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  • 宋铮 短期课程 ppt和课件.rar

    • heish klenow 2009 资源错配.pdf
    • identifying capital misallocation.pdf
    • klttte and kortum 2012 创新 学习的微观基础.pdf
    • lecture4中国经济制度Institutional Foundation of China’s Growth.pdf
    • lecture5 r&d distortion 第五次课ppt.pptx
    • lecture6零收中的扭曲.pdf
    • The Transformation of the State Sector in China.pdf
    • 创新与学习的混合 热统计物理方法的应用.pdf
    • 中国的资本回报率.pdf
    • china capital mislocation figures_tables.pdf
    • hsieh song中国企业转型中抓大放小.pdf
  • 7.99 MB
  • 2016-4-21

  • 165.36 KB
  • 2014-9-13
  • Handbook.zip

    • Ch11 Gertler & Kiyotaki.pdf
    • Ch12 Adrian & Shin.pdf
    • Ch13 Schmitt-Grohe & Uribe.pdf
    • Ch14 Woodford.pdf
    • Ch15 Taylor & Williams.pdf
    • Ch16 Corsetti et al.pdf
    • Ch17 Canzoneri et al.pdf
    • Ch18 Alesina & Stella.pdf
    • Ch19 Gaspar et al.pdf
    • Ch20 Hansen & Sargent.pdf
    • Ch21 Benati & Goodhart.pdf
    • Ch22 Svensson.pdf
    • Ch23 Ball.pdf
    • Ch24 Friedman & Kuttner.pdf
    • Ch25 Frankel.pdf
    • Index 3A.pdf
    • Index 3B.pdf
    • Intro to the Series.pdf
    • Preface.pdf
    • Ch01 Wallace.pdf
    • Ch02 Williamson & Wright.pdf
    • Ch03 McCallum & Nelson.pdf
    • Ch04 Sims.pdf
    • Ch05 Mankiw & Reis.pdf
    • Ch06 Klenow & Malin.pdf
    • Ch07 Christiano et al.pdf
    • Ch08 Boivin et al.pdf
    • Ch09 Fuhrer.pdf
    • Ch10 Gali.pdf
  • 24.04 MB
  • 2011-2-10
  • international trade Jonathan Eaton.rar

    • Alv_Lucas_JME2007.pdf
    • Anderson_vanWin_AER2003.pdf
    • Chaney_AER08.pdf
    • Chipman1.pdf
    • DFSAER1977.pdf
    • FeenstraAER94.pdf
    • FlamHelpmanAER87.pdf
    • FribergGanslandtJIE06.pdf
    • Chipman3.pdf
    • HummelsKlenow.pdf
    • HummelsKlenowAER05.pdf
    • Chipman2.pdf
    • HummelsSkibaJPE.pdf
    • KrugmanJPE79.pdf
    • MelitzEM03.pdf
    • SilvaTenREStat06.pdf
    • TreflerJPE93.pdf
  • 30.97 MB
  • 2009-9-2
  • 80315.rar
       Charles I. Jones的经济增长论文(经典)

    • Economic Growth and the Relative Price of Capital.pdf
    • A New Proof of Uzawa's Steady-State Growth Theorem.pdf
    • A Note on the Closed-Form Solution of the Solow Model.pdf
    • Comment on Klenow-Rodriguez, [The Neoclassical Growth Revival--Has it Gone too Far].pdf
    • Comment on Rodriguez-Rodrik, [Trade Policy and Economic Growth- A Skeptic's Guide to the Cross-National Evidence].pdf
    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Productivity Convergence and Measurement Across Industries and Countries.pdf
    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Reply.pdf
    • Convergence Revisited.pdf
  • 4.21 MB
  • 2006-12-25
  • 80173.rar
       Charles I. Jones的经济增长论文(经典)

    • Productivity and Convergence across U.S. States and Industries.pdf
    • A New Proof of Uzawa's Steady-State Growth Theorem.pdf
    • A Note on the Closed-Form Solution of the Solow Model.pdf
    • Comment on Klenow-Rodriguez, [The Neoclassical Growth Revival--Has it Gone too Far].pdf
    • Comment on Rodriguez-Rodrik, [Trade Policy and Economic Growth- A Skeptic's Guide to the Cross-National Evidence].pdf
    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Productivity Convergence and Measurement Across Industries and Countries.pdf
    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Reply.pdf
    • Convergence Revisited.pdf
    • Economic Growth and the Relative Price of Capital.pdf
    • Growth and Ideas.pdf
    • Growth-- With or Without Scale Effects.pdf
    • Growth, Capital Shares, and a New Perspective on Production Functions.pdf
    • Levels of Economic Activity across Countries.pdf
    • Measuring the Social Return to R&D.pdf
    • On the Evolution of the World Income Distribution.pdf
    • Population and Ideas-- A Theory of Endogenous Growth.pdf
  • 7.46 MB
  • 2006-12-25