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  • journal of law and economics 20篇引用率最高的论文.zip

    • Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
    • Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and Accounting Scandals.pdf
    • Durability and Monopoly.pdf
    • Free Competition and the Optimal Amount of Fraud.pdf
    • Independent Actor or Agent_ An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of U.S. Interests on International Monetary Fund Conditions.pdf
    • Inequality and Violent Crime.pdf
    • Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Sentencing_ Evidence from the U.S. Federal Courts.pdf
    • Sex Offender Registries_ Fear without Function_.pdf
    • The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure Laws on Product Choices_ An Analysis of the Salad Dressing Market.pdf
    • The Informational Role of Warranties and Private Disclosure about Product Quality.pdf
    • The Jeffords Effect.pdf
    • Toward a more general theory of regulation.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Using Financial Data to Measure Effects of Regulation.pdf
    • Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive contracting process.pdf
    • Who Owns the Media_.pdf
    • separation of ownership and control.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • theory of the firm and the structure of the franchise.pdf
  • 18.33 MB
  • 2014-8-16
  • Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.26, No.2.zip

    • Front Cover.pdf
    • Introduction.pdf
    • Literature of Economics The case of Berle and Means, The.pdf
    • Literature of Economics The case of Berle and Means,The Comment.pdf
    • Modern Corporation and Private Property A Reappraisal, The.pdf
    • Modern Corporation and Private Property A Reappraisal, The Comment.pdf
    • Hessen's reappraisal.pdf
    • Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
    • Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
    • Organiazation Form, Residual Claimants and Corporate Control.pdf
    • Contracting Costs and Residual Claims The Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
    • Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm, The.pdf
    • Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm, The Comment.pdf
    • Voting in Corporate Law.pdf
    • Extent and Effects of Aggregate Concentration, The.pdf
    • Professor Weiss on Concentration.pdf
    • Corporate Power in the Marketplace.pdf
    • Administered Prices Fifty Years Later Comment on Gardiner C. Means Corporate Power in Marketplace.pdf
    • Back Cover.pdf
  • 23.78 MB
  • 2010-3-12
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  • 2004-11-7
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       一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics(接上)

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    • 004104.web.pdf
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  • 2004-11-7
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       一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics

    • 004103.web.pdf
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  • 2004-11-7
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       一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics

    • 004102.web.pdf
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  • 2004-11-7
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       一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics

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  • 2004-11-7