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    • -1935-Hicks-Annual Survey of Economic Theory The Theory of Monopoly.pdf
    • -1972-Barro-A_Theory_of_Monopolistic_Price_Adjustment.pdf
    • -1983-calvo-Staggered prices in a utility-maximizing framework .pdf
    • -1984-Rotemberg-A Supergame-Theoretical Model of Price Wars during Boomsrt7.pdf
    • -1989-Bailey Brorsen Price asymmetry in spatial fed cattle markets[J]. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics.pdf
    • -1994-Ball and Mankiw-Asymmetric Price Adjustments and Economic Fluctuations’.pdf
    • -2002-Mankiw N G, Reis-Sticky Information versus Sticky Price.pdf
    • -2004-gewecke-综述油-Issues in the rockets and feathers gasoline price literature.pdf
    • -2005-Asymmetric Wholesale Pricingpdf.pdf
    • -2005-Rotemberg -Customer anger at price increases, changes in the frequency of price adjustment and monetary policy[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics..pdf
    • -2009-Kleshchelski-Market share and price rigidity.pdf
    • -2010-Price settinginforward-lookingcustomermarkets.pdf
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  • 2013-9-6
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    • Why Are Beveridge-Nelson and Unobserved-Component Decompositions of GDP So Different.pdf
    • A Beveridge–Nelson smoother .pdf
    • A state–space approach to calculating the Beveridge–Nelson decomposition .pdf
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  • 2006-5-14