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    • 0521_【掌握】红包创建.rar
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    • 0318_【理解】RedisExporter.txt
    • 0519_【掌握】抢红包原理分析.rar
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    • 0308_【理解】listpack.txt
    • 0312_【了解】SSL证书.txt
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    • 0412_【掌握】SpringCache整合Redis.rar
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    • 0610_【掌握】Lettuce整合RedisCluster.rar
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    • 0311_【理解】Latency Monitoring.txt
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    • 0419_【理解】搭建Keepalived服务.txt
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    • 0518_【理解】Function.rar
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    • 结果.dta
    • 结果.xlsx
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    • DFH_ivmediate.pdf
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       For 2016

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    • ProjectFilesChapter25.xlsm
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    • ProjectFilesChapter15-FirstChart.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter12d-AfterDataModel.xlsm
    • ProjectFilesChapter12c-BeforeDataModel.xlsm
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    • ProjectFilesChapter12a-PivotTablesVBABook.xlsm
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    • Test.docx
    • 24-StoreMap.jpg
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    • vba book cover.jpg
    • Automating Word.docx
    • sales.csv.txt
    • sales.prn
    • invoice4.txt
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    • Professional Memo.docx
    • LeftDash.gif
    • New Client.dotx
    • sales.txt
    • sales.csv
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    • 2018 The Nike School Innovation Fund Scaling for Impact in Oregon Public Schools.pdf
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    • 2006 GE's Talent Machine The Making of a CEO.pdf
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    • pipeline.csv
    • ais.csv
    • allshoots.csv
    • baeskel.csv
    • BGSall.csv
    • BGSboys.csv
    • BGSgirls.csv
    • BigMac2003.csv
    • BlowBF.csv
    • Blowdown.csv
    • brains.csv
    • cakes.csv
    • cathedral.csv
    • caution.csv
    • Challeng.csv
    • cloud.csv
    • domedata1.csv
    • domedata.csv
    • Donner.csv
    • Downer.csv
    • drugcost.csv
    • dwaste.csv
    • florida.csv
    • Forbes.csv
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    • ftcollinstemp.csv
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    • galtonpeas.csv
    • Heights.csv
    • Highway.csv
    • Hooker.csv
    • Htwt.csv
    • jevons.csv
    • lakemary.csv
    • lakes.csv
    • landrent.csv
    • lathe1.csv
    • longshoots.csv
    • mantel.csv
    • mile.csv
    • MinnLand.csv
    • MinnWater.csv
    • Mitchell.csv
    • MWwords.csv
    • npdata.csv
    • oldfaith.csv
    • physics1.csv
    • physics.csv
    • prodscore.csv
    • rat.csv
    • Rateprof.csv
    • README
    • README.tex.bak
    • Rpdata.csv
    • salary.csv
    • salarygov.csv
    • segreg.csv
    • shocks.csv
    • shortshoots.csv
    • sleep1.csv
    • snake.csv
    • sniffer.csv
    • Stevens.csv
    • stopping.csv
    • swan96.csv
    • turk0.csv
    • turkey.csv
    • twins.csv
    • UBSprices.csv
    • ufc.csv
    • ufcdf.csv
    • ufcgf.csv
    • ufcwc.csv
    • UN11.csv
    • UN1.csv
    • walleye.csv
    • water.csv
    • wblake.csv
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    • wm2.csv
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  • Sciencedirect_articles_25Sep2017_07-07-02.395.zip

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    • Chapter-19-Cocaine-Protein-Kinase-and-Phosphorylation-of-Neuronal-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-18-The-Proteomics-of-Cocaine-in-the-Nucleus-Accumbens_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Index_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-44-Cocaine-and-5-HT1B-Receptor-Induced-Long-Term-Depression_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-40-Cognitive-Dysfunctions-in-Chronic-Cocaine-Users_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-64-Antipsychotic-Drugs-in-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-17-Neurological-Aspects-of-Cocaine-and-the-Suprachiasmatic-Circadian-Clock_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Front-matter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-67-Actions-of-Butyrylcholinesterase-Against-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-5-Concentrations-of-Cocaine-in-Blood-Samples-From-Impaired-Drivers-and-Drug-Related-Deaths_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-28-Cocaine-Ghrelin-and-the-Mesolimbic-System_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Preface_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-13-Cocaine-and-Posttranslational-Modifications-of-Neuronal-Proteins_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-10-DNA-Methylation-Psychostimulant-Induced-Addiction-and-the-Position-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-45-Hippocampal-Contributions-to-Dopamine-Receptor-Mediated-Effects-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-32-The-Role-of-the-Habenulomesencephalic-Circuit-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-47-Cocaine-Endorphin-and-Opioid-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-65-Use-of-N-Acetylcysteine-in-Relapse-and-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-53-Interaction-of-Cocaine-Analogue-RTI82-With-the-Dopamine-Transporter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-6-Cocaine-Postmortem-Distribution-in-Brain_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-69-Patient-Responses-to-Guanfacine-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-2-Sex-Differences-in-the-Effects-and-Actions-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-21-Role-of-Mitochondria-on-the-Neurological-Effects-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Copyright_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-36-Long-Lasting-Changes-Following-Repeated-Cocaine-Use-Behavioral-Sensitization-and-Neurotoxicity_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-33-Crack-Cocaine-and-Cognitive-Related-Electrophysiological-Changes-After-Noninvasive-Brain-Stimulation_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-57-Comorbidities-Associated-With-the-Use-and-Misuse-of-Crack-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-39-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • List-of-Contributors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-24-Hypocretin-Orexin-in-Models-of-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-60-A-Review-of-Instruments-for-Screening-and-Diagnosis-of-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-15-Mechanisms-That-Regulate-the-Expression-of-Dopamine-D1-Receptor-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-62-Cocaine-and-an-Overview-of-Neurocognitive-Relapse-Predictors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • 6 Hughes,Piper. Projective Planes.[投射平面].djvu
    • 1 Takeuti,Zaring. Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory. 2nd ed.[公理化集合论引论]].djvu
    • 10 Cohen. A Course in Simple-Homotopy Theory..djvu
    • 11 Conway. Functions of One Complex Variable I. 2nd ed.(II.GTM159).djvu
    • 12 Beals. Advanced Mathematical Analysis..djvu
    • 13 Anderson,Fuller. Rings and Categories of Modules. 2nd ed.[环和模的范畴].djvu
    • 2 Oxtoby. Measure and Category. 2nd ed.[测度和范畴].djvu
    • 3 Schaefer,Wolff. Topological Vector Spaces. 2nd ed..pdf
    • 4 Hilton,Stammbach. A Course in Homological Algebra. 2nd ed.pdf
    • 5 Lane. Categories for the Working Mathematician. 2nd ed..pdf
    • 7 数论教程 (冯克勤 译).pdf
    • 7 J.-P.Serre. A Course in Arithmetic.∨.djvu
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    • W. John Braun, Duncan J. Murdoch-A first course in statistical programming with R-Cambridge University Press (2008).pdf
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  • 2014-10-27
  • 9月-3.rar

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    • India Financials: The Upcoming Second Leg of the Banks Rally(1).pdf
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    • J.C. Penney Co.: Analyst Day Preview: Very Few Roads Lead to Rome.pdf
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    • NA Metals & Mining Chartbook: We Like Aluminum; Copper、Gold Face NT Headwinds.pdf
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    • New World Development: F2014 Operating Profit in Line, HK-China Sales Target Lowered.pdf
    • Nike Inc.: Video & Note - Raising Price Target to $105; Nike Remains Our Top OW Idea.pdf
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  • 2014-10-7
  • 9月.rar

    • Amgen Inc.: Pipeline Drives PT to $151.pdf
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    • European Credit Strategy: IG Non-Fin Fundamentals Update: Slow and Steady.pdf
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    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Retaining Our Bearish Bias.pdf
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    • Agency MBS Brief: Refi Index Largely Flat Despite Lower Rates.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: Carry On, For Now.pdf
    • Agile Property: Quick Comment: 1-for-5 rights issue – the expected and the unexpected.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment: FSA Data Gets More Bullish.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment:Anticipating a Quiet Farewell to 13-14.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.: Event Confirms This Cycle is Different.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.:iPhone Gross Margins Biased to the Upside.pdf
    • ASEAN Economics Chartbook: Where are we in the cycle?.pdf
    • ASEAN In a Minute: Entering a Rising Rate Environment.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: What’s Going on in Asian Credit.pdf
    • Asia FX & Rates Strategy: India Rates:Improving Fiscal Outlook.pdf
    • Asian Banks: (g)Rate Expectations?.pdf
    • Asian Banks:Valuation Chartbook:Where Are Valuations Compared with history?.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview : Inflation and Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview: Anticipating a Rebound in Exports.pdf
    • ASML Holding NV: SPIE comments positive for EUV.pdf
    • Astra International:IIMS 2014 – On the Ground Feedback.pdf
    • AT&T, Inc.: Internet of Things Leadership, Early in the Race.pdf
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    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week:Major Banks' Return on Equity.pdf
    • Australia Insurance & Wealth: Risky Business:Can QBE afford to sell its Lenders Mortgage business?.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Assessing state of economy after startling jobs figures.pdf
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    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Playing the Long Cycle.pdf
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    • Autos & Auto Parts:Dealer Study #5: BMW ahead of pack; DAI closes gap vs. Audi.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: Cutting US Autos to Cautious, Downgrading Ford to UW.pdf
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    • China Cement:Three Cement Companies Fined for Price Monopoly; Potential Negative to Prices.pdf
    • China Coal: 1H14 results wrap:Suppliers' reaction to weak demand.pdf
    • China Healthcare:MS Monthly Hospital Rx Report.pdf
    • China Industrials: Heavy Truck: Steady Volume Growth and Notable ASP Hike Ahead.pdf
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    • China Lodging Group, Limited: Trip Takeaways:Bright Outlook for Franchise Business.pdf
    • China Oil & Gas: China Gas & Chemical Trips' Takeaways.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp:New Restructuring Has Limited Impact on Sinopec; Yizheng A-Shares Placed at Premium to H-shares.pdf
    • China petroleum chemical Crop.pdf
    • China Resources Gas: Better-than-expected cost pass-through in Tianjin; Buying opportunity.pdf
    • China September 2014 “Revisions for Decisions” Revisited.pdf
    • China Shipping: Positioning for 4Q14: B Before C.pdf
    • China Telecoms Monthly KPIs: Aug-14: CM Expanded Outperformance vs. CU.pdf
    • CIO Survey:Steady As She Grows.pdf
    • CMBS Market Insights: The State of the CRE Credit Cycle.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power: Cross-Industry Implications of Marcellus-Utica Gas Basis; Bearish Natgas Outlook.pdf
    • Com Hem Holding AB: Buy on Recent Weakness.pdf
    • Commodities Fall Symposium: Oil & Gas Market Discussion.pdf
    • Consumer Digest #4:Key Takeaways from A-Share Corporate Days.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(1).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(2).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • Credit Companion:CDX IG23 and CDX HY23 Roll.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Supplementary Supply.pdf
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    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms.pdf
    • Cross Industry Analysis: Impact of Apple Pay on Payments Value Chain:Biggest Beneficiaries Likely AAPL, NXP.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - October 2014.pdf
    • Crude Oil:What Are OSPs Telling Us?.pdf
    • Daimler: Checkpoint China: Progress Made & Future Steps to Take.pdf
    • Danone: Topline and margin trend to improve from 2H14 - OW.pdf
    • Daum Kakao:Asia Insight: Enters Mobile Payment.pdf
    • Delhaize: Solid US momentum provides further comfort on sustainability of FCF.pdf
    • Direct Line Group Plc: Taking Profits After Strong Run:Downgrading to EW.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: US Unconventional Oil: Sliding Down the Cost Curve.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC: Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC:Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
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    • EM Macro Strategy -Brazil: What’s Your Take? Survey Results.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel:No buying opportunity as profitability peaks.pdf
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    • ENN Energy Holdings Limited: Investment in Sinopec Marketing: Positive to ENN.pdf
    • EUR6bn Net Reduction – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • EUR47bn Net Addition– ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • European Banks: S&P Downgrades: Dropouts.pdf
  • 82.56 MB
  • 2014-10-7
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    • Res Organizational Behavior.ens
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    • BBA - Reviews on Cancer.ens
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    • CA Cancer J Clin.ens
    • Trends Plant Science.ens
    • ICES J Marine Sci.ens
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    • Topics Current Chem.ens
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    • Weed Biology Mgmt.ens
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    • Bull Entomological Res.ens
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    • Small.ens
    • Food Hydrocolloids.ens
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    • Physics Earth Planetary Int.ens
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    • Trans Comp Biol Bioinform.ens
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       C++ Finance modeling code

    • numerical receipe in finance .pdf
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2013-10-9
  • 工业类风格PPT模板.rar

    • industry_old_pipes.pot
    • duct_paper.pot
    • electricity_in_a_jar.pot
    • electron_blue.pot
    • electron_orange.pot
    • extreme_machine.pot
    • gear_shift.pot
    • gears.pot
    • industrial.pot
    • just_in_time.pot
    • mechanical_backyard.pot
    • mechanical_presentation.pot
    • metal_looking_at_you.pot
    • modern_grunge.pot
    • nearly_industrial.pot
    • architectural_shades.pot
    • blue_geometry.pot
    • bridge_outline.pot
    • circuit_style.pot
    • city_stairs.pot
    • communications.pot
    • cool_spool.pot
    • copper_dynamo.pot
    • corroded_warehouse.pot
  • 24.85 MB
  • 2013-8-15
  • Multiperiod corporate default prediction—A forward intensity approach.rar

    • Multiperiod corporate default prediction—A forward intensity approach.pdf
  • 1.35 MB
  • 2013-5-4
  • 社会网络-数据挖掘.rar

    • 基于Wikipedia的社会网络挖掘.kdh
    • 基于聚类分析的网络论坛舆情信息挖掘技术研究.kdh
    • 基于微博的突发事件检测和信息传播建模.kdh
    • 基于微博的网络口碑研究.nh
    • 面向社会化媒体的社会网络挖掘与分析.kdh
    • 网络舆情检测与控制关键技术研究.kdh
    • 微博负面口碑传播研究.pdf
    • 微博客信息传播结构_路径及其影响因素分析.pdf
    • 微博网络社会资本影响因素研究.kdh
    • 微博舆情热点分析系统设计研究.pdf
    • 新浪微博的网络舆情分析研究.nh
    • 博客圈的社会网络分析.kdh
    • 基于复杂网络理论的微博信息传播实证分析.pdf
  • 19.81 MB
  • 2013-4-11
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

    • RegisterDataMinerRecipe.dll
    • CodeGenerator.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
    • CommonDataMinerInputErrorMessages.svx
    • Config.lic
    • CrashRpt.dll
    • CxImage.dll
    • dbghelp.dll
    • Dictionary.dll
    • emlayout.xml
    • GigaBase.dll
    • HubKey.Net.FrontPageRPC.dll
    • iconv.dll
    • layout.xml
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libifcorert.dll
    • libifportmd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • SmallParser.dll
    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
    • sta_dbqy.exe
    • sta_ddn.dll
    • sta_dis.dll
    • sta_dmr.dll
    • sta_exp.dll
    • sta_fac.dll
    • STA_FLM.dll
    • sta_fsl.dll
    • sta_gam.dll
    • sta_gcl.dll
    • sta_gda.dll
    • sta_glm.dll
    • sta_glz.dll
    • sta_gof.dll
    • sta_gop.dll
    • sta_gsr.dll
    • sta_itr.dll
    • sta_Log.dll
    • sta_man.dll
    • sta_mar.dll
    • sta_mnl.dll
    • sta_mqcs.dll
    • sta_mqu.dll
    • sta_mspc.dll
    • sta_mul.dll
    • sta_nln.dll
    • sta_non.dll
    • sta_PLS.dll
    • sta_pow.dll
    • sta_pro.dll
    • sta_qccs.dll
    • sta_qcm.dll
    • sta_qhlp.dll
    • sta_qua.dll
    • sta_reg.dll
    • sta_rel.dll
    • sta_rft.dll
    • sta_rpd.dll
    • sta_sann.dll
    • sta_sem.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_sra.dll
    • sta_sur.dll
    • sta_tim.dll
    • sta_tre.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_var.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • StaElevate.dll
    • stalib32.dll
    • StaMultipartPoster.dll
    • StaOLEDB.dll
    • StaShpt.dll
    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
    • STAT.lic
    • statist.exe
    • STATISTICA.Analysis.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.Core.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.DataMiner.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.WebSTATISTICAClient.Interop.dll
    • statrn32.dll
    • StatSoftSolution.dll
    • stl_alda.dll
    • stl_areg.dll
    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
    • stl_cbar.dll
    • stl_crtb.dll
    • stl_ctrl.dll
    • stl_datl.dll
    • stl_dbt.dll
    • stl_dbut.dll
    • stl_dmn.dll
    • stl_draw.dll
    • stl_dvt.dll
    • stl_exdt.dll
    • stl_func.dll
    • stl_g3d.dll
    • stl_gbas.dll
    • stl_guts.dll
    • stl_html.dll
    • stl_imag.dll
    • stl_mgra.dll
    • stl_obr.dll
    • stl_ofil.dll
    • stl_pres.dll
    • stl_qhlp.dll
    • stl_rgxp.dll
    • stl_scpt.dll
    • stl_stbe.dll
    • stl_tab.dll
    • stl_tbas.dll
    • stl_tdis.dll
    • stl_tgra.dll
    • stl_thrd.dll
    • stl_tvcs.dll
    • stl_txtw.dll
    • stl_util.dll
    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
    • tbbmalloc.dll
    • WSClient.dll
    • WWB9@DEU.DLL
    • WWB9@ESP.DLL
    • WWB9@FRA.DLL
    • WWB9@ITA.DLL
    • WWB9@JPN.DLL
    • WWB9@NOR.DLL
    • WWB9@PTB.DLL
    • WWB9@RUS.DLL
    • WWB9@SVE.DLL
    • WWB9_32A.DLL
    • WWB9_32W.DLL
    • wwb9_utl.dll
    • borrow.xml
  • 44.64 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

    • RegisterDataMinerRecipe.dll
    • Config.lic
    • CrashRpt.dll
    • CxImage.dll
    • dbghelp.dll
    • Dictionary.dll
    • emlayout.xml
    • GigaBase.dll
    • HubKey.Net.FrontPageRPC.dll
    • iconv.dll
    • layout.xml
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libifcorert.dll
    • libifportmd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • SmallParser.dll
    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
    • sta_dbqy.exe
    • sta_ddn.dll
    • sta_dis.dll
    • sta_dmr.dll
    • sta_exp.dll
    • sta_fac.dll
    • STA_FLM.dll
    • sta_fsl.dll
    • sta_gam.dll
    • sta_gcl.dll
    • sta_gda.dll
    • sta_glm.dll
    • sta_glz.dll
    • sta_gof.dll
    • sta_gop.dll
    • sta_gsr.dll
    • sta_itr.dll
    • sta_Log.dll
    • sta_man.dll
    • sta_mar.dll
    • sta_mnl.dll
    • sta_mqcs.dll
    • sta_mqu.dll
    • sta_mspc.dll
    • sta_mul.dll
    • sta_nln.dll
    • sta_non.dll
    • sta_PLS.dll
    • sta_pow.dll
    • sta_pro.dll
    • sta_qccs.dll
    • sta_qcm.dll
    • sta_qhlp.dll
    • sta_qua.dll
    • sta_reg.dll
    • sta_rel.dll
    • sta_rft.dll
    • sta_rpd.dll
    • sta_sann.dll
    • sta_sem.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_sra.dll
    • sta_sur.dll
    • sta_tim.dll
    • sta_tre.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_var.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • StaElevate.dll
    • stalib32.dll
    • StaMultipartPoster.dll
    • StaOLEDB.dll
    • StaShpt.dll
    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
    • STAT.lic
    • statist.exe
    • statrn32.dll
    • StatSoftSolution.dll
    • stl_alda.dll
    • stl_areg.dll
    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
    • stl_cbar.dll
    • stl_crtb.dll
    • stl_ctrl.dll
    • stl_datl.dll
    • stl_dbt.dll
    • stl_dbut.dll
    • stl_dmn.dll
    • stl_draw.dll
    • stl_dvt.dll
    • stl_exdt.dll
    • stl_func.dll
    • stl_g3d.dll
    • stl_gbas.dll
    • stl_guts.dll
    • stl_html.dll
    • stl_imag.dll
    • stl_mgra.dll
    • stl_obr.dll
    • stl_ofil.dll
    • stl_pres.dll
    • stl_qhlp.dll
    • stl_rgxp.dll
    • stl_scpt.dll
    • stl_stbe.dll
    • stl_tab.dll
    • stl_tbas.dll
    • stl_tdis.dll
    • stl_tgra.dll
    • stl_thrd.dll
    • stl_tvcs.dll
    • stl_txtw.dll
    • stl_util.dll
    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
    • tbbmalloc.dll
    • WSClient.dll
    • WWB9@DEU.DLL
    • WWB9@ESP.DLL
    • WWB9@FRA.DLL
    • WWB9@ITA.DLL
    • WWB9@JPN.DLL
    • WWB9@NOR.DLL
    • WWB9@PTB.DLL
    • WWB9@RUS.DLL
    • WWB9@SVE.DLL
    • WWB9_32A.DLL
    • WWB9_32W.DLL
    • wwb9_utl.dll
    • borrow.xml
    • CodeGenerator.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
  • 43.6 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • V10CHS_DM.rar

    • registerdataminerrecipe.dll
    • sta_gof.dll
    • sta_gop.dll
    • sta_itr.dll
    • sta_mar.dll
    • sta_mnl.dll
    • sta_qcm.dll
    • sta_rft.dll
    • sta_rpd.dll
    • sta_sann.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • STATISTICA.Analysis.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.Core.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.DataMiner.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.WebSTATISTICAClient.Interop.dll
    • statsoftsolution.dll
    • stl_dmn.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • logindialog.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_ddn.dll
    • sta_dmr.dll
    • sta_fsl.dll
    • sta_gam.dll
    • sta_gcl.dll
  • 5.81 MB
  • 2013-4-1
  • 资产定价.zip

    • 08d_Multiperiod.pdf
    • 09b_Multiperiod_Fixed_Income.pdf
    • 10d_Multiperiod_Options.pdf
    • 11b_Multiperiod_Equilibrium_Models.pdf
    • 未命名.jpg
    • 00FIN501_Syllabus_F2012_d.pdf
    • 01c Lecture Empirical Regularities.pdf
    • 02h_One_Period_Model.pdf
    • 03g_OnePeriodPricing.pdf
    • 04b_Lecture_RiskPreferences.pdf
    • 05b_Lecture_RepresentativeAgent_POEfficiency.pdf
    • 06b_Bounds_EquityPremium.pdf
    • 07e_CAPM.pdf
    • 12b_FrictionFinance.pdf
    • 12lecture.pdf
    • 13lecture.pdf
  • 24.83 MB
  • 2013-3-9
  • 资产定价.zip

    • 08d_Multiperiod.pdf
    • 09b_Multiperiod_Fixed_Income.pdf
    • 10d_Multiperiod_Options.pdf
    • 11b_Multiperiod_Equilibrium_Models.pdf
    • 00FIN501_Syllabus_F2012_d.pdf
    • 01c Lecture Empirical Regularities.pdf
    • 02h_One_Period_Model.pdf
    • 03g_OnePeriodPricing.pdf
    • 04b_Lecture_RiskPreferences.pdf
    • 05b_Lecture_RepresentativeAgent_POEfficiency.pdf
    • 06b_Bounds_EquityPremium.pdf
    • 07e_CAPM.pdf
    • 12b_FrictionFinance.pdf
    • 12lecture.pdf
    • 13lecture.pdf
  • 24.76 MB
  • 2013-3-9
  • 唯朋友展示PPT--云@社交媒体分论坛.rar

    • weipengyou.pdf
  • 1.02 MB
  • 2013-1-29
  • styles.zip

    • J Pipeline Sys Engineer Pract.ens
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    • AAPS PharmSciTech.ens
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    • Intl J Greenhouse Gas Control.ens
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    • Research J Environ Toxicol.ens
    • J Travel Medicine.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Amer J Drug Disc Devel.ens
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    • NDT and E Intl.ens
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    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
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    • Biological Conservation.ens
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    • Intl J Industrial Ergon.ens
    • J Cellular Mol Med.ens
    • Intl J Approximate Reasoning.ens
    • Planta Medica.ens
    • Psychology Sport Exercise.ens
    • Mol Genetics Metab.ens
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    • Photochem Photobiol.ens
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    • Behaviour.ens
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    • Case Reports Gastroent.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Population Health Metrics.ens
    • Anatom Histol Embryol.ens
    • J Dental Education.ens
    • J Shoulder Elbow Surg.ens
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    • Mutation Res.ens
    • Genome.ens
    • UWSF (N-Y).ens
    • World Politics.ens
    • J Strength Condition Res.ens
    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt A.ens
    • Biology Invas Alien Plant Can.ens
    • Life Cycle Assess (N-Y).ens
    • J Food Composition Analysis.ens
    • Res Developmental Disabilities.ens
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    • Philosophy.ens
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    • Euro Cells Materials.ens
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    • Archives Oral Biology.ens
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    • Research J Medicinal Plants.ens
    • Discourse.ens
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    • J Obstet Gynaecol Res.ens
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    • Deviant Behavior.ens
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    • Odontology.ens
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    • J Professional Nursing.ens
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    • J Drug Issues.ens
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    • Zoology.ens
    • la Medicina del Lavaro.ens
    • J Separation Science.ens
    • Trends Cardiovasc Med.ens
    • J Child Adolesc Psych Nursing.ens
    • Mass Spectrometry Revs.ens
    • J Vet Pharma Therapeutics.ens
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    • Sante.ens
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    • Archives Toxicology.ens
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    • J Macroeconomics.ens
    • Res Organizational Behavior.ens
    • Intl J Simulation Multidisc Des Optim.ens
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    • Can J Plant Sci.ens
    • Critical Quarterly.ens
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    • Amer Quarterly.ens
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    • Trans Nanotechnology.ens
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    • JAAOS.ens
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    • Research J Obstet Gynecol.ens
    • Grafes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.ens
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    • Rev Intl Studies.ens
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    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
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    • Prog Organic Coatings.ens
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    • Curr Prot - Nucleic Acid Chem.ens
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    • Procedia Chemistry.ens
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    • Trans Signal Process.ens
    • Archives Surgery.ens
    • BMC Biology.ens
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    • Public Health Genomics.ens
    • Trans Pat Anal Mach Intel.ens
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    • GOST-Appearance-Order.ens
    • Trans Algorithms.ens
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    • Lang Linguistics Compass.ens
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    • Neural Networks.ens
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    • J Comp and System Sci.ens
    • Microvascular Research.ens
    • Amer Psychologist.ens
    • J Neuropsych Clin Neurosci.ens
    • Communist Post-Comm Stud.ens
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    • Arch Pharma Res.ens
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    • Adv in Mathematics.ens
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    • Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir.ens
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    • Intl J Geog Info Science.ens
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    • Intl J Polymer Analysis Character.ens
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    • Ther Adv Cardiovasc Disease.ens
    • J Neurochem.ens
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    • J Exp Biology.ens
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    • Harvard Intl J Press-Politics.ens
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    • Res Papers in Education.ens
    • Gerontologist.ens
    • J Chromatography-B.ens
    • Appl Psych Measurement.ens
    • BBA - Reviews on Cancer.ens
    • Building and Environment.ens
    • Applied Catalysis A.ens
    • CA Cancer J Clin.ens
    • Trends Plant Science.ens
    • ICES J Marine Sci.ens
    • J Neuroinflammation.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
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    • J Mol Struct THEOCHEM.ens
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    • Topics Current Chem.ens
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    • Brit J Nutrition.ens
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    • Research J Environ Sci.ens
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    • Surveys Operations Res Mgt Sci.ens
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    • Intl J Engineering Science.ens
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    • N American J Econ Finance.ens
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    • J Gene Medicine.ens
    • Corrosion Science.ens
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    • Computers in Industry.ens
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    • Hydroecologie Appliquee.ens
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    • Immunity.ens
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    • Internal Med J.ens
    • Rev Policy Research.ens
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    • Tobacco Control.ens
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    • Parasitology Research.ens
    • Mycologia.ens
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    • J Field Ornithology.ens
    • J Amer Vet Med Assn.ens
    • Medical Accupuncture.ens
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    • Small.ens
    • Food Hydrocolloids.ens
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    • Physics Earth Planetary Int.ens
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    • Ann Rev Phytopathology.ens
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    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • medecine sciences.ens
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    • IET Micro Nano Letters.ens
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    • Intl J Asian Studies.ens
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    • Lymphatic Res Biol.ens
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    • Can Veterinary Journal.ens
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    • Cretaceous Research.ens
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    • AI EDAM.ens
    • J Foot Ankle Surgery.ens
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    • Oncology Reports.ens
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    • J Periodontal Res.ens
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    • J Cardiac Failure.ens
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    • NJAS Wageningen J Life Sci.ens
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    • J Med Microbiol.ens
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    • Trends Endocrinology Metabo.ens
    • Clinical Genetics.ens
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    • Chirality.ens
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    • CrystEngComm.ens
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    • J Functional Analysis.ens
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    • J Alzheimer's Disease.ens
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    • Trans Speech Lang Process.ens
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    • Archives Drug Info.ens
    • Chemie Ingenieur Technik.ens
    • Nuclear Physics B.ens
    • J Neuro-Oncology.ens
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    • Tuberculosis.ens
    • J Agronomy.ens
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    • Energy.ens
    • Sem Neurology.ens
    • Area.ens
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    • Analysis.ens
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    • IET Power Electronics.ens
    • Trans Internet Tech.ens
    • Euro J Clin Micro Inf Dis.ens
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    • Sustainability.ens
    • Intl Trans Operational Res.ens
    • IEEE Trans Plasma Sci.ens
    • Sprache Stimme Gehor.ens
    • Forest Ecol Management.ens
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    • Euro J Pediatrics.ens
    • Pediatric Drugs.ens
    • Research J Phytochemistry.ens
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    • J Gynecologic Surgery.ens
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    • Annals Rheum Diseases.ens
    • Trends Ecology Evol.ens
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    • Mol Plant Pathol.ens
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    • J Applied Physics.ens
    • acta_biochim_biophys_sin_1.ens
    • Medical Mycology.ens
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    • BBA - Mol Basis of Disease.ens
    • Eng Fracture Mechanics.ens
    • Review Financial Studies.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
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    • Health Expectations.ens
    • J Trauma.ens
    • J Amer Soc Hort Sci.ens
    • Virology.ens
    • Intl J Occup Med Environ Health.ens
    • Intl J Production Res.ens
    • Intl Immunology.ens
    • Oncology.ens
    • Plant Physiology.ens
    • Educat Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Physics Letters B.ens
    • Sem Orthodontics.ens
    • J Nuclear Medicine.ens
    • Hippocampus.ens
    • J Biotechnology.ens
    • J Steriod Biochem.ens
    • Euro J Phycology.ens
    • Organizational Research Methods.ens
    • Sleep Medicine.ens
    • Oxford J Archaeology.ens
    • Rev Mex Ciencias Geologicas.ens
    • Euro J Anaesthesiology.ens
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    • Skeletal Radiology.ens
    • Curr Prot - Toxicology.ens
    • Anales de Pediatria.ens
    • Catalysts Catalysed React.ens
    • Smart Materials Structures.ens
    • Euro Polymer J.ens
    • Molecular Biology Evol.ens
    • J Socio-Economics.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
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    • Bridge Structures.ens
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    • J Adolescence.ens
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    • Cambridge J Education.ens
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    • Global Public Health.ens
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    • J Amer Ceramic Soc.ens
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    • Eating and Weight Dis.ens
    • J Ecclesiastical History.ens
    • J Process Mech Engineer.ens
    • Gyn Ob Investigation.ens
    • TumorDiagnostik Therapie.ens
    • Environ Quality Mgmt.ens
    • J Microbiology-Korea.ens
    • Oligonucleotides.ens
    • Quarterly Revs Biophysics.ens
    • J Cardiac Surgery.ens
    • J Chemical Info Modeling.ens
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    • Intl Comm Heat Mass Transfer.ens
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    • J Systematic Palaeo.ens
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    • Human Factors Ergo Mfg.ens
    • J Alcohol Drug Education.ens
    • J Voc Ed Training.ens
    • TF-W Philosophy.ens
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    • BMC Bioinformatics.ens
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    • J Computer Science Tech.ens
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    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
    • Air Medical J.ens
    • AGIMO 6th.ens
    • ACM Trans Comp-Human Interact.ens
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    • Physica Medica.ens
    • Precision Engineering.ens
    • neuroreha.ens
    • J Child Adolesc Psychopharma.ens
    • Water Air Soil Poll Focus.ens
    • Euro J Cell Biology.ens
    • Brit J Social Work.ens
    • Brit J Learn Disab.ens
    • Intl J Thermal Sciences.ens
    • Manual Therapy.ens
    • AIDS.ens
    • Research in Economics.ens
    • J Geology.ens
    • Applied Ergonomics.ens
    • Applied Environ Microbio.ens
    • Scand J Psychology.ens
    • J Experimental Botany.ens
    • Cognitive Psychology.ens
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    • IMA J Applied Math.ens
    • Trans Applied Perception.ens
    • J Engineering Design.ens
    • Archives Insect Bio Phys.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • J Electrochemical Society.ens
    • Prog in Crystal Growth Char.ens
    • Environment and Planning.ens
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    • Environmental Toxicology.ens
    • Environ Science Policy.ens
    • Molecular Simulation.ens
    • Biological Cybernetics.ens
    • Rev Income Wealth.ens
    • Research J Allergy.ens
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    • IET Image Processing.ens
    • J Modern History.ens
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    • Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.ens
    • Computer Lang Sys Struct.ens
    • Research J Immunology.ens
    • Euro Surgical Research.ens
    • Annals Behavioral Med.ens
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    • Neurosurgery.ens
    • Current Opinion Mol Ther.ens
    • J Eng Gas Turbines Power.ens
    • Adv Powder Tech.ens
    • Development and Psychopath.ens
    • Euro J Radiology.ens
    • Neurobiology of Disease.ens
    • Materials Research Bull.ens
    • Tech Pedagogy and Ed.ens
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    • Intl J Press Vessels Pip.ens
    • Intl J Chemical Tech.ens
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    • Neuroscience Res.ens
    • Chromatographia.ens
    • Highlights Chem Sci.ens
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    • Water Air Soil Poll.ens
    • Trends Microbiology.ens
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    • Radio Science.ens
    • Lakes Reservoirs.ens
    • Experi Hematology.ens
    • Action Learning.ens
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    • Cornell Hotel Restaurant Admin Q.ens
    • J Applied Poultry Res.ens
    • Andrologia.ens
    • IDrugs.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Zeits Phytotherapie.ens
    • Expert Rev Ophthalmol.ens
    • Asian J Biochemistry.ens
    • Haemophilia.ens
    • Amer J Nephrology.ens
    • Current Hypertension Reps.ens
    • J Fish Diseases.ens
    • Global Finance J.ens
    • Breast J.ens
    • J Antimicrobial Chemo.ens
    • IET Signal Processing.ens
    • Psychiatry Research Neuroimage.ens
    • Intl J Sustainable Energy.ens
    • Philosophy of Science.ens
    • Bioscience.ens
    • J Agron Crop Sci.ens
    • J Exp Clin Assist Reprod.ens
    • Modern Intellect History.ens
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    • IET Electric Power Apps.ens
    • Annals Nuclear Energy.ens
    • Anglo-Saxon England.ens
    • Rev Economic Dynamics.ens
    • Aristotelian Soc Sup Vol.ens
    • J Financial Stability.ens
    • Engineer App Artificial I
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    • J Pipeline Sys Engineer Pract.ens
    • Transforming Anthropology.ens
    • Nurse Practitioner.ens
    • AAPS PharmSciTech.ens
    • Evolution Devel.ens
    • Intl J Greenhouse Gas Control.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Neuroscience Biobehavioral Revs.ens
    • Research J Environ Toxicol.ens
    • J Travel Medicine.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Amer J Drug Disc Devel.ens
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer.ens
    • J Wildlife Management.ens
    • Hormones Behavior.ens
    • NDT and E Intl.ens
    • Physiol Mol Plant Pathol.ens
    • Intl Business Review.ens
    • J Applied Remote Sensing.ens
    • Sports Medicine.ens
    • Can Biol Ther.ens
    • Water Research.ens
    • Amer Sociological Assn.ens
    • Asian J Poultry Science.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Intl J Project Mgmt.ens
    • Comp Geometry.ens
    • Euro J Nuc Med Molec Imaging.ens
    • Korea Observer.ens
    • Current Opinion Drug Disc Dev.ens
    • J Rehabilitation Med.ens
    • Brit J Anaesthesia.ens
    • Macromolecular Mater Engineer.ens
    • Marine Mammal Science.ens
    • Intl J Environ Res Pub Health.ens
    • J Applied Logic.ens
    • Cancer ACS.ens
    • Fetal Diagnosis Therapy.ens
    • Prof Psych Res Practice.ens
    • LSA Bulletin.ens
    • J Youth Studies.ens
    • Res Accounting Regulation.ens
    • J Biomed Materials Res.ens
    • Brit J Educational Tech.ens
    • Brain and Development.ens
    • Educational Studies.ens
    • Microbial Biotechnology.ens
    • Geosciences J.ens
    • Food Bioproducts Process.ens
    • New Astronomy.ens
    • Trends Cognitive Sciences.ens
    • IET Computer Vision.ens
    • IEICE Trans Electronics.ens
    • BMC Immunology.ens
    • Amer J Epidemiology.ens
    • J Inst of Math of Jussieu.ens
    • J Optical Soc Amer.ens
    • Amer J Kidney Diseases.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Bulletin NHM Botany.ens
    • Klinische Neurophysiologie.ens
    • Amer J Health Behavior.ens
    • Immunol Cell Biol.ens
    • Biomed Signal Process Control.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Ther Apher Dialysis.ens
    • Nuclear Med Bio.ens
    • Audiology and Neurotology.ens
    • Trends Parasitology.ens
    • Oxford Art Journal.ens
    • J Amer Chem Society.ens
    • Chicago 16th A.ens
    • Literature and Theology.ens
    • Prog in Polymer Science.ens
    • Trans Info Sys Security.ens
    • IEEE Software.ens
    • Clinical Nephrology.ens
    • Trans Ultra Ferroelec Freq Cont.ens
    • J Chemical Neuroanatomy.ens
    • PPmP.ens
    • Intl J Accounting Info Sys.ens
    • J Process Control.ens
    • Parasite Immunology.ens
    • Malaria J.ens
    • Biomacromolecules.ens
    • Discourse Context Media.ens
    • Plant Molecular Biology.ens
    • J Public Admin Res Theory.ens
    • English Historical Review.ens
    • Zeits Gastroenterologie-German.ens
    • Aktuelle Dermatologie.ens
    • Geographical J.ens
    • J Fluorine Chemistry.ens
    • Computer Law Security Review.ens
    • Chemistry Biology.ens
    • Archives Facial Plastic Surg.ens
    • Anthropology Humanism.ens
    • Synthetic Metals.ens
    • Epidemiol Perspect Innov.ens
    • App Math Res Express.ens
    • IEEE Trans Adv Packaging.ens
    • Intl J Medical Education.ens
    • Chemico-Biological Int.ens
    • Cell Metabolism.ens
    • Ocean Modelling.ens
    • IET Information Security.ens
    • Aerospace Sci Tech.ens
    • Can J School Psych.ens
    • J Accounting Res.ens
    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt C.ens
    • Sexologies.ens
    • IEEE Trans Info Forens Security.ens
    • IEICE Trans Fund Elect Comm Comp Sci.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces A.ens
    • J Early Adolescence.ens
    • J Vet Diagnostic Invest.ens
    • J Prof Iss Eng Ed Pract.ens
    • Advances Life Course Res.ens
    • Mathematical Finance.ens
    • Clinical Radiology.ens
    • Remote Sensing of Enviro.ens
    • Intl J Geomechanics.ens
    • Microprocessors Microsys.ens
    • Intl J Antimicrob Agents.ens
    • Oncogenesis.ens
    • Electrical Eng in Japan.ens
    • Health Ed Behavior.ens
    • J Rail Rapid Transit.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Annals NY Acad Sci.ens
    • J Eval Clin Pract.ens
    • Reproductive Toxicology.ens
    • Macromolecular BioScience.ens
    • J Asia Pacific Economy.ens
    • Amer Naturalist.ens
    • Computer Science Review.ens
    • Industrial Relations J.ens
    • Bioorganic Chemistry.ens
    • Agri Ecosys Enviro.ens
    • FEMS Journals.ens
    • Intl Math Res Notices.ens
    • Trans Med Hemotherapy.ens
    • PoLAR.ens
    • Risk Manage Ins Rev.ens
    • SCIENCE CHINA Phys Mech Astron.ens
    • Language.ens
    • J Royal Stat Society-Series A.ens
    • Corrosion Engineering.ens
    • Prostate.ens
    • Urology.ens
    • Lege artis_2.ens
    • J Intl Assn Phys AIDS Care.ens
    • UWSF (Num).ens
    • J Stat Planning Inference.ens
    • Fibers and Polymers.ens
    • Curr Prot - Stem Cell Biol.ens
    • Clinical Microbio Reviews.ens
    • Trans Comp Logic.ens
    • Hepatology.ens
    • J Pharmacy Pharmacology.ens
    • Endocrine Pathology.ens
    • Molecular Sys Biology.ens
    • Asian Soc Work Pol Res.ens
    • Intl J Human Comp Studies.ens
    • Der Internist.ens
    • J Engineering Tech Mgt.ens
    • Clinical Chemistry.ens
    • BMC Public Health.ens
    • J Nuclear Materials.ens
    • Financial History Review.ens
    • Database.ens
    • Cambridge Opera Journal.ens
    • Trans Royal Hist Soc.ens
    • BMC Blood Disorders.ens
    • Chinese Birds.ens
    • J Atmospheric Ocean Tech.ens
    • J Pharmacy Practice.ens
    • Aquaculture Econ Management.ens
    • Japan Dental Science Rev.ens
    • Zoologica Scripta.ens
    • Soil Survey Horizons.ens
    • Language Sciences.ens
    • Adv in Enzyme Regulation.ens
    • ISPRS J Photogrammetry.ens
    • Adv in Librarianship.ens
    • Birth Defects Research B.ens
    • J World Aquaculture Soc.ens
    • Expert Rev Vaccines.ens
    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Sedimentary Geology.ens
    • Oncogene.ens
    • J Animal Ecology.ens
    • Earth Sci Rev.ens
    • Sexual Health.ens
    • Ecological Engineering.ens
    • TAPPI J.ens
    • Current Neuropharmacology.ens
    • APA 6th.ens
    • Intl J Heat Fluid Flow.ens
    • BBA - General Subjects.ens
    • J Ag Economics.ens
    • Political Theory.ens
    • Frontiers Science.ens
    • Thoracic Cardiovasc Surgeon.ens
    • J Math Analysis Apps.ens
    • J Interferon Cytokine Res.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Biologies.ens
    • Aquatic Botany.ens
    • J Spec Pediatric Nursing.ens
    • Family Consumer Science Res J.ens
    • CSA News.ens
    • J Molecular Biology.ens
    • Amer J Psychiatry.ens
    • J Molecular Liquids.ens
    • Research Strategies.ens
    • Home Health Care Mgmt Pract.ens
    • Colorectal Disease.ens
    • Alt Comp Therapies.ens
    • HortTechnology.ens
    • PharmacoEconomics.ens
    • Applied Math Comp.ens
    • Child Care Health Dev.ens
    • J Forensic Science.ens
    • Academic Psychiatry.ens
    • Intl J Urol Nursing.ens
    • Livestock Science.ens
    • Epidemiology.ens
    • IET Nanobiotechnology.ens
    • Intl J Control Auto Systems.ens
    • J Quant Spectro Rad Trans.ens
    • Innovation.ens
    • BMC Psychiatry.ens
    • Curr Opinion Colloid Interface Sci.ens
    • Prog Physical Geography.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Autonomic Neurosci.ens
    • Epidemiologic Reviews.ens
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology.ens
    • Intl J Equity in Health.ens
    • J Amer Oil Chem Soc.ens
    • J Surgical Oncology.ens
    • Aust J Chemistry.ens
    • Research J Veterinary Sci.ens
    • Knee.ens
    • J Psychoactive Drugs.ens
    • Multiple Sclerosis.ens
    • J Circadian Rhythms.ens
    • Im OP.ens
    • Prog Neuro-psychopharm Biol Psych.ens
    • Aquatic Mammals.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
    • Micropor Mesopor Materials.ens
    • J Expos Sci Environ Epidemiol.ens
    • Sport Management Review.ens
    • Computer J.ens
    • MT Cardio.ens
    • Asian J Epidemiology.ens
    • Expert Rev Anti-infective Ther.ens
    • Environmental Ethics.ens
    • Annals Public Coop Econ.ens
    • Emerging Markets Review.ens
    • Intl J Behavioral Dev.ens
    • Ann Rev Biomed Engineering.ens
    • Aust NZ J Statistics.ens
    • Urban Water J.ens
    • Trans Model Comp Simul.ens
    • Tetrahedron.ens
    • Pharma Statistics.ens
    • Microbiology.ens
    • J Clin Rheumatology.ens
    • Intl J Coal Geology.ens
    • J Amer Dental Assoc.ens
    • Thin-Walled Structures.ens
    • Intl J Fatigue.ens
    • Intl J Disaster Risk Sci.ens
    • Skull Base.ens
    • Molecular Carcinogenesis.ens
    • J Architectural Engineering.ens
    • IEEE MultiMedia.ens
    • Ann Rev Food Sci Tech.ens
    • J Tribology.ens
    • Vector-Borne Zoonotic Dis.ens
    • Ecologia.ens
    • Speech Communication.ens
    • Intl J Research Marketing.ens
    • Research J Business Mgmt.ens
    • Biotechnology J.ens
    • J Plasma Physics (author-date).ens
    • Compensation Benefits Rev.ens
    • Immunology.ens
    • Explorations in Econ Hist.ens
    • Biotech Law Report.ens
    • Drug Resistance Updates.ens
    • J Pediatrics.ens
    • Transplant Infect Disease.ens
    • J Endourology.ens
    • Pediatric Allergy Immunol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • J Cellular Biochem.ens
    • TF-O AIP.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Metaphilosophy.ens
    • J Gerontology B.ens
    • Biometrika.ens
    • Amer Speech.ens
    • Amer Historical Review.ens
    • J Family Issues.ens
    • Psychiatric Services.ens
    • TF-B CSE citation-sequence.ens
    • J Contemp Religion.ens
    • Euro Biophysics J.ens
    • J Critical Care.ens
    • Amer J Evaluation.ens
    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Euro J Neurology.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
    • East European Politics Societies.ens
    • Infec Dis Clinics North Amer.ens
    • J Corp Accounting Finance.ens
    • BMC Dermatology.ens
    • Macromolecular Rapid Comm.ens
    • Gen Anthropology Newsletter.ens
    • Eng Failure Analysis.ens
    • Energy and Fuels.ens
    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • ORL.ens
    • Microbio Molec Bio Reviews.ens
    • Current Zoology.ens
    • Singapore Law Rev.ens
    • J Political Philosophy.ens
    • Biological Conservation.ens
    • J Accounting Public Policy.ens
    • IEICE Trans Info Systems.ens
    • Intl J Industrial Ergon.ens
    • J Cellular Mol Med.ens
    • Intl J Approximate Reasoning.ens
    • Planta Medica.ens
    • Psychology Sport Exercise.ens
    • Mol Genetics Metab.ens
    • Computer Physics Communications.ens
    • Photochem Photobiol.ens
    • Ann Rev Biochem.ens
    • J Public Policy Marketing.ens
    • Neuroscience Bulletin.ens
    • Trends Biotechnology.ens
    • Language Var Change.ens
    • Resources Conserv Recycling.ens
    • Digestive Diseases Science.ens
    • Behaviour.ens
    • Psychotherapy Psychosom.ens
    • Case Reports Gastroent.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Population Health Metrics.ens
    • Anatom Histol Embryol.ens
    • J Dental Education.ens
    • J Shoulder Elbow Surg.ens
    • Nucleic Acids Res.ens
    • Soc Biblical Lit-notes.ens
    • Mutation Res.ens
    • Genome.ens
    • UWSF (N-Y).ens
    • World Politics.ens
    • J Strength Condition Res.ens
    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt A.ens
    • Biology Invas Alien Plant Can.ens
    • Life Cycle Assess (N-Y).ens
    • J Food Composition Analysis.ens
    • Res Developmental Disabilities.ens
    • J Econ Business.ens
    • Radiopraxis.ens
    • Philosophy.ens
    • Applied Linguistics.ens
    • J Experi Social Psych.ens
    • J Food Safety.ens
    • Microsurgery.ens
    • J Small Animal Practice.ens
    • J-NABS.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • J Black Studies.ens
    • J Cosmetic Dermatology.ens
    • Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.ens
    • Atmosfera.ens
    • Amer J Community Psych.ens
    • Orbis Operations.ens
    • J Combinatorial Design.ens
    • Future Generation Computer Sys.ens
    • J Engineering Tribology.ens
    • Music Education Res.ens
    • Oral Surgery.ens
    • Euro Cells Materials.ens
    • Metals and Materials Intl.ens
    • J Econ Entomology.ens
    • Microelectronic Eng.ens
    • Experi Brain Res.ens
    • Archives Physical Med Rehab.ens
    • Networks.ens
    • Amer Antiquity.ens
    • Clin Exp Immunology.ens
    • Community Development J.ens
    • Chemical Communications.ens
    • Proc Combustion Institute.ens
    • Asian J Animal Sciences.ens
    • R and D Management.ens
    • J Counseling Psychology.ens
    • Mechatronics.ens
    • World Trade Review.ens
    • Inflammation Res.ens
    • GSA Bulletin.ens
    • Can J Animal Sci.ens
    • J Mex Chemical Society.ens
    • Anthropos.ens
    • Radiographics.ens
    • Allgem Viszeralchirurgie up2date.ens
    • J Biological Chem.ens
    • Telematics and Informatics.ens
    • J Southern African Studies.ens
    • Blood Reviews.ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (numeric).ens
    • Academy Management J.ens
    • J Experi Child Psych.ens
    • Psychology and Marketing.ens
    • Water SA.ens
    • Phycological Research.ens
    • J Moral Education.ens
    • IET Electric Syst Transport.ens
    • JAACAP.ens
    • Environmental Conservation.ens
    • Amer J Ob Gyn.ens
    • Boreas.ens
    • Archives Biochem Biophys.ens
    • Cancer Therapy.ens
    • Phys Med Rehabil Kurortmed-English.ens
    • Learning Individual Diff.ens
    • Perspectives on Politics.ens
    • Brain Res Reviews.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Chimie.ens
    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
    • J Nuclear Cardiology.ens
    • Basic Clin Pharma Toxicol.ens
    • Geofluids.ens
    • Archives Oral Biology.ens
    • Global Planetary Change.ens
    • J Materials-Design App.ens
    • Ann Rev Genetics.ens
    • Human Brain Mapping.ens
    • Annales de Paleo.ens
    • Sage Vancouver.ens
    • Decision Support Systems.ens
    • Democratization.ens
    • IEEE Trans Mechatronics.ens
    • Ecotox and Enviro Safety.ens
    • J Analytic Atomic Spectro.ens
    • Intl J Neuropsychopharma.ens
    • Decision Sciences J.ens
    • J Assn Analyt Chem Intl.ens
    • Coastal Engineering.ens
    • Endo-Praxis.ens
    • Business and Society Rev.ens
    • Taxon.ens
    • Geology.ens
    • Fisheries Science.ens
    • IEEE Trans Info Tech Biomed.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part D.ens
    • Prog Inflammation Res.ens
    • J Nanophotonics.ens
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    • Homeopathic Links.ens
    • J Wood Science.ens
    • Cerebrovascular Diseases.ens
    • KZfSS.ens
    • Intl J Prosthodontics.ens
    • Trans Computer Systems.ens
    • J Intl Neuropsycho Soc.ens
    • Intl Nursing Rev.ens
    • Agronomy Sustain Dev.ens
    • J Immunological Methods.ens
    • J Molec Micro Biotech.ens
    • Intl J Primatology.ens
    • Euro J Dental Education.ens
    • Psychiatrie Psychotherapie up2date.ens
    • Comparative Hepatology.ens
    • Nitric Oxide.ens
    • Clinical Teacher.ens
    • Restoration Ecology.ens
    • J Beliefs Values.ens
    • Curr Prot - Pharmacology.ens
    • Research J Medicinal Plants.ens
    • Discourse.ens
    • J Plant Nutrition.ens
    • J Obstet Gynaecol Res.ens
    • Aust Style Manual (footnote).ens
    • Deviant Behavior.ens
    • Ann Rev Pathology.ens
    • Gene.ens
    • Zeits Gastroenterologie-English.ens
    • Sociological Methods and Res.ens
    • Microbiological Research.ens
    • Rev Columbiana Entomol.ens
    • Physical Reviews.ens
    • Sem Liver Disease.ens
    • J Neg Results in Biomed.ens
    • Perspectives Psych Care.ens
    • J Waterway Eng.ens
    • Intl J Poultry Science.ens
    • Disease-A-Month.ens
    • Stereo Funct Neurosurgery.ens
    • Physiotherapy.ens
    • Reactive Functional Polymers.ens
    • Odontology.ens
    • J Parallel and Dist Comp.ens
    • J Professional Nursing.ens
    • J Appl Physiology.ens
    • J Drug Issues.ens
    • Prog Natural Science.ens
    • Zoology.ens
    • la Medicina del Lavaro.ens
    • J Separation Science.ens
    • Trends Cardiovasc Med.ens
    • J Child Adolesc Psych Nursing.ens
    • Mass Spectrometry Revs.ens
    • J Vet Pharma Therapeutics.ens
    • SKINmed.ens
    • BMC Musculoskeletal Dis.ens
    • Can Biosystems Engineer.ens
    • Harvard-IBW.ens
    • Fisheries Oceanography.ens
    • Sage Harvard.ens
    • Pract Per Haz Toxic Rad Waste Mgmt.ens
    • Stellenbosch Law Rev.ens
    • Pattern Recognition.ens
    • Langmuir.ens
    • Cryogenics.ens
    • J Med Library Assn.ens
    • Food Nutrition Bull.ens
    • Language Learning.ens
    • Cement Concrete Research.ens
    • BMC Nuclear Medicine.ens
    • Environment Intl.ens
    • Gerodontology.ens
    • BMC Structural Biology.ens
    • ACM Trans Algorithms.ens
    • Electrochemistry Comm.ens
    • Ethos.ens
    • Intl J Biological Chem.ens
    • Intl J Digital Earth.ens
    • Amer Literature.ens
    • Environ Science Tech.ens
    • Electromagnetic Biology Medicine.ens
    • Public Health Reports.ens
    • Amer J Forensic Med Path.ens
    • Affilia.ens
    • Cognition.ens
    • Mineral Proc Extract Metallurgy.ens
    • Fuzzy Sets and Systems.ens
    • BJOG.ens
    • Business Strategy Rev.ens
    • Annals of Tourism Research.ens
    • J Public Economics.ens
    • BMC Clinical Pharmacology.ens
    • Pediatric Anesthesia.ens
    • IET Software.ens
    • Bulletin NHM Zoology.ens
    • Surgical Endoscopy.ens
    • Microbes and Infection.ens
    • Nursing Ethics.ens
    • Forest Policy Economics.ens
    • Ann Rev Entomology.ens
    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Tyndale (author-date).ens
    • ACI Style Guide.ens
    • Robotics Autonomous Systems.ens
    • Clinical Cardiology.ens
    • Can Entomologist.ens
    • Fuel.ens
    • Monogr Soc Res Child Dev.ens
    • Arabic Sci and Philosophy.ens
    • Brain Res.ens
    • Amer J Botany.ens
    • Pediatric Transplantation.ens
    • Human Resource Dev Rev.ens
    • BMC Pharmacology.ens
    • J Medical Sciences.ens
    • AJP Lung Cell Mol Physiol.ens
    • Survey of Ophthalmology.ens
    • Intl J Law Psychiatry.ens
    • Euro Law J.ens
    • Autoimmunity Reviews.ens
    • Studies Amer Political Devel.ens
    • Landscape Urban Plan.ens
    • Cell Research.ens
    • J Appl Res Intell Disab.ens
    • Corporate Governance.ens
    • J Fish Biology.ens
    • Compositio Mathematica.ens
    • Irish Educational Studies.ens
    • J Multivariate Analysis.ens
    • J Fisheries Mgmt.ens
    • AIDS Patient Care STDs.ens
    • Res Comp Medicine.ens
    • Sante.ens
    • Family Court Review.ens
    • ESAIM-Probability Statistics.ens
    • Stem Cells and Dev.ens
    • Science Public Policy.ens
    • Studies in Educational Eval.ens
    • Intl J Inclusive Ed.ens
    • Intl J Comp Integrated Manufac.ens
    • J Modern Literature.ens
    • Knowl-Based Systems.ens
    • Acta Neuropsychiatrica.ens
    • Life Sciences.ens
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    • Bioethics.ens
    • FTR.ens
    • Assessment.ens
    • Ethics Sci Enviro Pol.ens
    • Garden History.ens
    • Sange Thrombose Vaisseaux.ens
    • Soil Biology Biochemistry.ens
    • Archives Toxicology.ens
    • Asian J Nematology.ens
    • La Presse Medicale.ens
    • Ther Adv Hematology.ens
    • J Macroeconomics.ens
    • Res Organizational Behavior.ens
    • Intl J Simulation Multidisc Des Optim.ens
    • NIH.ens
    • J Cellular Physiology.ens
    • Amer J Drug Alcohol Abuse.ens
    • Can J Plant Sci.ens
    • Critical Quarterly.ens
    • Materials Design.ens
    • Amer Quarterly.ens
    • ChemPhysChem.ens
    • Fitoterapia.ens
    • Trans Nanotechnology.ens
    • Neuro-Signals.ens
    • J Orofacial Pain.ens
    • Molecular Endocrinology.ens
    • Creativity Innovation Mgmt.ens
    • Transbound Emerging Diseases.ens
    • Business and Society.ens
    • J Neurological Sciences.ens
    • Russian Geology Geophysics.ens
    • J Composites Construct.ens
    • Chinese J Natural Medicines.ens
    • J Education Work.ens
    • SCIENCE CHINA Life Sci.ens
    • Nutrition and Dietetics.ens
    • Fuss und Sprunggelenk.ens
    • Pain Physician.ens
    • Clinics Colon Rectal Surg.ens
    • Radiation Research.ens
    • IEEE ACM Trans Comp Biol Bioinf.ens
    • Public Administration.ens
    • Current Oncology.ens
    • Industrial Crops Products.ens
    • Intl J Wildland Fire.ens
    • Environ Biology Fishes.ens
    • J History Collections.ens
    • Meth Ecology Evolution.ens
    • J Bus Research.ens
    • JoVE.ens
    • Japan Psych Research.ens
    • Aust Style Manual (numbered).ens
    • Society Natural Res.ens
    • CERP.ens
    • Art History.ens
    • Klinische Padiatrie-German.ens
    • Intl J Ortho Trauma Nursing.ens
    • BMC Veterinary Research.ens
    • JAAOS.ens
    • Youth Violence Juvenile Justice.ens
    • Nature Medicine.ens
    • Research J Obstet Gynecol.ens
    • Grafes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.ens
    • Materials Science Eng B.ens
    • Rev Intl Studies.ens
    • Theo and App Genetics.ens
    • J Biomedical Science.ens
    • Neuromodulation.ens
    • Chem Engineer Science.ens
    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Serials Review.ens
    • J Occupational Environ Med.ens
    • BMC Palliative Care.ens
    • Community Mental Health.ens
    • J Sound Vibration.ens
    • Intl Review Finance.ens
    • Howard J Criminal Justice.ens
    • Curr Prot - Cell Biol.ens
    • J Vis Comm and Image Rep.ens
    • Nature Cell Biology.ens
    • Prog Organic Coatings.ens
    • J Neuroscience.ens
    • Curr Prot - Nucleic Acid Chem.ens
    • Health Quality Life Out.ens
    • J Industrial Ecology.ens
    • Chirurgische Gastro.ens
    • Pathology (RCPA).ens
    • Intl J Paleopathology.ens
    • Disability & Society.ens
    • J Biomolecular Screening.ens
    • Nicotine Tobacco Research.ens
    • Intl J Middle East Studies.ens
    • Anaesthesia.ens
    • Ergonomics.ens
    • J Social Work Pract.ens
    • Marketing News.ens
    • J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc.ens
    • Applied Math Letters.ens
    • Rev Investigacion Clinica.ens
    • Procedia Chemistry.ens
    • Annals Pure Applied Logic.ens
    • Trans Signal Process.ens
    • Archives Surgery.ens
    • BMC Biology.ens
    • J Microscopy.ens
    • Brain Pathology.ens
    • Public Health Genomics.ens
    • Trans Pat Anal Mach Intel.ens
    • J Memory and Language.ens
    • J Aerosol Medicine.ens
    • GOST-Appearance-Order.ens
    • Trans Algorithms.ens
    • J Plant Ecology.ens
    • Pedagogy Culture and Society.ens
    • Pediatric Infectious Dis J.ens
    • Japan World Economy.ens
    • Intl J App Earth Observ Geoinform.ens
    • Lang Linguistics Compass.ens
    • J Econometrics.ens
    • Transportation Res A.ens
    • Neural Networks.ens
    • Intl Stud Sociology of Ed.ens
    • Acta Orthopaedica.ens
    • Molecular Immunology.ens
    • Brit J Special Ed.ens
    • Intl Rev Cell Molec Biol.ens
    • Clinica Chimica Acta.ens
    • Protein Cell.ens
    • Asia Pacific View Point.ens
    • Cancer Cell.ens
    • Academic Medicine.ens
    • Arms Control Today.ens
    • J Solid State Chem.ens
    • Science & Justice.ens
    • L'Evolution Psychiatrique.ens
    • Intl J Meat Science.ens
    • J Personality.ens
    • Comptes rendus Mechanique.ens
    • Telecommunications Policy.ens
    • Teaching Anthropology.ens
    • Intl J Eating Disorders.ens
    • Grassland Science.ens
    • Regional Anesth Pain Med.ens
    • Nordic Pulp & Paper Res J.ens
    • Intl J Angiology.ens
    • Molecular Cell.ens
    • Heart Lung Circulation.ens
    • J Palliative Med.ens
    • J Southern History.ens
    • J Human Nutr Dietetics.ens
    • Neuropsychobiology.ens
    • J Comp and System Sci.ens
    • Microvascular Research.ens
    • Amer Psychologist.ens
    • J Neuropsych Clin Neurosci.ens
    • Communist Post-Comm Stud.ens
    • J Veterinary Cardiology.ens
    • New England J Medicine.ens
    • Arch Pharma Res.ens
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    • 73-The Microscopic Technique.mp3
    • 74-The History of Chemistry.mp3
    • 75-Hydrogen and Industries.mp3
    • 76-Mars.mp3
  • 31.75 MB
  • 2011-4-21