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  • 45份申请成功的国家自然科学基金范例.zip

    • 2000_MSC对先天性巨结肠症肠道神经组织重建的.doc
    • 2001_青年_中国企业海外跨文化整合模式与发展战略研究.doc
    • 2002_重大_聚合物反应加工过程的计算机模拟与仿真.doc
    • 2002_面上_现代药品与食品真空冷冻干燥过程中传热传质问题的研究.doc
    • 2003_杰青_潜热型功能流体应用中的关键热物理机理问题研究.doc
    • 2003_青年_微生物在栗钙土碳酸钙转化迁移中的作用.doc
    • 2003_面上_中空多孔金属假体复合诱导材料作为骨组织再生工程构架的基础研究.pdf
    • 2003_面上_低介电常数聚酰亚胺纳米泡沫薄膜的制备与性能.doc
    • 2003_面上_基于模糊识别的制冷系统故障诊断研究.doc
    • 2003_面上_磷酸盐陶瓷催化剂载体.doc
    • 2003_面上_高速网络管理与流量控制大系统研究.doc
    • 2004_化学驱和微生物驱提高石油采收率的基础研究.Doc
    • 2004_杰青_金属纳米球壳的生长机理及其光学等离激元性质研究.pdf
    • 2004_氧化物磁性纳米线.pdf
    • 2004_青年_ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对树突状细胞成熟及其细胞内信号传导通路影响的研究.doc
    • 2004_青年_中国西北植被覆盖动态监测和模拟研究.pdf
    • 2004_青年_基于本体和约束理论的统一时空数据模型研究.pdf
    • 2004_青年_重组表达HIV-1多表位基因的BCG菌株修饰的树突状细胞疫苗的实验研究.pdf
    • 2004_面上_T-cadherin基因失活与原发性肝癌恶性生物学特.doc
    • 2004_面上_低碳钢中铁素体 标书.doc
    • 2004_面上_地区_广西平果、大化两县壮族儿童原发性肾.doc
    • 2004_面上_硅藻土负载纳米TiO2材料的制备及其深度处理氨氮废水的基础研究.doc
    • 2004_面上_硅藻土负载纳米材料及深度处理氨氮废水研究.doc
    • 2004_面上_简谐运动膜分离器的流动特性及强化机理.doc
    • 2004_面上_纳米SiO2固定化纤维素内切酶或漆酶降解DTMC的研究.doc
    • 2004_面上_补肾宁心方通过ER非经典途径介导对绝经后骨质疏松的防治作用.pdf
    • 2004_面上_视觉反馈的非完整控制系统镇定.doc
    • 2005_淫羊藿的炮制机理.doc
    • 2005_空调系统污染建筑室内环境的途径及机理的研究.doc
    • 2005_面上_出血性血小板病凝血酶受体及益气活血方的治疗作用.pdf
    • 2005_面上_简谐运动膜分离器的流动特性及强化机理.doc
    • 2005_面上_芍药苷血吸虫病肝肉芽肿以及纤维化细胞信号转导的干预.doc
    • 2005_面上_面向电子商务的企业信息化导入模型与企业价值增殖研究.doc
    • 2006_Alzheimer病的早期诊断和指标规范化研究.doc
    • 2006_专项_基于受益归属分析法的新型农村合作医疗制度公平性评价及其政策研究.pdf
    • 2006_制冷系统故障诊断关键问题的研究.doc
    • 2006_填埋场生物覆盖层及其降解甲烷气体行为研究.doc
    • 2006_青年_利用基因重组酵母建立抗阮病毒药物筛选细胞模型的研究.pdf
    • 2006_青年_对称多进口旋风器强旋湍流的耦合特性与气固分离机理研究.PDF
    • 2006_面上_感光性聚酰亚胺的制备及表征.doc
    • 2007_青年_污水滴灌灌水器内液-固-气多维耦合流场特征与堵塞规律.pdf
    • 2007_面上_优化氰基类拟除虫菊酯农药残留筛查免疫分析方法的基础研究.pdf
    • 2007_面上_纸载体绳播种植技术关键装备的应用基础研究.pdf
    • 2007_面上_超高压牛奶乳清蛋白与甘薯淀粉混合凝胶形成机理及营养活性分析 .doc
    • 2008_面上_草莓基因组中具有转录活性的Ty1-copia 反转录转座子的分离和转录特性分析.pdf
  • 15.17 MB
  • 2018-12-19
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 81-90.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 90) Attila Csenki (auth.)-Dependability for Systems with a Partitioned State Space_ Markov and Semi-Markov Theory and Computational Implementation-Springer-Verlag New York.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 81) Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour, Richard Scheines (auth.)-Causation, Prediction, and Search-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 82) A. P. Korostelev, A. B. Tsybakov (auth.)-Minimax Theory of Image Reconstruction-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 83) Case Studies in Bayes.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 84) Sakutarō Yamada (auth.)-Pivotal Measures in Statistical Experiments and Sufficiency-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 85) Paul Doukhan (auth.)-Mixing_ Properties and Examples-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).djvu
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 86) Werner Vach (auth.)-Logistic Regression with Missing Values in the Covariates-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 87) Jesper M?ller (auth.)-Lectures on Random Voronoi Tessellations-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) John E. Kolassa (auth.)-Series Approximation Methods in Statistics-Springer New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) John E. Kolassa (auth.)-Series Approximation Methods in Statistics-Springer New York (1997).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) Series Approximation Methods in Statistics -Springer (2006).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 89) D. J. Hand (auth.), P. Cheeseman, R. W. Oldford (eds.)-Selecting Models from Data_ Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
  • 62.08 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • 风险管理理论.rar
        Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools2005版 完整版 含课件 含相关经典论文

    • RM3 div-yan.pdf
    • 3Theory_of_Insurance_Demand.pdf
    • 4-eqilibrium.pdf
    • 5 portfolio.pdf
    • 6 risk consideration.pdf
    • 7-hedge.pdf
    • 8 RM-corporate.pdf
    • Quantitative Risk Management Concepts, Techniques and Tools.pdf
    • RM1-rmy.pdf
    • RM2 ins-yan.pdf
    • RM4-der-yan.pdf
    • 1choice under uncertainty.pdf
    • 2 ProspectTheory.pdf
  • 15.54 MB
  • 2017-3-1
  • 10-2. financial statement analysis.zip

    • 11 - 4 - Video 10.4- FSA IV- Investing and Financing Activities (20-26).mp4
    • 11 - 5 - Video 10.5- FSA V- Off-Balance Sheet Activities (20-15).mp4
    • 11 - 3 - Video 10.3- FSA III- Cash Flow and Ratios (21-54).mp4
  • 89.4 MB
  • 2015-2-5
  • Climate Change 1-10.rar

    • Day 10 ProcessesIV-Carbon cycleIICarbonate_cycle_Ziveri.pdf
    • Day 1 Intro_ Climate system basics 2011_Rosell.pdf
    • Day 2 Intro and Modelling primer 2011_Rosell.pdf
    • Day 3 Climate Dynamics_ocean atmosphere primer_Zahn.pdf
    • Day 4 Henderson 2002 New oceanic proxies for paleoclimate.pdf
    • Day 4 Mortyn and Martinez-Boti.2008Planktonic foraminifera and their proxies for the reconstruction of.pdf
    • Day 4 Mortyn.archives and proxies.2011.pdf
    • Day 6 Abrupt Climate Change_Zahn.pdf
    • Day 7 Cenozoic Trends 2011_Zahn.pdf
    • Day 8 Sea level_Zahn.pdf
    • Day 9-ProcessesIII-Carbon cycleI- Biological pump_Ziveri.pdf
  • 41.13 MB
  • 2013-7-11
  • ALL.rar

    • 16Deriv-Forw&Future_ALL.pdf
    • 13Alternative_ALL.pdf
    • 14FixValuConcepts _ALL.pdf
    • 15FixStructured _ALL.pdf
    • 17DerivOptionSwap&other_ALL.pdf
    • 5FRA_ALL.pdf
    • 6INTERCOPR_ALL.pdf
    • 8CORPFIN_ALL.pdf
  • 8.45 MB
  • 2012-8-14
  • lecture.rar

    • Topic 5 MIIV-2SLS 2012 Bollen.pdf
    • SEM Beijing Syllabus 2012.pdf
    • Topic 1 Intro SEM 2012 Bollen.pdf
    • Topic 1 Supplement BollenBauldry Stata sem procedure 2012.pdf
    • Topic 2 Simultaneous Eqs 2012 Bollen.pdf
    • Topic 3 CFA 2012 Parts 1 and 2 Bollen.pdf
    • Topic 3 Supplement BIC Notes DimDemoc Ex 2012 Bollen.pdf
    • Topic 3 Supplement Measure of Reliability 2012 Bollen.pdf
    • Topic 4 General SEM 2012 Bollen.pdf
  • 1.74 MB
  • 2012-8-5
  • ace your case1-5合.rar

    • 4ace your case iv-the latest and greatest.pdf
    • 1ace your case-case interview.pdf
    • 2ace your case-ii-more cases.pdf
    • 3ace your case iii-Practice make perfect.pdf
    • 5ace Your Case V-Return to the Case Interview.pdf
  • 3.1 MB
  • 2011-12-20
  • health_xls_en.zip

    • prevalence-of-hiv-female-percentage-ages-15-24_en.xls
    • prevalence-of-hiv-male-percentage-ages-15-24_en.xls
    • prevalence-of-hiv-total-percentage-of-population-ages-15-49_en.xls
    • birth-rate-crude-per-1000-people_en.xls
    • births-attended-by-skilled-health-staff-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • contraceptive-prevalence-percentage-of-women-ages-15-49_en.xls
    • death-rate-crude-per-1000-people_en.xls
    • fertility-rate-total-births-per-woman_en.xls
    • health-expenditure-per-capita-current-us-dollars_en.xls
    • health-expenditure-public-percentage-of-total-health-expenditure_en.xls
    • health-expenditure-total-percentage-of-gdp_en.xls
    • immunization-dpt-percentage-of-children-ages-12-23-months_en.xls
    • immunization-measles-percentage-of-children-ages-12-23-months_en.xls
    • incidence-of-tuberculosis-per-100-000-people_en.xls
    • life-expectancy-at-birth-total-years_en.xls
    • malnutrition-prevalence-height-for-age-percentage-of-children-under-5_en.xls
    • malnutrition-prevalence-weight-for-age-percentage-of-children-under-5_en.xls
    • maternal-mortality-ratio-modeled-estimate-per-100-000-live-births_en.xls
    • mortality-rate-infant-per-1000-live-births_en.xls
    • mortality-rate-under-5-per-1000_en.xls
    • out-of-pocket-health-expenditure-percentage-of-private-expenditure-on-health_en.xls
    • population-ages-0-14-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • population-ages-15-64-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • population-ages-65-and-above-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • population-growth-annual-percentage_en.xls
    • population-total_en.xls
    • pregnant-women-receiving-prenatal-care-percentage_en.xls
    • unmet-need-for-contraception-percentage-of-married-women-ages-15-49_en.xls
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2010-9-2
  • 310076.zip
       Demand Model Estimation and Validation

    • iv-1.pdf
    • iv-2.pdf
    • iv-3.pdf
    • iv-4.pdf
    • iv-5.pdf
    • iv-6.pdf
    • iv-7.pdf
    • iv-8.pdf
    • front.pdf
    • i-1.pdf
    • i-2.pdf
    • ii-1.pdf
    • ii-2.pdf
    • ii-3.pdf
    • ii-4.pdf
    • iii-1.pdf
    • iii-2.pdf
    • iii-3.pdf
    • references.pdf
  • 2.19 MB
  • 2009-3-31
  • 213780.pdf
       ace_your_case_iv-the latest and greatest

  • 631.37 KB
  • 2008-5-20
  • 70949.rar
       [下载]James R. Hedges IV-Hedges on Hedge Funds

  • 341.96 KB
  • 2006-11-7
  • 70948.rar
       [下载]James R. Hedges IV-Hedges on Hedge Funds

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  • 2006-11-7