大小 上传时间
  • MVAPureData.zip

    • kmeansFig.csv
    • 3g1.csv
    • Artif0.csv
    • Artif1.csv
    • BostonHousing2.csv
    • CTG.NAOMIT.csv
    • Dance.jpg
    • Full.AAUP.csv
    • Greek.jpg
    • Income0.csv
    • IncomeCA.csv
    • LA.Neighborhoods.csv
    • PF.JPG
    • States.csv
    • Trans.csv
    • VG.jpg
    • XMY.JPG
    • classclust.csv
    • flower.csv
    • market.JPG
    • oliveoil.csv
    • peas.csv
    • pendigits.csv
    • seeds.csv
    • statex77.csv
    • who1.csv
  • 6.25 MB
  • 2024-9-5
  • kmeans_cluster.txt

  • 853 Bytes
  • 2019-11-25
  • 42文本挖掘案例.zip

    • 星巴克.txt
    • a.txt
    • AddWords.txt
    • Baltimore_City_Employee_Salaries_FY2016.csv
    • basketball.csv
    • basketball_code.txt
    • bike.csv
    • bike.txt
    • cf.txt
    • directory.csv
    • dog.ipynb
    • Everything-
    • iris.txt
    • item_book.txt
    • k-means_python.ipynb
    • k-means_sklean.ipynb
    • sklearn-KMEANS.ipynb
    • stopwords.txt
    • test.csv
    • tips.txt
    • 公务员工资.txt
    • 基于电商数据与文本挖掘的竞品分析.pdf
  • 8.31 MB
  • 2019-3-1
  • kmeans.txt

  • 470 Bytes
  • 2017-12-27
  • 基于SOA的K-means算法.rar

    • get_cluster_data.m
    • Kmeans_fun.m
    • 传统的Kmeans算法.m
    • SOA_Kmeans_Image_Segmentation_ysw.m
    • 回转窑2.jpg
    • center_nearest.m
  • 11.96 KB
  • 2017-9-6
  • kmeans.zip

    • kmeans.py
  • 1.27 KB
  • 2016-3-20
  • EMfc.zip

    • kmeansit.m
    • confreg.m
    • EMfc.m
  • 3.59 KB
  • 2013-9-12
  • R introduction 约翰 霍普金斯大学.rar
       约翰 霍普金斯大学 Jeff Leek 基础统计及R语言应用入门(课程名《数据分析》)的所有课件与数据

    • kmeansClustering.pdf
    • bootstrap.pdf
    • bootstrapPrediction.pdf
    • clusteringExample.pdf
    • combiningPredictors.pdf
    • countOutcomes.pdf
    • courseWrapUp.pdf
    • crossValidation.pdf
    • dataMungingBasics.pdf
    • dataResources.pdf
    • dimensionReduction.pdf
    • exampleProject.zip
    • exploratoryGraphs1.pdf
    • exploratoryGraphs2.pdf
    • expositoryGraphs.pdf
    • factorVariables.pdf
    • gettingData1.pdf
    • gettingData1 (1).pdf
    • gettingData2.pdf
    • inferenceBasics.pdf
    • loansCodebook.pdf
    • loansData.csv
    • loansData.rda
    • modelChecking.pdf
    • multipleFactors.pdf
    • multipleTesting.pdf
    • multipleVariables.pdf
    • organizingADataAnalysis.pdf
    • predictingRegression.pdf
    • predictingTrees.pdf
    • predictionStudyDesign.pdf
    • pValues.pdf
    • realData.pdf
    • representingData.pdf
    • representingDataR.pdf
    • simulationBasics.pdf
    • simulationForModelChecking.pdf
    • smoothing.pdf
    • sourcesOfDataSets.pdf
    • structureOfADataAnalysis1.pdf
    • structureOfADataAnalysis2.pdf
    • summarizingData.pdf
    • typesOfQuestions.pdf
    • whatIsData.pdf
    • basicLeastSquares.pdf
    • binaryOutcomes.pdf
  • 35.88 MB
  • 2013-4-7
  • 120211.zip
       Matlab Codes

    • setup.m
    • README.txt
    • cap.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • gpl.txt
    • FactorGraph.m
    • checkFactorGraph.m
    • absorb.m
    • absorption.m
    • absorptionID.m
    • ancestors.m
    • ancestralorder.m
    • ancestralsample.m
    • assign.m
    • bar3zcolor.m
    • bucketelim.m
    • condindep.m
    • condpot.m
    • dag.m
    • deltapot.m
    • descendents.m
    • disptable.m
    • divpots.m
    • edges.m
    • elimtri.m
    • evalpot.m
    • eyepot.m
    • ind2subv.m
    • istree.m
    • jtassignpot.m
    • jtree.m
    • jtreeID.m
    • lengthcell.m
    • markov.m
    • maxpot.m
    • maxprodFG.m
    • maxsumpot.m
    • mostprobablepath.m
    • multpots.m
    • numstates.m
    • orderpotfields.m
    • orderpot.m
    • potscontainingonly.m
    • potvariables.m
    • randgen.m
    • replace.m
    • setdiff_unsorted.m
    • setevpot.m
    • setpot.m
    • spantree.m
    • subv2ind.m
    • triangulateComponent.m
    • sumpot.m
    • sumpots.m
    • sumprodFG.m
    • triangulate.m
    • triangulatePorder.m
    • uniquepots.m
    • validgridposition.m
    • whichpot.m
    • maxarray.m
    • connectedComponents.m
    • changevar.m
    • FactorConnectingVariable.m
    • VariableConnectingFactor.m
    • drawFG.m
    • maxNarray.m
    • maxNpot.m
    • maxNprodFG.m
    • mvrandn.m
    • dirrnd.m
    • mygamrnd.m
    • blanknames.m
    • blankstates.m
    • MesstoFact.m
    • squeezepots.m
    • MDPsolve.m
    • table.m
    • normp.m
    • argmax.m
    • potsample.m
    • logpot.m
    • condindepEmp.m
    • condMI.m
    • count.m
    • chi2test.m
    • neigh.m
    • field2cell.m
    • mynchoosek.m
    • mynanmean.m
    • MDPemDeterministicPolicy.m
    • EMqTranMarginal.m
    • EMqUtilMarginal.m
    • EMminimizeKL.m
    • EMvalueTable.m
    • EMTotalBetaMessage.m
    • sumpotID.m
    • IDvars.m
    • noselfpath.m
    • parents.m
    • children.m
    • drawJTree.m
    • drawNet.m
    • drawID.m
    • exppot.m
    • LoopyBP.m
    • MaxFlow.m
    • myones.m
    • setstate.m
    • condindepPot.m
    • myzeros.m
    • myrand.m
    • mostprobablepathmult.m
    • mynansum.m
    • isoctave.m
    • potistyped.m
    • logsigma.m
    • setfields.m
    • PCskeletonOracle.m
    • PCorient.m
    • PCskeletonData.m
    • BDscore.m
    • learnBayesNet.m
    • normpot.m
    • KLdiv.m
    • condMIemp.m
    • MIemp.m
    • squeezestates.m
    • JTsample.m
    • singleparenttree.m
    • neighboursize.m
    • argmin.m
    • IPF.m
    • nonzerovalue.m
    • empdist.m
    • learnMarkovDecomp.m
    • EntropyEmp.m
    • GibbsSample.m
    • mylogsig.m
    • grouppot.m
    • ungrouppot.m
    • groupstate.m
    • makeThinJT.m
    • gatherstrings.m
    • getdimind.m
    • EMbeliefnet.m
    • majority.m
    • nearNeigh.m
    • svdm.m
    • BayesLogRegressionRVM.m
    • CanonVar.m
    • GPreg.m
    • LogReg.m
    • avsigmaGauss.m
    • covfnGE.m
    • logdet.m
    • plsa.m
    • plsaCond.m
    • sigmoid.m
    • sigma.m
    • softloss.m
    • rbf.m
    • kernel.m
    • sqdist.m
    • BayesLinReg.m
    • HMMem.m
    • condp.m
    • condexp.m
    • HMMviterbi.m
    • HMMsmooth.m
    • HMMforward.m
    • HMMbackward.m
    • logsumexp.m
    • HMMgamma.m
    • mixMarkov.m
    • pointsCov.m
    • GMMem.m
    • Kmeans.m
    • MIXprodBern.m
    • LDSsmooth.m
    • LDSsubspace.m
    • LDSforwardUpdate.m
    • LDSbackwardUpdate.m
    • LDSforward.m
    • LDSbackward.m
    • SLDSforward.m
    • SLDSbackward.m
    • logeps.m
    • mix2mix.m
    • placeobject.m
    • sumlog.m
    • metropolis.m
    • logp.m
    • compat.m
    • betaXbiggerY.m
    • HebbML.m
    • NaiveBayesTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesTest.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTest.m
    • logZdirichlet.m
    • SARlearn.m
    • ARtrain.m
    • HMMforwardSAR.m
    • HMMbackwardSAR.m
    • HMMsmoothSAR.m
    • ARlds.m
    • pca.m
    • hinton.m
    • FA.m
    • plotCov.m
    • GaussCond.m
    • SVMtrain.m
    • cca.m
    • SLDSmargGauss.m
    • binaryMRFmap.m
    • GPclass.m
    • cliquedecomp.m
    • rasch.m
    • conjgrad.m
    • Contents.m
  • 4.63 MB
  • 2012-3-20
  • R Statistical_ KMeans Clustering Part 1 of 2.zip

    • R Statistical_ KMeans Clustering Part 1 of 2.webm
  • 4.85 MB
  • 2011-10-22
  • DataMining.Clustering.KMean.zip

    • KdKeys.DataMining.Clustering.KMeans.suo
    • KdKeys.DataMining.Clustering.KMeans.sln
  • 9.88 KB
  • 2010-1-7
  • 182111.zip
       The R Book 950的数据文件

    • kmeansdata.txt
    • a.txt
    • Ancovacontrasts.txt
    • anova.data.txt
    • aplam.txt
    • asymptotic.txt
    • B1.txt
    • B2.txt
    • B3.txt
    • B4.txt
    • B5.txt
    • B6.txt
    • B7.txt
    • B8.txt
    • b.txt
    • berks.txt
    • bioassay.txt
    • bloodcells.txt
    • blowfly.txt
    • bowens.csv
    • box.txt
    • boxy.txt
    • bubble.txt
    • c.txt
    • cancer.txt
    • car.test.frame.txt
    • cases.txt
    • cells.txt
    • chicks.txt
    • chris.txt
    • clusters.txt
    • colony.txt
    • competition.txt
    • compexpt.txt
    • contrasts.txt
    • crossover.txt
    • cull.txt
    • curvedata.txt
    • cv.map.txt
    • daphnia.txt
    • das.txt
    • dates.csv
    • dates.txt
    • Decay.txt
    • density.txt
    • diminish.txt
    • distribution.txt
    • dombryo.txt
    • dups.txt
    • epilobium.txt
    • error.bars.txt
    • ethanol.txt
    • exceldates.csv
    • expt1.txt
    • f.test.data.txt
    • factorial.txt
    • factories.txt
    • farms.txt
    • fertilizer.txt
    • fh.txt
    • fisher.txt
    • fishery.txt
    • fishes.txt
    • fishing.txt
    • flies.txt
    • flo.txt
    • flowering.txt
    • fltimes.txt
    • fol.txt
    • freqs.txt
    • functionalresponse.txt
    • fung.txt
    • Fungi.txt
    • Gain.txt
    • gales.txt
    • gammaplot.txt
    • garden.ozone.txt
    • gardens.txt
    • germination.txt
    • grasshopper.txt
    • growth.txt
    • herbicides.txt
    • hier.txt
    • hist.txt
    • houses.txt
    • hre.txt
    • hump.txt
    • hypermasc.txt
    • idealfreeducks.txt
    • incidence.txt
    • induced.txt
    • infection.txt
    • insects.txt
    • interaction.txt
    • ipomopsis.txt
    • irrigation.txt
    • island.txt
    • isolation.txt
    • jantemp.txt
    • jaws.txt
    • kelly.txt
    • kmnos.txt
    • kmx.txt
    • kmy.txt
    • lackoffit.txt
    • lambdas.txt
    • Levels.txt
    • lex.txt
    • lifeforms.txt
    • light.txt
    • lizards.txt
    • lmedata1.txt
    • lmedata2.txt
    • lmedata3.txt
    • lodata.txt
    • logistic.txt
    • logplots.txt
    • longdata.txt
    • Lynx.txt
    • manova2.txt
    • manova.txt
    • map.places.csv
    • map.places.txt
    • mm.txt
    • mode.txt
    • monocultures.txt
    • multivariate.txt
    • murders.txt
    • myco.txt
    • mytest.txt
    • naydf2.txt
    • naydf.txt
    • nays.txt
    • nbnumbers.txt
    • nl.txt
    • nlme.txt
    • nonlinear.txt
    • nvc.txt
    • occupation.txt
    • om.txt
    • oneway.txt
    • Ovary.txt
    • owlrings.txt
    • oxford weather.txt
    • oy.txt
    • ozone.data.txt
    • pair.txt
    • paired.txt
    • panels.txt
    • Parasite.txt
    • parasites.txt
    • pgfull.txt
    • pgnine.txt
    • pgr.txt
    • pgstability.txt
    • pgvar.txt
    • phosphorus.txt
    • photoperiod.txt
    • pieces.txt
    • piedata.csv
    • piedata.txt
    • pig.txt
    • plotdata.txt
    • plotfit.txt
    • plots.txt
    • pointsdata.txt
    • Pollute.txt
    • poly.txt
    • power.txt
    • power.x.txt
    • power.y.txt
    • Practice.txt
    • productivity.txt
    • rabbitfences.txt
    • ragwort.txt
    • ragwortmap2006.txt
    • rats.txt
    • reaction.txt
    • refuge.txt
    • regdat.txt
    • regression.txt
    • repeated.txt
    • repmeasures.txt
    • report.txt
    • results.txt
    • roaches.txt
    • robreg.txt
    • rt2.txt
    • rt.txt
    • sales.txt
    • sapdecay.txt
    • sasilwood.txt
    • scatter1.txt
    • scatter2.txt
    • seedlings.txt
    • seedoutput.txt
    • seeds.txt
    • seedwts.txt
    • sexratio2.txt
    • sexratio.txt
    • silwoodrank.txt
    • silwoodspecies.txt
    • SilwoodWeather.txt
    • sizes.txt
    • skeletons.txt
    • skewdata.txt
    • sleep.txt
    • slugsurvey.txt
    • smoothing.txt
    • soaysheep.txt
    • soaytest.txt
    • soil.txt
    • sortdata.txt
    • sp1.txt
    • sp2.txt
    • spatialdata.txt
    • species.txt
    • Speciesarea.txt
    • spending.txt
    • splitcounts.txt
    • splitplot.txt
    • splityield.txt
    • sslogistic.txt
    • stat051.txt
    • stream.txt
    • streams.txt
    • sulphur.dioxide.txt
    • sward.txt
    • sweepdata.txt
    • t.test.data.txt
    • table.txt
    • tabledata.txt
    • tannin.txt
    • taxa.txt
    • taxon.txt
    • taxonomy.txt
    • tdata.txt
    • temp.txt
    • test.txt
    • threes.txt
    • timber.txt
    • time formats.txt
    • times.txt
    • transgenic.txt
    • trees.txt
    • twosample.txt
    • twoseries.txt
    • twoway.txt
    • varcalc.txt
    • Varcell.txt
    • w.test.data.txt
    • weibull.growth.txt
    • wings.txt
    • worldfloras.txt
    • worms2.txt
    • worms.missing.txt
    • worms.txt
    • wormsna.txt
    • xh.txt
    • xv2.txt
    • xv.txt
    • xvals.txt
    • yields.txt
    • Yoda.txt
    • ys2.txt
    • ys.txt
    • yvals.txt
    • zvals.txt
  • 453.72 KB
  • 2007-12-16