlswork5.dta
    • nlswork.dta
    • nmihs.dta
    • nmihs_bs.dta
    • nmihs_mbs.dta
    • nnhs.dta
    • nobalance.dta
    • nobetween.dta
    • ocancer.dta
    • odd1.dta
    • odd.dta
    • oddeven.dta
    • ourunsetdata.dta
    • outfilexmpl.dta
    • ovary.dta
    • overlap1.dta
    • overlap2.dta
    • p612.dta
    • p615.dta
    • p615b.dta
    • page2.dta
    • parent.dta
    • patients.dta
    • peach.dta
    • pefrate.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • permute1.dta
    • permute2.dta
    • petri.dta
    • petridish.dta
    • petrinone.dta
    • physed.dta
    • pig.dta
    • pisa2000.dta
    • pkdata2.dta
    • pkdata3.dta
    • pkdata.dta
    • pksumm.dta
    • pneumonia.dta
    • poisson1.dta
    • poisson2.dta
    • poissonwts.dta
    • pop2000.dta
    • popkahn.dta
    • poststrata.dta
    • probe.dta
    • production.dta
    • productivity.dta
    • promo.dta
    • promonone.dta
    • promotion.dta
    • psidextract.dta
    • qsales.dta
    • quad1.dta
    • quad2.dta
    • quick.dta
    • rat.dta
    • rate2.dta
    • rate2no3.dta
    • rates.dta
    • rdinc.dta
    • reading2.dta
    • reading.dta
    • recodexmpl.dta
    • regress.dta
    • regsmpl.dta
    • renamexmpl.dta
    • renpainters.dta
    • repair.dta
    • reshape1.dta
    • reshape2.dta
    • reshape3.dta
    • reshape4.dta
    • reshape6.dta
    • reshapexp1.dta
    • reshapexp2.dta
    • restaurant.dta
    • rm.dta
    • rod93.dta
    • rootstock.dta
    • run1.dta
    • runshoes.dta
    • rvary2.dta
    • rvary.dta
    • salamander.dta
    • sales1.dta
    • sales2.dta
    • sales_cert.dta
    • sandstone.dta
    • sat.dta
    • schizophrenia.dta
    • school.dta
    • selvin.dta
    • sem_1fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmm.dta
    • sem_2fmmby.dta
    • sem_cu1.dta
    • sem_hcfa1.dta
    • sem_lcm.dta
    • sem_mimic1.dta
    • sem_rel.dta
    • sem_sm1.dta
    • sem_sm2.dta
    • senile.dta
    • sewage.dta
    • sforce.dta
    • sg.dta
    • ships.dta
    • skulls.dta
    • smokes.dta
    • smoking.dta
    • smrchd.dta
    • solardistance.dta
    • sorghum.dta
    • sp2.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • sp500w.dta
    • speed_survey.dta
    • ss07ptx.dta
    • stackxmpl.dta
    • stage5a.dta
    • stage5a_jkw.dta
    • stan2.dta
    • stan3.dta
    • stanford.dta
    • statehardware.dta
    • states1.dta
    • states2.dta
    • states.dta
    • statsby.dta
    • stay.dta
    • stbasexmpl2.dta
    • stbasexmpl.dta
    • stdize.dta
    • stocks.dta
    • stptime.dta
    • strata5.dta
    • studentsurvey.dta
    • stvaryex.dta
    • sunspot.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • surface.dta
    • svy_tabopt.dta
    • svyset_wr.dta
    • sysdsn1.dta
    • sysdsn3.dta
    • sysdsn4.dta
    • systolic2.dta
    • systolic.dta
    • t43.dta
    • t77.dta
    • t713.dta
    • tabdxmpl1.dta
    • tabdxmpl2.dta
    • tabdxmpl3.dta
    • tabdxmpl4.dta
    • tabdxmpl5.dta
    • table614.dta
    • tb1yr.dta
    • test.dta
    • threegroup.dta
    • toenail.dta
    • tostring.dta
    • total.dta
    • towerlondon.dta
    • trafint.dta
    • travel.dta
    • trip1.dta
    • trip.dta
    • trocolen.dta
    • tsappend1.dta
    • tsappend2.dta
    • tsappend3.dta
    • tsfillxmpl2.dta
    • tsfillxmpl.dta
    • tsline1.dta
    • tsline2.dta
    • tsrevarex.dta
    • tsrptxmpl.dta
    • tssetxmpl2.dta
    • tssetxmpl3.dta
    • tssetxmpl4.dta
    • tssetxmpl5.dta
    • tssetxmpl.dta
    • tumor.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turnip.dta
    • tvsfpors.dta
    • twogroup.dta
    • twogrp.dta
    • twopart.dta
    • twowaytrend.dta
    • txhprice.dta
    • txpop.dta
    • udca.dta
    • uduration2.dta
    • ugdp.dta
    • union3.dta
    • union.dta
    • unrate.dta
    • urate.dta
    • urates.dta
    • uslifeexp2.dta
    • uslifeexp.dta
    • veneer.dta
    • videotrainer.dta
    • voter.dta
    • vwlsxmpl.dta
    • wclub.dta
    • website.dta
    • wi.dta
    • wlsrank.dta
    • womensat.dta
    • womenwage.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • wpi1.dta
    • xmpl1.dta
    • xmpl2.dta
    • xposexmpl.dta
    • xtdatasmpl.dta
    • xtdesxmpl.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • xthtaylor1.dta
    • xthtaylor2.dta
    • xtline1.dta
    • yield.dta
    • _robust.dta
    • 1962.dta
    • aacmer.dta
    • abdata.dta
    • acme.dta
  • 37.73 MB
  • 2014-5-15
  • eviews panel data 操作.zip
       eviews 面板操作集合

    • 1_An_introduction_to_panel_data_methods.pdf
    • cn7.pdf
    • ecmiic2.pdf
    • EViews5_1PanelPooledData.pdf
    • FromPooltoPanelusingEviews51.pdf
    • paneldataanalysis_presentation.pdf
  • 6.76 MB
  • 2012-8-31
  • ASSA 论文1.rar

    • CapitalGainsTaxesAndTheCostOfCapi_preview.pdf
    • MonetaryFiscalPolicyInteractionsAnd_preview.pdf
    • FiscalPolicyGrowthAndIncomeDistrib_preview.pdf
    • FinancialDevelopmentAndTheSourcesOf_preview.pdf
    • DoesGenderMatterForAcademicPromotio_preview.pdf
  • 1.65 MB
  • 2012-8-27
  • 120211.zip
       Matlab Codes

    • evalpot.m
    • setup.m
    • README.txt
    • cap.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • gpl.txt
    • FactorGraph.m
    • checkFactorGraph.m
    • absorb.m
    • absorption.m
    • absorptionID.m
    • ancestors.m
    • ancestralorder.m
    • ancestralsample.m
    • assign.m
    • bar3zcolor.m
    • bucketelim.m
    • condindep.m
    • condpot.m
    • dag.m
    • deltapot.m
    • descendents.m
    • disptable.m
    • divpots.m
    • edges.m
    • elimtri.m
    • eyepot.m
    • ind2subv.m
    • istree.m
    • jtassignpot.m
    • jtree.m
    • jtreeID.m
    • lengthcell.m
    • markov.m
    • maxpot.m
    • maxprodFG.m
    • maxsumpot.m
    • mostprobablepath.m
    • multpots.m
    • numstates.m
    • orderpotfields.m
    • orderpot.m
    • potscontainingonly.m
    • potvariables.m
    • randgen.m
    • replace.m
    • setdiff_unsorted.m
    • setevpot.m
    • setpot.m
    • spantree.m
    • subv2ind.m
    • triangulateComponent.m
    • sumpot.m
    • sumpots.m
    • sumprodFG.m
    • triangulate.m
    • triangulatePorder.m
    • uniquepots.m
    • validgridposition.m
    • whichpot.m
    • maxarray.m
    • connectedComponents.m
    • changevar.m
    • FactorConnectingVariable.m
    • VariableConnectingFactor.m
    • drawFG.m
    • maxNarray.m
    • maxNpot.m
    • maxNprodFG.m
    • mvrandn.m
    • dirrnd.m
    • mygamrnd.m
    • blanknames.m
    • blankstates.m
    • MesstoFact.m
    • squeezepots.m
    • MDPsolve.m
    • table.m
    • normp.m
    • argmax.m
    • potsample.m
    • logpot.m
    • condindepEmp.m
    • condMI.m
    • count.m
    • chi2test.m
    • neigh.m
    • field2cell.m
    • mynchoosek.m
    • mynanmean.m
    • MDPemDeterministicPolicy.m
    • EMqTranMarginal.m
    • EMqUtilMarginal.m
    • EMminimizeKL.m
    • EMvalueTable.m
    • EMTotalBetaMessage.m
    • sumpotID.m
    • IDvars.m
    • noselfpath.m
    • parents.m
    • children.m
    • drawJTree.m
    • drawNet.m
    • drawID.m
    • exppot.m
    • LoopyBP.m
    • MaxFlow.m
    • myones.m
    • setstate.m
    • condindepPot.m
    • myzeros.m
    • myrand.m
    • mostprobablepathmult.m
    • mynansum.m
    • isoctave.m
    • potistyped.m
    • logsigma.m
    • setfields.m
    • PCskeletonOracle.m
    • PCorient.m
    • PCskeletonData.m
    • BDscore.m
    • learnBayesNet.m
    • normpot.m
    • KLdiv.m
    • condMIemp.m
    • MIemp.m
    • squeezestates.m
    • JTsample.m
    • singleparenttree.m
    • neighboursize.m
    • argmin.m
    • IPF.m
    • nonzerovalue.m
    • empdist.m
    • learnMarkovDecomp.m
    • EntropyEmp.m
    • GibbsSample.m
    • mylogsig.m
    • grouppot.m
    • ungrouppot.m
    • groupstate.m
    • makeThinJT.m
    • gatherstrings.m
    • getdimind.m
    • EMbeliefnet.m
    • majority.m
    • nearNeigh.m
    • svdm.m
    • BayesLogRegressionRVM.m
    • CanonVar.m
    • GPreg.m
    • LogReg.m
    • avsigmaGauss.m
    • covfnGE.m
    • logdet.m
    • plsa.m
    • plsaCond.m
    • sigmoid.m
    • sigma.m
    • softloss.m
    • rbf.m
    • kernel.m
    • sqdist.m
    • BayesLinReg.m
    • HMMem.m
    • condp.m
    • condexp.m
    • HMMviterbi.m
    • HMMsmooth.m
    • HMMforward.m
    • HMMbackward.m
    • logsumexp.m
    • HMMgamma.m
    • mixMarkov.m
    • pointsCov.m
    • GMMem.m
    • Kmeans.m
    • MIXprodBern.m
    • LDSsmooth.m
    • LDSsubspace.m
    • LDSforwardUpdate.m
    • LDSbackwardUpdate.m
    • LDSforward.m
    • LDSbackward.m
    • SLDSforward.m
    • SLDSbackward.m
    • logeps.m
    • mix2mix.m
    • placeobject.m
    • sumlog.m
    • metropolis.m
    • logp.m
    • compat.m
    • betaXbiggerY.m
    • HebbML.m
    • NaiveBayesTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesTest.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTest.m
    • logZdirichlet.m
    • SARlearn.m
    • ARtrain.m
    • HMMforwardSAR.m
    • HMMbackwardSAR.m
    • HMMsmoothSAR.m
    • ARlds.m
    • pca.m
    • hinton.m
    • FA.m
    • plotCov.m
    • GaussCond.m
    • SVMtrain.m
    • cca.m
    • SLDSmargGauss.m
    • binaryMRFmap.m
    • GPclass.m
    • cliquedecomp.m
    • rasch.m
    • conjgrad.m
    • Contents.m
  • 4.63 MB
  • 2012-3-20
  • 航空公司资料合集.rar

    • 航空公司服务--Travelport GDS与中华航空公司达成扩展合作.doc
    • 航空公司产品--海航舒适A舱产品规定的通知(新的).DOC
    • 航空公司产品--海南航空股份有限公司、大新华航空有限公司国内航班多等级舱位管理规定.doc
    • 航空公司产品--南航“广深一票通”服务.doc
    • 航空公司服务--东航论服务的一致性.doc
    • 航空公司服务--关键时刻—以服务促销售.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航2010年3季度工作小结.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航《2010年95539投诉汇总》.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航《CBD客舱系统用户操作指引》.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航《客舱系统亚运品牌服务保障方案》.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航短信乘机使用手册.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航网上乘机使用手册.doc
    • 航空公司服务--南航网上订餐使用手册.pdf
    • 航空公司服务--深圳航空顾客服务指南(第三版).doc
    • 航空公司服务--中国东方航空手机值机服务须知.doc
    • 航空公司服务--做好高端旅客销售服务工作.doc
    • 航空公司战略--国航未来的十年(孔栋).doc
    • 航空公司战略--南航持续发展战略.pdf
    • 航空公司战略--浅析深圳航空公司服务营销战略和策略.doc
    • 航空公司战略--上海航空公司发展战略研究.doc
    • 航空公司战略--西南航空的战略定位.doc
    • 航空公司战略--中国南方航空公司战略分析.doc
  • 5.23 MB
  • 2011-6-16
  • Self-Discipline.zip

    • Willpower and Self Discipline - One Free Chapter.pdf
    • Activities Can Help Build Self-Discipline.pdf
    • Disciplinary Practices, Parenting Styles, and The Development of.pdf
    • Leadership Qualities_ Self-Discipline Dr.Kenneth Boa.pdf
    • Self- Discipline - Wiley - Home.pdf
    • Self-Discipline in 10 days.pdf
    • Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents.pdf
    • Self-Discipline Overview.pdf
    • Self-Discipline_ Half Full or Half Empty.pdf
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2011-4-27
  • AMOS英文视频教程--Ordered-categorical+Data.rar

    • OrdinalPosteriorPredictiveFactorScores[1].swf
    • OrdinalPosteriorPredictive[1].swf
    • OrdinalDataRecode[1].swf
    • OrdinalFactorAnalysis[1].swf
    • OrdinalImputation[1].swf
    • AMOS英文视频教程--Linear+Growth+Curve.rar
  • 22.62 MB
  • 2011-4-24
  • s notes.rar

    • 3 optimalpolicyhandout[1].pdf
    • 1 solving_handout[1].pdf
    • 10 lectureVARpart2[1].pdf
    • 2 openeconomy[1].pdf
    • 4 papernew[1].pdf
    • 5 perturbationnotes[1].pdf
    • 6 perturbationhandout[1].pdf
    • 7 estimationhandout[1].pdf
    • 8 lectureVARpart1[1].pdf
    • 9 ckmcritiquehandout[1].pdf
    • 15 components[1].pdf
    • 16 Theory_of_Demand[1].pdf
    • Larry Christiano’s lecture notes.doc
    • 11 financialfrictions[1].pdf
    • 12 twoperiodbgg[1].pdf
    • 13 borrowing[1].pdf
    • 14 presentation[1].pdf
  • 15.83 MB
  • 2010-9-3
  • 零售业国际化1.rar

    • dtt_globalpowersofretailing2010.pdf
    • 略论零售业的国际化模式.pdf
    • 55dcc909851c80acb3a8f8c844a6cf4a-Pages from 1 Retailing within an international context.pdf
    • 8961.pdf
    • 9901.pdf
    • Beispielaufbau_konzeptioneller_Arbeiten.pdf
    • brandswb.pdf
    • cedric_durand_1.pdf
    • econgeog2006(1).pdf
    • Explaining the Pattern of Foreign.pdf
    • Failed retail attempts in Chile.pdf
    • implications of internationalization.pdf
    • international expansion of Japan.pdf
    • LinkClick.pdf
    • Some Challenges For Management And.pdf
    • structural change and globalization of retail industry.pdf
    • Tilly-Wal-Mart-Lichtensteinbook-rev-5.01.05.pdf
    • what matters about internationalization.pdf
    • 大型国际化零售企业经营绩效的影响因素分析.pdf
    • 大型零售企业的初始国际化决策研究_关于大型_省略_始国际化的时间及其市场和方式选.pdf
    • 大型零售企业的国际市场选择模式比较.pdf
    • 国际化程度与企业绩效关系市政研究总述.pdf
    • 国际零售业发展趋势及我国零售业发展的对策.pdf
    • 国外零售国际化理论研究进展_一个文献综述.pdf
    • 零售国际化失败_以沃尔玛在德国为例.pdf
    • 零售国际化失败的原因剖析_基于阿霍德海外市场撤退的透视.pdf
    • 零售企业国际化动因初探.pdf
    • 零售商业的国际化及其原因分析.pdf
    • 零售业国际化不同模式的比较研究.pdf
    • 零售业国际化的动因和战略选择.pdf
    • 零售业国际化的区位选择和空间扩张模式.pdf
    • 零售业国际化发展的趋势和我国企业的对策.pdf
    • 零售业国际化经验及其启示.pdf
  • 13.85 MB
  • 2010-7-11
  • OrdinalPosteriorPredictiveFactorScores.rar

    • OrdinalPosteriorPredictiveFactorScores[1].swf
  • 2.66 MB
  • 2010-4-11
  • OrdinalPosteriorPredictive.rar

    • OrdinalPosteriorPredictive[1].swf
  • 2.45 MB
  • 2010-4-11
  • 经济学教程3.zip

    • publicfinancialpolicy.zip
    • nash.zip
    • nmarkbook.pdf
    • pfweb.zip
    • premat99.zip
  • 5.35 MB
  • 2010-3-16
  • Probability and Statistics for Engineers by walpole solutions.rar

    • Probability and Statistics for Engineers by walpole solutions.pdf
  • 1.22 MB
  • 2010-2-1
  • 小游戏.zip

    • realpool.xls
    • bubble.xls
    • golf.xls
    • pacman.xls
    • Parking.xls
    • tennis3.xls
    • Tetris.xls
  • 1.77 MB
  • 2009-8-6
  • 97630.rar

    • Whirlpool.rar
    • 代顿哈德森公司如何走出困境研究动态竞争情况下的战略调整.doc
  • 84.78 KB
  • 2007-3-11
  • 39407.rar
       principle of finance -------------lecture notes

    • ec7084LCAPMandAPT.pdf
    • ec7084LFinArithm.pdf
    • EC7084LIntro.pdf
    • EC7084LPortfolioSelect.pdf
    • ec7084LRiskReturn.pdf
    • EC7084LCapitalMkts.pdf
  • 678.23 KB
  • 2006-2-11